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《Current biology : CB》2022,32(7):1635-1640.e4
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Three parallel, manus-only sauropod trackways from the Coffee Hollow A-Male tracksite (Glen Rose Formation, Kendall County, Texas) were studied separately by researchers from the Heritage Museum of the Texas Hill Country and the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences. Footprint and trackway measurements generally show good agreement between the two groups’ data sets. Footprints appear to be shallowly impressed true tracks rather than undertracks. One of the Coffee Hollow trackways shows marked asymmetry in the lengths of paces that begin with the left as opposed to the right forefoot, and two of the Coffee Hollow trackways are unusually broad. The Coffee Hollow trackways differ enough from the manus portions of other Glen Rose Formation sauropod trackways to suggest that they were made by a different kind of sauropod. Greater differential pressure exerted on the substrate by the forefeet than the hindfeet probably explains the Coffee Hollow trackways, like other manus-only sauropod trackways, but the possibility that they indicate unusual locomotion cannot at present be ruled out.  相似文献   

Values of hindlimb height and glenoacetabular length are estimated in two ways: a) from an Aptian age sauropod trackway 13 meters long at a site (El Sobaquillo) in La Rioja Province (Spain), and b) from published skeletal reconstructions in Norman (1985), McIntosh (1990) and Farlow (1992). Results that best fit the presently available data are obtained using formulae suggested by Ishigaki (1988) and Lockley et al. (1986) for hindlimb height, and that employed by Far‐low et al. (1989) for glenoacetabular length. Our estimate of the glenoacetabular lengths of trackmakers from El Sobaquillo is consistent with a hypothesis that the sauropods were moving by amble walking. This interpretation is supported by data from other trackways found in La Rioja.  相似文献   



Recent work on the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition of the Iberian Range (Spain) has opened a new window onto the interpretation of the trackmakers of some medium-sized tridactyl tracks. The ichnotaxon Therangospodus oncalensis has been described in the Huérteles Formation (Berriasian) and is one of the classical tracks from the area assigned to medium-sized theropods.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A review of the type locality of Therangospodus oncalensis (Fuentesalvo tracksite) and other tracksites from the Huérteles Formation (Berriasian) has yielded new information on the morphology, gait and trackmaker identity of the aforementioned ichnospecies. The new data suggest that the trackmaker is an ornithopod rather than a theropod on the basis of the length/width ratio, the anterior triangle length-width ratio, the short steps, the round to quadrangular heel pad impression and the probable manus impressions.


T. oncalensis shows similarities with various tracks from the Berriasian of Europe assigned to Iguanodontipus. The ichnotaxonomical status of this ichnospecies is here considered as Iguanodontipus? oncalensis due to the current state of knowledge of the ichnotaxonomy of medium-sized ornithopod tracks. This reassessment of I? oncalensis also has two significant implications for the palaeoecology of the faunas during the deposition of the Huérteles Formation: 1- the high number and percentage of theropod tracks would be lower than previous papers have suggested. 2- the gregarious behaviour described in the type locality (Fuentesalvo) would be among ornithopods instead of theropods.  相似文献   

Birds are unique among living tetrapods in possessing pneumaticity of the postcranial skeleton, with invasion of bone by the lung and air-sac system. Postcranial skeletal pneumaticity (PSP) has been reported in numerous extinct archosaurs including pterosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs. Here we report a case of extreme PSP in a group of small-bodied, armored sauropod dinosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of South America. Based on osteological data, we report an extensive invasion of pneumatic diverticula along the vertebral column, reaching the distal portion of the tail. Also, we provide evidence of pneumaticity in both pectoral and pelvic girdles. Our study reveals that the extreme PSP in archosaurs is not restricted to pterosaurs and theropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The largest known sauropod trackway site from the Upper Jurassic in Europe has been found in the northern Jura Mountains of Switzerland. Since the initial discovery of the site in 1988, detailed ichno‐facies mapping of the sites has been undertaken and completed. Six separate sites (from 5 to 45km apart) have been located to date; the largest one, displaying 345 single imprints, extends over a surface of 7000 m2. As all of the reported sites occur within the same bed, these vertebrate prints form a megatracksite covering an area of more than 360 km2. All localities are stratigraphically within the Reuchenette Formation. Two biostratigraphically diagnostic ammonites have been found within the sequence (Aulacostephanus; Gravesia), indicating an Upper Kimmeridgian age (sensu gallico). In the easternmost sites, imprints occur on mud‐cracked tidal pond deposits, whereas the western tracksites are found in supratidal algal marsh deposits. The track‐bearing horizon is immediately below a trans‐gressive event at all the sites, suggesting that the ichnofaunas represent dinosaur activity during a relative sea‐level low‐stand. Footprint size and morphology, as well as trackway dimensions, suggest that the track producers belong to the largest sauropods yet recorded in the European Jurassic, closely resembling the Breviparopus tracks from the Middle Jurassic of Morocco.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Up to now, more than 40 dinosaur sites have been found in the latest Jurassic – earliest Cretaceous sedimentary outcrops (Villar del Arzobispo Formation) of Riodeva (Iberian Range, Spain). Those already excavated, as well as other findings, provide a large and diverse number of sauropod remains, suggesting a great diversity for this group in the Iberian Peninsula during this time. Vertebrae and ischial remains from Riodevan site RD-13 are assigned to Turiasaurus riodevensis (a species described in RD-10, Barrihonda site), which is part of the Turiasauria clade. This is the first time that a taxon is attributed to Turiasaurus genus out of its type site. A Neosauropod caudal vertebra from the RD-11 site has been classified as Diplodocinae indet., supporting the previous attribution on an ilion also found in Riodeva (CPT-1074) referring to the Diplodocidae clade. New remains from the RD-28, RD-41 and RD-43 sites, of the same age, among which there are caudal vertebrae, are assigned to Macronaria. New sauropod footprints from the Villar del Arzobispo Formation complete the extraordinary sauropod record coming to light in the area. The inclusion of other sauropods from different contemporaneous exposures in Teruel within the Turiasauria clade adds new evidence of a great diversity of sauropods in Iberia during the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition. Turiasauria distribution contributes to the understanding of European and global palaeobiogeography.  相似文献   

Isolated sauropod teeth from the Early Cretaceous Teete locality in Yakutia (Eastern Siberia, Russia) are the only evidence that sauropods lived in high latitudes (palaeolatitude estimate of N 62°) in the Northern Hemisphere. The spatulate broad tooth crowns of adult individuals lack marginal denticles while these are present in a juvenile tooth. The teeth have overlapping facets and likely belong to a basal macronarian. The juvenile tooth indicates that sauropods reproduced in high latitudes and possibly stayed there around the year. The Teete vertebrate assemblage comprises both endothermic, or presumably endothermic tetrapods (theropod dinosaurs, tritylodontids and mammals), and ectothermic tetrapods (salamanders, turtles, choristoderes and lizards), but no crocodyliforms. This suggests a temperate climate, with an annual mean temperature well above freezing level but below 14°C.  相似文献   

Tracks of large theropods and a single sauropod footprint are reported from red beds at Beikeshan locality in the Middle Jurassic Chuanjie Formation, of Lufeng County, near the large World Dinosaur Valley Park complex. The Chuanjie theropod tracks are assigned to the ichnogenus Eubrontes and the large sauropod track is given the provisional label Brontopodus. All occur as isolated tracks, i.e., trackways are not preserved. Saurischian dominated ichnofaunas are relatively common in the Jurassic of China. The producers of the Chuanjie tracks may have been similar to the basal tetanuran theropod Shidaisaurus and to mamenchisaurid sauropods, which were widely distributed throughout China, during the Jurassic, and are known from skeletal remains found in the same unit. Other potential sauropod trackmakers include titanosauriforms or as-yet-unknown basal eusauropods. The ichno- and skeletal records from the Jurassic of the Lufeng Basin are largely consistent, and both document the presence of middle-large sized theropods and sauropods.  相似文献   

Löwemark, L. 2011: Ethological analysis of the trace fossil Zoophycos: Hints from the Arctic Ocean. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 290–298. The distribution of the trace fossil Zoophycos in Quaternary marine sediments from the Arctic Ocean was studied in twelve piston and gravity cores retrieved during the Swedish icebreaker expeditions YMER80, Arctic Ocean‐96 and LOMROG I & II. The sampled cores span an area from the Makarov Basin to the Fram Strait. Zoophycos was only found in two cores taken at more than 2 km water depth on the slope of the Lomonosov Ridge, but was absent in cores obtained at shallower depth, confirming earlier observations of the trace maker’s bathymetric preferences. The two cores containing Zoophycos are characterized by quiet sedimentation and slightly enhanced food flux compared with the general Arctic. The occurrence of Zoophycos in these cores in a setting that is characterized by extreme seasonal variations in food flux due to the total ice coverage during winters and high primary productivity during the long summer days, is interpreted to be a cache‐behaviour response to pulsed flux of food to the benthic realm. □Arctic Ocean, ethology, Quaternary, spreiten, trace fossils, Zoophycos.  相似文献   

The Xixipo dinosaur tracksite in the Chuanjie Formation of Yunnan Province is one of the 14 Chinese sites yielding sauropod tracks from between the Triassic–Jurassic and Jurassic–Cretaceous boundaries, but is only one of the two that represent the Middle Jurassic. Although it is a small site, it adds incrementally to the overall track record of the region and allows comparison with the body fossil record and classification of the Chuanjie Formation as a Type 3b or Type 4b deposit in which both the body fossil and trace fossil record, in this case representing sauropodomorphs, are similar in composition and frequency of occurrence. We argue that the sauropod trace and body fossil records, while based on different categories of evidence, are very important. Integrating and correlating all available data from both records increases our understanding of sauropod communities, and both are equally valuable for this. In addition, we also discuss narrow to wide gauge, coeval sauropod trackways from China, and the relationship between the potential trackmaker of China's Jurassic Brontopodus-type trackways and mamenchisaurids and, beginning from the Late Jurassic, representatives of this type and titanosauriform sauropods.  相似文献   

The shell structure of the Early Cretaceous rhynchonellids from Crimea has not been previously studied. First data on the shell structure of Berriasian rhynchonellids from the family Praecyclothyrididae Makridin, 1964 from southwestern and central Crimea are presented. Sulcirhynchia semenovi (Moisseev, 1939), S. berriasensis (Lobacheva, 1980), S. gracilis (Lobacheva, 1977), Belbekella airgulensis Moisseev, 1939, B. mutabilis Lobacheva, 1983, B. minor Lobacheva, 1983 and partly Lamellaerhynchia rectimarginata (Smirnova, 1972) are studied. The shell wall of most species consists of three layers: external (finely or coarsely crystalline), fibrous, and prismatic layers. The layers are usually strongly recrystallized, especially external and prismatic layers. New fibers were formed by repeated dichotomy of ridges in different areas of the fibrous layer independently of the distance from the anterior margin.  相似文献   

The aggressive behavior of 7 species of monkeys has been investigated. The definition of aggressive behavior has been suggested. The elements have been classified into three groups: warning, conflicting, contacting. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of behavior permitting to determine the level of its development in representatives of different species have been proposed. The general principles of development of aggression such as the prevalence of the warning elements and its frequency, the curtailment of aggressive behavior etc. have been revealed. The differences in the aggressive behavioral characteristics are found to be specific and may be used in primate Taxonomy.  相似文献   


Four large limestone blocks with dinosaur footprints have been discovered in a large landslide situated in the Sarca Valley (northeast Italy). The trampled sediments have been ascribed to the upper part (Pliensbachian) of the Lower Jurassic Calcari Grigi Formation, which in the Sarca Valley consists of oolitic‐bioclastic limestones. These carbonates were originally deposited on the western margin of the Trento Platform, a paleogeographic structural high that was located in the northern tropical belt at the westernmost end of Tethys. Several footprints form trackways of quadrupedal dinosaurs. The data suggest the presence, within the ichnoassociation, of possible prosauropods and basal Thyrephora. This inference is consistent with the chronological and geographical distribution of both prosauropods and Thyreophora.  相似文献   

Annual variations in the abundance ofAlternaria spores were related to the length of the spore period for data from Murcia (southeastern Spain). To understand the relationship between the number of spores and climatic factors,Alternaria spore counts for March 1993 to February 1994 were examined by means of correlation and regression analyses with fourteen different weather parameters. The results indicated that there was a tendency forAlternaria spore concentrations to increase with increases in temperature, wind speed and hours of sunshine. Negative correlations were observed with air pressure, wind direction and humidity. Theoretical curves forAlternaria spore counts are given in relation to temperatures during the period studied.  相似文献   

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