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Studied with the fluorochrome 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide [(DIOC6(3)], the dynamic system of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in epidermal cells of onion bulb scales consists of long, tubular strands moving together with organelles in the deeper cytoplasm, and of a less mobile network composed of tubular and lamellar elements at the cell periphery. Treatment with the sulfhydryl-reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) inhibited organelle and ER movement, and caused the fusion of ER-tubules into flat sheets. Fixed, long, tubular ER strands were formed by lowering the cytosolic pH of NEM-treated cells. Both these observations indicate the involvement of myosin in the dynamics of organelles and ER. Using a monoclonal antibody against murine skeletal muscle myosin (known to cross-react with plant myosin; Tang et al. 1989, J. Cell Sci. 92: 569–574), myosin was identified by immunofluorescence microscopy. Mapping the distribution of myosin, actin filaments, ER, and organelles in different phases of recovery after centrifugation of epidermal cells, co-localization of myosin with ER and organelles but not with actin filaments was observed, supporting the hypothesis that a membrane bound motor protein exists in onion epidermal cells, which translocates organelles and the endoplasmic reticulum along actin filaments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The osmotic behaviour of vacuolated plant cells (adaxial epidermal cells of Allium cepa bulb scales, and epidermal as well as chloroplast containing subepidermal stem base cells of Pisum sativum) was studied over a wide range of CaCl2 concentrations. The following results were obtained.
  • a. Allium cepa and Pisum sativum plant cells behave as an ideal osmometer as far as plasmolytic contraction of the protoplast is concerned.
  • b. The protoplasts of these cells could be plasmolysed to 15–45% of their original volume without the loss of membrane semi-permeability.
  • c. Cells plasmolysed in 1.0 kmol m?3 CaCl2 could be completely deplasmolysed and upon deplasmolysis the cells resumed protoplasmic streaming.
  • d. The above findings (a-c) indicate that during gradual plasmolysis and deplasmolysis membrane semi-permeability is maintained.
  • e. At very high plasmolysing concentrations vacuoles covered with the tonoplast separated from the rest of the protoplasm in some cells whereas others showed systrophy. Extruded vacuoles were able to respond to osmotic shrinkage.
  • f. The non-solvent space in Allium cells of about 3% also corresponded to the protoplasm volume calculated from the protoplast geometry (mean from results of direct measurement method and subtraction method).
  • g. Subepidermal stem base cells of water-stress-tolerant Pisum plants had a 75% greater non-solvent space than the control cells indicating that a water-stress-tolerant cell may contain a larger amount of protoplasm and/or a vacuole with a higher content of colloidal material in the vacuole.
  • h. Water-stress-tolerant cells showed greater tolerance to osmotic dehydration (volume reduction) than control cells.

A K Grover 《Cell calcium》1985,6(3):227-236
For several years it has been debated whether the Ca-pump in smooth muscle is located in the plasma membrane or in the endoplasmic reticulum (alias sarcoplasmic reticulum). Experimental evidence using skinned smooth muscle cells and subcellular membrane fractions isolated from a number of smooth muscles is reviewed here to hopefully resolve this issue. The inescapable conclusion is that there are two modes of nonmitochondrial ATP-dependent Ca-transport. The first one, unaffected by oxalate, is localized in the plasma membranes and the second, potentiated by oxalate, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Clear experiments to delineate the roles of the two pumps in the excitation-contraction cycle of the smooth muscle remain to be conducted.  相似文献   

Vegetable farmers of the El Rahad Scheme (a newly developed scheme situated between latitude 13°31′–14°25′ north and longitude 33°31–34°32′ east) used to extend irrigation frequency for onion production as they believed it would hamper and suppress thrips incidence. Thrips, T. tabaci, is the only major insect pest of onion in the El Rahad Scheme and the influence of irrigation intervals on the population density of the pest and on onion yield was not quantified. Irrigation is a factor in the development of crop pests and the levels of the pest population are related to the commencement of irrigation. The effect of irrigation frequency on the development of onion thrips and yield was investigated and the response was found to be a significant increase in the population density of the pests from February to March with shorter irrigation frequency. A steady increase of thrips population was noted from February and March and a sharp decline was recorded in April during both the 1992/93 and 1993/94 seasons. At wider irrigation intervals, levels of the pest population were significantly less from February to March during both seasons. Total bulb yield and average bulb weight were significantly higher at shorter irrigation frequencies when compared with extended frequencies. The same pattern of results existed throughout the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

Kartusch R 《Protoplasma》2003,220(3-4):219-225
Summary.  Metal ions induce the synthesis of callose in Allium cepa epidermal cells. Callose is deposited as single knoblike local accumulations, aggregates of knobs, or furrowed clusters tightly attached to the cell wall. The most effective metal is copper, it induces callose formation at micromolar concentrations. Agents acting on inositolphosphate metabolism, phospholipase inhibitors, calcium channel inhibitors, modulators of cytoplasmic calcium, or receptor antagonists influence callose synthesis. It is concluded that metal ions, especially Cu2+, initiate a signal transduction chain by activation of phospholipases and generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and that callose synthesis is a cellular defence reaction caused by the disturbance of intracellular calcium homeostasis. Received October 10, 2001; accepted September 16, 2002; published online March 11, 2003  相似文献   

Summary The cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of living onion inner epidermal cells has been studied by video-microscopy. We observed local movements of individual ER membranes, which cause transformations of the polygonal net. Membrane tubules glide along one another, causing transfiguration, reduction and decomposition of polygons. Membrane tubules and lamellae also extend from the existing net and thus increase the amount of ER. These movements occur in close correlation with organelle movements, suggesting a structural coalignment of the net with actin microfilaments (MFs). The membranes in the cortical cytoplasm are not distributed randomly but are tethered to certain domains; even when dislocated, they return to such anchoring points. This was not observed with ER reaching deeper into the cytoplasm. We therefore propose that close associations of ER and the plasma membrane (PM) stabilize the cortical ER and may stabilize coaligning MFs as well.Abbreviations AVEC-DIC Allen video-enhanced contrast-differential interference contrast - DiOC6 (3) 3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide - ER endoplasmic reticulum - MF microfilament - MT microtubules - PM plasma membrane Dedicated to the memory of Professor Oswald Kiermayer  相似文献   

The tissue-specific and developmental expression of histone 2A was studied in onion ( Allium cepa 'Robusta'), using northern blots. Histone 2A expression was enriched in basal tissues, particularly in the inner, meristematically active parts of bulbs. The expression was assessed during a time course of bulb development, dormancy onset and post-harvest sprouting in field-grown material. During bulb development histone 2A expression in the inner bulb declined rapidly during bulb ripening, reaching a minimum with the onset of dormancy. During post-harvest storage, expression increased slowly, reaching a peak in the spring, coinciding with the first observed sprout emergence. It was concluded that in onion, as in other plant systems, histone 2A expression is linked to cell division and dormancy level, the peak in expression during post-harvest storage indicating the time of dormancy breakage. In cultivars where post-harvest sprouting occurred much earlier or much later than in 'Robusta', this expression peak occurred at about the same time of year, regardless of sprouting time. It was concluded that differences in storage longevity between cultivars were not due to differing times of dormancy breakage. Factors controlling the rate of sprout emergence post-dormancy are likely to be major determinants of storage capacity.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Optimization of osmotic dehydration in different plant cells has been investigated through the variation of parameters such as the nature of the sugar used, the concentration of osmotic solutions and the processing time. In micro-organisms such as the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the exposure of a cell to a slow increase in osmotic pressure preserves cell viability after rehydration, while sudden dehydration involves a lower rate of cell viability, which could be due to membrane vesiculation. The aim of this work is to study cytoplasmic vesicle formation in onion epidermal cells (Allium cepa) as a function of the kinetics of osmotic pressure variation in the external medium.


Onion epidermal cells were submitted either to an osmotic shock or to a progressive osmotic shift from an osmotic pressure of 2 to 24 MPa to induce plasmolysis. After 30 min in the treatment solution, deplasmolysis was carried out. Cells were observed by microscopy during the whole cycle of dehydration–rehydration.

Key Results

The application of an osmotic shock to onion cells, from an initial osmotic pressure of 2 MPa to a final one of 24 MPa for <1 s, led to the formation of numerous exocytotic and osmocytic vesicles visualized through light and confocal microscopy. In contrast, after application of a progressive osmotic shift, from an initial osmotic pressure of 2 MPa to a final one of 24 MPa for 30 min, no vesicles were observed. Additionally, the absence of Hechtian strand connections led to the bursting of vesicles in the case of the osmotic shock.


It is concluded that the kinetics of osmotic dehydration strongly influence vesicle formation in onion cells, and that Hechtian strand connections between protoplasts and exocytotic vesicles are a prerequisite for successful deplasmolysis. These results suggest that a decrease in the area-to-volume ratio of a cell could cause cell death following an osmotic shock.  相似文献   

Summary ATP-dependent45Ca2+ uptake was investigated in purified plasma membranes from rat pancreatic acinar cells. Plasma membranes were purified by four subsequent precipitations with MgCl2 and characterized by marker enzyme distribution. When compared to the total homogenate, typical marker enzymes for the plasma membrane, (Na+,K+)-ATPase, basal adenylate cyclase and CCK-OP-stimulated adenylate cyclase were enriched by 43-fold, 44-fold, and 45-fold, respectively. The marker for the rough endoplasmic reticulum was decreased by fourfold compared to the total homogenate. Comparing plasma membranes with rough endoplasmic reticulum, Ca2+ uptake was maximal with 10 and 2 mol/liter free Ca2+, and half-maximal with 0.9 and 0.5 mol/liter free Ca2+. It was maximal at 3 and 0.2 mmol/liter free Mg2+ concentration, at an ATP concentration of 5 and 1 mmol/liter, respectively, and at pH 7 for both preparations. When Mg2+ was replaced by Mn2+ or Zn2+ ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake was 63 and 11%, respectively, in plasma membranes; in rough endoplasmic reticulum only Mn2+ could replace Mg2+ for Ca2+ uptake by 20%. Other divalent cations such as Ba2+ and Sr2+ could not replace Mg2+ in Ca2+ uptake. Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes was not enhanced by oxalate in contrast to Ca2+ uptake in rough endoplasmic reticulum which was stimulated by 7.3-fold. Both plasma membranes and rough endoplasmic reticulum showed cation and anion dependencies of Ca2+ uptake. The sequence was K+>Rb+>Na+>Li+>choline+ in plasma membranes and Rb+K+Na+>Li+>choline+ for rough endoplasmic reticulum. The anion sequence was ClBrI>SCN>NO 3 >isethionate >cyclamate>gluconate>SO 4 2– glutarate and Cl>Br>gluconate>SO 4 2– >NO 3 >I>cyclamateSCN, respectively. Ca2+ uptake into plasma membranes appeared to be electrogenic since it was stimulated by an inside-negative K+ and SCN diffusion potential and inhibited by an inside-positive diffusion potential. Ca2+ uptake into rough endoplasmic reticulum was not affected by diffusion potentials. We assume that the Ca2+ transport mechanism in plasma membranes as characterized in this study represents the extrusion system for Ca2+ from the cell that might be involved in the regulation of the cytosolic Ca2+ level.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial, endoplasmic reticular and plasma membrane fractions were isolated by a new method from control male Fischer 344 rats and rats given CCl4 by gavage. After 1 h of CCl4 treatment, rats were in glucose and pancreatic hormone balance but plasma levels of T3 and T4 were decreased 29 and 22%, respectively. After 24 hours of CCl4 treatment, rats were: hypoglycaemic and insulin and glucagon levels were increased 33- and 35-fold, respectively; total T4 levels were decreased 62%; while total T3 levels were normalized. In liver fractions from CCl4-treated rats, 1 h after CCl4 administration: (i) calcium binding was decreased 65% in the mitochondrial fraction, 66% in the endoplasmic reticular fraction and 46% in the plasma membrane fraction; (ii) calcium uptake was decreased 59% in the mitochondrial fraction, 46% in the endoplasmic reticular fraction and 37% in the plasma membrane fraction. After 24 h of CCl4 administration: (i) calcium binding was decreased 57% in the mitochondrial fraction, 50% in the endoplasmic reticular fraction and 71% in the plasma membrane fraction; (ii). calcium uptake was decreased 55% in the mitochondrial fraction, 17% in the endoplasmic reticular fraction and 53% in the plasma membrane fraction. In vitro studies indicated the plasma membrane calcium transport system to be rapidly (within a minute) and strongly (>90%) inhibited by CCl4. We conclude that CCl4 produces a differential inhibitory effect on the hepatocyte calcium pumps that are implicated with hepatocellular damage.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in reconstituting an exocytotically active egg cortex fraction by recombining purified cortical vesicles (CVs) with egg plasma membrane (PM). CVs were dislodged from a suspension of egg cortex by gentle homogenization in a dissociative buffer with a pH of 9.1, and purified by two rounds of differential centrifugation. Egg PM was prepared by shearing the cortical vesicles from a cortical lawn preparation with a jet of isotonic buffer. PM lawns produced by this procedure consist of an array of CV-free PM fragments attached via their extracellular surface to a polylysine coated glass slide. When a neutralized suspension of CVs was recombined with a PM lawn, CVs reassociated with the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane to form a reconstituted lawn (RL). RLs undergo a morphological change in response to Ca2+-containing buffers that is similar to the exocytotic release of CV contents from cortical lawns. In both reactions CV contents are vectorially transferred from the cytoplasmic to the extracytoplasmic face of the egg PM. A quantitative binding assay was developed and used to show that adherence of CVs to a heterologous PM lawn prepared from human red blood cells is minimal.  相似文献   

Trafficking of secretory proteins between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus depends on coat protein complexes I (COPI) and II (COPII) machineries. To date, full characterization of the distribution and dynamics of these machineries in plant cells remains elusive. Furthermore, except for a presumed linkage between COPI and COPII for the maintenance of ER protein export, the mechanisms by which COPI influences COPII-mediated protein transport from the ER in plant cells are largely uncharacterized. Here we dissect the dynamics of COPI in intact cells using live-cell imaging and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses to provide insights into the distribution of COPI and COPII machineries and the mechanisms by which COPI influences COPII-mediated protein export from the ER. We found that Arf1 and coatomer are dynamically associated with the Golgi apparatus and that the COPII coat proteins Sec24 and Sec23 localize at ER export sites that track with the Golgi apparatus in tobacco leaf epidermal cells. Arf1 is also localized at additional structures that originate from the Golgi apparatus but that lack coatomer, supporting the model that Arf1 also has a coatomer-independent role for post-Golgi protein transport in plants. When ER to Golgi protein transport is inhibited by mutations that hamper Arf1-GTPase activity without directly disrupting the COPII machinery for ER protein export, Golgi markers are localized in the ER and the punctate distribution of Sec24 and Sec23 at the ER export sites is lost. These findings suggest that Golgi membrane protein distribution is maintained by the balanced action of COPI and COPII systems, and that Arf1-coatomer is most likely indirectly required for forward trafficking out of the ER due to its role in recycling components that are essential for differentiation of the ER export domains formed by the Sar1-COPII system.  相似文献   

Maize plasma membrane aquaporins (ZmPIPs, where PIP is the plasma membrane intrinsic protein) fall into two groups, ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s, which, when expressed alone in mesophyll protoplasts, are found in different subcellular locations. Whereas ZmPIP1s are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ZmPIP2s are found in the plasma membrane (PM). We previously showed that, when co-expressed with ZmPIP2s, ZmPIP1s are relocalized to the PM, and that this relocalization results from the formation of hetero-oligomers between ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s. To determine the domains responsible for the ER retention and PM localization, respectively, of ZmPIP1s and ZmPIP2s, truncated and mutated ZmPIPs were generated, together with chimeric proteins created by swapping the N- or C-terminal regions of ZmPIP2s and ZmPIP1s. These mutated proteins were fused to the mYFP and/or mCFP, and the fusion proteins were expressed in maize mesophyll protoplasts, and were then localized by microscopy. This allowed us to identify a diacidic motif, DIE (Asp-Ile-Glu), at position 4–6 of the N-terminus of ZmPIP2;5, that is essential for ER export. This motif was conserved and functional in ZmPIP2;4, but was absent in ZmPIP2;1. In addition, we showed that the N-terminus of ZmPIP2;5 was not sufficient to cause the export of ZmPIP1;2 from the ER. A study of ZmPIP1;2 mutants suggested that the N- and C-termini of this protein are probably not involved in ER retention. Together, these results show that the trafficking of maize PM aquaporins is differentially regulated depending on the isoform, and involves a specific signal and mechanism.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the mechanism by which Sop4, a novel ER membrane protein, regulates quality control and intracellular transport of Pma1–7, a mutant plasma membrane ATPase. At the restrictive temperature, newly synthesized Pma1–7 is targeted for vacuolar degradation instead of being correctly delivered to the cell surface. Loss of Sop4 at least partially corrects vacuolar mislocalization, allowing Pma1–7 routing to the plasma membrane. Ste2–3 is a mutant pheromone receptor which, like Pma1–7, is defective in targeting to the cell surface, resulting in a mating defect. sop4Δ suppresses the mating defect of ste2–3 cells as well as the growth defect of pma1–7 . Visualization of newly synthesized Pma1–7 in sop4Δ cells by indirect immunofluorescence reveals delayed export from the ER. Similarly, ER export of wild-type Pma1 is delayed in the absence of Sop4 although intracellular transport of Gas1 and CPY is unaffected. These observations suggest a model in which a selective increase in ER residence time for Pma1–7 may allow it to achieve a more favorable conformation for subsequent delivery to the plasma membrane. In support of this model, newly synthesized Pma1–7 is also routed to the plasma membrane upon release from a general block of ER-to-Golgi transport in sec13–1 cells.  相似文献   

STARD4, a member of the evolutionarily conserved START gene family, has been implicated in the nonvesicular intracellular transport of cholesterol. However, the direction of transport and the membranes with which this protein interacts are not clear. We present studies of STARD4 function using small hairpin RNA knockdown technology to reduce STARD4 expression in HepG2 cells. In a cholesterol-poor environment, we found that a reduction in STARD4 expression leads to retention of cholesterol at the plasma membrane, reduction of endoplasmic reticulum-associated cholesterol, and decreased ACAT synthesized cholesteryl esters. Furthermore, D4 KD cells exhibited a reduced rate of sterol transport to the endocytic recycling compartment after cholesterol repletion. Although these cells displayed normal endocytic trafficking in cholesterol-poor and replete conditions, cell surface low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) levels were increased and decreased, respectively. We also observed a decrease in NPC1 protein expression, suggesting the induction of compensatory pathways to maintain cholesterol balance. These data indicate a role for STARD4 in nonvesicular transport of cholesterol from the plasma membrane and the endocytic recycling compartment to the endoplasmic reticulum and perhaps other intracellular compartments as well.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes were isolated from defibrinated blood by Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation with erythrocyte hypotonic lysis. Homogenates of mixed lymphocytes were subjected to analytical subcellular fractionation by sucrose gradient centrifugation in a Beaufay automatic zonal rotor. The principal organelles were characterized by their marker enzymes: cytosol (lactate dehydrogenase), plasma membrane (5′-nucleotidase), endoplasmic reticulum (neutral α-glucosidase), mitochondria (malate dehydrogenase), lysosomes (N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase), peroxisomes (catalase). γ-Glutamyl transferase was exclusively localized to the plasma membrane. Leucine amino-peptidase, especially when assayed in the presence of Co2+, was also partially localized to the plasma membrane. Experiments with diazotized sulphanilic acid, a non-permeant enzyme inhibitor, showed that these plasma membrane enzymes are present on the cell surface. No detectable alkaline phosphatase was found in the lymphocytes. Acid phosphatase and β-glucuronidase were localized to lysosomes and there was some evidence for lysosomal heterogeneity. Leucine amino peptidase, optimal at pH 8.0, showed a partial localization to intracellular vesicles, possibly lysosomes, especially when assayed in the presence of EDTA. These studies provide a technique for determining the intracellular distribution of hitherto unassigned lymphocyte constituents and serve as a basis for investigating the cell pathology of lymphocytic disorders.  相似文献   

Summary The transport of [3H] 1,l 5-formyltetrahydrofolate, [3H] folic acid, and [3H]methotrexate by L1210 cell plasma membrane vesicles exhibited multicompartmental behavior. Two separate vesicular compartments (parallel relationship) of approximately equal volume were revealed during measurements of influx and efflux. Flux in one compartment was rapid, saturable, highly temperature-sensitive, and inhibited by pCMBS. Flux in the other compartment exhibited all of the characteristics of passive diffusion. These results imply that our plasma membrane vesicle preparations consist of a mixture of two functional species. Transport of folate into one of these species occurs by passive diffusion alone, whereas transport into the other kind of vesicle occurs by both passive diffusion and carrier-facilitated transport.  相似文献   

Evidence from multiple laboratories has implicated Ssy1, a nontransporting amino acid permease, as the receptor component of the yeast plasma membrane (PM)‐localized SPS (Ssy1‐Ptr3‐Ssy5)‐sensor. Upon binding external amino acids, Ssy1 is thought to initiate signaling events leading to the induction of amino acid permease gene expression. In striking contrast, Kralt et al (2015) (Traffic 16 :135‐147) have questioned the role of Ssy1 in amino acid sensing and reported that Ssy1 is a component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where it reportedly participates in the formation of ER‐PM junctions. Here, we have re‐examined the intracellular location of Ssy1 and tested the role of ER‐PM junctions in SPS sensor signaling. We show that the C‐terminal of Ssy1 carries a functional ER‐export motif required for proper localization of Ssy1 to the PM. Furthermore, ER‐PM junctions are dispensable for PM‐localization and function of Ssy1; Ssy1 localizes to the PM in a Δtether strain lacking ER‐PM junctions (ist2Δ scs2Δ scs22Δ tcb1Δ tcb2Δ tcb3Δ), and this strain retains the ability to initiate signals induced by extracellular amino acids. The data demonstrate that Ssy1 functions as the primary amino acid receptor and that it carries out this function at the PM.  相似文献   

T. Kagawa  A. Kadota  M. Wada 《Protoplasma》1992,170(3-4):186-190
Summary The junction between the plasma membrane and the cell wall in the subapical region of tip-growing protonemata of the fernAdiantum capillus-veneris was visualized by plasmolyzing the cells with a 1 M solution of NaCl. When the protonemata were treated with this solution, cells were rapidly plasmolyzed and the plasma membrane became detached from the cell wall around the entire periphery of the cell, with the exception of the subapex. In the subapical region, the connection between the cell wall and the plasma membrane remained undisturbed, whereas the membrane in other regions, as well as at the apex, was detached from the cell wall. As a result, the protoplasm appeared to adhere to the wall by a ringlike band of plasma membrane at the subapex. The location of the junction coincided with that of a circular array of microtubules (MTs) and microfilaments (MFs) at the cell cortex. The subapical junction disappeared when protonemata were treated with colchicine, cytochalasin B (CB), and blue-light irradiation, all of which are known to disrupt circular arrays of MTs. CB and blue light also disrupt the array of MFs but colchicine does not. Thus, the junction depends on the cortical MTs and not on the MFs. This finding indicates that the junction between the plasma membrane and the cell wall is sustained by a cortical array of MTs and suggests the presence of a specific and localized transmembrane structure.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - MF microfilament - MT microtubule  相似文献   

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