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Effects of daily evening (just before the onset of darkness in a 24 h light dark cycle) administration of graded doses (25, 50, or 100 microg/100 g body wt./day for 30 days) of melatonin on the concentrations of blood glucose and adrenal catecholamines were studied in sexually active male roseringed parakeets under natural (NP; approximately 12L: 12D) and artificial long (LP; 16L: 8D) and short (SP; 8L: 16D) photoperiods. Blood samples and adrenal glands were collected from each bird during the mid-day on the following day of the last treatment. The concentrations of glucose in blood and epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) in the adrenals were measured. The results of the study indicated that exogenous melatonin induces hypo- or hyperglycemia depending on the dose of hormone administered as well as to the length of photoperiod to which birds were exposed. The levels of E and NE in the adrenals were shown also to vary in relation to photoperiod and the dose of melatonin administered. But the nature of the influence of melatonin becomes different under altered photoperiodic conditions. It appears that short photoperiods are more effective than long photoperiods as a modulator of glycemic and adrenal catecholaminergic responses to exogenous melatonin. A statistically significant correlation between the levels of blood glucose and that of E and NE in the adrenals was found in the control birds, but not in the melatonin treated birds. The results suggested that the responses of blood glucose and adrenal catecholamines to the treatment with melatonin in the roseringed parakeets may not be dependent on each other.  相似文献   

Formoguanamine (2,4-diamino-s-triazine) was known to be an effective chemical agent in inducing blindness in poultry chicks, but not in adult birds. The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the influences, if any, of this chemical on the visual performance and retinal histology in an adult sub-tropical wild bird, the roseringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Formoguanamine (FG) hydrochloride was subcutaneously injected into adult parakeets at a dosage of 25 mg (dissolved in 0.75 ml physiological saline)/100 g body weight/day, for two consecutive days while the control birds were injected only with a placebo. The effects were studied after 10, 20 and 30 days of the last treatment of FG. Within 24 h of the treatment of FG, about 90% of the total birds exhibited lack of visual responses to any light stimulus and even absence of pupillary light reactions. The remaining birds became totally blind on the day following the last injection of FG and remained so till the end of investigation. At the microscopic level, conspicuous degenerative changes were noted in the outer pigmented epithelium and the photoreceptive layer of rods and cones in the retinas of FG treated birds. A significant reduction in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer was also found in the retinas of FG treated parakeets, compared to that in the control birds. However, the inner cell layers of the retina in the control and FG administered parakeets were almost identical. It deserves special mention that the effects of FG, noted after 30 days of last treatment, were not very different from those noted just after 10 days of treatment. Collectively, the results of the present investigation demonstrate that FG can be used as a potent pharmacological agent for inducing irreversible blindness through selective damage in retinal tissue even in the adult wild bird, thereby making FG treatment an alternative euthanasic device to a cumbersome, stressful, surgical method of enucleation of the ocular system for laboratory studies.  相似文献   


Adult male roseringed parakeets were transferred to 16L: 8D (LP), or 8L: 16D (SP) for 45 or 90 days on four particular dates corresponding to the different phases of an annual testicular cycle and the cytological responses of the pineal were studied comparing them with the features in respective natural photoperiodic (NP) birds. Different cytological characteristics including the values of nuclear diameter in pinealocytes indicated that LP for 45 days during the pre‐breeding phase and for 90 days during each phase resulted in an increased pineal activity, while SP for 45 and 90 days induced inhibitory responses of the pineal during each, but not the progressive phase of the annual testicular cycle. During the latter phase, none of the artificial photoperiodic schedules, other than LP for 90 days, influenced the cytological features of the pineal. The results suggest that the photosensitivity of the pineal in these parakeets varies in relation to the testicular functions in an annual testicular cycle, but the seasonal pattern of photoperiodic response of the pineal and that of the previously studied testes in the same birds does not seem to be identical.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in testicular activity, plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT) were related to pair bond formation, nest building, nest defense, and parental behavior in free-living Indian rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) in northwest India. Spermatozoa production occurred between January and March when daylengths were short (10-12 hr) and ambient temperature was seasonally low (8-20 degrees C). At other times of the year the testes were regressed. Plasma LH levels increased during the prebreeding period (September-December) when the birds were forming pairs and selecting or defending nest sites. Plasma LH levels increased further between January and March and decreased to seasonal low values during the post breeding period between April and June when the birds were caring for young. Concentrations of plasma androgens and estrogens were similar during the prebreeding and postbreeding phases of the breeding cycle. During the breeding period, the ratios between plasma 5 alpha-DHT and testosterone and between plasma estradiol and testosterone increased. It is proposed that the absence of marked seasonal changes in plasma steroid levels is related to nest defense behavior which occurs during the prebreeding, breeding, and postbreeding phases of the breeding cycle. Winter breeding makes it possible for the parakeets to avoid competition with other birds for nesting sites, to avoid fledging young during the monsoon period, and to take advantage of the winter pea crop which provides the female with extra nutrients for egg production.  相似文献   

There is a large and growing number of alien species in ecosystems all over the world. In view of this, management efforts should concentrate on invasives that have detrimental effects on native biota. However, action against invasives is often hindered by a lack of relevant ecological information such as the expected distribution and impact of the invader. Our aims were to identify the habitat characteristics that influence ring-necked parakeet abundance in Belgium and to assess the effects of competition for nesting cavities with native hole-nesters. We determined the abundance of parakeets and native hole-nesters in 44 study sites using point counts. We examined the relationship between parakeet numbers and a set of habitat and landscape variables and to assess the effect of competition, we studied the relationships between the number of parakeets and the number of native hole-nesters. We found that parakeet abundance differs between vegetation types based on dominant tree species, and that abundance is higher in forests or parks surrounded by built-up areas. Parakeet numbers were also strongly associated with cavity density, suggesting that this may be a limiting factor. Of the two native hole-nesters considered to be the most vulnerable to competition (nuthatch and starling), we found a negative association with parakeet numbers for the nuthatch only. No relations were found with starlings or any of the other hole-nesting species examined. These findings should be considered in the debate concerning the possible need of action against this species.  相似文献   

The role of the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin in the regulation of annual testicular events was investigated for the first time in a psittacine bird, the roseringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Accordingly, the testicular responsiveness of the birds was evaluated following surgical pinealectomy with or without the exogenous administration of melatonin and the experimental manipulations of the endogenous levels of melatonin through exposing the birds to continuous illumination. An identical schedule was followed during the four reproductive phases, each characterizing a distinct testicular status in the annual cycle, namely, the phases of gametogenic quiescence (preparatory phase), seasonal recovery of gametogenesis (progressive phase), seasonal initiation of sperm formation (pre-breeding phase), and peak gametogenic activity (breeding phase). In each reproductive phase, the birds were subjected to various experimental conditions, and the effects were studied comparing the testicular conditions in the respective control birds. The study included germ cell profiles of the seminiferous tubules, the activities of steroidogenic enzymes 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD), and Δ53β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (Δ53β- HSD) in the testis, and the serum levels of testosterone and melatonin. An analysis of the data reveals that the pineal gland and its hormone melatonin may play an inhibitory role in the development of the testis until the attainment of the seasonal peak in the annual reproductive cycle. However, in all probability, the termination of the seasonal activity of the testis or the initiation of testicular regression in the annual reproductive cycle appears to be the function of the pineal gland, but not of melatonin.  相似文献   

The roles of environmental, dietary, and hormonal factors in the timing of seasonal breeding were assessed in free-living female Indian rose-ringed parakeets, Psittacula krameri, in northwest India (22 degrees 2'N, 73 degrees E). The ovaries and oviducts began to enlarge in January, were fully developed in February, and began to regress in March. During this time there was no significant change in the concentration of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) or estradiol. The concentration of plasma LH decreased (P less than 0.01) at the end of the breeding season. Pair bond formation occurred between September and December and was associated with an increase in levels of plasma LH but no change in plasma estradiol. Concentrations of plasma testosterone (T) and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT) did not vary significantly during the year and were similar to those in males except for higher values of 5 alpha-DHT and lower values of T during the pre- and postbreeding periods, respectively. The similar levels of plasma androgens in both sexes may be related to the equal roles that both sexes play in the defence of their nest holes. An analysis of crop sac contents showed that the birds fed chiefly on pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) during the breeding season and on cereal grains at other times of the year. It is suggested that pigeon peas provide the extra nutrients, including calcium, required for egg production. Since pigeon peas ripen between November and March, the production of the crop may play a role in the timing of seasonal breeding. A further factor appears to be competition for nest sites. By breeding in winter, the parakeet avoids competing with other species which nest in holes.  相似文献   

The aim of the current investigation was to ascertain the role of ACTH and adrenal hormones on adrenomedullary and glycemic functions in soft-shelled turtles, Lissemys punctata punctata. All the experiments were carried out on sexually immature animals. Findings revealed that: (1) ACTH administration (0.5 IU/1.0 IU/2.0 IU per 100 g body wt. daily for 10 days) in all doses stimulated adrenomedullary function by increasing medullary cell nuclear diameter with elevations of norepinephrine, epinephrine and blood sugar levels. Only moderate and higher doses (50 microg/100 microg per 100 g body wt. daily for 10 days) of dexamethasone suppressed adrenomedullary activity and blood sugar level by reversing the changes to those of ACTH; the responses were dose-dependent. But these changes were no longer observed after ACTH treatment in dexamethasone (DMS) recipients (DMS: 100 microg/ 100 g body wt daily for the first 10 days and ACTH: 0.5 IU / 100 g body wt daily for the next 10 days); (2) Only moderate and higher doses (50 microg/100 microg per 100 g body wt daily for 10 days) of corticosterone increased adrenomedullary activity and blood sugar level and the responses were also dose-dependent. But aldosterone treatment in all doses (same as for corticosterone) had no significant effect on the adrenal medulla or blood sugar level; (3) Only moderate and higher doses of norepinephrine or epinephrine (same as for corticosterone) caused adrenomedullary atrophy with depletions of norepinephrine and epinephrine levels but elevated the glycemic level. The findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

"Extreme" housing conditions, such as isolation (single housing) or crowding, are stressful for rats, and their deleterious impact on behavior is well documented. To determine whether more subtle variations in housing can affect animal physiology, the present study tested the hypothesis that the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) of adult male rats housed in pairs during the juvenile period (postnatal day 21 to adulthood) does not differ from that of animals housed in triads. Because neonatal stress augments the neuroendocrine responsiveness to stress and HVR, experiments were performed both on "control" (undisturbed) animals and rats subjected to neonatal maternal separation (NMS; 3 h/day, postnatal days 3-12). At adulthood, ventilatory activity was measured by whole body plethysmography under normoxic and hypoxic conditions (inspired fraction of O(2) = 0.12; 20 min). The ventilatory and body temperature responses to hypoxia of rats raised in triads were less than those of rats housed in pairs. For the HVR, however, the attenuation induced by triad housing was more important in NMS rats. Triad housing decreased "basal" plasma corticosterone, but increased estradiol and testosterone levels. Much like the HVR, housing-related decrease in corticosterone level was greater in NMS than control rats. We conclude that modest changes in housing conditions (pairs vs. triads) during the juvenile period can influence basic homeostatic functions, such as temperature, endocrine, and respiratory regulation. Housing conditions can influence (even eliminate) the manifestations of respiratory plasticity subsequent to deleterious neonatal treatments. Differences in neuroendocrine function likely contribute to these effects.  相似文献   

The Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) was recorded in Turkey for the first time in 1975 and has since then established breeding populations in at least six cities as a consequence of intentional and accidental introductions. Parakeet sightings have been recorded in and around urban areas and records are available from 26 provinces. It is most abundant in ?stanbul, followed by ?zmir, Ankara, Yalova, Antalya, and ?anl?urfa. The distribution and population size has increased continuously especially since the mid-2000s. The population is estimated to be now over 1,355 individuals in the country, which is still moderate compared to some other West European countries.  相似文献   



Seasonal fluctuations in physiology and behavior depend on the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion programmed by the circadian system. A melatonin signal of a given duration, however, can elicit different responses depending on whether an animal was previously exposed to longer or shorter photoperiod signals (i.e., its photoperiodic history). This report examined in male Siberian hamsters which of two aspects of photoperiod history – prior melatonin exposure or entrainment state of the circadian system – is critical for generating contingent responses to a common photoperiodic signal.


In Experiment #1, daily melatonin infusions of 5 or 10 h duration stimulated or inhibited gonadal growth, respectively, but had no effect on entrainment of the locomotor activity rhythm to long or short daylengths, thereby demonstrating that melatonin history and entrainment status could be experimentally dissociated. These manipulations were repeated in Experiment #2, and animals were subsequently exposed to a 12 week regimen of naturalistic melatonin signals shown in previous experiments to reveal photoperiodic history effects. Gonadal responses differed as a function of prior melatonin exposure but were unaffected by the circadian entrainment state. Experiment #3 demonstrated that a new photoperiodic history could be imparted during four weeks of exposure to long photoperiods. This effect, moreover, was blocked in animals treated concurrently with constant release melatonin capsules that obscured the endogenous melatonin signal: Following removal of the implants, the gonadal response depended not on the immediately antecedent circadian entrainment state, but on the more remote photoperiodic conditions prior to the melatonin implant.


The interpretation of photoperiodic signals as a function of prior conditions depends specifically on the history of melatonin exposure. The photoperiodic regulation of circadian entrainment state contributes minimally to the interpretation of melatonin signals.

We examined the influences of dyadic relationships among captive adult male vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) on behavior directed toward caged “intruder” males placed inside subjects' enclosures. Subjects were all 9 adult male residents from three stable social groups, each of which contained 3 adult males, at least 3 adult females, and their immature offspring. Every male was observed in two 3-hour sessions, each time with one of the 2 other adult males from his group. Observation sessions consisted of six consecutive 30-min stages in which group composition and the presence of the intruder were manipulated. All groups exhibited a stable, linear male dominance hierarchy prior to and throughout the study. In each group, there was one pair of males, when together, in which each member exhibited higher rates of intruder-directed approach and aggressive behaviors than when either animal was paired with the third male of his social group. Such pairs were also distinguished by high levels of within-pair agonistic interactions. The higher-ranking member of each dyad was the most aggressive male toward the intruder in his social group, although only one of these animals was the dominant male of his group. Mutual facilitation of aggression against intruding males is interpreted as cooperative behavior benefitting both males by increasing the likelihood of repelling a potential competitor for resident females. Such cooperation provides further evidence in nonhuman primates for cohesive male-male dyads between animals whose social interactions are characterized by agonism. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Exposure of adult male Syrian hamsters to artificially shortened photoperiods in the laboratory was followed by gonadal involution. Return of these animals to long days (light:ddark cycles of 14:10) resulted in regrowth of the reproductive organs, following which the animals were refractory to the normally antigonadotrophic effects of daily melatonin injections given late in the afternoon. When hamsters were kept under naturally shortening photoperiods beginning on October 19, their reproductive organs involuted and remained infantile until the following spring when they again recrudesced to adult size. These animals too were refractory to the inhibitory effects of daily afternoon melatonin injections. The refractory period to melatonin was interrupted by exposure of the animals to long days for 22 weeks.  相似文献   

Daily variation in melatonin receptor (MT1 and MT2) density in three specific tissues-brain, retina, and ovary-and its temporal relationship with serum melatonin were evaluated for the first time in a freshwater teleost, the carp Catla catla, under natural as well as altered photoperiods in different reproductive phases of the annual cycle. Cosinor analysis was used to determine rhythmic features of the serum melatonin and receptors (MT1 and MT2) in different tissues. In each photoperiodic group, irrespective of season, the daily minimum serum melatonin level was noted at midday. However, the daily peak value of melatonin varied in relation to both photo-schedules and reproductive phases. Under natural photoperiods (NPs; duration varied with seasons) and short photoperiods (SPs; light [L]:dark [D] 8:16), it occurred in the late dark phase during the preparatory phase, and at midnight in the remaining parts of the annual cycle. On the other hand, in each reproductive phase, compared to corresponding NP carp, the daily melatonin peak under long photoperiods (LPs; L:D 16:8) exhibited a phase delay of ~2-3?h (occurring during the late dark phase). The melatonin levels at each sampling point were highest during the postspawning phase and lowest during the spawning phase, irrespective of the photoperiodic history of the fish. In each tissue, Western blot analysis revealed a band at ~37?kDa and a band at ~36?kDa corresponding to the molecular weights of native MT1 and MT2 receptor proteins, respectively, with the band intensity of MT1 always being higher than that of a 36-kDa protein. The content of both melatonin receptor proteins varied significantly according to the studied tissue (being highest in the retina, intermediate in the brain, and lowest in the ovary), time in the daily cycle (peak at midnight and fall at midday), and reproductive phase in the annual cycle (highest in the spawning phase and lowest in the postspawning phase). Remarkably, no significant effects of altered photoperiod were detected on any rhythm parameters of either MT1 or MT2 in any of the studied tissues. Collectively, the results of the present study suggest a role of photoperiod in determining daily and seasonal profiles of serum melatonin, but not its receptor proteins, on the ovary or on any nongonad tissues in carp.  相似文献   

The white-footed mouse,Peromyscus leucopus, exhibits two responses to a decreasing series of photoperiods. The winter molt and reproductive regression occur in mice maintained on a photoperiods of 12 hours of light per day or less. Daily torpor and weight of lipid-free brown fat increase gradually between photoperiods of LD 13:11 — LD 12:12 and LD 10:14 — 9:15 LD. Pinealectomized mice maintained on a LD 9:15 photoperiod fail to exhibit the extent of daily torpor and increased nesting which are characteristic of sham-operated animals. Replacement therapy with chronically implanted beeswax pellets containing 3 mg of melatonin reverses the effects of pinealectomy.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayin, Israel.  相似文献   

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