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Down syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal abnormality and is associated with an extra copy of the chromosome 21. Although several markers are commonly used during pregnancy for the screening of DS, the definitive diagnosis is based on karyotype after amniocentesis, which is an expensive and laborious analysis. S100B is an astrocyte protein which had its gene mapped to the long arm of chromosome 21. Previous preliminary reports have found increased levels of this protein in the amniotic fluid of DS gestations. Aiming to achieve a simpler and cheaper test then karyotype to perform prenatal diagnosis of DS, here we have extended our previous studies and evaluated the real usefulness of amniotic S100B measurement for prenatal DS diagnosis. We have measured S100B in amniotic fluid of 96 pregnancies with DS and of 50 normal pregnancies. Pregnancies with DS presented significantly higher amniotic fluid S100B levels (M = 1.16 ng/mL; IQ = 0.83/1.78) than normal pregnancies (M = 0.51 ng/mL; IQ = 0.38/0.83) (p < 0.0001). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was performed to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of S100B for DS diagnosis, and presented an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.82, indicating that S100B could be a reliable marker of DS. Moreover, values above 1.67 ng/mL were present only in DS fetuses, representing about 30% of affected pregnancies. However, as an overlap of values was observed between normal and DS gestations, we concluded that amniotic S100B alone is not a good test to discard DS diagnosis.  相似文献   

Although basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are very common skin tumours, the incidence of chromosome aneuploidy with regard to the eyelid has not been investigated. We aimed to find the frequency of chromosome 6 and 17 aneuploidies in eyelid tumours' interphase nuclei with fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH) with chromosome specific DNA probes. I-FISH with chromosome 6 and 17 centromere specific DNA probes was used in the eyelids of 10 patients with BCC or SCC and the peripheral blood cells of 10 healthy donors as controls. The frequency of chromosome 6 and 17 aneuploidies was significantly higher in 7 out of 10 patients and 5 out of 10 patients, respectively, than in controls, indicating a higher frequency of aneuploidy in BCC than in SCC of the eyelid. Distribution of hybridization signals for chromosome 6 and 17 was wide ranging, indicating heterogeneity of cell populations with aneuploidy between patients. These findings indicate that acquisition of chromosome aneuploidies in eyelid tumours may have an important pathogenic role in both BCC and SCC of the eyelid area.  相似文献   

Samples of human adult lymphocytes, fetal lymphocytes, amniotic fluid cells, and chorionic villus cells were sexed independently by cytogenetics and DNA-DNA in situ hybridisation to a tritiated Y probe. For the in situ hybridisation analysis, the presence of Y bodies (hybridisation bodies) in 100 interphase nuclei were scored after autoradiography. In all, 82/83 samples were sexed in this way (one technical failure) and 78/82 were sexed by both in situ hybridisation and cytogenetics. There was complete agreement between the two methods. There was a considerable variation (40-100%) in the percentage of interphase nuclei with a hybridisation body among the male samples, but very few nuclei from female samples showed significant hybridisation. In situ hybridisation could be used to sex the conceptus when males but not females are at risk for various X-linked genetic disorders and may also be useful for detecting 45,X/46,XY mosaicism or polyploid/diploid mosaicism. This would be particularly useful for direct preparations of chorionic villus samples, which often prove difficult to analyse cytogenetically but offer the best means of avoiding maternal contamination. Some interphase nuclei had more than one hybridisation body, and this was most commonly found among amniotic fluid cells. Comparison of sizes of nuclei with one or two hybridisation bodies strongly suggested that most of the amniotic fluid cell nuclei with two hybridisation bodies were tetraploid.  相似文献   

Implementation of interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays in the clinical laboratory requires validation against established methods. Validation tools in common use include exchange of consecutive sections with another institution that has already established the FISH assay, comparison with conventional banded metaphase cytogenetics, confirmation of specificity using probed normal metaphases, consecutive paraffin sections of a validation set tested by a reference laboratory, and specificity assessment against well characterized cell lines. We have investigated the feasibility of using tissue microarrays (TMA) constructed from murine xenografts as a preliminary specificity-screening tool for validation of interphase FISH assays. Cell lines currently in use for FISH controls are used to generate xenografts in SCID mice which are fixed in formalin and paraffin embedded. A TMA is constructed using duplicate donor cores from the xenograft blocks. Xenografts used represent a wide range of translocations used routinely for formalin fixed paraffin embedded sections evaluated by FISH. Probe cocktails (Abbott-Vysis), for several non-random translocations associated with hematologic neoplasms and soft tissue sarcomas have been used in this manner. On-line deparaffinization, cell conditioning, and prehybridization steps are automated using a staining workstation (Ventana Discovery XT); hybridization and stringency washes are performed manually offline. FISH-probed TMAs are tracked using a Metasystems image scanner and analyzed using classifiers specifically developed for each molecular abnormality. FISH results for each xenograft in the TMA correspond exactly to the genotype previously established for the parent cell line from which the xenograft was prepared. Moderate complexity tissue microarrays constructed from murine xenografts are excellent validation tools for initial assessment of interphase FISH probe specificity.  相似文献   

The effect of amniotic fluid obtained from second trimester (16–20 wks) and term pregnancies (38–41 wks) on the production of PGE and F by human amnion, decidua and myometrium at term was determined using tissue slices incubated in vitro. Midpregnancy amniotic fluid neither inhibited nor stimulated the prostanoid production by any of the tissues. In contrast, term amniotic fluid obtained before as well as after the onset of labor markedly increased the production of both PGE and PGF in decidua and myometrium from levels in Krebs solution. The prostanoid production (PGE + PGF) in amnoin was not significantly increased but the proportion of PGF was raised during incubations in term amniotic fluid. In decidua and myometrium the increase in PGE and PGF production in term amniotic fluid was approximately 200 and 400 percent respectively, from control values in Krebs solution. We propose that the stimulatory activity in term amniotic fluid in responsible for the accelerated synthesis of prostaglandins after of membranes, which is reflected in raised PGF metabolite levels in maternal circulation. It may also be the reason for the rise in amniotic fluid prostaglandin levels around the 35th week of gestation, and perhaps for the onset of labor.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate genus Alexandrium contains neurotoxin-producing species that have adversely affected the aquaculture industry in many countries. The morphological similarity between Alexandrium species has led to the development of molecular methods for the discrimination, enumeration and monitoring of toxic and nontoxic species. A quantitative real-time PCR assay (qRT-PCR) targeting the internal transcribed spacer 1-5.8S rRNA gene using hybridization probe technology was developed for the potentially toxic species Alexandrium minutum (Global Clade) (GC). The assay was specific with a detection limit of less than one cell equivalent. The assay was used to detect and quantify A. minutum (GC) in seawater samples collected during summer 2007 in Cork Harbour, Ireland. The results were compared with those obtained using whole-cell FISH (WC-FISH) and morphotaxonomy analyses. Alexandrium minutum did not reach high bloom concentrations over the sampling period (maximum of c . 6 × 104 cells L−1), and the average concentrations determined using qRT-PCR, WC-FISH and morphotaxonomy did not significantly differ in eight of nine comparisons. Regression curves showed positive relationships between the methods; WC-FISH and qRT-PCR slightly under- and overestimated, respectively, the A. minutum concentrations compared with the morphotaxonomy method. The qRT-PCR assay for A. minutum (GC) offers high-throughput sample analysis and may prove suitable for implementation in microalgae monitoring programmes and assist in population dynamics studies of the species.  相似文献   

Study of 108 samples of amniotic fluid obtained between 28 and 42 weeks'' gestation from 101 patients revealed that in normal pregnancies the creatinine concentration, lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio and percentage of fat cells correlated better with the gestational age of the newborn--assessed by clinical criteria--than did the bilirubin and sodium concentrations. A creatinine concentration of 1.75 mg/dL or more, an L/S ratio of 4 or more and a fat cell percentage of 10 or more correlated significantly with a gestational age of 37 weeks or more. In abnormal pregnancies (those with obstetric or medical complications, or both) the mean creatinine concentration in the amniotic fluid was significantly less than expected for gestational age in fetal dysmaturity and greater than expected when the mother had diabetes. The mean L/S ratio in the amniotic fluid was elevated when the mother had hypertension or smoked and in cases of fetal dysmaturity or long interval between rupture of the membranes and delivery, whereas it was significantly lower than normal when the mother had diabetes. The mean bilirubin concentration in the amniotic fluid was significantly lower than normal when the mother had hypertension. When the mother had diabetes, maturity of the fetal lung, liver, skin and brain appeared to be delayed, according to the values for the amniotic fluid constituents.  相似文献   

An enrichment culture of Candidatus Brocadia fulgida was identified by three independent methods: analysis of autofluorescence using different microscope filter blocks and a fluorescence spectrometer, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with anammox-specific probes and partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA, hydrazine synthase hzsA and hydrazine oxidoreductase hzo. The filter block BV-2A (400–440, 470 LP, Nikon) was suitable for preliminary detection of Ca. B. fulgida. An excitation-emission matrix revealed three pairs of excitation-emission maxima: 288–330 nm, 288–478 nm and 417–478 nm. Several autofluorescent cell clusters could not be stained with DAPI or by FISH, suggesting empty but intact cells (ghost cells) or inhibited permeability. Successful staining of autofluorescent cells with the FISH probes Ban162 and Bfu613, even at higher formamide concentrations, suggested insufficient specificity of Ban162. Under certain conditions, Ca. B. fulgida lost its autofluorescence, which reduced the reliability of autofluorescence for identification and detection. Non-fluorescent Ca. Brocadia cells could not be stained with Ban162, but with Bfu613 at higher formamide concentrations, suggesting a dependency between both parameters. The phylogenetic analysis showed only good taxonomical clustering of the 16S rDNA and hzsA. In conclusion, careful consideration of autofluorescent characteristics is recommended when analysing and presenting FISH observations of Ca. B. fulgida to avoid misinterpretations and misidentifications.  相似文献   

St基因组中的CRW同源序列在偃麦草中的FISH分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆坤  徐柱  刘朝  张学勇 《遗传》2009,31(11):1141-1148
为了确定十倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum ponticum, Liu & Wang)和六倍体中间偃麦草(Th. intermedium, [Host] Barkworth & Dewey )的基因组组成, 根据野生一粒小麦(Triticum boeoticum)着丝粒自主型反转录转座子(CRW)序列设计特异引物, 以二倍体拟鹅观草(Pseudoroegneria spicata, Á Löve )基因组 DNA为模板进行PCR扩增, 筛选到一条St基因组着丝粒区相对特异反转录转座子的部分序列pStC1, 长度为1.755 kb (GenBank登录号: FJ952565), 其中有800 bp与小麦着丝粒反转录转座子(CRW)的LTR区高度同源, 另有小部分片段与其外壳蛋白编码基因(gag)部分同源, 并且包含一段富含AGCAAC碱基的重复序列。以pStC1为探针, 对十倍体长穗偃麦草的FISH检测结果显示其基因组组成为两个St组3个E组(St1St2EeEbEx); pStC1与中间偃麦草杂交时, 不仅St基因组上有强烈的荧光信号, 而且E基因组一些染色体的近着丝粒区域也有杂交信号, 说明偃麦草属异源多倍体物种在其形成及进化过程中St与E基因组之间在着丝粒及近着丝粒相关区域可能存在协同进化。  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)及其在环境微生物学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梁威  邱东茹  熊丽  吴振斌 《生命科学》2002,14(3):186-187,143
微生物对整个生态系统具有重要的影响,了解和检测微生物的种类具有十分重要的意义。但是传统的培养方法又不能满足科学研究的需要,荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)就是近年发展起来的一种快速准确检测微生物的方法,作者较全面地介绍了FISH技术的优点、微生物的分离和固定方法,以及原位杂交过程,同时对FISH技术在环境微生物学中的应用及其前景作了展望。  相似文献   

Amniotic fluid from smokers and non-smokers was tested by the Salmonella/mammalian microsome test. Concentrated amniotic fluid from heavy smokers at term showed an increase in the number of revertants with increasing exposure to tar. However, some of the non-smokers had a higher number of revertants than the smokers. No significant differences were found between second-trimester samples from smokers and non-smokers, but the limited volumes available at this stage of pregnancy may be a source of error.  相似文献   

Despite the lack of direct cytogenetic studies, the neuronal cells of the normal human brain have been postulated to contain normal (diploid) chromosomal complement. Direct proof of a chromosomal mutation presence leading to large-scale genomic alterations in neuronal cells has been missing in the human brain. Large-scale genomic variations due to chromosomal complement instability in developing neuronal cells may lead to the variable level of chromosomal mosaicism probably having a substantial effect on brain development. The aim of the present study was the pilot assessment of chromosome complement variations in neuronal cells of developing and adult human brain tissues using interphase multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH). Chromosome-enumerating DNA probes from the original collection (chromosomes 1, 13 and 21, 18, X, and Y) were used for the present pilot FISH study. As a source of fetal brain tissue, the medulla oblongata was used. FISH studies were performed using uncultured fetal brain samples as well as organotypic cultures of medulla oblongata tissue. Cortex tissues of postmortem adult brain samples (Brodmann area 10) were also studied. In cultured in vitro embryonic neuronal brain cells, an increased level of aneuploidy was found (mean rate in the range of 1.3-7.0% per individual chromosome, in contrast to 0.6-3.0% and 0.1-0.8% in uncultured fetal and postmortem adult brain cells, respectively). The data obtained support the hypothesis regarding aneuploidy occurrence in normal developing and adult human brain.  相似文献   

APP在AD病因学中是一个重要的分子,但到目前为止尚缺乏良好的动物和细胞模型用来探讨APP在AD发病中的作用。本研究旨在建立过表达人APP基因C-末端片段的遗传工程细胞系。将人APP695cDNA 中编码C-末端105 个氨基酸的片段重组到真核表达载体pDORneo中形成重组质粒pDORneo-CT, 然后用脂质体将其转染到大鼠肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤细胞(PC12)中。用800μg/ml G418 筛选获得了在mRNA 和蛋白质水平均表达相应片段的稳定细胞系。细胞形态学观察和MTT,LDH分析表明, 该片段在细胞内的表达未能对NGF处理的PC12细胞产生明显的毒性作用。 Abstract:The major obstacles to clarify molecular mechanisms involved in amyloid metabolism of Alzheimer's disease has been the unavailability of animal and cell models for this unique human disease. The present research was aimed at establishing genetically engineering cell lines that overexpress the C-terminal fragment of human APPgene. Cloned human APPcDNA and retrovirus eukaryocytic expressing vector pDoRneo were used to prepare for the transformed PC12 Cell lines. RT-PCR and Western Blot showed that stable transfectants which express the correspoding fragment of APPgene in mRNA and protein level have been obtained. Morphological observation and MTT, LDH assay showed that no apparent toxic effects have been observed.  相似文献   

The mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are derived from the mesoderm, are considered as a readily available source for tissue engineering. They have multipotent differentiation capacity and can be differentiated into various cell types. Many studies have demonstrated that the MSCs identified from amniotic membrane (AM-MSCs) and amniotic fluid (AF-MSCs) are shows advantages for many reasons, including the possibility of noninvasive isolation, multipotency, self-renewal, low immunogenicity, anti-inflammatory and nontumorigenicity properties, and minimal ethical problem. The AF-MSCs and AM-MSCs may be appropriate sources of mesenchymal stem cells for regenerative medicine, as an alternative to embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Recently, regenerative treatments such as tissue engineering and cell transplantation have shown potential in clinical applications for degenerative diseases. Therefore, amnion and MSCs derived from amnion can be applied to cell therapy in neuro-degeneration diseases. In this review, we will describe the potential of AM-MSCs and AF-MSCs, with particular focus on cures for neuronal degenerative diseases. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(3): 135-140]  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata is a major intermediate host for the parasitic trematode Schistosoma mansoni, a causative agent of human schistosomiasis. To decipher the molecular basis of this host-parasite interaction, the Bge embryonic cell line provides a unique in vitro model system to assess whether interactions between the snail and parasite affect the cell and genome biology in either organism. The organization of the B. glabrata genome in Bge cells was studied using image analysis through positioning territories of differently sized chromosomes within cell nuclei. The snail chromosome territories are similar in morphology as well as in non-random radial positioning as those found in other derived protostome and deuterostome organisms. Specific monitoring of four gene loci, piwi, BgPrx, actin and ferritin, revealed non-random radial positioning of the genome. This indicates that specific parts of the snail genome reside in reproducible nuclear addresses. To determine whether exposure to parasite is reflected in genome organization, the interphase spatial positioning of genes was assessed after co-culturing Bge cells with either normal or irradiation attenuated miracidia for 30 min to 24 h. The loci of actin and ferritin, genes that are up-regulated in the snail when subjected to infection, were visualized by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and their radial nuclear positions i.e. their position in the interphase nucleus with respect to the nuclear edge/envelope, mapped. Interestingly, large scale gene repositioning correlated to temporal kinetics of gene expression levels in Bge cells co-cultured with normal miracidia while irradiated parasites failed to elicit similar gene expression or gene loci repositioning as demonstrated using the ferritin gene. This indicates that normal but not attenuated schistosomes provide stimuli that evoke host responses that are reflected in the host’s nuclear architecture. We believe that this is not only the first time that gene-repositioning studies have been attempted in a mollusc but also demonstrates a parasite influencing the interphase genome organization of its host.  相似文献   

The prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG antibody was determined in 573 pregnant women in the first trimester. The overall prevalence of CMV IgG antibody was 77.5%. The rate of seropositivity was 67.7% in women < 25 yr, and increased with age to 85.7% in women 40 yr. These results imply that young women in Japan are at increased risk for primary CMV infection during pregnancy and that congenital CMV infection rates might increase in the future. We conducted a prospective study of 75 pregnant women who underwent amniocentesis for various indications to determine if CMV DNA could be detected in the amniotic fluid. None had symptoms associated with CMV infection, CMV IgM antibody, or seroconversion to CMV IgG antibody during pregnancy. CMV DNA was not detected in the amniotic fluid using a polymerase chain reaction assay. The 65 fetuses, including 3 sets of twins, were followed through birth. CMV DNA was not detected in urine samples obtained within the first 2 weeks of life. In conclusion, CMV DNA was not detected in the amniotic fluid of women who did not have CMV infection. These results, however, suggest that the negative predictive value of prenatal amniotic fluid analysis is high and that the presence of CMV DNA in the amniotic fluid has clinical significance for the diagnosis of congenital CMV infection if detected in pregnant women.  相似文献   

Primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) is an extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving brain, intraocular structures and spinal cord, without evidence of systemic disease. The majority of PCNSLs are diffuse large B-cell type. We encountered a rare case of primary dural marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) with extension into the brain in a 59-year-old man. A magnetic resonance imaging scan showed a 22-mm tumor located in the left posterior temporal lobe extending from the dura. Histopathology revealed a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the dura and the brain parenchyma in a perivascular pattern. Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies showed a B-cell phenotype with kappa light chain restriction. Fluorescent in situ hybridization study showed a t(14;18)(q32;q21) with immunoglobulin heavy-chain/MALT1 fusion. The molecular study for immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene rearrangement by polymerase chain reaction showed a clonal gene rearrangement.  相似文献   

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