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YM Lo 《Open biology》2012,2(6):120086
The presence of foetal DNA in the plasma of pregnant women has opened up new possibilities for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis. The use of circulating foetal DNA for the non-invasive prenatal detection of foetal chromosomal aneuploidies is challenging as foetal DNA represents a minor fraction of maternal plasma DNA. In 2007, it was shown that single molecule counting methods would allow the detection of the presence of a trisomic foetus, as long as enough molecules were counted. With the advent of massively parallel sequencing, millions or billions of DNA molecules can be readily counted. Using massively parallel sequencing, foetal trisomies 21, 13 and 18 have been detected from maternal plasma. Recently, large-scale clinical studies have validated the robustness of this approach for the prenatal detection of foetal chromosomal aneuploidies. A proof-of-concept study has also shown that a genome-wide genetic and mutational map of a foetus can be constructed from the maternal plasma DNA sequencing data. These developments suggest that the analysis of foetal DNA in maternal plasma would play an increasingly important role in future obstetrics practice. It is thus a priority that the ethical, social and legal issues regarding this technology be systematically studied.  相似文献   

Next-generation sequencing and phylogenomics hold great promise for elucidating complex relationships among large plant families. Here, we performed targeted capture of low copy sequences followed by next-generation sequencing on the Illumina platform in the large and diverse angiosperm family Compositae (Asteraceae). The family is monophyletic, based on morphology and molecular data, yet many areas of the phylogeny have unresolved polytomies and interpreting phylogenetic patterns has been historically difficult. In order to outline a method and provide a framework and for future phylogenetic studies in the Compositae, we sequenced 23 taxa from across the family in which the relationships were well established as well as a member of the sister family Calyceraceae. We generated nuclear data from 795 loci and assembled chloroplast genomes from off-target capture reads enabling the comparison of nuclear and chloroplast genomes for phylogenetic analyses. We also analyzed multi-copy nuclear genes in our data set using a clustering method during orthology detection, and we applied a network approach to these clusters—analyzing all related locus copies. Using these data, we produced hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships employing both a conservative (restricted to only loci with one copy per targeted locus) and a multigene approach (including all copies per targeted locus). The methods and bioinformatics workflow presented here provide a solid foundation for future work aimed at understanding gene family evolution in the Compositae as well as providing a model for phylogenomic analyses in other plant mega-families.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Just as Sanger sequencing did more than 20 years ago, next-generation sequencing (NGS) is poised to revolutionize plant systematics. By combining multiplexing approaches with NGS throughput, systematists may no longer need to choose between more taxa or more characters. Here we describe a genome skimming (shallow sequencing) approach for plant systematics. ? Methods: Through simulations, we evaluated optimal sequencing depth and performance of single-end and paired-end short read sequences for assembly of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and plastomes and addressed the effect of divergence on reference-guided plastome assembly. We also used simulations to identify potential phylogenetic markers from low-copy nuclear loci at different sequencing depths. We demonstrated the utility of genome skimming through phylogenetic analysis of the Sonoran Desert clade (SDC) of Asclepias (Apocynaceae). ? Key results: Paired-end reads performed better than single-end reads. Minimum sequencing depths for high quality rDNA and plastome assemblies were 40× and 30×, respectively. Divergence from the reference significantly affected plastome assembly, but relatively similar references are available for most seed plants. Deeper rDNA sequencing is necessary to characterize intragenomic polymorphism. The low-copy fraction of the nuclear genome was readily surveyed, even at low sequencing depths. Nearly 160000 bp of sequence from three organelles provided evidence of phylogenetic incongruence in the SDC. ? Conclusions: Adoption of NGS will facilitate progress in plant systematics, as whole plastome and rDNA cistrons, partial mitochondrial genomes, and low-copy nuclear markers can now be efficiently obtained for molecular phylogenetics studies.  相似文献   

Chloroplast genome information helps improve the phylogenetic resolution and can act as organelle-scale barcodes in recently radiated plant groups. Previously we reported that nine universal primer pairs could amplify angiosperm whole chloroplast genomes by long-range polymerase chain reaction and using next-generation sequencing. Although these primers show high universality and efficiency for sequencing whole chloroplast genomes in angiosperms, they did not fully resolve the following two issues surrounding sequencing angiosperm chloroplast genomes: (i) approximately 30% of angiosperms cannot be amplified successfully; and (ii) only fresh leaves can be applied. In this study, we designed another set of 15 universal primer pairs for amplifying angiosperm whole chloroplast genomes to complement the original nine primer pairs. Furthermore, we designed a primer pair for nuclear ribosomal DNAs (nrDNAs). To validate the functionality of the primers, we tested 44 species with silica gel-dried leaves and 15 species with fresh leaves that have been shown to not be amplified with the original nine primer pairs. The result showed that, in 65.9% and 88.6% of the 44 species with silica gel-dried leaves, the whole chloroplast genome and nrDNAs could be amplified, respectively. In addition, all 15 fresh leaf samples could have the whole chloroplast genome successfully amplified. The nrDNAs comprise partial sequences of 18S and 26S, along with the complete sequence of 5.8S and the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2. The mean size of nrDNA was 5800 bp. This study shows that the 15 universal primer set is an indispensable tool for amplifying whole chloroplast genomes in angiosperms, and these are an important supplement to the nine reported primer pairs.  相似文献   

Third‐generation sequencing technologies, such as Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Pacific Biosciences (PacBio), have gained popularity over the last years. These platforms can generate millions of long‐read sequences. This is not only advantageous for genome sequencing projects, but also advantageous for amplicon‐based high‐throughput sequencing experiments, such as DNA barcoding. However, the relatively high error rates associated with these technologies still pose challenges for generating high‐quality consensus sequences. Here, we present NGSpeciesID, a program which can generate highly accurate consensus sequences from long‐read amplicon sequencing technologies, including ONT and PacBio. The tool includes clustering of the reads to help filter out contaminants or reads with high error rates and employs polishing strategies specific to the appropriate sequencing platform. We show that NGSpeciesID produces consensus sequences with improved usability by minimizing preprocessing and software installation and scalability by enabling rapid processing of hundreds to thousands of samples, while maintaining similar consensus accuracy as current pipelines.  相似文献   

Cymbidium is an orchid genus that has undergone rapid radiation and has high ornamental, economic, ecological and cultural importance, but its classification based on morphology is controversial. The plastid genome (plastome), as an extension of plant standard DNA barcodes, has been widely used as a potential molecular marker for identifying recently diverged species or complicated plant groups. In this study, we newly generated 237 plastomes of 50 species (at least two individuals per species) by genome skimming, covering 71.4% of members of the genus Cymbidium. Sequence-based analyses (barcoding gaps and automatic barcode gap discovery) and tree-based analyses (maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and multirate Poisson tree processes model) were conducted for species identification of Cymbidium. Our work provides a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library for Cymbidium species identification. The results show that compared with standard DNA barcodes (rbcL + matK) as well as the plastid trnH-psbA, the species identification rate of the plastome increased moderately from 58% to 68%. At the same time, we propose an optimized identification strategy for Cymbidium species. The plastome cannot completely resolve the species identification of Cymbidium, the main reasons being incomplete lineage sorting, artificial cultivation, natural hybridization and chloroplast capture. To further explore the potential use of nuclear data in identifying species, the Skmer method was adopted and the identification rate increased to 72%. It appears that nuclear genome data have a vital role in species identification and are expected to be used as next-generation nuclear barcodes.  相似文献   

We describe here methods and strategies for amplifying and sequencing the genes encoding the small subunits (16/18S) of nuclear and chloroplast ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from total plant DNA. These methods were developed in response to technical difficulties we encountered in our molecular systematic work with members of various plant families. These protocols have proved useful when the amount of tissue available for study is limited and when the tissues have high concentrations of undesirable secondary metabolites which are often co-isolated with nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Stromules are stroma-filled tubules that extend from the surface of plastids and allow the transfer of proteins as large as 550 kDa between interconnected plastids. The aim of the present study was to determine if plastid DNA or plastid ribosomes are able to enter stromules, potentially permitting the transfer of genetic information between plastids. Plastid DNA and ribosomes were marked with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions to LacI, the lac repressor, which binds to lacO-related sequences in plastid DNA, and to plastid ribosomal proteins Rpl1 and Rps2, respectively. Fluorescence from GFP-LacI co-localised with plastid DNA in nucleoids in all tissues of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) examined and there was no indication of its presence in stromules, not even in hypocotyl epidermal cells, which contain abundant stromules. Fluorescence from Rpl1-GFP and Rps2-GFP was also observed in a punctate pattern in chloroplasts of tobacco and Arabidopsis [Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.], and fluorescent stromules were not detected. Rpl1-GFP was shown to assemble into ribosomes and was co-localised with plastid DNA. In contrast, in hypocotyl epidermal cells of dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings, fluorescence from Rpl1-GFP was more evenly distributed in plastids and was observed in stromules on a total of only four plastids (<0.02% of the plastids observed). These observations indicate that plastid DNA and plastid ribosomes do not routinely move into stromules in tobacco and Arabidopsis, and suggest that transfer of genetic information by this route is likely to be a very rare event, if it occurs at all.  相似文献   

Twelve primers to amplify microsatellite markers from the chloroplast genome of Lolium perenne were designed and optimized using de novo sequencing and in silico sequences. With one exception, each locus was polymorphic with a range from two to nine alleles in L. perenne. The newly developed primer pairs cross‐amplified in different species of Lolium and in 50 other grass species representing nine grass subfamilies.  相似文献   



Usually, next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has the property of ultra-high throughput but the read length is remarkably short compared to conventional Sanger sequencing. Paired-end NGS could computationally extend the read length but with a lot of practical inconvenience because of the inherent gaps. Now that Illumina paired-end sequencing has the ability of read both ends from 600 bp or even 800 bp DNA fragments, how to fill in the gaps between paired ends to produce accurate long reads is intriguing but challenging.


We have developed a new technology, referred to as pseudo-Sanger (PS) sequencing. It tries to fill in the gaps between paired ends and could generate near error-free sequences equivalent to the conventional Sanger reads in length but with the high throughput of the Next Generation Sequencing. The major novelty of PS method lies on that the gap filling is based on local assembly of paired-end reads which have overlaps with at either end. Thus, we are able to fill in the gaps in repetitive genomic region correctly. The PS sequencing starts with short reads from NGS platforms, using a series of paired-end libraries of stepwise decreasing insert sizes. A computational method is introduced to transform these special paired-end reads into long and near error-free PS sequences, which correspond in length to those with the largest insert sizes. The PS construction has 3 advantages over untransformed reads: gap filling, error correction and heterozygote tolerance. Among the many applications of the PS construction is de novo genome assembly, which we tested in this study. Assembly of PS reads from a non-isogenic strain of Drosophila melanogaster yields an N50 contig of 190 kb, a 5 fold improvement over the existing de novo assembly methods and a 3 fold advantage over the assembly of long reads from 454 sequencing.


Our method generated near error-free long reads from NGS paired-end sequencing. We demonstrated that de novo assembly could benefit a lot from these Sanger-like reads. Besides, the characteristic of the long reads could be applied to such applications as structural variations detection and metagenomics.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-711) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Some plant groups, especially on islands, have been shaped by strong ancestral bottlenecks and rapid, recent radiation of phenotypic characters. Single molecular markers are often not informative enough for phylogenetic reconstruction in such plant groups. Whole plastid genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) are viewed by many researchers as sources of information for phylogenetic reconstruction of groups in which expected levels of divergence in standard markers are low. Here we evaluate the usefulness of these data types to resolve phylogenetic relationships among closely related Diospyros species.Methods Twenty-two closely related Diospyros species from New Caledonia were investigated using whole plastid genomes and nrDNA data from low-coverage next-generation sequencing (NGS). Phylogenetic trees were inferred using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference on separate plastid and nrDNA and combined matrices.Key Results The plastid and nrDNA sequences were, singly and together, unable to provide well supported phylogenetic relationships among the closely related New Caledonian Diospyros species. In the nrDNA, a 6-fold greater percentage of parsimony-informative characters compared with plastid DNA was found, but the total number of informative sites was greater for the much larger plastid DNA genomes. Combining the plastid and nuclear data improved resolution. Plastid results showed a trend towards geographical clustering of accessions rather than following taxonomic species.Conclusions In plant groups in which multiple plastid markers are not sufficiently informative, an investigation at the level of the entire plastid genome may also not be sufficient for detailed phylogenetic reconstruction. Sequencing of complete plastid genomes and nrDNA repeats seems to clarify some relationships among the New Caledonian Diospyros species, but the higher percentage of parsimony-informative characters in nrDNA compared with plastid DNA did not help to resolve the phylogenetic tree because the total number of variable sites was much lower than in the entire plastid genome. The geographical clustering of the individuals against a background of overall low sequence divergence could indicate transfer of plastid genomes due to hybridization and introgression following secondary contact.  相似文献   

Although nematodes are the most abundant metazoan animals on Earth, their diversity is largely unknown. To overcome limitations of traditional approaches (labour, time, and cost) for assessing biodiversity of nematode species in environmental samples, we have previously examined the suitability of high-throughput sequencing for assessing species level diversity with a set of control experiments employing a mixture of nematodes of known number and with known sequences for target diagnostic loci. Those initial experiments clearly demonstrated the suitability of the approach for identification of nematode taxa but lacked the replicate experiments necessary to evaluate reproducibility of the approach. Here, we analyze reads generated from three different PCR amplifications and three different sequencing reactions to examine the differential PCR amplification, the possibility of emulsion PCR artefacts, and differences between sequencing reactions. Our results suggest that both qualitative and quantitative data are consistent and highly reproducible. Variation associated with in-house PCR amplification or emPCR and sequencing are present but the representation of each nematode is very consistent from experiment to experiment and supports the use of read counts to estimate relative abundance of taxa in a metagenetic sample.  相似文献   

Ramon Massana 《Molecular ecology》2015,24(12):2904-2906
Eukaryotic microbes comprise a diverse collection of phototrophic and heterotrophic creatures known to play fundamental roles in ecological processes. Some can be identified by light microscopy, generally the largest and with conspicuous shapes, while the smallest can be counted by epifluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry but remain largely unidentified. Microbial diversity studies greatly advanced with the analysis of phylogenetic markers sequenced from natural assemblages. Molecular surveys began in 1990 targeting marine bacterioplankton (Giovannoni et al. 1990 ) and first approached microbial eukaryotes in three studies published in 2001 (Díez et al. 2001 ; López‐García et al. 2001 ; Moon‐van der Staay et al. 2001 ). These seminal studies, based on cloning and Sanger sequencing the complete 18S rDNA, were critical for obtaining broad pictures of microbial diversity in contrasted habitats and for describing novel lineages by robust phylogenies, but were limited by the number of sequences obtained. So, inventories of species richness in a given sample and community comparisons through environmental gradients were very incomplete. These limitations have been overcome with the advent of high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) methods, initially 454‐pyrosequencing, today Illumina and soon others to come. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Egge et al. ( 2015 ) show a nice example of the use of HTS to study the biodiversity and seasonal succession of a particularly important group of marine microbial eukaryotes, the haptophytes. Temporal changes were analysed first at the community level, then at the clade level, and finally at the lowest rank comparable to species. Interesting and useful ecological insights were obtained at each taxonomic scale. Haptophyte diversity differed along seasons in a systematic manner, with some species showing seasonal preferences and others being always present. Many of these species had no correspondence with known species, pointing out the high level of novelty in microbial assemblages, only accessible by molecular tools. Moreover, the number of species detected was limited, agreeing with a putative scenario of constrained evolutionary diversification in free‐living small eukaryotes. This study illustrates the potential of HTS to address ecological relevant questions in an accessible way by processing large data sets that, nonetheless, need to be treated with a fair understanding of their limitations.  相似文献   

A simplified technique was developed for DNA sequence-based diagnosis of harmful dinoflagellate species. This protocol integrates procedures for DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification into a single tube. DNA sequencing reactions were performed directly, using unpurified PCR products as the DNA template for subsequent sequencing reactions. PCR reactions using DNA extracted from single cells of Cocodinium polykrikoides and Alexandrium catenella successfully amplified the target ribosomal DNA regions. DNA sequencing of the unpurified PCR products showed that DNA sequences corresponded to the expected locus of ribosomal DNA regions of both A. catenella and C. polykrikoides (each zero genetic distance and 100% sequence similarity). Using the protocol described in this article, there was little DNA loss during the purification step, and the technique was found to be rapid and inexpensive. This protocol clearly resolves the taxonomic ambiguities of closely related algal species (such as Alexandrium and Cochlodinium), and it constitutes a significant breakthrough for the molecular analysis of nonculturable dinoflagellate species.  相似文献   

The development of DNA barcoding (species identification using a standardized DNA sequence), and the availability of recent DNA sequencing techniques offer new possibilities in diet analysis. DNA fragments shorter than 100-150 bp remain in a much higher proportion in degraded DNA samples and can be recovered from faeces. As a consequence, by using universal primers that amplify a very short but informative DNA fragment, it is possible to reliably identify the plant taxon that has been eaten. According to our experience and using this identification system, about 50% of the taxa can be identified to species using the trnL approach, that is, using the P6 loop of the chloroplast trnL (UAA) intron. We demonstrated that this new method is fast, simple to implement, and very robust. It can be applied for diet analyses of a wide range of phytophagous species at large scales. We also demonstrated that our approach is efficient for mammals, birds, insects and molluscs. This method opens new perspectives in ecology, not only by allowing large-scale studies on diet, but also by enhancing studies on resource partitioning among competing species, and describing food webs in ecosystems.  相似文献   

Bisulfite sequencing is widely used for analysis of DNA methylation status (i.e., 5-methylcytosine [5mC] vs. cytosine [C]) in CpG-rich or other loci in genomic DNA (gDNA). Such methods typically involve reaction of gDNA with bisulfite followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of specific regions of interest that, overall, converts C→T (thymine) and 5mC→C and then capillary sequencing to measure C versus T composition at CpG sites. Massively parallel sequencing by oligonucleotide ligation and detection (SOLiD) has recently enabled relatively low-cost whole genome sequencing, and it would be highly desirable to apply such massively parallel sequencing to bisulfite-converted whole genomes to determine DNA methylation status of an entire genome, which has heretofore not been reported. As an initial step toward achieving this goal, we have extended our ongoing interest in improving bisulfite conversion sample preparation to include a human genome-wide fragment library for SOliD. The current article features novel use of formamide denaturant during bisulfite conversion of a suitably constructed library directly in a band slice from polyacryamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). To validate this new protocol for 5mC-protected fragment library conversion, which we refer to as Bis-PAGE, capillary-based size analysis and Sanger sequencing were carried out for individual amplicons derived from single-molecule PCR (smPCR) of randomly selected library fragments. smPCR/Capillary Sanger sequencing of approximately 200 amplicons unambiguously demonstrated greater than 99% C→T conversion. All of these approximately 200 Sanger sequences were analyzed with a previously published web-accessible bioinformatics tool (methBLAST) for mapping to human chromosomes, the results of which indicated random distribution of analyzed fragments across all chromosomes. Although these particular Bis-PAGE conversion and quality control methods were exemplified in the context of a fragment library for SOLiD, the concepts can be generalized to include other genome-wide library constructions intended for DNA methylation analysis by alternative high-throughput or massively parallelized methods that are currently available.  相似文献   

The genus Curcuma L. is commonly used as spices, medicines, dyes and ornamentals. Owing to its economic significance and lack of clear‐cut morphological differences between species, this genus is an ideal case for developing DNA barcodes. In this study, four chloroplast DNA regions (matK, rbcL, trnH‐psbA and trnL‐F) and one nuclear region (ITS2) were generated for 44 Curcuma species and five species from closely related genera, represented by 96 samples. PCR amplification success rate, intra‐ and inter‐specific genetic distance variation and the correct identification percentage were taken into account to assess candidate barcode regions. PCR and sequence success rate were high in matK (89.7%), rbcL (100%), trnH‐psbA (100%), trnL‐F (95.7%) and ITS2 (82.6%) regions. The results further showed that four candidate chloroplast barcoding regions (matK, rbcL, trnH‐psbA and trnL‐F) yield no barcode gaps, indicating that the genus Curcuma represents a challenging group for DNA barcoding. The ITS2 region presented large interspecific variation and provided the highest correct identification rates (46.7%) based on BLASTClust method among the five regions. However, the ITS2 only provided 7.9% based on NJ tree method. An increase in discriminatory power needs the development of more variable markers.  相似文献   

Liu Q  Ge S  Tang H  Zhang X  Zhu G  Lu BR 《The New phytologist》2006,170(2):411-420
To estimate the phylogenetic relationship of polyploid Elymus in Triticeae, nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast trnL-F sequences of 45 Elymus accessions containing various genomes were analysed with those of five Pseudoroegneria (St), two Hordeum (H), three Agropyron (P) and two Australopyrum (W) accessions. The ITS sequences revealed a close phylogenetic relationship between the polyploid Elymus and species from the other genera. The ITS and trnL-F trees indicated considerable differentiation of the StY genome species. The trnL-F sequences revealed an especially close relationship of Pseudoroegneria to all Elymus species included. Both the ITS and trnL-F trees suggested multiple origins and recurrent hybridization of Elymus species. The results suggested that: the St, H, P, and W genomes in polyploid Elymus were donated by Pseudoroegneria, Hordeum, Agropyron and Australopyrum, respectively, and the St and Y genomes may have originated from the same ancestor; Pseudoroegneria was the maternal donor of the polyploid Elymus; and some Elymus species showed multiple origin and experienced recurrent hybridization.  相似文献   

Ongoing hybridization and retained ancestral polymorphism in rapidly radiating lineages could mask recent cladogenetic events. This presents a challenge for the application of molecular phylogenetic methods to resolve differences between closely related taxa. We reanalyzed published genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) data to infer the phylogeny of four species within the Ophrys sphegodes complex, a recently radiated clade of orchids. We used different data filtering approaches to detect different signals contained in the dataset generated by GBS and estimated their effects on maximum likelihood trees, global FST and bootstrap support values. We obtained a maximum likelihood tree with high bootstrap support, separating the species by using a large dataset based on loci shared by at least 30% of accessions. Bootstrap and FST values progressively decreased when filtering for loci shared by a higher number of accessions. However, when filtering more stringently to retain homozygous and organellar loci, we identified two main clades. These clades group individuals independently from their a priori species assignment, but were associated with two organellar haplotype clusters. We infer that a less stringent filtering preferentially selects for rapidly evolving lineage‐specific loci, which might better delimit lineages. In contrast, when using homozygous/organellar DNA loci the signature of a putative hybridization event in the lineage prevails over the most recent phylogenetic signal. These results show that using differing filtering strategies on GBS data could dissect the organellar and nuclear DNA phylogenetic signal and yield novel insights into relationships between closely related species.  相似文献   

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