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An iron-containing superoxide dismutase from Escherichia coli   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  

Escherichia coli B, grown under aerobic conditions, contains at least three distinct superoxide dismutases, which can be visualized on polyacrylamide gel electropherograms of crude soluble extracts of the sonically disrupted cells. Of these, the slowest migrating and the fastest migrating, respectively, have previously been isolated and characterized as manganese-containing and iron-containing enzymes. The enzyme form with medium electrophoretic mobility has now been purified to homogeneity. Its molecular weight is approximately 37,000 and it contains 0.8 atoms of iron/molecule and only negligible amounts of manganese. Like other iron-containing superoxide dismutases and unlike the corresponding manganienzymes, it is inactivated by EDTA plus H2O2. Its specific activity is comparable to that of the other superoxide dismutases of E. coli. Two types of subunits could be distinguished upon electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. One of these migrated identically with the subunit obtained from the manganisuperoxide dismutase, while the other similarly appeared identical with the subunit from the ferrisuperoxide dismutase. This newly isolated enzyme thus appears to be a hybrid of the other two forms. In support of this conclusion, we observed that ultrafiltration or storage of the new superoxide dismutase gave rise to the mangani- and ferrienzymes on disc gel electrophoresis or isoelectric focussing.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes were treated with the diazonium salt of oligodeoxythymidylic acid 5′-p-aminophenylphosphate, a reagent that does not penetrate the plasma membrane. Ghosts were isolated, and the oligomers, covalently linked at their 5′ ends to the outer surface of the membrane, were extended by treatment with terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in the presence of deoxythymidine triphosphate. The membranes were dissolved in sodium dodecyl sulfate, and complexes containing cell surface components were isolated by hybridization to polyriboadenylic acid-agarose. The cell surface components were regenerated by treatment with nuclease P1 in the presence of Triton X100. Sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gels of the regenerated material showed bands III, PAS-1, PAS-2, and PAS-3, i.e. the major proteins known to be accessible at the outer surface of the human erythrocyte. The method should be useful for the isolation of surface components in other cell types.  相似文献   

Catalase and superoxide dismutase in Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We assessed the roles of intrabacterial catalase and superoxide dismutase in the resistance of Escherichia coli to killing by neutrophils. E. coli in which the synthesis of superoxide dismutase and catalase were induced by paraquat 10-fold and 5-fold, respectively, did not resist killing by neutrophils. When bacteria were allowed to recover from the toxicity of paraquat for 1 h on ice and for 30 min at 37 degrees C, they still failed to resist killing by neutrophils. Induction of the synthesis of catalase 9-fold by growth in the presence of phenazine methosulfate did not render E. coli resistant to killing by either neutrophils or by H2O2 itself. The lack of protection by intrabacterial catalase from killing by neutrophils could not be attributed to an impermeable bacterial membrane; the evolution of O2 from H2O2 was no less rapid in suspensions of E. coli than in lysates. The failure of intrabacterial catalase or superoxide dismutase to protect bacteria from killing by neutrophils might indicate either that the flux of O-2 and H2O2 in the phagosome is too great for the intrabacterial enzymes to alter or that the site of injury is at the bacterial surface.  相似文献   

The synthesis of Mn- and FeSODs in response to temperature changes was examined in strains of Escherichia coli with different mutations in sod and htpR genes. Growth at or shift to elevated temperatures induced FeSOD but not MnSOD. The induction of FeSOD by heat was inhibited by chloramphenicol and was independent of the heat shock (htpR-controlled) regulon. FeSOD was more stable at 42 degrees C than was MnSOD.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli double mutant, sodAsodB, that is deficient in both bacterial superoxide dismutases (Mn superoxide dismutase and iron superoxide dismutase) is unable to grow on minimal medium in the presence of oxygen and exhibits increased sensitivity to paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. Expression of the evolutionarily unrelated eukaryotic CuZn superoxide dismutase in the sodAsodB E. coli mutant results in a wild-type phenotype with respect to aerobic growth on minimal medium and in resistance to paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. This supports the hypothesis that superoxide dismutation is the in vivo function of these proteins. Analysis of the growth of sodAsodB cells containing plasmids encoding partially active CuZn superoxide dismutases, produced by in vitro mutagenesis, shows a correlation between cell growth and enzyme activity. Thus, the sodAsodB strain provides a controlled selection for varying levels of superoxide dismutase activity.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases (EC in vascular plants representing different evolutionary levels were characterized using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The three forms of the enzyme were distinguished from each other based on the following criteria: a) the Cu-Zn enzyme is sensitive to cyanide wherease the Fe and Mn enzymes are not; and b) the Cu-Zn and Fe enzymes are inhibited by H2O2 whereas the Mn enzyme is H2O2-resistant. Of the 43 plant families investigated, the Fe-containing superoxide dismutase was found in three families: Gingkoaceae, Nymphaceae, and Cruciferae.  相似文献   

Various deoxyribonucleic acid repair-deficient strains of Escherichia coli K-12 were exposed to hydrogen peroxide under anaerobic conling of the strains was determined. The level of catalase, peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase in cell-free extracts of the strains as well as the capacity of intact cells to decompose hydrogen peroxide were assayed, recA strains were more rapidly killed than other strains with deoxyribonucleic acid repair deficiencies. There was no correlation between the killing rate of the strains and the capacity of intact cells to decompose hydrogen peroxide or the level of catalase and superoxide dismutase in cell-free extracts. The level of peroxidase in cell-free extract was too low to be determined.  相似文献   

The toxicity of H2O2 in Escherichia coli wild type and superoxide dismutase mutants was investigated under different experimental conditions. Cells were either grown aerobically, and then treated in M9 salts or K medium, or grown anoxically, and then treated in K medium. Results have demonstrated that the wild type and superoxide dismutase mutants display a markedly different sensitivity to both modes of lethality produced by H2O2 (i.e. mode one killing, which is produced by concentrations of H2O2 lower than 5 mM, and mode two killing which results from the insult generated by concentrations of H2O2 higher than 10 mM). Although the data obtained do not clarify the molecular basis of H2O2 toxicity and/or do not explain the specific function of superoxide ions in H2O2-induced bacterial inactivation, they certainly demonstrate that the latter species plays a key role in both modes of H2O2 lethality. A mechanism of H2O2 toxicity in E. coli is proposed, involving the action of a hypothetical enzyme which should work as an O2-• generating system. This enzyme should be active at low concentrations of H2O2 (<5 mM) and high concentrations of the oxidant (>5 mM) should inactivate the same enzyme. Superoxide ions would then be produced and result in mode one lethality. The resistance at intermediate H2O2 concentrations may be dependent on the inactivation of such enzyme with no superoxide ions being produced at levels of H2O2 in the range 5–10 mM. Mode two killing could be produced by the hydroxyl radical in concert with superoxide ions, chemically produced via the reaction of high concentrations of H2O2 (>10 mM) with hydroxyl radicals. The rate of hydroxyl radical production may be increased by the higher availability of Fe2+ since superoxide ions may also reduce trivalent iron to the divalent form.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) was isolated and purified from Anacystis nidulans to near electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 37,500, as determined by gel filtration and SDS-gel electrophoresis. The enzyme molecule consists of two subunits of identical molecular weight. Proton-induced X-ray elemental analysis (PIXE) showed that the SOD of A. nidulans is an iron-containing enzyme; the Fe:enzyme mol ratio was found to be 1. The EPR spectra indicated that the active center contains high-spin ferric ion. Based on quantitative EPR data, we conclude that eseentially all iron ions were detected in the EPR experiments and were present in the Fe3+ active center. Effective g'-values were calculated from computer-simulated spectra and analysis of the g'-value anisotropy of the +/-3/2 Kramers doublet made the calculation of crystal field parameters possible. The symmetry of the Fe3+ ion in the SOD molecule was found to be close to rhombic (E/D=0.240).  相似文献   

The iron-containing superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) of Ralstonia metallidurans CH34 was purified and characterised as a homodimer of 2 x 21500 Da containing one iron atom per monomer and exhibiting all the characteristics of the prokaryotic Fe-SODs except for a higher isoelectric point. The protein was 2-fold overexpressed in the presence of selenite, zinc or paraquat. R. metallidurans CH34 was suggested to contain a gene encoding for a manganese-containing SOD located in the inducible chromate resistance operon. Whatever the culture conditions used in this study, including the presence of chromate, only a Fe-SOD, genetically distinct from the putative Mn-SOD, was detected. This Fe-SOD seems to be the only active superoxide dismutase expressed in R. metallidurans CH34.  相似文献   

Chaperone GroEL was treated with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The conformational states of GroEL were monitored by protein intrinsic fluorescence, 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate fluorescence, and far-UV CD measurements. The results show that GroEL has unusual ability to resist oxidative stress. GroEL kept its quaternary structure and activity even when treated with 10 mM hydrogen peroxide. Two fragments were formed when GroEL was treated with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (more than 20 mM). It is suggested that GroEL, as a molecular chaperone, is related to oxidative process in vivo.  相似文献   

Although large amounts of wild-type human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) are easily expressed in Escherichia coli, the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated mutants have a strong propensity to aggregate into inclusion bodies. The alanine to valine mutation at the fourth codon (A4V) is responsible for a rapidly progressive disease course and is particularly prone to aggregation when expressed in E. coli. We found that A4V SOD remained soluble when expressed at 18 degrees C, but >95% A4V SOD aggregated in inclusion bodies when expressed at 23 degrees C or above. The SOD aggregates dissolved with 4 M urea, suggesting that intermolecular hydrophobic interactions were predominantly responsible for making SOD insoluble. Many of the urea-solubilized subunits were cross-linked via disulfide bridges. Fully active mutant SOD could be produced by dialyzing urea away in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol and subsequently adding copper plus zinc, providing a fast procedure for purifying hundreds of milligrams of protein. Extensive rinsing removed most contaminating E. coli proteins from A4V SOD inclusion bodies except for a 37 kDa protein identified as outer membrane protein F using MALDI ToF/ToF mass spectrometry. Our results indicate that metal-deficient ALS-mutant SOD folds into stable apo conformation able to rebind metals. At high protein concentrations, SOD forms aggregates through hydrophobic interactions between subunits that seem to act as a kinetic snare to entrap additional proteins.  相似文献   

Fe-containing superoxide dismutase's active site Fe is coordinated by a solvent molecule, whose protonation state is coupled to the Fe oxidation state. Thus, we have proposed that H-bonding between glutamine 69 and this solvent molecule can strongly influence the redox activity of the Fe in superoxide dismutase (SOD). We show here that mutation of this Gln to His subtly alters the active site structure but preserves 30% activity. In contrast, mutation to Glu otherwise preserves the active site structure but inactivates the enzyme. Thus, enzyme function correlates not with atom positions but with residue identity (chemistry), in this case. We observe strong destabilization of the Q69E-FeSOD oxidized state relative to the reduced state and intermediate destabilization of oxidized Q69H-FeSOD. Indeed, redox titrations indicate that mutation of Gln69 to His increases the reduction potential by 240 mV, whereas mutation to Glu appears to increase it by more than 660 mV. We find that this suffices to explain the mutants' loss of activity, although additional factors may also contribute. The strongly elevated reduction potential of Q69E-FeSOD may reflect reorganization of the active site H-bonding network, including possible reversal of the polarity of the key H-bond between residue 69 and coordinated solvent.  相似文献   

Methanobacterium bryantii contains a single electrophoretically discernible superoxide dismutase, which constitutes 0.4% of the extractable protein. This enzyme has been purified to electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal homogeneity. It appears to be a tetramer. The subunits were tenaciously, but noncovalently bonded and were of identical size. The molecular weight of the enzyme was found to be 91,000 ± 2000. The specific activity of this enzyme was identical to that previously noted for the corresponding enzyme from Escherichia coli. The enzyme contained 2.7 atoms of Fe, 1.7 atoms of Zn, and less than 0.2 atoms Mn per tetramer. Its amino acid composition placed this enzyme with the other Mn- and Fe-containing superoxide dismutases. The M. bryantii enzyme was also similar to previously described Fe-containing superoxide dismutases in its optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra and in its susceptibility to inactivation by H2O2. The M. bryantii enzyme was ininhibited by N3?, but was less sensitive towards this inhibitor than other iron-containing superoxide dismutases.  相似文献   

Superoxide radicals in high concentrations were generated from alkaline H2O2 without using catalysts or irradiation. The dependence of the intensity and parameters of the superoxide radical EPR spectrum on pH, temperature, viscosity and H2O2 concentration were studied. The observed changes are explained on the base of matrix effects. The addition of superoxide dismutase to alkaline H2O2 led initially to a drop in the EPR spectrum intensity, followed by an increase in the concentration of superoxide radicals.  相似文献   

The interaction between Cu(I) superoxide dismutase and hydrogen peroxide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The interaction between superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxide, under anaerobic conditions in the presence of an OH radical scavenger, formate, and an indicator, nitro blue tetrazolium, involves five reactions and an equilibrium: (table; see text) Reaction 3 occurs at a rate that is proportional to both peroxide and enzyme with no kinetic evidence for any intermediate peroxide-enzyme complex. Rate studies as a function of pH corroborate previously published work (Fuchs, H. J. R., and Borders, C. L., Jr. (1983) Biochem Biophys. Res. Commun. 116, 1107-1113; Blech, D. M., and Borders, C. L., Jr. (1983) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 224, 579-586) suggesting that HO2-, and not H2O2, is the active species in this system: k(HO2- + superoxide dismutase-Cu+) = 2.6 x 10(3) M-1 s-1. Evidence is presented which suggests that HO2-, like O2-, reacts at rates that are affected by the electrostatic forces of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Among manganese superoxide dismutases, residues His30 and Tyr174 are highly conserved, forming part of the substrate access funnel in the active site. These two residues are structurally linked by a strong hydrogen bond between His30 NE2 from one subunit and Tyr174 OH from the other subunit of the dimer, forming an important element that bridges the dimer interface. Mutation of either His30 or Tyr174 in Escherichia coli MnSOD reduces the superoxide dismutase activity to 30--40% of that of the wt enzyme, which is surprising, since Y174 is quite remote from the active site metal center. The 2.2 A resolution X-ray structure of H30A-MnSOD shows that removing the Tyr174-->His30 hydrogen bond from the acceptor side results in a significant displacement of the main-chain segment containing the Y174 residue, with local rearrangement of the protein. The 1.35 A resolution structure of Y174F-MnSOD shows that disruption of the same hydrogen bond from the donor side has much greater consequences, with reorientation of F174 having a domino effect on the neighboring residues, resulting in a major rearrangement of the dimer interface and flipping of the His30 ring. Spectroscopic studies on H30A, H30N, and Y174F mutants show that (like the previously characterized Y34F mutant of E. coli MnSOD) all lack the high pH transition of the wt enzyme. This observation supports assignment of the pH sensitivity of MnSOD to coordination of hydroxide ion at high pH rather than to ionization of the phenolic group of Y34. Thus, mutations near the active site, as in the Y34F mutant, as well as at remote positions, as in Y174F, similarly affect the metal reactivity and alter the effective pK(a) for hydroxide ion binding. These results imply that hydrogen bonding of the H30 imidazole N--H group plays a key role in substrate binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

The activity of erythrocyte cytosolic superoxide dismutase from rat, bovine, man and duck was considerably increased when measured after preparation or incubation in media pretreated with negative air ions (mostly superoxide) from electroeffluvial ion generator. 0.5–1.0 μM H2O2 was found in incubation medium after treatment with air ions. The stimulatory effect of air ions on superoxide dismutase activity was mimicked by addition of 0.5–6 μM H2O2. The primary physicochemical mechanism of beneficial biological action of negative air ions is suggested to be related to the stimulation of superoxide dismutase activity by micromolar concentrations of H2O2.  相似文献   

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