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Grčman  H.  Velikonja-Bolta  Š.  Vodnik  D.  Kos  B.  Leštan  D. 《Plant and Soil》2001,235(1):105-114
Synthetic chelates such as ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) have been shown to enhance phytoextraction of some heavy metals from contaminated soil. In a soil column study, we examined the effect of EDTA on the uptake of Pb, Zn and Cd by Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa), mobilization and leaching of heavy metals and the toxicity effects of EDTA additions on plants. The most effective was a single dose of 10 mmol EDTA kg–1 soil where we detected Pb, Zn and Cd concentrations that were 104.6, 3.2 and 2.3-times higher in the aboveground plant biomass compared to the control treatments. The same EDTA addition decreased the concentration of Pb, Zn and Cd in roots of tested plants by 41, 71 and 69%, respectively compared to concentrations in the roots of control plants. In columns treated with 10 mmol kg–1 EDTA, up to 37.9, 10.4 and 56.3% of initial total Pb, Zn and Cd in soil were leached down the soil profile, suggesting high solubility of heavy metals-EDTA complexes. EDTA treatment had a strong phytotoxic effect on the red clover (Trifolium pratense) in bioassay experiment. Moreover, the high dose EDTA additions inhibited the development of arbuscular mycorrhiza. The results of phospholipid fatty acid analyses indicated toxic effects of EDTA on soil fungi and increased environmental stress of soil microfauna.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(1):214-218
Fenoxycarb, a juvenile hormone agonist has been widely used to control various insect pests in agriculture. Fenoxycarb has been considered environmentally safe because it degrades quickly and has lower mammalian toxicity compared with many conventional pesticides. To date, fenoxycarb is reported safe for soil organisms, but this conclusion is based solely on toxicity studies with Folsomia candida (Collembola) and Eisenia fetida (earthworm). The aim of this study was to investigate the toxic effect of fenoxycarb on Yuukianura szeptyckii (Collembola) to assess further whether this chemical is environmentally safe or not. After 28 d of exposure of fenoxycarb in the soil, adult survival and juvenile production were assessed. The median lethal concentration (LC50) value for adult was 955.2 mg/kg and the median effective concentration (EC50) and no observed effect concentration (NOEC) value for juvenile production was 0.2 mg/kg and <0.15 mg/kg, respectively. The effect of fenoxycarb on egg production and hatching rate was evaluated using a compressed soil substrate. A significant reduction in egg production was observed at 300 mg/kg or more, and the hatching rate was significantly reduced at 0.15 mg/kg or more. These results indicated that the adverse effects of fenoxycarb on juvenile production at concentrations of 0.15, 9.4, and 75 mg/kg were mainly due to a reduced hatching rate. The toxicity/exposure ratio (TER) for fenoxycarb in Y. szeptyckii was <5, indicating risk to Y. szeptyckii from fenoxycarb residues in soil. This study suggests that fenoxycarb poses high potential risk to Y. szeptyckii at environmentally relevant concentrations. Thus, further research, such as higher tier study is needed to clarify fenoxycarb risk in soil ecosystems.  相似文献   

吴国星  高熹  叶恭银  胡萃  程家安 《昆虫学报》2007,50(10):1042-1048
为了评估取食含重金属铜饲料对棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrine亲代及子代的生长发育与繁殖的影响,在室内给棕尾别麻蝇初产幼虫饲喂含不同浓度(200, 400,800和1 600 µg/g)Cu2+的饲料直至化蛹,并对亲代和子代的生长发育和繁殖有关指标进行了观察和分析。结果表明:低浓度的Cu2+(200 µg/g)对其体重和体长起促进作用,但对幼虫历期、化蛹率、蛹历期、羽化率、性比、交配率和产仔量无显著作用;较高浓度的Cu2+ 则有抑制作用,且Cu2+处理浓度越高,亲代幼虫、蛹和雌雄成虫的体重越轻,幼虫和蛹的体长越短,化蛹率、羽化率、交配率和产仔量越低,幼虫历期和蛹期越长,成虫寿命越短。但Cu2+处理对成虫性比则无显著的影响。相比之下,经Cu2+处理后雌虫所产的子代若不再经Cu2+处理,其子代生存、生长发育与繁殖则基本不受影响,说明Cu2+对亲代的影响不能遗传至子代。此外,还探讨了该蝇亲代与子代体内Cu2+含量在其变态过程中的变化。  相似文献   

不同更新方式对林地植被生长及土壤性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究天然次生林采伐迹地的三种更新方式对林地植被及土壤性状的影响。结果表明,炼山人工造林对林地植被和土壤有一定的破坏作用,是影响林木生长、导致物种丧失、引起林地水土流失和地力衰退的重要原因。不同林分物种丰富度为:天然更新 >人促更新 >炼山人工造林;林下植被生物量为:人促更新 >天然更新 >炼山人工造林。不炼山的天然更新和人促更新,有利于物种多样性保护、植被生长、林地土壤理化性状改善和土壤肥力提高,并具有更高的经济效益。  相似文献   

Static bioassays with copper (as CuSO4 · 5H2O) were conducted in laboratory with a freshwater pond snailViviparus bengalensis, at different environmental temperatures. The 96 hr LC50 values in ppm of Cu were 0.060 at 32.5 °C; 0.066 at 24 °C; 0.09 at 27.3 °C and 0.39 at 20.3 °C. In higher copper concentrations some behavioural changes such as secretion of mucus, discharge of eggs and embryos were noted. The results indicate that toxicity to copper increases with temperature increase.  相似文献   

铅胁迫对斜纹夜蛾生长发育与生殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在植食性昆虫斜纹夜蛾幼虫标准人工饲料中添加不同浓度的重金属铅(Pb),研究Pb胁迫对其生长发育与生殖的影响.结果表明:斜纹夜蛾不同发育阶段(幼虫、蛹和成虫)的存活率和体质量随着饲料中Pb浓度的增加而下降,引起存活率显著下降的最低Pb胁迫浓度是100 mg·kg-1,引起体质量显著减少的最低Pb胁迫浓度是50 mg·kg-1.在取食Pb浓度为25~ 200 mg·kg-1的人工饲料后,斜纹夜蛾成虫的产卵天数显著减少;产卵力和生育力随着饲料中Pb浓度的增加而显著下降;1000粒卵的平均质量显著低于对照;卵孵化率显著下降.重金属Pb胁迫对斜纹夜蛾生长发育和生殖具有显著的抑制作用.  相似文献   

Growth (length, weight) of yellow perch Perca flavescens in western and west-central Lake Erie began between June and July, possibly reaching asymptotic size by early winter. Energy density (kJ g−1) of somatic tissue increased markedly from June to September, then declined to low levels by the following spring. Consequently, energy mass (kJ) of somatic tissue increased to September and then declined slowly until March. Ovarian growth began in October, and the size of the ovaries was maximal in April, just before spawning in May. The energy density of ovaries, however, increased to a peak in December, and then declined. The increase in ovary size in the winter, therefore, resulted largely from an allocation of tissue of low energy density. Fecundity and gonad size were correlated with somatic and gonadal energy density. A bioenergetics model was used to describe the monthly allocations of energy to respiration, growth, excretion, and reproduction. Most direct reproductive costs (80%) were incurred from September to December, corresponding to the cycle in the activity of the liver. Energy acquired in the early summer may be critical for determining maturation, fecundity, and egg quality. From 1978 to 1990, <80% of the females from the western and west-central basins of Lake Erie were classed as spent in July.  相似文献   

于2009年5月—2010年5月,通过分组实验,研究了在大棚增温环境和围栏常温模拟林下环境条件下东北林蛙(Rana dybowskii)的生长发育情况。结果表明:与围栏常温模拟林下条件相比,大棚圈舍内平均气温、地温和湿度显著升高,有效积温增加;林蛙发育历期缩短,性成熟提前,二龄雌蛙性成熟比例增加,大棚圈舍的雌蛙的繁殖率为93.1%,围栏圈舍雌蛙的繁殖率为76.0%;在大棚中林蛙生长速度加快,饲养的一、二龄林蛙体重分别达到(6.30±2.62)g和(36.55±11.79)g,较围栏中体重提高了85.5%和56.6%;在大棚里林蛙出蛰时间、进食时间提前,停食时间、入蛰时间延后,生长期间延长,每窝平均产卵量增加,林蛙体重与产卵量呈显著的正相关(r=0.921,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

六斑平颜蚜蝇Eumerus seximaculatum Huo et Liu是一种对肉苁蓉造成毁灭性危害的蛀茎害虫,本研究旨在探索温度对六斑平颜蚜蝇生长发育及繁殖影响,为其预测预报和防治提供依据。在室内测定了六斑平颜蚜蝇在16、20、24、28和32±1℃ 5个恒温处理下各发育阶段的发育历期、存活率、繁殖力以及种群增长指数。结果表明,在16~32℃恒温范围内,六斑平颜蚜蝇均能完成整个世代,各虫态的发育历期随着温度升高逐渐缩短;而存活率、繁殖力、种群增长指数随着温度升高先增多后减少。28℃时世代存活率、每雌平均产卵量、预计下一代产虫数、种群趋势指数均最大,分别为66.67%、150.77粒、2 277.25头、34.68,说明28℃为六斑平颜蚜蝇种群增长的最适宜温度。  相似文献   

Yolk-sac fry of brown trout were exposed to three levels of single trace metals (Cu, 20,40,80 nmol 1-1; Pb, 12·5,25,50 nmol 1-1; Zn, 75,150,300 nmol 1-1) typical of concentrations reported for acid soft waters, in flowing, artificial, soft water media maintained at pH 4·5 and [Ca] of 20 or 200 μmol 1-1for 30 days.
Mortalities were high in fry subjected to all levels of the three trace metals at [Ca] 20 μmol 1-1, with 80% of the total deaths occurring between days 11 and 15 of the experiment. 25% mortality occurred at low [Ca] and pH 4·5 in the absence of trace metals, with only one death recorded at [Ca] 200 μmol1-1'(Cu, 80 nmol 1-1). At high [Ca] all three levels of Cu and Pb impaired net Na and K uptake; Cu was the only metal to reduce the uptake of Ca. The Zn treatments had no significant effect on mineral uptake. Calcification of centra was reduced by all three Cu treatments at [Ca] 200 μmol 1-1. The lowest Zn concentration (75 nmol 1-1) was the only other treatment to impair skeletal development. In the absence of trace metals, low [Ca] significantly reduced Ca, Na and K uptake, skeletal calcification and dry mass at pH 4·5.
The deleterious effects of low Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations at low pH and low [Ca], and the ameliorative effect of higher ambient [Ca], are discussed in relation to fishery status in soft, acid waters.  相似文献   

Piraino  S. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):229-234
The effects of variations in temperature, salinity and water movement on the laboratory growth and reproduction of a single clone of the bougainvilliid hydroid Clavopsella michaeli were examined. Unfavourable conditions resulted in reproducible oscillations of growth rate. They ranged from overall stimulatory effects (hormesis) to irreversible inhibition and shrinkage of colonies. Exposure to low concentrations (0.1–5 µg l–1) of copper and mercury ions produced similar responses, which were therefore regarded as non-specific. A control mechanism, dampening these growth rate oscillations, supported higher colonial tolerance, that is adaptation, to environmental stresses of low intensity. When the counteractive capacity of the control mechanism was exceeded, inhibition occurred. Higher frequencies of gonozooids were observed in stressed colonies and were interpreted as an adaptive response.  相似文献   

Diet, growth and reproduction of the Arctic charr in a high alpine lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Arctic charr of Muzelle lake, at 2105 m in the Oisans massif (French Alps) feed most actively, essentially on Chironomidae, during the 6 or 7 weeks following the melting of the ice. The period of maximum growth corresponds to the time when food availability is at its highest, and it does not overlap with the period of maximum temperatures. Males and females mature at age 3 years but only half of the females of age 3 years spawn each year. This ratio of spawning females is constant from 3 to 6 years, the latter being maximum age observed in this lake. Each female spawns only twice at the most during its lifetime.  相似文献   

有机物料对污染土壤上水稻生长和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用盆栽试验,研究了施用有机碳源、菜籽饼和猪粪对污染土壤上水稻生长和重金属吸收特性的影响.结果表明: 施用菜籽饼和猪粪均能缓解重金属对水稻的毒害作用,促进水稻生长,显著增加地上部生物量和籽粒产量,降低糙米中重金属浓度;而有机碳源抑制水稻生长.与施用化肥相比,施用菜籽饼和猪粪处理的水稻籽粒产量分别增加128.3%和67.9%;施用菜籽饼处理的糙米Cd、Cu和Zn浓度分别降低47.6%、35.2%和21.5%,施用猪粪处理分别降低9.5%、21.2%和9.3%.土壤中DTPA提取态重金属浓度与水稻地上部生物量和重金属积累总量呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of Cobitis paludica in a seasonal stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Iberian endemic loach Cobitis paludica , in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir River, 65–70% of the total growth in length occurred in the first year of life. The maximum ages observed were 3+ years in males and 4+ years in females. Both sexes matured at the beginning of their second year of life. There was a significant difference from 1: 1 in the overall sex ratio of 412 males to 674 females. Spawning began in late March and ended in July. Cobitis paludica is a multiple spawner that releases a minimum of two batches of eggs per female each year. Once spawning had started, however, there was no recruitment from the stock of transparent oocytes to the mature stock. The number of eggs decreased from the first batch to the second, but there was no significant difference in the mean egg diameter between batches. Compared with other populations of this species, the present population, from a low latitude, is characterized by a low number of age groups, fast growth, early maturity and high fecundity in multiple spawnings. These life-history characteristics are typical of species in unstable environments, where adult mortality is high, variable or unpredictable.  相似文献   

幼虫密度对马铃薯块茎蛾生长发育及繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
室内观察了块茎中不同虫口密度(5、10、15、20、25、30头/块茎)对马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaea operculella(Zeller)生长发育、后代发育和繁殖的影响。结果显示:幼虫密度显著影响马铃薯块茎蛾的生长发育及繁殖。对其生长发育影响的结果表明:幼虫的发育历期(7.1~9.1d)、蛹的历期(8.8~9.9d)、雌雄成虫的历期(分别为6.4~12.9d,6.7~11.6d)随幼虫密度的增加而延长;幼虫存活率(70.3%~93.3%)、蛹的羽化率(69.8%~91.7%)随幼虫密度的增加显著下降;单头蛹重(9.2~11.4mg)、单雌产卵量(136.8~166.0粒)、成虫的雌∶雄比(0.54~2.17)随幼虫密度的增加而下降。对其后代发育及繁殖的影响的结果表明:卵的发育历期(3.0~4.4d)、幼虫的发育历期(6.2~10.8d)、蛹的历期(8.1~10.0d)、雌雄成虫的历期(分别为7.4~11.8d,6.6~10.5d)、世代发育历期(24.4~36.1d)随幼虫密度的增加而从延长;卵的孵化率(73.1%~79.0%)、幼虫存活率(55.0%~96.8%)、蛹的羽化率(63.3%~93.3%)、世代的存活率(25.6%~71.5%)随虫口密度的增加而下降;单头蛹重(8.9~9.9mg)、单雌产卵量(93.5~155.6粒)、成虫的雌∶雄比(0.45~2.20)随虫口密度的增加而下降;种群趋势指数(I)(7.44~76.43)随幼虫密度的增加而下降。马铃薯块茎蛾的饲养密度建议以1头/13.0~26.0g块茎为宜。  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of the R. lemmingii population of the River Huebra, Duero basin are analysed. Females dominated older age classes and lived up to 6 years (5+) while males only reached 5 years (4+). The growing season extended from April to September; growth rates were similar for both sexes. 0+ fish condition increased during their first summer and spring. In older fish, condition cycle was related to gonad development and showed some differences between sexes. The number of females reaching maturity at age 1 + almost doubled that of males; females also matured at smaller size. Both fecundity and egg size increased with female length: mean egg counts varied between 974 for 1 + individuals and an estimated 10491 for 5+ fish. Eggs were produced as a single batch, but were released fractionally during April and May.  相似文献   

Joint effects of Cd and other heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn and As) on the growth and development of rice plants and the uptake of these heavy metals by rice were studied using the pot-culture method combined with chemical and statistical analyses. The results showed that the growth and development of rice plants were strongly influenced by the double-element combined pollution. There was an average decrease in the height of rice plants of 4.0–5.0 cm, and grain yield was decreased by 20.0–30.0%, compared with the control. The uptake of Cd by rice plants was promoted due to the interactions between Cd and the other heavy metals added to the soil. The Cd concentration in roots, stems/leaves and seeds increased 31.6–47.7, 16.7–61.5 and 19.6–78.6%, respectively. Due to interactions, uptake of Pb, Cu and Zn by roots and stems/leaves was inhibited, accumulation of Pb, Cu and Zn in seeds was increased, uptake of As by roots was promoted and uptake of As by stems/leaves was inhibited. In particular, the upward transporting ability of the heavy metals absorbed by rice plants was significantly increased.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to investigate the effects of 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 35°, 40° and 45°C on growth, sexual maturity, reproduction and survival of the freshwater planorbid snail, Gyraulus convexiusculus, vector of echinostomiasis, under laboratory conditions. The growth rate of juvenile and sexually mature snails was at minimum at 15°C and was maximum at 35°C. Sexual maturation time was minimum at 35°C and maximum at 20°C. Fecundity was minimum at 15°C and maximum at 35°C. The minimum average and maximum number of eggs per egg capsule was reached at 35°C and lowest at 15°C. 30°C was the optimum temperature for survival of juvenile snails, while sexually mature snails reached maximum survival time at 20°C.  相似文献   

为明确紫茎泽兰粗提物对草地贪夜蛾生长发育及繁殖的影响,在实验室条件下分别利用4个不同稀释浓度(20、15、10、5倍)的紫茎泽兰粗提物处理玉米叶片后喂养草地贪夜蛾初孵幼虫,记录各虫态的发育历期、存活率、重量、成虫寿命以及后代性比、F2代卵孵化率、F2代卵的发育历期。结果表明,随着紫茎泽兰粗提物浓度的升高,草地贪夜蛾各虫态的发育历期延长,5倍稀释液处理下蛹的发育历期最长,达20.27 d,10倍稀释液处理下幼虫的发育历期最长,为21.46 d;随着处理浓度的增加,各虫态的重量逐渐降低,且存活率呈下降趋势,其中粗提物对蛹存活率的影响最大,对1~3龄幼虫存活率的影响较小;随着处理浓度的升高成虫的寿命均缩短,且雌成虫寿命长于雄成虫;随着处理浓度的升高,草地贪夜蛾的产卵前期和F2代卵发育历期延长,产卵期缩短;单雌产卵量、后代性比和卵的孵化率降低。总的来说,紫茎泽兰粗提物对草地贪夜蛾的生长发育及繁殖均造成消极影响。5倍稀释液对草地贪夜蛾的生长发育及繁殖的影响最显著,可作为草地贪夜蛾防治研究中的重要植物源杀虫剂材料。  相似文献   

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