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Aquatic vertebrates are reported from several facies of the Late Mississippian (Chesterian/Elviran/Serpukhovian) Buffalo Wallow Formation in western Kentucky, USA. Rhizodont bones and the partially articulated skeleton of a large anthracosaur (proterogyrinid) were found in rocks interpreted as a fluvial‐estuarine palaeochannel. Smaller, disarticulated tetrapod remains (anthracosaurs, whatcheeriids) were found in a weathered siltstone in an apparent channel margin‐sand flat facies. A putative oxbow‐abandoned channel facies contains skeletal elements of rhizodonts (cf. Rhizodus), colosteiids, Gyracanthus, Ageleodus, Cynopodius, xenacanthoids and palaeonisiciforms. Near the top of the channel fill, lungfish (cf. Tranodis) are found in carbonate‐rich nodules, which appear to be aestivation burrows. A presumed lacustrine facies contained a near‐complete colosteid. Thinning section, palaeosols, pedogenically‐altered carbonates and missing strata suggest tectonic and climatic overprints upon these depositional sequences. Multiple, incised channels in a low‐accommodation setting are interpreted to have provided local faunal traps for aquatic vertebrates. Late Mississippian palaeoclimate changes may have caused water table fluctuations, which might have aided in trapping and preserving aquatic vertebrates.  相似文献   

The affinity of Tullimonstrum gregarium, a pincer‐mouthed, soft bodied bilaterian, has been subject to debate since its recovery from Carboniferous coal deposits at Mazon Creek, Illinois. After decades of impasse focused on mollusc, arthropod and annelid attributes, two recent, yet conflicting, high‐profile studies concluded that the ‘Tully Monster’ is a vertebrate, a relative of lampreys or jawed fishes. Here, we find that structures described as supporting vertebrate, and particularly crown vertebrate, affinity face significant challenges from biological, functional and taphonomic perspectives. Problems with comparator choice, interpretation of taphonomic processes at Mazon Creek and estimation of convergence within the bilaterian tree may have misled these recent studies, leading to conclusions which do not accommodate current understanding of the vertebrate record. For example, the absence of taphonomically‐expected synapomorphies in Tullimonstrum (e.g. otic capsules, body pigment) calls into question vertebrate identity and implies that convergence or deeper origins are responsible for vertebrate‐like traits. Further, phylogenetic placement within vertebrates is only made possible by the constraints of a chordate‐only dataset with limited outgroups and use of selective characters. Long‐discussed alternative placements among molluscs (e.g. heteropod gastropods), arthropods (e.g. anomalocarids) or elsewhere within non‐vertebrate deuterostomes are more congruent. Indeed, many of these lineages independently evolved vertebrate‐like traits, including complex eyes and ‘teeth’. Thus, given the totality of evidence, Tullimonstrum should be excluded from the vertebrate crown. Potential assignments for aberrant bilaterians, common throughout the Palaeozoic fossil record, need to be considered in light of the number and likelihood of required exceptions to established schemes.  相似文献   

Proteaceae are restricted to the Southern Hemisphere, and of the seven tribes of the subfamily Grevilleoideae, only three (Macadamieae, Oriteae, and Embothrieae) have living members in Argentina. Megafossil genera of Proteaceae recorded from Patagonia includeLomatia, Embothrium, Orites, andRoupala. In this report, we evaluate and revise fossil Argentine Proteaceae on the basis of type material and new specimens. The new collections come from the Tufolitas Laguna del Hunco (early Eocene, Chubut Province), the Ventana (middle Eocene, Río Negro Province), and the Río Ñirihuau (late Oligocene-early Miocene, Río Negro Province) formations, Patagonia, Argentina. We confirm the presence ofLomatia preferruginea Berry,L. occidentalis (Berry) Frenguelli,L. patagonica Frenguelli,Roupala patagonica Durango de Cabrera et Romero, andOrites bivascularis Romero, Dibbern et Gandolfo. Fossils assigned toEmbothrium precoccineum Berry andE. pregrandiflorum Berry are doubtful, and new material is necessary to confirm the presence of this genus in the fossil record of Patagonia. A putative new fossil species of Proteaceae is presented as Proteaceae gen. et sp. indet. Fossil Proteaceae are compared with modern genera, and an identification key for the fossil leaf species is presented. Doubtful historical records of Proteaceae fossils for the Antarctic Peninsula region and Patagonia are also discussed. Based on this revision, the three tribes of Proteaceae found today in Argentina were already present in Patagonia by the early Eocene, where they probably arrived via the Australia-Antarctica-South America connection.  相似文献   

A succession of Frasnian mounds on the southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium (Belgium) was investigated for their facies architecture, sedimentary dynamics and palaeogeographic evolution. Seven mound facies were defined from the Arche (A) and Lion (L) members, each characterized by a specific range of textures and association of organisms (A2/L2: red or pink limestone with stromatactis, corals and crinoids; A3/L3: grey, pink or green limestone with stromatactis, corals and stromatoporoids; A4/L4: grey limestone with corals, peloids and dasycladaceens; A5/L5: grey microbial limestone; A6/L6: grey limestone with dendroid stromatoporoids; A7/L7: grey laminated limestone with fenestrae; and A8/L8: grey bioturbated limestone). Laterally equivalent sediments include substantial reworked material from the buildups and background sedimentation. Textures and fossils suggest that A2/L2 and A3/L3 facies developed close to storm wave base, in a subphotic environment. Facies A4/L4, occurring near fair weather wave base in the euphotic zone, includes lenses of A5/L5 with stromatolitic coatings and thrombolithes. A6/L6 corresponds to a slightly restricted environment and shows a progressive transition to fenestral limestone of A7/L7. This facies was deposited in a moderately restricted intertidal area. A8/L8 developed in a quiet lagoonal subtidal environment. The mounds started with A2/L2 or A3/L3 in which microbial lenses and algal facies A4/L4 became progressively more abundant upwards. Following 20 m of laterally undifferentiated facies, more restricted facies occur in the central part of the buildups. This geometry suggests the initiation of restricted sedimentation, sheltered by bindstone or floatstone facies. The facies interpretation shows that after construction of the lower part of the mounds during a transgression and a sea-level highstand, a lowstand forced reef growth to the margin of the buildups, initiating the development of atoll-like crowns during the subsequent transgressive stage. The persistence of restricted facies results from the balance between sea-level rise and reef growth.  相似文献   

McNamara, M.E., Orr, P.J., Manzocchi, T., Alcalá, L., Anadón, P. & Peñalver, E. 2011: Biological controls upon the physical taphonomy of exceptionally preserved salamanders from the Miocene of Rubielos de Mora, northeast Spain. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 210–226. The middle Miocene Rubielos de Mora Konservat‐Lagerstätte of northeast Spain is hosted within profundal, finely laminated, lacustrine mudstones. The diverse biota includes abundant salamanders. Most individuals died during separate episodes and sank rapidly postmortem. Specimens are typically preserved in dorso‐ventral aspect, the most hydrodynamically stable orientation. The near‐cylindrical morphology of the body, however, allowed some carcasses to settle in or subsequently re‐orientate into, lateral orientations. Loss of skeletal elements (i.e. reduced completeness) reflects their location within the body and followed a distal to proximal trend. Two stages are identified: initial loss of a small number of phalanges, followed by loss of more proximal limb bones plus additional phalanges. Disarticulation is more complex: it occurred via several mechanisms (notably, abdominal rupture and re‐orientation of part of the body and limbs during decay) and shows no consistent pattern among specimens. The physical taphonomy of the salamanders is controlled predominantly by intrinsic biological factors, i.e. the geometry of the body and of individual skeletal elements, the orientation, inherent strength and location of specific joints and the extent to which soft tissues, particularly the skin, persist during decay. These biological factors probably control patterns of physical taphonomy of other fossil tetrapods with a similar skeletal configuration. □Articulation, completeness, Konservat‐Lagerstätten, orientation, quantitative taphonomy, salamanders.  相似文献   

In 1994 and 1995, a 7 m(2)area was excavated at Level 6 of the Gran Dolina site, Atapuerca. A 25 cm deep sub-level, named Aurora Stratum, contained a large number of human fossils, stone tools and faunal remains. The appearance of human remains as part of a butchered faunal assemblage in association with stone tools raises an interesting question relating to human behaviour. The main aim of this paper, therefore, is to evaluate the nature and function of the human occupation at this cave site with a view to understanding the purposes of cannibalism. The zooarchaeological and taphonomic analyses of the macrovertebrate remains focus on species composition, weight and anatomic groups, as well as breakage intensity, type of fragmentation, and surface damage (particularly tool-induced damage) in order to evaluate the faunal source, butchering techniques and economic strategies of the human groups involved. We also studied the distribution and fossil refitting at the site to establish depositional and postdepositional disturbance. Diagenetic breakage due to sediment compression plays an important role in the assemblage, but the most extensive modifications are those produced by human activity for nutritional purposes.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):635-646
Unit TE9 of the Sima del Elefante (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain), where the remains of Homo sp. have been discovered (1.2–1.3 Ma), is also a level rich in small mammals. The taphonomic study of these small vertebrates sheds light on the landscape that provided the setting for the activities of these early hominids and allows us to describe what the cave was like during the formation of the level. Small mammal predators identified in the study indicate that during this period the Sierra de Atapuerca was part of a large biome consisting of semi-open riparian forests with meadows nearby. Postdepositional alterations reveal that the production of fossils took place outside the cave, being transported inside by water currents. During the formation of TE9, the cave presented conditions of high humidity, which made it difficult for hominids to establish occupations inside, although these conditions became somewhat less severe in TE9c, the sublevel where human remains are found.  相似文献   

The Setesdal valley in South Norway runs north to south for 200 km, from alpine vegetation at 1200 m, passing the tree-line at around 1000 m, through Boreal forests, to Nemoral forest at sea level. The Holocene vegetation history and its altitudinal differentiation were reconstructed using pollen percentages and influx and plant macrofossil concentration records from four lakes along an altitudinal transect. During the early Holocene (c. 10500–8000 cal b.p.) Betula pubescens, Pinus sylvestris, Alnus, and Corylus expanded in the lowlands. Only Pinus and B. pubescens reached 1000 m asl (Lille Kjelavatn). Only B. pubescens reached Holebudalen (1144 m asl) at about the same time as it arrived in the lowlands. Between c. 8000–3000 cal b.p. mixed deciduous forest developed around Dalane (40 m asl) and to a lesser extent around Grostjørna (180 m asl), birch woodland with pine surrounded Lille Kjelavatn and birch woodland occurred at Holebudalen. From c. 3000 cal b.p. to present, the vegetation at Dalane hardly changed except for slight human impact and the immigration of Picea abies. At Grostjørna Pinus expanded. At Lille Kjelavatn Pinus disappeared and Betula became sparse as at the tree-line today. Betula retreated from Holebudalen thus leaving it above the tree-line in low-alpine vegetation. The strengths and weaknesses of pollen and plant macrofossil data were assessed for forest reconstructions. Where local pollen production is low, as near the tree-line, percentages of long-distance tree pollen can be misleadingly high. Pollen influxes of Betula and Pinus were much smaller near their altitudinal limits than at lower altitudes, although their macrofossils were equally abundant. The limited dispersal capacity of macrofossils documents the local presence of species and the character of the local vegetation, although macrofossils of some tree taxa are rarely found. Pollen and plant macrofossil evidence complement each other to provide a more complete reconstruction of Holocene tree-limits and tree-lines and hence climate changes, than either form of evidence alone.  相似文献   

Rudist bed type and distribution has been investigated in Upper Cretaceous limestones cropping out in the northern Cilento area (southern Italy). These limestones are dominated by fine-grained, peloidal, silty packstone in which rudist-rich beds are intercalated. An inner shelf environment may be inferred on the basis of the recognized sedimentary and taphonomic features. The rudist shell beds are characterized by low species diversity, with slight differences in abundance of a few species belonging to the Durania, Bournonia, Sauvagesia, Gorjanovicia and Biradiolites genera, which usually form oligo- or monospecific congregations. The internal fabric of these levels (i.e. orientation, arrangement, packing and sorting of the skeletal elements; internal microstratigraphy) has permitted us to distinguish two broad shell bed categories: (a) shell beds considered as “Primary Shell Concentration”, in which the shell concentration is essentially created by the behaviour of local shell producers, preserved in situ and in growth position; (b) shell beds considered as “Hydraulic Shell Concentration”, which were deposited under the influence of hydraulic processes and/or input of surrounding bioclastic sediments. The taphonomic analyses allowed us to highlight the role of some of the biotic and abiotic factors that controlled the distribution of the rudists in the various habitats. The increase of physical disturbance (especially hydrodynamism) is the primary difference between these shell bed categories. The establishment and development of the densest rudist congregations appear to be related to the accommodation space made available by means of relative sea level rise. The lowering of the sea level was often accompanied by the increased influence of waves and/or currents on the seabed and the consequent sediment disturbance and demise of the rudist lithosome, although other factors cannot be excluded.  相似文献   


In 1822, William Buckland first recognized Pleistocene vertebrate coprolites, and they are now known from more multiple localities with a global distribution. Carnivore coprolites dominate, and there are two distinct biogeographic and taphonomic provinces for vertebrate coprolites in the Pleistocene. The Castrocopros province of North and South America is characterized by a dominance of herbivore coprolites, which are preserved almost exclusively in caves. The Hyaenacoprus province in Africa, Europe and Asia is dominated by hyena coprolites that occur mainly in caves, but also in other depositional environments. Pacific Islands may represent a third province characterized by dominant bird coprolites from caves, but the known localities are all Holocene. Mammuthocopros allenorum ichnogen. and ichnosp. nov. is a coprolite of Mammuthus columbi from Utah, USA.  相似文献   

Vase‐shaped microfossils (VSMs), interpreted as the remains of testate amoebae, are found in late Tonian sedimentary rocks around the world. Here we explore the taxonomy, taphonomy and stratigraphical occurrence of VSMs from the Callison Lake Formation of the Coal Creek inlier, Yukon, Canada. Found in silicified black shale horizons and stromatolitic dolostone, sedimentological data suggest these VSMs inhabited a series of marine embayments characterized by lagoonal and/or shelf interior depositional environments. The fossiliferous strata have recently been dated with Re–Os geochronology at c. 753–740 Ma, which indicates they are not only coeval with diverse VSM assemblages described in the Chuar Group of Grand Canyon, Arizona, but also provides supportive evidence for the early diversification of eukaryotic clades prior to the Sturtian age Snowball Earth event (c. 717–660 Ma). Petrographic examination of well‐preserved specimens reveal taxa comparable to those from the Chuar Group, as well as two previously undescribed species. Species overlapping with Chuar Group VSMs are Bonniea dacruchares, Bonniea pytinaia, Cycliocyrillium simplex, Cycliocyrillium torquata, Melanocyrillium hexodiadema and Palaeoarcella athanata. New taxa described here are Bonniea makrokurtos and Cycliocyrillium rootsi. Energy dispersive x‐ray spectroscopic data reveal that the Callison Lake microfossils are preserved through a variety of taphonomic pathways, including silicification, infilling, authigenic mineralization and dolomitization. We explore the utility of M. hexodiadema as a latest Tonian biostratigraphical marker and examine the role of Callison Lake sequence stratigraphy as a control on the distribution and abundance of VSMs in the Coal Creek inlier and other global sedimentary successions.  相似文献   

New Lower-Middle Frasnian conodonts of the genus Palmatolepis Ulrich et Bassler, 1926 are described from the Kalagach and Kulyali formations of the Sishkat key section of Central Tajikistan. Palmatolepis manzuri sp. nov. descends from Pa. punctata (Hinde) and is an ancestor of Pa. kireevae Ovnatanova, Pa. salibaevi sp. nov., and also of the Pa. rhenana Bischoff branch.  相似文献   

Psammosteiforms, including Tartuosteus (?) zheleznogorskensis, sp. nov. and Psammosteus cf. P. praecursor Obruchev, from the Lower Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of the Mikhailovskii Mine (Kursk Region) are described. Agnathans, placoderms, crossopterygians, and acanthodians from this locality are determined. The similarity of the Mikhailovskii Fish Assemblage to the assemblage of southern Timan suggests it be assigned to the Upper Timan Regional Stage.  相似文献   

Siliceous “star cobbles”, referred to the enigmatic genus Brooksella, are abundant in the Conasauga Formation of the Coosa River Valley of Alabama and Georgia, USA. Explaining the phylogenetic affinities and taphonomic history of Brooksella has been difficult and contentious. Brooksella has, at times, been referred to: 1, the cnidarian order Scyphomedusae; 2, the cnidarian class Protomedusae (order Brooksellida); 3, as algae; 4, as a trace fossil; and 5, as a feature of inorganic origin.Macroscopic, microscopic, and computer-assisted tomographic analysis of Brooksella from the Conasauga Formation suggests that the “star cobbles” represent exceptionally preserved body fossils of simple construction. Morphology of star cobbles is most consistent with a siliceous (hexactinellid) sponge interpretation. Specimens show wide morphologic variation, including gradational patterns, suggesting that a single species name (Brooksella alternata) should be used to embrace all forms described from the Coosa Valley. B. alternata includes specimens having a variable number of radially disposed lobes divided by radial grooves, and often a central opening inferred to be an osculum on one side. Lobes in many specimens terminate in small openings. Small craterlike structures, inferred to be ostia, are present on the external surface. Radial internal cavities occupy the lobes. Specimens from the Conasauga Formation have siliceous spicules preserved surficially and internally.The three-dimensional nature of most “star cobbles” suggests rapid fossil diagenesis, perhaps mediated by the activities of microbial consortia that quickly formed biofilms around the dead hosts.  相似文献   

捕食是小哺乳动物死亡最常见的原因,也导致被捕食动物遗骸发生明显改变。动物死亡后的风化、踩踏、搬运等过程也会改变动物的骨骼并影响到化石组合的形成。本文研究了内蒙古大庙三个中新世化石地点,时代从早中新世到晚中新世早期(约21~11.6 Ma)。通过分析各小哺乳动物化石组合的沉积背景以及埋藏学特征识别化石埋藏的主要成因。结果显示出捕食是三个地点小哺乳动物化石埋藏的基本成因,而在两个年轻的地点中也有流水搬运与可能的踩踏因素的叠加。三个地点可能存在不一样的捕食者:早中新世地点以猫头鹰捕食为主,中、晚中新世地点则以日间活动的鸟类或哺乳类为主要捕食者。研究还显示小哺乳动物的系统发掘是可行的,在一定程度上可以减少采样过程中产生的破坏。  相似文献   

New finds of extremely well preserved skeletons of two rhipidistian crossopterygians, Panderichthys rhombolepis (Gross) and Laccognathus panderi Gross, in the Gauja beds (Upper Devonian of Latvia) make possible nearly complete reconstructions of these fishes, and amplify our knowledge of the morphology of the two main orders of Rhipidistia, the Osteolepidida and Holoprvchiida. Panderichthys rhambolepis is distinguished from other osteolepids by consolidation of the bones of the skull roof and cheek; a single attachment surface between the scapulocoracoid and cleithrum; unusual vertebrae; partial fusion of the distal elements in the endoskeleton of the pectoral fin; and the absence of scutes at the bases of the fins. P. rhombolepis may represent a new order of Rhipidistia. L. panderi (litters from known holoptychiids only in details. One unusual feature is the presence of a single large external narial opening, limited posteriorly by a previously unknown bone, the prelachrvinal.  相似文献   

A bryozoan fauna containing seven species is described from the Upper Frasnian (Upper Devonian) rocks in the Khoshyeilagh Section, Alborz Mountains (northern Iran). The studied bryozoan assemblage includes one new trepostome species, Eridotrypella alborzensis sp. nov., an additional four species identified at species level: two trepostomes, Minussina akkayaensis Volkova, 1974 and Leptotrypella inaudita Morozova, 1961, and two rhabdomesine cryptostomes, Bigeyella mariae (Morozova, 1961) and Saffordotaxis multispinata (Morozova, 1955). Furthermore, two species are described in open nomenclature: the trepostome Schulgina sp. and the rhabdomesine cryptostome Nicklesopora sp. The studied fauna shows a close similarity at the species level between northern Iran and the Altai-Sayan Folded Belt (Russia), south China, and Transcaucasia.  相似文献   

捕食是小哺乳动物死亡最常见的原因,也导致被捕食动物遗骸发生明显改变.动物死亡后的风化、踩踏、搬运等过程也会改变动物的骨骼并影响到化石组合的形成.本文研究了内蒙古大庙三个中新世化石地点,时代从早中新世到晚中新世早期(约21~11.6 Ma).通过分析各小哺乳动物化石组合的沉积背景以及埋藏学特征识别化石埋藏的主要成因.结果显示出捕食是三个地点小哺乳动物化石埋藏的基本成因,而在两个年轻的地点中也有流水搬运与可能的踩踏因素的叠加.三个地点可能存在不一样的捕食者:早中新世地点以猫头鹰捕食为主,中、晚中新世地点则以日间活动的鸟类或哺乳类为主要捕食者.研究还显示小哺乳动物的系统发掘是可行的,在一定程度上可以减少采样过程中产生的破坏.  相似文献   

The geochronology and taphonomy of internationally important fossil bearing cave deposits were studied, both in the semi-arid Northern Bahia area and the subtropical southeastern Lagoa Santa area of Brazil. Taphonomic analysis suggests that the processes responsible for bone accumulation in the Brazilian caves vary between sites, and taphonomic bias can therefore be significant in causing differences in faunal composition. In the Toca da Boa Vista caves the presence of single articulated skeletons, and the entrance-related distribution indicate that random penetration of animals is the main mechanism of fossil accumulation, a process that biases the assemblage to smaller species, and takes place over extended time periods. In nearby Toca dos Ossos cave transport by runoff in the cave river is predominant, and biases the fauna remains to larger more robust bones and species. Deposition probably also occurred only at times of enhanced runoff giving a more contemporaneous assemblage. Similar processes were responsible for emplacement of the copious fossil remains in the more humid Lagoa Santa area, where terrigenous fossil deposits are found intercalated by massive speleothem calcite layers. In this area runoff under a drier climate probably accounts for the sediment emplacement inside caves. In both areas the mode of emplacement implies bias in the fossil record, resulting in fossil assemblages that do not mirror surface faunas, limiting palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.

Mass spectrometric U-series analysis of speleothem calcite overlaying fossil remains gives minimum ages for fossil deposition. These ages confirm the previous view that many of the deposits derive from the late glacial, but also show that much older material (some > 350,000 yr) is also present. The habitat requirements of critical fossil species such as bats and monkeys strongly suggest that they derive from much wetter periods when forest cover was present in the currently semi-arid Northern Bahia area. Taphonomy exerts a major control on the diversity and mode of emplacement of cave fossil deposits in eastern Brazil and thus detailed sedimentological and hydrological studies coupled with a sound geochronological approach are essential in quantifying the relative importance of each taphonomic processes before faunal and palaeoecological interpretations can be attempted.  相似文献   

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