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The prehistoric salt mine of Hallstatt together with its burial ground is one of the most prominent archaeological sites in the world, and has given its name to the “Hallstatt period”, an epoch of European prehistory (800 to 400 BCE). Due to the perfect conservation in rock salt a high number of organic materials have been found, including mostly wooden artefacts and structural timber.More than 2000 samples were taken from various archaeological sites in the mines as well as at the surface. It was possible to date 763 samples by the means of dendrochronology and by 14C wiggle matching. The dendrochronological dating was possible due to crossdating with various available chronologies (like Villingen-Magdalenenberg or Dachstein/Schwarzer See). The fir (Abies alba Mill.) chronologies span the periods: -1232 to -1063; -819 to -425 and -371 to-129. The spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) chronologies span the periods: -1228 to -1063; -813 to -669 and -342 to -123. The larch (Larix decidua Mill.) chronologies span the periods: -1393 ± 18 to-1286 ± 18 based on wiggle matching data and -252 to -164. A beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) chronology span the time -1182 to -1062.  相似文献   

The potential of dendrochronological analysis of wood found in prehistoric and historic mining areas in Tyrol has remained unattended for a long time. For the first time, systematically analysed wooden artefacts from a prehistoric mining area in Tyrol (Kelchalm near Kitzbühel) can be presented here.The investigated artefacts, related to mining and everyday life, were found in the course of archaeological excavations, which were carried out between 1932 and 1953 by Richard Pittioni and Ernst Preuschen. Taking an adequate number of tree rings and well-preserved wood wane into account, 21 pieces of mining timber were pre-selected for a dendrochronological analysis. The identified wood species are spruce (Picea abies, n=18) and fir (Abies alba, n=3). The length of the established tree-ring series ranges from 13 to 145. We cross-dated the tree-ring series of seven wooden artefacts among each other, which resulted in a spruce-fir tree-ring record of 153 values (Kelchalm mean curve). The last tree ring measured of the Kelchalm spruce-fir mean curve dates back to 1237 BC. This accurate dendro-result dates the Bronze Age mining activities at the Kelchalm to about two centuries earlier than the long-lasting assumption proposed by Richard Pittioni. His assumption was based on the typology of ceramic and metal artefacts.The established dendro-date for the Bronze Age mine at the Kelchalm matches with available 14C results from other important copper-mining areas in the north-eastern Alps (NE Alps). The activities at these other sites are dated between the 17th and 6th century BC. Furthermore, the radiocarbon dating, as well as the dendro-result from the Kelchalm, suggests a transition from earlier mined copper-ore deposits in the eastern areas of the NE Alps, to the later mined ore deposits in the western section. This has led to both parallel and sequential mining activities in several ore districts during the last two millennia BC in the NE Alps.  相似文献   

The archaeological site of Sovjan is situated on the edge of the Korçë Basin, southeastern Albania. Its remarkably long and well investigated stratigraphic sequence, spanning from the Neolithic till the Iron Age, makes it an important type- and reference-site for the whole region. At different periods of prehistory it was located on the shores of the former Lake Maliq that once filled the Korçë Basin, but was definitely drained in the 1940′s. These permanent wetland conditions on the site allowed for a high degree of preservation of organic material, especially wood. Based on the current knowledge, level 8 of Sovjan contains the best-preserved wooden material of all the Early Bronze Age sites in the Balkans. Through the combination of dendrochronology and Bayesian modelling, i.e. wiggle-matching, a floating 269-years long tree-ring chronology was constructed, with an absolute end-date range falling between 2158 and 2142 cal BC (2σ). It was possible to establish that the dwellings and the trackway associated with the last occupation phase of level 8 are contemporaneous. Additionally, with the help of the new dendrochronological data and based on previously published charcoal dates, the absolute chronology of the subsequent level 7 is being narrowed-down to a range from the mid-22nd to mid-20th c. cal BC (2σ). The Early Bronze Age layers of the archaeological site of Sovjan, which are particularly pertinent for the 3rd millennium chronology of the southwestern Balkans, can now be dated with high precision for the first time and hence offer a major chronological reference point in the region.  相似文献   

The King site is a Late Mississippian (ca. 1400–1540 CE) aboriginal town located in northwestern Georgia along the Coosa River associated with the Coosa Chiefdom. The site was settled ca. 1530 but was occupied for perhaps only 50 years or so based on the lack of horizontal stratigraphy. The site was visited by members of either or both the Hernando de Soto expedition in 1540 and/or the Tristan de Luna expedition in 1560. In 1974, archaeologists discovered and removed 36 sections of subterranean charred pine posts from six house features. Our objectives were to determine if the tree rings on these posts could be dendrochronologically dated to verify the dates of site occupation and confirm the construction sequence of several houses determined originally via stratigraphic and archaeological evidence. We were able to graphically and statistically crossmatch 13 measurement series representing 10 posts from 5 of the 6 structures, yielding a 157-year floating chronology (average interseries correlation = 0.60). We were unable to absolutely crossdate this floating chronology with the only regional reference chronology long enough (back to 1378 CE) to reach the 16th century, an eastern red cedar chronology from eastern Tennessee. Archaeological evidence indicated Houses 8 and 23.4 were built later in the King site occupancy, confirmed by the tree-ring dates as both houses have the youngest tree rings of the five structures. House 14 had the oldest outermost tree rings but archaeological evidence suggests this house also was likely constructed late in the King site occupancy. We propose some posts were salvaged and reused from abandoned houses as the King site became rapidly depopulated in the last 10–20 years of site occupancy, thus explaining the age of posts used in House 14. We urge archaeologists working in the Southeastern U.S. to consider developing a more formal process for exhuming and preserving charcoalized wood remains from archaeological sites so that these samples can be evaluated using dendrochronological techniques.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon (14C) has been used to date carbon-rich objects in Earth science, archeology, and history since the 1940s. New methods, using spikes in 14C caused by solar proton events, can be used to annually date wood when crossdating is not possible, such as when sample size is low, samples are floating in time, or external disturbances lead to insecure dates. Here, we use a spike in radiocarbon during a solar energetic particle (SEP) event in 774/775 CE to confirm crossdating of a poorly-replicated King Billy pine (Athrotaxis selaginoides) chronology. Low sample depth between 1498 and 1523 CE (two trees) prevented confident dating of the early period of the chronology. Three core samples with strong correlation with the master chronology that likely included the 774/775 CE Miyake SEP event were identified for radiocarbon isotope analysis. We sectioned segments centered on the estimated 774/775 CE date and then isolated the holocellulose in each sample. Samples were sent to an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) for radiocarbon measurements. The AMS data confirmed the crossdating accuracy of the tree ring series and reinforces the applicability of this technique to anchor poorly dated tree ring series in time. In addition, we found sample processing with a microtome proved superior for holocellulose extractions and yielded more accurate 14C measurements. We recommend sampling with a microtome, processing at least three samples per year, and including sample masses greater than 100 ug C to confirm dating using radiocarbon spikes.  相似文献   

Vindija cave in Croatia has yielded the youngest securely dated Neandertal skeletal remains in Central/Eastern Europe. In addition, these remains have been found in association with archaeological material exhibiting Upper Paleolithic elements. Due to its geographic location and date, the Vindija remains are particularly crucial for the understanding of initial modern human peopling of Europe and the nature of the Neandertal demise. The significance of archaeological and paleontological finds and hominin fossils from this site is discussed in the light of new finds at Vindija and recent developments in the fields of paleoanthropology and prehistoric archaeology. Furthermore, the impact of revised chronology for several crucial specimens and sites throughout Europe, including Vindija, is discussed.  相似文献   

A prerequisite for successful dating of wooden archaeological finds and historic wooden constructions in a specific territory is the existence of a chronology. In the Czech Republic the species most frequently dated by dendrochronology is oak (Quercus spp.). There are two territories where oak forests can be found (Bohemia and Moravia/Silesia), which are divided by an area without oak – the Highlands (Vyso?ina). The previous oak chronology for the Czech Republic from 2005 was extended in 2010, and currently we have a discontinuous oak chronology (CZGES 2010) ranging from 4682 bc to 2006 ad with a large sample size between 760 ad and the present. When comparing this chronology with European chronologies, the highest degree of similarity has been observed with chronologies for Eastern Austria, most of Germany and the Polish part of South Silesia. When comparing the chronologies for Moravia/Silesia (MORGES 2010) and Bohemia (CECHGES 2010) separately with chronologies from the Pannonian Basin, the Moravian/Silesian chronology manifests higher degrees of similarity. The Czech oak chronology enlarges the European network of chronologies, which is necessary for dendroarchaeological applications mainly.  相似文献   

On the prehistoric site of Ploča Mičov Grad (Ohrid, North Macedonia) on the eastern shore of Lake Ohrid a total of 799 wooden elements were recorded from a systematically excavated area of nearly 100 square metres. Most of them are pile remains made of round wood with diameters up to almost 40 cm. A comprehensive dendrochronological analysis allows the construction of numerous well-replicated tree-ring chronologies for different species. High agreements between the chronologies prove that oak, pine, juniper, ash and hop-hornbeam can be crossdated. The chronologies are dated by means of radiocarbon dates and modelling using wiggle matching. An intensive settlement phase is attested for the middle of the 5th millennium BCE. Further phases follow towards the end of the 5th millennium BCE and in the 2nd millennium around 1800, 1400 and 1300 BCE. Furthermore, the exact, relative felling dates allow first insights into the minimum duration of the settlement phases, which lie between 17 and 87 years. The multi-centennial chronologies presented in this study can be used as a first robust dating basis for future research in the numerous not yet dated prehistoric lake shore settlements of the region with excellently preserved wooden remains.  相似文献   

Extremophiles - Halophilic fungal strains isolated from historical wooden staircase in a salt mine in Austria, and from wall biofilm and soil of a cave in the Coastal Range of the hyperarid Atacama...  相似文献   

The first European settlements accompanied by crop and livestock farming occurred approximately 7500 years ago. In this agrarian society, wood was one of the most important raw materials, most notably for construction, but only a little is known about wood use and woodworking technology. Hence, archaeological wooden finds are of particular importance. Dendroarchaeological studies combine the analysis of external and internal characteristics of archaeological wood: traces of tools on the wooden surfaces and the shape of timbers provide information about woodworking techniques, the tree rings allow dendrochronological dating and provide a paleoecological archive. In 2015 and 2016, two water wells with wooden linings from the Early Neolithic Period were discovered in the Czech Republic close to the towns of Velim (Bohemia) and Uničov (Moravia). The timbers were excellently preserved under waterlogged conditions. Here, we present a dendroarchaeological study including tree-ring and woodworking analyses. Furthermore, we consider former forest species composition. Overall, 15 lumbers from both wells were successfully dated by dendrochronology. The oaks used for the wells from Velim and Uničov were felled in 5196/5195 BCE and 5093–5085 BCE, respectively. Additionally, the taxa of 1859 wooden fragments, such as charcoals, branches and chips, were wood anatomically identified. The well lining from Velim with a hollowed tree trunk is already known from other Central European locations. In contrast, the construction from Uničov is unique for this period. Until now, the advanced construction design formed by four corner posts with longitudinal grooves and inserted horizontal planks was only known several thousands years later. The Early Neolithic wells from Uničov and Velim are the oldest archaeological discoveries of wooden artefacts in the Czech Republic that have been dendrochronologically dated. The tree-ring width series extend the Czech oak tree-ring width chronology more than 300 years into the past.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis was carried out on gyttja from the small lake Femtingagölen in the Småland Uplands, southern Sweden. The interpretation of the pollen diagram focused on land-use history and comparisons were made to archaeological and historical information from the area. An absolute chronology, based on AMS dates from terrestrial plant macrofossils, was complemented by inferred dates. The pollen analytical data suggest interference with the woodland cover from ca. 1700 B.C. onwards. Intensified grazing and forest clearances resulted in semi-open pastures between ca. A.D. 400–600 which was followed by forest regeneration (chronology based on AMS 14C dates and cross-correlation with other well dated profiles). The landscape became more open again between A.D. 800 and 1400. Animal husbandry was complemented by small-scale shifting cultivation during the Iron Age. Permanent arable fields were probably not introduced until the Late Iron Age or the Middle Ages. Hordeum and Triticum were grown during the Iron Age, Hordeum, Triticum, Secale and Cannabis sativa during the Middle Ages and early Modern time, and Hordeum and Avena in the recent past. Sandy and silty soils, where stone clearance was not necessary, have probably been used for cereal growing in prehistoric and historic time.  相似文献   

本文通过张掖西城驿遗址文化层沉积物及现代表土沉积物元素地球化学分析,结合高分辨率碳化植物种子14C 测年和最新考古发掘资料,揭示了西城驿遗址4200-3500 BP cal期间人类活动特征,佐证了不同文化阶段人类冶金活动强度变化。Rb/Sr比值、磁化率和重金属元素(Cu、Zn、Pb、As、Ni)含量变化过程显示,西城驿地区4200-4000 BP cal马厂文化时期人类活动增强,冶金活动开始出现;4000-3700 BP cal西城驿文化时期出现了冶金高峰期;四坝文化时期(3700-3500 BP cal)冶金活动强度相对减弱。  相似文献   



The prosperity of Hallstatt (Salzkammergut region, Austria) is based on the richness of salt in the surrounding mountains and salt mining, which is documented as far back as 1500 years B.C. Substantial archaeological evidence of Bronze and Iron Age salt mining has been discovered, with a wooden staircase (1108 B.C.) being one of the most impressive and well preserved finds. However, after its discovery, fungal mycelia have been observed on the surface of the staircase, most probably due to airborne contamination after its find.


As a basis for the further preservation of this valuable object, the active micro-flora was examined to investigate the presence of potentially biodegradative microorganisms.


Most of the strains isolated from the staircase showed to be halotolerant and halophilic microorganisms, due to the saline environment of the mine. Results derived from culture-dependent assays revealed a high fungal diversity, including both halotolerant and halophilic fungi, the most dominant strains being members of the genus Phialosimplex (synonym: Aspergillus). Additionally, some typical cellulose degraders, namely Stachybotrys sp. and Cladosporium sp. were detected. Numerous bacterial strains were isolated and identified as members of 12 different genera, most of them being moderately halophilic species. The most dominant isolates affiliated with species of the genera Halovibrio and Marinococcus. Halophilic archaea were also isolated and identified as species of the genera Halococcus and Halorubrum. Molecular analyses complemented the cultivation assays, enabling the identification of some uncultivable archaea of the genera Halolamina, Haloplanus and Halobacterium. Results derived from fungi and bacteria supported those obtained by cultivation methods, exhibiting the same dominant members in the communities.


The results clearly showed the presence of some cellulose degraders that may become active if the requirements for growth and the environmental conditions turn suitable; therefore, these microorganisms must be regarded as a threat to the wood.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(2):115-126
Vallone Inferno rock-shelter is an archaeological site located in the Madonie mountain range in Sicily. Archaeological excavation and research have provided a long prehistoric and historic sequence from the Neolithic to the medieval period, this being the most complete work in this area at present. In this paper we present the preliminary data provided by a multidisciplinary study based on pottery, lithic, human, faunal and plant remains. Stratigraphic studies have identified four complexes, of which complex 3 has provided almost all the archaeological remains. 14C AMS dates, obtained from four samples, place the human activities between 2601 cal BC and 644 cal AD. These dates are coherent with the cultural attribution of the ceramic and lithic remains. Macrofaunal and plant remains show a persistent use of the shelter for pastoral activities. Environmental data, obtained from microvertebrate and archaeobotanical remains, show the aridification and opening of the landscape from the base to the top of the sequence as a consequence of the human impact.  相似文献   

In 2008, a well preserved and complete shoe was recovered at the base of a Chalcolithic pit in the cave of Areni-1, Armenia. Here, we discuss the chronology of this find, its archaeological context and its relevance to the study of the evolution of footwear. Two leather samples and one grass sample from the shoe were dated at the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit (ORAU). A third leather sample was dated at the University of California-Irvine Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (UCIAMS). The R_Combine function for the three leather samples provides a date range of 3627–3377 Cal BC (95.4% confidence interval) and the calibrated range for the straw is contemporaneous (3627–3377 Cal BC). The shoe was stuffed with loose, unfastened grass (Poaceae) without clear orientation which was more than likely used to maintain the shape of the shoe and/or prepare it for storage. The shoe is 24.5 cm long (European size 37), 7.6 to 10 cm wide, and was made from a single piece of leather that wrapped around the foot. It was worn and shaped to the wearer''s right foot, particularly around the heel and hallux where the highest pressure is exerted in normal gait. The Chalcolithic shoe provides solid evidence for the use of footwear among Old World populations at least since the Chalcolithic. Other 4th millennium discoveries of shoes (Italian and Swiss Alps), and sandals (Southern Israel) indicate that more than one type of footwear existed during the 4th millennium BC, and that we should expect to discover more regional variations in the manufacturing and style of shoes where preservation conditions permit.  相似文献   

The European Neolithization ∼6000−4000 BC represents a pivotal change in human history when farming spread and the mobile style of life of the hunter-foragers was superseded by the agrarian culture. Permanent settlement structures and agricultural production systems required fundamental innovations in technology, subsistence, and resource utilization. Motivation, course, and timing of this transformation, however, remain debatable. Here we present annually resolved and absolutely dated dendroarchaeological information from four wooden water wells of the early Neolithic period that were excavated in Eastern Germany. A total of 151 oak timbers preserved in a waterlogged environment were dated between 5469 and 5098 BC and reveal unexpectedly refined carpentry skills. The recently discovered water wells enable for the first time a detailed insight into the earliest wood architecture and display the technological capabilities of humans ∼7000 years ago. The timbered well constructions made of old oak trees feature an unopened tree-ring archive from which annually resolved and absolutely dated environmental data can be culled. Our results question the principle of continuous evolutionary development in prehistoric technology, and contradict the common belief that metal was necessary for complex timber constructions. Early Neolithic craftsmanship now suggests that the first farmers were also the first carpenters.  相似文献   

The vegetation history of the Kargaly region has been reconstructed on the basis of pollen analysis of archaeological sediments and one peat bog, the only one found during some years of surveying this area. This latter, Novienky peat bog, located in the steppe transition zone, offers an interesting cultural and natural sequence. Palynological analysis reveals several palaeoecological phases from 4300 b.p. (Bronze Age) to the 18th–19th centuries a.d. (Russian period). Metallurgical activities in Kargaly caused deforestation from the Bronze Age onwards that mainly affected the distribution of birch forests in the region. The palaeoclimatic interpretation of the Novienki pollen diagram is based on the observed changes in the pollen curves of Picea (spruce), Pinus (pine), Abies (silver fir) and Betula (birch). These arboreal taxa are regarded as main climate indicators. The chronology is established on a 14C-dated pollen profile from the lowest peat layer as well as on the regional pollen sequences and archaeological stratigraphies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new series of AMS dates on ultrafiltered bone gelatin extracted from identified cutmarked or humanly-modified bones and teeth from the site of Abri Pataud, in the French Dordogne. The sequence of 32 new determinations provides a coherent and reliable chronology from the site’s early Upper Palaeolithic levels 5–14, excavated by Hallam Movius. The results show that there were some problems with the previous series of dates, with many underestimating the real age. The new results, when calibrated and modelled using a Bayesian statistical method, allow detailed understanding of the pace of cultural changes within the Aurignacian I and II levels of the site, something not achievable before. In the future, the sequence of dates will allow wider comparison to similarly dated contexts elsewhere in Europe. High precision dating is only possible by using large suites of AMS dates from humanly-modified material within well understood archaeological sequences modelled using a Bayesian statistical method.  相似文献   

庄浪县徐家城遗址是甘肃省新发现的含丰富旧石器文化遗物的遗址,主要埋藏于水洛河第二级阶地上覆的马兰黄土中。AMS14C测年及气候事件对比相结合的综合年代研究显示, 遗址主要文化层时代集中在距今4.6~2.3万年间, 属于晚更新世晚期。遗址所在的陇西盆地发现近50处晚更新世旧石器遗址, 测年、黄土地层学等的综合年代学研究利于建立该地区晚更新世完整的年代学框架, 为我们进一步讨论晚更新世人类行为演化、人类行为与环境变化的互动等重要学术问题提供了基础。  相似文献   

Denmark has an extraordinarily large and well-preserved collection of archaeological skin garments found in peat bogs, dated to approximately 920 BC – AD 775. These objects provide not only the possibility to study prehistoric skin costume and technologies, but also to investigate the animal species used for the production of skin garments. Until recently, species identification of archaeological skin was primarily performed by light and scanning electron microscopy or the analysis of ancient DNA. However, the efficacy of these methods can be limited due to the harsh, mostly acidic environment of peat bogs leading to morphological and molecular degradation within the samples. We compared species assignment results of twelve archaeological skin samples from Danish bogs using Mass Spectrometry (MS)-based peptide sequencing, against results obtained using light and scanning electron microscopy. While it was difficult to obtain reliable results using microscopy, MS enabled the identification of several species-diagnostic peptides, mostly from collagen and keratins, allowing confident species discrimination even among taxonomically close organisms, such as sheep and goat. Unlike previous MS-based methods, mostly relying on peptide fingerprinting, the shotgun sequencing approach we describe aims to identify the complete extracted ancient proteome, without preselected specific targets. As an example, we report the identification, in one of the samples, of two peptides uniquely assigned to bovine foetal haemoglobin, indicating the production of skin from a calf slaughtered within the first months of its life. We conclude that MS-based peptide sequencing is a reliable method for species identification of samples from bogs. The mass spectrometry proteomics data were deposited in the ProteomeXchange Consortium with the dataset identifier PXD001029.  相似文献   

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