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S.R. Telford 《Animal behaviour》1985,33(4):1353-1361
Inter-male spacing in Hyperolius marmoratus choruses was studied at a natural breeding site. Calling males maintain minimum inter-individual distances of 50 cm. Agonistic behaviour and encounter calling appear to help maintain spacing. Males wrestle with one another by grappsling with their forelimbs and attempt to displace each other with powerful kicks from the hindlimbs. Acoustic playback experiments demonstrated that inter-male spacing was vocally mediated and that signal intensity provides cues regarding the proximity of near neighbours. When given a choice of three identical calls, differing only in their spatial separation, females displayed selective phonotaxis to the most widely spaced call. Such discrimination by females must generate strong selective pressure for males to maintain adquate spacing if they are to attract mates successfully.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Long-term changes in the numbers of Zonocerus at oviposition sites reflect changes in the maturity of the general population.
2. Short-term changes in the numbers of Zonocerus at oviposition sites are associated partly with normal diurnal behaviour in which roosting occurs at night.
3. Immigration of Zonucems , particularly females, into the oviposition site occurs prior to periods of oviposition activity. Emigration follows oviposition.
4. The majority of Zonocerus move upwind into the oviposition site suggesting an odour and/or sound attraction.
5. Periods of intense oviposition activity follow heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

Entomophthora grylli was isolated and grown in pure culture in protoplast form. Cultures were obtained by germinating conidia collected from naturally infected adult Carolina grasshoppers, Dissosteira carolina, in Grace's tissue culture medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum and an aqueous extract of grasshopper tissue. Grasshopper extract was not necessary for subsequent growth and subculture of the protoplasts. Healthy adult grasshoppers could be reinfected with the fungus by injection of a protoplast suspension.  相似文献   

Repeatable differences in preference between females are a prerequisite for the evolution of female choice. Existing studies have concentrated on the repeatability of female preference for the male trait eliciting the highest female response but have rarely dealt with female choosiness and response rate, which are also important traits for the evolution of female choice and can mimic repeatable variation in preference. We used a method devised to disentangle the effects of preference, choosiness and response rate to examine the repeatability of female choice for acoustic signals in the grasshopperChorthippus biguttulus . We stimulated females with artificial courtship signals that varied in one signal trait and recorded the number of acoustic responses of the females in two sessions separated by several days. Using a normal distribution function within a nonlinear regression between signalling trait and female response rate, we independently calculated values for female preference, choosiness and maximum response rate for the two sessions. All three aspects of female choice showed significant repeatability indicating large differences between females. This method will also be suitable for measuring the heritability of female preference, a crucial question regarding the evolution of female choice. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The males of the small grasshopper (Kosciuscola tristis), with a restricted range above 1830 m in the Australian Alps, exhibit a remarkable colour change. They are dark, almost black, when cold and change to a bright sky blue colour within minutes of exposure to warmth.Sections of cuticle fixed in the two conditions confirm that the cells underlying the cuticle contain two kinds of granules: large (diameter 1·0 μm) spherical, brown granules, and smaller (0·17 μm) less dense granules. In the blue (warm) condition the small granules are closely packed in the distal part of the cells, whereas the ‘black’ granules are found predominantly in the deeper proximal zones. Evidence is presented to suggest that the blue colour arises from Tyndall scattering of light by the suspension of small granules and is intensified by being seen against a dark background.In the black condition the black granules are found to have moved towards the surface, mingling with the smaller granules and ‘quenching’ the light scattering.The smaller granules are white in the isolated state. They consist of a mixture of uric acid and a pteridine, probably leucopterin.The epidermal cells contain numerous microtubules, which are directed towards the cell surface, that is, parallel to the direction of movement of the granules. It is possible that the microtubules are associated with the movement.  相似文献   

The territorial responses of male three-spined sticklebacks to intruders of a variety of species were investigated. The results were subjected to a principal components analysis, followed by varimax rotation, methods whose general usefulness in analysing complex correlated responses are discussed. In all these tests, both when the subject had an empty nest and when they had newly hatched young, the factors which emerged were recognizable in terms of the major systems in which the behaviour of sticklebacks is usually discussed. Re-analysis of data from Cullen (1960) using principal components analysis confirmed her original conclusions and unearthed some undetected results.  相似文献   

Decapitated females provide a method of arranging variable stimulus environments to evaluate components of behaviour involved in sexual and frequency dependent selection. Conspecific matings are bypassed via male preference for normal females per se. Presence of conspecific decapitatated females induces male to increase insemination of alien females. Discrimination mechanisms, including sign stimuli, are the least labile, and excitability is the most labile component of courtship. D. subpalustris males with abnormal stimulation use a qualitatively different courtship element not present in their normal repertoire. An efficiency index (courtship/insemination) shows D. palustris males, with more heterogenous stimulation in their courtship, more effective in overcoming female reluctance. Sexual isolation may differ operationally from sexual selection in the necessity for particular stimuli rather than more stimulation.  相似文献   

The locomotor behaviour of the desert locust in response to volatile chemicals released from grass as a food plant was investigated in a wind tunnel. When bruised grass was at the windward end of the tunnel the insects responded by moving upwind towards the grass. The response was maximal for locusts starved for 4 hr or longer. Feeding just prior to an experiment inhibited the response; the degree of inhibition of the response, as estimated by the proportion of larvae responding, increased with the duration of the feeding period. All the larval instars and adults reacted in essentially the same way, but the response varied in the course of any one instar, there being more response in the first half of the instar—that is, the period preceding peak food intake—than later.  相似文献   

In an experiment designed to investigate variations in the behaviour of male newts in response to female behaviour, five males were tested for each of forty consecutive days in a standard 5-min trial in which the female's behaviour was controlled by the experimenter. In all males there was a steady decline over the 40 days in the number of spermatophores produced, i.e. the number of sexual sequences completed during the 5-min trial period. A number of scores relating to the frequency of performance of male acts and to their temporal patterning are shown to be correlated with one another and with spermatophore score. The temporal patterning of the male's behaviour in a given sequence is related both to the total number of sequences completed in a trial and to the position of the sequence in question within the trial. Principal components analysis enables a number of correlated scores for a sequence to be expressed as the ‘libido’ score for that sequence. A number of factors which may influence the temporal patterning of the male's behaviour are discussed, and it is suggested that the amount of sperm available and the need to ascend to the surface to breathe may be the most important.  相似文献   

Dietary hydrocarbons are incorporated into cuticular lipids of the grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes. Dietary secondary alcohols and ketones, however, are not incorporated into the cuticular lipids. In typical experiments from 8 to 28 per cent of the fed labeled n-alkanes are recovered in the cuticular lipids. Most of the radioactivity recovered from feeding the C23 n-alkane and a significant amount from the C25 was found as a secondary alcohol in the form of a wax ester. The C29 and C31 n-alkanes were recovered primarily unchanged as the n-alkane. Eighty-five per cent of injected acetate incorporated into the hydrocarbon fraction is in the branched hydrocarbons. These results show that the insect synthesizes its branched hydrocarbons, whereas a large part of the normal hydrocarbons can be dietary.  相似文献   

During the first week of adult life, the protein content of the spermatheca increases by about 45% but the carbohydrate content does not change significantly. Incorporation of radiolabelled leucine into protein is high in newly emerged females but by day 1 has declined to about two-thirds the initial level, where it then remains. With SDS-PAGE about 30 protein bands separate, including six glycoprotein fractions. All bands are present throughout sexual maturation and except for one (at 25 Kd), show little change in quantity during this period. Allatectomy or hormone replacement therapy has little effect on the parameters measured and it is concluded that the development of secretory activity in the spermatheca is not controlled by juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

In normal females, distinct fluctuations in the protein content of the fat body and haemolymph are evident during each gonotrophic period. These fluctuations partly reflect changes in the protein requirements of the developing oocytes. Almost one half of the total protein deposited in the mature ovary is sequestered during the final stages of vitellogenesis when protein accumulated in the fat body and haemolymph is rapidly depleted. Although similar amounts of protein are deposited in the ovary during the first and subsequent gonotrophic periods, significantly less extraovarian protein is present throughout the latter periods.The accumulation of large amounts of protein in the fat body and haemolymph of ovariectomized females suggests that most yolk protein is of extraovarian origin. As the total protein content of these insects is comparable to that of vitellogenic females, ovariectomy apparently has no immediate effect on protein synthesis.Allatectomy or cautery of the median neurosecretory cells (mNSC) prevents vitellogenesis. Although protein gradually accumulates in the fat body and haemolymph of allatectomized females, the total protein content of these insects is significantly lower than that of controls. Treatment of allatectomized females with juvenile hormone analogue leads to a temporary but significant increase in the protein content of the fat body. However, the subsequent decline in fat body protein is paralleled by a pronounced increase in the protein content of the ovary. These findings suggest that the corpora allata (CA) stimulate both yolk protein synthesis in the fat body and its uptake into the ovary. The total protein content of mNSC-cauterized females is less than that of allatectomized females. This observation supports the proposal that the mNSC have not only an allatotropic effect but also a direct effect on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The oedipodine grasshopper Chimarocephala pacifica pacifica employs a variety of acoustic and visual signals for communication between the sexes and between members of the same sex. These signals, which are expressed in the form of stridulations and vibrations by the male or as the waving-gesture by both sexes, characterize either the premating and mating state or the state of disturbance and defence, depending on the circumstances that elicit these expressions. The occurrence and timing of copulation are dictated by the cyclic sexual receptivity and non-receptivity behaviour phases of the female. Oscillograms and spectrograms of vibration and stridulation by the male are presented. The behaviour terminology employed in grasshopper studies is critically reviewed.
Zusammenfassung Die Heuschrecke Chimarocephala pacifica pacifica (Oedipodinae) verwendet eine Anzahl verschiedener akustischer und visueller Signale zur Verständigung zwischen Männchen und Weibchen und zwischen gleichgeschlechtigen Artgenossen. Diese Signale, die vom Männchen in Form von Gesängen und Vibrationen erzeugt werden, und von beiden Geschlechtern als Winkgebärden, charakterisieren den Zustand entweder vor oder während der Geschlechtsreife, oder sie sind typisch für die Abwehrphase. Das zeitliche Auftreten der Paarung wird bestimmt von der zyklischen sexuellen Bereitschaft bzw. der Abwehr des Weibchens. Spektrogramme und Oszillogramme von der Vibration und Stridulation des Männchens werden gezeigt. Die bei Heuschreckenstudien verwendete Verhaltensterminologie wird kritisch überprüft.

Electrophoretic separation of saline extracts from the ovary revealed 14 proteins. Twelve proteins were detected in the fat body, of which seven had electrophoretic mobilities identical to those in the ovary. Similarly, eight of 16 proteins in the haemolymph of vitellogenic females ahad electrophoretically identical counterparts in the ovary. As these proteins accumulate in the haemolymph of ovariectomized females, the findings suggest that most yolk proteins are synthesized in the fat body. Although most female haemolymph proteins are present in males, two of the predominant yolk protiens are absent and represent female-specific proteins.Although certain proteins accumulate in the haemolymph of allatectomized females, the major ovarian proteins are absent or present in low concentrations. However, 48 hr after allatectomized females are treated with a juvenile hormone analogue, the haemolymph protein pattern resembles that of a normal female. This suggests that the corpora allata stimulate the synthesis of female-specific and other vitellogenic proteins. The median neurosecretory cells (mNSC) are also necessary for synthesis of female-specific proteins. Furthermore, proteins which are present in allatectomized females are absent in mNSC-cauterized insects suggesting that the mNSC stimulate general protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The exploratory locomotor behaviour of twenty-one naïve goldfish in a homogeneous open field during 20-hr periods was monitored and analysed into spatial and temporal characteristics. The fish did not randomly explore the entire field. Locomotion is organized spatially and temporally. The fish moves about in one specific area during a specific time after which it displaces the centre of its activity to another area. The time spent in earch area is a function of rate of activity, expressed by a linear equation and, during the initial 4 hr, the elapsed time in the novel environment (novelty content). The area-by-area exploration was never replaced by random exploration throughout the environment during the 20-hr periods of observation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ontogenetic basis of locustatachykinin-like expression in a group of cells located in the pars intercerebralis of the grasshopper midbrain. These cells project fibers to the protocerebral bridge and the central body via a characteristic set of fiber bundles called the w, x, y, z tracts. Lineage analyses associate the immunoreactive cells with one of four neuroblasts (termed W, X, Y, Z) in each protocerebral hemisphere of the early embryo. Locustatachykinin is a ubiquitous myotropic peptide among the insects and its expression in the pars intercerebralis begins at approximately 60-65% of embryogenesis. This coincides with the appearance of the columnar neuroarchitecture characteristic of the central body. The number of immunoreactive cells in a given lineage is initially small, increases significantly in later embryogenesis, and attains the adult situation (about 7% of a lineage) in the first larval instar after hatching. Although each neuroblast generates progeny displaying a spectrum of cell body sizes, there is a clear morphological gradient, which reflects birth order within the lineage. Locustatachykinin expressing cells are located stereotypically at or near the tip of their lineage, which an age profile reveals places them amongst the first born progeny of their respective neuroblasts. Although these neuroblasts begin to generate progeny at approximately 25-27% of embryogenesis, their daughter cells remain quiescent with respect to locustatachykinin expression for over 30% of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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