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The Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica, is exposed to frequent periods of dehydration during its prolonged larval development in the cold and dry Antarctic environment. In this study, we determined the water requirements of the larvae and the mechanisms it exploits to reduce the stress of drying. Larvae lost water at an exceptionally high rate (>10%/h) and tolerated losing a high portion (>70%) of their water content. Larvae were unable to absorb water from subsaturated water vapor (< or = 0.98 a(v)) to replenish their water stores, thus this midge relies exclusively on the intake of liquid water to increase its pool of body water and maintain water balance. To reduce dehydration stress, the midge employed a variety of mechanisms. Behaviorally, the larvae suppressed water loss by clustering. In response to slow dehydration, glycerol concentration increased 2-fold and trehalose concentration increased 3-fold, responses that are known to decrease the rate of water loss and increase dehydration tolerance. No changes in the mass of cuticular lipids occurred in response to desiccation, but the observed shift to longer hydrocarbons likely contributes to reduced water loss as the larvae dehydrate. As the larvae dehydrated, their oxygen consumption rate dropped, resulting in a reduction of water loss by respiration. Lastly, one bout of slow dehydration also enhanced the larva's ability to survive subsequent dehydration, suggesting that the larvae have the capacity for drought acclimation. Thus, these hydrophilic midge larvae prevent dehydration by multiple mechanisms that collectively reduce the water loss rate and increase dehydration tolerance.  相似文献   

汪盛  刘恩德  夏漪  戴锡玲 《植物研究》2015,35(4):499-503
研究了重金属铅对水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子萌发及其对水蕨配子体发育的影响。结果表明:随着铅浓度的增加,水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子的萌发率逐渐降低;在低于10-4 mol·L-1的环境中,水蕨孢子可以正常萌发;在低于10-5 mol·L-1的环境中,中华桫椤和扇蕨孢子能正常萌发;水蕨、中华桫椤和扇蕨的孢子都对铅具有一定的耐受性;铅对水蕨配子体的发育存在一定影响,铅使水蕨配子体呈不规则的心脏形,多发育为雄配子体;精子器凹陷入原叶体边缘;配子体细胞中叶绿体分布不均匀。本研究为铅污染土壤的植物修复筛选后备植物。  相似文献   

The germination mutant TM-31 of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 12872, was isolated by transposon Tn917 insertional mutagenesis. Glucose, L -proline, L -leucine and KNO3 germinated TM-31 poorly. The DNA in the region of the Tn917 insertion was cloned, and its nucleotide sequence determined. One major open reading frame was present on the cloned DNA. The hydrophobic protein encoded is presumably membrane-associated. A homology search revealed that the gene encoded in the region of the Tn917 insertion is homologous to napA of Enterococcus hirae. napA codes for the NaH-antiporter. It is hypothesized that transport of cations must play an important role in spore germination in B. megaterium ATCC 12872.  相似文献   

Breeding strategies of two closely related fulmarine petrels were studied on Ardery Island, on the continental coast of East Antarctica, where short summers are expected to narrow the time-window for reproduction. Both species had a similar breeding period (97 days from laying to fledging) but Antarctic Petrels Thalassoica antarctica bred up to 16 days earlier than Southern Fulmars. During the pre-laying exodus, all Antarctic Petrels deserted the colony, whereas some Southern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialoides remained. Antarctic Petrels exhibited stronger synchronization in breeding, made longer foraging trips and spent less time guarding their chicks than Southern Fulmars. Overall breeding success of both species was similar but failures of Antarctic Petrels were concentrated in the early egg-phase and after hatching, when parents ceased guarding. Southern Fulmars lost eggs and chicks later in the breeding cycle and so wasted more parental investment in failed breeding attempts. Different breeding strategies may be imposed by flight characteristics; Southern Fulmars are less capable of crossing large expanses of pack ice and need to delay breeding until the sea ice retreats and breaks up. However, due to the short summer they risk chick failure when weather conditions deteriorate late in the season.  相似文献   

In species where incubation is shared by both parents, the mate'sability to fast on the nest may constrain the time availablefor foraging. The decision to return to the nest should thereforebe a compromise between an animal's own foraging success andits mate's ability to fast on the nest. To examine how the bodyconditions of incubating Antarctic petrels, Thalassoica antarctica,influence both the length of foraging trips and incubation shifts,we experimentally handicapped females by increasing their flightcosts during a foraging trip by adding lead weights to theirlegs. Handicapped females spent more time at sea and had lowerbody conditions at arrival to the colony than controls, and,moreover, females in poor body condition at arrival to the colonyspent generally more time at sea than those with higher bodycondition. The prolonged time period spent at sea by handicappedfemales was associated with higher desertion rates than amongcontrols. The time the incubating mates fasted increased withtheir body condition at arrival to the colony, suggesting thata high body condition of the incubating bird may reduce theprobability of nest desertion. Accordingly, our results suggestthat the time spent foraging is adjusted to the body conditionsof both the foraging and incubating mate.  相似文献   

本研究快报报道了重水对细菌芽孢的萌发及其可培养性的抑制作用. 在常温条件下,用L-丙氨酸触发细菌芽孢的萌发,并用Tb-DPA荧光法、相差显微镜观测法和光密度测定法监测萌发过程,用最终萌发水平、萌发半期、萌发速度3个参数来表征萌发过程. 除此之外,我们还用菌落形成单位的个数来评估萌发后芽孢的可培养性. 结果表明,重水对整个萌发过程有抑制作用,同时降低了萌发后芽孢的可培养性,但对最终萌发水平无影响. 我们推测这是因为重水增强了一些芽孢特异性信号蛋白的稳定性.  相似文献   

鸟巢蕨孢子繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了鸟巢蕨孢子无菌播种和常规播种两种繁殖方法。结果表明,鸟巢蕨无菌播种中孢子萌发率最高可达66.7%,原叶体在固体培养基上培养不能诱导出孢子体,而需经过振荡培养后才能诱导出孢子体;常规播种法更容易诱导出孢子体,每盆播0.02 g孢子时,每克孢子可产生孢子体4 000株以上,比无菌播种操作简便,成本低。因此,孢子常规播种法更适合于鸟巢蕨规模化生产。  相似文献   

Antarctica is one of the world’s most inaccessible regions. This area is also unique in that it has a terrestrial biota dominated by non-vascular plants, of which lichens and mosses are typically the dominant life-forms. A phytochemical study of Antarctic lichen (Umbilicaria antarctica) collected from maritime Antarctica has been carried out. The hexane, acetone and butanol extracts have been subjected to a preliminary general bioactivity test using wheat etiolated coleoptiles. A chromatographic study of the acetone extract was performed and seven known compounds were isolated. The general bioactivity of the compounds on etiolated wheat coleoptile has been assessed and joint action studies on mixtures of the compounds were carried out − a methodology that may be the way to a holistic approach in the ecological studies of lichens. The results corroborated the activity exhibited by the original fractions, which in turn support the use of this bioassay to determine joint interactions responsible for the bioactivity shown by U. antarctica.  相似文献   

通过电镜扫描方法 ,研究了 3个属 9种的中国叶状体苔类植物 :稀枝钱苔 (RicciahuebenerianaLindb .)、宽翅钱苔 (R .hantamensisPerold .)、曲脊钱苔 (R .cavernosaHoffm .)、R .warnstorfiiLimpr.exWarnst.、小孢钱苔 (R .frostiiAust.)、中华钱苔 (R .chinensisHerz .)、东亚花萼苔 (Asterellayoshinagana (Horik .)Horik .)、矮网花萼苔 (A .sanguiniaL .etL .)、背托苔 (Preissiaquadrata) (Scop .)Nees.)。对上述种类的孢子形态特征进行了描述。研究发现 ,上述 3属的孢子形态特征具有明显差异。而且同一属的孢子形态特征也存在差异 ,甚至可以作为种类划分的依据之一。同时采自不同地点的同一种类其孢子形态有时具微小的差别。这可能是由于生态环境差异所造成的  相似文献   

通过电镜扫描方法,研究了3个属9种的中国叶状体苔类植物:稀枝钱苔(Riccia huebeneriana Lindb.)、宽翅钱苔(R. hantamensis Perold.)、曲脊钱苔(R. cavernosa Hoffm.)、R. warnstorfii Limpr. ex Warnst.、小孢钱苔(R. frostii Aust.)、中华钱苔(R. chinensis Herz.)、东亚花萼苔(Asterella yoshinagana (Horik.) Horik.)、矮网花萼苔(A. sanguinia L. et L.)、背托苔(Preissia quadrata) (Scop.) Nees.).对上述种类的孢子形态特征进行了描述.研究发现,上述3属的孢子形态特征具有明显差异.而且同一属的孢子形态特征也存在差异,甚至可以作为种类划分的依据之一.同时采自不同地点的同一种类其孢子形态有时具微小的差别.这可能是由于生态环境差异所造成的.  相似文献   

利用透射电子显微镜对铁角蕨科(Aspleniaceae)华中铁角蕨(Asplenium sarelii Hook.)孢子及其纹饰的形成过程进行观察。结果表明:①华中铁角蕨孢子囊发育为薄囊蕨型;②孢子外壁表面光滑,远极面的外壁厚约0.8~1.1μm,近极面的外壁厚约1.4~1.8μm;③孢子周壁厚度约4~5μm,染色较外壁深,分为内层和外层;内层紧帖外壁表面,其上具柱状、瘤状或疣状突起;外层向外隆起形成脊状纹饰的轮廓,脊的下方具空腔,脊的顶端具翅;④铁角蕨型与鳞毛蕨型孢子外壁和周壁纹饰的形成过程具有相似性;⑤孢子的成熟度对于孢子形态的研究是至关重要的,只有完全成熟的孢子的表面纹饰才是稳定的。  相似文献   

AIMS: To elucidate the factors influencing the sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores in killing and disrupting by mechanical abrasion, and the mechanism of stimulation of spore germination by abrasion. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of B. subtilis strains were abraded by shaking with glass beads in liquid or the dry state, and spore killing, disruption and germination were determined. Dormant spores were more resistant to killing and disruption by abrasion than were growing cells or germinated spores. However, dormant spores of the wild-type strain with or without most coat proteins removed, spores of strains with mutations causing spore coat defects, spores lacking their large depot of dipicolinic acid (DPA) and spores with defects in the germination process exhibited essentially identical rates of killing and disruption by abrasion. When spores lacking all nutrient germinant receptors were enumerated by plating directly on nutrient medium, abrasion increased the plating efficiency of these spores before killing them. Spores lacking all nutrient receptors and either of the two redundant cortex-lytic enzymes behaved similarly in this regard, but the plating efficiency of spores lacking both cortex-lytic enzymes was not stimulated by abrasion. CONCLUSIONS: Dormant spores are more resistant to killing and disruption by abrasion than are growing cells or germinated spores, and neither the complete coats nor DPA are important in spore resistance to such treatments. Germination is not essential for spore killing by abrasion, although abrasion can trigger spore germination by activation of either of the spore's cortex-lytic enzymes. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work provides new insight into the mechanisms of the killing, disruption and germination of spores by abrasion and makes the surprising finding that at least much of the spore coat is not important in spore resistance to abrasion.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the reason that spores of Bacillus species, in particular Bacillus subtilis, are able to form colonies with high efficiency on media with very high salt concentrations. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spores of various Bacillus species have a significantly higher plating efficiency on media with high salt concentration (termed osmoresistance) than do log or stationary phase cells. This spore osmoresistance is higher on richer media. Bacillus subtilis spores lacking various small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) were generally significantly less osmoresistant than were wild-type spores, as shown previously (Ruzal et al. 1994). Other results included: (a) spore osmoresistance varied significantly between species; (b) the osmoresistance of spores lacking SASP was not restored well by amino acid osmolytes added to plating media, but was completely restored by glucose; (c) the osmoresistance of spores lacking SASP was restored upon brief germination in the absence of salt in a process that did not require protein synthesis; (d) significant amounts of amino acids generated by SASP degradation were retained within spores upon germination in a medium with high but not low salt; (e) slowing but not abolishing SASP degradation by loss of the SASP-specific germination protease (GPR) did not affect spore osmoresistance; (f) sporulation at higher temperatures produced less osmoresistant spores; and (g) spore osmoresistance was not decreased markedly by the absence of the stress sigma factor for RNA polymerase, sigmaB. CONCLUSIONS: Spore osmoresistance appears as a result of three major factors: (1) specific characteristics of spores and cells of individual species; (2) the precise sporulation conditions that produce the spores; and (3) sufficient energy generation by the germinating and outgrowing spore to allow the spore to adapt to conditions of high osmotic strength; the substrates for this energy generation can come from either the endogenous generation of amino acids by SASP degradation or from the spore's environment, in the form of a readily taken up and metabolized energy source such as glucose. SIGNFICANCE AND IMPACT OF STUDY: These results provide information on the mechanisms of spore osmoresistance, a spore property that can be of major applied significance given the use of high osmotic strength with or without high salt as a means of food preservation.  相似文献   

During the first 96 h of culture, germinating spores of the fern Sphaeropteris cooperi (F. v. Muell.) Tryon showed a gradual rise in respiratory activity to a maximum of about 6.5 μl 02 h−1 mg−1 dry wt. This was followed by a transitory decline in rate, concluded by a second respiratory rise preceding the emergence of the rhizoid after 192 h of culture. Oxygen uptake during the first 120 h of germination was insensitive to 1 m M potassium cyanide (KCN) but was inhibited by 1 m M salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM); however, beyond this time cyanide showed increasing inhibitory effectiveness whereas SHAM became less effective. Regardless of time of application, KCN had no effect on germination. Maximum inhibition of germination by SHAM was achieved if applied up to 120 h after culture initiation, after which spores became insensitive to SHAM. Heat treatment (50°C for 90 min) during the cyanide-resistant phase of respiration (0 h–120 h) induced cyanide-sensitive respiration and completely inhibited spore germination. Elevated temperatures had little effect if applied during the cyanide-sensitive phase (beyond 120 h). Temperature inhibited spores regained their ability to germinate if maintained in culture until the cyanide-resistant pathway was restored and then subjected to a second photoinductive light treatment. These results suggest the presence and possible involvement of the cyanide-resistant, alternative respiratory pathway during germination of Sphaeropteris cooperi spores.  相似文献   

解淀粉芽胞杆菌作为公认的安全生产宿主菌(GRAS),在高效表达异源蛋白方面具有巨大的发展潜力和应用前景.本研究以解淀粉芽胞杆菌TCCC111018为出发菌株,通过敲除芽胞形成相关基因(spo0A,sigF和sigE),构建了一系列突变菌株(BA△spo0A,BA△sigF,BA△sigE),并对突变株生物量和胞外酶表达...  相似文献   

We addressed the interacting effects of a natural large–scale fire and a subsequent major hurricane on relative positions of epiphytes in a subtropical forest. In Everglades National Park, subtropical hammocks (hardwood tree “islands”; burned and unburned) during the Ingraham Fire (1989) were surveyed for trees and epiphytic bromeliads (Tillandsia spp.) one year before, as well as one and five years after, Hurricane Andrew (1992). We measured trees (species, diameter, and status [alive/dead]) and epiphytes (species, height, host tree characteristics, substrate life status, and density). The fire decreased the height of epiphytes during the hurricane because branches and bark of trees killed by the fire were unstable epiphyte substrates in the high winds. Proportions of epiphytes on Quercus virginiana were equally increased after the hurricane in both unburned and burned hammocks; the large size and bark characteristics resulted in greater proportional survival of epiphytes on this species. During the five years following the hurricane, changes in the distributions of epiphytes generally were toward pre–hurricane distributions, but recovery was faster in unburned than burned hammocks. We conclude that disturbances that kill trees are likely to amplify the vertical reduction of epiphytes during a subsequent hurricane and that effects of a single disturbance on plant populations can be influenced by the disturbance history of the system, including different types of disturbances.  相似文献   

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