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The Plantae comprising red, green (including land plants), and glaucophyte algae are postulated to have a single common ancestor that is the founding lineage of photosynthetic eukaryotes. However, recent multiprotein phylogenies provide little or no support for this hypothesis. This may reflect limited complete genome data available for red algae, currently only the highly reduced genome of Cyanidioschyzon merolae, a reticulate gene ancestry, or variable gene divergence rates that mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, using novel genome data from the mesophilic Porphyridium cruentum and Calliarthron tuberculosum, we analyze 60,000 novel red algal genes to test the monophyly of red + green (RG) algae and their extent of gene sharing with other lineages. Using a gene-by-gene approach, we find an emerging signal of RG monophyly (supported by ~50% of the examined protein phylogenies) that increases with the number of distinct phyla and terminal taxa in the analysis. A total of 1,808 phylogenies show evidence of gene sharing between Plantae and other lineages. We demonstrate that a rich mesophilic red algal gene repertoire is crucial for testing controversial issues in eukaryote evolution and for understanding the complex patterns of gene inheritance in protists.  相似文献   

Filamentous fungi and oomycetes are eukaryotic microorganisms that grow by producing networks of thread-like hyphae, which secrete enzymes to break down complex nutrients, such as wood and plant material, and recover the resulting simple sugars and amino acids by osmotrophy. These organisms are extremely similar in both appearance and lifestyle and include some of the most economically important plant pathogens . However, the morphological similarity of fungi and oomycetes is misleading because they represent some of the most distantly related eukaryote evolutionary groupings, and their shared osmotrophic growth habit is interpreted as being the result of convergent evolution . The fungi branch with the animals, whereas the oomycetes branch with photosynthetic algae as part of the Chromalveolata . In this report, we provide strong phylogenetic evidence that multiple horizontal gene transfers (HGT) have occurred from filamentous ascomycete fungi to the distantly related oomycetes. We also present evidence that a subset of the associated gene families was initially the product of prokaryote-to-fungi HGT. The predicted functions of the gene products associated with fungi-to-oomycete HGT suggest that this process has played a significant role in the evolution of the osmotrophic, filamentous lifestyle on two separate branches of the eukaryote tree.  相似文献   

In the present study we characterized 47 food-borne isolates of Bacillus cereus using multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Newly determined sequences were combined with sequences available in public data banks in order to produce the largest data set possible. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on a total of 296 strains for which MLST sequence information is available, and three main lineages—I, II, and III—within the B. cereus complex were identified. With few exceptions, all food-borne isolates were in group I. The occurrence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among various strains was analyzed by several statistical methods, providing evidence of widespread lateral gene transfer within B. cereus. We also investigated the occurrence of toxin-encoding genes, focusing on their evolutionary history within B. cereus. Several patterns were identified, indicating a pivotal role of HGT in the evolution of toxin-encoding genes. Our results indicate that HGT is an important element in shaping the population structure of the B. cereus complex. The results presented here also provide strong evidence of reticulate evolution within the B. cereus complex.  相似文献   

Membrane transporters (MTs) facilitate the movement of molecules between cellular compartments. The evolutionary history of these key components of eukaryote genomes remains unclear. Many photosynthetic microbial eukaryotes (e.g., diatoms, haptophytes, and dinoflagellates) appear to have undergone serial endosymbiosis and thereby recruited foreign genes through endosymbiotic/horizontal gene transfer (E/HGT). Here we used the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum as models to examine the evolutionary origin of MTs in this important group of marine primary producers. Using phylogenomics, we used 1,014 diatom MTs as query against a broadly sampled protein sequence database that includes novel genome data from the mesophilic red algae Porphyridium cruentum and Calliarthron tuberculosum, and the stramenopile Ectocarpus siliculosus. Our conservative approach resulted in 879 maximum likelihood trees of which 399 genes show a non-lineal history between diatoms and other eukaryotes and prokaryotes (at the bootstrap value ≥70%). Of the eukaryote-derived MTs, 172 (ca. 25% of 697 examined phylogenies) have members of both red/green algae as sister groups, with 103 putatively arising from green algae, 19 from red algae, and 50 have an unresolved affiliation to red and/or green algae. We used topology tests to analyze the most convincing cases of non-lineal gene history in which red and/or green algae were nested within stramenopiles. This analysis showed that ca. 6% of all trees (our most conservative estimate) support an algal origin of MTs in stramenopiles with the majority derived from green algae. Our findings demonstrate the complex evolutionary history of photosynthetic eukaryotes and indicate a reticulate origin of MT genes in diatoms. We postulate that the algal-derived MTs acquired via E/HGT provided diatoms and other related microbial eukaryotes the ability to persist under conditions of fluctuating ocean chemistry, likely contributing to their great success in marine environments.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the early evolution of photosynthesis has been guided in part by the geological record, but the complexity and great antiquity of these early events require molecular genetic techniques as the primary tools of inference. Recent genome sequencing efforts have made whole genome data available from representatives of each of the five phyla of bacteria with photosynthetic members, allowing extensive phylogenetic comparisons of these organisms. Here, we have undertaken whole genome comparisons using maximum likelihood to compare 527 unique sets of orthologous genes from all five photosynthetic phyla. Substantiating recent whole genome analyses of other prokaryotes, our results indicate that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has played a significant part in the evolution of these organisms, resulting in genomes with mosaic evolutionary histories. A small plurality phylogenetic signal was observed, which may be a core of remnant genes not subject to HGT, or may result from a propensity for gene exchange between two or more of the photosynthetic organisms compared.  相似文献   

The field of microbial phylogenetics has questioned the feasibility of using a tree‐like structure to the describe microbial evolution. This debate centres on two main points. First, because microorganisms are able to transfer genes from one to another in zero generations (horizontal gene transfer, or HGT), the use of molecular characters to perform phylogenetic analyses will yield an erroneous topology and HGT clearly makes the evolution of microorganisms non tree‐like. Second, the use of concatenated gene sequences in a total evidence approach to phylogenetic systematics is a verificationist endeavour, the aim of which is to bolster support. However, the goal of the total evidence approach to phylogenetic research is based in the idea of increasing explanatory power over background knowledge through test and corroboration, rather than to bolster support for nodes in a tree. In this context, the testing of phylogenetic data is a falsificationist endeavour that includes the possibility of not rejecting the null hypothesis that there is no tree‐like structure in molecular phylogenetic data. We discuss several tests that aim to test rigorously the hypothesis that a tree of life exists for microorganisms. We also discuss the philosophical ramifications of background knowledge and corroboration in microbial studies that need to be considered when suggesting that HGT confounds the tree of life. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   



Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the non-genealogical transfer of genetic material between different organisms, is considered a potentially important mechanism of genome evolution in eukaryotes. Using phylogenomic analyses of expressed sequence tag (EST) data generated from a clonal cell line of a free living dinoflagellate alga Karenia brevis, we investigated the impact of HGT on genome evolution in unicellular chromalveolate protists.  相似文献   

Comparative algal genomics often relies on predicted genes from de novo assembled genomes. However, the artifacts introduced by different gene-prediction approaches, and their impact on comparative genomic analysis remain poorly understood. Here, using available genome data from six dinoflagellate species in the Symbiodiniaceae, we identified methodological biases in the published genes that were predicted using different approaches and putative contaminant sequences in the published genome assemblies. We developed and applied a comprehensive customized workflow to predict genes from these genomes. The observed variation among predicted genes resulting from our workflow agreed with current understanding of phylogenetic relationships among these taxa, whereas the variation among the previously published genes was largely biased by the distinct approaches used in each instance. Importantly, these biases affect the inference of homologous gene families and synteny among genomes, thus impacting biological interpretation of these data. Our results demonstrate that a consistent gene-prediction approach is critical for comparative analysis of dinoflagellate genomes.  相似文献   



Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is the stable transmission of genetic material between organisms by means other than vertical inheritance. HGT has an important role in the evolution of prokaryotes but is relatively rare in eukaryotes. HGT has been shown to contribute to virulence in eukaryotic pathogens. We studied the importance of HGT in plant pathogenic fungi by identifying horizontally transferred genes in the genomes of three members of the genus Colletotrichum.


We identified eleven HGT events from bacteria into members of the genus Colletotrichum or their ancestors. The HGT events include genes involved in amino acid, lipid and sugar metabolism as well as lytic enzymes. Additionally, the putative minimal dates of transference were calculated using a time calibrated phylogenetic tree. This analysis reveals a constant flux of genes from bacteria to fungi throughout the evolution of subphylum Pezizomycotina.


Genes that are typically transferred by HGT are those that are constantly subject to gene duplication and gene loss. The functions of some of these genes suggest roles in niche adaptation and virulence. We found no evidence of a burst of HGT events coinciding with major geological events. In contrast, HGT appears to be a constant, albeit rare phenomenon in the Pezizomycotina, occurring at a steady rate during their evolution.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-16-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Species trees have traditionally been inferred from a few selected markers, and genome‐wide investigations remain largely restricted to model organisms or small groups of species for which sampling of fresh material is available, leaving out most of the existing and historical species diversity. The genomes of an increasing number of species, including specimens extracted from natural history collections, are being sequenced at low depth. While these data sets are widely used to analyse organelle genomes, the nuclear fraction is generally ignored. Here we evaluate different reference‐based methods to infer phylogenies of large taxonomic groups from such data sets. Using the example of the Oleeae tribe, a worldwide‐distributed group, we build phylogenies based on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained using two reference genomes (the olive and ash trees). The inferred phylogenies are overall congruent, yet present differences that might reflect the effect of distance to the reference on the amount of missing data. To limit this issue, genome complexity was reduced by using pairs of orthologous coding sequences as the reference, thus allowing us to combine SNPs obtained using two distinct references. Concatenated and coalescence trees based on these combined SNPs suggest events of incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization during the diversification of this large phylogenetic group. Our results show that genome‐wide phylogenetic trees can be inferred from low‐depth sequence data sets for eukaryote groups with complex genomes, and histories of reticulate evolution. This opens new avenues for large‐scale phylogenomics and biogeographical analyses covering both the extant and the historical diversity stored in museum collections.  相似文献   

Polyketide synthases (PKS) perform a stepwise biosynthesis of diverse carbon skeletons from simple activated carboxylic acid units. The products of the complex pathways possess a wide range of pharmaceutical properties, including antibiotic, antitumor, antifungal, and immunosuppressive activities. We have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of multimodular and iterative PKS of bacteria and fungi and of the distinct types of fatty acid synthases (FAS) from different groups of organisms based on the highly conserved ketoacyl synthase (KS) domains. Apart from enzymes that meet the classification standards we have included enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of mycolic acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and glycolipids in bacteria. This study has revealed that PKS and FAS have passed through a long joint evolution process, in which modular PKS have a central position. They appear to have derived from bacterial FAS and primary iterative PKS and, in addition, share a common ancestor with animal FAS and secondary iterative PKS. Furthermore, we have carried out a phylogenomic analysis of all modular PKS that are encoded by the complete eubacterial genomes currently available in the database. The phylogenetic distribution of acyltransferase and KS domain sequences revealed that multiple gene duplications, gene losses, as well as horizontal gene transfer (HGT) have contributed to the evolution of PKS I in bacteria. The impact of these factors seems to vary considerably between the bacterial groups. Whereas in actinobacteria and cyanobacteria the majority of PKS I genes may have evolved from a common ancestor, several lines of evidence indicate that HGT has strongly contributed to the evolution of PKS I in proteobacteria. Discovery of new evolutionary links between PKS and FAS and between the different PKS pathways in bacteria may help us in understanding the selective advantage that has led to the evolution of multiple secondary metabolite biosyntheses within individual bacteria.  相似文献   

Determining the influence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) on phylogenomic analyses and the retrieval of a tree of life is relevant for our understanding of microbial genome evolution. It is particularly difficult to differentiate between phylogenetic incongruence due to noise and that resulting from HGT. We have performed a large-scale, detailed evolutionary analysis of the different phylogenetic signals present in the genomes of Xanthomonadales, a group of Proteobacteria. We show that the presence of phylogenetic noise is not an obstacle to infer past and present HGTs during their evolution. The scenario derived from this analysis and other recently published reports reflect the confounding effects on bacterial phylogenomics of past and present HGT. Although transfers between closely related species are difficult to detect in genome-scale phylogenetic analyses, past transfers to the ancestor of extant groups appear as conflicting signals that occasionally might make impossible to determine the evolutionary origin of the whole genome.  相似文献   

Nonribosomal peptides (NRPs) and polyketides (PKs) are ecologically important secondary metabolites produced by bacteria and fungi using multidomain enzymes called nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) and polyketide synthases (PKSs), respectively. Previous phylogenetic analyses of fungal NRPSs and PKSs have suggested that a few of these genes were acquired by fungi via horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from bacteria, including a hybrid NPS/PKS found in Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). Here, we identify this hybrid gene in fungi representing two additional classes of Ascomycota (Aspergillus spp., Microsporum canis, Arthroderma spp., and Trichophyton spp., Eurotiomycetes; Chaetomium spp. and Metarhizium spp., Sordariomycetes) and use phylogenetic analyses of the most highly conserved domains from NRPSs (adenylation (A) domain) and PKSs (ketoacyl synthase (KS) domain) to examine the hypothesis that the hybrid NPS7/PKS24 was acquired by fungi from bacteria via HGT relatively early in the evolution of the Pezizomycotina. Our results reveal a unique ancestry of the A domain and KS domain in the hybrid gene relative to known fungal NRPSs and PKSs, provide strong evidence for HGT of the hybrid gene from a putative bacterial donor in the Burkholderiales, and suggest the HGT event occurred early in the evolution of the filamentous Ascomycota.  相似文献   

Reticulate evolution is a common and important driving force in angiosperm evolution. In this study, we analyzed the phylogenetic signals of genomic regions with different inheritance patterns to understand the evolutionary process of organisms using species-rich Himalaya–Hengduan taxa of bamboos (Fargesia Franchet and Yushania Keng). We constructed phylogenetic trees using different sampling strategies and reconstruction methods based on genome skimming and double digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing data. We assessed the congruence of topologies generated from different datasets and employed several approaches to reveal the causes of phylogenetic incongruence, including the detection of hybridization and introgression using PhyloNetworks and the D-statistic test (ABBA-BABA test). We found that, in the plastome-based phylogeny, Fargesia bamboos can be clustered into three groups and Yushania was nested within one of them, which contradicts the nuclear–double digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing-based phylogeny. Moreover, the genetic variation of chloroplast DNA is significantly correlated with geographical distribution. The strong signal of incomplete lineage sorting, hybridization, introgression, and cytoplasmic gene flow found among genera and species suggests that reticulate evolution is the main cause for the phylogenetic incongruence between nuclear and chloroplast datasets. Our results add evidence that genomes with different inheritance patterns can reveal distinct evolutionary histories of species and suggest that reticulate evolution is prevalent in rapidly diversifying groups.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies of polyploid plants have successfully clarified complex patterns of reticulate evolution. In this study of Elymus repens, an allohexaploid member of the wheat tribe Triticeae, chloroplast and nuclear DNA data reveal an extreme reticulate pattern, revealing at least five distinct gene lineages coexisting within the species, acquired through a possible combination of allohexaploidy and introgression from both within and beyond the Triticeae. Earlier cytogenetic studies of E. repens suggested that Hordeum (genome H) and Pseudoroegneria (St) were genome donors to E. repens. Chloroplast DNA data presented here (from the rpoA gene and from the region between trnT and trnF) identify three potential maternal genome donors (Pseudoroegneria, Thinopyrum, and Dasypyrum), and information from previous molecular work suggests that, of these, Pseudoroegneria is the most likely maternal donor. Nuclear starch synthase gene data indicate that both Hordeum and Pseudoroegneria have contributed to the nuclear genome of E. repens, in agreement with cytogenetic data. However, these data also show unexpected contributions from Taeniatherum, and from two additional donors of unknown identity. One of the sequences of unknown origin falls within the Triticeae, but is not closely associated with any of the sampled diploid genera. The second falls outside of the clade containing Triticeae and its outgroup Bromus, suggesting the acquisition of genetic material from a surprisingly divergent source. Bias toward the amplification of certain starch synthase variants has complicated attempts to thoroughly sample from within individuals, but the data clearly indicate a complex pattern of reticulate evolution, consistent not only with allohexaploidy, but also with introgression from unexpectedly divergent sources.  相似文献   



Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has been widely identified in complete prokaryotic genomes. However, the roles of HGT among members of a microbial community and in evolution remain largely unknown. With the emergence of metagenomics, it is nontrivial to investigate such horizontal flow of genetic materials among members in a microbial community from the natural environment. Because of the lack of suitable methods for metagenomics gene transfer detection, microorganisms from a low-complexity community acid mine drainage (AMD) with near-complete genomes were used to detect possible gene transfer events and suggest the biological significance.


Using the annotation of coding regions by the current tools, a phylogenetic approach, and an approximately unbiased test, we found that HGTs in AMD organisms are not rare, and we predicted 119 putative transferred genes. Among them, 14 HGT events were determined to be transfer events among the AMD members. Further analysis of the 14 transferred genes revealed that the HGT events affected the functional evolution of archaea or bacteria in AMD, and it probably shaped the community structure, such as the dominance of G-plasma in archaea in AMD through HGT.


Our study provides a novel insight into HGT events among microorganisms in natural communities. The interconnectedness between HGT and community evolution is essential to understand microbial community formation and development.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1720-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics revealed in the last decade a scenario of rampant horizontal gene transfer (HGT) among prokaryotes, but for fungi a clearly dominant pattern of vertical inheritance still stands, punctuated however by an increasing number of exceptions. In the present work, we studied the phylogenetic distribution and pattern of inheritance of a fungal gene encoding a fructose transporter (FSY1) with unique substrate selectivity. 109 FSY1 homologues were identified in two sub-phyla of the Ascomycota, in a survey that included 241 available fungal genomes. At least 10 independent inter-species instances of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) involving FSY1 were identified, supported by strong phylogenetic evidence and synteny analyses. The acquisition of FSY1 through HGT was sometimes suggestive of xenolog gene displacement, but several cases of pseudoparalogy were also uncovered. Moreover, evidence was found for successive HGT events, possibly including those responsible for transmission of the gene among yeast lineages. These occurrences do not seem to be driven by functional diversification of the Fsy1 proteins because Fsy1 homologues from widely distant lineages, including at least one acquired by HGT, appear to have similar biochemical properties. In summary, retracing the evolutionary path of the FSY1 gene brought to light an unparalleled number of independent HGT events involving a single fungal gene. We propose that the turbulent evolutionary history of the gene may be linked to the unique biochemical properties of the encoded transporter, whose predictable effect on fitness may be highly variable. In general, our results support the most recent views suggesting that inter-species HGT may have contributed much more substantially to shape fungal genomes than heretofore assumed.  相似文献   

In many phylogenetic problems, assuming that species have evolved from a common ancestor by a simple branching process is unrealistic. Reticulate phylogenetic models, however, have been largely neglected because the concept of reticulate evolution have not been supported by using appropriate analytical tools and software. The reticulate model can adequately describe such complicated mechanisms as hybridization between species or lateral gene transfer in bacteria. In this paper, we describe a new algorithm for inferring reticulate phylogenies from evolutionary distances among species. The algorithm is capable of detecting contradictory signals encompassed in a phylogenetic tree and identifying possible reticulate events that may have occurred during evolution. The algorithm produces a reticulate phylogeny by gradually improving upon the initial solution provided by a phylogenetic tree model. The new algorithm is compared to the popular SplitsGraph method in a reanalysis of the evolution of photosynthetic organisms. A computer program to construct and visualize reticulate phylogenies, called T-Rex (Tree and Reticulogram Reconstruction), is available to researchers at the following URL: www.fas.umontreal.ca/biol/casgrain/en/labo/t-rex.  相似文献   

Assessment of phylogenetic positions of predicted gene and protein sequences is a routine step in any genome project, useful for validating the species' taxonomic position and for evaluating hypotheses about genome evolution and function. Several recent eukaryotic genome projects have reported multiple gene sequences that were much more similar to homologues in bacteria than to any eukaryotic sequence. In the spirit of the times, horizontal gene transfer from bacteria to eukaryotes has been invoked in some of these cases. Here, we show, using comparative sequence analysis, that some of those bacteria‐like genes indeed appear likely to have been horizontally transferred from bacteria to eukaryotes. In other cases, however, the evidence strongly indicates that the eukaryotic DNA sequenced in the genome project contains a sample of non‐integrated DNA from the actual bacteria, possibly providing a window into the host microbiome. Recent literature suggests also that common reagents, kits and laboratory equipment may be systematically contaminated with bacterial DNA, which appears to be sampled by metagenome projects non‐specifically. We review several bioinformatic criteria that help to distinguish putative horizontal gene transfers from the admixture of genes from autonomously replicating bacteria in their hosts' genome databases or from the reagent contamination.  相似文献   

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