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The N-linked oligosaccharides found on the lysosomal enzymes from Dictyostelium discoideum are highly sulfated and contain methylphosphomannosyl residues (Gabel, C. A., Costello, C. E., Reinhold, V. N., Kurtz, L., and Kornfeld, S. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 13762-13769). Here we report studies done on the structure of N-linked oligosaccharides found on proteins secreted during growth, a major portion of which are lysosomal enzymes. Cells were metabolically labeled with [2-3H]Man and 35SO4 and a portion of the oligosaccharides were released by a sequential digestion with endoglycosidase H followed by endoglycosidase/peptide N-glycosidase F preparations. The oligosaccharides were separated by anion exchange high performance liquid chromatography into fractions containing from one up to six negative charges. Some of the oligosaccharides contained only sulfate esters or phosphodiesters, but most contained both. Less than 2% of the oligosaccharides contained a phosphomonoester or an acid-sensitive phosphodiester typical of the mammalian lysosomal enzymes. A combination of acid and base hydrolysis suggested that most of the sulfate esters were linked to primary hydroxyl groups. The presence of Man-6-SO4 was demonstrated by the appearance of 3,6-anhydromannose in acid hydrolysates of base-treated, reduced oligosaccharides. These residues were not detected in acid hydrolysates without prior base treatment or in oligosaccharides first treated by solvolysis to remove sulfate esters. Based on high performance liquid chromatography quantitation of percentage of 3H label found in 3,6-anhydromannose, it is likely that Man-6-SO4 accounts for the majority of the sulfated sugars in the oligosaccharides released from the secreted glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Lysosomal enzymes from Dictyostelium discoideum contain unusual sulfated N-linked oligosaccharides, whose synthesis has been well studied in vivo. However, little is known about the properties of the pertinent sulfotransferases. To study these transferases, we have prepared a cell-free system which transfers 35SO4 from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate to either endogenous or exogenous acceptors. We found that the 35SO4 was released from macromolecules by protein N-glycanase F to yield a mixture of anionic oligosaccharides with 1-6 negative charges. Some of the labeled molecules contained acid-stable methyl phosphodiesters but none contained phosphomoesters or acid-labile diesters. The sulfate was found in molecules with the acid stability characteristic of esters of primary alcohols. In all these ways, the products resembled those generated in vivo. We also demonstrated that a membrane-associated form of beta-hexosaminidase and the precursor of alpha-mannosidase were among the products. In addition, glycoproteins prepared from a sulfation-deficient mutant strain could act as exogenous acceptors in permeabilized vesicles.  相似文献   

Antigen processing and presentation and cytotoxic targeting depend on the activities of several lysosomal enzymes that require mannose 6-phosphate (M6P) sorting signals for efficient intracellular transport and localization. In this paper, we show that mice deficient in the formation of M6P residues exhibit significant loss of cathepsin proteases in B cells, leading to lysosomal dysfunction with accumulation of storage material, impaired antigen processing and presentation, and subsequent defects in B cell maturation and antibody production. The targeting of lysosomal and granular enzymes lacking M6P residues is less affected in dendritic cells and T cells and sufficient for maintenance of degradative and lytic functions. M6P deficiency also impairs serum immunoglobulin levels and antibody responses to vaccination in patients. Our data demonstrate the critical role of M6P-dependent transport routes for B cell functions in vivo and humoral immunity in mice and human.  相似文献   

Mannose 6-phosphate receptor dependent secretion of lysosomal enzymes.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
BHK and mouse L cells transfected with the cDNA for the human 46 kd mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR 46) secrete excessive amounts of newly synthesized mannose 6-phosphate containing polypeptides. The secretion is dependent on the amount, the recycling and the affinity for ligands of MPR 46. Incubation of transfected cells with antibodies blocking the binding site of MPR 46 reduces the secretion, and cotransfection with the cDNA for the human 300 kd mannose 6-phosphate (MPR 300) restores it to normal values. These results indicate that the two mannose 6-phosphate receptors compete for binding of newly synthesized ligands. In contrast to ligands bound to MPR 300, those bound to the MPR 46 are transported to and released at a site, e.g. early endosomes or plasma membrane, from where they can exit into the medium. Since antibodies blocking the binding site of MPR 46 reduce secretion also in non-transfected BHK and mouse L cells, at least part of the basal secretion of M6P-containing polypeptides is mediated by the endogenous MPR 46.  相似文献   

Although previous studies have indicated that N-linked oligosaccharides on lysosomal enzymes in Dictyostelium discoideum are extensively phosphorylated and sulfated, the role of these modifications in the sorting and function of these enzymes remains to be determined. We have used radiolabel pulse-chase, subcellular fractionation, and immunofluorescence microscopy to analyze the transport, processing, secretion, and sorting of two lysosomal enzymes in a mutant, HL244, which is almost completely defective in sulfation. [3H]Mannose-labeled N-linked oligosaccharides were released from immunoprecipitated alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase of HL244 by digestion with peptide: N-glycosidase. The size, Man9-10GlcNAc2, and processing of the neutral species were similar to that found in the wild type, but the anionic oligosaccharides were less charged than those from the wild-type enzymes. All of the negative charges on the oligosaccharides for HL244 were due to the presence of 1, 2, or 3 phosphodiesters and not to sulfate esters. The rate of proteolytic processing of precursor forms of alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase to mature forms in HL244 was identical to wild type. The precursor polypeptides in the mutant and the wild type were membrane associated until being processed to mature forms; therefore, sulfated sugars are not essential for this association. Furthermore, the rate of transport of alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi complex was normal in the mutant as determined by the rate at which the newly synthesized proteins became resistant to the enzyme, endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. There was no increase in the percentage of newly synthesized mutant precursors which escaped sorting and were secreted, and the intracellularly retained lysosomal enzymes were properly localized to lysosomes as determined by fractionation of cell organelles on Percoll gradients and immunofluorescence microscopy. However, the mutant secreted lysosomally localized mature forms of the enzymes at 2-fold lower rates than wild-type cells during both growth and during starvation conditions that stimulate secretion. Furthermore, the mutant was more resistant to the effects of chloroquine treatment which results in the missorting and oversecretion of lysosomal enzymes. Together, these results suggest that sulfation of N-linked oligosaccharides is not essential for the transport, processing, or sorting of lysosomal enzymes in D. discoideum, but these modified oligosaccharides may function in the secretion of mature forms of the enzymes from lysosomes.  相似文献   

Sulfated oligosaccharides in human lysosomal enzymes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cathepsin D, arylsulfatase A and the alpha-chain of beta-hexosaminidase are synthesized in human fibroblasts as sulfated polypeptides. The sulfate is added posttranslationally. Its half-life is less than one-tenth of that of the respective polypeptide chains. The sulfate residues were found on asparagine-linked oligosaccharides sensitive to endoglycosidase F and peptide: N-glycosidase F and resistant to endoglycosidase H. Inhibition of formation of complex type oligosaccharides by 1-deoxy-manno-nojirimycin prevented sulfation, indicating that the sulfate residues were added to complex type oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

B lymphocytes from patients with I-cell disease (ICD) maintain normal cellular levels of lysosomal enzymes despite a deficiency of the enzyme UDP-N-acetylglucosamine: lysosomal enzyme N-acetylglucosamine-1- phosphotransferase. We find that an ICD B lymphoblastoid cell line targets about 45% of the lysosomal protease cathepsin D to dense lysosomes. This targeting occurs in the absence of detectable mannose 6- phosphate residues on the cathepsin D and is not observed in ICD fibroblasts. The secretory protein pepsinogen, which is closely related to cathepsin D in both amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure, is mostly excluded from dense lysosomes, indicating that the lymphoblast targeting pathway is specific. Carbohydrate residues are not required for lysosomal targeting, since a non-glycosylated mutant cathepsin D is sorted with comparable efficiency to the wild type protein. Analysis of a number of cathepsin D/pepsinogen chimeric proteins indicates that an extensive polypeptide determinant in the cathepsin D carboxyl lobe can confer efficient lysosomal sorting when introduced into the pepsinogen sequence. This determinant overlaps but is not identical to the recognition marker for phosphotransferase. These results indicate that a specific protein recognition event underlies Man-6-P-independent lysosomal sorting in ICD lymphoblasts.  相似文献   

We have examined the relationship of N-linked oligosaccharide structures to the proper targeting and proteolytic processing of two lysosomal enzymes, alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase, in the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Two different mutant strains, HL241 and HL243, each synthesize the same nonglucosylated, truncated, lipid-linked oligosaccharide precursor, Man6GlcNAc2. [3H]Mannose-labeled N-linked oligosaccharides were studied following their release from immunoprecipitated alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase by digestion with peptide:N-glycosidase F. The oligosaccharides from both mutants resembled each other, but they were smaller and contained fewer anionic groups than those from the wild-type. The oligosaccharides from the mutants strains were reduced in sulfate and Man-6-P content, and all Man-6-P was in the form of acid-stable phosphodiesters. Pulse-chase radiolabeling experiments using [35S] methionine indicated that the precursor forms of both enzymes were smaller than wild-type, and that this difference was due solely to differences in N-linked oligosaccharides. The precursor forms of the enzymes were not over-secreted, but appeared to be proteolytically processed into mature forms at approximately 50% the rate of wild-type. This is mainly due to their prolonged retention in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, but, ultimately, both enzymes were properly targeted to lysosomes. These studies indicate that a reduction in the amount of sulfation, phosphorylation or size of the N-linked oligosaccharides in these mutants is not critical for the proteolytic processing and targeting of the lysosomal enzymes, but that these changes may influence their rate of exit from the rough endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

This paper has two purposes. The first is to review the past studies on the structure, biosynthesis, and immunological properties of a class of glycoproteins, the lysosomal enzymes, in Dictyostelium discoideum. The second purpose is to present new data on the analysis of mutant strains altered in the biosynthesis of the lipid-linked precursor of N-linked oligosaccharides, and on the characterization of new carbohydrate antigenic determinants found on multiple proteins in Dictyostelium. We will also show how a combination of genetic, biochemical and immunochemical approaches have been used to unravel a portion of the glycosylation pathway in Dictyostelium.The long-term goal of these studies is to use Dictyostelium discoideum as a model system to understand the functions of a variety of glycoconjugates in a multicellular organism. The existence of a large number of mutant strains which are altered in a variety of cellular functions, development and the posttranslational modification of multiple proteins, offers a great opportunity to explore this area.  相似文献   

Mammalian cell lysosomal enzymes or phosphorylated oligosaccharides derived from them are endocytosed by a phosphomannosyl receptor (PMR) found on the surface of fibroblasts. Various studies suggest that 2 residues of Man-6-P in phosphomonoester linkage but not diester linkage (PDE) are essential for a high rate of uptake. The lysosomal enzymes of the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum are also recognized by the PMR on these cells; however, none of the oligosaccharides from these enzymes contain 2 phosphomonoesters. Instead, most contain multiple sulfate esters and 2 residues of Man-6-P in an unusual PDE linkage. In this study I have tried to account for the unexpected highly efficient uptake of the slime mold enzymes. The results show that nearly all of the alpha-mannosidase molecules contain the oligosaccharides required for uptake, and that each tetrameric, holoenzyme molecule has sufficient carbohydrate for an average of 10 Man8GlcNAc2 oligosaccharides. None of the oligosaccharides or glycopeptides from the lysosomal enzymes bind to an immobilized PMR, but those with 2 PDE show slight interaction. Competition of 125I-beta-glucosidase uptake by various carbohydrate-containing fractions indicates that the best inhibitors are those with 2 PDE, either with or without sulfate esters. Furthermore, the uptake of a lysosomal enzyme isolated from a mutant strain (modA), which produces oligosaccharides with only 1 but not 2 PDE, is about 10-fold less than the uptake of wild-type enzyme which has predominantly 2 PDE. Complete denaturation of 125I-labeled wild-type beta-glucosidase in sodium dodecyl sulfate/dithiothreitol also reduces its uptake by about 10-fold. Taken together, these results suggest that the interactions of multiple, weakly binding oligosaccharides, especially those with 2 PDE, are important for the high rate of uptake of the slime mold enzymes. The conformation of the protein may be important in orienting the oligosaccharides in a favorable position for binding to the PMR.  相似文献   

Evidence has been found for a generalized change in the post-translational modification of lysosomal enzymes during development of Dictyostelium discoideum. The physical and antigenic properties of four developmentally regulated lysosomal enzymes, N-acetylglucosaminidase, beta-glucosidase, alpha-mannosidase, and acid phosphatase, have been examined throughout the life cycle. In vegetative cells, a single major isoelectric species is detected for each enzymatic activity on native nonequilibrium isoelectric focusing gels. Between 6 and 10 hr of development, all activities, including the preformed enzyme, become less negatively charged, resulting in a modest but reproducible shift in the isoelectric focusing pattern. This alteration is not detected by native gel electrophoresis at constant pH. As development continues, the specific activity of beta-glucosidase, alpha-mannosidase, and acid phosphatase continues to increase and coincidentally, new, less acidic isozymic bands of activity can be observed on both gel systems. Some of these new isozymes accumulate preferentially in anterior cells, while others accumulate preferentially in posterior cells of migrating slugs. N-Acetylglucosaminidase does not increase in specific activity late in development and no new isozymic species appear. Using a monoclonal antibody that reacts with sulfated N-linked oligosaccharides shared by vegetative lysosomal enzymes in D. discoideum, the antigenicity of the developmental isozymes has been characterized. All of the enzymatic activity present during vegetative growth and early development is immunoprecipitable. However, the less negatively charged isozymes that accumulate after aggregation are not recognized by the antibody. Nonantigenic acid phosphatase and alpha-mannosidase are found in both anterior and posterior cells from migrating pseudoplasmodia. Since each enzyme is coded by a single structural gene, these results suggest that the isozymes present late in development arise from the synthesis of the same polypeptides with altered post-translational modifications. The appearance of anterior and posterior specific isozymes is likely to be the result of cell type specific changes in the glycoprotein modification pathway for newly synthesized proteins.  相似文献   

Mannose 6-phosphate receptors and lysosomal enzyme targeting   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a mixture of purified lysosomal enzymes from Dictyostelium discoideum. Three classes of antibodies were found which recognized distinct antigenic determinants on N-linked oligosaccharides of multiple proteins. The structure of the determinants was studied by competition assays using monosaccharides and oligosaccharide/glycopeptide fractions prepared from one Dictyostelium lysosomal enzyme or other sources. The results of these studies suggest that one class of antibody recognizes an epitope containing residues of Man-6-SO4, another recognizes a domain containing a modified GlcNAc, and the third class recognizes an undefined determinant that involves the oligosaccharide. The three determinants are found on multiple overlapping, but nonidentical sets of glycoproteins. The ability to produce monoclonal antibodies against unusual N-linked oligosaccharides offers a powerful tool which can be used to investigate the occurrence, structure, biosynthesis, and the biological roles of these highly immunogenic saccharides.  相似文献   

The form of post-translational modification present on two lysosomal enzymes--acid phosphatase and alpha-mannosidase--changes as part of the developmental program of Dictyostelium discoideum. Prior to 8 h of development, all enzyme molecules are of a single modification type (early form enzyme). Starting at 8 h of development, enzyme molecules with a second type of modification (late-form enzymes) begin to appear in the cell. We separated the early and late forms of these enzymes from each other by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. We found that the change in protein modification affects the enzymes' in vitro properties. The early and late forms of both of these enzymes differ in thermostability and susceptibility to proteolytic inactivation. We also found that the late form of alpha-mannosidase is preferentially secreted. We suggest that by synthesizing molecules with a second form of modification, the cell confers new characteristics to its lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to hyaluronidase-treated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) were used to study the immunological determinants of chick cartilage proteoglycan. The determinants recognized by the antibodies were studied by a radioimmune inhibition assay utilizing hyaluronidase-treated [35S]CSPG. Hyaluronidase-treated CSPG inhibits the reaction of four clonal antibodies, S54C, S103L, S11D, and P100D, with [35S]CSPG, but to varying degrees. Only the reaction of S103L is inhibited to a considerable extent by undigested CSPG, indicating that hyaluronidase treatment exposes determinants specific for the other three antibodies. These findings are consistent with the earlier conclusion that S103L is specific for a protein determinant (Dorfman et al., 1980). Only the reaction of S54C is not significantly inhibited by chondroitinase ABC-digested CSPG. This result indicates that chondroitinase ABC digestion can also expose determinants recognized by S11D and P100D but that such digestion removes the determinant recognized by S54C. Of the four antibodies tested, only the reaction of S54C with hyaluronidase-treated [35S]CSPG is significantly inhibited by chondroitin-6-SO4 tetra- and hexasaccharide (59 and 43% inhibition, respectively, at a concentration of 1333 microM). The reaction of S54C is inhibited to a lesser extent by chondroitin tetra- and hexasaccharide (28 and 26% inhibition, respectively, at a concentration of 1333 microM). In contrast, chondroitin-4-SO4 oligosaccharides do not inhibit the reactions of any of the clonal antibodies. These result suggest that S54C recognizes a determinant that contains chondroitin-6-SO4 oligosaccharide, attached via the linkage oligosaccharide to core protein.  相似文献   

We have investigated the basis for the specific recognition of lysosomal enzymes by UDP-GlcNAc:lysosomal enzyme N-acetylglucosaminylphosphotransferase. This enzyme is responsible for the selective phosphorylation of mannose residues on lysosomal enzymes. Two mammalian lysosomal enzymes, cathepsin D and uteroferrin, and two nonlysosomal glycoproteins were treated with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H to remove those high mannose oligosaccharide units which are accessible on the native protein. These proteins were then tested as inhibitors of three different glycosyltransferases. The endo H-treated lysosomal enzymes were shown to be specific inhibitors of the phosphorylation of intact lysosomal enzymes. Proteolytic fragments of cathepsin D, including the entire light chain and heavy chain, did not retain the ability to be recognized by the N-acetylglucosaminylphosphotransferase. These findings indicate that the intact protein portion of lysosomal enzymes contains a specific recognition determinant which leads to high-affinity binding to the N-acetylglucosaminylphosphotransferase. The expression of this determinant appears to be dependent on the conformation of the protein.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum synthesizes many highly immunogenic carbohydrates of unknown structure and function. We have used monoclonal antibodies prepared against one of these called CA1 to investigate its structure and the consequences of its loss. CA1 is preferentially expressed on lysosomal enzymes as a specific arrangement of mannose-6-SO4 residues on N-linked oligosaccharides. Mutant strains HL241 and HL243 do not express CA1, and synthesize a truncated lipid-linked oligosaccharide (LLO) precursor that lacks the critical mannose residues needed for expression. The lesion appears to result from the loss of mannosyl transferase activity involved in LLO biosynthesis. The truncated LLO is poorly transferred to an artificial peptide acceptor in a cell-free N-glycosylation assay, and this appears to result from improper topological localization of the LLO or to a lower affinity of the LLO for the oligosaccharyl transferase. Although both mutants share these lesions, they are biochemically and genetically distinct. Only HL243 is lower in N-glycosylation in intact cells, and this is not a result of an altered structure of the LLO. There are other differences between the strains. HL241 can form fruiting bodies at a slower rate than normal while HL243 cannot aggregate. Genetic analysis of defects shows that the CA1 lesion in HL241 is recessive, while the lesion in both CA1 and in development are dominant and co-segregate in HL243 and are, therefore, likely to be in the same gene. Lysosomal enzyme targeting is normal but enzyme processing proceeds at a 2-3 fold slower rate in HL241 and HL243 compared to wild-type. Strain HL244 does not express CA1 since it completely lacks protein sulfation, but lysosomal enzyme targeting and processing proceeds at a normal rate, showing that sulfate is not essential for these processes. Alterations in oligosaccharide structure can have individualized effects on the biosynthesis of lysosomal enzymes. The results presented here illustrate how this approach can be used to study both the structure and function of carbohydrate epitopes.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum-localized enzyme alpha-glucosidase II is responsible for removing the two alpha-1,3-linked glucose residues from N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. This activity is missing in the modA mutant strain, M31, of Dictyostelium discoideum. Results from both radiolabeled pulse-chase and subcellular fractionation experiments indicate that this deficiency did not prevent intracellular transport and proteolytic processing of the lysosomal enzymes, alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase. However, the rate at which the glucosylated precursors left the rough endoplasmic reticulum was several-fold slower than the rate at which the wild-type precursors left this compartment. Retention of glucose residues did not disrupt the binding of the precursor forms of the enzymes with intracellular membranes, indicating that the delay in movement of proteins from the ER did not result from lack of association with membranes. However, the mutant alpha-mannosidase precursor contained more trypsin-sensitive sites than did the wild-type precursor, suggesting that improper folding of precursor molecules might account for the slow rate of transport to the Golgi complex. Percoll density gradient fractionation of extracts prepared from M31 cells indicated that the proteolytically processed mature forms of alpha-mannosidase and beta-glucosidase were localized to lysosomes. Finally, the mutation in M31 may have other, more dramatic, effects on the lysosomal system since two enzymes, N-acetylglucosaminidase and acid phosphatase, were secreted much less efficiently from lysosomal compartments by the mutant strain.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the interaction of phosphorylated oligosaccharides and lysosomal enzymes with immobilized bovine liver cation-dependent mannose-6-P receptor. Oligosaccharides with phosphomonoesters were the only species that interacted with the receptor, and molecules with two phosphomonoesters showed the best binding. Lysosomal enzymes with several oligosaccharides containing only one phosphomonoester had a higher affinity for the receptor than did the isolated oligosaccharides, indicating the possible importance of multivalent interactions between weakly binding ligands and the receptor. The binding of a mixture of phosphorylated lysosomal enzymes to the cation-dependent Man-6-P receptor was markedly influenced by pH. At pH 6.3, almost all of the lysosomal enzymes bound to the receptor; whereas at pH 7.0-7.5, approximately one-third of the material passed through the column, one-third interacted weakly, and one-third bound tightly. The distribution of individual lysosomal enzyme activities was similar to that of the total material. The species of phosphorylated oligosaccharides present on the lysosomal enzymes which interacted poorly with the receptor were similar to those found on the tightly bound material and included species of oligosaccharides with two phosphomonoester groups. Isolated oligosaccharides of this type bound to the receptor over the entire pH range tested. These findings indicate that at neutral pH the phosphorylated oligosaccharides on some lysosomal enzyme molecules are oriented in a manner which makes them inaccessible to the binding site of the cation-dependent Man-6-P receptor. Since the same enzymes bind to the cation-independent Man-6-P receptor at neutral pH, at least a portion of the phosphomannosyl residues must be exposed. We conclude that small variations in the pH of the Golgi compartment where lysosomal enzymes bind to the receptors could potentially modulate the extent of binding to the two receptors.  相似文献   

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