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Small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV), also called ovine progressive pneumonia virus or maedi‐visna, is present in 24% of US sheep. Like human immunodeficiency virus, SRLV is a macrophage‐tropic lentivirus that causes lifelong infection. The production impacts from SRLV are due to a range of disease symptoms, including pneumonia, arthritis, mastitis, body condition wasting and encephalitis. There is no cure and no effective vaccine for preventing SRLV infection. However, breed differences in prevalence and proviral concentration indicate a genetic basis for susceptibility to SRLV. Animals with high blood proviral concentration show increased tissue lesion severity, so proviral concentration represents a live animal test for control post‐infection in terms of proviral replication and disease severity. Recently, it was found that sheep with two copies of TMEM154 haplotype 1 (encoding lysine at position 35) had lower odds of SRLV infection. In this study, we examined the relationship between SRLV control post‐infection and variants in two genes, TMEM154 and CCR5, in four flocks containing 1403 SRLV‐positive sheep. We found two copies of TMEM154 haplotype 1 were associated with lower SRLV proviral concentration in one flock (< 0.02). This identified the same favorable diplotype for SRLV control post‐infection as for odds of infection. However, frequencies of haplotypes 2 and 3 were too low in the other three flocks to test. The CCR5 promoter deletion did not have consistent association with SRLV proviral concentration. Future work in flocks with more balanced allele frequencies is needed to confirm or refute TMEM154 association with control of SRLV post‐infection.  相似文献   

All vertebrate cells regulate their cell volume by activating chloride channels of unknown molecular identity, thereby activating regulatory volume decrease. We show that the Ca2+-activated Cl channel TMEM16A together with other TMEM16 proteins are activated by cell swelling through an autocrine mechanism that involves ATP release and binding to purinergic P2Y2 receptors. TMEM16A channels are activated by ATP through an increase in intracellular Ca2+ and a Ca2+-independent mechanism engaging extracellular-regulated protein kinases (ERK1/2). The ability of epithelial cells to activate a Cl conductance upon cell swelling, and to decrease their cell volume (regulatory volume decrease) was dependent on TMEM16 proteins. Activation of ICl,swell was reduced in the colonic epithelium and in salivary acinar cells from mice lacking expression of TMEM16A. Thus TMEM16 proteins appear to be a crucial component of epithelial volume-regulated Cl channels and may also have a function during proliferation and apoptotic cell death.Regulation of cell volume is fundamental to all cells, particularly during cell growth and division. External hypotonicity leads to cell swelling and subsequent activation of volume-regulated chloride and potassium channels, to release intracellular ions and to re-shrink the cells, a process termed regulatory volume decrease (RVD)3 (1). Volume-regulated chloride currents (ICl,swell) have dual functions during cell proliferation as well as apoptotic volume decrease (AVD), preceding apoptotic cell death (2). Although ICl,swell is activated in swollen cells to induce RVD, AVD takes place under normotonic conditions to shrink cells (3, 4). Early work suggested intracellular Ca2+ as an important mediator for activation of ICl,swell and volume-regulated K+ channels (5), whereas subsequent studies only found a permissive role of Ca2+ for activation of ICl,swell (6), reviewed in Ref. 1. In addition, a plethora of factors and signaling pathways have been implicated in activation of ICl,swell, making cell volume regulation an extremely complex process (reviewed in Refs. 1, 3, and 7). These factors include intracellular ATP, the cytoskeleton, phospholipase A2-dependent pathways, and protein kinases such as extracellular-regulated kinase ERK1/2 (reviewed in Refs. 1 and 7). Previous approaches in identifying swelling-activated Cl channels have been unsuccessful or have produced controversial data. Thus none of the previous candidates such as pICln, the multidrug resistance protein, or ClC-3 are generally accepted to operate as volume-regulated Cl channels (reviewed in Refs. 8 and 9). Notably, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) had been shown in earlier studies to influence ICl,swell and volume regulation (1012). The variable properties of ICl,swell suggest that several gene products may affect ICl,swell in different cell types.The TMEM16 transmembrane protein family consists of 10 different proteins with numerous splice variants that contain 8–9 transmembrane domains and have predicted intracellular N- and C-terminal tails (13, 1618). TMEM16A (also called ANO1) is required for normal development of the murine trachea (14) and is associated with different types of tumors, dysplasia, and nonsyndromic hearing impairment (13, 15). TMEM16A has been identified as a subunit of Ca2+-activated Cl channels that are expressed in epithelial and non-epithelial tissues (1618). Interestingly, members of the TMEM16 family have been suggested to play a role in osmotolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (19). Here we show that TMEM16 proteins also contribute to ICl,swell and regulatory volume decrease.  相似文献   

Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a myocardial disease characterized by fibro-fatty replacement of right ventricular free wall myocardium and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. A missense mutation, c.1073C>T (p.S358L) in the transmembrane protein 43 (TMEM43) gene, has been genetically identified to cause ARVC type 5 in a founder population from Newfoundland. It is unclear whether this mutation occurs in other populations outside of this founder population or if other variants of TMEM43 are associated with ARVC disease. We sought to identify non-Newfoundland individuals with TMEM43 variants among patient samples sent for genetic assessment for possible ARVC. Of 195 unrelated individuals with suspected ARVC, mutation of desmosomal proteins was seen in 28 and the p.S358L TMEM43 mutation in six. We identified a de novo p.S358L mutation in a non-Newfoundland patient and five separate rare TMEM43 (four novel) sequence variants in non-Newfoundland patients, each occurring in an evolutionarily conserved amino acid. TMEM43 mutations occur outside of the founder population of the island of Newfoundland where it was originally described. TMEM43 sequencing should be incorporated into clinical genetic testing for ARVC patients.  相似文献   

Although the role of autophagy in tumorigenesis remains controversial, recent reports support the notion that inhibition of autophagy promotes tumor formation. Damage-regulated autophagy regulator (DRAM) has been identified as an effector molecule that is critical for p53-mediated apoptosis, and we investigated whether there might be other DRAM-like molecules linking autophagy and apoptosis. In this study, we cloned a novel DRAM-homologous protein, DRAM2, and showed that the expression of DRAM2 is down-regulated in ovarian tumors. DRAM2 is mainly localized in the lysosome, and co-localizes with DRAM. While expression of DRAM or DRAM2 individually did not induce cell death, co-expression of DRAM2 with DRAM significantly induced cell death, while the silencing of endogenous DRAM2 attenuated cell death, suggesting that DRAM2 is involved in cell death. Thus, we propose that reduced expression of DRAM2 may contribute to enhanced cell survival in tumor cells.  相似文献   

Ovine lentivirus (OvLV) is a macrophage‐tropic lentivirus found in many countries that causes interstitial pneumonia, mastitis, arthritis and cachexia in sheep. There is no preventive vaccine and no cure, but breed differences suggest marker‐assisted selective breeding might improve odds of infection and control of OvLV post‐infection. Although variants in TMEM154 have consistent association with odds of infection, no variant in any gene has been associated with host control of OvLV post‐infection in multiple animal sets. Proviral concentration is a live‐animal diagnostic measure of OvLV control post‐infection related to severity of OvLV‐induced lesions. A recent genome‐wide association study identified a region including four zinc finger genes associated with proviral concentration in one Rambouillet flock. To refine this region, we tested additional variants and identified a small insertion/deletion variant near ZNF389 that showed consistent association with proviral concentration in three animal sets (< 0.05). These animal sets contained Rambouillet, Polypay and crossbred sheep from multiple locations and management conditions. Strikingly, one flock had exceptionally high prevalence (>87%, including yearlings) and mean proviral concentration (>950 copies/μg), possibly due to needle sharing. The best estimate of proviral concentration by genotype, obtained from all 1310 OvLV‐positive animals tested, showed insertion homozygotes had less than half the proviral concentration of other genotypes (< 0.0001). Future work will test additional breeds, management conditions and viral subtypes, and identify functional properties of the haplotype this deletion variant tracks. To our knowledge, this is the first genetic variant consistently associated with host control of OvLV post‐infection in multiple sheep flocks.  相似文献   

CD40-CD154 interactions play an important role in regulating humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Recently, these interactions have been exploited for the development of therapeutic and preventive treatments. The objective of this study was to test the ability of bovine CD154 to target a plasmid-encoded Ag to CD40-expressing APCs. To achieve this, a plasmid coding for bovine CD154 fused to a truncated secreted form of bovine herpesvirus 1 glycoprotein D (tgD), pSLIAtgD-CD154, was constructed. The chimeric tgD-CD154 was expressed in vitro in COS-7 cells and reacted with both glycoprotein D- and CD154-specific Abs. Both tgD and tgD-CD154 were capable of binding to epithelial cells, whereas only tgD-CD154 bound to B cells. Furthermore, dual-labeling of ovine PBMCs revealed that tgD-CD154 was bound by primarily B cells. The functional integrity of the tgD-CD154 chimera was confirmed by the induction of both IL-4-dependent B cell proliferation and tgD-specific lymphoproliferative responses in vitro. Finally, sheep immunized with pSLIAtgD-CD154 developed a more rapid primary tgD-specific Ab response and a significantly stronger tgD-specific secondary response when compared with animals immunized with pSLIAtgD and control animals. Similarly, virus-neutralizing Ab titers were significantly higher after secondary immunization with pSLIAtgD-CD154. These results demonstrate that using CD154 to target plasmid-expressed Ag can significantly enhance immune responses induced by a DNA vaccine.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to triclosan in Staphylococcus aureus was determined. The study was carried out on 200 strains, including 100 resistant (MRSA) and 100 susceptibile (MSSA) to methicillin. The examined strains were isolated from varied clinical samples and patients in 18 medical centers, in majority from hospitals in the region of Gdansk. The susceptibility was estimated by the MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration) using dilution test in Mueller-Hinton agar. The antimicrobial resistance patterns were determined, including resistance to methicillin and mupirocin. The most of MRSA strains (62%) demonstrated reduced susceptibility to triclosan (MIC 2mg/L), while 93% of MSSA strains were highly sensitive to this antibacterial agent (MIC 0,031mg/L). The majority (66,1%) of MRSA strains with reduced susceptibility to triclosan demonstrated the same antimicrobial resistance pattern. Reduced susceptibility to triclosan was observed in 8 from 9 high - level mupirocin resistant strains, but the most of MRSA strains with reduced triclosan susceptibility (91,5%) were found among fusidic acid resistant strains.  相似文献   

Interactions between genetic and environmental factors are thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of the majority of Parkinson’s disease (PD) cases. However, our understanding of these interactions is at an early stage. Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common cause of hereditary PD. Penetrance of LRRK2 mutations is incomplete and variable, suggesting that other environmental or genetic factors may contribute to the development of the disorder. Recently, using animal models, several attempts have been made to understand if LRRK2 may mediate sensitivity to environmental neurotoxicants. Here, we critically review the most current data on how LRRK2 mutations influence neurotoxicity in PD models.  相似文献   

目的提高并稳定转基因绵羊生产效率。方法采用卵周隙内注射慢病毒的方法生产转基因绵羊。比较了不同发育阶段卵母细胞注射慢病毒对其后期发育及基因表达的影响,对照了注射不同慢病毒剂量以及不同熟练程度人员操作,对胚胎发育及基因表达率的影响。结果 (1)受精前或受精后注射慢病毒对胚胎后期发育和阳性率没有影响(P>0.05);(2)在受精后的单细胞注射或者2~4细胞期注射慢病毒对胚胎后期发育和阳性率也都没有影响(P>0.05);(3)慢病毒注射剂量在50~100 pL之间对转基因效率没有影响(P>0.05);(4)操作人员的熟练程度不影响胚胎成活率和转基因效率(P>0.05)。结论建立了卵周隙内注射慢病毒生产转基因绵羊的方法,并使转基因胚胎阳性率稳定在70%以上。  相似文献   

The fungal cereal pathogen Fusarium graminearum produces deoxynivalenol (DON) during infection. The mycotoxin DON is associated with Fusarium head blight (FHB), a disease that can cause vast grain losses. Whilst investigating the suitability of Brachypodium distachyon as a model for spreading resistance to F. graminearum, we unexpectedly discovered that DON pretreatment of spikelets could reduce susceptibility to FHB in this model grass. We started to analyse the cell wall changes in spikelets after infection with F. graminearum wild‐type and defined mutants: the DON‐deficient Δtri5 mutant and the DON‐producing lipase disruption mutant Δfgl1, both infecting only directly inoculated florets, and the mitogen‐activated protein (MAP) kinase disruption mutant Δgpmk1, with strongly decreased virulence but intact DON production. At 14 days post‐inoculation, the glucose amounts in the non‐cellulosic cell wall fraction were only increased in spikelets infected with the DON‐producing strains wild‐type, Δfgl1 and Δgpmk1. Hence, we tested for DON‐induced cell wall changes in B. distachyon, which were most prominent at DON concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 ppb. To test the involvement of DON in defence priming, we pretreated spikelets with DON at a concentration of 1 ppm prior to F. graminearum wild‐type infection, which significantly reduced FHB disease symptoms. The analysis of cell wall composition and plant defence‐related gene expression after DON pretreatment and fungal infection suggested that DON‐induced priming of the spikelet tissue contributed to the reduced susceptibility to FHB.  相似文献   

Sialic acids are acidic monosaccharides that bind to the sugar chains of glycoconjugates and change their conformation, intermolecular interactions, and/or half-life. Thus, sialidases are believed to modulate the function of sialoglycoconjugates by desialylation. We previously reported that the membrane-associated mammalian sialidase NEU3, which preferentially acts on gangliosides, is involved in cell differentiation, motility, and tumorigenesis. The NEU3 gene expression is aberrantly elevated in several human cancers, including colon, renal, prostate, and ovarian cancers. The small interfering RNA-mediated knock-down of NEU3 in cancer cell lines, but not in normal cell-derived primary cultures, downregulates EGFR signaling and induces apoptosis. Here, to investigate the physiological role of NEU3 in tumorigenesis, we established Neu3-deficient mice and then subjected them to carcinogen-induced tumorigenesis, using a sporadic and a colitis-associated colon cancer models. The Neu3-deficient mice showed no conspicuous accumulation of gangliosides in the brain or colon mucosa, or overt abnormalities in their growth, development, behavior, or fertility. In dimethylhydrazine-induced colon carcinogenesis, there were no differences in the incidence or growth of tumors between the Neu3-deficient and wild-type mice. On the other hand, the Neu3-deficient mice were less susceptible than wild-type mice to the colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate. These results suggest that NEU3 plays an important role in inflammation-dependent tumor development.  相似文献   

Are children superior to adults in consolidating procedural memory? This notion has been tied to "critical," early life periods of increased brain plasticity. Here, using a motor sequence learning task, we show, in experiment 1, that a) the rate of learning during a training session, b) the gains accrued, without additional practice, within a 24 hours post-training interval (delayed consolidation gains), and c) the long-term retention of these gains, were as effective in 9, 12 and 17-year-olds and comparable to those reported for adults. However, a follow-up experiment showed that the establishment of a memory trace for the trained sequence of movements was significantly more susceptible to interference by a subsequent motor learning experience (practicing a reversed movement sequence) in the 17-year-olds compared to the 9 and 12-year-olds. Unlike the 17-year-olds, the younger age-groups showed significant delayed gains even after interference training. Altogether, our results indicate the existence of an effective consolidation phase in motor learning both before and after adolescence, with no childhood advantage in the learning or retention of a motor skill. However, the ability to co-consolidate different, successive motor experiences, demonstrated in both the 9 and 12-year-olds, diminishes after puberty, suggesting that a more selective memory consolidation process takes over from the childhood one. Only the adult consolidation process is gated by a recency effect, and in situations of multiple, clashing, experiences occurring within a short time-interval, adults may less effectively establish in memory experiences superseded by newer ones.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(18):3445-3457
Transmembrane protein 16F (TMEM16F) is a ubiquitously expressed Ca2+-activated phospholipid scramblase that also functions as a largely non-selective ion channel. Though recent structural studies have revealed the closed and intermediate conformations of mammalian TMEM16F (mTMEM16F), the open and conductive state remains elusive. Instead, it has been proposed that an open hydrophilic pathway may not be required for lipid scrambling. We previously identified an inner activation gate, consisting of F518, Y563, and I612, and showed that charged mutations of the inner gate residues led to constitutively active mTMEM16F scrambling. Herein, atomistic simulations show that lysine substitution of F518 and Y563 can indeed lead to spontaneous opening of the permeation pore in the Ca2+-bound state of mTMEM16F. Dilation of the pore exposes hydrophilic patches in the upper pore region, greatly increases the pore hydration level, and enables lipid scrambling. The putative open state of mTMEM16F resembles the active state of fungal scramblases and is a meta-stable state for the wild-type protein in the Ca2+-bound state. Therefore, mTMEM16F may be capable of supporting the canonical in-groove scrambling mechanism in addition to the out-of-groove one. Further analysis reveals that the in-groove phospholipid and ion transduction pathways of mTMEM16F overlap from the intracellular side up to the inner gate but diverge from each other with different exits to the extracellular side of membrane.  相似文献   

Prelabor rupture of the fetal membranes affects approximately 10% of women at term, resulting in an increased risk of maternal and neonatal infection. Evidence suggests that membrane rupture is related to biochemical processes involving the extracellular matrix of the membranes. We tested the hypothesis that prelabor ruptured membranes are characterized by reduced collagen concentrations, altered collagen cross-link profiles, and increased concentrations of biomarkers of oxidative damage. We also set out to determine whether these effects are modulated by ascorbic acid status. In a case-control study, we explored the role that ascorbic acid, oxidative stress, collagen, and collagen cross-links play in determining membrane integrity and developed a functional assay to assess membrane proteolytic susceptibility. Prelabor ruptured membrane had a reduced ascorbic acid concentration in comparison with controls while protein carbonyl and malondialdehyde concentrations were increased. Collagen concentrations were also reduced in prelabor ruptured membrane, and while the concentration of collagen cross-links was not significantly different between prelabor and timely ruptured membrane, there was a regional variation in cross-link ratio within the amniotic sac. Proteolytic resistance in vitro was reduced in prelabor ruptured membrane and also exhibited regional variation within the amniotic sac. Our findings are strongly supportive of a role for the enhanced degradation of membrane collagen in the determination of prelabor rupture of fetal membranes. The formation of the rupture initiation site is a function of a regional variation in collagen cross-link ratio. Tissue ascorbic acid status may be an important mediator of these processes.  相似文献   

Reperfusion after a brief period of cardiac ischemia can lead to potentially lethal arrhythmias. Human epidemiological studies and experimental work with animals indicate that regular physical activity is associated with reductions in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and sudden cardiac death. Similarly, artificial selection of rats for high aerobic treadmill-running capacity (high-capacity runners; HCR) has been shown to reduce CVD risk factors relative to rats selected as low-capacity runners (LCR). Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that HCR, relative to LCR rats, would be less susceptible to ischemia-reperfusion-mediated ventricular tachyarrhythmias. To test this hypothesis, we measured the susceptibility to ventricular tachyarrhythmias produced by 3 min of occlusion and reperfusion of the left main coronary artery in conscious LCR and HCR rats. Results document a significantly lower incidence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in HCR (3 of 11, 27.3%) relative to LCR (6 of 7, 85.6%) rats. The decreased susceptibility to tachyarrhythmias in HCR rats was associated with a reduced cardiac metabolic demand during ischemia (lower rate-pressure product and ST segment elevation) as well as a wider range for the autonomic control of heart rate. The HCR and LCR represent a unique substrate for evaluation of the mechanisms underlying ischemia-mediated cardiac arrhythmogenesis.  相似文献   

The quinolone resistance determining regions of gyrA and parC in four species of enterococci from environmental samples with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin were sequenced. The nucleotide sequence variations of parC could be related to the different enterococcal species. Mutations in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium related to reduced susceptibility were identical to mutations detected in E. faecalis and E. faecium of clinical origin. A minimal inhibitory concentration of 8 microg ml(-1) to ciprofloxacin was not associated with any mutations in the gyrA and parC gene of Enterococcus casseliflavus and Enterococcus gallinarum. These two species may be intrinsically less susceptible to ciprofloxacin.  相似文献   

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