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蛋白质是生命的重要物质基础之一,也是生命活动的主要承担者.蛋白质丰度与其执行的生物学功能息息相关,受基因表达各个过程严格精密的调控.蛋白质丰度的直接影响因素包括相应mRNA初始量、蛋白质合成速率和降解速率.细胞对此3因素的调控将决定蛋白质最终的丰度.得益于定量蛋白质组学的飞速发展,规模化蛋白质丰度数据的产出,使得研究者可致力于发掘蛋白质丰度与其内在性质(如进化特征、结构特征、功能类型等)间规律性的相关性,这对于深入认识生命系统组成的基本原则具有重要意义.本文总结了蛋白质丰度调控及蛋白质丰度与其内在性质相关性的最新研究进展,及对这些规律性现象反映的生物学意义的解读.  相似文献   

种子植物区系属大小与种多度分布格局的相似性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对属大小的分析是植物区系研究的重要组成,属大小的分布格局可以在一定程度上反映植物区系的类群多样性与系统发生多样性。在植物区系研究中,平均属大小指标与植物区系包含的物种数有关,使不同植物区系的研究结果难以进行整合分析。对中国8个地区种子植物区系属大小的分布格局进行研究,对数级数模型取得了良好的拟合结果,拟合优度R2>0.99,属大小表现出与种—多度相似的分布格局。稀疏分析和相关分析结果表明:抽样大小较小时,平均属大小在稀疏分析前后的相关性不显著;而对数级数模型中α指数与稀疏分析前表现出稳定的相关性。同时,对于相同的抽样大小α指数与平均属大小之间存在显著的相关性。因此,α指数可以作为稳定的指标来描述植物区系的丰富程度。  相似文献   

Protein evolution is imprinted in both the sequence and the structure of evolutionary building blocks known as protein domains. These domains share a common ancestry and can be unified into a comparatively small set of folding architectures, the protein folds. We have traced the distribution of protein folds between and within proteomes belonging to Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria along the branches of a universal phylogeny of protein architecture. This tree was reconstructed from global fold-usage statistics derived from a structural census of proteomes. We found that folds shared by the three organismal domains were placed almost exclusively at the base of the rooted tree and that there were marked heterogeneities in fold distribution and clear evolutionary patterns related to protein architecture and organismal diversification. These include a relative timing for the emergence of prokaryotes, congruent episodes of architectural loss and diversification in Archaea and Bacteria, and a late and quite massive rise of architectural novelties in Eukarya perhaps linked to multicellularity.Reviewing Editor : Dr. David Pollock  相似文献   

In many stage-structured species, different life stages often occupy separate spatial niches in a heterogeneous environment. Life stages of the giant flour beetle Tribolium brevicornis (Leconte), in particular adults and pupae, occupy different locations in a homogeneous habitat. This unique spatial pattern does not occur in the well-studied stored grain pests T. castaneum (Herbst) and T. confusum (Duval). We propose density dependent dispersal as a causal mechanism for this spatial pattern. We model and explore the spatial dynamics of T. brevicornis with a set of four density dependent integrodifference and difference equations. The spatial model exhibits multiple attractors: a spatially uniform attractor and a patchy attractor with pupae and adults spatially separated. The model attractors are consistent with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Tubificid and enchytraeid oligochaetes are common members of the interstitial fauna of sandy beaches. Their abundance dynamics, life cycles and distribution patterns were investigated at two beaches on the western Baltic Sea and at a North Sea beach (Isle of Sylt). Populations of 115,000 ind./m2 were found at protected Baltic beaches. Reproduction of the tubificids, Phallodrilus monospermathecus and Spiridion insigne takes place within a well defined breeding period once a year. The market horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of various tubificid and enchytraeid species are elucidated by preference reactions to several physiographic parameters, such as oxygen and water content of the sediment, and salinity.  相似文献   

The diverse functional roles that proteases play in basic biological processes make them essential for virtually all organisms. Not surprisingly, proteolysis is also a critical process required for many aspects of pathogenesis. In particular, obligate intracellular parasites must precisely coordinate proteolytic events during their highly regulated life cycle inside multiple host cell environments. Advances in chemical, proteomic and genetic tools that can be applied to parasite biology have led to an increased understanding of the complex events centrally regulated by proteases. In this review, we outline recent advances in our knowledge of specific proteolytic enzymes in two medically relevant apicomplexan parasites: Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii. Efforts over the last decade have begun to provide a map of key proteotolyic events that are essential for both parasite survival and propagation inside host cells. These advances in our molecular understanding of proteolytic events involved in parasite pathogenesis provide a foundation for the validation of new networks and enzyme targets that could be exploited for therapeutic purposes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteolysis 50 years after the discovery of lysosome.  相似文献   

Habitat degradation resulting from anthropogenic activities poses immediate and prolonged threats to biodiversity, particularly among declining amphibians. Many studies infer amphibian response to habitat degradation by correlating patterns in species occupancy or abundance with environmental effects, often without regard to the demographic processes underlying these patterns. We evaluated how retention of vertical green trees (CANOPY) and coarse woody debris (CWD) influenced terrestrial salamander abundance and apparent survival in recently clearcut forests. Estimated abundance of unmarked salamanders was positively related to CANOPY ( Canopy  = 0.21 (0.02–1.19; 95% CI), but not CWD ( CWD  = 0.11 (−0.13–0.35) within 3,600 m2 sites, whereas estimated abundance of unmarked salamanders was not related to CANOPY ( Canopy  = −0.01 (−0.21–0.18) or CWD ( CWD  = −0.02 (−0.23–0.19) for 9 m2 enclosures. In contrast, apparent survival of marked salamanders within our enclosures over 1 month was positively influenced by both CANOPY and CWD retention ( Canopy  = 0.73 (0.27–1.19; 95% CI) and CWD  = 1.01 (0.53–1.50). Our results indicate that environmental correlates to abundance are scale dependent reflecting habitat selection processes and organism movements after a habitat disturbance event. Our study also provides a cautionary example of how scientific inference is conditional on the response variable(s), and scale(s) of measure chosen by the investigator, which can have important implications for species conservation and management. Our research highlights the need for joint evaluation of population state variables, such as abundance, and population-level process, such as survival, when assessing anthropogenic impacts on forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Patterns of rodent species abundance and diversity were examined over a 5 months period in two areas of a Kenyan relict tropical rainforest. The two areas are subjected to different administrations which lead to various levels of anthropogenic disturbance: one can be considered relatively disturbed and one relatively undisturbed. Anthropogenic disturbance causes a reduction in woody stem density between 0 and 1.5 m and reduced understory tree canopy cover. Rodent abundance was estimated using the program CAPTURE and compared with the number of individuals actually captured. Density was estimated with three different methods, two of these utilised a boundary strip to estimate effective size of the area trapped. Density resulted in being relatively high in both areas, so population might have been at a peak. Species richness was higher in the disturbed forest, while species diversity and evenness was higher in the undisturbed forest. We suggest that in the disturbed forest the increase in number of species might be due to sporadical entrance in the forest by non-forest species, while the decrease in diversity might be due to the decrease of lower strata vegetation that occurs in the disturbed forest, hence this factor might affect species equitability. Bibliographic data supports this hypothesis as rodent species diversity and ground vegetation cover have been found to be correlated.  相似文献   

Life is a complex phenomenon that not only requires individual self-producing and self-sustaining systems but also a historical-collective organization of those individual systems, which brings about characteristic evolutionary dynamics. On these lines, we propose to define universally living beings as autonomous systems with open-ended evolution capacities, and we claim that all such systems must have a semi-permeable active boundary (membrane), an energy transduction apparatus (set of energy currencies) and, at least, two types of functionally interdependent macromolecular components (catalysts and records). The latter is required to articulate a 'phenotype-genotype' decoupling that leads to a scenario where the global network of autonomous systems allows for an open-ended increase in the complexity of the individual agents. Thus, the basic-individual organization of biological systems depends critically on being instructed by patterns (informational records) whose generation and reliable transmission cannot be explained but take into account the complete historical network of relationships among those systems. We conclude that a proper definition of life should consider both levels, individual and collective: living systems cannot be fully constituted without being part of the evolutionary process of a whole ecosystem. Finally, we also discuss a few practical implications of the definition for different programs of research.  相似文献   

Agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) and siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) are sympatric small apes inhabiting threatened forests of Sumatra, Indonesia. We censused both species in the 3,568-km2 Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, at the southern limit of their ranges, over a 7-mo period in 2001. First, we monitored daily calling rates from known populations to develop probabilities of calling during a specified number of days and used the probability of calling at 1 time during 3 days to convert calling rates to abundance. Next, we used 3-day calibrated call count censuses (n=31) stratified by distance from forest edge and across a range of elevations to estimate species-specific group densities. We used group size from the known populations as well as data collected ad libitum during the census to convert group density to individual density. Agile gibbon group density averaged 0.67 km–2 (SE = 0.082) and group size averaged 2.6 (SE = 0.73) for a population estimate of 4,479 (SE = 1,331) individuals. Siamang group density averaged 2.23 km–2 (SE = 0.245), and group size averaged 3.9 (SE = 1.09) for a population estimate of 22,390 (SE = 8,138). Agile gibbon and siamang densities are negatively correlated, with agile gibbons more abundant in mid-elevation forests and siamangs most abundant in lowland and submontane forests. The small group sizes of agile gibbons indicate potential survival problems in infant and juvenile size classes. Although neither species is presently threatened by direct human disturbance, continued deforestation will jeopardize the long-term viability of both species in Bukit Barsian Selatan National Park and on Sumatra.  相似文献   



The intramuscular nerve distribution and relative spindle abundance of the human hand have not been well defined, although this is important in guiding hand surgery.


Forty human hands were dissected and subjected to modified Sihler’s stain and haematoxylin and eosin stain to investigate intramuscular nerve distribution and relative spindle abundance, respectively.


The flexor pollicis brevis (FPB), adductor pollicis (AP), and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) contain separate nerve compartments. Neural anastomoses were observed in the thenar and hypothenar muscles, including the Y-like, O-like, H-like, and U-like appearance. We found that U-like neural anastomoses may be the characteristic of the opponens muscles. The relative spindle abundance was the greatest in the opponens muscles which may coordinate fine movements.


Except for the two opponens muscles, the rest of the thenar and hypothenar muscles could be used as whole muscle or half-muscle donors for muscle transplant. Our nerve map of the hand offers valuable guidance for hand reconstruction.  相似文献   

I collected baseline abundance data on groupers from the reefs of Vavanga village on Kolombangara Island, Solomon Islands. Physical and environmental factors significantly affected the abundance and distribution patterns of groupers. Size and age distribution of groupers varied with depth. Power analysis on the abundance data showed that although power could be calculated to within an acceptable level from a management perspective for abundant species such as the coral hind, Cephalopholis miniata, the same could not be done for larger and naturally scarce species, such as the humpback grouper, Cromileptes altivelis.  相似文献   

Developmental constraints are limitations on phenotypic variabilityresulting from developmental mechanisms that produce biasesin phenotypic variants and hence evolution. These constraintsultimately limit the available phenotypes on which selectioncan act. Because hormones play important roles in many developmentalprocesses, there is a great potential for hormonal mechanismsto produce (or act as) developmental constraints. In the currentstudy, I present two examples to show how hormones may producedevelopmental constraints on evolution in the Anura. One example(a universal constraint in the Anura), examines evidence thatthyroid hormones are required for sex differentiation and reproductionin frogs. The thyroid hormone requirement for these processesmay prevent the evolution of neoteny in anurans. The secondexample (a local constraint) examines the mechanisms underlyingsexual dichromatism in the genus Hyperolius (Hyperoliidae) andshows how the evolution of sexual dichromatism is limited bythe hormonal mechanisms regulating pigmentation  相似文献   

James R. Vonesh 《Biotropica》2001,33(3):502-510
I compared species richness and habitat correlates of leaf‐litter herpetofaunal abundance in undisturbed and selectively logged forests, and an abandoned pine plantation in Kibale National Park, Uganda. I sampled 50 randomly located 25 m2 litter plots in each area during the wet and dry seasons in 1997. Ten anuran, five lizard, and three snake species were captured in plots over the study. Assemblage composition was most similar at logged and unlogged sites. The logged forest herpetofauna had higher species richness and abundance than the unlogged forest, but diversity was greater in the unlogged forest due to greater evenness. In contrast, the pine plantation site had the highest richness, abundance, and evenness of the three study sites, but species composition was distinct from the other areas. Herpetofaunal densities were significantly lower in all three areas during the dry season than in the wet season. During the dry season, soil moisture, litter mass, topography, shrub cover, and number of fallen logs were significant positive predictors of herpetofaunal presence in litter plots, but only soil moisture was significant in the wet season. The interaction of moisture and topography appears to be important in determining seasonal patterns of litter herpetofaunal distribution. Comparison of litter herpetofaunal studies across the tropics have shown that mid‐elevation faunas generally support fewer species than lowland faunas. Compared with other tropical mid‐elevation litter faunas, Kibale supports an intermediate number of species, but at lower densities than observed at any other mid‐elevation site reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns of species abundance, although less well-studied than spatial patterns, provide valuable insight to the processes governing community assembly. We compared temporal abundance distributions of two communities, phytoplankton and fish, in a north temperate lake. We used both 17 years of observed relative abundance data as well as resampled data from Monte Carlo simulations to account for the possible effects of non-detection of rare species. Similar to what has been found in other communities, phytoplankton and fish species that appeared more frequently were generally more abundant than rare species. However, neither community exhibited two distinct groups of “core” (common occurrence and high abundance) and “occasional” (rare occurrence and low abundance) species. Both observed and resampled data show that the phytoplankton community was dominated by occasional species appearing in only one year that exhibited large variation in their abundances, while the fish community was dominated by core species occurring in all 17 years at high abundances. We hypothesize that the life-history traits that enable phytoplankton to persist in highly dynamic environments may result in communities dominated by occasional species capable of reaching high abundances when conditions allow. Conversely, longer turnover times and broad environmental tolerances of fish may result in communities dominated by core species structured primarily by competitive interactions.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are now subject to global threats and influences from numerous anthropogenic sources. Foraminifera, a group of unicellular shelled organisms, are excellent indicators of water quality and reef health. Thus we studied a set of samples taken in 1992 to provide a foraminiferal baseline for future studies of environmental change. Our study provides the first island-wide analysis of shallow benthic foraminifera from around Moorea (Society Archipelago). We analyzed the composition, species richness, patterns of distribution and abundance of unstained foraminiferal assemblages from bays, fringing reefs, nearshore and back- and fore-reef environments. A total of 380 taxa of foraminifera were recorded, a number that almost doubles previous species counts. Spatial patterns of foraminiferal assemblages are characterized by numerical abundances of individual taxa, cluster groups and gradients of species richness, as documented by cluster, Fisher α, ternary plot and Principal Component Analyses (PCA). The inner bay inlets are dominated by stress-tolerant, mostly thin-shelled taxa of Bolivina, Bolivinella, Nonionoides, Elongobula, and Ammonia preferring low-oxygen and/or nutrient-rich habitats influenced by coastal factors such as fresh-water runoff and overhanging mangroves. The larger symbiont-bearing foraminifera (Borelis, Amphistegina, Heterostegina, Peneroplis) generally live in the oligotrophic, well-lit back- and fore-reef environments. Amphisteginids and peneroplids were among the few taxa found in the bay environments, probably due to their preferences for phytal substrates and tolerance to moderate levels of eutrophication. The fringing reef environments along the outer bay are characterized by Borelis schlumbergeri, Heterostegina depressa, Textularia spp. and various miliolids which represent a hotspot of diversity within the complex reef-lagoon system of Moorea. The high foraminiferal Fisher α and species richness diversity in outer bay fringing reefs is consistent with the disturbance-mosaic (microhabitat heterogeneity) hypothesis.Calculations of the FORAM Index (FI), a single metric index to assess reef vitality, indicate that all fore- and most back-reef environments support active carbonate accretion and provide habitat suitability for carbonate producers dependent on algal symbiosis. Lowest suitability values were recorded within the innermost bays, an area where natural and increasing anthropogenic influences continue to impact the reefs. The presence of habitat specific assemblages and numerical abundance values of individual taxa show that benthic foraminifera are excellent recorders of environmental perturbations and good indicators useful in modern and ancient ecological and environmental studies.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to develop simple and effective methods for monitoring bird populations that are cheap to deploy in resource-poor countries. This paper describes a newly developed system, provisionally referred to as, Wordbirds, that will provide a platform for the collection, storage and retrieval of new and existing data from bird observations recorded worldwide. This Internet-based global network of databases will capture field lists and ad hoc sightings routinely gathered by individuals observing birds recreationally and professionally. Huge numbers of lists are collected annually and could provide information on population trends spanning many years. By collecting these records, a valuable resource will be secured with the potential to map and monitor bird distributions and estimate trends in species abundance. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

We propose a human-centered evolutionary curriculum based around the three questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? How do I fit in? We base our curriculum on our experiences as an evolutionary biologist/paleontologist (NE) and as a secondary level special education science teacher (GE)—and not least from our joint experience as co-editors-in-chief of this journal. Our proposed curriculum starts and ends with human biology and evolution, linking these themes with topics as diverse as the “tree of life” (systematics), anthropology, Charles Darwin, cultural evolution, ecology, developmental biology, molecular evolution/genetics, paleontology, and plate tectonics. The curriculum is “universal” as it is designed to be taught at all levels, K–16. The curriculum is flexible: “modules” may be expanded and contracted, reordered, or modified to fit specific grade level needs—and the requirements and interests of local curricula and teachers. We further propose that students utilize workbooks from online or printed sources to investigate the local answers to the general questions (e.g., “Who am I?”), while classroom instruction is focused on the larger scale issues outlined in the modules of our curriculum.  相似文献   

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