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Normal human neutrophils bound an as yet unclustered mAb designated BS-1. The Ag immunoprecipitated with BS-1 was blotted by CD43 mAb (and vice versa), and is therefore identical to the large sialoglycoprotein. The CD43 Ag expression on the neutrophil surface is decreased upon neutrophil activation with the chemoattractant FMLP or with PMA. This can be (at least partially) explained by the release of CD43+ material with an altered electrophoretic mobility into the extracellular medium of the neutrophils upon activation. Cross-linking of the CD43 Ag with BS-1 also invoked neutrophil activation by itself: F(ab)2 fragments of BS-1-induced neutrophil aggregation, in contrast to F(ab) fragments. Neither respiratory burst activity nor a significant rise in intracellular Ca2+ level or actin polymerization were observed. The transient neutrophil aggregation response was largely CD18 dependent, especially in the initial phase of homotypic clustering. However, a significant CD18-independent mechanism contributed thereafter to the neutrophil aggregation, as was further substantiated by the use of cultured T (and EBV-transformed B) cell clones of a patient with a leukocyte adhesion deficiency. CD43 is the first molecule described on neutrophils able to induce adhesive properties in a dual fashion.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule-4 (ICAM-4, LW blood group antigen), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily expressed on red cells, has been reported to bind to CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 leukocyte integrins. The location of the ICAM-4 binding sites on CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 are not known. CD11/CD18 integrin I domains have been found to act as major binding sites for physiological ligands and a negatively charged glutamic acid in ICAMs is considered important for binding. ICAM-4 lacks such a residue, which is replaced by an arginine. However, we demonstrate here that ICAM-4 in red cells and transfected fibroblasts interacts specifically with the I domains of CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 integrins. The binding was inhibited by anti-I domain and anti-ICAM-4 antibodies and it was dependent on divalent cations. Interestingly, ICAM-4 negative red cells were still able to bind to the CD11b/CD18 I domain but the binding of these cells to the CD11a/CD18 I domain was clearly reduced. Using a solid phase assay, we were able to show that isolated I domains directly and specifically bind to purified recombinant ICAM-4 in a cation dependent manner. Competition experiments indicated that the binding sites in ICAM-4 for the CD11a and CD11b I domains are different. However, the ICAM-4 binding region in both I domains seems to overlap with the regions recognized by the ICAM-1 and ICAM-2. Thus we have established that the I domains contain an ICAM-4 binding region in CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 leukocyte integrins.  相似文献   

The disulfide reducing agents dithioerythreitol and dithiothreitol, but not oxidized dithiothreitol, induced polymorphonuclear neutrophils to adhere to endothelial cells or to plastic. Adherence was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies 60.1 and 60.3, which are directed to functional epitopes on the CD11b and CD18 polypeptides of the neutrophil membrane adhesion complex (Mac-1, Mo1). The increased adherence induced by the sulfhydryl reducing agents was not accompanied by increased expression of CD11b/CD18. These studies demonstrate that a qualitative alteration in CD11b/CD18 is sufficient to promote neutrophil adherence.  相似文献   

Neutrophil (PMN) transepithelial migration is dependent on the leukocyte beta(2) integrin CD11b/CD18, yet the identity of epithelial counterreceptors remain elusive. Recently, a JAM protein family member termed JAM-C was implicated in leukocyte adhesive interactions; however, its expression in epithelia and role in PMN-epithelial interactions are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that JAM-C is abundantly expressed basolaterally in intestinal epithelia and localizes to desmosomes but not tight junctions. Desmosomal localization of JAM-C was further confirmed by experiments aimed at selective disruption of tight junctions and desmosomes. In assays of PMN transepithelial migration, both JAM-C mAbs and JAM-C/Fc chimeras significantly inhibited the rate of PMN transmigration. Additional experiments revealed specific binding of JAM-C to CD11b/CD18 and provided evidence of other epithelial ligands for CD11b/CD18. These findings represent the first demonstration of direct adhesive interactions between PMN and epithelial intercellular junctions (desmosomes) that regulate PMN transepithelial migration and also suggest that JAM-C may play a role in desmosomal structure/function.  相似文献   

Sulfite is a major air pollutant which can cause respiratory tract inflammation characterized by an influx of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN). We have previously shown that human PMN can produce sulfite either spontaneously or in response to stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. We now demonstrate that sulfite activates PMN to adhere to immobilized fibrinogen via the beta2-integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18). Mac-1 expression is not altered by treatment with this agent. Although unaffected by pertussis toxin, sulfite-triggered PMN adhesion was abrogated by pretreating cells with the membrane-impermeant sulfhydryl reagent 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), a modifier of thiol groups on the cell surface. These results suggest that sulfite-induced PMN adhesion is dependent on a modification of thiols at the cell surface. Given its potent antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, sulfite may act as an endogenous mediator in host defense and/or inflammation.  相似文献   

CD157 is a GPI-anchored cell surface glycoprotein expressed by human peripheral blood neutrophils. Cross-linking of CD157 induces intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and re-shaping in neutrophils, thus regulating their adhesive and migratory properties. Results obtained by immunolocalization and confocal microscopy indicate that CD157 lies in close proximity to the CD11b/CD18 complex which is strongly expressed on the activated neutrophil cell membrane where it plays a predominant role in adhesion. This study analyses the physical association between CD157 and CD18 in human neutrophils by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. The anti-CD157 monoclonal antibody RF3 co-precipitates CD18, and the anti-CD18 antibody TS1/18 co-precipitates CD157 from human neutrophil lysates. These results confirm that CD157 physically interacts with CD11b/CD18 complex in human neutrophils.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study direct immunofluorescence and flow cytometry with calibration using quantitative bead standards were used to enumerate the cell surface receptors CD11a/CD18, CD11b/CD18 and L-selectin. Holding blood at room temperature and fixation of samples prior to staining induced changes in expression, while immediate staining of polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMN) in whole blood followed by fixation produced accurate values. The ranges of PMN adhesion molecule expression in 10 normal individuals were CD11a/CD18: 14794–28725, CD11b/CD18: 5300–11939 and L-selectin: 35662–61654 receptors per cell. Differences within individuals over 4 h were also observed. Adhesion molecule expression is used as an index of the adhesive function and state of activation of the cell. The data presented here shows that there is inherent variability in the expression of the PMN adhesion molecules between and within individuals, thus direct comparisons of PMN adhesion molecule expression between patients and “normals” must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Upon stimulation with C5a, TNF, or phorbol dibutyrate (PDB), polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) exhibit first an increase then a decrease in adhesion to unstimulated endothelial cells (EC). Essentially all of this adhesion is mediated by the CD18 family of leukocyte integrins on PMN. To determine the individual roles of CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1), CD11b/CD18 (CR3, Mac-1) and CD11c/CD18 (p150,95) in adhesion of PDB-stimulated PMN to unstimulated EC, mAb against the CD11 chains were used. mAb against CD11a or CD11b each blocked adhesion of PMN to EC by approximately 50%, but mAb against CD11c had no effect. Inasmuch as a combination of anti-CD11a and CD11b mAb completely blocked adhesion, it appears that CD11a/CD18 and CD11b/CD18 make approximately equal contributions to binding, and CD11c does not participate. Anti-CD11a or CD11b each blocked adhesion by about 50% throughout the transient time course of PDB-stimulated adhesion, indicating that the capacity of each of these receptors to bind EC is transiently activated by PDB. We next examined the role of ICAM-1 on EC as a ligand for CD18. Two anti-ICAM-1 mAb (LB-2 and 84H10) each inhibited PMN adhesion in a dose-dependent fashion, reaching a maximal inhibition of approximately 50%. Anti-ICAM-1 mAb blocked the CD11a/CD18-dependent portion of adhesion because concomitant use of anti-CD11a and anti-ICAM-1 did not cause additive inhibition. In contrast, anti-CD11b plus anti-ICAM-1 resulted in complete blockade of adhesion. This result suggests that CD11a/CD18 recognizes ICAM-1 on EC, but CD11b/CD18 recognizes a different ligand(s). To determine if CD11b CD18 has the ability to recognize ICAM-1, human macrophages were plated on culture surfaces coated with purified ICAM-1. Interaction of CD11a/CD18 with the surface-bound ICAM-1 resulted in selective down-modulation of CD11a/CD18 from the apical portion of the macrophages. In contrast, ICAM-1-coated surfaces did not down-modulate CD11b/CD18. The data suggest that CD11b/CD18 does not recognize ICAM-1, and that this receptor functions in adhesion of PMN to EC by recognizing novel ligand(s) on EC.  相似文献   

The effect of weak bases (NH4Cl and amantadine) and carboxylic ionophores (monensin) on the infection of CD4 (T4) positive human cell lines by HIV-1 is examined. These reagents, which raise the pH of acidic intracellular organelles, fail to inhibit HIV-1 entry and the events leading to viral protein synthesis at concentrations inhibitory for low pH-dependent fusogenic enveloped viruses. The infectivity of VSV (HIV-1) pseudotypes is unaffected by weak bases at concentrations causing 95% plaque reduction of VSV in its own envelope. HIV-1 dependent cell--cell fusion (syncytium formation) occurs in medium maintained at pH 7.4-7.6, and virions are not irreversibly inactivated by incubation in acid medium. Our results show that HIV-1 entry and membrane fusion do not require exposure to low pH. The production of infectious HIV-1 particles, however, is inhibited in cells treated with NH4Cl.  相似文献   

The beta2 integrin CD11b/CD18 is an integral membrane protein that is present in the plasma membrane and secondary granules of neutrophils and functions as a major adhesion molecule. Upon cellular activation, there is translocation of intracellular pools of CD11b/CD18 to the plasma membrane in concert with enhanced cellular adhesion. Although much is known about the function of CD11b/CD18, how this protein is transported within the cell is less well defined. Here we report that CD11b/CD18 specifically binds to BAP31, a member of a novel class of sorting proteins regulating cellular anterograde transport. Through experiments aimed at identifying CD11b/CD18-binding proteins, we produced a monoclonal antibody termed E1B2 that recognizes a 28-kDa membrane protein that co-precipitates with CD11b/CD18. Microsequence analysis of the E1B2 antigen revealed that it is BAP31. Co-association of CD11b/CD18 and BAP31 was confirmed in co-immunoprecipitation and protein binding assays. Additional experiments revealed that the binding of BAP31 to CD11b/CD18 was not dependent on divalent cations nor mediated by the I-domain of CD11b. Using glutathione S-transferase fusion chimeras, we determined that binding of CD11b/CD18 to BAP31 is mediated through interactions with the cytoplasmic tail of BAP31. Immunolocalization studies revealed colocalization of BAP31 and CD11b/CD18 within neutrophil secondary granules. Subcellular fractionation studies in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) revealed similar patterns of redistribution of BAP31 and CD11b/CD18 from fractions enriched in secondary granules to the plasma membrane following stimulation with formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMLP). Given the known sorting properties of BAP31, these findings suggest that BAP31 may play a role in regulating intracellular trafficking of CD11b/CD18 in neutrophils.  相似文献   

We report that a subpopulation (10%) of the Mac-1 (CD1 1b/CD18) molecules on activated neutrophils mediates adhesion to ICAM-1 and fibrinogen. We describe a novel mAb (CBRM1/5) that binds to an activation-specific neoepitope on a subset of Mac-1 molecules on neutrophils and monocytes after stimulation with chemoattractants or phorobol esters but does not recognize Mac-1 on resting myeloid cells. CBRM1/5 immunoprecipitates a subpopulation of Mac-1 molecules from detergent lysates of neutrophils, binds to immunoaffinity-purified Mac- 1, and localizes to the I domain on the alpha chain of Mac-1. Because CBRM1/5 recognizes a fraction of Mac-1 on activated neutrophils, but still blocks Mac-1-dependent adhesion to fibrinogen and ICAM-1, we suggest that only a small subset of Mac-1 molecules is competent to mediate adhesion.  相似文献   

Three fifteen-amino-acid polypeptides designated peptides 1, 2 and 3 were synthesised as likely candidates for mimicking the role of ICAM-2 as a ligand. The ability of each peptide to bind lymphoid cells was tested. Peptide 2 largely mediated cell attachment of unstimulated cells and this binding was only marginally increased by stimulating the cells with phorbol dibutyrate (P(Bu)2). Peptide 3 mediated minimal spontaneous cell attachment, but this binding was significantly enhanced following P(Bu)2 stimulation. Peptide 1 had no effect on cell attachment with or without stimulation. The cell attachment to peptide 2 was both temperature- and cation-dependent. Studies using specific monoclonal antibodies showed that with unstimulated cells, anti-VLA-4 alpha(CD49d) or beta chain (CD29) antibodies (KD4-13 and 4B4) and anti-CD18 (1B4) each partially inhibited the cell binding. Monoclonal antibodies against CD54 (ICAM-1; 84H10 or LB2), MHC class 1 (W6/32) and control mouse IgG had no effect. When anti-CD29 and anti-CD18 monoclonal antibodies were used concurrently, there was almost complete inhibition of the cell attachment. These observations indicated that cell adhesion via ICAM-2 is mediated: (i) predominantly by peptide 2 in unstimulated and P(Bu)2-stimulated cells, and also, to some extent, by peptide 3 in P(Bu)2-stimulated cells and (ii) by binding to both CD11/CD18 and CD49d/CD29 integrins.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanisms by which Mn2+ alters human neutrophil (PMN) adherence to various connective tissue proteins. Substitution of Mn2+ for Ca2+ and Mg2+ significantly increased adhesion of human PMN to plastic well coated with fibronectin, fibrinogen, and laminin but not gelatin. Anti-CD18 mAb almost completely blocked adherence to laminin, partly blocked adherence to fibrinogen, but did not inhibit adhesion to fibronectin at all. In contrast, anti-very late antigen (VLA)-5 mAb antibodies significantly reduced Mn(2+)-mediated PMN adherence to fibronectin, but not to laminin or fibrinogen, demonstrating that VLA-5-mediated PMN adherence to fibronectin, but not to fibrinogen or laminin. This was supported by experiments in which synthetic GRGDSP peptide significantly inhibited Mn(2+)-mediated adherence to fibronectin, but not to laminin or fibrinogen. Activation of PMN with phorbol ester or C5a stimulated VLA-5-mediated adhesion to fibronectin, but the contribution of VLA-5 to the forces mediating adherence could only be detected when CD18 function was either blocked with mAb, or when CD18 was congenitally absent. VLA-5 mediated adhesion was also more transient than CD18-dependent adhesion. These data further confirm the presence of PMN VLA integrins and demonstrate that PMN VLA-5 contributes to stimulated PMN adherence to fibronectin.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between neutrophil [polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)] influx and lung vascular injury in response to Escherichia coli pneumonia. We assessed lung tissue PMN uptake by measuring myeloperoxidase and transvascular PMN migration by determining PMN counts in lung interstitium and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) in mice challenged intratracheally with E. coli. Lung vascular injury was quantified by determining microvessel filtration coefficient (Kf,c), a measure of vascular permeability. We addressed the role of CD18 integrin in the mechanism of PMN migration and lung vascular injury by inducing the expression of neutrophil inhibitory factor, a CD11/CD18 antagonist. In control animals, we observed a time-dependent sixfold increase in PMN uptake, a fivefold increase in airway PMN migration, and a 20-fold increase in interstitial PMN uptake at 6 h after challenge. Interestingly, Kf,c increased minimally during this period of PMN extravasation. CD11/CD18 blockade reduced lung tissue PMN uptake consistent with the role of CD18 in mediating PMN adhesion to the endothelium but failed to alter PMN migration in the tissue. Moreover, CD11/CD18 blockade did not affect Kf,c. Analysis of BALF leukocytes demonstrated diminished oxidative burst compared with leukocytes from bacteremic mice, suggesting a basis for lack of vascular injury. The massive CD11/CD18-independent airway PMN influx occurring in the absence of lung vascular injury is indicative of an efficient host-defense response elicited by E. coli pneumonia.  相似文献   

The vascular E-selectin binds to the leukocyte integrins CD11/CD18   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Leukocyte adhesion involves at least three molecular familiesof adhesion proteins: the leukocyte integrins CD11/CD18, theintercellular adhesion molecules (ICAMs) and the carbohydrate-bindingL-, E- and P-selectins. The intercellular adhesion moleculesare well-known ligands for the CD11/CD18 integrins. We now showthat E-selectin specifically binds to the sialyl Lex carbohydrateepitopes of leukocyte integrins. Thus, the different familiesof leukocyte adhesion molecules form an integrated adhesionnetwork. adhesion integrins leukocyte selectin  相似文献   

Group A streptococci (GAS) are common human pathogens that express major surface-associated virulence factors designated M proteins. In this study, we explored directly the cellular mechanisms behind their supposed ability to prevent phagocytosis. Isolated human neutrophils killed an M-negative GAS mutant (DeltaM5), but not the wild-type parent strain (M5). After 3 h, 3-4 times as many DeltaM5 as M5 bacteria were associated with the neutrophils, and more DeltaM5 than M5 bacteria were ingested. However, there was no statistically significant difference between DeltaM5 and M5 bacteria in regard to the percentage of the neutrophil-associated bacteria that were ingested, indicating that M5 protein prevents an adhesion receptor-dependent association with neutrophils and not the phagocytic machinery per se. Different Abs against CD11b/CD18 (CR3) blocked adhesion and killing of DeltaM5 bacteria, whereas the blocking of two other complement receptors, CD11c/CD18 (CR4) and CD35 (CR1), did not. The CD11b/CD18-mediated killing of DeltaM5 bacteria resulted in protein tyrosine phosphorylations and Cdc42 activation. Furthermore, inhibition of CD11b/CD18 receptor engagement or tyrosine kinase activity blocked the DeltaM5-induced activation of Cdc42 as well as the killing of these bacteria. We conclude that M5 protein interferes with the CD11b/CD18-dependent association between GAS and neutrophils, and thereby blocks subsequent ingestion of the bacteria.  相似文献   

The characteristics of homotypic neutrophil aggregation, mediated by the adhesion molecule CD11b/CD18, differ according to whether activation takes place via intracellular protein kinase C(PKC) inducers or chemoattractants. In response to diacylglycerol (DAG) analogues such as PMA and 1,2-dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol, a prolonged cellular aggregation occurs that is associated with intense phosphorylation of the CD18 beta-chain. In response to the chemoattractant FMLP, a more transient aggregation event results that is associated with minimal beta-chain phosphorylation. By using the PKC inhibitor staurosporine, we now show that these differences are likely to reflect two different pathways of activation. Both aggregation and phosphorylation induced by DAG analogues are completely abolished by staurosporine in a parallel dose-dependent manner. Conversely, FMLP-induced aggregation is enhanced and prolonged by staurosporine whereas the associated minimal phosphorylation event is further diminished by staurosporine. Accordingly, activation of neutrophil aggregation by DAG analogues is associated with and presumably due to phosphorylation of the CD18 beta-chain. This intense phosphorylation occurs via a staurosporine-sensitive kinase such as PKC. FMLP, on the other hand, appears to activate CD11b/CD18 by a distinct mechanism. This latter mechanism does not seem to be dependent on what may be a minor PKC-induced phosphorylation of the beta-chain, and indeed is enhanced by inhibition of PKC. Of note, staurosporine was also found to cause selective release of specific granules with concomitant increase in surface display of CD11b/CD18. These data further support previous observations that up-regulation of this adhesive molecule is not the primary event in the induction of cellular adhesiveness.  相似文献   

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