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Lactating Long-Evans rats (Rattus norvegicus) were presented with three-day-old male and female pups that were either untreated, coated with collodion in the anogenital region or on the neck, or perfumed; or with female pups odorized with either male or female pup urine. As measured by related t-tests of maternal anogenital licking, male and female pups were discriminated in the untreated condition, but not when masking stimuli were present. Female pups treated with male urine elicited more licking than female pups treated with female urine. Overall, maternal licking was decreased by olfactory masking agents and increased by pup urine. It was concluded that olfactory stimuli from pups both stimulate maternal licking and serve as a basis for discriminating male and female offspring.  相似文献   

Differences in the relative social dominance of wild, hybrid and domestic strains of Norway rats are observed in mixed groups (twelve animals each) housed in a large room for 13 consecutive days. Domestic subjects are dominant to wild rats in both spontaneous and competitive interactions. Hybrids are intermediate. Explanations offered for the superior dominance of the domestic strain included: (a) the lack of social inhibitions displayed by domestic rats as reflected in frequent play-motivated interactions (‘bully effect’), and (b) the larger body size of the domestic subjects. Domestic subjects are most active and interacted most frequently. Dominance behaviour does not influence nest box utilization. Dominance in spontaneous and competitive interactions is not correlated suggesting that in the rat social dominance is not a unidimensional trait.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine differences in the relative dominance of wild and domestic Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) when competing for food in inter-stock, round-robin pairings. Each day, after food-deprivation, wild and domestic rats were individually placed in a testing arena containing a slice of apple. On day 20 and every fourth day thereafter, eight wild-domestic pairs were allowed to compete for the apple. Domestic subjects spent more time eating than did wild rats and were more often dominant. Competition tended to wane over test days in response to defeat in earlier trials. The outcome of competition trials was not changed by increasing the extent of food deprivation together with continuous pairing. A reduction in social inhibitions accompanying the domestication process provides the best explanation for the enhanced competitive potential of the domestic rat.  相似文献   

The social interactions between juvenile rat pups (Rattus norvegicus) were observed daily between 21 and 55 days of age. The data were analysed for developmental changes, sex differences, play-partner preferences, and dominance relations. The results revealed clear patterns in the development of sexual and agonistic behaviours in the rat. This development refers to changes in either the manner in which animals interact or the behaviours involved in social play, but not to the topography of specific behaviours. Development toward the adult pattern of social behaviour was temporally associated with the period of sexual maturation (i.e. between days 36 and 50).  相似文献   

The characterization and frequency of occurrence of ultrasonic vocalizations produced by females rats (Rattus norvegicus) during copulation were investigated. By devocalizing one member of a male-female pair, it was demonstrated that female rats produce complex, brief 40–70-kHz vocalizations during copulation. These calls shared common structural characteristics with those produced by males and occurred with similar frequency. The female-produced vocalizations were controlled by a hormone-sensitive mechanism; ovariectomized females exhibited few, if any, vocalizations without exposure to ovarian hormones. The implications of these findings are discussed with respect to previous results and to the role of these vocalizations in rodent communication.  相似文献   

The scent-marking behaviour of male and female rats in response to conspecific odours was investigated in two experiments. The results of the first experiment indicated that exposure to conspecific odours generally led to an increase in marking rates. However, no sex differences were found, and large differences in marking responses according to the sex of the odour donor were only found for dioestrous females. These results do not suggest that the primary function of scent-marking in this species is sexual. In the second experiment, odour sources differed not only in the sex of the donor, but also in their relative familiarity to the animal being tested. This experiment showed that males marked more in response to odours from familiar (non-related) females. Females did not differ significantly on measures of marking but did display greater interest in odours from unfamiliar males. The results are discussed in relation to possible functions of marking in this species.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Toxoplasma gondii infection reactivation in the brain and muscles was analyzed in this study to determine the preferred tissue by the parasite during immunosuppression. Two groups of Wistar rats (G1 and G2) were inoculated with 104 bradyzoites of BTU10 strain (genotype I), p.o., and other two groups (G3 and G4) were inoculated with 0.9% saline solution. G2 and G4 were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone (DXM) and hydrocortisone sodium succinate (HSS). The presence of antibodies was researched in all groups through modified agglutination test (MAT) on days 0 and 21 p.i., and brain and muscle tissues of the rats were bioassayed in mice. G2 rats died at approximately 19.2 days after drug treatment, while G1 rats survived. The reactivation was initially observed in G1 brain and G2 muscles. Thus, the initial reactivation in muscles after immunosuppression allows doctors to save precious time to control the evolution of reactivated infection, preventing brain damage to the host.  相似文献   

Females and parental males commonly discriminate among potential mates. Male discrimination is often assumed to be lacking in species with non-parental males. However, male competition in these species may favour male discrimination since indiscriminate matings may waste time and energy. Males in such species should attempt to maximize their fertilization rates; females in such species should mate only with males able to enhance female reproductive success. Males of the Socorro isopod, Thermosphaeroma thermophilum, engage in precopulatory guarding, preferring larger, more fecund females and females near a reproductive moult. Males also guard post-moult females. Large males prevail when usurping or resisting usurpation, and guard large females. Females may choose mates by selective resistance to insemination attempts.  相似文献   

Rats reared in social isolation were found to contact fewer novel objects in an open-field than their socially reared litter mates. They also contacted a smaller variety of objects, and contacted them in different ways. Social animals showed more manipulatory behaviour than the isolates, but there were no differences in sniffing. In a second experiment, employing a longer session, it was found that social animals showed more rapid habituation of object contact. This may account for previous claims that isolates show heightened levels of exploration.  相似文献   

Rats could accumulate food pellets by responding on one lever, and then gain access to them by responding on a second lever N times (experiment 1), by ceasing to respond on the first lever for D seconds (experiment 2), or by making a single, vigorous response of force W on the second lever (experiment 3). The design may be viewed as an analogue of central place foraging. As N (distance), D (time), or W (effort) increased, load (the average number of pellets accumulated before they were eaten) also increased. It appeared that delay mediated the effect of the other independent variables. A simple model of central place foraging was shown to accommodate the data.  相似文献   

ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) genes have been identified in various tissues and species, and recently associated with several important human diseases such as tumor and asthma. Although various biological processes have been known for the ADAM family in different species including fertilization, neurogenesis, infection and inflammation, little is known about its detailed phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary history. In this study, the ADAMs of Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Homo sapiens were collected and analyzed by using the Bayesian analysis and gene synteny analysis to establish a comprehensive phylogenetic relationship and evolutionary drive of this gene family. It was found that there were more ADAMs in the two rodents than in the amphibian, suggesting an expansion of the ADAM gene family during the early evolution of mammals. All ADAMs from this expansion were retained in both the rodents, but other duplication events occurred subsequently in the two rodents, respectively, leading to the classification of rodent ADAMs as classes I, II and III. Moreover, these duplicated ADAM genes in the rodents were found to be driven by positive selection, which might be the major force to retain them in the genome. Importantly, it was also found that orthologs of ADAM3 and 5 have been lost in humans. These results not only provide valuable information of the evolution of ADAM genes, but may also help in understanding the role of ADAM genes in the pathobiology of relevant diseases.  相似文献   

Field studies suggest that killdeer pairs form on the breeding grounds. Males advertise both on the ground and in the air with loud ‘killdeer’ and other calls and with scraping (‘sham’ nesting). In scrape exchanges the scraper faces away, breast dipped, tail raised and spread over the incoming bird. On the ground killdeers chase with body horizontal, back feathers ruffled and trilled calls. Fleers are silent and may end runs with sudden crouched tilting of the dorsum toward the pursuer, exposing the reddish rump. Pairs defend their nest area and young from conspecifics.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated foraging by rats and pigeons. In Experiment 1, each response on a manipulandum delivered food to a cup, with the distance between the manipulandum and the cup varying across conditions. The number of responses made before traveling to collect and eat the food increased with distance for rats, but not for pigeons. In Experiment 2, two manipulanda were placed at different distances from a fixed food source; both pigeons and rats preferentially used the manipulandum closest to the food source. Experiment 3 was a systematic replication of Experiment 1 with pigeons. In different conditions, each peck on the left key increased the upcoming hopper duration by 0.5, 1.5 or 2.5 s. Completing a ratio requirement on the right key of 1, 4, 8, 16 or 32 pecks, depending on the condition, then produced the food hopper for a duration that depended on the number of prior left pecks. As the ratio requirement increased on the right key, pigeons responded more on the left key and earned more food. Overall, the results replicate previous research, underlining similarities and differences between these species. The results are discussed in terms of optimal foraging, reinforcer sensitivity and delay discounting.  相似文献   

Dominance behaviour and factors influencing dominance were investigated in small heterosexual and homosexual groups of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in the laboratory. Straight line nip-right hierarchies were the most frequent type of dominance relationship. In heterosexual groups separate homosexual hierarchies were formed, and females were the more dominant sex. Dominant males performed significantly more reproductive behaviour than lower rank individuals. Agonistic behaviour appears early in young P. reticulata. Factors involved in determining dominance were size, sex and aggressiveness. Individual or role recognition or both may occur in this species. Advantages of dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight years of reproductive data (including 248 births) from a translocated troop of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) living in a 42-ha enclosure provided three measures of female reproductive success: fecundity, survival of infants to 1 year of age, and age at first parturition. No significant relationship was found between social dominance and these measures. Social dominance was considered with respect to both matrilineal and individual female rank. Additional data on female dominance ranks over four generations of adult females revealed no significant concordance over time. The finding that ranks may not be stable over the lifetime of a female is a significant one because the variation in reproductive success among the females of a group is likely to be further diminished by any instability. For 34 females that were adults for the 8-year period considered, there was no significant correlation between the average rank of a female and either fecundity or survivorship of infants to 1 year of age. These data considered along with the results of other studies of female dominance and reproduction suggest that any effect of female social dominance on reproductive success is probably dependent upon resource availability, with significant benefits accruing to high-ranking individuals only during subsistence periods. It is suggested that dominance competition among female macaques may be a behavioural strategy with a variable payoff.  相似文献   

The relationship between dominance rank and female sexual behaviour was examined in rheusus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) living in a social group. High-ranking females engaged in copulatory series as frequently as lower-ranking females. Furthermore, lower-ranking females copulated with as many available males as did high-ranking females. Social rank did appear to influence the pattern of sexual activity exhibited, in that copulatory series were more often initiated by the higher-ranking animal of the mating pair. Copulatory series involving high-ranking females were characterized by more mounts by males and were longer in duration. Higher-ranking animals interfered more often with copulatory series involving other animals, but such interference was not effective in preventing completion of the series. These data indicate that any reproductive advantage conferred to high-ranking females is not the result of sexual competition in social-living rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

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