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Vesicular trafficking plays a pivotal role in the virulence of the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. In the present study, we showed that one isotype of the small GTPase Rab11, EhRab11B, plays a central role in the secretion of a major virulence factor, cysteine proteases. EhRab11B did not colocalize with markers for the endoplasmic reticulum, early endosomes and lysosomes, but was partially associated with non-acidified vesicles in the endocytic pathway, likely recycling endosomes. Overexpression of EhRab11B resulted in a remarkable increase in both intracellular and secreted cysteine protease activity, concomitant with an augmentation of cytolytic activity as demonstrated by an increased ability to destroy mammalian cells. The oversecretion of cysteine proteases with EhRab11B overexpression was neither sensitive to brefeldin A nor specific to a certain cysteine protease species (e.g. CP1, 2 or 5), suggesting that these three major cysteine proteases are trafficked via an EhRab11B-associated secretory pathway, which is distinct from the classical brefeldin-sensitive pathway. Overexpression of EhRab11B also enhanced exocytosis of the incorporated fluid-phase marker, supporting the notion that it is involved in recycling. This is the first report demonstrating that Rab11 plays a central role in the transport and secretion of pathogenic factors.  相似文献   

Vesicular trafficking plays an important role in a virulence mechanism of the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica as secreted and lysosomal cysteine protease (CP) contributes to both cytolysis of tissues and degradation of internalized host cells. Despite the primary importance of intracellular sorting in pathogenesis, the molecular mechanism of CP trafficking remains largely unknown. In this report we demonstrate that transport of CP is regulated through a specific interaction of Rab7A small GTPase (EhRab7A) with the retromerlike complex. The amoebic retromerlike complex composed of Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35 was identified as EhRab7A-binding proteins. The amoebic retromerlike complex specifically bound to GTP-EhRab7A, but not GDP-EhRab7A through the direct binding via the carboxy terminus of EhVps26. In erythrophagocytosis the retromerlike complex was recruited to prephagosomal vacuoles, the unique preparatory vacuole of digestive enzymes, and later to phagosomes. This dynamism was indistinguishable from that of EhRab7A, and consistent with the premise that the retromerlike complex is involved in the retrograde transport of putative hydrolase receptor(s) from preparatory vacuoles and phagosomes to the Golgi apparatus. EhRab7A overexpression caused enlargement of lysosomes and decrease of the cellular CP activity. The reduced CP activity was restored by the coexpression of EhVps26, implying that the EhRab7A-mediated transport of CP to phagosomes is regulated by the retromerlike complex.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebiasis, is believed to have no continuous endoplasmic reticulum (ER), with ER functions occurring in vesicles. Here, using an ER-targeted green fluorescent protein fusion protein and fluorescence loss in photobleaching, we have unambiguously demonstrated the presence of a continuous ER compartment in living E. histolytica trophozoites.  相似文献   

Based on the Entamoeba histolytica genome project (www.sanger.ac.uk/Project/E_histolytical/) we have identified a cysteine protease inhibitor, EhICP1 (amoebiasin 1), with significant homology to chagasin. Recombinant EhICP1 inhibited the protease activity of papain and that of a trophozoite lysate with Ki's in the picomolar range. By immunocytology, we localized the endogenous approximately 13 kDa EhICP1 in a finely dotted subcellular distribution discrete from the vesicles containing the amoebic cysteine protease, EhCP1 (amoebapain). In an overlay assay, we observed binding of recombinant EhICP1 to EhCP1. As a heptapeptide (GNPTTGF) corresponding to the second conserved chagasin motif inhibited the protease activity of both papain (K) 1.5 microM) and trophozoite extract (Ki in sub-mM range), it may be a candidate for the rational development of anti-amoebiasis drugs.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica is a microaerophilic protozoan parasite in which neither mitochondria nor mitochondrion-derived organelles have been previously observed. Recently, a segment of an E. histolytica gene was identified that encoded a protein similar to the mitochondrial 60-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp60 or chaperonin 60), which refolds nuclear-encoded proteins after passage through organellar membranes. The possible function and localization of the amebic Hsp60 were explored here. Like Hsp60 of mitochondria, amebic Hsp60 RNA and protein were both strongly induced by incubating parasites at 42 degreesC. 5' and 3' rapid amplifications of cDNA ends were used to obtain the entire E. histolytica hsp60 coding region, which predicted a 536-amino-acid Hsp60. The E. histolytica hsp60 gene protected from heat shock Escherichia coli groEL mutants, demonstrating the chaperonin function of the amebic Hsp60. The E. histolytica Hsp60, which lacked characteristic carboxy-terminal Gly-Met repeats, had a 21-amino-acid amino-terminal, organelle-targeting presequence that was cleaved in vivo. This presequence was necessary to target Hsp60 to one (and occasionally two or three) short, cylindrical organelle(s). In contrast, amebic alcohol dehydrogenase 1 and ferredoxin, which are bacteria-like enzymes, were diffusely distributed throughout the cytosol. We suggest that the Hsp60-associated, mitochondrion-derived organelle identified here be named "crypton," as its structure was previously hidden and its function is still cryptic.  相似文献   

In mammals, Rab5 and Rab7 play a specific and coordinated role in a sequential process during phagosome maturation. Here, we report that Rab5 and Rab7 in the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, EhRab5 and EhRab7A, are involved in steps that are distinct from those known for mammals. EhRab5 and EhRab7A were localized to independent small vesicular structures at steady state. Priming with red blood cells induced the formation of large vacuoles associated with both EhRab5 and EhRab7A ("prephagosomal vacuoles (PPV)") in the amoeba within an incubation period of 5-10 min. PPV emerged de novo physically and distinct from phagosomes. PPV were gradually acidified and matured by fusion with lysosomes containing a digestive hydrolase, cysteine proteinase, and a membrane-permeabilizing peptide amoebapore. After EhRab5 dissociated from PPV, 5-10 min later, the EhRab7A-PPV fused with phagosomes, and EhRab7A finally dissociated from the phagosomes. Immunoelectron and light micrographs showed that PPV contained small vesicle-like structures containing fluid-phase markers and amoebapores, which were not evenly distributed within PPV, suggesting that the mechanism was similar to multivesicular body formation in PPV generation. In contrast to Rab5 from other organisms, EhRab5 was involved exclusively in phagocytosis, but not in endocytosis. Overexpression of wild-type EhRab5 enhanced phagocytosis and the transport of amoebapore to phagosomes. Conversely, expression of an EhRab5Q67L GTP form mutant impaired the formation of PPV and phagocytosis. Altogether, we propose that the amoebic Rab5 plays an important role in the formation of unique vacuoles, which is essential for engulfment of erythrocytes and important for packaging of lysosomal hydrolases, prior to the targeting to phagosomes.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural analysis of Entamoeba histolytica reveals that this intestinal human pathogen lacks recognizable mitochondria, but the presence in its genome of genes encoding proteins of mitochondrial origin suggests the existence of a mitochondrially derived compartment. We have cloned the full-length E. histolytica gene encoding one such protein, chaperonin CPN60, and have characterized its structure and expression. Using an affinity-purified antibody raised against recombinant protein, we have localized native E. histolytica CPN60 to a previously undescribed organelle of putative mitochondrial origin, the mitosome. Most cells contain only one mitosome, as determined by immunofluorescence studies. Entamoeba histolytica CPN60 has an amino-terminal extension reminiscent of known mitochondrial and hydrogenosomal targeting signals. Deletion of the first 15 amino acids of CPN60 leads to an accumulation of the truncated protein in the cytoplasm. However, this mutant phenotype can be reversed by replacement of the deleted amino acids with a mitochondrial targeting signal from Trypanosoma cruzi HSP70. The observed functional conservation between mitochondrial import in trypanosomes and mitosome import in Entamoeba is strong evidence that the E. histolytica organelle housing chaperonin CPN60 represents a mitochondrial remnant.  相似文献   

The 29-kDa surface antigen (thiol-dependent peroxidase; Eh29) of Entamoeba histolytica exhibits peroxidative and protective antioxidant activities. During tissue invasion, the trophozoites are exposed to oxidative stress and need to deal with highly toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this investigation, attempts have been made to understand the role of the 29-kDa peroxidase gene in parasite survival and pathogenesis. Inhibition of eh29 gene expression by antisense RNA technology has shown approximately 55% inhibition in eh29 expression, maximum ROS accumulation, and significantly lower viability in 29-kDa downregulated trophozoites during oxidative stress. The cytopathic and cytotoxic activities were also found to decrease effectively in the 29-kDa downregulated trophozoites. Size of liver abscesses was substantially lower in hamsters inoculated with 29-kDa downregulated trophozoites compared to the normal HM1:IMSS. These findings clearly suggest that the 29-kDa protein of E. histolytica has a role in both survival of trophozoites in the presence of ROS and pathogenesis of amoebiasis.  相似文献   

Trophozoites of E. histolytica are equipped with two chagasin-like cysteine protease inhibitors, EhICP1 and EhICP2, also known as amoebiasin 1 and 2. Expression studies using E. invadens as model organism showed that corresponding mRNAs were detectable in both life stages of the parasite, cyst and trophozoite state. Unlike EhICP1 known to act in the cytosol, EhICP2 co-localized with cysteine protease EhCP-A1 in lysosome-like vesicles, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. Silencing or overexpressing of the two inhibitors did not show any effect on morphology and viability of the trophozoites. Overexpression of the EhICPs, however, although dramatically dampening the proteolytic activity of cell extracts from the corresponding cell lines, did not influence expression rate or localization of the major amoebic cysteine proteases as well as phagocytosis and digestion of erythrocytes. Activity gels of cell extracts from strains overexpressing ehicp1 showed a drastically reduced activity of EhCP-A1 suggesting a high affinity of EhICP1 towards this protease. From these data, we propose that EhCP-A1 accidentally released into the cytosol is the main target of EhICP1, whereas EhICP2, beside its role in house-keeping processes, may control the proteolytic processing of other hydrolases or fulfils other tasks different from protease inhibition.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica is the causative agent of dysentery and liver abscess and is prevalent in developing countries. Adhesion to the host is critical to infection and is mediated by amoebic surface receptors. One such receptor, the Gal/GalNAc lectin, binds to galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine residues on host components and consists of heavy (Hgl), light (Lgl) and intermediate (Igl) subunits. The mechanism by which the lectin assembles into a functional complex is not known. The parasite also relies on cholesterol-rich domains (lipid rafts) for adhesion. Therefore, it is conceivable that rafts regulate the assembly or function of the lectin. To test this, amoebae were loaded with cholesterol and lipid rafts were purified and characterised. Western blotting showed that cholesterol loading resulted in co-compartmentalisation of all three subunits in rafts. This co-compartmentalisation was accompanied by an increase in the ability of the amoebae to bind to host cells in a galactose-specific manner, suggesting that there is a correlation between location and function of the Gal/GalNAc lectin. Cholesterol loading did not increase the surface levels of the lectin subunits. Therefore, the cholesterol-induced increase in adhesion was not the result of externalisation of an internal pool of subunits. A mutant cell line that modestly responded to cholesterol with a slight increase in adhesion exhibited only a slight enrichment of Hgl and Lgl in rafts. This supports the connection between location and function of the Gal/GalNAc lectin. Actin can also influence the interaction of proteins with rafts. Therefore, the sub-membrane distribution of the lectin subunits was also assessed after treatment with an actin depolymerising agent, cytochalasin D. Cytochalasin D-treatment had no effect on the submembrane distribution of the subunits, suggesting that actin does not prevent the association of lectin subunits with rafts in this system. Together, these data provide insight into the molecular mechanisms regulating the location and function of this adhesin.  相似文献   

Methionine gamma-lyase (MGL) (EC, which is present in certain lineages of bacteria, plants, and protozoa but missing in mammals, catalyzes the single-step degradation of sulfur-containing amino acids (SAAs) to alpha-keto acids, ammonia, and thiol compounds. In contrast to other organisms possessing MGL, anaerobic parasitic protists, namely Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis, harbor a pair of MGL isozymes. The enteric protozoon En. histolytica shows various unique aspects in its metabolism, particularly degradation of SAAs. Trifluoromethionine (TFM), a halogenated analog of Met, has been exploited as a therapeutic agent against cancer as well as against infections by protozoan organisms and periodontal bacteria. However, its mechanism of action remains poorly understood. In addition, the physiological significance of the presence of two MGL isozymes in these protists remains unclear. In this study, we compared kinetic parameters of the wild-type and mutants, engineered by site-directed mutagenesis, of the two MGL isotypes from En. histolytica (EhMGL1 and EhMGL2) for various potential substrates and TFM. Intracellular concentrations of l-Met and l-Cys suggested that these SAAs are predominantly metabolized by EhMGL1, not by EhMGL2. It is unlikely that O-acetyl-l-serine is decomposed by EhMGLs, given the kinetic parameters of cysteine synthase reported previously. Comparison of the wild-type and mutants revealed that the contributions of several amino acids implicated in catalysis differ between the two isozymes, and that the degradation of TFM is less sensitive to alterations of these residues than is the degradation of physiological substrates. These results support the use of TFM to target MGL.  相似文献   

The Entamoeba histolytica small GTP-binding protein EhRho1 has an unusual amino acid residue at a conserved site found in all known Ras superfamily proteins. EhRho1 has an isoleucine at position 45, which corresponds to position 28 of human Ras and Rac and position 30 of human Rho and Cdc42. All other known small GTPases have an aromatic residue (typically phenylalanine) at this position, and mutation to a leucine renders other Ras proteins constitutively active by reason of diminished affinity for GDP. It was determined that the EhRho1 protein has a half-time of GDP dissociation similar to that of a human Rho protein, HsRhoA, and therefore an isoleucine at this site in EhRho1 is not likely to render EhRho1 constitutively active. It was also found that EhRho1 is not a substrate for the Rho-specific C3 exoenzyme. Thus EhRho1 appears to be an unusual member of the Ras family.  相似文献   

We report almost complete sequence specific 1H, 13C and 15N NMR assignments of a 151-residue long calmodulin-like calcium-binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica (EhCaM).  相似文献   

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