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海州湾及邻近海域冬季鱼类群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
根据2011年冬季在海州湾及邻近海域进行的渔业资源底拖网和环境调查数据,应用物种多样性指数和多元分析等方法,对该海域鱼类种类组成、多样性和群落结构及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究.结果表明: 该海域冬季捕获鱼类共60种,隶属于10目34科51属,以暖温性和暖水性底层鱼类为主.站位间物种丰富度指数介于1.14~2.84,多样性指数介于1.08~2.64,均匀度指数介于0.41~0.83之间.经聚类分析和非度量多维标度(MDS)分析,该海域鱼类群落在空间上可分为站位组Ⅰ(35° N以北水域站位)、站位组Ⅱ(靠近湾顶的近岸水域站位)和站位组Ⅲ(35° N以南水域站位).鱼类群落种类组成在站位组间及两两间的比较均差异极显著(R=0.45~0.91).典范对应分析表明,底层水温、水深和表层盐度是影响海州湾及邻近海域冬季鱼类群落结构的主要环境因子.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by juvenile lemon sharks,Negaprion brevirostris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis We surgically implanted ultrasonic transmitters in 38 lemon sharks,Negaprion brevirostris, and manually tracked the sharks for 1–153 days. This yielded 2281 positional fixes recorded at 15-min intervals. We used these positional data with availability data of four environmental variables (water depth, temperature, salinity, and bottom type), sampled at 213 stations along 15 transects, to examine usage of habitat. All sharks used contours of water depth, water temperature, and bottom type disproportionately to the availability of these variables in the study site. Specifically, juvenile lemon sharks selected shallower, warmer water with an underlying rocky or sandy substrate, perhaps for predator avoidance. This is the first report on habitat selection by any elasmobranch.  相似文献   

The results of the investigations of spatial and vertical distribution of Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus in the North Pacific Ocean conducted for many years are presented. In addition, the size distribution and features of biology of the species are studied. The largest abundance of the species is registered in the Bering Sea, western Gulf of Alaska, eastern Aleutian Islands, and Pacific waters of northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. The species is the most abundant near the bottom at the depth from 200 to 700 m and in the pelagic waters at a depth of 100–200 m. The average depths of the catches of Pacific sleeper shark substantially change over the year reaching minimum values in June and maximum values in December. Vertical daily migrations (to the water column at night and to the bottom during the day) are registered. The catches are represented by fish 26–352 cm in length, and sharks 100–200 cm in length prevail. The males are noticeably smaller than the females. In general, condition of the fishes decreases and feeding intensity increases with growth. Food composition substantially changes with the increase of body length: consumption of squids decreases and consumption of crustaceans, fishes, and fishery wastes increases. The food composition is slightly different in the females and males.  相似文献   

Male mate-guarding episodes ('consortships'), are taxonomically widespread, yet costly to individual males. Consequently, males should bias consortships toward females with whom the probability of conception is high. We combined data on consortships with visual scoring of sexual swellings and assays of fecal estrogen concentrations (fE) in a wild population of baboons (Papio cynocephalus) to test the hypotheses that sexual swellings are reliable indicators of (1) within-cycle timing of ovulation, (2) differences in conception probability among females that differ in maturational stage, and (3) conceptive versus non-conceptive cycles of parous females. We also evaluated whether adult males might rely on swellings or other estrogen-dependent signals (e.g., fE) for mate-guarding decisions. We found that sexual swellings reflected conception probability within and among cycles. Adult males limited their consortships to the turgescent phase of cycles, and consorted more with adult females than with newly cycling adolescents. The highest ranking (alpha) males discriminated more than did males of other ranks; they (1) limited their consortships to the 5-day peri-ovulatory period, (2) consorted more with adult than with adolescent females, and (3) consorted more with adult females on conceptive cycles than on non-conceptive cycles, all to a greater extent than did males of other ranks. Male mate choice based on sexual swellings and other estrogenic cues of fertility may result in sexual selection on these female traits and enhance dominance-based reproductive skew in males. Alpha males are the least constrained in their mating behavior and can best take advantage of these cues to mate selectively.  相似文献   

Biopsy samples of adipose tissue from the upper thigh were collected in spring and in late summer/autumn from 370 wild polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ), including adult females with and without cubs, adult males and juveniles. Mean adipocyte volume was measured from all samples and chemical assays of the lipid, total protein and collagen were also performed on samples from 53 bears. Mean adipocyte volume was smaller in all specimens in spring than in late summer/autumn, but the differences were greatest for solitary adult females. The range of adipocyte volumes was much greater for adult females than for adult males, and in females only, mean adipocyte volume correlated significantly with total body mass. Therefore, adipocyte volume measurements from biopsy samples provide some information about fatness in adult females, but are worthless as an indicator of body composition in males and juveniles. In juveniles and females, but not adult males, the lipid content of the adipose tissue was up to 18% lower in autumn than in spring. The collagen content was significantly higher in autumn than in spring in all bears except females with cubs. We suggest that these differences in chemical composition arise from accumulation of water within and between the adipocytes, which would minimize tissue shrinkage, and from changes in the vascularization of the adipose tissue. These properties may be adaptations to rapid fattening and prolonged fasting and the sex differences may reflect the contrasting reproductive strategy of female and male polar bears.  相似文献   

Sponge communities on the Antarctic continental shelf currently represent one of the most extensive sponge grounds in the world, and all sponge classes are known to occur in the Southern Ocean. Main objectives of this study conducted at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula were (1) to identify all sampled sponges and (2) to investigate whether the species composition and species richness of Southern Ocean sponge communities in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula are significantly influenced by environmental variables. The studied material originated from 25 AGT catches and was sampled during the expedition ANT-XXIX/3 of RV Polarstern. Samples were collected in three large-scale areas in the vicinity of the Antarctic Peninsula: Bransfield Strait, Drake Passage and Weddell Sea. The following six environmental variables were measured from bottom water samples (except for sea-ice cover): depth (m), light transmission (%), oxygen (µmol/kg), salinity, sea-ice cover (%) and temperature (°C). Two hundred and sixty-three sponge samples were analyzed, and 81 species of 33 genera from all Porifera classes (Calcarea, Demospongiae, Hexactinellida and Homoscleromorpha) were identified. Total numbers of sponge species per sample station ranged from 1 to 29. A detrended correspondence analysis and a backward-stepwise model selection were performed to check whether species composition and richness were significantly influenced by environmental variables. The analyses revealed that none of the measured environmental variables significantly influenced species composition but that species richness was significantly influenced by (1) temperature and (2) the combination of temperature and depth. Results of this study are of crucial importance for development, performance and assessment of future protection strategies in case of ongoing climatic changes at the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

Many factors have been hypothesized to affect the size and adult sex ratios of primate groups and these, in turn, have been argued to influence birth rates. Using park-wide census data collected on a population of capuchins over a 25-year period, we examined whether group size and adult sex ratio affect the per capita reproductive success of male and female white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. We found that the reproductive success of females (measured as the observed minus the expected ratio of immatures to adult females in the group) decreased with increasing group size, whereas that of males was independent of group size. The proportion of adult males residing in groups had significant, yet contrasting effects on males and females. Male reproductive success was negatively associated with the proportion of males residing in groups whereas female reproductive success increased with the proportion of males. The latter finding supports the intersexual conflict hypothesis, which suggests that a conflict of interest occurs between males and females over adult sex ratios. The effects of group size and composition on the reproductive success of capuchins, a male-dispersed omnivorous species, are similar to those reported for howlers, a bisexually-dispersed folivorous species. One common factor between these taxa is that groups with low ratios of males to females are at greater risk of takeovers and resultant infanticide. Our results suggest that regardless of dietary preference and dispersal pattern, the threat of infanticide can constrain primate group size and composition.  相似文献   

We studied the cranial postnatal ontogeny of Otaria byronia in order to detect sexual dimorphism in allometric terms, analyzing the rate of growth of functional variables linked to specific capacities as bite and head movements. We used 20 linear measurements to estimate allometric growth applying bivariate and multivariate analyses in females and males separately. Males were also analyzed in two partitioned subsets considering non-adult and adult stages, when the dimorphism is accentuated in order to reach optimal performance for intra-sexual competition. In the comparison of the employed techniques, we detected an empirical relationship between our multivariate results and the ordinary least square bivariate analysis. The quantitative analyses revealed different ontogenetic trajectories between non-adult and adult males in most variables, suggesting that the adult skull is not a scaled version of subadult skull. For instance, variables related with longitudinal dimensions decreased their allometric coefficients when the adult stage was reached, whereas those related with breadth or vertical dimensions increased their values. In adult males this could indicate that skull breadth and height are more important than longitudinal growth, relative to overall skull size. Conversely, inter-sexual comparisons showed that females and non-adult males shared similar ontogenetic growth trends, including more allometric trends than did males along their own ontogenetic trajectory. In general, adult males exhibited higher allometric coefficients than non-adult males in variables associated with bite and sexual behavior, whereas in comparison to females the latter showed higher coefficients values in these variables. Such patterns indicate a complex mode of growth in males beyond the growth extension, and are in partial agreement with changes previously reported for this and other species in the family Otariidae.  相似文献   

Lake Abraxas (68° 29 S., 78° 17 E.) has been cut off from the sea for c. 6000 yr. In December, 1985, it had an ice cover 1.38 m thick, a thermocline at 5.2 m, and zero oxygen at 17.7 m and below. The salinity of the oxylimnion was in the range 14–19 g 1–1. The calanoid, Paralabidocera antarctica (I. C. Thompson), had a maximum density just above a thermocline at 5.0 m, at which depth adult males outnumbered females almost 3 : 1. Immediately beneath the ice adult females outnumbered males 4 : 1. Immature copepodite stages were more abundant relative to adults near the oxycline than at higher levels. The planktonic harpacticoid, Amphiascoides sp., had a maximum density close to the oxycline at 17.2 m.  相似文献   

Adult male and female northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) are sexually segregated in different regions of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea during their winter migration. Explanations for this involve interplay between physiology, predator-prey dynamics, and ecosystem characteristics, however possible mechanisms lack empirical support. To investigate factors influencing the winter ecology of both sexes, we deployed five satellite-linked conductivity, temperature, and depth data loggers on adult males, and six satellite-linked depth data loggers and four satellite transmitters on adult females from St. Paul Island (Bering Sea, Alaska, USA) in October 2009. Males and females migrated to different regions of the North Pacific Ocean: males wintered in the Bering Sea and northern North Pacific Ocean, while females migrated to the Gulf of Alaska and California Current. Horizontal and vertical movement behaviors of both sexes were influenced by wind speed, season, light (sun and moon), and the ecosystem they occupied, although the expression of the behaviors differed between sexes. Male dive depths were aligned with the depth of the mixed layer during daylight periods and we suspect this was the case for females upon their arrival to the California Current. We suggest that females, because of their smaller size and physiological limitations, must avoid severe winters typical of the northern North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea and migrate long distances to areas of more benign environmental conditions and where prey is shallower and more accessible. In contrast, males can better tolerate often extreme winter ocean conditions and exploit prey at depth because of their greater size and physiological capabilities. We believe these contrasting winter behaviors 1) are a consequence of evolutionary selection for large size in males, important to the acquisition and defense of territories against rivals during the breeding season, and 2) ease environmental/physiological constraints imposed on smaller females.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in mass, fat depth, condition index and energy intake were measured in eight captive harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) over a 15-month period. Two of the five adult females were pregnant but lost their pups before term. There were large shifts in all variables measured. The range of these changes in the individual adult animals were for mass, 15–89%, blubber depth 56–240%, and condition index 13–23% (girth x 100)/length. Daily energy consumption varied from as little as 1.16 MJ to as much as 70.97 MJ. The two young males showed larger seasonal changes than the adults. Consistent with our earlier studies of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) , there was either a significantly negative or no correlation between energy intake and changes in mass or fat. Mass and blubber thickness were positively related in the male seals, however, this was true of the females only during spring and summer. Water and air temperature varied indirectly with changes in blubber thickness in all but two seals. It is proposed that metabolic rate varies seasonally in seals. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of their impact on bioenergetic modelling.  相似文献   

Samples of the Squalius alburnoides complex, a hybridogenetic Iberian minnow composed of diploid, triploid and, less commonly, tetraploid forms, were collected from a tributary of the Ardila River (Guadiana River basin) between February 1999 and January 2001. Seasonal variation in diet was evident, and was probably linked to prey availability. Distinct foraging behaviours between ploidy forms were found towards several prey items, suggesting that diploid adult males fed mostly near the surface, whereas diploid adult females tended to feed near the bottom and submerged vegetation. Triploid females exhibited an intermediate foraging behaviour, although there was greater affinity towards diploid male feeding behaviour. Diploid males which, in contrast to diploid and triploid females, have non‐hybrid genomes in the Guadiana drainage, exhibited a higher specialization for food. Despite considerable dietary overlap, there appeared to be spatial segregation of feeding niches between the three forms, especially during dry periods when prey availability was lower, which may be a strategy for diminishing competition for food. Therefore, considering asexual generalist and specialist hypotheses, it appears that the different ploidy levels are generalist, opportunistic feeders that partition the resources when limited.  相似文献   

Sixty male sea otters ( Enhydra lutris ) were tagged on the rear flippers with colored tags. Of these, 46 (77%) were resighted. Movements of 127 km were documented for adults and 187 km for subadults. Adults maintained breeding territories that averaged 40.3 ha ( n = 10, SE = 4.0). They returned to the same territory seasonally for up to seven consecutive years. Territorial males moved from areas of high male abundance to areas of high female abundance on a seasonal basis. During the winter, 74% of adult males left breeding areas and joined concentrations of males located near the ends of the range. Thirty percent of the subadult males were observed in male groups near the extremities of the range. During the summer and fall, the density of adult males (15/1,000 ha) and adult male to independent otter (non-pup) ratio (1:5) in female areas was highest. The number of adult males in areas of female abundance was inversely related to the number of dependent pups, perhaps because when pup numbers are low (late summer and fall) the number of estrous females is high. Subadult males may remain in female areas on a year round basis until their second or third year. However, they were not generally associated with adult females.  相似文献   

Water salinity and ionic composition are among the main environmental variables that constrain the fundamental niches of aquatic species, and accordingly, physiological tolerance to these factors constitutes a crucial part of the evolution, ecology, and biogeography of these organisms. The present study experimentally estimated the fundamental saline and anionic niches of adults of two pairs of congeneric saline beetle species that differ in habitat preference (lotic and lentic) in order to test the habitat constraint hypothesis. Osmotic and anionic realised niches were also estimated based on the field occurrences of adult beetle species using Outlying Mean Index analysis and their relationship with experimental tolerances. In the laboratory, all of the studied species showed a threshold response to increased salinity, displaying high survival times when exposed to low and intermediate conductivity levels. These results suggest that these species are not strictly halophilic, but that they are able to regulate both hyperosmotically and hypoosmotically. Anionic water composition had a significant effect on salinity tolerance at conductivity levels near their upper tolerance limits, with decreased species survival at elevated sulphate concentrations. Species occupying lentic habitats demonstrated higher salinity tolerance than their lotic congeners in agreement with the habitat constraint hypothesis. As expected, realised salinity niches were narrower than fundamental niches and corresponded to conditions near the upper tolerance limits of the species. These species are uncommon on freshwater-low conductivity habitats despite the fact that these conditions might be physiologically suitable for the adult life stage. Other factors, such as biotic interactions, could prevent their establishment at low salinities. Differences in the realised anionic niches of congeneric species could be partially explained by the varying habitat availability in the study area. Combining the experimental estimation of fundamental niches with realised field data niche estimates is a powerful method for understanding the main factors constraining species’ distribution at multiple scales, which is a key issue when predicting species’ ability to cope with global change.  相似文献   

The role of social experience in recognition of individuals and their odours is not well understood. In a previous study, hamsters discriminated between the odours of their familiar litter mates, but they did not discriminate between the odours of two males or two females from a different litter that were unfamiliar to them. In this paper the role of social experience in discrimination between odours of male litter mates is examined using habituation techniques. Males, tested 1.5–2 mo after separation from their litter mates, discriminated between the flank gland odours of their foster brothers, but they did not discriminate between flank odours from their unfamiliar brothers that had been reared by another mother (Expt. 1). In Expt. 2, adult males did not discriminate between the flank gland odours of two males from a different litter after a week of exposure across a barrier to their sights, sounds, and odours, but subjects did discriminate between the odours of these same males after five brief encounters with them. A month after the encounters, however, subjects no longer discriminated between these odours. In contrast, adult males discriminated between the flank odours of their brothers 9 mo after separation from them (Expt. 3). These results suggest that hamsters must have direct interactions with closely related individuals to discriminate between their odours because the odours of close kin are so similar. Experience with nest mates results in long-lasting memories for their odours.  相似文献   

Roughhead grenadier Macrourus berglax were collected during the Flemish Cap bottom survey (1991–2001, NAFO division 3M, depth of 200–720 m) and on commercial vessels (1998–2000, NAFO divisions 3L, M and N, depth of 700–1700 m). The abundance of roughhead grenadier, as well as their average size, increased with depth. Age and length composition of the catches showed clear differences between the sexes. The proportion of males in the catch declined in the larger length classes and there were no males in the largest length classes (25 cm). There were differences in the growth trajectories of the two sexes; both sexes grew similarly up to 9 years, but the male growth was slower thereafter. The pre-anal fin length at first maturity ( L PA50) for roughhead grenadier females was 28·5 cm, whilst the age at 50% maturity was 15–16 years. Individual total fecundity varied between 8522 and 61 844 oocytes. Macrourus berglax had a prolonged life cycle and multi-aged population structure, with differences in growth and mortality between males and females, slow maturation and low fecundity.  相似文献   

Based on the data from six bottom trawl surveys carried out on the shelf of the Sea of Okhotsk in 1997–2007, the features of the distribution, size and sex structure, and food composition of the notched-fin (east) eelpout Zoarces elongatus were analyzed. It was established that this species regularly occurs in trawl catches only in the eastern part of the sea and that the density of its schools decreases with depth. It was recorded that females of the notched-fin eelpout are larger than males. The sex ratio of the fishes varies from year to year. Females prevail at depths less than 25 m and males prevail at depths greater than 25 m.  相似文献   

对台湾海峡西北部平潭岛海域337个站位表层沉积物中底栖有孔虫进行分析鉴定,结果表明底栖有孔虫丰度、分异度变化较大,所出现的属种类型以玻璃质壳体为主,其次为瓷质壳,胶结壳最少。底栖有孔虫分布受水深、盐度、底质类型、底流和沿岸上升流等因素共同影响。应用‘PAST’软件的因子分析结果表明,该海域底栖有孔虫可划分为四个组合:组合Ⅰ(Hanzawaia-Pseudorotalia-Bolivina)主要分布于水深大于20m的深水区,受水深和底流影响明显;组合Ⅱ(Ammonia beccarii-Elphidiumspp.)主要分布于近岸浅水环境;组合Ⅲ(Quinqueloculina-Ammonia annectens-Spiroloculina)主要分布于海湾内高盐度区,推测受到沿岸上升流影响;组合Ⅳ(Elphidium advenum-Ammonia annectens)分布于组合Ⅰ与组合Ⅲ之间的局部区域,可能受浙闽沿岸流影响较强。  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance and hypoosmoregulatory ability of anadromous brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were investigated in relation to sex and state of maturation. Seawater survival of mature males was significantly poorer than that of females or immature males. Lowered salinity tolerance of adult males became acute during the autumn photoperiod (normal spawning period) when the gonadosomatic index was high. Plasma [Cl-], [Mg2+], osmolarity and hematocrit were significantly higher in mature males after transfer to seawater, relative to mature females. It is postulated that reduced adult male hypoosmoregulatory ability explains skewed sex ratios in anadromous brook trout populations and may limit the extent of brook trout anadromy.  相似文献   

Adult male and female Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Valencia, Venezuala select different littoral habitats. Males prefer areas with soft bottoms and high turbidity, while females favour areas with hard bottoms and low turbidity. Soft bottoms provide suitable sediment for male breeding site construction and high turbidity helps protect territorial males from visionally orientated predators, but the food available in this habitat is of poor quality and males feed relatively little. The hard bottom littoral provides food of superior quality and females feed in these areas. Condition factors are highest for subadult males, intermediate for adult females and lowest for adult males. Differential habitat utilization by sexes of S. mossambicus in Lake Valencia appears to contribute to individual fitness by providing males and females with specific requirements for reproduction.  相似文献   

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