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A Rhizobium trifolii symbiotic plasmid specific gene library was constructed and the physical organisation of regions homologous to nifHDK, nifA and nod genes was determined. These symbiotic gene regions were localised to u 25 kb region on the sym-plasmid, pPN1. In addition four copies of a reiterated sequence were identified on this plasmid, with one copy adjacent to nifH. No rearrangement of these reiterated sequences was observed between R. trifolii bacterial and bacteroid DNA. Analysis of a deletion derivative of pPN1 showed that these sequences were spread over a 110 kb region to the left of nifA.  相似文献   

随着真菌感染的增多,仅用表型方法鉴定环境中或临床上的致病真菌不足以快速准确地诊断真菌感染疾病,近年来,分子生物学方法因快速、准确而逐步得到应用,其中DNA序列分析已成为鉴定致病真菌到种水平的重要方法。现就DNA序列分析在常见致病真菌分类鉴定及基因分型的应用加以综述。  相似文献   

Abstract A combined subtraction hybridization and polymerase chain reaction/amplification technique was used to develop a DNA probe which was specific for the Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli and the Rhizobium tropici group. Total genomic DNA preparations from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae, Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii, Rhizobium sp., Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Rhizobium fredii, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium ssp. and Rhizobium meliloti were pooled and used as subtracter DNA against total genomic DNA from the Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseolo strain KIM5s. Only one round of subtraction hybridization at 65°C was necessary to remove all cross-hybridizing sequences. Dot blot hybridizations with total genomic DNA of the eight subtracter organisms and 29 bacteria of different groups confirmed the high specificity of the isolated DNA sequences. Dot blot hybridizations and total genomic DNA from ten different R. Leguminosarum biovar phaseoli and R. tropici strains resulted in strong hybridization signals for all strains tested. The DNA probe for the R. tropici and R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli group was used for dot blot hybridization with DNA extracts from three tropical and one boreal soil. When correlated with data from Most Probable Number analyses the probe was capable of detecting as low as 3 × 104 homologous indigenous rhizobia per g soil. The technique offers great benefits for the development of DNA probes for monitoring bacterial populations in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the relationship between nodulation restriction by the Rj4 allele of soybean, rhizobitoxine-induced chlorosis, and taxonomic grouping of bradyrhizobia, 119 bradyrhizobial isolates were tested in Leonard jar culture for nodulation response and chlorosis induction. In addition to strain USDA 61, the strain originally reported as defining the Rj4 response, eight other isolates (i.e., USDA 62, 83, 94, 238, 252, 259, 260, and 340) were discovered to elicit the nodulation interdiction of the Rj4 allele. Only 16% of all the bradyrhizobial strains tested induced chlorosis, but seven of the nine strains (78%) interdicted by the Rj4 allele were chlorosis-inducing strains. Furthermore, in tests for antibiotic resistance profile, eight of the nine interdicted strains (89%) were classed in DNA homology group II. This evidence suggests that the Rj4 allele has a positive value to the host plant in shielding it from nodulation by certain chlorosis-inducing bradyrhizobia of a DNA homology group with impaired efficiency of nitrogen fixation with soybean.  相似文献   

Summary The antibiotic disk susceptibility test was used to measure the variation in the intrinsic resistance of 49 strains ofRhizobium meliloti to 9 antibiotics. Several strains had unique patterns of resistance. However, during cluster analysis, when a minimum Euclidean distance equal to 4 was used as a discriminating tool, the strains were grouped in 12 groups. The largest group contained 74% of the strains but 9 strains (2 very effective, 4 effective and 3 ineffective) showed very unique patterns of resistance and formed 9 distinct groups.R. meliloti strains in general showed high intrinsic resistance to the 9 antibiotics tested.Contribution no. 189 Station de Recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The Rhizobium trifolii genes necessary for nodule induction and development have been isolated on a 14.0kb fragment of symbiotic (Sym) plasmid DNA. When cloned into a broad-host-range plasmid vector, these sequences confer a clover nodulation phenotype on a derivative of R. trifolii which has been cured of its endogenous Sym plasmid. Furthermore, these sequences encode both host specificity and nodulation functions since they confer the ability to recognize and nodulate clover plants on Agrobacterium and a fast-growing cowpea Rhizobium. This indicates that the bacterial genes essential for the initial, highly-specific interaction with plants are closely linked.  相似文献   

Abstract The pattern of periplasmic proteins released by lysozyme-EDTA treatment of fast-growing rhizobia was influenced by the growth phase, the pH of the medium and the carbon source. The pattern for a particular strain of Rhizobium grown under defined conditions was characteristic of that strain, and we suggest that it can be used as an adjunct to existing methods of strain identification.  相似文献   

If chloroplasts purified on sucrose step gradients are treated for 10 min at 4°C with 2 M NaCl, followed by a 1000-g centrifugation, nuclear DNA contamination is reduced 1.5 to 3 fold as estimated by densitometry.  相似文献   

The fluorescent ELISA technique for the identification of bacteria was compared with antibiotic resistant mutants as marker systems for use with Rhizobium trifolii in root nodules and in soil. With an effective(CP3B) and an ineffective (R4) strain as a mixed 1:1 inoculum, there was a highly significant correlation ( P < 0.001) between the two techniques when the plants were grown at pH 5.5 when the majority of nodules were inhabited by the effective strain. At pH 6.5, where the ineffective strain predominated in the nodules, there was no correlation. The reason was that 85% of R4 nodules had volumes less than 0.1 mm3 with bacterial numbers obviously below the necessary threshold for detection using the serological method. Both methods were efficient at enumerating rhizobia from soils although the recovery rate from a brown earth soil was significantly higher than from a peat soil. Fluorescent ELISA was able to detect rhizobia at 8.0 times 105 cells/ml soil suspension (1 g soil to 10 ml water) in the brown earth soil and at 2.0 times 105 cells/ml in the peat soil. The results are discussed in terms of the limitations of both techniques in ecological studies.  相似文献   

Summary DNA sequences homologous to the T-DNA region of the octopine Ti plasmid from Agrobacterium tumefaciens are found in various fast-growing Rhizobium fredii strains. The largest fragment (BamHI fragment 2) at the right-boundary region of the core T-DNA hybridizes to more than one plasmid present in R. fredii. However, one smaller fragment (EcoRI fragment 19a) adjacent to the core T-DNA shows homology only with the plasmid carrying the symbiotic nitrogen-fixation genes (pSym). Hybridization data obtained with digested R. fredii USDA193 pSym DNA suggests that the homology is mainly with two HindIII fragments, 1.7 kb and 8.8 kb in size, of the plasmid. The 1.7 kb HindIII fragment also hybridizes to two regions of the virulence plasmid of A. tumefaciens, pAL1819, a deletion plasmid derived from the octopine Ti plasmid, pTiAch5. Hybridization studies with an insertion element IS66 from A. tumefaciens indicate that the 1.7 kb HindIII fragment of R. fredii plasmid, homologous to the T-DNA and the virulence region of Ti plasmid, is itself an IS66 homologue.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum strain VF39, isolated from nodules of field-grown faba beans in the Federal Republic of Germany, was shown to contain six plasmids ranging in molecular weight from 90 to 400 Md. Hybridisation to nif gene probes, plasmid curing, and mobilisation to other strains of Rhizobium and to Agrobacterium showed that the third largest plasmid, pRleVF39d (220 Md), carried genes for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. This plasmid was incompatible with pRL10JI, the Sym plasmid of R. leguminosarum strain JB300. Of the other plasmids, the two smallest (pRleVF39a and pRleVF39b, 90 and 160 Md respectively) were shown to be self-transmissible at a low frequency. Although melanin production is as yet unreported in strains of R. leguminosarum biovar viceae, strain VF39 produced a dark pigment, which, since it was not produced on minimal media and its production was greatly enhanced by the presence of tyrosine in the media, is probably melanin-like. Derivatives of VF39 cured of pRleVF39a no longer produced this pigment, but regained the ability to produce it when this plasmid was transferred into them. Strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, R. meliloti, and some strains of R. leguminosarum carrying pRleVF39a did not produce this pigment, indicating perhaps that some genes elsewhere on the VF39 genome are also involved in pigment production. Plasmid pRleVF39a appeared to be incompatible with the cryptic Rhizobium plasmids pRle336b and pRL8JI (both ca. 100 Md), but was compatible with the R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli Sym plasmids pRP1JI, pRP2JI and pRph51a, all of which also code for melanin production. The absence of pRleVF39a in cured derivatives of VF39 had no effect on the symbiotic performance or competitive ability of this strain.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA of 13 Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains was prepared and analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with nif and nod probes, and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) with 11 primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence. Polymorphism was observed in both analyses. The RFLP and RAPD banding patterns of different strains were used to calculate genetic divergence and to construct phylogenetic trees, allowing studies on the relationships between the strains. RFLP with nif and nod probes permitted the separation of the strains into two divergent groups, whereas RAPD separated them into four main groups. RAPD allowed closely related strains to be distinguished.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of American cycad genera, all belonging to the family Zamiaceae, was attempted using chloroplast DNA restriction fragment polymorphisms.Ceratozamia mexicana Brongn.,Chigua restrepoi D. Stevenson,Dioon edule Lindley,Microcycas calocoma (Miq.) A. DC.,Zamia fischeri Miq., andZamia skinneri Warsz. ex A. Dietrich were used as representatives of the genera.Cycas revoluta Thunb., belonging to the family Cycadaceae, was used as an outgroup, following previous morphological works. One hundred and forty-one shared restriction fragments were scored for presence/absence and both Wagner and Dollo parsimony analyses were performed. The single, fully resolved, most parsimonious trees obtained from the analyses were topologically identical and perfectly matched previous morphology-based phylogenetic hypotheses. Statistical evaluation of the data showed a good reliability for the obtained phylogeny.Dioon edule, belonging to a different subfamily and more primitive on morphological grounds, proved to be the most primitive among American cycads as inferred from the molecular data;Chigua restrepoi, never analyzed before on cladistic grounds, was found to be the sister group of the genusZamia.  相似文献   

藏狐是我国青藏高原东部多房棘球绦虫和石渠棘球绦虫最主要的野生动物终末宿主。棘球绦虫会导致一类称为棘球绦虫病的致死性人兽共患疾病,青藏高原东部牧区是该病重要的流行区。因此作为终末宿主,评估藏狐种群的棘球绦虫感染率对于该病的流行病学研究意义明显。而要获取这方面信息,首先必须了解藏狐的种群数量。为此,我们基于非损伤取样的原则,使用藏狐新鲜粪便作为研究材料,从已发布的藏狐及近缘种的48个微卫星位点中筛选了11 个用于藏狐粪便DNA 多态性分析。对2011 -2012 年7 -8 月间收集的128 份有效藏狐粪便样品(2011 年68 份,2012 年60 份)进行特异性PCR 扩增,并用琼脂糖凝胶电泳和荧光引物标记法进行基因分型,根据各位点的等位基因频率计算出各位点的基因型数(N),期望杂合度(He )、观测杂合度(Ho)、多态信息含量(PIC)以及不同个体基因型相同概率值(PI)。结果发现,各位点N 介于4 - 7,H e为0.66 - 0. 80,H o为0.17 -0.68,PIC 为0.5496 - 0.7623。11 个位点的累积PI 值满足个体识别的需要(PIbiased = 1. 283 × 10 - 11 ;PIsi bs =7.572 × 10 - 5 )。但是,由于粪便DNA 质量差异较大,不同位点的扩增成功率差异较大(0.176 - 0. 926)。我们发现,按照扩增成功率由高到低排列,前6 个微卫星位点(P03,CXX172,CPH6,CPH8,P01i,P08)的扩增成功率均超过0.6,且累积PI 值小于0.004 (PIbiased =2.775 × 10 - 7 ;PIsibs = 3. 606 ×10 - 3 ),表明这6 个位点可以对藏狐进行个体识别。因此,针对本研究的数据,制定了如下的个体识别原则: (1)只有粪便DNA 至少成功扩增出前6 个微卫星位点的样品可以进入下一步分析; (2)所有位点的信息均相同的两个样品被认为是来自同一个体;(3)保险起见,如果仅有一对位点信息不相等,此两个样品依然被判定来自同一个体。在此基础上,我们从2011 年样品中识别出30 个藏狐个体,从2012 年样品中识别出21 个个体。  相似文献   

近交系小鼠微卫星DNA多态性的研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
张树辉  魏泓  史景泉 《遗传》2000,22(6):375-378
随机选择位于小鼠不同染色体上的微卫星引物42对,用PCR技术对C3H、C57、BALB/c、DBA、TA2、T739、B615、BACB/c-nu-nu和SCID等9种实验室常用近交系小鼠微卫星DNA多态性进行了研究。结果显示有信息的40对引物中,9种近交系小鼠在各基因座上均出现一条清晰条带,28个基因座表现为多态性。其中D3Mit22、D7Nds1、D11Mit12、D12Nds2、D15Mit17、D16Mit3、D16Mit4基因座表现为显著多态性。T739、B615和TA2的遗传背景相近,其相似系数分别为90%和85%;其次为TA2、SCID和B615,其相似系数分别为80%和82.5%。结果表明所检测的小鼠符合近交要求,筛选出的引物能典型地反映9个近交系小鼠的品系特异性和遗传背景,可用于常规检测小鼠品系来源和遗传背景等。 Abstract:Forty-two microsatellites DNA loci on different chromosomes in nine kinds of inbred strain mice including C3H,C57,BALB/c,DBA,TA2,T739,B615,BALB/c-nu-nu and SCID were investigated by PCR analysis.It showed that all these mice tested display single allelic gene band with forty pairs of informative primers.Twenty-eight loci are polymorphisms,among which the polymorphisms of D3Mit22,D7Nds1,D11Mit12,D12Nds2,D15Mit17,D16Mit3,and D16Mit4 loci are significant.The genetic background of T739 was similarity with that of B615 and TA2 ,the similarity indices were 90% and 85% respectively;and that of TA2 was similarity with SCID and B615,the similarity indices were 80% and 82.5%.These results suggest that these mice tested meet the request of inbred strain.Screened primers showing marked polymorphisms topically reflect the speciality of strains and genetic backgrounds,which could be used in determining the strains origin and genetic background of mice.  相似文献   

To rapidly identify natural isolates of marine bioluminescent bacteria, we developed amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) methods. ARDRA, which is based on the restriction patterns of 16S rRNA gene digested with five enzymes (EcoRI, DdeI, HhaI, HinfI, RsaI), clearly distinguished the 14 species of marine bioluminescent bacteria currently known, which belong to the genera Vibrio, Photobacterium, and Shewanella. When we applied ARDRA to 129 natural isolates from two cruises in Sagami Bay, Japan, 127 were grouped into six ARDRA types with distinctive restriction patterns; these isolates represented the bioluminescent species, P. angustum, P. leiognathi, P. phosphoreum, S. woodyi, V. fischeri, and V. harveyi. The other two isolates showing unexpected ARDRA patterns turned out to have 16S rRNA gene sequences similar to P. leiognathi and P. phosphoreum. Nevertheless, ARDRA provides a simple and fairly robust means for rapid identification of the natural isolates of marine bioluminescent bacteria, and is therefore useful in studying their diversity.  相似文献   

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