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Nerineoid shell beds are described for the first time from Lower Cretaceous deposits of southern South America. These come from carbonates near the top of the Agrio Formation in southern Mendoza Province, west‐central Argentina. To envisage the origin of the nerineoid shell beds, a taphonomic study was carried out, which indicated that these represent within‐habitat time‐averaged, primary sedimentological concentrations with a secondary biogenic imprint related to a relatively high local production of nerineoid shells. The associated palaeoenvironments were studied through a facies analysis of the carbonate succession including the shell beds. The carbonates were deposited in a homoclinal ramp system and depict a shallowing upward trend from mid to inner ramp. The individuals lived and accumulated in oolitic shoals within the inner ramp, in a shallow, well‐lit, high‐energy setting above fair‐weather wave base. Substrate was oxygenated and loose. The nerineoids are shown to belong to one species of the genus Eunerinea, and through the functional morphology of the shells they are tentatively interpreted as infaunal or semi‐infaunal. It is suggested that the recorded monospecific nerineoid shell beds indicate that the palaeoenvironmental conditions may have been favourable for the development of abundant populations of these gastropods in the northern part of the Neuquén Basin during a short time interval in the Hauterivian–Barremian boundary. This could have been related to a brief warming episode, but other factors may have also been involved. □Argentina, Early Cretaceous, Gastropods, nerineoids, Neuquén Basin, shell beds, taphonomy.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two species of decapod crustacean are recorded from the Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation (Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian) of the Neuquén Basin of west‐central Argentina, namely Astacodes falcifer Bell and a new species of Palaeohomarus, P. pacificus. The preservation of the specimens is exceptional, some showing delicate compound eyes and a stridulatory apparatus, features rarely found in fossil forms. Many specimens are preserved articulated inside calcareous nodules, within dark‐grey shales. The lobster‐bearing sediments accumulated in a low‐energy marine environment and diagenetic mineralization occurred very rapidly, prior to significant decay, thus allowing exceptional preservation of specimens. Palaeohomarus was a rare genus in the Cretaceous with a palaeogeographic distribution restricted to the Mediterranean Tethys, the eastern USA and Madagascar, while Astacodes falcifer has been recorded only from Speeton (eastern England) and Neuquén.  相似文献   

Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs are well represented in the Tithonian of the Neuquén Basin, in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Most of the ichthyosaur material from the Neuquén Basin was originally identified as Ophthalmosaurus. Recently, the new ichthyosaur genus Caypullisaurus was described, based on an almost complete mature specimen from Cerro Lotena. Some material previously referred to Ophlhalmosaurus has been referred to the new genus. However, both genera are present in the Tithonian of the Neuquén Basin. The discovery of an articulated forefin in Cajón de Almanza (near Loncopue, Neuquén) confirms the presence of Ophthalmosaurus in the uppermost Tithonian of the Neuquén Basin.  相似文献   

Luci, L. 2010: Encrusting patterns and life habit of Mesozoic trigonioids: a case study of Steinmanella quintucoensis (Weaver) from the Early Cretaceous of Argentina. Lethaia, 10.1111/j.1502‐3931.2009.00210.x. Trigonioid bivalves of the genus Steinmanella Crickmay are abundant at the top of the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin of Argentina, of Early Valanginian age. The species Steinmanella quintucoensis (Weaver) is frequently encrusted by oysters, serpulids and mytilids. Oysters are the most conspicuous encruster, followed by serpulids and then mytilids. A taphonomic, palaeoecological and taxonomic analysis was performed on the encrusting fauna of S. quintucoensis. An analysis of encrusting preference was performed on the basis of differences in ornamentation of the host shell, which was divided in a strongly tubercled flank and a smoother ribbed corselet and escutcheon zone. A higher encrustation frequency was found for the corselet and escutcheon zone, over the larger flank. Possible explanations are differences in the sculpture of each part of the valve, closeness to the respiratory openings of the host, and relation to life position of the trigonioids. In this respect, a palaeoecological analysis of the life position of the genus Steinmanella was made on the basis of functional morphology, encrustation patterns and comparison with related fossil forms as well as living representatives, finding that the most suitable position to explain encrustation patterns and functional morphology is one with the flanks below the water–sediment interface, and the corselets exposed above the substrate. □Early Cretaceous, encrustation, Neuquén Basin, trigonioids.  相似文献   

Some Early Cretaceous ostracod assemblages from the Neuquén Basin (West Central Argentina) share taxa with roughly coeval faunas previously reported from South Africa. Five assemblages are dealt with, from which two are proposed as formal biostratigraphic zones. The age of the assemblages is gauged in the frame of the global time scale taking into account previous information from nannofossil and ammonite studies. Otherwise, the Hauterivian ostracods from the Fontana Lake area (Andes Patagónicos) show noticeable differences regarding the Neuquén assemblages, both at the specific and the generic taxonomical composition. These differences seem of interest to ponder the relevance of the mentioned similarities between West Central Argentina and South Africa. The hypothesis of (Reyment, R.A., Tait, E.A., 1972. Biostratigraphical dating of the early history of South Atlantic Ocean. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 164, 5–95.), suggesting free faunal interchange between the last mentioned regions, is discussed in the framework of the diachronic evolution of the sea-floor expansion of the South Atlantic and their structural consequences.  相似文献   

Exposed mollusc shells may act as benthic islands in soft bottoms, and the analysis of their encrusting faunas provides unique palaeoecological information. In the late Valanginian of the Agrio Formation (Neuquén Basin, west‐central Argentina), the large pectinid Prohinnites acted as a benthic island on soft substrates. Inequivalved Prohinnites adults with small, smooth cementing scars on the right valve suggest that a free reclining life habit followed the epibyssate juvenile and cementing phases. The encrusting fauna on Prohinnites was studied taxonomically and palaeoecologically by means of a quantitative approach. Over 90% of 123 valves presented encrusters. Encrustation was equally common in both valves. Internal encrustation was rare. The left umbonal region was less encrusted probably due to sediment accumulation or early colonization by soft‐bodied taxa. The fauna was composed of 14 encrusting taxa, including oysters, serpulids, sabellids and cyclostome bryozoans. Oysters exceeded 50% of the total abundance, but serpulids and bryozoans were more diverse. Serpulids and particularly oysters showed a gregarious life habit. Few interactions took place among encrusters and most were post‐mortem, involving the overgrowth of already dead oysters. The oysters were early settlers that took advantage of their gregarious behaviour to rapidly cover available hard surfaces. However, they were unable to exclude bryozoans and polychaetes, which settled on the pectinid's valves regardless of the presence of oysters. The studied fauna corresponds to a climax community that was structured by larval abundance rather than by competitive interactions; oysters settled first and replenished themselves while polychaetes and bryozoans settled over or alongside them  相似文献   

de la Fuente M.S. & Fernández, M.S. 2010: An unusual pattern of limb morphology in the Tithonian marine turtle Neusticemys neuquina from the Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 15–25. Here, we report an unusual pattern in the manus and pes morphology of the Tithonian marine turtle Neusticemys neuquina. We analyse the forelimbs of two previously known specimens and describe the hind limbs of two previously undescribed specimens. Neusticemys neuquina is characterized by a relative elongation of both the forelimb and hind limb, compared with stem Chelonoidea, as well as an elongation of the pedal digit V, achieved through the elongation of the bones, as well as a moderate hyperphalangy. The elongation of pedal digit V is the most striking feature of N. neuquina, a feature unknown in other turtles. □Limb morphology, Neusticemys neuquina, Tithonian turtle.  相似文献   

Here, we present evidence of possible vertebrate predation on freshwater bivalves from the Lower Cretaceous strata of the Cameros Basin (Spain). The described collection contains the largest number of vertebrate‐inflicted shell injuries in freshwater bivalve shells yet reported in the Mesozoic continental record. Several types of shell damage on fossil shells of Protopleurobema numantina (Bivalvia: Unionoida) are described and their respective modes of formation interpreted in the context of morphological attributes of the shell injuries and the inferred tooth morphology of predators that could have inflicted such injuries. Detailed study of these bite marks shows similarities with the well‐documented injuries in the shells of marine molluscs, namely ammonoids, that have likewise been attributed to reptilian predators. The most parsimonious interpretation suggests crocodiles as the vertebrates interacting with the bivalves in the Cameros Basin. □Barremian–Aptian; bite marks; freshwater bivalves; predation; reptile; Unionoida.  相似文献   

The lectotype ofPerisphinctes internispinosus Krantz, 1926, type species ofWindhauseniceras Leanza, 1945, from the upper Middle Tithonian of Cerro Lotena (Neuquén-Mendoza Basin, Argentina) is designated. The type series, housed in the Paläontologisches Institut der Universität Bonn, was originally illustrated by hand-drawings of two of the eleven specimens. The lectotype is illustrated by a photograph for the first time. The specimen is probably a large microconch; the most likely corresponding macroconch appears to beH. aff.steinmanni (Steuer, 1897) from Cerro Lotena.Windhauseniceras internispinosum is the index and guide species of theInternispinosum Biozone, upper Middle Tithonian, most probablyPonti Zone in age. The occurrence in Arroyo del Yeso (Mendoza) below a succession ofMicracanthoceras species includingM. mirum (Leanza, 1945) which is very close toM. microcanthum, strongly supports this correlation. The species occurs throughout the Neuquén-Mendoza Basin and probably also in the Tarapacá Basin, Northern Chile.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Amber‐preserved shells of testate amoebae often provide as many diagnostic features as the tests of modern taxa. Most of these well‐preserved microfossils are morphologically assignable to modern species indicating either evolutionary stasis or convergent evolution. Here we describe two Lower Cretaceous testate amoebae that are clearly distinguishable from modern species. Centropyxis perforata n. sp. and Leptochlamys galippei n. sp. possessed perforate shells that were previously unknown in these genera. They are preserved in highly fossiliferous amber pieces from the Upper Albian (ca. 100 million years old) of Archingeay/Les Nouillers (Charente‐Maritime, southwestern France). Syninclusions of soil and litter dwelling arthropods and microorganisms indicate a limnetic‐terrestrial microhabitat at the floor of a coastal conifer forest.  相似文献   


In the past, fossilised dinosaur eggshells have been extensively documented from the Upper Cretaceous Lameta Formation of Central India and as many as nine oospecies are known at present from this formation. Compared to this, only one dinosaur oospecies has been described from the Cretaceous succession of the Cauvery Basin. However, the first fossil egg from India, identified as a chelonian egg, was documented from the Aptian – Albian Karai Formation of the Cauvery Basin in 1957. Following this, a solitary titanosaurid dinosaur egg was described from the Upper Cretaceous (Lower Maastrichtian) Kallankuruchhi Formation, Cauvery Basin in 1996. More recently, we have recovered isolated eggshell fragments from the marine part of the Upper Cretaceous (Late Maastrichtian) Kallamedu Formation. Based on eggshell morphology, microstructure and ultrastructure, these eggshell fragments are assigned to the oospecies Fusioolithus baghensis. The new find from the Cauvery Basin is important from palaeobiogeographic point of view as the oofamily Fusioolithidae is found in the Upper Cretaceous strata of India, France, Argentina and Morocco. Based on the common occurrence of similar oospecies in South America, Africa, Europe and India, a Late Cretaceous palaeobiogeographic connection between India and South America as well as Europe via Africa is suggested.  相似文献   

Four new trogiomorphan Psocoptera are described from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber, viz. Bcharreglaris amunobi n. gen., n. sp., Setoglaris reemae n.gen., n. sp., Libanoglaris chehabi n.sp., and Libanoglaris randatae n. sp. These discoveries show that the Lower Cretaceous biodiversity of the Trogiomorpha was very high.  相似文献   

The shallow carbonate facies at the top of the Yacoraite Formation (Late Cretaceous–Early Palaeocene) in the Metán sub‐basin, Salta Basin (Cretaceous‐Eocene), northern Argentina, have domal stromatolitic boundstones with peculiar cavities, interpreted here as bioclaustrations. The cavities appear to have been produced by organisms that lived within the microbial mat contemporarily with its growth, producing a distinctive ichnofabric. This is the oldest reported record of bioclaustrations in stromatolites, and the first in shallow marine environments. The interpretation of the facies suggests a stressed shallow, restricted setting with variations in salinity, represented by an intertidal environment with an extensive tidal flat. Bioclaustrations, stromatolites, endobiont Yacoraite Formation (Cretaceous‐Palaeogene), Northwestern Argentina.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - The green alga Keratococcus rhaphidioides was isolated in axenic culture from water samples of the extremely acid Lake Caviahue (Neuquén, Argentina). The lake pH...  相似文献   

Mature larvae and pupae of Metachorema griseum Schmid are described for the first time. The known distribution of the genus includes the province of Neuquén in Argentina and central and southern Chile. The distinctive characters of the larvae of this genus are: (1) prothoracic sternite consisting of a wide subrectangular central sclerite and a pair of elongated lateral sclerites, (2) anterior femora with a narrow basodistal process, (3) anterior tibia and tarsus fused and (4) anal prolegs with a short lateral sclerite with basal spine and claws simple with ventral spine and two ventral setae.  相似文献   

Sclerobiont communities have proven their environmental and taphonomic value in extant and past settings; studies are beginning to quantify and evaluate their changes across time. Through the Valanginian of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina, trigonioids of the genus Steinmanella present an almost continuous record. Materials were collected from shales and shell beds across second‐order systems tracts (LST, TST and HST). Their sclerobiont communities were characterized and compared across systems tracts and facies. In addition, a link between them and coeval oyster mass occurrences (OMOs) was investigated, since studies on other local sclerobiont communities have consistently shown pronounced oyster dominance. Eleven sclerobiont taxa were found on Steinmanella (bryozoans, bivalves, foraminifers and polychaetes), of which oysters are usually strongly dominant but for the TST, in which their dominance is diminished. The sclerobiont community has a simple structure and interspecific relationships and competition for space seem to have had little importance. Few differences in richness, taxonomy and other parameters were found between facies. Across systems tracts, features of the sclerobiont communities are differentiated mostly from swings in relative abundance of taxa. The lowered oyster dominance in the TST may reflect a source–sink dynamics between OMOs (sources) and Steinmanella as sinks in shallower, soft substrate settings. Likely the sea‐level rise temporally drowned the oyster carbonate factory, resulting in decreased larvae emigration to the sinks and lowered oyster dominance during the TST.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Xiagou Formation has yielded approximately 100 avian partial skeletons, many with soft‐tissue traces, from sites in the Changma Basin of Gansu Province, north‐western China. The most abundant taxon amongst these is the ornithuromorph Gansus yumenensis, but enantiornithines have also been identified in the sample. Here we describe two incomplete, semi‐articulated appendicular skeletons, the first consisting of a partial left pelvic girdle and complete pelvic limb, and the second comprised of a nearly complete right pelvic limb. Both specimens bear characteristics diagnostic of Enantiornithes, and are referred to a new taxon, Qiliania graffini gen. et sp. nov. The exceptional, three‐dimensional preservation of these specimens (compared to the crushed, nearly two‐dimensional condition of most other Early Cretaceous avian fossils) reveals new information regarding enantiornithine anatomy, evolution, and diversity. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 201–219.  相似文献   

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