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The aim of this paper is to survey the economic approach in relation to animal use during Upper Palaeolithic times in Northern Spain. The animals present in the archaeological record can be separated into main groups, like those present by natural reasons and those introduced by human groups. Also in the anthropic aported animals, some of them are related to food procurements and others to economic reasons. Animals like deer, bovids, equids and so on, were mainly related to nutrition, while some others like mustelids, canids or felines were more related to the obtention of furs or other non-alimentary uses. The analysis of the “main-six” (red deer, roe deer, big bovids, horse, ibex and wild boar) showed that all of them were used throughout the Upper Palaeolithic without many changes in time.  相似文献   

本文介绍了韩国石叶组合的区域特征,并在近期研究的基础上对人类向朝鲜半岛的迁移进行了概述。除了西伯利亚的阿尔泰地区等及华北的水洞沟外,石叶组合在东亚地区的旧石器遗址中十分罕见。1990年底,韩国密阳市的Koreri遗址发现了一个典型的石叶石器工业遗存。在过去的十年间,韩国还发现了数个重要的遗址。朝鲜半岛的砾石石器工业一直持续到旧石器时代晚期的较早阶段,而在大约40kaBP,朝鲜半岛出现了石叶组合。在这些典型的石叶地点中,未发现大多数种类的重型工具。这些特征表明,朝鲜半岛的石叶工业可能是人类迁移的结果。目前还没有证据表明韩国的石叶工具工业在25~10 kaBP被细石叶工业取代,相反,这两种文化可能是由移居朝鲜半岛的不同人群产生的,在细石叶的使用用群体迅速扩散到整个朝鲜半岛时,石叶工业仍然延续,在25~15 kaBP的时间里与细石叶工业并存。  相似文献   

The rockshelter of Mochi, on the Ligurian coast of Italy, is often used as a reference point in the formation of hypotheses concerning the arrival of the Aurigancian in Mediterranean Europe. Yet, the site is poorly known. Here, we describe the stratigraphic sequence based on new field observations and present 15 radiocarbon determinations from the Middle Palaeolithic (late Mousterian) and Early Upper Palaeolithic (Aurignacian and Gravettian) levels. The majority of dates were produced on humanly modified material, specifically marine shell beads, which comprise some of the oldest directly-dated personal ornaments in Europe. The radiocarbon results are incorporated into a Bayesian statistical model to build a new chronological framework for this key Palaeolithic site. A tentative correlation of the stratigraphy to palaeoclimatic records is also attempted.  相似文献   

The study of the Upper Palaeolithic of Sindh is still in its infancy. Although it has slightly improved during the last twenty years, and a few more sites have been discovered in different parts of the province, we are still far from achieving a good knowledge of the sequence of the events that took place during the final stages of the Pleistocene in this region of the Indian Subcontinent. Despite the archaeological importance of the southern part of the country, the Arabian Sea coast in particular, which represents the suggested route followed by Modern Humans to move to India and farther east, most of this territory has not yielded any tangible trace of their passage. The scope of this paper is to update the evidence available for the Upper Palaeolithic of Sindh, and to discuss it within the general framework of the Upper Palaeolithic period of the Indian Subcontinent.  相似文献   

In order to understand the behaviours and subsistence choices of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers, it is essential to understand the behavioural ecology of their prey. Here, we present strontium isotope data from sequentially-sampled enamel from three reindeer (Rangifer tarandus ssp.) and a single bison (Bison cf. priscus) from the late Middle Palaeolithic site of Jonzac (Chez-Pinaud), France. The results are used to investigate the ranging and migratory behaviours of these important prey species. We found that the bison had isotope values most consistent with a local range, while the three reindeer had values indicating a seasonal migration pattern. Due to the similarity of the patterning of two of the three reindeer and in conjunction with zooarchaeological results, we suggest that they may have been from the same herd, were likely killed around the same point during their seasonal round and may therefore be the product of a single hunting event or a small number of successive hunting events. The isotope analyses complement the zooarchaeological data and have allowed greater insight into the palaeoecology of these species, the palaeoenvironment, and Neanderthal site use and hunting strategies.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the relationships between both the lipid content and 13C values of Collembola and their diet, isotopically labelled (C3 and C4) bakers yeasts were cultured and fed to two Collembolan species, Folsomia candida and Proisotoma minuta. The fatty acid composition of Collembola generally reflected that of the diet with the addition of the polyunsaturated components 18:2(n-6), 20:4(n-6) and 20:5(n-3), which appeared to be biosynthesised by the Collembola. Whilst ergosterol was the only sterol detected in the yeast diets, only cholesterol was detected in Collembola, and although the 13C values of diet and consumer sterols differed by >2, the 13C values indicated that cholesterol was derived entirely from dietary sterol. The bulk 13C values of Collembola were similar to those of the diets, but fatty acid 13C values did not necessarily reflect those of the dietary fatty acids, indicating significant de novo biosynthesis of fatty acids within Collembola. Switching the Collembola from C3 to C4 yeast enabled the determination of the rates of incorporation of dietary carbon into Collembolan lipids, and showed that half-lives of the incorporation of dietary carbon varied between 1.5 and 5.8 days at 20°C. Cholesterol exhibited the slowest rate of incorporation in both species, while bulk carbon in F. candida possessed an intermediate rate. These results demonstrate that an understanding of the sources of isotopic fractionation and the role of biochemistry in regulating the 13C values of individual compounds is important in the application of compound-specific isotopic analysis to the study of animal trophic activities.  相似文献   

The diet of extant elephants (Loxodonta in Africa, Elephas in Asia) is dominated by C3 browse although some elephants have a significant C4 grass component in their diet. This is particularly noteworthy because high-crowned elephantid cheek teeth represent adaptation to an abrasive grazing diet and because isotopic analysis demonstrates that C4 vegetation was the dominant diet for Elephas in Asia from 5 to 1 Ma and for both Loxodonta and Elephas in Africa between 5–1 Ma. Other proboscideans in Africa and southern Asia, except deinotheres, also had a C4-dominated diet from about 7 Ma (when the C4 biomass radiated in tropical and subtropical regions) until their subsequent extinction. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 16 February 1999  相似文献   

Abstract The purple photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium vinosum , strain D, catalyzes several oxidations of reduced sulfur compounds under anaerobic conditions in the light: e.g., sulfide → sulfur → sulfate, sulfite → sulfate, and thiosulfate → sulfur + sulfate. Here it is shown that no sulfur isotope effect is associated with the last of these processes; isotopic compositions of the sulfur and sulfate produced can differ, however, if the sulfane and sulfonate positions within the thiosulfate have different isotopic compositions. In the second process, an observed change from an inverse to a normal isotope effect during oxidation of sulfite may indicate the operation of 2 enzymatic pathways. In contrast to heterotrophic anaerobic reduction of oxidized sulfur compounds, anaerobic oxidations of inorganic sulfur compounds by photosynthetic bacteria are characterized by relatively small isotope effects.  相似文献   

新疆巴里坤东黑沟遗址出土人骨的碳氮同位素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以新疆巴里坤东黑沟遗址出土的人骨为研究对象, 测定骨中的碳、氮同位素比值, 揭示该地区古代先民的食谱特征, 探索当时人们的生活与生产方式、经济形态等历史信息。研究结果发现: 人骨样品的δ13C值分布在-18.96‰~-17.74‰范围内, 样品的δ15N值均较高, 分布在12.64‰~14.33‰范围内, 表明新疆巴里坤东黑沟遗址先民的食物结构是肉类食物在日常饮食生活占有相当大的比例。根据考古发掘出土的动植物遗存, 肉类的获取应来源于驯养的牛、羊等或部分狩猎所得的鹿等动物, 植物性食物主要来源于大麦、小麦等C3类作物, 这与其生活的环境和以游牧为主, 农业和狩猎为辅的经济形态密切相关; 男性与女性的食物结构相同。  相似文献   

R. Sukumar  R. Ramesh 《Oecologia》1992,91(4):536-539
Summary Stable carbon isotope ratios in bone collagen have been used in a variety of dietary studies in modern and fossil animals, including humans. Inherent in the stable isotope technique is the assumption that the isotopic signature is a reflection of the diet and is persistent in collagen because this is a relatively inert protein. Carbon isotope analyses of bones from a southern Indian population of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), a long-lived mammal that alternates seasonally between a predominantly C3 (browse) and C4 (grass) plant diet, showed two patterns that have important implications for dietary interpretation based on isotopic studies. Relative to the quantity of the two plant types consumed on average, the δ13C signal in collagen indicated that more carbon was incorporated from C3 plants, possibly due to their higher protein contribution. There was a much greater variance in δ13C values of collagen in sub-adult (range -10.5‰ to-22.7‰, variance=14.51) compared to adult animals (range -16.0‰ to -20.3‰, variance=1.85) pointing to high collagen turnover rates and non-persistent isotopic signatures in younger, growing animals. It thus seems important to correct for any significant relative differences in nutritive value of food types and also consider the age of an animal before drawing definite conclusions about its diet from isotope ratios.  相似文献   

Abstract Small inverse isotope effects of 1–3‰ were consistently observed for the oxidation of sulfide to elemental sulfur during anaerobic photometabolism by Chromatium vinosum . The inverse fractionation can be accounted for by an equilibrium isotope effect between H2S and HS, and may indicate that C. vinosum (and other photosynthetic bacteria) utilizes H2S rather than HS as the substrate during sulfide oxidation.  相似文献   

The periodical cicadas of the genus Magicicada (including M. septendecim, M. cassini, and M. septendecula) have the longest juvenile life span of any insect, living underground for 13 or 17 years and feeding exclusively on root xylem fluids. Due to their inaccessible life cycles very little is known about cicada nutrition, despite the fact that members of Magicicada can achieve a very large biomass in woodland habitats east of the Mississippi and hence constitute a major part of the ecosystem where they occur in high densities. Live cicadas were collected at two sites in early June of 2004, during the emergence of Brood X (both M. septendecim and M. cassini were recovered). We used a combination of stable isotopic measurements (δ15N and δ13C) and multivariate statistical techniques to test for differences in resource acquisition among the cicada species and sexes collected at two locations within the 17-year periodical Brood X range. The amino acid constituents of cicada chitin and organs, plus xylem extracted from a deciduous sapling, were also analyzed. The data show that male and female cicadas have different carbon fractionations, which could reflect differential resource utilization due to oviposition in females. Several essential amino acids for the cicada were absent in xylem. Carbon-isotopic composition of all amino acids in the cicadas was distinctly different from the limited set measured in the xylem. Because of the differences in isotopic composition, we conclude that amino acids were synthesized de novo rather than incorporated directly, most likely produced by endosymbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios are commonly used in the study of marine food webs. However, different sample processing methods can influence the measurement of these stable isotope ratios. The purpose of this study is to define an adequate methodology to be used in the construction of whole food webs. It is demonstrated that acidification of the samples results in a decrease in carbon stable isotope values for sedimentary organic matter, suspended particulate organic matter, plankton and invertebrates with carbonated structures. The response was variable for nitrogen isotope ratios. Based on our results we recommend sample acidification for carbon analysis in these compartments where effects of this treatment were observed. We observed a decrease in δ13C values after washing with distilled water, so we do not recommend washing with water after acidification. For nitrogen analysis, acidification should be avoided. The various dehydration treatments studied caused significant differences only in nitrogen isotope ratios.  相似文献   

The open-air site of Kalavan 1 is located in the Aregunyats mountain chain (at 1640 m above sea level) on the northern bank of Lake Sevan. It is the first Upper Palaeolithic site excavated in Armenia. Led by an Armenian-French team, several excavations (2005–2009) have revealed a well preserved palaeosoil, dated to around 14,000 BP (years before present), containing fauna, lithic artefacts, as well as several hearths and activity areas that structure the settlement. The initial studies enable placement of the site in its environment and justify palaeoethnological analysis of the Epigravettian human groups of the Lesser Caucasus.  相似文献   

The Alexander Archipelago wolf (Canis lupus ligoni) is unique to southeast Alaska, occurring on islands south of Frederick Sound and along the mainland between Dixon Entrance and Yakutat Bay. Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) are an important prey species for wolves across the southern part of the region. Spawning salmon (Onchorynchus sp.) are seasonally available but their presence in wolf diets has not previously been quantified. We examined the range of bone collagen δ13C and δ15N values for wolves throughout southeast (n = 163) and interior (n = 50) Alaska and used a dual-isotope mixing model to determine the relative contribution of salmon-derived marine protein in the diet. Southeast Alaska wolves consumed significantly more salmon (mean ± SE: 18.3 ± 1.2%) than did wolves from interior Alaska (9.1 ± 0.6%, P<0.001). Wolves on the southeast Alaska mainland appeared to have higher marine isotopic signatures than island wolves, although this difference was not significant. Variation among individual wolf diets was higher for southeast than for interior Alaska wolves, and variation was highest in coastal mainland wolf diets (P<0.001). Marine resources may augment the diet of southeast Alaska wolves during seasonal or annual fluctuations in the availability of deer, particularly in those areas on the mainland where densities of terrestrial ungulates are relatively low. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

Summary Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in autotrophs, aquatic invertebrates and fishes from the Orinoco River floodplain of Venezuela reveal that microalgae, including both phytoplankton and epiphytic (attached) forms, are predominant energy sources for many aquatic animals, even though aquatic vascular plants are much more abundant. Floating mats of the grass Paspalum repens and the water hyacinth Eichhornia spp. harbor particularly high densities of aquatic animals, but isotopic evidence indicates that few species are dependent on organic carbon originating from these plants. The stable isotopic evidence for the trophic importance of algae contradicts traditional interpretations of food webs in freshwater wetlands, which are generally thought to be based largely on detritus originating from vascular plants.  相似文献   

Fog in the California redwood forest: ecosystem inputs and use by plants   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
T. E. Dawson 《Oecologia》1998,117(4):476-485
Fog has been viewed as an important source of moisture in many coastal ecosystems, yet its importance for the plants which inhabit these ecosystems is virtually unknown. Here, I report the results of a 3-year investigation of fog inputs and the use of fog water by plants inhabiting the heavily fog inundated coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) forests of northern California. During the study period, 34%, on average, of the annual hydrologic input was from fog drip off the redwood trees themselves (interception input). When trees were absent, the average annual input from fog was only 17%, demonstrating that the trees significantly influence the magnitude of fog water input to the ecosystem. Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses of water from fog, rain, soil water, and xylem water extracted from the dominant plant species were used to characterize the water sources used by the plants. An isotopic mixing model was employed to then quantify how much fog water each plant used each month during the 3-year study. In summer, when fog was most frequent, ~19% of the water within S.sempervirens, and ~66% of the water within the understory plants came from fog after it had dripped from tree foliage into the soil; for S.sempervirens, this fog water input comprised 13–45% of its annual transpiration. For all plants, there was a significant reliance on fog as a water source, especially in summer when rainfall was absent. Dependence on fog as a moisture source was highest in the year when rainfall was lowest but fog inputs normal. Interestingly, during the mild El Niño year of 1993, when the ratio of rainfall to fog water input was significantly higher and fog inputs were lower, both the proportion and coefficient of variation in how much fog water was used by plants increased. An explanation for this is that while fog inputs were lower than normal in this El Niño year, they came at a time when plant demand for water was highest (summer). Therefore, proportional use of fog water by plants increased. The results presented suggest that fog, as a meteorological factor, plays an important role in the water relations of the plants and in the hydrology of the forest. These results demonstrate the importance of understanding the impacts of climatic factors and their oscillations on the biota. The results have important implications for ecologists, hydrologists, and forest managers interested in fog-inundated ecosystems and the plants which inhabit them.  相似文献   

哈民忙哈遗址是迄今为止内蒙古乃至东北地区发现面积最大的一处史前聚落遗址,为重建当时的生产和生活情况、文化习俗甚至思想观念等都提供了弥足珍贵的实物资料。其中,重建该遗址先民的食物结构和生业经济,有助于揭示哈民忙哈遗址产生和兴盛的动因及科尔沁沙地史前文化的变迁过程。目前,多学科的研究成果已经初步显示哈民忙哈遗址先民的生业经济具有多样性,但各种生业模式的比重以及是否存在家畜饲养等问题还缺乏相应的了解。本文对该遗址87例人骨与18例动物骨骼进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,还原了人和动物的食物结构及生业经济面貌。结果显示,陆生野生动物的食物结构主要基于C3植物类食物和少量的C4农作物,而犬科动物则体现出家养动物的食谱特性:食物主要依赖C4食物和人类食物残羹。C4类粟黍农作物和以此饲喂的动物是该遗址先民的主要食物来源,其中粟黍农作物在食物结构中的地位尤其重要。在该遗址中,女性摄入相对较多的粟黍和相对较少的肉类,与男性在食物结构上存在显著差异。农耕、家畜饲养是先民最重要的经济行为,狩猎、渔猎和采集是生业的重要补充。  相似文献   

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