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Production of multiple forms of glucoamylase in Aspergillus awamori   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biosynthesis of glucoamylases in Aspergillus awamori was studied by in vivo protein labelling and analysis of glucoamylase-specific mRNAs. Two types of glucoamylases with molecular weights of 100,000 and 82,000 were shown to be synthesized de novo. Deglycosylation of the 100,000 molecular weight glucoamylase type resulted in the formation of another glucoamylase form with molecular weight of about 94,000. De novo synthesis of two types of glucoamylases was further confirmed by the existence of two types of glucoamylase-specific mRNAs, as demonstrated by in vitro translation and Northern blot analysis studies.  相似文献   

Abstract The secreted yield of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger was increased 10–20-fold by constructing a novel gene fusion. The cDNA sequence encoding mature HEWL was fused in frame to part of the native A. niger gene encoding glucoamylase ( gla A), separated by a proteolytic cleavage site for in vivo processing. Using this construct, peak secreted HEWL yields of 1 g/l were obtained in A. niger shake flask cultures compared to about 50 mg/l when using an expression cassette lacking any gla A coding sequence. The portion of gla A used in the gene fusion encoded the first 498 amino acids of glucoamylase (G498) and comprised its secretion signal, the catalytic domain and most of the O-glycosylated linker region which, in the entire glucoamylase molecule, spatially separates and links the catalytic and starch-binding domains.  相似文献   

The applicability of crosslinking an enzyme to an oxidized polysaccharide by reductive alkylation to enhance thermostability has been investigated for glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger. Direct covalent coupling of the enzyme to periodate-oxidized dextran in the presence of NaBH(3)CN results in a conjugate which has thermal properties similar to those of the native enzyme. Our working hypothesis postulates that enhancement of thermostability will result from rigidification of the protein's conformation subsequent to the formation of multiple covalent bonds between the protein and the support. On the basis of the known characteristics of glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger, it would seem necessary to introduce additional amino groups in the polypeptide chain of the protein. The incorporation of new amino groups was performed in two phases. First, the glycosidic part of glucoamylase was oxidized by periodate and the resulting aldehyde groups were reductively aminated by a diaminoalkane and NaBH(3)CIM. Secondly, additional amino groups were introduced on carboxyl functions into the previously aminated glucoamylase by a diaminoalkane and a water-soluble carbodiimide in the presence of maltose to protect the active site. The final derivative was then coupled to periodate-oxidized dextran T-70 in the presence of NaBH(3)CN. Starting with native glucoamylase, three successive operations give rise to a conjugate which retained 27% of the initial activity when measured with soluble starch and 39% when measured with maltopentaose. Using substrates of various sizes, it was observed that steric hindrance at the active site may result from covalent coupling to dextran T-70. It was demonstrated in heat inactivation experiments that the thermostability of the conjugate was in all cases superior to that of the native enzymes. Finally, it was observed that the operational stability of the conjugate was at least twice that of native glucoamylase at 70 degrees C on 18% maltodextrin. Additional experiments rule out the possibility that thermosta-bilization of the complex is due to other reasons than the increase in the amino content of the protein prior to crosslinking. Neither chemical modification, reticulation nor change in the net charge of the protein resulted in a derivative of glucoamylase which presented enhanced thermostability after conjugation. We conclude that for enzymes which have a low content of available amino groups, the thermostabilization method proposed previously by the present authors may still be applicable if additional amino groups are introduced into the protein prior to its crosslinking to an oxidized polysaccharide. This new example reinforces the generality of this method of stabilization.  相似文献   

Catalytic activity and stability of glucoamylases immobilized by different methods (adsorption, covalent binding) are studied comparatively. The highest stability is shown to be obtained under covalent binding. The binding efficiency and immobilized glucoamylase properties depend on the nature of insoluble carrier and a purification degree of the enzyme preparations. The choice of the cross-linking agent promoting a binding between the enzyme and the carrier is very significant. The activity and stability of immobilized glucoamylases obtained when using different cross-linking agents rise in such a sequence: 2,4-toluylenediisocyanate, cyanurochloride, glutaric dialdehyde, gossypol. Catalytic properties and stability are determined for soluble and immobilized glucoamylase forms from different sources.  相似文献   

A comparative structure–function study was performed to establish possible roles of carbohydrates in stabilization of glycoproteins, using glucoamylase (GA) as a model system. In addition to kinetic properties, stability toward elevated temperatures, extremes of pH, high salt concentrations together with circular dichroism, intrinsic/extrinsic fluorescence studies, proteolysis and affinity for interaction with hydrophobic ligands were investigated. Related to all the main properties examined, with one exception, glycosylation provided improvement in functional characteristics of the enzyme, especially in relation to its thermostability. Results are explained in terms of provision of stabilizing intermolecular interactions by the sugar molecules. The improvement in protein rigidity together with reduction of surface hydrophobicity appear to be especially important in relation to prevention of aggregation, an important mechanism of irreversible thermoinactivation, occurring at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

Five mutant forms of glucoamylase (GA) from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus awamori with artificial disulfide bonds (4D-G137A\A14C, 6D-A14C\Y419C\G137A, 10D-V13C\G396C, 11D-V13C\G396C\A14C\Y419C\G137A, and 20D-G137A\A246C\A14C) were constructed using molecular modeling simulations and experimentally tested for thermostability. The introduction of two additional disulfide bonds between its first and thirteenth α-helices and that of the loop located close to a catalytic residue—E400—made it possible to assess the effects of disulfide bridges on protein thermostability. The mutant proteins with combined amino acid substitutions G137A\A14C, V13C\G396C\A14C\Y419C\G137A, and G137A\A246C\A14C showed higher thermal stability as compared to the wild-type protein. At the same time, new disulfide bridges in the mutant A14C\Y419C\G137A and V13C\G396C proteins led to the destabilization of their structure and the loss of thermal stability.  相似文献   

When grown on a medium containing 5 g maltodextrin L-1, Aspergillus niger transformant N402[pAB6-10]B1, which has an additional 20 copies of the glucoamylase (glaA) gene, produced 320 +/- 8 mg (mean +/- S.E.) glucoamylase (GAM) L-1 in batch culture and 373 +/- 9 mg GAM L-1 in maltodextrin-limited chemostat culture at a dilution rate of 0.13 h-1. These values correspond to specific production rates (qp) of 5.6 and 16.0 mg GAM [g biomass]-1 h-1, respectively. In maltodextrin-limited chemostat cultures grown at dilution rates from 0.06 to 0.14 h-1, GAM was produced by B1 in a growth-correlated manner, demonstrating that a continuous flow culture system operated at a high dilution rate is an efficient way of producing this enzyme. In chemostat cultures grown at high dilution rates, GAM production in chemostat cultures was repressed when the limiting nutrient was fructose or xylose, but derepressed when the limiting nutrient was glucose (qp, 12.0), potassium (6.2), ammonium (4.1), phosphate (2.0), magnesium (1.5) or sulphate (0.9). For chemostat cultures grown at a dilution rate of 0.13 h-1, the addition of 5 g mycopeptone L-1 to a glucose-mineral salts medium resulted in a 64% increase in GAM concentration (from 303 +/- 12 to 496 +/- 10 mg GAM L-1) and a 37% increase in specific production rate (from 12.0 +/- 0.4 to 16.4 +/- 1.6 mg GAM [g biomass]-1 h-1). However, although recombinant protein production was stable for at least 948 h (191 generations) when A. niger B1 was grown in chemostat culture on glucose-mineral salts medium, it was stable for less than 136 h (27 generations) on medium containing mycopeptone. The predominant morphological mutants occurring after prolonged chemostat culture were shown to have selective advantage in the chemostat over the parental strain. Compared to their parental strains, two morphological mutants had similar GAM production levels, while a third had a reduced production level. Growth tests and molecular analysis revealed that the number of glaA gene copies in this latter strain (B1-M) was reduced, which could explain its reduced GAM production. Shake-flask cultures carried out with the various morphological mutants revealed that in batch culture all three strains produced considerably less GAM than their parent strains and even less than N402. We show that physiological changes in these morphological mutants contribute to this decreased level of GAM production.  相似文献   

Characteristics of glucoamylase from Aspergillus terreus   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Glucose was the only product of starch hydrolysis liberated by glucoamylase. The enzyme was a glycoprotein with an isoelectric point at pH 3·4 and was optimally active at pH 4·0 and 60°C. It was remarkably stable over a wide range of pH and at elevated temperatures. Divalent Mg2+'and Ca2+ slightly stimulated glucoamylase activity. The enzyme exhibited specificity for substrates containing α(1 → 4) glucosidic linkages and the Km for starch hydrolysis was 4·0 g/l.  相似文献   

Glucoamylase was produced extracellularly by fermentation of strain Aspergillus awamori, which had been genetically modified to have high-level glucoamylase activity. Initial experiments showed that the enzyme deactivated quickly, with a half-life of less than 6 days even stored at 5°C. A possible reason for the rapid deactivation was the presence of proteases, attacking and degrading the glucoamylase. Therefore a liquid protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma, USA) was selected and applied to enhance the stability of the enzyme. The activity of the enzyme (stored at 5°C) measured by the Schoorl-method with starch as substrate showed that the cocktail was effective with the enzyme maintaining 95% of its initial storage activity for almost one year. The enzyme preparation has been used for starch hydrolysis in a flat-sheet membrane bioreactor at 60°C to manufacture glucose solution and its operation stability extended by using the cocktail.  相似文献   

Glucoamylase was produced extracellularly by fermentation of strain Aspergillus awamori, which had been genetically modified to have high-level glucoamylase activity. Initial experiments showed that the enzyme deactivated quickly, with a half-life of less than 6 days even stored at 5°C. A possible reason for the rapid deactivation was the presence of proteases, attacking and degrading the glucoamylase. Therefore a liquid protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma, USA) was selected and applied to enhance the stability of the enzyme. The activity of the enzyme (stored at 5°C) measured by the Schoorl-method with starch as substrate showed that the cocktail was effective with the enzyme maintaining 95% of its initial storage activity for almost one year. The enzyme preparation has been used for starch hydrolysis in a flat-sheet membrane bioreactor at 60°C to manufacture glucose solution and its operation stability extended by using the cocktail.  相似文献   

Glucosyltransferase-I (GTF-I: 175 kDa) of a cariogenic bacterium, Streptococcus sobrinus 6715, mediates the conversion of water-soluble dextran (alpha-1,6-glucan) into a water-insoluble form by making numerous alpha-1,3-glucan branches along the dextran chains with sucrose as the glucosyl donor. The structures and catalytic properties were compared for two GTF-I fragments, GTF-I' (138 kDa) and GS (110 kDa). Both lack the N-terminal 84 residues of GTF-I. While GTF-I' still contains four of the six C-terminal repeats characteristic of streptococcal glucosyltransferases, GS lacks all of them. Electron microscopy of negatively stained samples indicated a double-domain structure for GTF-I', consisting of a spherical head with a smaller spherical tail, which was occasionally seen as a long extension. GS was seen just as the head portion of GTF-I'. In the absence of dextran, both fragments simply hydrolyzed sucrose with similar K(m) and k(cat) values at low concentrations (<5 mM). At higher sucrose concentrations (>10 mM), however, GTF-I' exhibited glucosyl transfer activity to form insoluble alpha-1, 3-glucans. So did GS, but less efficiently. Dextran increased the rate and efficiency of the glucosyl transfer by GTF-I'. On removal of the C-terminal repeats of GTF-I' by mild trypsin treatment, this dextran-stimulated transfer was completely lost and the dextran-independent transfer became less efficient. These results indicate that the N-terminal two-thirds of the GTF-I sequence are organized as a structurally and functionally independent domain to catalyze not only sucrose hydrolysis but also glucosyl transfer to form alpha-1,3-glucan chains, although not efficiently; the C-terminal repeat increases the efficiency of the intrinsic glucosyl transfer by the N-terminal domain as well as rendering the whole molecule primer-dependent for far more efficient insoluble glucan synthesis.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic effects of the disulfide bond of the fragment protein of the starch-binding domain of Aspergillus niger glucoamylase was investigated by measuring the thermal unfolding of the wild-type protein and its two mutant forms, Cys3Gly/Cys98Gly and Cys3Ser/Cys98Ser. The circular dichroism spectra and the thermodynamic parameters of binding with beta-cyclodextrin at 25 degrees C suggested that the native structures of the three proteins are essentially the same. Differential scanning calorimetry of the thermal unfolding of the proteins showed that the unfolding temperature t1/2 of the two mutant proteins decreased by about 10 degrees C as compared to the wild-type protein at pH 7.0. At t1/2 of the wild-type protein (52.7 degrees C), the mutant proteins destabilized by about 10 kJ mol(-1) in terms of the Gibbs energy change. It was found that the mutant proteins were quite stabilized in terms of enthalpy, but that a higher entropy change overwhelmed the enthalpic effect, resulting in destabilization.  相似文献   

产糖化酶黑曲霉固定化方法比较的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用海藻酸钙凝胶电埋法、以沸石、多孔聚酯等材料为固定化载体的吸附法固定黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger AS3.4309)菌丝细胞,以游离菌丝体作为对照,进行发酵产糖化酶的比较,结果表明:以聚酯泡沫作为固定化载体吸附固定化菌丝细胞产糖化酶活力最高。在产糖化酶的发酵过程中,与游离菌丝体细胞相比,固定化黑曲霉持续产酶时间有一定程度的延长。  相似文献   

1. In order to elucidate the structure-function relation of a glucoamylase [EC, alpha-D-(1 leads to 4) glucan glucohydrolase] from Aspergillus saitoi (Gluc M1), the reaction of Gluc M1 with NBS was studied. 2. The tryptophan residues in Glu M1 were oxidized at various NBS/Gluc M1 ratios. The enzymatic activity decreased to about 80% of that of the native Gluc M1 with the oxidation of the first 2 tryptophan residues. The oxidation of these 2 tryptophan residues occurred within 0.2-0.5 s. On further oxidation of ca. 4-5 more tryptophan residues of Glu M1, the enzymatic activity of Gluc M1 decreased to almost zero (NBS/Gluc M1 = 20). Thus, the most essential tryptophan residue(s) is amongst these 4-5 tryptophan residues. 3. 7.5 tryptophan residues were found to be eventually oxidized with increasing concentrations of NBS up to NBS/Gluc M1 = 50. This value is comparable to the number of tryptophan residues which are located on the surface of the enzyme as judged from the solvent perturbation difference spectrum with ethylene glycol as perturbant. 4. In the presence of 10% soluble starch, about 5 tryptophan residues in Gluc M1 were oxidized at an NBS/Gluc M1 ratio of 20. The remaining activity of Glu M1 at this stage of oxidation was about 76%. On further oxidation, after removal of soluble starch, the enzymatic activity decreased to zero with the concomitant oxidation of 2 tryptophan residues. The results indicated that the essential tryptophan residue(s) is amongst these 2 tryptophans. 5. The UV difference spectrum induced by addition of maltose and maltitol to Gluc M1 showed 4 troughs at 281, 289, 297, and 303 nm. The latter 3 troughs were probably due to tryptophan residues of Gluc M1 and decreased with NBS oxidation.  相似文献   

It was found that Aspergillus awamori strians suitable for glucoamylase biosynthesis in liquid (LSF) or solid medium (SSF) differ in the shape and size of conidial heads, shape and colour of conidia as well as in the structure and shape of hyphae.  相似文献   

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