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Abstract: Although numerous studies have examined habitat use by raccoons (Procyon lotor), information regarding seasonal habitat selection related to resource availability in agricultural landscapes is lacking for this species. Additionally, few studies using radiotelemetry have investigated habitat selection at multiple spatial scales or core-use areas by raccoons. We examined seasonal habitat selection of 55 (31 M, 24 F) adult raccoons at 3 hierarchical orders defined by the movement behavior of this species (second-order home range, second-order core-use area, and third-order home range) in northern Indiana, USA, from May 2003 to June 2005. Using compositional analysis, we assessed whether habitat selection differed from random and ranked habitat types in order of selection during the crop growing period (season 1) and corn maturation period (season 2), which represented substantial shifts in resource availability to raccoons. Habitat rankings differed across hierarchical orders, between seasons within hierarchical orders, and between sexes within seasons; however, seasonal and intersexual patterns of habitat selection were not consistent across hierarchical orders of spatial scale. When nonrandom utilization was detected, both sexes consistently selected forest cover over other available habitats. Seasonal differences in habitat selection were most evident at the core-area scale, where raccoon selection of agricultural lands was highest during the maturation season when corn was available as a direct food source. Habitat use did not differ from availability for either sex in either season at the third-order scale. The selection of forest cover across both seasons and all spatial orders suggested that raccoon distribution and abundance in fragmented landscapes is likely dependent on the availability and distribution of forest cover, or habitats associated with forest (i.e., water), within the landscape. The lack of consistency in habitat selection across hierarchical scales further exemplifies the need to examine multiple biological scales in habitat-selection studies.  相似文献   

Some moths species are considered good indicators of habitat quality because they are very responsive to human disturbance, vegetation type, and successional processes. However, Saturniidae moths have not yet been considered as indicators of environmental quality. Little is known on the distribution of moth species in different vegetation types and the moths’ seasonal variations in the Brazilian savannah. Therefore, this study aims to describe the spatial distribution and temporal patterns of moths belonging to the Saturniidae family in two vegetation types—Cerrado sensu stricto on rocky outcrops and semi-deciduous forest—in both the rainy and dry seasons. It addresses the influence of the climatic seasons and vegetation types on abundance, richness, and species composition to describe the temporal and spatial distribution patterns and the relationship between the ecological aspects and the life history of these moths. This study was conducted in the Cerrado phytogeographical domain, in Pireneus State Park, Goiás, Brazil. The results revealed that most Saturniidae species sampled are present during the rainy season and typically found in forest habitats. Furthermore, a clear positive connection was found between the abundance pattern and rainfall seasonality and humid habitats; this is apparently related to the physiological tolerance of these moths, due to rudimentary mouthparts during their adulthood. Thus, rainfall and a forest habitat are important to and fundamental requirements for the persistence of the Saturniidae species in the Cerrado domain. Based on the results of this study, we suggest the use of saturniid species as indicators of changes in vegetation and climatic conditions.  相似文献   

We analyzed geographic patterns of richness in both the breeding and winter season in relation to a remotely sensed index of seasonal production (normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI]) and to measures of habitat heterogeneity at four different spatial resolutions. The relationship between avian richness and NDVI was consistent between seasons, suggesting that the way in which available energy is converted to bird species is similar at these ecologically distinct times of year. The number and proportion of migrant species in breeding communities also increased predictably with the degree of seasonality. The NDVI was a much better predictor of seasonal richness at finer spatial scales, whereas habitat heterogeneity best predicted richness at coarser spatial resolutions. While we find strong support for a positive relationship between available energy and species richness, seasonal NDVI explained at most 61% of the variation in richness. Seasonal NDVI and habitat heterogeneity together explain up to 69% of the variation in richness.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification resulted in substantial loss of farmland biodiversity. Semi-natural habitats may be viewed as potential buffers of these adverse impacts, but a rigorous assessment of their capacity for supporting farmland biodiversity is lacking. In this study, we explored conservation potential of two different types of semi-natural habitats for birds in intensively-used agricultural landscapes – farmland hedges (i.e., linear strips of shrubby and tree vegetation) and open scrubland (i.e., scattered shrubs and abandoned orchards). Specifically, we tested whether the abundance and species richness of birds differ between these habitats considering various species traits, such as habitat affinity (i.e., forest, farmland and urban species), diet specialization (i.e., animal eaters, plant eaters, and omnivores) and conservation status (Species of European Conservation Concern). We found that open scrubland hosted on average 37.9 bird species and 122.6 individuals per 1 km2 of the transect, whereas farmland hedges hosted only 19 species and 61.8 individuals per 1 km2 of the transect. However, results have substantially changed if we considered the area of suitable habitat into account. More specifically, open scrubland hosted more bird species and individuals when we considered open habitat species and the area of open habitats, whereas farmland hedges had higher species diversity and individuals of woodland bird species when we considered the area of woodland habitats. Similarly, analyses of habitat affiliations of individual species corresponded to the whole-community patterns; and revealed that several woodland bird species were mainly associated with farmland hedges (e.g., Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos and Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla), whereas the open scrubland was preferred by open habitat bird species (e.g., Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra, Quail Coturnix coturnix and Skylark Alauda arvensis). These results demonstrate that semi-natural habitats, both open scrubland and farmland hedges, have large potential for promotion and conservation of bird communities within intensively used agricultural landscapes, as both may have represented suitable habitats for species with different ecological requirements. Therefore, management measures focused on the enlargement of the area of these habitats, in combination with suitable management (e.g., regulating the progress of natural succession in open scrubland; increasing structural diversity of existing farmland hedges), may substantially contribute to bird conservation within agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Understanding herbivore selection and utilization of vegetation types is fundamental to conservation of multispecies communities. We tested three hypotheses for how ungulate species select their habitats and how this changes with season: first, resources are distributed as a mosaic of patches so that ungulates are also distributed patchily; this distribution reflects habitat selection, which changes with season, the different ungulates behaving differently. Second, resources become scarcer in the dry season relative to those in the wet season. If interspecific competition prevails, then all species should show a contraction of habitats chosen. Third, if predation is limiting, competition will be minimal, and hence, habitat selection by herbivores will not differ between seasons. We used frequencies of occurrence in four common vegetation types in western Serengeti National Park to determine selection coefficients and utilization patterns and Chi‐square analysis to test the hypotheses. The results showed that selection changes differently in each species, agreeing with the first hypothesis. Herbivores did not all become more selective, as predicted by the competition hypothesis, nor did selection remain the same across seasons, as predicted by the predation hypothesis. These results can be useful in constructing habitat suitability maps for ungulate species with special conservation needs.  相似文献   

The habitat use and seasonal migratory pattern of birds in Ethiopia is less explored as compared to diversity studies. To this end, this study aimed at investigating the patterns of distribution related to seasonality and the effect of habitat characteristics (elevation, slope, and average vegetation height) on habitat use of birds of Wondo Genet Forest Patch. A stratified random sampling design was used to assess the avian fauna across the four dominant habitat types found in the study area: natural forest, wooded grassland, grassland, and agroforestry land. A point transect count was employed to investigate avian species richness and abundance per habitat type per season. Ancillary data, such as elevation above sea level, latitude and longitude, average vegetation height, and percent slope inclination, were recorded with a GPS and clinometers per plot. A total of 33 migratory bird species were recorded from the area, of which 20 species were northern (Palearctic) migrants while 13 were inter‐African migrants. There was a significant difference in the mean abundance of migratory bird species between dry and wet seasons (t = 2.13, p = .038, df = 44). The variation in mean abundance per plot between the dry and wet seasons in the grassland habitat was significant (t = 2.35, p = .051, df = 7). In most habitat types during both dry and wet seasons, omnivore birds were the most abundant. While slope was a good predictor for bird species abundance in the dry season, altitude and average vegetation height accounted more in the wet season. The patch of forest and its surrounding is an important bird area for migratory, endemic, and global threatened species. Hence, it is conservation priority area, and the study suggests that conservation coupled with ecotourism development is needed for its sustainability.  相似文献   

Over the last four decades, the majority of European farmland birds have shown marked population declines attributed to the intensification of agriculture. The Common Quail is a widespread farmland breeder across most of Europe. Its populations have shown marked decline, particularly pronounced at the end of the previous century. Ongoing agriculture intensification may be the factor responsible for the observed declines; however, links between species occurrence and farming intensification have not been addressed so far. We analyzed factors affecting the occurrence of the Quail in Poland using data from 722 1 × 1-km study plots and a set of 22 environmental variables, including proxies for agriculture intensification. Predictors were aggregated using PCAs and related to species presence/absence data using GAMs. The best-supported model of the species’ occurrence included eight variables and was clearly better (AIC weight = 0.54) than other models. Quails preferred open fields, showing high photosynthetic activity in March or June, with rather low precipitation and often at relatively high altitudes (up to 900 m a.s.l.). Importantly, quails were more frequent on plots located in regions with rather high inorganic fertilizer input, and showed no avoidance of areas with a high level of agriculture mechanization. We postulate that singing male quails are attracted to areas with medium or high intensity of agriculture but it may represent a maladaptive habitat choice enhanced by changing agriculture practices and peculiarities of the quail’s breeding strategy. Given the results, the quail cannot be classified as a good indicator of extensive traditional agriculture.  相似文献   

Seasonality causes fluctuations in resource availability, affecting the presence and abundance of animal species. The impacts of these oscillations on wildlife populations can be exacerbated by habitat fragmentation. We assessed differences in bat species abundance between the wet and dry season in a fragmented landscape in the Central Amazon characterized by primary forest fragments embedded in a secondary forest matrix. We also evaluated whether the relative importance of local vegetation structure versus landscape characteristics (composition and configuration) in shaping bat abundance patterns varied between seasons. Our working hypotheses were that abundance responses are species as well as season specific, and that in the wet season, local vegetation structure is a stronger determinant of bat abundance than landscape‐scale attributes. Generalized linear mixed‐effects models in combination with hierarchical partitioning revealed that relationships between species abundances and local vegetation structure and landscape characteristics were both season specific and scale dependent. Overall, landscape characteristics were more important than local vegetation characteristics, suggesting that landscape structure is likely to play an even more important role in landscapes with higher fragment‐matrix contrast. Responses varied between frugivores and animalivores. In the dry season, frugivores responded more to compositional metrics, whereas during the wet season, local and configurational metrics were more important. Animalivores showed similar patterns in both seasons, responding to the same group of metrics in both seasons. Differences in responses likely reflect seasonal differences in the phenology of flowering and fruiting between primary and secondary forests, which affected the foraging behavior and habitat use of bats. Management actions should encompass multiscale approaches to account for the idiosyncratic responses of species to seasonal variation in resource abundance and consequently to local and landscape scale attributes.  相似文献   

Determining how animals respond to differences in resource availabilities across spatiotemporal extents is critical to our understanding of organism distributions. Variations in resource distribution leading to changes in spatial arrangements across landscapes are indicative of a habitat functional response. Our goal was to assess how resource availabilities influenced both second‐order (i.e., home ranging behavior) and third‐order (i.e., habitat or resource selection) selection by feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in an agricultural landscape. We defined agriculturally based seasons to estimate home range characteristics using autocorrelated kernel density estimation within each season. We then modeled home range size as a function of resource availability (i.e., resource selection analyses) to determine whether individual behaviors were predicted by shifts in home ranging behavior. Both home range analyses and resource selection analyses indicated seasonal differences in selection for agricultural resources as availabilities changed, suggesting second‐ and third‐order selection is mechanistically linked through a habitat functional response.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 yr, the loss of traditional crop rotations and the polarisation of pastoral and arable farming have led to a marked reduction in mixed agriculture in Britain at both the individual farm and the landscape scale. We assess the potential impact of this change on lowland farmland birds by examining the extent to which distributions (as shown by national atlases of summer and winter birds) of different species are associated with arable, pastoral or mixed‐farming landscape types. Relatively few species appeared as either widespread generalists, equally associated across the three broad farmland types, or specialists associated only with one landscape type. Most were associated with two farmland types but distributions showed seasonal differences. During the breeding season there was an approximate ratio of 2:2:1 of species associated with arable, mixed and pastoral landscapes. However, in winter, most species were at highest abundance in mixed farming landscapes. This coincided with a reduction in the number of species associated with pastoral landscapes relative to the breeding season, whereas the number of species associated with arable landscapes remained relatively stable. These patterns are likely to be related to foraging requirements; granivorous birds tended to be associated with arable habitats, which tend to be more seed‐rich, and invertebrate‐feeding species tended to be associated with mixed or pastoral ones, which may be more invertebrate‐rich. The relative importance of mixed landscapes in winter was attributed to seasonal changes in the distribution of some invertebrate feeders, particularly small insectivores (pipits, chats and wagtails), and some of those species considered to be widespread in summer. The results have two important implications for future research. First, most research on farmland birds has, to date, focused on species associated with arable farming during the breeding season. More research is required on species associated with agricultural grasslands, reflecting its importance for farmland birds in Britain, and on the winter ecology of farmland birds in general. These results also emphasise the importance of mixed habitats for farmland birds, particularly in winter, and suggest that further changes in agricultural practices causing reduction in habitat diversity will be detrimental for the farmland bird community. However, widespread benefits may be derived from small scale measures that increase habitat diversity within farmland, for example field margin management options within agri‐environment schemes and support for traditional farming practices in some Environmentally Sensitive Areas.  相似文献   

Meadow restoration efforts typically involve the modification of stream channels to re‐establish hydrologic conditions necessary for the maintenance of native vegetation. To predict change in the distribution of common meadow plant species in response to meadow restoration, a hydrologic model was loosely coupled to a suite of individual plant species distribution models. The approach was tested on a well‐documented meadow/stream restoration project on Bear Creek, a tributary to the Fall River in northeastern California, U.S.A. We developed a surface‐water and groundwater hydrologic model for the meadow. Vegetation presence and absence data from 170 plots were combined with simulated water‐table depth time series to develop habitat‐suitability models for 11 herbaceous plant species. In each model, the habitat suitability is predicted as a function of growing‐season, water‐table depth, and range. The hydrologic model was used to simulate water‐table depth time series for the pre‐ and post‐restoration conditions. These results were used to predict the spatial distribution of habitat suitability for the 11 herbaceous plant species. Model results indicate that restoration changed water levels throughout the study area, extending well beyond the near‐stream region. Model results also indicate an increase in the spatial distribution of suitable habitat for mesic vegetation and a concomitant decrease in the spatial distribution of suitable habitat for xeric vegetation. The methods utilized in this study could be used to improve setting of objective and performance measures in restoration projects in similar environments, in addition to providing a quantitative, science‐based approach to guide riparian restoration and active revegetation efforts.  相似文献   

1. Flow variation can drive major abiotic changes in stream environments between seasons. Theoretically, disparate biotic communities could be maintained during different seasons at a single site if suitable refuges and colonist sources were available. Using isolated montane desert streams in south‐east Arizona as a model system, we hypothesised that two disparate aquatic insect faunas (montane temperate and neotropical) could be maintained at the same sites through strong seasonal variation in abiotic conditions. 2. We collected aquatic insects representing 59 families from seven streams during high‐flow (March–April) and low‐flow (June) sampling periods across two years. We assessed changes in aquatic insect community and functional feeding group composition by habitat (riffle, pool) and season (high flow, low flow). 3. Within sites, wetted stream area decreased by an average of 97% between high‐flow (predominately riffles) and low‐flow (predominately pools) seasons. Community composition likewise showed strong seasonal patterns; the montane temperate fauna was strongly associated with the high‐flow season while neotropical hemipterans and coleopterans were associated with the low‐flow season. Increased water temperature was significantly associated with this shift from temperate to neotropical assemblages. 4. Functional feeding group composition shifted dramatically by season. The proportion of predators increased from 24.5% (high flow) to 75.2% (low flow) while collector–filterers and shredders declined from 38.4% (high flow) to 1.7% (low flow). 5. We suggest that habitat ‘time‐sharing’ by disparate communities is facilitated via strong seasonal variation in temperature and flow and the presence of high elevation refuges or diapause stages for temperate montane taxa to survive the dry season.  相似文献   

Mark F. Hulme  Will Cresswell 《Ibis》2012,154(4):680-692
The Whinchat Saxicola rubetra is an Afro‐Palaearctic migrant undergoing widespread population decline. Whinchats winter in West Africa but there are almost no data on their habitat use and behaviour there that may help to explain the cause of this decline. We measured the density of Whinchats, the habitat characteristics associated with their occurrence on farmland, and the relationships between behavioural and habitat variation on farmland around Jos, central Nigeria, over three winters. Whinchats occurred in many fields harvested in the dry season, the density at three sites varying from 0.03 to 0.43 birds/ha, but they were absent at a fourth site. Whinchats were less likely to be found in farmland without particular crops (e.g. structural stem crops such as maize and millet), with more trees, lower amounts of short vegetation (grass, weeds, crops and crop stubble less than 10 cm in height), and higher amounts of medium vegetation (coverage of vegetation 10–100 cm in height) and litter (dead, unburned, vegetation on the ground). Whinchat abundance in areas of farmland where they were present was independent of most variables considered, but density was higher where there was more short vegetation cover. Foraging behaviour did not vary significantly between farmland habitats. All predictors were consistent between season, years and across sites. The presence/absence model was very poor at predicting presence and there were no strong predictors of abundance or foraging variation. This is consistent with a species well below carrying capacity within its environment so that many suitable areas do not have birds present and there is little aggregation at better sites. Overall, Whinchats were abundant and appeared to have plentiful habitat; densities have probably increased alongside the intensification of agriculture (presence of fallow farmland, short vegetation and structural crops). The results suggest that West African farmland in the dry season can support large numbers of Whinchats and that recent population declines in Europe are unlikely to be caused primarily by lack of suitable wintering habitat.  相似文献   

Parthiba Basu 《Biotropica》1997,29(4):489-500
Seasonal variation and spatial distribution in ground foraging rain forest ants were studied in South Kannada–Kodagu District in Karnataka (India) between 1990 and 1991 by pit-fall trap sampling. All ant species showed marked seasonality. A total of 31 species were recorded from the primary forest over a period of two years. More species were recorded from the closed canopy forest than from tree fall gaps in primary forest. All ant species showed marked seasonality with fewer species and individuals sampled/plot during the wetter seasons. The numerically dominant species, Pheidole sp., was markedly lower in abundance during the wet seasons. Spatial patterns were also studied during a dry season both in the primary forest and an adjacent logged forest. More species were recorded from the logged forest than the primary forest. Community composition in primary forest was different from that in logged forest. Common species were more ubiquitous than rarer species. Species were distributed bimodally across sampling plots. Probable underlying processes behind these seasonal and spatial patterns have been discussed.  相似文献   

An investigation into the population status and distribution of the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman, 1779) in Chebera Churchura National Park, Ethiopia, was carried out during the wet and dry seasons of 2012–2015. This study tested the hypothesis that buffalo would demonstrate seasonal habitat preferences and changes in population density. Sample counts were carried out in an area of 1215 km2. The estimated buffalo population was 5193 individuals, with the population density of 4.3/km2. The population showed an increase from 2617 to 5194 individuals during 2006–2015. Males comprised 42.6%, while females 46.7% of the population. Age structure was dominated by adults, which constituted 52.5% of the total population. Subadults comprised 24.3% and young 12.4% of the population. Larger herds of up to 30 individuals were observed during the wet season, and smaller herds of a minimum of four individuals were seen during the dry season. The mean herd sizes during the wet and dry seasons were 29.59 and 16.95, respectively. They were observed more in the riverine vegetation types during the dry season. Of the total, 57.6% utilized riverine habitat during the dry season, whereas 39.8% used this habitat during the wet season. Relative abundance of food sources, green vegetation cover and availability of water were the major factors governing their distribution in the present study area.  相似文献   

The amount (composition) and spatial arrangement (configuration) of forest patches in fragmented landscapes influence the accessibility, as well as the abundance and diversity of resources available to bats. Moreover, tropical fruit and insect abundance differ seasonally in response to changes in precipitation, and many bats in the family Phyllostomidae employ seasonal reproductive strategies. Because reproductive activities involve constraints on time and energy as well as increased nutritional demands, foraging behavior and home range size may differ between wet and dry seasons. Nonetheless, seasonal variation in response to landscape structure by bats has not been examined previously. Consequently, population‐, ensemble‐ and assemblage‐level responses of phyllostomids to landscape composition and configuration were quantified separately during the wet and dry season at three circular focal scales (1, 3 and 5 km radii) for 14 sites in fragmented lowland Amazon forest. Responses to landscape characteristics were scale‐dependent, species‐specific, and seasonal. Abundances of frugivores responded to landscape composition in the dry season and to landscape configuration in the wet season. Conversely, abundances of animalivores responded to landscape configuration in the dry season and to landscape composition in the wet season. Divergent responses to landscape structure between seasons suggest that variation in resource abundance and diversity play a significant role in structuring population‐, ensemble‐ and assemblage‐level patterns. As such, considerations of the effects of dietary flexibility and reproductive constraints on foraging strategies and habitat use may be important when designing management plans that successfully promote long‐term persistence of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the diet of African manatees in Cameroon to better inform conservation decisions within protected areas. A large knowledge gap on diet and seasonal changes in forage availability limits the ability to develop informed local management plans for the African manatee in much of its range. This research took place in the Sanaga River Watershed, which includes two protected areas in the Littoral Region of Cameroon: the Douala‐Edea National Park and the Lake Ossa Wildlife Reserve. We analyzed 113 manatee fecal samples and surveyed shoreline emergent and submerged vegetation within the Sanaga River Watershed. We used microhistological analyses to determine the relative contribution of each plant species to African manatee diets and compared across locations and across seasons (wet vs. dry season). We found that the shoreline vegetation is diverse with over 160 plant species, unevenly distributed across space and season, and dominated by emergent vegetation mostly represented by the antelope grass (Echinochloa pyramidalis). We recorded a total of 36 plant species from fecal samples with a spatial and temporal distribution mostly reflecting that of the corresponding shoreline vegetation. African manatees appear to be primarily opportunistically feeding on available vegetation across the seasons and habitat. This work documents the current, but changing, state of plant availability in the Sanaga River Watershed and reports the African manatee diet in Cameroon for the first time. This information can play a critical role in successfully managing the species and these protected areas. If we wish to protect the African manatee and the aquatic ecosystems within the Sanaga River Watershed, we must understand how forage availability changes over time, especially as its waters become nutrient enriched, eutrophic, and exposed to invasive species of plants in a changing world.  相似文献   

A population of frillneck lizards, Chlamydosaurus kingii, was monitored by mark-recapture and telemetry over a 2 year period in Kakadu National Park. The aims of the study were to document changes in diet, growth, condition and habitat use between the wet and dry seasons of northern Australia, in light of recent research examining seasonal variation in the physiology of this species. Frillneck lizards feed on a diverse range of invertebrates in both seasons, even though there is a substantial reduction in food avail-ability in the dry season. Harvester termites from the genus Drepanotermes constitute a major component of the diet, and the prevalence of termites in the diet of sedentary foragers in a tropical environment is unusual. Adult male body condition remained relatively stable throughout the year, but females experienced considerable variation. These differences are attributed to different reproductive roles of the sexes. Growth in C. kingii was restricted to the wet season, when food availability was high, and growth was minimal in the dry season when food availability was low. The method used in catching lizards was an important factor in determining seasonal habitat use. Telemetered lizards selected a significantly different distribution of tree species than was randomly available, and they selected significantly larger tree species during the dry season. Lizards spotted along roadsides showed little seasonal variation in the selection of tree species or tree sizes. The results suggest a comprehensive change in the ecology of this species, in response to an annual cycle of low food and moisture availability, followed by a period with few resource restrictions.  相似文献   

To understand habitat preferences, seasonal abundance and diets of rodents in wet and dry season surveys were conducted in Alage, Southern Ethiopia. Sherman and snap traps were used to capture rodents from the four habitats: bushland, Acacia woodland, maize and wheat farmlands. A total of 3312 trap nights, from the four trapping habitats, yielded 776 individuals that represented 11 species of rodents. The distribution of rodents varied between habitats and seasons. Wet season rodent abundance was 52.3% while in the dry season it was 47.7%. Seasonal differences in species abundance were insignificant. Bushland habitat had high wet and dry season abundances with 137 and 211 individuals, respectively. Abundance was low in maize farm (57 individuals) in the wet season and wheat farm (10 individuals) in the dry season. Stomach content composition analysis of snap‐trapped rodents from different habitats showed differences between species and across seasons. Six rodent species were recorded as pests on the farmlands in this study area. In conclusion, variation in habitat preferences and diet of rodents in different habitats and across seasons might be due to the role of ground cover and food sources.  相似文献   

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