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P. Ferron 《BioControl》1967,12(3):257-293
Sans résumé Ce travail a fait l'objet d'une thèse de 3e Cycle en biologie animale (mention entomologie) intitulée: ≪Observations écologiques sur la mycose àBeauveria tenella (Delacr.) Siemaszko des larves du Hanneton commun,Melolontha melolontha L.≫ et soutenue le 8 décembre 1966 devant la Commission d'examen de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Paris.  相似文献   

Summary We have showed that the males of active nests fed properly by themselves, whereas in nests toward their completion only the young were capable of doing so. The adults of these last always have a poor or no nutrition. The worker-wasps feed them but with reticence. In compensation, they seem very apt to solicit the regurgitations of the larvæ.So long as the nest remains active and has the benefit of abundant food, the males are likely to draw their own food from various sources, as well as the other inhabitants. But, when the nest is in danger or the young queens appear, the purveyors desert them for the benefit of the other workers, of the queens and their larvæ, as we have in different circumstances showed (Montagner 1963). The principal source of feeding of the males is then essentially in the pursuit of the larval regurgitations. The workers do participate a little pursuit of the larval regurgitations. The workers do participate a little in their feeding, but this very food must be taken out of the portion of the brood.It seems then that the males never acquire to perfection the mechanism of trophallaxy, those stereotyped acts which become reflexes between the workers. These are individuals insufficiently adapted to the social life of the nest, having but few dealings with their workers and living as parasites on the regurgitations of the larvæ. Moreover, we have showed that they are not able to feed the larvæ, even when they are given abundant food and that they feed by themselves (Table XI).
Zusammenfassung Wir haben gezeigt, dass die Männchen der aktiven Stöcke sich selbst gut ernähren, während in den älteren Stöcken nur die Jungen dazu fähig sind. Die Erwachsenen dieser letzteren ernähren sich kaum oder gar nicht. Sie werden von den Arbeiterinnen nur ungern gefüttert. Dagegen scheinen sie, sehr fähig zu sein, von den Larven das wiedergekäute Futter zu verlangen.So lange der Stock aktiv bleibt und reichlich mit Futter versorgt wird, sind die Männchen anscheinend in der Lage, wie die andern Bewohner, sich ihr Futter an verschiedenen Stellen zu verschaffen. Wenn aber der Stock sich auflöst oder wenn die Gründerinnen erscheinen, lassen die Versorgerinnen sie in Stich zu güngten der anderen Arbeiterinnen, der Gründerinnen und deren Larven sich die Männchen vor allem vom wiedergekäuten Futter der Larven. Die Arbeiterinnen beteiligen sich wohl ein wenig an der Fütterung der Männchen, diese aber selbst soll vom Futteranteil der Brut genommen werden.Es scheint dann, dass die Männchen den Mechanismus der Trophallaxis, jene stereotypischen Handlungen, die bei den Arbeiterinnen zu Reflexen werden, nie vollkommen erwerben. Das sind Individuen, die dem Gesellschaftsleben des Stockes nicht angepasst sind, die nur wenige Beziehungen zu dem Arbeiterinnen haben und als Schmarotzer vom wiedergekäuten Futter der Larven leben. Wir haben übringens gezeigt, dass sie nicht in der Lage sind, die brut zu füttern, sogar wenn sie reichlich mit Futter versorgt werden oder wenn sie sich selbst ernähren (Tafel XI).

《Médecine Nucléaire》2019,43(5-6):381-385
AimProduction of 68Ga-radiopharmaceuticals is a rapidly growing field in France. However, operators may already be involved in other radiopharmaceutical activities. It is thus necessary to know the exposure of this new activity.Material and methodsFor passive dosimetry, a radiophotoluminescent (RPL) dosimeter, a thermoluminescent (TLD) chip, 2 TLD rings and a passive dosimeter for crystalline were used. For active dosimetry, an extremity dosimeter and a whole body dosimeter were used. This study was performed during semi-automatized production of 68Ga-investigational medicinal products. Values were normalized to 500MBq manipulated (median activity using a 1850MBq 68Ga-generator), 60 radiosynthesis (maximum enrollment ability of our center) and 2 operators. A LB123 proportional counter was used for quantification of external exposition to 10MBq 68Ge and internal exposition by inhalation was theoretically assessed. 68Ga emission attenuation by collective protection equipments was also discussed.ResultsConsidering passive dosimetry, the equivalent dose to extremities was 21.75 ± 0.34 mSv, the whole-body effective dose was 0.189 ± 0.011 mSv and the dose to crystalline was 0.925 ± 0.009 mSv. Considering active dosimetry, the equivalent dose to extremities was 8,75 ± 0.12 mSv and the whole-body effective dose was 0,088 ± 0.009 mSv. Total exposure to 68Ge was 1.75 μSv.ConclusionIn our hands, 68Ga is a directly transposable activity in radiopharmacies already equipped for 18F because of a dosimetry complying with regulatory limits and suitable radiation protection of collective equipments.  相似文献   

The ostracod fauna collected from the Cherahil formation that crops out at the Jebel Serj section (central Tunisia) contains 24 species belonging to 12 genera. These ostracods are associated with 9 genera of benthic Foraminifera (including 4 Nummulites species) and 7 genera of planktonic Foraminifera. The biostratigraphic study of ostracod assemblages results to the recognition of 6 biozones which are correlated with Lutetian-Priabonian. The Shannon Weaver, Margalef and equitability indices point to internal platform netritic conditions, with minor fluctuations in depth and oxygenation. The palaeobiogeographic distribution of ostracod species found in the study area of Central of Tunisia establishes a good connexion with the basins developed in Northern Africa (Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and Mauritania) and the Middle East (Egypt and Jordan).  相似文献   

Campanian rudist reefs of Central Tunisia are rich in pallial-canal rudists, belonging to the genus Sabinia. The Djebel Serraguia layer shows well-preserved samples allowing to make a detailed paleontologic study. A new sub species of a previously observed species from the Maastrichtian of Yugoslavia and Turkey is described. Identified for the first time on the african margins, this new taxon gives interesting data concerning systematic and evolution of the genus Sabinia, as well as the relationships between reef provinces during the Upper Senonian. The biosedimentologic role of Sabinia within tunisian reefs is pointed out.  相似文献   

This paper follows the first part: Legrand-Blain &alii, 1983,Geobios, no 16, fasc. 3.The brachiopods here described from the «Culm are: Schizophoria cf. resupinata, Rhipidomella michelini, Actinoconchus aff. paradoxus, Lamellosathyris gr. lamellosa, Cleiothyridina (Leiothycridina) nov. sp. gr. okensis, Podtsheremia (s.l.) convenarum nov. sp., Neospirifer gr. derjawini, Anthracospirifer (?) sp., Brachythyrina (Anthracothyrina) perextensa nov. subgen., nov. sp., «Spirifer lujkiensis, Zaissania nov. sp., Kitakamithyris or Torynifer (?) sp., Martinia minima. From shales associated with the Ardengost limestones, slightly different faunas are: Podtsheremia (s.l.) convenarum (?), Anthracospirifer (?) sp., Brachythyrina (Anthracothyrina) bressoni nov. subgen., nov. sp., Phricodothyris mosquensis, Martinia buckmani.The brachiopods from Ardengost limestones andassociated shales, well dated, are of upper Serpukhovian age. The «Culm ones might be heterochroneous, with Serpukhovian and (?) Bashkirian elements. The paleoecology of the brachiopods from limestones and associated shales indicates moderate and low energy environments. The «Culm brachiopods display both resedimentation and delicate preservation features. There is evidence of rather close palaeobiogeographic relationships with the northern Sahara: during the late Serpukhovian, a «Sahara-Pyrénées region could be distinguished, at the western part of the vast Tethysian province.  相似文献   

During the 20th century, because of urbanization, most palaeontological sites yielding plants (Hettangian–Sinemurian in age) from the city of Mende have disappeared, or they have been forgotten. This article presents a synthesis of sites yielding plants, from their discoveries in the 19th century to recent prospecting. New lithostratigraphic and palaeobotanical data are brought for two historic sites (Ravin del Pouset and Petit Séminaire), as well as two new localities (Causse d’Auge road and Gardès road). This study reveals the diversity of plant-containing lithofacies (dolomudstone, marl, limestone/calcarenite and oo-bioclastic limestone) and the diversity of plant preservations (charcoalified compressions with or without cuticle, isolated cuticle, external casts/impressions). Microfaciological study of plant beds demonstrates the diversity of depositional environments. Protected, restricted and shallow environments with low wave exposure and probable euryhaline conditions are clearly the most favourable to the accumulation and the preservation of fossil plants. These early Liassic palaeofloras, among the southernmost yet reported for Laurasia, are of significance for the plant geography and global paleoecology at that time.  相似文献   

The territory of actual Kazakhstan is well known by a high concentration of archaeological sites of different phases of Palaeolithic period. This country situated at the crossroad of two worlds – between Europe and Asia – can be seen as one of the most important territories for understanding of the conduct of Prehistory not only in Central Asia, but also around of the world. The Prehistory study of Kazakhstan helps us to complete the image of the first human migrations from Africa. The lithic material from these sites is discovered in abundance. However, the most ancient period of Human civilisation of this territory is little known and studied not enough. By this paper we try to show the application of a new approach of the techno-typological study to the archaeological material to give a more exhaustive image of the lithic collections from the Palaeolithic sites of the Semizbugu complex and, based on the obtained data, to reconstruct the chain of lithic tools fabrication.  相似文献   

J. Rey  M. Bilotte  B. Peybernes 《Geobios》1977,10(3):369-393
The marine Albain from Estremadura is splited up into four Orbitolinidae zones, adjusted to biostratigraphic scales from mesogean province: zone with Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) minuta (lower to middle Albian); zone with Neorbitolinopsis conulus (base of upper Albian); zone with Orbitolina (Orbitolina) concava (top of upper Albian) and zone with Orbitolina (Orbitolina) duranddelgai (Vraconian). The vertical extension of the main fossils is replaced in the framework of these zones. The most interesting species for biostratigraphy, paleoecology or taxinomy are summarily described.  相似文献   

In 21 samples, staggered over 18 months, 1725 composite muscle formulae have been established for Phoronis psammophila Cori. The study of variations of the number and distribution of longitudinal muscle bundles demonstrates the increase of the muscle number (3 or 4) with the age of the animals. This increase is displayed with difficulty because of the interactions of many phenomena, especially reproduction and so statistical tests have not indicated significance. The general and especially mean formulae of different samples do not indicate the increase of the number of muscle bundles with time, as proposed by Emig.  相似文献   

Summary Anacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister), in the oasis of Béni-Abbès (Sahara) will establish its colonies only in the low eathern garden walls and in the clay and straw walls of the houses, where it can find both the water and the malleable clayed materials it requires.Soil analyses have given information on the physico-chemical characteristics of some of the termitaria and of the surrounding sand-hill.The organic matter in the termitarium comes both from the soil and the excrement of the termite. It is high in carbon and low in nitrogen (C/N=2,5), and its mineralization in the présense of gravitational water may result in a loss of mobilizable elements such as the bases.Both the Ph and the aeration of the termitarium favour the mineralization of nitrogenous waste material by bacterial agency.The distribution of calcium carbonate and the condition in which it occurs are more important than the total amount present on account of the part it plays in the texture and structure of the materials, of which the termitarium is composed.A statistical granulometric study of the sand fraction with the results expressed as polar coordinates enables, in comparison with those obtained by mechanical analysis, the texture of the materials colonised byAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister) to be defined.
Zusammenfassung In der Oase Béni-Abbés (Sahara) gründen dieAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister) ihre Kolonien nur in den Wänden der Gärten und in den Mauern der Wohnungen. Dort finden sie das nötige Wasser und die tonigen Plastikmaterialien.Die Bodenanalysen geben Auskunft über einige der characteristichen physikalischchemischen Eigenschaften der Materialien in der Termitenbauten und in dem benachbartem Erg.Das organische Material in den Termitenbauten stammt einerseits aus dem Boden und andererseits aus den Ausscheidungen der Termiten. Reich an Kohlenstoff und arm an Stickstoff (C/N=2,5) kann seine Mineralisation, in Gegenwart von gravifischem Wasser, einen Verlust von einsatzfähigen Elementen, wie den Laugen, nach sich ziehen.Die Bedingungen des Ph und der Belüftung der Termitenbauten sind günstig für eine Mineralisation der stikstoffhaltigen Abfallstoffe auf bakteriellem Wege.Die Verteilung und die Beschaffenheit des CO3Ca sind dort wichtiger als ihre Gesamtauswertung. Der Grund dafür ist die Rolle, die sie auf der Ebene der Textur und des Aufbaus der Materialen in den Termitenbauten spielen.Die Untersuchung der sandigen Bruchstücke durch die granulometrischen Statistiken in Polarkoordinaten, verglichen mit den Ergebnissen der granulometrischen Analyse, erlauben eine Erklärung der Textur der mit Beschlag belegten kolonisierten Materialen durch dieAnacanthotermes ochraceus (Burgmeister).

Subtle motor, emotional, cognitive and behavioural abnormalities are often present in apparently healthy children and adolescents who later develop schizophrenia. This suggests that some aspects of causation are established long before psychosis becomes manifest. We aim to assess the factors contributing to the development of schizophrenia focusing mainly on genetic factors, pregnancy and delivery complications, early development and scholastic performance, as well as later educational, social and health consequences. This is done by reviewing the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, its scientific activities, publications and work in progress.  相似文献   

Since a few years, the study of prehistoric Uruguay and of its symbolical expression, rockart, has become a new subject of interest. Important programs of prospection, researches, protection and valorization of sites have been conducted, especially in the north of the country and contribute to the knowledge of an archeological heritage of an exceptional quality and a great density, that was until now unknown. Thanks to the international scientific cooperation and exchange program “ECOS-Sud”, the Department of Prehistory of the natural history national Museum of France (Paris) and the department of archeology of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Republic University in Uruguay (Montevideo), an important scientific and technical partnership have been set up. It reinforces and diversifies the existent links between our institutions and more generally between France and numerous countries of South America.  相似文献   

J. Signoret 《Chromosoma》1965,17(4):328-335
Résumé Une technique est décrite permettant d'obtenir des images chromosomiques particulièrement favorables fournies par des blastulas d'Axolotl. A partir de ce matériel le caryotype de cette espèce est analysé.Cette étude introduit des problèmes concernant la signification de l'hétérochromatine, ainsi que les rapports entre satellite et nucléoles.
Summary A technique is described by which especially clear pictures of the chromosomes in blastulae of Ambystoma mexicanum can be obtained. An analysis of the karyotype is given. This study touches upon problems concerning the significance of heterochromatin and the relation between satellites and nucleoli.

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