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To obtain polymorphic molecular markers for population genetic and conservation studies in the Eurasian vulture Gyps fulvus populations, we screened a size‐selected partial genomic library enriched for microsatellites with dinucleotide motifs. A total of five polymorphic markers were obtained. The number of alleles ranged from two to nine and the observed and expected heterozygosity were very similar. These markers will be very useful for studying population structure and to evaluate conservation programmes.  相似文献   

Graham R. Martin  Sarah Wanless 《Ibis》2015,157(4):798-807
Significant differences in avian visual fields are found between closely related species that differ in their foraging technique. We report marked differences in the visual fields of two auk species. In air, Common Guillemots Uria aalge have relatively narrow binocular fields typical of those found in non‐passerine predatory birds. Atlantic Puffins Fratercula arctica have much broader binocular fields similar to those that have hitherto been recorded in passerines and in a penguin. In water, visual fields narrow considerably and binocularity in the direction of the bill is probably abolished in both auk species. Although perceptual challenges associated with foraging are similar in both species during the breeding season, when they are piscivorous, Puffins (but not Guillemots) face more exacting perceptual challenges when foraging at other times, when they take a high proportion of small invertebrate prey. Capturing this prey probably requires more accurate, visually guided bill placement and we argue that this is met by the Puffin's broader binocular field, which is retained upon immersion; its upward orientation may enable prey to be seen in silhouette. These visual field configurations have potentially important consequences that render these birds vulnerable to collision with human artefacts underwater, but not in air. They also have consequences for vigilance behaviour.  相似文献   

The visual fields of the Aegypiinae vultures have been shown to be adapted primarily to meet two key perceptual challenges of their obligate carrion‐feeding behaviour: scanning the ground and preventing the sun's image falling upon the retina. However, field observations have shown that foraging White‐headed Vultures Trigonoceps occipitalis are not exclusively carrion‐feeders; they are also facultative predators of live prey. Such feeding is likely to present perceptual challenges that are additional to those posed by carrion‐feeding. Binocularity is the key component of all visual fields and in birds it is thought to function primarily in the accurate placement and time of contact of the talons and bill, especially in the location and seizure of food items. We determined visual fields in White‐headed Vultures and compared them with those of two species of carrion‐eating Gyps vultures. The visual field of White‐headed Vultures has more similarities with those of predatory raptors (e.g. accipitrid hawks) than with the taxonomically more closely related Gyps vultures. Maximum binocular field width in White‐headed Vultures (30°) is significantly wider than that in Gyps vultures (20°). The broader binocular fields in White‐headed Vultures probably facilitate accurate placement and timing of the talons when capturing evasive live prey.  相似文献   

The visual fields of Blacksmith Lapwings Vanellus armatus show the characteristics of visual guided foragers that use precision pecking for prey capture – a binocular field of narrow width and limited vertical extent, with the projection of the bill close to its centre and a large blind area above and behind the head. The topography of the total field, particularly the binocular field, is similar to that of European Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria. We suggest that the ‘foot‐trembling’ behaviour associated with foraging in Plovers is not under visual guidance but forces the escape of hidden prey, which is detected when the prey item moves into the binocular field to enable its capture in the bill. Foot‐trembling thus functions to extend the effective foraging area of a bird beyond the limits of its visual field.  相似文献   

Variations in visual field topography among birds have been interpreted as adaptations to the specific perceptual challenges posed by the species’ foraging ecology. To test this hypothesis we determined visual field topography in four bird species which have different foraging ecologies but are from the same family: Puna Ibis Plegadis ridgwayi (probes for prey in the soft substrates of marsh habitats), Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita (surface pecks for prey in dry terrestrial habitats), African Spoonbill Platalea alba and Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia (bill‐sweeps for prey in shallow turbid waters). All four species employ tactile cues provided by bill‐tip organs for prey detection. We predicted that the visual fields of these species would show general features similar to those found in other birds whose foraging is guided by tactile cues from the bill (i.e. bill falling outside the frontal binocular field and comprehensive visual coverage of the celestial hemisphere). However, the visual fields of all four species showed general features characteristic of birds that take food directly in the bill under visual guidance (i.e. a narrow and vertically long binocular field in which the projection of the bill tip is approximately central and with a blind area above and behind the head). Visual fields of the two spoonbills were very similar but differed from those of the ibises, which also differed between themselves. In the spoonbills, there was a blind area below the bill produced by the enlarged spatulate bill tip. We discuss how these differences in visual fields are related to the perceptual challenges of these birds’ different foraging ecologies, including the detection, identification and ingestion of prey. In particular we suggest that all species need to see binocularly around the bill and between the opened mandibles for the identification of caught prey items and its transport to the back of the mouth. Our findings support the hypothesis that sensory challenges associated with differences in foraging ecology, rather than shared ancestry or the control of locomotion, are the main determinants of variation in visual field topography in birds.  相似文献   

Birds show interspecific variation both in the size of the fields of individual eyes and in the ways that these fields are brought together to produce the total visual field. Variation is found in the dimensions of all main parameters: binocular region, cyclopean field and blind areas. There is a phylogenetic signal with respect to maximum width of the binocular field in that passerine species have significantly broader field widths than non-passerines; broadest fields are found among crows (Corvidae). Among non-passerines, visual fields show considerable variation within families and even within some genera. It is argued that (i) the main drivers of differences in visual fields are associated with perceptual challenges that arise through different modes of foraging, and (ii) the primary function of binocularity in birds lies in the control of bill position rather than in the control of locomotion. The informational function of binocular vision does not lie in binocularity per se (two eyes receiving slightly different information simultaneously about the same objects from which higher-order depth information is extracted), but in the contralateral projection of the visual field of each eye. Contralateral projection ensures that each eye receives information from a symmetrically expanding optic flow-field from which direction of travel and time to contact targets can be extracted, particularly with respect to the control of bill position.  相似文献   

Faecal and vomit samples were collected from 12 griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) in May 2002 and examined for bacteria, fungi and parasites. Bacteria present included Escherichia coli, Aeromonas salmonicidia, Proteus sp., Escherichia fergusonii, Providencia alcalifaciens, Micrococcus sp. and Streptococcus sp. Mycological examination revealed the presence of Candida sp., yeasts and in one case, Rhodotorula rubra. Strongyle eggs were found in several samples. In most faecal samples, ascarid eggs of Toxocara type were found. Tapeworm eggs of Moniezia type were present in one faecal sample. Both microbiologic and parasitic findings are most likely the result of the feeding habits of griffon vultures.  相似文献   

In birds, differences in the extent and position of the binocular visual field reflect adaptations to varying foraging strategies, and the extent of the lateral portion of the field may reflect anti‐predator strategies. The goal of this study was to describe and compare the visual fields of two ground‐foraging passerines, House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus and House Sparrow Passer domesticus. We found that both species have a binocular field type that is associated with the accurate control of bill position when pecking. Both species have eye movements of relatively large amplitude, which can produce substantial variations in the configuration of the binocular fields. We propose that in these ground foragers, their relatively wide binocular fields could function to increase foraging efficiency by locating multiple rather than single food items prior to pecking events. The lateral fields of both species are wide enough to facilitate the detection of predators or conspecifics while head‐down foraging. This suggests that foraging and scanning are not mutually exclusive activities in these species, as previously assumed. Furthermore, we found some slight, but significant, differences between species: House Sparrow binocular fields are both wider and vertically taller, and the blind area is wider than in House Finches. These differences may be related to variations in the degree of eye movements and position of the orbits in the skull.  相似文献   

GRAHAM R. MARTIN 《Ibis》2011,153(2):239-254
Sensory ecology investigates the information that underlies an animal’s interactions with its environment. A sensory ecology framework is used here to seek to assess why flying birds collide with prominent structures, such as power lines, fences, communication masts, wind turbines and buildings, which intrude into the open airspace. Such collisions occur under conditions of both high and low visibility. It is argued that a human perspective of the problems posed by these obstacles is unhelpful. Birds live in different visual worlds and key aspects of these differences are summarized. When in flight, birds may turn their heads in both pitch and yaw to look down, either with the binocular field or with the lateral part of an eye’s visual field. Such behaviour may be usual and results in certain species being at least temporarily blind in the direction of travel. Furthermore, even if birds are looking ahead, frontal vision may not be in high resolution. In general, high resolution occurs in the lateral fields of view and frontal vision in birds may be tuned for the detection of movement concerned with the extraction of information from the optical flow field, rather than the detection of high spatial detail. Birds probably employ lateral vision for the detection of conspecifics, foraging opportunities and predators. The detection of these may be more important than simply looking ahead during flight in the open airspace. Birds in flight may predict that the environment ahead is not cluttered. Even if they are facing forward, they may fail to see an obstacle as they may not predict obstructions; perceptually they have no ‘prior’ for human artefacts such as buildings, power wires or wind turbines. Birds have only a restricted range of flight speeds that can be used to adjust their rate of gain of visual information as the sensory challenges of the environment change. It is argued that to reduce collisions with known hazards, something placed upon the ground may be more important than something placed on the obstacle itself. Foraging patches, conspecific models or alerting sounds placed a suitable distance from the hazard may be an effective way of reducing collisions in certain locations. However, there is unlikely to be a single effective way to reduce collisions for multiple species at any one site. Warning or diversion and distraction solutions may need to be tailored for particular target species.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(6):1982-1994.e4
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Based on the procedure of Prusky et al. (2000, Vision Research, 40, 2201-2209), we used a computer-based, two-alternative swim task to evaluate visual detection, pattern discrimination and visual acuity in 14 strains of mice from priority groups A and B of the JAX phenome project (129S1/SvImJ, A/J, AKR/J, BALB/cByJ, BALB/cJ, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, CAST/Ei, DBA/2J, FVB/NJ, MOLF/Ei, SJL/J, SM/J and SPRET/Ei). Each mouse was tested for eight trials/day for 8 days on each of the three tests. There was a significant strain difference in visual ability in all three tests. Mice with reported normal vision (129S1/SvImJ, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J) and one albino strain (AKR/J) performed very well in these tasks. The other albino strains (A/J, BALB/cByJ and BALB/cJ) took longer to learn the tasks than mice with normal vision and did not reach the criterion of 70% correct. Mice with retinal degeneration (C3H/HeJ, FVB/NJ, MOLF/Ei and SJL/J) performed only at chance levels as did the three strains with unknown visual abilities (CAST/Ei, SM/J and SPRET/Ei). Because many behavioral tasks for rodents rely on visual cues, we suggest that the visual abilities of mice should be evaluated before they are tested in commonly used visuo-spatial learning and memory tasks.  相似文献   

Humans use shading as a cue to three-dimensional form by combining low-level information about light intensity with high-level knowledge about objects and the environment. Here, we examine how cuttlefish Sepia officinalis respond to light and shadow to shade the white square (WS) feature in their body pattern. Cuttlefish display the WS in the presence of pebble-like objects, and they can shade it to render the appearance of surface curvature to a human observer, which might benefit camouflage. Here we test how they colour the WS on visual backgrounds containing two-dimensional circular stimuli, some of which were shaded to suggest surface curvature, whereas others were uniformly coloured or divided into dark and light semicircles. WS shading, measured by lateral asymmetry, was greatest when the animal rested on a background of shaded circles and three-dimensional hemispheres, and less on plain white circles or black/white semicircles. In addition, shading was enhanced when light fell from the lighter side of the shaded stimulus, as expected for real convex surfaces. Thus, the cuttlefish acts as if it perceives surface curvature from shading, and takes account of the direction of illumination. However, the direction of WS shading is insensitive to the directions of background shading and illumination; instead the cuttlefish tend to turn to face the light source.  相似文献   

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