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Early regulatory events in respect to the embryonic development of the vertebrate liver are only poorly defined. A better understanding of the gene network that mediates the formation of hepatocytes from pluripotent embryonic precursor cells may help to establish in vitro protocols for hepatocyte differentiation. Here, we describe our first attempts to make use of early embryonic explants from the amphibian Xenopus laevis in order to address these questions. We have identified several novel embryonic liver and intestine marker genes in a random expression pattern screen with cDNA libraries derived from the embryonic liver anlage and from the adult liver of Xenopus laevis. Based on their embryonic expression characteristics, these genes, together with the previously known ones, can be categorized into four different groups: the liver specific group (LS), the liver and intestine group A (LIA), the liver and intestine group B (LIB), and the intestine specific group (IS). Dissociation of endodermal explants isolated from early neurula stage embryos reveals that all genes in the LIB and IS groups are expressed in a cell-autonomous manner. In contrast, expression of genes in the LS and LIA groups requires cell-cell interactions. The regular temporal expression profile of genes in all four groups is mimicked in ectodermal explants from early embryos, reprogrammed by co-injection of VegT and beta-catenin mRNAs. FGF signaling is found to be required for the induction of liver specific marker (LS group) gene expression in the same system.  相似文献   

Gene expression in the embryonic Xenopus liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Fos-like antigens (Fosl) including Fosl1 and Fosl2 exclusively heterodimerize with Jun members to form AP-1 complex, thereby participating in various cellular progresses including cell cycle regulation. However, expression patterns of these two genes during embryonic development remains largely unknown. In the present study, both temporal and spatial expression patterns of fosl1 and fosl2 were examined during embryonic development of Xenopus tropicalis. Real-time quantitative PCR results showed that the expression of the two genes was increased from stage 2 to stage 42. However, expression level of fosl1 is much higher than that of fosl2 at stage 42. Whole-mount in situ hybridization showed that fosl1 was expressed in eyes, branchial arch, notochord, otic vesicle, and liver. However, fosl2 was expressed in lung primordium from stage 34 to stage 38, in addition to the moderate expression in eyes and branchial arch at stage 42. Thus, the developmental expression patterns of these two fosl genes is different in Xenopus embryos. These results provide a basis for further functional study of these two genes.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation is known to be important in embryonic development, cell differentiation and regulation of cancer cells. Molecular mechanisms of epigenetic modification have DNA methylation and histone tail modification such as acetylation, phosphorylation and ubiquitination. Until now, many kinds of enzymes that modify histone tail with various functional groups have been reported and regulate the epigenetic state of genes. Among them, Prdm genes were identified as histone methyltransferase. Prdm genes are characterized by an N-terminal PR/SET domain and C-terminal some zinc finger domains and therefore they are considered to have both DNA-binding ability and methylation activity. Among vertebrate, fifteen members are estimated to belong to Prdm genes family. Even though Prdm genes are thought to play important roles for cell fate determination and cell differentiation, there is an incomplete understanding of their expression and functions in early development. Here, we report that Prdm genes exhibit dynamic expression pattern in Xenopus embryogenesis. By whole mount in situ hybridization analysis, we show that Prdm genes are expressed in spatially localized manners in embryo and all of Prdm genes are expressed in neural cells in developing central nervous systems. Our study suggests that Prdm genes may be new candidates to function in neural cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Global gene expression profiling and cluster analysis in Xenopus laevis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have undertaken a large-scale microarray gene expression analysis using cDNAs corresponding to 21,000 Xenopus laevis ESTs. mRNAs from 37 samples, including embryos and adult organs, were profiled. Cluster analysis of embryos of different stages was carried out and revealed expected affinities between gastrulae and neurulae, as well as between advanced neurulae and tadpoles, while egg and feeding larvae were clearly separated. Cluster analysis of adult organs showed some unexpected tissue-relatedness, e.g. kidney is more related to endodermal than to mesodermal tissues and the brain is separated from other neuroectodermal derivatives. Cluster analysis of genes revealed major phases of co-ordinate gene expression between egg and adult stages. During the maternal-early embryonic phase, genes maintaining a rapidly dividing cell state are predominantly expressed (cell cycle regulators, chromatin proteins). Genes involved in protein biosynthesis are progressively induced from mid-embryogenesis onwards. The larval-adult phase is characterised by expression of genes involved in metabolism and terminal differentiation. Thirteen potential synexpression groups were identified, which encompass components of diverse molecular processes or supra-molecular structures, including chromatin, RNA processing and nucleolar function, cell cycle, respiratory chain/Krebs cycle, protein biosynthesis, endoplasmic reticulum, vesicle transport, synaptic vesicle, microtubule, intermediate filament, epithelial proteins and collagen. Data filtering identified genes with potential stage-, region- and organ-specific expression. The dataset was assembled in the iChip microarray database, , which allows user-defined queries. The study provides insights into the higher order of vertebrate gene expression, identifies synexpression groups and marker genes, and makes predictions for the biological role of numerous uncharacterized genes.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific expression of actin genes injected into Xenopus embryos   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
C Wilson  G S Cross  H R Woodland 《Cell》1986,47(4):589-599
We have isolated a complete Xenopus borealis cardiac actin gene, which is normally expressed in the myotomes and heart of the embryo and tadpole. After injection into the zygote, this cloned gene becomes distributed throughout the embryo, but it is expressed almost wholly in the myotomes. The same wide distribution of injected DNA but spatially restricted pattern of expression is found with a fusion between the first two actin gene exons and the last exon of a mouse beta-globin gene. By contrast, a histone-globin fusion gene is expressed fairly uniformly in all regions. We discuss the special advantages of using Xenopus in studies of tissue-specific gene expression from injected, cloned genes in early development.  相似文献   

The tyrosinase family of genes in vertebrates consists of three related members encoding melanogenic enzymes, tyrosinase (Tyr), tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TRP-1, Tyrp1) and tyrosinase-related protein-2 (Dct, TRP-2, Tyrp2). These proteins catalyze melanin production in pigment cells and play important roles in determining vertebrate coloration. This is the first report examining melanogenic gene expression in pigment cells during embryonic development of amphibians. Xenopus provides a useful experimental system for analyzing molecular mechanisms of pigment cells. However, in this animal little information is available not only about the developmental expression but also about the isolation of pigmentation genes. In this study, we isolated homologues of Tyr, Tyrp1 and Dct in Xenopus laevis (XlTyr, XlTyrp1, and XlDct). We studied their expression during development using in situ hybridization and found that all of them are expressed in neural crest-derived melanophores, most of which migrate through the medial pathway, and in the developing diencephalon-derived retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Further, XlDct was expressed earlier than XlTyr and XlTyrp1, which suggests that XlDct is the most suitable marker gene for melanin-producing cells among them. XlDct expression was detected in migratory melanoblasts and in the unpigmented RPE. In addition, the expression of XlDct was detected in the pineal organ. The sum of these studies suggests that expression of the tyrosinase family of genes is conserved in pigment cells of amphibians and that using XlDct as a marker gene for pigment cells will allow further study of the developmental mechanisms of pigment cell differentiation using Xenopus.  相似文献   

The BarH1 and BarH2 homeobox genes are coexpressed in cells of the fly retina and in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The fly Bar genes are required for normal development of the eye and external sensory organs. In Xenopus we have identified two distinct vertebrate Bar-related homeobox genes, XBH1 and XBH2. XBH1 is highly related in sequence and expression pattern to a mammalian gene, MBH1, suggesting that they are orthologues. XBH2 has not previously been identified but is clearly related to the Drosophila Bar genes. During early Xenopus embryogenesis XBH1 and XBH2 are expressed in overlapping regions of the central nervous system. XBH1, but not XBH2, is expressed in the developing retina. By comparing the expression of XBH1 with that of hermes, a marker of differentiated retinal ganglion cells, we show that XBH1 is expressed in retinal ganglion cells during the differentiation process, but is down-regulated as cells become terminally differentiated. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 5 October 1999  相似文献   

Six genes are vertebrate homologues of the homeobox-containing gene sine oculis, which plays an essential role in controlling Drosophila compound eye development. Here we report the identification and expression patterns of all three subfamilies of Xenopus Six genes. Two Six2 subfamily genes (Six1, Six2) showed very similar expression patterns in cranial ganglia, otic placodes and the eyes. Non-neural expression of Six1 and Six2 was observed with mesodermal head mesenchyme, somites and their derivatives, the muscle anlagen of the embryonic trunk. In addition, Six2 expression was also found with mesenchyme associated with the developing stomach and pronephros. Expression of Six3 subfamily genes (Six3.1, Six3.2, Six6.1, and Six6.2) was restricted to the developing head, where expression was especially observed in derivatives of the forebrain (eyes, optic stalks, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland). Interestingly, expression of all Six3 subfamily members but Six6.2 was also found with the pineal gland primordium and the tegmentum. Expression of Six4 subfamily genes (Six4.1, Six4.2) was present in the developing visceral arches, placodal derivatives (otic vesicle, olfactory system), head mesenchyme and the eye. The observed dynamic expression patterns are largely conserved between lower and higher vertebrates and imply important roles of Six family genes not only in eye formation and myogenesis, but also in the development of the gut, the kidney and of placode-derived structures.  相似文献   

F Amaldi  P Pierandrei-Amaldi 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):93-105
The mRNAs coding for ribosomal proteins (rp-mRNA) are subjected to translational control during Xenopus oogenesis and embryogenesis, and also during nutritional changes in Xenopus cultured cells. This regulation, which appears to respond to the cellular need for new ribosomes, operates by changing the fraction of rp-mRNA engaged on polysomes, each translated rp-mRNA molecule always remaining fully loaded with ribosomes. All rp-mRNAs analyzed up to now show this translational behavior, and also share some structural features in their untranslated portions. In particular they all have rather short 5' untranslated regions, similar to each other, and always start at the very 5' end with a stretch of several pyrimidines. Fusion to a reporter-coding sequence of the 5' untranslated region of r-protein S19 has shown that this is involved in the translational regulation.  相似文献   

During vertebrate embryogenesis, secreted Wnt molecules regulate cell fates by signaling through the canonical pathway mediated by beta-catenin, and regulate planar cell polarity (PCP) and convergent extension movements through alternative pathways. The phosphoprotein Dishevelled (Dsh/Dvl) is a Wnt signal transducer thought to function in all Wnt signaling pathways. A recently identified member of the Formin family, Daam (Dishevelled--associated activator of morphogenesis), regulates the morphogenetic movements of vertebrate gastrulation in a Wnt-dependent manner through direct interactions with Dsh/Dvl and RhoA. We describe two mouse Daam cDNAs, mDaam1 and mDaam2, which encode proteins characterized by highly conserved formin homology domains and which are expressed in complementary patterns during mouse development. Cross-species comparisons indicate that the expression domains of Xenopus Daam1 (XDaam1) mirror mDaam1 expression. Our results demonstrate that Daams are expressed in tissues known to require Wnts and are consistent with Daams being effectors of Wnt signaling during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

A hamster vimentin cDNA probe has been used to isolate and characterize three Xenopus laevis intermediate filament genes, named XIF1, XIF3 and XIF6. Of these, XIF6 shows 89% homology at the amino acid level to a portion of porcine neurofilament-M. XIF6 is transcribed solely in nervous tissue of embryos, commencing at the late neural tube stage. Expression is totally dependent on an interaction between mesoderm and ectoderm during gastrulation and can be used as a marker of neural induction. XIF1 shows 94% homology and XIF3 83% homology to hamster vimentin at the amino acid level over a region of the protein. Although XIF1 and XIF3 show more homology to vimentin than to any other intermediate filament gene, they have distinct temporal and spatial patterns of expression. XIF1 expression most resembles that of vimentin in higher vertebrates, being expressed in embryonic myotome and nerve cord, whilst XIF3 is unusual in that its expression is restricted predominantly to the head in tailbud embryos.  相似文献   

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