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Reproduction in Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kütz.) Grun. is isogamous. The two auxospores formed expand parallel to the apical axes of the gametangial cells. Expansion is bipolar and leads to the formation of a slightly curved, tapering cell, in which the initial valves are laid down. The perizonium consists of transverse and longitudinal bands. The transverse series, of 35 or so bands, is laid down centrifugally as the auxospore expands and can be classified into three groups on the basis of band morphology. All except the central band are open hoops, orientated so that their ends lie in the midline of the less convex, ventral side of the auxospore. The bands have fimbriate margins on one or both sides, and overlap one another from center to either pole. The longitudinal series includes 5 bands—a wide central band, with two on either side: again, the bands overlap one another from the center outwards. The initial epivalve of the new generation forms beneath the dorsal side of the auxospore, on the opposite side from the longitudinal perizonial series. Comparisons are made with other genera and the relevance of auxospore studies to an understanding of diatom morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the perizonium and initial valve formation in Navicula cuspidata Kütz., based on light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The perizonium consists of concentric over-lapping bands, laid down sequentially at the tips of the expanding biconical auxospore during its elongation. The central perizonial band has fimbriate edges and is considerably more rigid than the more distal bands. During auxospore elongation and the band secretion, the chloroplasts continuously oscillate between the two ends of the cell; this oscillation ceases once the elongation is complete. The initial valves, formed within the perizonium, are molded into the basically biconical shape of the perizonium except for a central flattening of each valve face. In contrast to the raphes in gametangial and vegetative valves which are surrounded by a smooth axial area, the raphes in initial valves lie within a raised ridge running along the apical axis of the valve. The regular pattern of apically oriented ridges on the outer surface of vegetative valves is also lacking on initial valves. Comparison of pore–pore spacing within striae of gametangial valves, initial values and post-initial valves (first division and vegetative cells) reveals that the pore–pore distance within striae is conserved at all sexual stages. However, the distance between striae is considerably larger in initial valves than in gametangial and post-initial valves. Vegetative interstriae spacing as well as the planar morphology of the valve face is regained at the first division of the initial cell. This suggests that the spacing between striae is dependent on the sexual stage of the cell during valve formation (i.e. not directly dependent on the cell size) and can be altered independently of the pore–pore spacing.  相似文献   

Valve morphogenesis in two Surirellae (S. ovalis Brebisson and S. robusta Ehrenberg) is described. Mitosis takes place at the broad end of the cell. After cleavage, a new Microtubule Center (MC) arises near each spindle pole and moves to the adjacent plasmalemma. Soon, a specific group of microtubules (MTs) extends from very near the MC around the periphery of the cell. Concurrently, the new tubular Silica Deposition Vesicle (SDV) grows around the periphery of the cell close to these MTs. A double rib of silica is rapidly formed inside the SDV; the space between the ribs becomes the raphe. Mitochondria line up along the MTs, and the SDV may be molded around these to create the canal raphe. Soon, the SDV expands in two directions to create the face and the mantle of the new valve. Meanwhile, each daughter nucleus, accompanied by the MC, moves to its interphase position at the center of the cell; this movement is colchicine-sensitive. As in several other pennate diatoms, an interruption in the raphe of the mature valve coincides with the initial position of the MC. The canal raphe thickens rapidly around the mitochondria; a rudimentary raphe fiber may be associated with the creation of a tiny curvature at the inner raphe fissure. As the SDV expands in the large S. robusta, the daughter cell protoplasts slowly shrink by plasmolysis, thereby creating the complex curved surface of the new valve surmounted by the arching canal raphes which are now quite rigid. In S. ovalis, the daughter cell protoplasts remain appressed and therefore the new valve surface is basically flat. The symmetry of Surirella is quite different from that of other pennate diatoms. However, the cytoplasmic events accompanying valve morphogenesis are similar in all important respects to those described in other raphid pennate diatoms, and clearly supports a naviculoid origin for this genus.  相似文献   

On the basis of results of stratigraphic and comparative morphological studies on the diatom frustule, the Surirellaceae is generally assumed to be the endpoint of the evolution of the Pennales. The present study shows that a line of development, based on frustule construction and which parallels the search for optimum design of comparable elements in engineering, can be traced from the Naviculaceae to the Surirellaceae. In both cases lightweight construction is achieved through economy of material and energy expenditure. This leads to structural stability and in the case of the diatom valve, a larger area for metabolic exchange. From the functional-morphological point of view, three construction principles can be distinguished in the genus Surirella: 1. valves with pennate costal framework, raphe keels and fibulae (Surirella gemma group); 2. frustules where all supporting elements are in the form of corrugations, with raphe keel and fibulae (Pinnatae, Fastuosae, Surirella striatula group); and 3. as in 2, but with true alae with alar canals (Robustae) instead of keels with fibulae.  相似文献   

We observed sexual reproduction in a clonal culture of Stephanodiscus niagarae Ehrenb. and used light and scanning electron microscopy to absent flagellated male cells, auxospore growth, initial valve structure and production, and subsequent daughter cell division. Free auxospores were spherical and nonsiliceous throughout growth, producing hemispherical initial valves devoid of spines and with nonfasciculate striae. Pregametangial cells averaged 43% of the diameter of the daughter cell population and were 1/9 the biovolume of initial, cells. This paper is the first confirmed report of sexual reproduction in S. niagarae, although it appears that specimens of Actinocyclus niagarae H. L. Smith, described from Lake Erie in 1878, are actually initial valves of S. niagarae.  相似文献   

The diatom genus Eunotia is unusual among raphid diatoms in having a raphe system consisting of two short slits that are not integrated into the primary pattern center. This and other characteristics, particularly the presence of rimoportulae, are consistent with the hypothesis that Eunotia is a basal lineage within the raphid group. We studied auxosporulation in E. bilunaris (Ehrenberg) Mills and E. tropica Hustedt for comparison with other raphid pennate diatoms and with araphid pennates; E. bilunaris was studied in parental and F1 generations. Like araphid pennates, E. bilunaris and E. tropica are heterothallic. Clones of the same mating type did not interact sexually, and intraclonal sexual reproduction was absent or very rare. Clones retained the same sex throughout the life cycle, as shown by experiments using abrupt size reduction to produce clones of similar age but different size and using subclones derived from a single initial cell within six mitotic generations. Unlike in araphid pennate diatoms, in the Eunotia species the gametes are not visibly or behaviorally differentiated. Gametogenesis is merogenous, because the gametangium formed a supernumerary cell as well as a single gametic cell, both undergoing meiosis II to form a surviving functional nucleus and a nucleus that quickly degenerated. Plasmogamy is via papillae that grew out toward each other from the ends of the gametangia to create a copulation canal. After plasmogamy, the gametes moves bodily into the copulation canal, producing an elongate zygote, which expands to form a curved sausage‐like auxospore.  相似文献   

Growth and sexual reproduction of the marine littoral diatom Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenb. var. ornata Grun. were investigated at 30 different combinations of temperature (5, 10, 14, 18, 22° C), irradiance (20, 60, 100 μE·m?2·s?1) and daylength (14:10 and 10:14 h LD cycle). Growth occurred at all combinations. The optimal growth was observed at 14–18° C, long daylength and highest-to-moderate irradiance, and at 18° C, short daylength and highest irradiance. Sexual reproduction on the other hand occurred between 5 and 18° C, and the optimal condition was 10–14° C and short daylength. Annual cyclic, and sesonal changes in the distribution of cell size (valve length) were observed in a field population. These changes were characterized by an annual minimum in mean cell size in autumn, an annual maximum in winter, a slight decrease from the mean in spring–middle summer, a rapid decrease from the mean in late summer–early autumn, and appearance of bimodal distribution of cell size in winter. These changes were caused by sexual reproduction in autumn, rapid growth in late summer–early autumn and slow growth in other seasons, and poor viability of small cells near the lower end of the size range.  相似文献   

Patterns of changes in cell size, growth rate, and the inducibility of spermatogenesis were followed in eight sub‐clones of two isolates of the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell & Hasle grown at saturating light. One isolate originated from Long Island Sound, New York, USA and the other originated from Jakarta Harbor, Indonesia. As expected from previous studies, oscillations between intervals of cell size reduction and cell size enlargement were observed for each sub‐clone. For both isolates, sperm were easily detected, but cells resembling eggs and auxospores were rarely observed and fertilization was not confirmed, suggesting that the observed cell size increases may have resulted from a combination of asexual cell enlargement and rare auxosporulation. The two isolates differed in their minimum and maximum sizes, and the threshold size for the induction of sperm formation. However, the two sets of isolated sub‐clones displayed comparable relationships between growth rate, sperm inducibility, and cell size relative to the minimum, maximum, and threshold sizes. Growth rate increased as cell size decreased during vegetative divisions until the threshold for sperm inducibility was crossed. Below the size threshold for sperm inducibility, growth rate declined as cell size continued to decrease. Smaller cells were susceptible to failure of normal cytokinesis and valve deposition, resulting in the formation of abnormally long and often multinucleate cells. Culture conditions may select against restoration of cell size via auxosporulation due to the relationship between growth rate and cell size.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopic studies of silica valve formation in naviculoid diatoms representing six different genera revealed that the precise sequence of depositional events varied among genera. Valve deposition begins with the formation of the raphe sternum, from which virgae (lateral outgrowths) extend. Areolae (pores) are formed between the virgae by the fusion of cross-extensions (vimines). In most of the species studied ( Craticula ambigua (Kützing) D. G. Mann, Frustulia vulgaris (Thwaites) De Toni, Craspedostauros australis E. J. Cox, and Gomphonema truncatum Ehrenberg), areola (pore) formation began near the raphe sternum before completion of the valve margin, but in Pinnularia gibba Ehrenberg the valve margin fused before the areolae were formed. Silica deposition in all these taxa was mainly distal to proximal (with respect to the cytoplasm), but in Haslea sp. it was mainly proximal to distal. Haslea also differed in that areolae were defined as the valve margin was completed. These data have also contributed to the interpretation of taxonomically important features, such as raphe endings. In P. gibba the internal central raphe fissures were laterally deflected but subsequently obscured by additional silicification of the valve, whereas in G. truncatum they were initially straight, becoming laterally deflected as valves mature. External raphe fissures in Frustulia became Y-shaped only just before maturity; in immature valves they were dotlike, as in Amphipleura Kützing. The comparison of developmental pathways in diatoms is a useful adjunct to morphological and other approaches in diatom systematics and warrants renewed attention.  相似文献   

Like other diatoms, living cells of Chaetoceros decipiens Cleve expand lengthwise before they divide. During prophase, the nucleolus disappears in about 30 s. The spindle is very small but anaphase chromosome separation can be seen. Following rapid cleavage, the protoplasts contract, plasmolyzing slightly and transforming the cleavage furrow into a lens-shaped opening between daughter cells. During valve initiation, the surface of the furrow is molded slightly into the shape of the mature valve face. Then daughter cells expand further, becoming fully turgid as they open the slots in the girdle bands through which the setae will grow. Soon, delicate protrusions push through the girdle bands and develop into the setae, which are very sensitive: any disturbance will immediately stop their steady growth. Healthy setae display soft, mobile tips and tiny organelles (mitochondria) actively move along the lumen. Their curvature and uniform diameter is controlled during growth with exquisite precision, and in optimal conditions, they can become very long. At their initiation, cells appear fully turgid; however, many cells soon become slightly plasmolyzed during seta growth. This observation strongly suggests that turgor pressure cannot be responsible for driving extension; the possible mechanism is discussed in the following paper.  相似文献   

Pleurochrysis sp. formed two types of symmetrical, diploid colonies on solid media: (i) single‐cell lineage (SCL) colonies and (ii) aggregation (AG) colonies. The first division of a single mother cell was asymmetric in ~54% of SCL colonies. These colonies developed at a slower rate than AG colonies. Diffusible molecules released from the cells acted like morphogens enhancing formation of AG colonies; their influence on chemotaxis of aggregating cells was dependent on concentration of the inoculum. Nitrogen depletion of diploid colonies induced sexual morphogenesis and colony patterning into inner and outer regions. The smaller innermost cells were surrounded by outer larger cells. Developmental mechanisms of colony formation were examined in relation to the heteromorphic, haplo‐diploid life cycle.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is documented for the first time in field populations of the pennate diatoms Pseudo‐nitzschia australis Freng. and P. pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Hasle (var. cingulata Villac and hybrids between var. cingulata and var. pungens). A bloom dominated by these species began on June 26, 2006, along Kalaloch Beach, Washington, USA, coincident with a drop in the Si(OH)4:NO3 ratio to below two. Multimodal size distributions were detected for both species, and synchronous auxosporulation occurred within the smallest size class during a 3‐week window. Auxospores and initial cells created a new class of large cells, and cells in the intermediate size classes increased in abundance during auxosporulation. Mating cells of both species were attached to colonies of surf‐zone diatoms. Paired gametangia, gametes, zygotes, auxospores, and large initial cells were found. Auxosporulation began first for P. pungens (June 30), apparently once a critical, high cell concentration was reached, followed by P. australis (July 5), when the total Pseudo‐nitzschia cell concentration reached 929,000 cells · L?1. Low frequencies of auxosporulation occurred throughout the bloom but increased 4‐fold for P. australis and 3‐fold for P. pungens when macronutrients were reduced to low levels on July 11. A 2‐year life cycle was estimated for P. australis and 3 years for P. pungens, both with annual auxosporulation. Domoic acid (DA) in razor clams reached a maximum of 38 μg DA · g?1 on July 18. A significant relationship existed between the percent of cells within the new size range and DA concentrations in razor clams on the same beach.  相似文献   

The initial epivalve of Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kütz.) Grun. differs from vegetative valves in having a strongly arched section, a wide hyaline marginal strip, no pseudosepta, an unthickened margin, and a terminal raphe fissure at the head pole. The initial epivalve is of the D type, with short raphe fissures. The epicingulum consists of three bands as usual, but they are narrower and more delicate than those of vegetative cells. The initial hypovalve and hypocingulum are similar in every way to those of vegetative cells, except for the rounded section of the hypovalve. During size reduction the almost isopolar outline of the initial valves and their immediate descendants gives way to an increasingly strong heteropolarity, and this is accompanied by changes in the relative lengths of the raphe slits and the shape of the central area. Different populations have different gametangium and initial cell sizes, suggesting the presence of races within the species. The structure of the initial cell indicates that Rhoicosphenia is less closely related to the monoraphid genera than to the gomphocymbelloid genera, confirming conclusions reached from studies of the vegetative cell and auxospore formation. Rhoicosphenia should therefore be separated into a new family, the Rhoicospheniaceae, which is described.  相似文献   

The morphology of the valve of Coscinodiscus wailesii and the development of its siliceous architecture, studied in the SEM and TEM, is compared with valve formation in Thalassiosira eccentrica (Ehrenberg.) Cleve. Though the areolae-architecture of these two species differs in such that the cribrum is proximal and the foramen distal in T. eccentrica, and in C. wailesii the cribrum is distal and the foramen proximal, the formation of their complex loculate system is similar, displacing a centrifugal growth pattern with respect to the valve, and a proximal to distal, sequentially. During base layer formation a hitherto undescribed rib system outlines the prospective areolae. The vertical differentiation is in principle the same as in T. eccentrica and also the cribra are formed centripetally in relation to the areolae in both species. The location of the cribra at the proximal or distal side, therefore, seems to be of minor importance for the sequence of silica deposition. Variation in girdle bands is discussed with respect to cell division. The prophasic nuclear migration from the interphase position to the girdle bands, where mitosis is performed, seems to be necessary for triggering the formation of the unilateral cleavage furrow that later forms a cleavage ring with excentric position. The divided nuclei migrate with the ingrowing cleavage furrow to the center of the newly created protoplasmic surfaces to initiate valve formation.  相似文献   

Rhoicosphenia Grun. is a relatively isolated genus among the biraphid diatoms. Morphological changes in an isopolar member of the genus, Rh. genuflexa (Kütz.) Medlin, were investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The fully raphid valve showed changes in its flexure that could be correlated with size reduction during its life history from the initial cells to the smallest cells found in the population. Bands showed changes in number (from three to one) related to size reduction. Rh. genuflexa is morphologically similar to Rh. abbreviata (C. Ag.) Lange-Bert. (=Rh. curvata (Kütz.) Grun.), although the two are distinct taxa. These observations support previous contentions that Rhoicosphenia is a natural taxonomic grouping.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were examined in 12 winter strains of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve using homologous chloroplast gene probes. The winter strains included eight different allozyme genotypes exhibiting physiological differences. These 12 winter strains were representative of the least diverse genetic group present in Narragansett Bay populations. Five chloroplast DNA probes and four different restriction enzymes were used to analyze the 12 Narragansett Bay strains and a reference strain “Skel.” A total of 46 restriction fragments were identified. All 12 of the winter strains had identical patterns. Strain Skel exhibited two RFLPs in comparison to the Narragansett Bay strains. Calculated diversity within the winter strain group was 0.0 and 0.85 for the chloroplast DNA and allozyme data, respectively. The chloroplast DNA polymorphisms revealed by this study are expected to represent a minimum level of the chloroplast DNA diversity present in Narragansett Bay seasonal populations.  相似文献   

Exponentially growing cultures of Thalassiosira fluviatilis Hustedt and Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were exposed to 4 min temperature shocks of 5° to 20°C above ambient (20°C). Photosynthetic carbon fixation, changes in in vivo fluorescence and fluorescence on the addition of the herbicide DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) were measured over the subsequent 24 h. The fluorescence ratio (R, DCMU-enhanced fluorescence/in vivo fluorescence) paralleled changes in photosynthesis over this period; both were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by temperature shocks of +15° and +20° C, but +5° and +10° C treatments had no inhibitory effect on either relative to the control. The instantaneous response obtained with the fluorescence ratio indicates that the technique might be applicable to routine bioassay procedures and thus replace the time consuming methods now used for the estimation of 14C-incorporation and growth rates.  相似文献   

The morphology and sexual reproduction of the attached diatom Cocconeis scutellum Ehr. var. scutellum have been investigated using field and culture materials. The diatom grew well at 14–22° C and in a medium using enriched full strength seawater or 50% diluted seawater. One gamete was formed without cytokinesis in a gametangium and one auxospore arose from paired gametangia. The size of gametangia and initial cells were 17.8–29.9 μm and 43.3–59.5 μm, respectively. Valve width decreased linearly with decreasing valve length. The regression coefficient between them was invariable with the change of the environment. The transapical striation densities were 7–12 and 7.5–13.5 in 10 μm in araphid and raphid valves, respectively. The density showed a tendency to increase with decreasing valve length in both valves. The densities in both valves, except the small araphid valve, are invariable with the change of the environment. The relationships between valve length and width, and between valve length and striation density have been compared with those of taxa allied to C. scutellum var. scutellum. It is concluded that C. scutellum var. scutellum, as usually delimited, is a heterogenous taxon.  相似文献   

We tested whether internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequence differences are correlated with sexual compatibility in the Sellaphora pupula complex, a model system for investigations of the species concept and speciation in diatoms. The phylogenetic relationships among the demes and the systematic position of the genus within the raphid diatoms were also investigated. The division of clones of S. pupula and S. laevissima into groups, based on sequence similarities and phylogenetic analyses, resembled groupings based on sexual compatibility: A high ITS sequence divergence, making full alignment difficult or impossible, was found among clones whose gametangia do not interact, whereas there was little sequence divergence among interfertile clones. This is clearly consistent with the idea that “Z clades” exhibit less intraclade than interclade variation in ITS and, as comparisons of secondary structure models for the RECT and PSEUDOCAP clones showed, that there is an equivalence of “CBC” and Z clades in the rectangular and pseudocapitate demes of S. pupula, as earlier hypothesized for chlorophytes. Intraclonal, presumably intraindividual, variation in ITS was found in S. pupula, though with a degree of variation less than that found within a single Z clade; it was too minor to affect the interclonal relationships in the ITS phylogeny. Sellaphora, which appears monophyletic in 18S phylogenies, with Pinnularia and “Naviculapelliculosa as its closest allies, may also include some species currently classified in Eolimna. The S. pupulaS. laevissima group began to diversify in or before the Miocene.  相似文献   

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