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Summary Previous studies have demonstrated an apparent differential response of the fiber types in mixed skeletal muscles of rats to streptozotocin diabetes. The purpose of the present study was to examine the ability of the different fiber types to hypertrophy in muscles from diabetic rats, which should further clarify the apparent differential trophic influence of insulin on the fibers. One group of rats was injected with streptozotocin to induce diabetes. The gastrocnemius muscle was then removed from one hindlimb of rats of both the diabetic and a second, normal group, resulting in compensatory growth of ipsilateral plantaris muscle. Rats were sacrificed 60 days following the surgery. Experimental muscles in normal and diabetic rats enlarged 79% and 61% over control muscles, respectively. In normal hypertrophied muscles there was an 8% increase in relative cross-sectional area composed of slow-twitch fibers, whereas in diabetic rats the slow-twitch component increased 17%. The results indicate that slow-twitch fibers in diabetic rats were capable of responding to the chronic power overloaded condition, but that the fast-twitch fibers had a reduced capacity to undergo compensatory growth. These findings support our previous observations suggesting that insulin may exert a differential trophic effect upon the muscle fiber types.Streptozotocin was kindly donated by Dr. W.E. Dulin of the Upjohn Company. This investigation was supported by a Boston University Research Fund Grant  相似文献   

Plantaris muscle hypertrophy resulting from surgical ablation of the synergistic gastrocnemius muscle was compared between nontumor- and GH3 tumor-bearing rat groups (n = 8-10). GH3 cells (10(6)) were subcutaneously injected into 150-g female Wistar-Furth rats to initiate the tumor. After 17 days, the tumor-bearing rats gained 5.7 g body wt/day compared with 2.0 for the nontumor-bearing rats. The left gastrocnemius muscle was surgically removed from both nontumor and tumor groups. The gastrocnemius was removed from the tumor group after an increased growth rate was achieved. Seven days after surgery, the animals were killed and plantaris muscles were removed. The wet weight of the left plantaris muscle increased 45.6 and 44.0% over the unoperated contralateral control (right side) in the nontumor and tumor groups, respectively. The right control plantaris muscle in the tumor group was 63% heavier than the right control plantaris from the nontumor group; however, the proportion of body weight for plantaris was similar between the two groups. The effect of gastrocnemius ablation and tumor treatment on plantaris weight was additive, and the percent increase over the unoperated contralateral control side was similar between the two groups. These data demonstrate that skeletal muscle hypertrophy occurs in adult animals in which growth has been stimulated by a growth hormone-secreting tumor and could suggest that the muscle growth response caused by the tumor is operating by a mechanism different than work-induced hypertrophy.  相似文献   

RationaleAffective disorders are twice as likely to occur in women as they are in men suggesting a critical role for gonadal hormones in their etiology. In particular, testosterone has been shown to have protective effects in men.ObjectiveTo investigate antidepressant effects and interactions between testosterone and imipramine in socially isolated male and female rats.MethodsA chronic social isolation model was used to induce an anxiety and depressive-like state in adult gonadectomized (Gnx) male and ovariectomized (Ovx) female rats receiving chronic testosterone and imipramine treatments. Their anxiety and depression-like behaviors were examined using the light–dark box, elevated plus maze, open field, sucrose preference and novelty induced hypophagia tests.ResultsIn socially isolated rats, the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of testosterone and imipramine were limited to male rats. Additionally, testosterone enhanced the neurogenic effect of imipramine on hippocampal cell proliferation in male rats. Although female rats exhibited signs of anxiety and depressive-like behaviors following social isolation, testosterone and/or imipramine administration had no anxiolytic or antidepressant effects in Ovx females.ConclusionsTestosterone and imipramine had anxiolytic and antidepressant effects in socially isolated male, but not female rats. Testosterone enhanced the effect of imipramine on cell proliferation in the hippocampus of male rats.  相似文献   

Localized infusion of IGF-I results in skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) peptidelevels have been shown to increase in overloaded skeletal muscles (G. R. Adams and F. Haddad. J. Appl.Physiol. 81: 2509-2516, 1996). In that study, theincrease in IGF-I was found to precede measurable increases in muscleprotein and was correlated with an increase in muscle DNA content. Thepresent study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that direct IGF-Iinfusion would result in an increase in muscle DNA as well as invarious measurements of muscle size. Either 0.9% saline or nonsystemicdoses of IGF-I were infused directly into a non-weight-bearing muscleof rats, the tibialis anterior (TA), via a fenestrated catheterattached to a subcutaneous miniosmotic pump. Saline infusion had noeffect on the mass, protein content, or DNA content of TA muscles.Local IGF-I infusion had no effect on body or heart weight. Theabsolute weight of the infused TA muscles was ~9% greater(P < 0.05) than that of thecontralateral TA muscles. IGF-I infusion resulted in significantincreases in the total protein and DNA content of TA muscles(P < 0.05). As a result of thesecoordinated changes, the DNA-to-protein ratio of the hypertrophiedTA was similar to that of the contralateral muscles. These resultssuggest that IGF-I may be acting to directly stimulate processes suchas protein synthesis and satellite cell proliferation, which result inskeletal muscle hypertrophy.


Male and female Wistar rats were run for 5 min at 1.7 mph at a 17% grade to determine whether a sex difference exists in the rate of glycogen resynthesis during recovery in fast-twitch red muscle, fast-twitch white muscle, and liver. Rats were killed at one of three time points: immediately after the exercise bout, and at 1 or 4 h later. Males had significantly higher resting muscle glycogen levels (P less than 0.05). Exercise resulted in significant glycogen depletion in both sexes (P less than 0.01). Males utilized approximately 50% more glycogen during the exercise bout than females (P less than 0.05). During the food-restricted 4-h recovery period, muscle glycogen was repleted significantly during the 1st h (P less than 0.05). Liver glycogen was not depleted as a result of the exercise bout, but fell during the first h of recovery (P less than 0.05) and remained low during the subsequent 3 h. The greater glycogen utilization in red and white fast-twitch muscle during exercise by males could represent a true sex difference but could also be attributable in part to the males having performed more work as a result of 20% greater body mass. We conclude that no sex difference was observed in the rates of muscle glycogen repletion after exercise or in liver glycogen metabolism during and after exercise, and rapid postexercise muscle glycogen repletion occurred at a time of accelerated liver glycogen depletion.  相似文献   

Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - The unfolded protein response (UPR) plays a pivotal role in some exercise training–induced physiological adaptation. Our aim was to evaluate the...  相似文献   

Changes in the smooth muscle cell compartment (SMCC) of the media layer of the aorta were studied in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and in normotensive rats (WKY) of both sexes between 3 to 18 weeks of age. Up to 7 weeks of age, development of the SMCC occured in males and females of the two strains both through a massive increase in cell number and in cell size. In SHR after 7 weeks of age, the development of the SMCC was due to a marked increase in cell size together with an increase in cell number. In contrast during the same period, the development of the SMCC in WKY was associated almost exclusively with an increase in cell size. It is concluded that the presence of a greater number of larger smooth muscle cells contributes to the hypertrophy of the arterial wall of hypertensive animals.  相似文献   

Muscle hypertrophy is the product of increased drive through protein synthetic pathways and the incorporation of newly divided satellite cells. Gains in muscle mass and strength can be achieved through exercise regimens that include resistance training. Increased insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) can also promote hypertrophy through increased protein synthesis and satellite cell proliferation. However, it is not known whether the combined effect of IGF-I and resistance training results in an additive hypertrophic response. Therefore, rats in which viral administration of IGF-I was directed to one limb were subjected to ladder climbing to test the interaction of each intervention on muscle mass and strength. After 8 wk of resistance training, a 23.3% increase in muscle mass and a 14.4% increase in peak tetanic tension (P(o)) were observed in the flexor hallucis longus (FHL). Viral expression of IGF-I without resistance training produced a 14.8% increase in mass and a 16.6% increase in P(o) in the FHL. The combined interventions produced a 31.8% increase in muscle mass and a 28.3% increase in P(o) in the FHL. Therefore, the combination of resistance training and overexpression of IGF-I induced greater hypertrophy than either treatment alone. The effect of increased IGF-I expression on the loss of muscle mass associated with detraining was also addressed. FHL muscles treated with IGF-I lost only 4.8% after detraining, whereas the untreated FHL lost 8.3% muscle mass. These results suggest that a combination of resistance training and overexpression of IGF-I could be an effective measure for attenuating the loss of training-induced adaptations.  相似文献   

T N Bao  F D?cke 《Endokrinologie》1977,70(3):340-343
Cyclic and 28-day-old immature female rats were hemiovariectomized and partly bilaterally lesioned in the cortical amygdaloid nucleus (CAN). The compensatory ovarian hypertrophy (COH) recorded in the adult females on the 8th day after hemicastration was completely prevented by the amygdaloid lesions. In contrast, damage to the CAN did not alter the ovarian weight in prepubertal females, although COH was also induced in these animals by unilateral ovariectomy.  相似文献   

A regulatory interdependence of expression of proto-oncogenes and muscle specific genes observed in smooth muscle was examined in cardiac muscle during normal development and hypertrophy both in rats and humans. During normal development in rats, myosin light chain 2 expression is very low at prenatal stages, while c-fos expression starts from the early stages of embryonic development. In aorta constricted rats c-fos induction occurs within 30 min whereas myosin light chain 2 expression is sufficiently high only after 3 or 4 days of post operative period. In the case of humans, the expression of myosin light chain 2 as well as c-fos occurs at high levels during embryonic development. Similar results were obtained with tissue samples obtained from patients with cardiac abnormalities. Induction of the c-fos gene in cultured myocytes by 12-O-tetradeeanoylphorbol 13-acetate has no influence on the expression of myosin light chain 2. These studies were extended with studies on c-myc and Β-myosin heavy chain gene expression which revealed a similar pattern of expression as that of c-fos and myosin light chain 2. These results have indicated that the expression of proto-oncogenes in cardiac muscle may be independently regulated from the expression of muscle specific genes.  相似文献   

Heller LJ  Katz SA 《Life sciences》2000,66(15):1423-1433
To determine whether effects of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors on well-established pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy and coronary remodeling depend upon normal plasma renin levels, the influence of enalapril on ventricular mass and coronary vascular resistance (CVR) was determined in a low-renin female rat model of chronic pressure overload, (deoxycorticosterone acetate hypertension, DOCA), and compared to its effect in a normal-renin model, (aortic construction, AC). Six weeks after experiment initiation, plasma renin activity of DOCA-treated rats was reduced to approximately 12% that of sham-treated and AC-treated groups. Enalapril was then added to the drinking water of half the animals in each group for two additional weeks. Comparing experimental groups to controls, this delayed enalapril treatment had 1) no effect on the elevated arterial pressures, 2) no effect on the elevated coronary resistance, and, in the DOCA group, 3) no effect on cardiac hypertrophy. However, this brief enalapril treatment reduced absolute and relative ventricular weights of AC rats. These data suggest that circulating renin is required for the anti-hypertrophic efficacy of late-onset brief treatment with enalapril. Since enalapril-induced reversal of cardiac hypertrophy in AC rats was not accompanied by reversal of coronary remodeling, growth signals other than angiotensin II may be involved in coronary remodeling.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is a dynamic tissue with two unique abilities; one is its excellent regenerative ability, due to the activity of skeletal muscle–resident stem cells named muscle satellite cells (MuSCs); and the other is the adaptation of myofiber size in response to external stimulation, intrinsic factors, or physical activity, which is known as plasticity. Low physical activity and some disease conditions lead to the reduction of myofiber size, called atrophy, whereas hypertrophy refers to the increase in myofiber size induced by high physical activity or anabolic hormones/drugs. MuSCs are essential for generating new myofibers during regeneration and the increase in new myonuclei during hypertrophy; however, there has been little investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying MuSC activation, proliferation, and differentiation during hypertrophy compared to those of regeneration. One reason is that ‘degenerative damage’ to myofibers during muscle injury or upon hypertrophy (especially overloaded muscle) is believed to trigger similar activation/proliferation of MuSCs. However, evidence suggests that degenerative damage of myofibers is not necessary for MuSC activation/proliferation during hypertrophy. When considering MuSC-based therapy for atrophy, including sarcopenia, it will be indispensable to elucidate MuSC behaviors in muscles that exhibit non-degenerative damage, because degenerated myofibers are not present in the atrophied muscles. In this review, we summarize recent findings concerning the relationship between MuSCs and hypertrophy, and discuss what remains to be discovered to inform the development and application of relevant treatments for muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

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