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Marine raphidophytes are common red tide organisms that are distributed worldwide. They are known to be harmful to other plankton and fish and have often caused large-scale fish mortality in many countries. Thus, the population dynamics of raphidophytes is a critical concern for scientists, the aquaculture industry, and government officers from many countries. Raphidophyte growth and mortality should be investigated to understand bloom dynamics. Raphidophytes were thought to be exclusively autotrophic organisms. However, several recent studies have revealed that raphidophytes are able to feed on heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria, i.e. raphidophytes are mixotrophic algae. Further, high-resolution video microscopy has revealed the mechanism by which raphidophytes feed on bacteria, which involves capturing prey cells in the mucus excreted by mucocysts and engulfing the cells through mucocysts. These discoveries may influence the conventional view on both raphidophyte bloom dynamics and plankton energy flow and carbon cycling. In the present study, I review prey, feeding mechanisms, and ingestion rates of mixotrophic marine raphidophytes. In addition, I examine the ecological significance of raphidophyte mixotrophy.  相似文献   

Mixotrophy, used herein for the combination of phototrophy and phagotrophy, is widespread among dinoflagellates. It occurs among most, perhaps all, of the extant orders, including the Prorocentrales, Dinophysiales. Gymnodiniales, Noctilucales, Gonyaulacales, Peridiniales, Blastodiniales. Phytodiniales, and Dinamoebales. Many cases of mixotrophy among dinoflagellates are probably undocumented. Primarily photosynthetic dinoflagellates with their “own” plastids can often supplement their nutrition by preying on other cells. Some primarily phagotrophic species are photosynthetic due to the presence of kleptochloroplasts or algal endosymbionts. Some parasitic dinoflagellates have plastids and are probably mixotrophic. For most mixotrophic dinoflagellates, the relative importance of photosynthesis, uptake of dissolved inorganic nutrients, and feeding are unknown. However, it is apparent that mixotrophy has different functions in different physiological types of dinoflagellates. Data on the simultaneous regulation of photosynthesis, assimilation of dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients, and phagotophy by environmental parameters (irradiance. availablity of dissolved nutrients, availability of prey) and by life history events are needed in order to understand the diverse roles of mixotrophy in dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Thecadinium kofoidii is a marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellate that sometimes forms dense blooms. This species was previously thought to be an exclusively autotrophic dinoflagellate, and its mixotrophic ability has not been explored yet. By investigating its ecophysiology, its trophic mode should be revealed. We explored the mixotrophic ability of T. kofoidii by examining its protoplasm under light and transmission electron microscopes with diverse algal prey species. Furthermore, the feeding mechanism of T. kofoidii and prey species on which it feeds were investigated. In addition, the growth and ingestion rates of T. kofoidii as a function of prey concentration were determined when feeding on the benthic cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina. Thecadinium kofoidii was able to feed on R. salina and the dinoflagellate Symbiodinium voratum, which had equivalent spherical diameters (ESDs) ≤ 10.1?µm, while it did not feed on the benthic dinoflagellates Levanderina fissa, Prorocentrum concavum or Ostreopsis cf. ovata, which had ESDs ≥ 15?µm. Thecadinium kofoidii fed on the edible prey cells using the peduncle. The maximum ingestion rate of T. kofoidii on R. salina was 1.3 cells predator?1 d?1. However, feeding on R. salina did not significantly increase the growth rate of T. kofoidii. The low ingestion rate of T. kofoidii on R. salina may have partially resulted in the lack of significant increase in its growth rate due to mixotrophy. The present study discovered predator–prey relationships between T. kofoidii and R. salina and S. voratum, which may change our view of the energy flow and carbon cycling in marine benthic food webs.  相似文献   

Prorocentrum minimum is a neritic dinoflagellate that forms seasonal blooms and red tides in estuarine ecosystems. While known to be mixotrophic, previous attempts to document feeding on algal prey have yielded low grazing rates. In this study, growth and ingestion rates of P. minimum were measured as a function of nitrogen (‐N) and phosphorous (‐P) starvation. A P. minimum isolate from Chesapeake Bay was found to ingest cryptophyte prey when in stationary phase and when starved of N or P. Prorocentrum minimum ingested two strains of Teleaulax amphioxeia at higher rates than six other cryptophyte species. In all cases ‐P treatments resulted in the highest grazing. Ingestion rates of ‐P cells on T. amphioxeia saturated at ~5 prey per predator per day, while ingestion by ‐N cells saturated at 1 prey per predator per day. In the presence of prey, ‐P treated cells reached a maximum mixotrophic growth rate (μmax) of 0.5 d?1, while ‐N cells had a μmax of 0.18 d?1. Calculations of ingested C, N, and P due to feeding on T. amphioxeia revealed that phagotrophy can be an important source of all three elements. While P. minimum is a proficient phototroph, inducible phagotrophy is an important nutritional source for this dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

Mixotrophy in planktonic protists: an overview   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1. An overview is provided of the role of mixotrophic protists in plankton communities. Consideration of the importance of phagotrophy in the evolution of photosynthetic eucaryotes suggests that mixotrophy as a nutritional strategy can arise rather readily.
2. Mixotrophic protists actually present a spectrum of nutritional strategies. However, recognition of distinct groups of mixotrophs based on nutritional behaviour facilitates consideration of their functional role and of competitive interactions with other types of planktonic protists.
3. Consideration of the costs and benefits of mixotrophy as a nutritional strategy allows the development of several empirical predictions about the probable outcome of resource competition between mixotrophs and obligate phototrophs or phagotrophs. Existing results from laboratory and field experiments allow some of these predictions to be evaluated.
4. These results indicate that, under specified conditions, mixotrophs should represent an important link in the flux of materials through planktonic food webs. However, quantifying these fluxes remains a challenge for the future.  相似文献   

Cropp  Roger  Norbury  John 《Theoretical Ecology》2015,8(2):245-260
Theoretical Ecology - The classical separate treatments of competition and predation and difficulties in providing a sensible theoretical basis for mutualism attest to the inability of traditional...  相似文献   

Mixotrophy is the ability to combine autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition. It is widely spread in a variety of microorganisms including such important plankton groups as dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria. In marine ecosystems, mixotrophy complicates our concept of the flow of materials and energy and therefore has been thoroughly studied for recent decades. Nevertheless, the exact data on the auto/heterotrophy balance during mixotrophic growth are still lacking, mainly due to insufficient knowledge of physiological and molecular grounds of this phenomenon. In this review, we address the ecological and cytophysiological aspects of the problem of mixotrophy in microorganisms as well as discuss possible causes of the relatively slow progress in this field.  相似文献   

Cell suspensions of H2/CO2-grown Sporomusa termitida catalyzed an H2-supported synthesis of acetate from CO2 at rates of about 1 mol acetate x h-1 x mg protein-1. Cells pre-grown on methanol, mannitol, lactate, or glycine also displayed H2-supported acetogenesis from CO2, although at rates 5–85% that of H2/CO2-grown cells. With methanol-grown cell suspensions: the presence of methanol greatly stimulated the rate of H2-supported conversion of 14CO2 to 14C-acetate (which became labeled mainly in the COOH-group); and like-wise the presence of H2 stimulated the conversion of 14CH3OH+CO2 to 14C-acetate (which became labeled mainlyan the CH3-group). Analogous stimulatory effects were observed for cell suspensions pre-grown on methanol + CO2+H2. Furthermore, when H2 (+CO2) was included as a growth substrate with either methanol or lactate: both substrates were used simultaneously; there was no diauxie in the growth of cells or in acetate production; and the molar growth yield of S. termitida was close to that predicted from summation of the yields observed when grown with each substrate alone. These data indicated that S. termitida can grow by mixotrophy, i.e. by the simultaneous use of H2/CO2 and organic compounds for energy. Results are discussed in light of the ability of H2/CO2 acetogens to outprocess methanogens in H2 consumption in the hindgut fermentation of wood-feeding termites.  相似文献   

Ciliates are frequently colonized by other micro-organisms. The large size of ciliate cells offers habitats for hundreds to thousands of bacteria in different compartments, such as cytoplasm, nuclei and even perinuclear spaces. Size, phagocytic feeding habit and other features appear to be favorable pre-adaptations of ciliates for symbiosis with bacteria. Certain intracellular bacteria are permanent symbionts that are not infectious, whereas others are highly infectious. Both types show specific adaptations. With their wide spectrum of phylogenetic positions, intracellular bacteria in ciliates show relationships to different taxa of free-living bacteria and even archaea. Certain symbionts may be deleterious for their host ciliates, whereas others may provide a selective advantage under appropriate conditions or even be essential for the host cells. Depending on the nature of a symbiont, its prevalence in a host population may be low or high. Symbionts that express a killer toxin affecting non-infected ciliates achieve high infection rates in a host population. whereas certain infectious bacteria may only show a low prevalence.  相似文献   

1. Toxic compounds produced by many phytoplankton taxa are known to have negative effects on competitors (allelopathy), anti‐predatory effects on grazers (mortality or impaired reproduction) or both. Although mixotrophs of the genus Ochromonas are known to be toxic to zooplankton, it has often been assumed in studies of plankton community processes that all flagellates in the size range of this taxon are edible to typical zooplankton grazers (i.e. cells ≤30 μm for Daphnia, ≤6 μm for rotifers). 2. We explored the toxicity of a species of Ochromonas to other planktonic taxa, including its competitors (two species of phytoplankton and protists) and consumers (two species of zooplankton). To test if mode of nutrition by this mixotroph influences its toxicity to other taxa, we exposed each test species to Ochromonas cultured in chemostats under four different nutritional regimes: osmotrophy (labile dissolved organic carbon) and phagotrophy (bacterial prey) in both light and dark conditions (i.e. with or without photosynthesis). 3. Filtrate from osmotrophically fed Ochromonas had a significant negative effect on the population growth rate of two obligate phototrophic phytoplankton, Cryptomonasozolini and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The protists Tetrahymena tetrahymena and Paramecium aurelia were also negatively affected by Ochromonas filtrate. Ochromonas cells were toxic to both the rotifer Brachionus calicyflorus and the cladoceran Daphnia pulicaria, with the toxic effects significantly more severe when fed at high cell densities (75 000 cells mL−1) than at low densities (7500 cells mL−1). Ochromonas cultured osmotrophically in the light was more toxic to the Daphnia than cells cultured under other conditions. In contrast, Ochromonas from all nutritional conditions was equally highly toxic to Brachionus. 4. Our findings support the view that Ochromonas can be toxic to other components of the food web with which it interacts. It is especially toxic to zooplankton that directly consume it, although the effect depends upon Ochromonas cell density and whether or not a good food source is simultaneously present. Our results call into question the common practice of pooling flagellates into a single ‘functional group’ included in an ‘edible phytoplankton’ category of cells <30 μm in diameter.  相似文献   

Duerr HP  Eichner M  Ammermann D 《Protist》2004,155(1):45-52
A sexually reproducing hypotrichous ciliates undergo senescence which is in general attributed to degenerative processes in the macronucleus, assuming that loss of viability is based on loss of genetic elements. It is generally accepted that the genetic elements in the macronucleus of hypotrichs segregate randomly, a process which potentially can lead to aneuploid imbalances in the distribution of gene copies. It is, however, unclear whether there are mechanisms which compensate for such imbalances such that each genetic element regains its predetermined copy number (regulatory model, conserving euploidy), or whether the genetic elements only double, so that genetic imbalances can be inherited to further generations (stochastic model, allowing aneuploidy). By means of mathematical modeling and simulations, we investigate these two models with respect to the number of generations a lineage of hypotrichs can survive under asexual conditions. Whereas the regulatory model cannot explain senescence in hypotrichs, the stochastic model provides plausible results which, however, strongly depend on the assumed distribution of copy numbers which we investigate by means of three examples. For both models, simple prediction formulae for the approximate survival time of asexually reproducing ciliates are provided.  相似文献   

The review summarizes modern views on to the structure and differentiation of the nuclear apparatus in ciliates. The genetic system of ciliates (type Ciliophora) includes two types of nuclei: germinal micronucleus (MIC) and somatic macronucleus (MAC). The MAC development is associated with the rearrangement of the MIC genome, which includes chromosome fragmentation and chromatin diminution. The loss of DNA constitutes from 10–15% (Tetrahymena termophila) to 95–98% of the genome in spirotrichs (Stylonychia, Oxytricha, and Euplotes). Analysis of molecular mechanisms underlying nuclear dualism in ciliates promoted radical revision of the concept on the interactions and roles of MAC and MIC. The micronucleus, as an inactive element, is an ideal field for the invasion and further expansion of mobile genetic elements. Chromatin diminution plays the purifying role, restoring the native genome structure. The process of recognition of “genetic garbage” to be eliminated has many features in common with the siRNA-mediated heterochromatization. The presence of this mechanism in very early radiated eukaryotic lineages (Opistokonta and Chromalveolata), indicates that it arose at the earliest stages of the eukaryotic evolution, probably, as a mechanism promoting genome integrity and stability.  相似文献   

编程性翻译移码现象存在于病毒、原核生物和真核生物中。单细胞真核生物游仆虫基因组中含有的编程性翻译移码基因远远高于其他真核生物基因组。游仆虫中已经报道的编程性翻译移码基因的滑动序列特征为AAA-UAR-V,其上游都有SD(Shine-Dalgarno sequence)相似序列CAAGAA。同时,编程性移码的发生受肽链释放因子eRF1和tRNALys的影响。  相似文献   

Feeding in predacious estuarine ciliates was investigated ina series of laboratory experiments using a new method of preylabeling which facilitates microscopic indentification of ingestedprey items. Ingestion rates of Mesodinium pulex, Euplotes vannusand E.woodruffi were estimated using the appearance, insidethe predator, of bacteriovorous ciliates (Metanophrys sp., Cyclidiumsp.and Pleuronema sp ) labeled with fluorescent microspheres. Preyremain motile and have presumably unaltered surface characteristics.Ingestion rates of log-growth phase predators increased withprey density. Mesodinium pulex ingested 0 15–0.32 cellsh–1 over a prey concentration of 60–2300 ml–1.Maximum ingestion rates of E. woodruffi and E. vannus were 4.5and 3.4 cells h–1 respectively, estimated at prey abundancesof 75 and 172 cells ml–1 respectively. Comparisons offeeding rates on prey of different sizes, and the effects ofstarvation, indicated that ingestion is likely limited by differentfactors in ‘raptorial’ (M pulex) and ‘filterfeeding’ (Euplotes spp.) predators.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from four sandy and muddy bottom sites at both Sacca di Goro lagoon (northern Adriatic Sea) and Lesina lagoon (southern Adriatic Sea) on one occasion in May and one occasion in July in order to make a comparative study of ciliate abundance and diversity. The temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and redox potential were measured at the time of collection, the water content of the sediments was determined, and samples subjected to granulometric analysis. The ciliated protozoa in sub-samples from the top centimeter of sediment were identified to genus and species level and enumerated. Ciliates belonging to 38 and 33 species were found in the sediment of Sacca di Goro and Lesina, respectively, the diversity of ciliates varying widely between stations. Total ciliate numbers ranged from 32 to 759 cm(-2) and from 2 to 256 cm(-2) at Sacca di Goro and Lesina, respectively; the ciliate biomass ranged from 1.1 to 30.3 microg C cm(-2) in the samples collected at Sacca di Goro, and from 0.01 to 157 microg C cm(-2) in the samples collected at Lesina lagoon. Aspidisca lynceus, Aspidisca steini, Chilodonella uncinata, Frontonia marina, Pleuronema marinum, Strombidinopsis minimum, Strombidium sp., and Urotricha sp., were observed at the two lagoons but not in all stations; Keronopsis flavicans and Trachelostyla pediculariformis were often numerous at Goro lagoon, A. lynceus, Condylostoma patulum and Tracheloraphis teissieri were the most abundant ciliates observed at Lesina lagoon.  相似文献   

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