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蛱蝶翅鳞片的超微结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
房岩  王同庆  孙刚  丛茜 《昆虫学报》2007,50(3):313-317
对我国东北地区典型常见蛱蝶科15属20种蝴蝶翅鳞片的超微结构进行了扫描电镜观察。结果显示:蛱蝶翅鳞片形态上可分为窄叶形、阔叶形和圆叶形3种,鳞片长65~135 μm,宽35~85 μm,间距48~112 μm。蛱蝶翅鳞片的超微结构可分为拱桥形、棋盘形和筛孔形3 种。拱桥形结构和棋盘形结构比较接近,二者与筛孔形结构差异较明显。在已观察的种类中,线蛱蝶属红线蛱蝶翅鳞片上的纵肋突起最小(200 nm×300 nm),闪蛱蝶属柳紫闪蛱蝶翅鳞片上的纵肋突起最大(590 nm×560 nm)。鳞片具有相似的形状、结构和排列,尤其是同属蝴蝶翅鳞片超微结构的形状和尺寸差异较小,表明它们之间的亲缘关系接近。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic placement of the moss bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Coleorrhyncha) has been highly controversial. Many apparent morphological apomorphies support the close relationship between Coleorrhyncha and Heteroptera (=true bugs). However, a recent phylogenomic study strongly supported a sister group relationship between Coleorrhyncha and Auchenorrhyncha (planthoppers, leafhoppers, treehoppers, spittlebugs, and cicadas). To test these two alternative hypotheses, we examined the fore‐ and hindwing base structure of the only known extant macropterous species of Coleorrhyncha using binocular and confocal laser scanning microscopes and analyzed the data selected from the wing base phylogenetically. When full morphological data including the wing base characters were analyzed, the sister group relationship between Coleorrhyncha + Heteroptera was supported, agreeing with previous consensus based on morphology. In contrast, when only wing base characters were analyzed separately, the clade Coleorrhyncha + Auchenorrhyncha was recovered, in agreement with the result from the phylogenomic study. The membranous condition of the proximal median plate in the forewing was identified as a potential synapomorphy of the latter grouping, and the absence of the tegula was excluded as a potential synapomorphy of Coleorrhyncha and Heteroptera.  相似文献   

Ornithoptera birdwing butterflies have blue, green, or orange iridescent scales in different species or subspecies. To understand the species‐ or subspecies‐dependent scale color differences, we performed comparative morphometric analyses of iridescent scales from three closely related taxa: O. priamus priamus (green), O. priamus urvillianus (blue), and O. croesus (orange). The three types of Ornithoptera wings exhibited reversible color changes to longer wavelengths with different kinetics upon immersion in methanol, suggesting that their color differences are at least partly based on differences in the size of air cavities made by nanostructures. Cover scales of all three color types were visually semi‐transparent glass scales that exhibited color when placed on a dark background. The dorsoventral differences in coloration were observed in single scales, suggesting the optical importance of scale surfaces. Scanning electron microscopy of cover scales in cross section revealed that all color types exhibited finely sculpted tapered ridges and thick, irregular basal multilayers containing tandemly clustered granular objects and air cavities. Scale thickness, ridge height, and multilayer thickness were significantly different among the three color types, and granular object size was significantly different between orange scales and blue and green scales. We conclude that each of the three taxa of Ornithoptera butterflies possesses unique quantitative size values on tapered ridges and irregular multilayers with granular objects and air cavities to express unique structural color. These species‐ or subspecies‐dependent structural colors might have evolved via quantitative shifts in these microarchitectural traits rather than via changes in the basic developmental or architectural plan for color expression.  相似文献   

Wing colors of the four species of Chrysozephyrus butterflies were analyzed by a spectrophotometer. As the dorsal wing surface of males showed a strong reflectance when the specimen was tilted, measurements were made by the tilting method. The dorsal wing surface of males which appears green to the human eye reflected UV (315-350 nm) as well as green light (530-550 nm). The reflectance rate of UV to visible green light varied among species with a higher rate for C. hisamatsusanus and C. ataxus, and a lower rate for C. smaragdinus and C. brillantinus. The peak wavelength and the peak height did not shift when the specimen was exposed to direct sunlight at least for 16 hr. Artificial removal of scales by scratching the wing surface decreased reflectance. Blue marks on the forewings of C. brillantinus, C. hisamatsusanus and C. ataxus females reflected UV to visible light of short wavelength, and orange marks on the dorsal surface of the forewing and the ventral surface of the hindwing of C. samaragdinus females showed a higher reflectance at longer wavelengths.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the dorsal forewing vestiture in exemplars of all family group taxa of non‐ditrysian Lepidoptera is examined, and the evolutionary implications at family level and above are discussed. Wing‐scale terminology is reviewed. Three different types of bilayer wing‐scale covering are recognized; only a few groups have a single‐layer wing‐scale covering. The general scale arrangement is random, but a few taxa have clustered scale arrangements and scattered heteroneurans have scales arranged in transverse rows. Cross ribs are present in all taxa, but only as vestiges in eriocraniid cover scales. Ridge dimorphism is widespread in Neolepidoptera. Surprisingly, ridges and cross ribs on the adwing scale surface are of general occurrence in Neopseustidae and Hepialidae, and are even found on parts of the ground scales of many other Neolepidoptera. Morphological evidence strongly indicates that the fused wing‐scale types found in non‐Coelolepidan Lepidoptera and Neolepidoptera are independently evolved, as evidenced from the presence of vestigial perforations. Absence of perforations is not infallible evidence that a scale is solid. Microtrichia are independently reduced in a number of taxa and probably re‐evolved in at least higher nepticulids. Wing vestiture and scale characters indicate that Tischerioidea may be the sister group of Ditrysia.  相似文献   

Winter geometrid moths exhibit sexual dimorphism in wing length and female‐specific flightlessness. Female‐specific flightlessness in insects is an interesting phenomenon in terms of sexual dimorphism and reproductive biology. In the winter geometrid moth, Protalcis concinnata (Wileman), adult females have short wings and adult males have fully developed wings. Although the developmental process for wing reduction in Lepidoptera is well studied, little is known about the morphology and the developmental pattern of short‐winged flightless morphs in Lepidoptera. To clarify the precise mechanisms and developmental processes that produce short‐winged morphs, we performed morphological and histological investigations of adult and pupal wing development in the winter geometrid moth P. concinnata. Our findings showed that (a) wing development in both sexes is similar until larval‐pupal metamorphosis, (b) the shape of the sexually dimorphic wings is determined by the position of the bordering lacuna (BL), (c) the BL is positioned farther inward in females than in males, and (d) after the short pupal diapause period, the female pupal wing epithelium degenerates to approximately two‐thirds its original size due to cell death. We propose that this developmental pattern is a previously unrecognized process among flightless Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

The skipping flight patterns of three species of Ypthima (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) were analyzed using high‐speed video recordings to clarify how wings move and how driving forces are produced. All three species showed a flight pattern that includes a pause that accounts for about 50% of a flap cycle when their wings completely close after each upstroke. The observed pause causes the “skipping” flight trajectory based on the clap–fling mechanism. Pause duration was correlated with upstroke wing motion, suggesting the contribution of the latter to a long pause duration. This is also supported by the temporal relationship between the wing and body motions. The aerodynamic power necessary for the pause flight was calculated for the three species.  相似文献   

Alternative current approaches to homology and nomenclature of the insect wing venation are discussed. The differences between the opposing viewpoints are found to be not as deep as they have sometimes been supposed to be, and more so, there are some observations that could help to smooth current contradictions. However, this requires an understanding of the evidence presented by the disputants and, particularly, an understanding of their terminology.  相似文献   

The wing colors of eight lycaenid species of the genera Favonius and Quercusia were examined with a spectrophotometer. Four (F. orientalis, F. taxila, F. jezoensis and F. ultramarinus) of five green to blue‐green Favonius species had a double‐peaked pattern, reflecting UV light (345–355 nm) and green light (515–525 nm), whereas F. cognatus reflected only visible green light (539 nm). Thus, the species considered most closely related, F. ultramarinus and F. cognatus, had quite different wing colors in terms of insect vision. Two bluish species had utterly different reflection patterns: F. saphrinus had a single peak in the UV range and Q. fujisana had two peaks, one each in the UV and visible light ranges. The black F. yuasai did not have any peak in the examined range of wavelengths (300–700 nm).  相似文献   

Experimental approaches to color pattern formation of lepidopteran insects have been made exclusively by analyzing pattern alterations in adult wings induced by operations. We microcauterized the presumptive black region of the dorsal forewing of the butterfly Pieris rapae and analyzed not only the resultant color pattern in the adult wing but also the cell behavior in the pupal wing epidermis around the injury. Cautery induced color alterations were as follows: (i) cautery up to 49.5 h after pupation resulted in white regions appearing within the black region while later cauteries induced larger white regions; (ii) cautery between 50 and 59.5 h resulted in the white regions induced by the cauteries being dramatically decreased; (iii) cautery after 60 h resulted in white regions that had almost disappeared. The examination of the cell behavior in the pupal wing epidermis after cauteries showed that the row formation of scale precursor cells was delayed. This delayed area varied with the time of cautery, in the same manner as that in the induced white area in the adult wing ((i) – (iii) above). The relationship between scale color alteration and the developmental delay of the scale row formation is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Available evidence on butterfly family-level relationships is re-examined according to the principles of phylogenetic (cladistic) systematics. 2. The assumption of a sister-group relationship between the Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea seems a reasonably substantiated working hypothesis. 3. The Papilionoid families Papilionidae, Pieridae and Lycaenidae sensu Ehrlich (1958) are definable as monophyletic entities; of Ehrlich 's two remaining families, Nymphalidae and Libytheidae, the former is paraphyletic in terms of the latter. 4. The interrelationships between the Papilionoid families may be presented as Papilionidae + (Pieridae + [Lycanidae + Nymphalidae]). 5. In a phylogenetic system any given arrangement of taxa is either correct or not: Contrary to the pheneticists' view (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 1967) phylogenetic systematists cannot accept the existence of a multitude of valid classifications.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between northern and southern hemisphere populations of Bicyclus butterflies in Africa regarding their responses in wing pattern polyphenism to seasonal change in rainfall and temperature. In southern habitats where temperature and rainfall are often positively correlated, a high temperature during the larval period induces conspicuous wet season forms whereas a fall in temperature elicits cryptic dry season forms. In northern habitats, however, where temperature and rainfall usually are negatively correlated, a rise in temperature should not induce a wet season form because such a rise is correlated with the onset of the dry season. Here, wing pattern plasticity, as measured using museum material, was regressed on mean monthly values for rainfall and temperature. Rainfall appeared to be a frequent determinant of wing pattern plasticity whereas temperature was much less often a significant independent variate. We conclude that the wing pattern may only respond to seasonal change in temperature if rainfall and temperature are positively correlated; in other situations rainfall remains the only significant determinant for wing pattern plasticity.  相似文献   

Melanin is a widespread pigment causing variation in skin darkness, with darker phenotypes typically reaching higher equilibrium temperatures than lighter ones. Therefore, selection is expected to favour darker phenotypes in colder environments. In the present study, we show intraspecific variation in pupal (and wing) melanization along an altitudinal gradient in two species of copper butterflies. Both, pupal and wing melanization increased with increasing altitude. Consistent with the thermal melanism hypothesis, darker (high-altitude) pupae reached higher equilibrium temperatures than paler (low-altitude) ones. However, as temperature differences were rather small despite pronounced differences in melanization, we cannot rule out that factors (e.g. ultraviolet protection, disease resistance) other than temperature comprise the principal selective agents. Mechanistically, variation in melanization might be related to variation in hormone titres, as demonstrated by low-altitude pupae showing higher ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone titres compared to high-altitude ones. Furthermore, we report sex differences in wing melanization, with males being darker than females, which is potentially related to a higher flight activity of males.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 301–312.  相似文献   

It has been shown that microcautery on the prospective apical black region of the early pupal forewing of a butterfly, Pieris rapae , causes alteration of the scale color on the adult wing and a delay in histogenesis of the pupal wing. From these results, it has been assumed that the developmental delay of scale cells in the pupal wing alters their developmental fate and the hypothesis that different color fates of scales are determined by differences in the developmental timetables between scale cells is proposed. In this study, we attempted to find the developmental timetables of individual scales expressing specific color to test this hypothesis. It was found that the holes on the upper surface of a scale become larger as they develop and the hole sizes of scales in the white region are always larger than in the black region on the same wings either during pupal period or after eclosion. This suggests that the scale hole size is a good index that reflects developmental rate of the scale and a difference in the hole size between adult scales is attributed to a difference in the developmental timetables when their ancestral scale precursor cells were in the pupal period. A comparison of the hole sizes between adult scales in different color regions suggested that normal white scales were in a more advanced state than were the black ones but white scales induced by microcautery were in a less advanced state than black ones on the same wing. This supports our hypothesis.  相似文献   


Two of New Zealand’s honeyeaters, the tui (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) and the bellbird (Anthornis melanura) can produce loud wing noises. In both species, modified primary feathers form slots in the wing that presumably make these noises. The slots of bellbirds are similar to those of hummingbirds (Trochilidae). Asymmetries in aggressiveness — as determined from inter- and intraspecific dominance — are closely related to the presence or size of the wing slots.  相似文献   

The number of spermatophores inseminated in the bursa copulatrix of females of 21 species of Theclini butterflies varied from 0 to 38, a maximum much larger than reported so far. The variation of spermatophore number observed was analyzed on a phylogenetic tree recently determined, together with variation of wing colors and male mating tactics. Monandrous species tended to be sexually dimorphic in wing color and associated with male territoriality.  相似文献   

[目的]昆虫鞣化激素(Bursicon)是由神经系统分泌的一种异源二聚体神经肽,对昆虫表皮鞣化、翅展等功能具有调控作用.本研究旨在探究鞣化激素基因与家蚕Bombyx mori翅发育及对繁殖力相关基因的关系,明确其对翅展和繁殖力的调控作用.[方法]采用RNAi技术,分别注射Bursicon基因的dsRNA(dsBmBur...  相似文献   

Species level phylogenetic hypotheses can be used to explore patterns of divergence and speciation. In the tropics, speciation is commonly attributed to either vicariance, perhaps within climate-induced forest refugia, or ecological speciation caused by niche adaptation. Mimetic butterflies have been used to identify forest refugia as well as in studies of ecological speciation, so they are ideal for discriminating between these two models. The genus Ithomia contains 24 species of warningly colored mimetic butterflies found in South and Central America, and here we use a phylogenetic hypothesis based on seven genes for 23 species to investigate speciation in this group. The history of wing color pattern evolution in the genus was reconstructed using both parsimony and likelihood. The ancestral pattern for the group was almost certainly a transparent butterfly, and there is strong evidence for convergent evolution due to mimicry. A punctuationist model of pattern evolution was a significantly better fit to the data than a gradualist model, demonstrating that pattern changes above the species level were associated with cladogenesis and supporting a model of ecological speciation driven by mimicry adaptation. However, there was only one case of sister species unambiguously differing in pattern, suggesting that some recent speciation events have occurred without pattern shifts. The pattern of geographic overlap between clades over time shows that closely related species are mostly sympatric or, in one case, parapatric. This is consistent with modes of speciation with ongoing gene flow, although rapid range changes following allopatric speciation could give a similar pattern. Patterns of lineage accumulation through time differed significantly from that expected at random, and show that most of the extant species were present by the beginning of the Pleistocene at the latest. Hence Pleistocene refugia are unlikely to have played a major role in Ithomia diversification.  相似文献   

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