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A canine integrated linkage-radiation map has been recently constructed by using microsatellite markers. This map, with a good coverage of the canine genome, allows for a genome-wide search for the extent and distribution of linkage disequilibrium derived from linkage and evolutionary forces. In this study, we genotyped an outbred pedigree between Labrador retriever and Greyhound breeds with a set of microsatellite markers (240) from the canine linkage map. Linkage disequilibrium was measured between all syntenic and nonsyntenic marker pairs. Analysis of syntenic pairs revealed a significant correlation (–0.229, P < 0.001) between linkage disequilibrium and genetic distance (log transformed). Significant linkage disequilibria were observed more frequently between syntenic pairs spaced <40 cM than those paced >40 cM. There is a clear trend for linkage disequilibrium to decline with marker distance. From our results, a genome-wide screen with markers at low to moderate density (1–2 per 10 cM) should take full advantage of linkage disequilibrium for quantitative trait locus mapping in dogs. This study supports the appropriateness of linkage disequilibrium analysis to detect and map quantitative trait loci underlying complex traits in dogs.  相似文献   

Family-based tests of linkage disequilibrium typically are based on nuclear-family data including affected individuals and their parents or their unaffected siblings. A limitation of such tests is that they generally are not valid tests of association when data from related nuclear families from larger pedigrees are used. Standard methods require selection of a single nuclear family from any extended pedigrees when testing for linkage disequilibrium. Often data are available for larger pedigrees, and it would be desirable to have a valid test of linkage disequilibrium that can use all potentially informative data. In this study, we present the pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT) for analysis of linkage disequilibrium in general pedigrees. The PDT can use data from related nuclear families from extended pedigrees and is valid even when there is population substructure. Using computer simulations, we demonstrated validity of the test when the asymptotic distribution is used to assess the significance, and examined statistical power. Power simulations demonstrate that, when extended pedigree data are available, substantial gains in power can be attained by use of the PDT rather than existing methods that use only a subset of the data. Furthermore, the PDT remains more powerful even when there is misclassification of unaffected individuals. Our simulations suggest that there may be advantages to using the PDT even if the data consist of independent families without extended family information. Thus, the PDT provides a general test of linkage disequilibrium that can be widely applied to different data structures.  相似文献   

Canine hip dysplasia is a common developmental inherited trait characterized by hip laxity, subluxation or incongruity of the femoral head and acetabulum in affected hips. The inheritance pattern is complex and the mutations contributing to trait expression are unknown. In the study reported here, 240 microsatellite markers distributed in 38 autosomes and the X chromosome were genotyped on 152 dogs from three generations of a crossbred pedigree based on trait-free Greyhound and dysplastic Labrador Retriever founders. Interval mapping was undertaken to map the QTL underlying the quantitative dysplastic traits of maximum passive hip laxity (the distraction index), the dorsolateral subluxation score, and the Norberg angle. Permutation testing was used to derive the chromosome-wide level of significance at p < 0.05 for each QTL. Chromosomes 4, 9, 10, 11 (p < 0.01), 16, 20, 22, 25, 29 (p < 0.01), 30, 35, and 37 harbor putative QTL for one or more traits. Successful detection of QTL was due to the crossbreed pedigree, multiple-trait measurements, control of environmental background, and marked advancement in canine mapping tools.  相似文献   

Innan H  Nordborg M 《Genetics》2003,165(1):437-444
Various expressions related to the length of a conserved haplotype around a polymorphism of known frequency are derived. We obtain exact expressions for the probability that no recombination has occurred in a sample or subsample. We obtain an approximation for the probability that no recombination that could give rise to a detectable recombination event (through the four-gamete test) has occurred. The probabilities can be used to obtain approximate distributions for the length of variously defined haplotypes around a polymorphic site. The implications of our results for data analysis, and in particular for detecting selection, are discussed.  相似文献   

Pérez-Enciso M 《Genetics》2003,163(4):1497-1510
We present a Bayesian method that combines linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LDL) information for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. This method uses jointly all marker information (haplotypes) and all available pedigree information; i.e., it is not restricted to any specific experimental design and it is not required that phases are known. Infinitesimal genetic effects or environmental noise ("fixed") effects can equally be fitted. A diallelic QTL is assumed and both additive and dominant effects can be estimated. We have implemented a combined Gibbs/Metropolis-Hastings sampling to obtain the marginal posterior distributions of the parameters of interest. We have also implemented a Bayesian variant of usual disequilibrium measures like D' and r(2) between QTL and markers. We illustrate the method with simulated data in "simple" (two-generation full-sib families) and "complex" (four-generation) pedigrees. We compared the estimates with and without using linkage disequilibrium information. In general, using LDL resulted in estimates of QTL position that were much better than linkage-only estimates when there was complete disequilibrium between the mutant QTL allele and the marker. This advantage, however, decreased when the association was only partial. In all cases, additive and dominant effects were estimated accurately either with or without disequilibrium information.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Van der Werf JH 《Genetics》2005,169(1):455-466
Combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage (LDL) mapping can exploit historical as well as recent and observed recombinations in a recorded pedigree. We investigated the role of pedigree information in LDL mapping and the performance of LDL mapping in general complex pedigrees. We compared using complete and incomplete genotypic data, spanning 5 or 10 generations of known pedigree, and we used bi- or multiallelic markers that were positioned at 1- or 5-cM intervals. Analyses carried out with or without pedigree information were compared. Results were compared with linkage mapping in some of the data sets. Linkage mapping or LDL mapping with sparse marker spacing ( approximately 5 cM) gave a poorer mapping resolution without considering pedigree information compared to that with considering pedigree information. The difference was bigger in a pedigree of more generations. However, LDL mapping with closely linked markers ( approximately 1 cM) gave a much higher mapping resolution regardless of using pedigree information. This study shows that when marker spacing is dense and there is considerable linkage disequilibrium generated from historical recombinations between flanking markers and QTL, the loss of power due to ignoring pedigree information is negligible and mapping resolution is very high.  相似文献   

A Braun  K Auerswald  J Geist 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e42046
The hyporheic zone in stream ecosystems is a heterogeneous key habitat for species across many taxa. Consequently, it attracts high attention among freshwater scientists, but generally applicable guidelines on sampling strategies are lacking. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop and validate such sampling guidelines. Applying geostatistical analysis, we quantified the spatio-temporal variability of parameters, which characterize the physico-chemical substratum conditions in the hyporheic zone. We investigated eight stream reaches in six small streams that are typical for the majority of temperate areas. Data was collected on two occasions in six stream reaches (development data), and once in two additional reaches, after one year (validation data). In this study, the term spatial variability refers to patch contrast (patch to patch variance) and patch size (spatial extent of a patch). Patch contrast of hyporheic parameters (specific conductance, pH and dissolved oxygen) increased with macrophyte cover (r2 = 0.95, p<0.001), while patch size of hyporheic parameters decreased from 6 to 2 m with increasing sinuosity of the stream course (r2 = 0.91, p<0.001), irrespective of the time of year. Since the spatial variability of hyporheic parameters varied between stream reaches, our results suggest that sampling design should be adapted to suit specific stream reaches. The distance between sampling sites should be inversely related to the sinuosity, while the number of samples should be related to macrophyte cover.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) between alleles on the same human chromosome results from various evolutionary processes and is thus telling about the history of populations. Recently, LD has garnered substantial interest for its value to map and fine-map disease genes. We examine the distribution of LD between short tandem repeat alleles on autosomes and sex chromosomes in the Remote Oceanic population of Palau to evaluate whether the data are consistent with a recent hypothesis about the origins of genetic variation in Palau, specifically that the population experienced extensive male-biased gene flow following initial settlement. Consistent with evolutionary theory based on effective population size, LD between X-linked alleles is stochastically greater than LD between autosomal alleles, however, small but detectable LD occurs for autosomal markers separated by substantial distances. By contrast, while Y-linked alleles experience only one-third the effective population size of X-linked alleles, their mean value for pairwise LD is only slightly larger than X-linked alleles. For a small population known to experience at least two extreme bottlenecks, 56 six-locus Y haplotypes exhibit remarkable diversity (0.96), comparable to Y diversity of Europeans, however, autosomal and X-linked markers display significantly less diversity, as measured by heterozygosity (4.1% less). Palauan Y haplotypes also fall into distinct clusters, again unlike that of Europe. We argue these data are consistent with waves of male-biased gene flow.  相似文献   

Several previous studies concluded that linkage disequilibrium (LD) in livestock populations from developed countries originated from the impact of strong selection. Here, we assessed the extent of LD in a cattle population from western Africa that was bred in an extensive farming system. The analyses were performed on 363 individuals in a Bos indicus x Bos taurus population using 42 microsatellite markers on BTA04, BTA07 and BTA13. A high level of expected heterozygosity (0.71), a high mean number of alleles per locus (9.7) and a mild shift in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found. Linkage disequilibrium extended over shorter distances than what has been observed in cattle from developed countries. Effective population size was assessed using two methods; both methods produced large values: 1388 when considering heterozygosity (assuming a mutation rate of 10(-3)) and 2344 when considering LD on whole linkage groups (assuming a constant population size over generations). However, analysing the decay of LD as a function of marker spacing indicated a decreasing trend in effective population size over generations. This decrease could be explained by increasing selective pressure and/or by an admixture process. Finally, LD extended over small distances, which suggested that whole-genome scans will require a large number of markers. However, association studies using such populations will be effective.  相似文献   

Silver-stained random amplified polymorphic DNA (ssRAPD) markers have been identified that are always jointly present or absent in the ssRAPD profiles of cranberry varieties. On the basis of segregation data and the ability to re-create these associated ssRAPDs through the intermixing of amplified DNA from individuals lacking them, five of the six pairs of associated ssRAPDs analyzed were shown to be consistent with heteroduplex molecules. Heteroduplexes are hybrid double-stranded DNAs that are formed following the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of two DNA segments that have a high degree of homology to one another, yet differ in their nucleotide sequences as a result of base pair deletions, additions, or substitutions. Three of the five putative heteroduplex systems identified are consistent with a one locus, two-allele heteroduplex model. The remaining two systems appeared to be multi-allelic, involving interactions among three and four alleles, respectively. RAPD heteroduplex formation has the potential to confound genetic relatedness and pedigree studies. Heterozygous individuals exhibit heteroduplex RAPDs not seen in either of the two homozygote classes. Genetic estimates under such a circumstance would inflate the differences between the heterozygote and the homozygote classes. Heteroduplex formation is also a mechanism for the presence of non-parental RAPDs in progeny of parents homozygous for alternate alleles. While this class of molecular markers can confound RAPD analyses, they also offer a source of co-dominant RAPD markers, which are of value in genetic relatedness estimates and as markers for studying breeding behavior.Supported by State and U.S. Federal funds, CSRS grant 93-34155-8382, and Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.  相似文献   

Bilateral symmetry is a fundamental property of the vertebrate central nervous system. Local deviations from symmetry provide various types of information about the development, evolution, and function of elements within the CNS, especially the cerebral hemispheres. Here, we quantify the pattern and extent of asymmetry in cortical folding within the cerebrum of Papio baboons and assess the evolutionary and developmental implications of the findings. Analyses of directional asymmetry show a population‐level trend in length measurements indicating that baboons are genetically predisposed to be asymmetrical, with the right side longer than the left in the anterior cerebrum while the left side is longer than the right posteriorly. We also find a corresponding bias to display a right frontal petalia (overgrowth of the anterior pole of the cerebral cortex on the right side). By quantifying fluctuating asymmetry, we assess canalization of brain features and the susceptibility of the baboon brain to developmental perturbations. We find that features are differentially canalized depending on their ontogenetic timing. We further deduce that development of the two hemispheres is to some degree independent. This independence has important implications for the evolution of cerebral hemispheres and their separate specialization. Asymmetry is a major feature of primate brains and is characteristic of both brain structure and function.  相似文献   

Genetic imprinting may have played a more notable role in shaping embryonic development of plants, animals, and humans than previously appreciated. Quantitative trait loci that are imprinted (iQTL) exert monoallelic effects, depending on the parent of origin, which is an exception to the laws of Mendelian genetics. In this article, we present a modified random effect-based mapping model to use in a genome-wide scan for the distribution of iQTL that contribute to genetic variance for a complex trait in a structured pedigree. This model, implemented with the maximum likelihood method, capitalizes on a network of relatedness for maternally and paternally derived alleles through identical-by-descent sharing, thus allowing for the discrimination of the genetic variances due to alleles derived from maternal and paternal parents. The model was employed to map iQTL responsible for canine hip dysplasia in a multihierarchical canine pedigree, founded with seven greyhounds and six Labrador retrievers. Of eight significant QTL detected, three, located on CFA1, CFA8, and CF28, were found to trigger significant parent-of-origin effects on the age of femoral capital ossification measured at the left and right hips of a canine. The detected iQTL provide important candidate regions for fine-mapping of imprinted genes and for studying their structure and function in the control of complex traits.  相似文献   

An extensive family-based study of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) cluster was performed. We aimed to describe the LD structure in the KIR gene cluster using a sample of 418 founder haplotypes identified by segregation in a group of 106 families from Northern Ireland. The LD was studied at two levels of polymorphism: the structural level (presence or absence of KIR genes) and the allelic level (between alleles of KIR genes). LD was further assessed using the predictive value of one KIR polymorphism for another one in order to provide an interpretative framework for the LD effect in association studies. In line with previous research, distinct patterns of KIR genetic diversity within the genomic region centromeric to KIR2DL4 (excluding KIR2DL4) and within the telomeric region including KIR2DL4 were found. In a comprehensive PPV/NPV-based LD analysis within the KIR cluster, robust tag markers were found that can be used to identify which genes are concomitantly present or absent and to further identify groups of associated KIR alleles. Several extended KIR haplotypes in the study population were identified (KIR2DS2*POS-KIR2DL2*001-KIR2DL5B*002-KIR2DS3*00103-KIR2DL1*00401; KIR2DL4*011-KIR3DL1/S1*005-KIR2DS4*003-KIR3DL2*003; KIR2DL4*00802-KIR3DL1/S1*004-KIR2DS4*006-KIR3DL2*005; KIR2DL4*00801-KIR3DL1/S1*00101-KIR2DS4*003-KIR3DL2*001; KIR2DL4*00103-KIR3DL1/S1*008-KIR2DS4*003-KIR3DL2*009; KIR2DL4*00102-KIR3DL1/S1*01502/*002-KIR2DS4*00101-KIR3DL2*002; KIR2DL4*00501-KIR3DL1/S1*013-KIR2DL5A*001-KIR2DS5*002-KIR2DS1*002-KIR3DL2*007). The present study provides a rationale for analyzing associations of KIR polymorphisms by taking into account the complex LD structure of the KIR region.  相似文献   



The frequency of a haplotype comprising one allele at each of two loci can be expressed as a cubic equation (the 'Hill equation'), the solution of which gives that frequency. Most haplotype and linkage disequilibrium analysis programs use iteration-based algorithms which substitute an estimate of haplotype frequency into the equation, producing a new estimate which is repeatedly fed back into the equation until the values converge to a maximum likelihood estimate (expectation-maximisation).  相似文献   

The transmission/disequilibrium (TD) test (TDT), proposed, by Spielman et al., for binary traits is a powerful method for detection of linkage between a marker locus and a disease locus, in the presence of allelic association. As a test for linkage disequilibrium, the TDT makes the assumption that any allelic association present is due to linkage. Allison proposed a series of TD-type tests for quantitative traits and calculated their power, assuming that the marker locus is the disease locus. All these tests assume that the observations are independent, and therefore they are applicable, as a test for linkage, only for nuclear-family data. In this report, we propose a regression-based TD-type test for linkage between a marker locus and a quantitative trait locus, using information on the parent-to-offspring transmission status of the associated allele at the marker locus. This method does not require independence of observations, thus allowing for analysis of pedigree data as well, and allows adjustment for covariates. We investigate the statistical power and validity of the test by simulating markers at various recombination fractions from the disease locus.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Van der Werf JH 《Genetics》2006,174(2):1009-1016
Dominance (intralocus allelic interactions) plays often an important role in quantitative trait variation. However, few studies about dominance in QTL mapping have been reported in outbred animal or human populations. This is because common dominance effects can be predicted mainly for many full sibs, which do not often occur in outbred or natural populations with a general pedigree. Moreover, incomplete genotypes for such a pedigree make it infeasible to estimate dominance relationship coefficients between individuals. In this study, identity-by-descent (IBD) coefficients are estimated on the basis of population-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD), which makes it possible to track dominance relationships between unrelated founders. Therefore, it is possible to use dominance effects in QTL mapping without full sibs. Incomplete genotypes with a complex pedigree and many markers can be efficiently dealt with by a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for estimating IBD and dominance relationship matrices (D(RM)). It is shown by simulation that the use of D(RM) increases the likelihood ratio at the true QTL position and the mapping accuracy and power with complete dominance, overdominance, and recessive inheritance modes when using 200 genotyped and phenotyped individuals.  相似文献   

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