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The hormonal functions of suprarenal glands and gonads were studied in the sacred baboon males and females during different periods of postnatal development. This in view, the content of cortisol, 11-deoxycortisol, pregnenolone, progesterone, 17-oxypregnenolone, 17-oxyprogesterone, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone, estrone and estradiol was determined using the radioimmunoassay. The early activation of secretion of the suprarenal androgens, characteristic of the man, is absent during the sexual maturation of the sacred baboon males and females. The level of corticosteroids and their basic precursors, characteristic of the adult sacred baboons, is extablished by the end of 3rd year of life.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is a common phenomenon and is a central topic in evolutionary biology. Recently, the importance of pursuing an ontogenetic perspective of SSD has been emphasized, to elucidate the proximate physiological mechanisms leading to its evolution. However, such research has seldom focused on the critical periods when males and females diverge. Using mark-recapture data, we investigated the development of SSD, sex-specific survivorship, and growth rates in Phrynocephalus przewalskii (Agamidae). We demonstrated that both male and female lizards are reproductively mature at age 10–11 months (including 5 months hibernation). Male-biased SSD in snout-vent length (SVL) was only found in adults and was fully expressed at age 11 months (June of the first full season of activity), just after sexual maturation. However, male-biased SSD in tail length (TL), hind-limb length (LL), and head width (HW) were fully expressed at age 9–10 months, just before sexual maturation. Analysis of age-specific linear growth rates identified sexually dimorphic growth during the fifth growth month (age 10–11 months) as the proximate cause of SSD in SVL. The males experienced higher mortality than females in the first 2 years and only survived better than females after SSD was well developed. This suggests that the critical period of divergence in the sizes of male and female P. przewalskii occurs between 10 and 11 months of age (May to June during the first full season of activity), and that the sexual difference in growth during this period is the proximate cause. However, the sexual difference in survivorship cannot explain the male-biased SSD in SVL. Our results indicate that performance-related characteristics, such as TL, HW, and LL diverged earlier than SVL. The physiological mechanisms underlying the different growth patterns of males and females may reflect different energy allocations associated with their different reproductive statuses.  相似文献   

Hepatic sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP2) and sterol carrier protein-X (SCPx) levels in normal and in mutant Niemann-Pick Type C mice were determined by immunoblotting with antiserum against rat SCP2. A 14-kDa protein (SCP2) was detected in the cytosol fraction and a 58-kDa protein (SCPx) was found in both cytosolic and organellar fractions. Expression of hepatic SCPx protein was developmentally regulated in a sex-specific pattern. The amounts of organelle-associated SCPx increased 4-fold during sexual development of normal males but decreased dramatically during development of normal females. Levels of hepatic SCP2 increased much less dramatically during sexual maturation of normal males and females. Adult Niemann-Pick Type C mice were deficient in both hepatic SCPx and SCP2. The deficit in SCPx in affected males reflected a failure to increase hepatic SCPx levels during sexual maturation. In affected males SCPx remained at levels found in immature mice. Affected male and female mice were also unable to maintain levels of hepatic SCP2. The level of SCP2 was near normal in affected immature males and subnormal in affected immature females. During sexual maturation hepatic SCP2 declined in affected animals.  相似文献   

In male salmonids, the age of maturation varies from 1 to 6 years and is influenced by growth during critical periods of the life cycle. The endocrine mechanisms controlling spermatogenesis and how growth affects this process are poorly understood. Recent research has indicated that gonadotropins, 11-ketotestosterone, and insulin-like growth factor I play roles in spermatogenesis in fish. To expand our understanding of the roles of these endocrine factors in onset of puberty, male spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) were sampled at monthly intervals 14 mo prior to spermiation. This sampling regime encompassed two hypothesized critical periods when growth influences the initiation and completion of puberty for this species. Approximately 80% of the males matured during the experimental period, at age 2 in September 1999. An initial decline in the ratio of primary A to transitional spermatogonia was observed from July to December 1998, and during this period plasma levels of 11-ketotestosterone and pituitary levels of FSH increased. From January 1999 onward, males with low plasma 11-ketotestosterone levels (<1 ng/ml) had low pituitary and plasma FSH levels and no advanced development of germ cells. Conversely, from January through September 1999, males with high plasma 11-ketotestosterone levels (>1 ng/ml) had testes with progressively more advanced germ cell stages along with elevated pituitary and plasma FSH. Plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor I increased during maturation. These data provide the first physiological evidence for activation of the pituitary-testis axis during the fall critical period when maturation is initiated for the following year.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that mating behaviours require high levels of cognitive ability. However, since investment into mating and the brain both are costly features, their relationship is likely characterized by energetic trade-offs. Empirical data on the subject remains equivocal. We investigated if early sexual maturation was associated with brain development in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), in which males can either stay in the river and sexually mature at a small size (sneaker males) or migrate to the sea and delay sexual maturation until they have grown much larger (anadromous males). Specifically, we tested how sexual maturation may induce plastic changes in brain development by rearing juveniles on either natural or ad libitum feeding levels. After their first season we compared brain size and brain region volumes across both types of male mating tactics and females. Body growth increased greatly across both male mating tactics and females during ad libitum feeding as compared to natural feeding levels. However, despite similar relative increases in body size, early maturing sneaker males maintained larger relative brain size during ad libitum feeding levels as compared to anadromous males and females. We also detected several differences in the relative size of separate brain regions across feeding treatments, sexes and mating strategies. For instance, the relative size of the cognitive centre of the brain, the telencephalon, was largest in sneaker males. Our data support that a large relative brain size is maintained in individuals that start reproduction early also during fast body growth. We propose that the cognitive demands during complex mating behaviours maintain a high level of investment into brain development in reproducing individuals.  相似文献   

If maturation is more costly for females, they may need more distinct environmental cues to induce sexual reproduction than males. We verified this hypothesis by comparing the indirect costs of maturation to males and females of the heterogonic Hydra oligactis, reproducing both asexually and sexually. The laboratory experiments revealed that males mature 2 weeks earlier than the first females at falling temperatures simulating the natural conditions that precede sexual reproduction. The difference between the energy costs of maturation for males versus females has been considered a likely factor responsible for the observed difference in maturation time. Available food supply positively affected the percentage of sexually mature females, indicating that females are more sensitive to food limitation than males. The number of gonads was correlated positively with the size of mature hydra for both males and females. However, males produced twice as many testes as ovaries produced by females. We postulate that females are induced later than males in order to prevent gonadal development after an unseasonable drop in temperature. As sexual reproduction in H. oligactis interferes with asexual budding, under favorable conditions for asexual proliferation unnecessary gonadal development decreases an individual’s fitness through reduction of the number of produced offspring.  相似文献   

Effects of the social environment on age at sexual maturation are assumed to require direct interactions, such as suppression of subordinates through aggression from dominants. Using green swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri), we demonstrate for the first time that females and males adjust their age at maturation in response to visual cues of male sexual ornamentation in the current environment: females matured earlier, whereas males matured later if all the mature males seen had large ornaments. Thus, age at maturation shifted in accordance with the perceived quality of mates (females) or mating competitors (males), demonstrating a capability to use visual cues from the environment to strategically adjust rates of sexual development.  相似文献   

Gonad maturation in wild Cybister brevis Aubé, 1838 from Japan was investigated to determine the physiological mating season. Breeding experiments showed that hatching occurred from May to September, and the peak was observed in July. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) in collected females (ovary development) showed the highest value in May. The GSIs were low in other seasons. On the other hand, the GSIs in collected males (testes and accessory glands) remained at constant values during the experimental period. Interestingly, high sperm motility was exhibited in May and September, whereas it was low in December and March. This indicates the maturation difference between females and males. Females mature only at the beginning of the breeding season (May), but males do so from May to September. This result suggests that males have a wide-ranging maturation period and earlier sexual maturation than females, ensuring a successful fertilization.  相似文献   

We previously showed that estradiol can have both defeminizing and feminizing effects on the developing mouse brain. Pre- and early postnatal estradiol defeminized the ability to show lordosis in adulthood, whereas prepubertal estradiol feminized this ability. Furthermore, we found that estradiol upregulates progesterone receptors (PR) during development, inducing both a male-and female-typical pattern of PR expression in the mouse hypothalamus. In the present study, we took advantage of a newly developed PR antagonist (ZK 137316) to determine whether PR contributes to either male- or female-typical sexual differentiation. Thus groups of male and female C57Bl/6j mice were treated with ZK 137316 or OIL as control: males were treated neonatally (P0–P10), during the critical period for male sexual differentiation, and females were treated prepubertally (P15–P25), during the critical period for female sexual differentiation. In adulthood, mice were tested for sexual behavior. In males, some minor effects of neonatal ZK treatment on sexual behavior were observed: latencies to the first mount, intromission and ejaculation were decreased in neonatally ZK treated males; however, this effect disappeared by the second mating test. By contrast, female mice treated with ZK during the prepubertal period showed significantly less lordosis than OIL-treated females. Mate preferences were not affected in either males or females treated with ZK during development. Taken together, these results suggest a role for PR and thus perhaps progesterone in the development of lordosis behavior in female mice. By contrast, no obvious role for PR can be discerned in the development of male sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Termite primary reproductives may be exposed to pathogens when dispersing from their parental nest and establishing a new colony. Immunity and reproduction are investigated during colony foundation by implanting a nylon filament into the abdomen of mated and unmated female and male primary reproductives of the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis. Primary reproductives are paired in combinations of female/male, female/female and male/male and, using confocal microscopy, immune defence is assessed by measuring the degree of encapsulation of nylon implants during three periods of colony foundation: (I) shortly after pairing; (II) during copulation/oocyte maturation; and (III) during oviposition. There are differences in the encapsulation response of mated and unmated termites that are contingent on the period of colony foundation when termites are challenged. Mated females and males have significantly greater encapsulation responses than their unmated counterparts shortly after pairing, perhaps as a prophylactic measure against exposure to disease. The encapsulation response of mated and unmated males does not differ significantly during periods II and III. The onset of oviposition is significantly delayed in mated females that received implants during periods I and II. Mated females have a significantly reduced encapsulation response during the time of copulation and oocyte maturation, but not during oviposition. Overall, males have a significantly greater ability than females to encapsulate a nylon implant. The findings suggest that reproduction can reduce the immune response in female primary reproductives. The results are discussed in light of trade-offs between immunity and reproduction during the critical life-history phase of colony establishment in termites.  相似文献   

The heart urchin Abatus cavernosus shows sexual dimorphism characterized by the development of external brood pouches and the enlargement of gonopores in brooding females. Relationships between body size, gonopore size, and gonadal maturation in each sex were examined for inflection points using piecewise regression models (PRM). Opening of the gonopore occurred at 15.5 mm test length. Inflection points in the gonadal growth and gonopore diameter trajectories were clustered at smaller sizes in males (23 and 24.2 mm, respectively) than in females (25.1 and 25.9 mm), indicating sex‐specific differences in sexual maturation. Gonopore growth showed positive allometry at pre‐adult stages of development in both sexes, but isometry and negative allometry in adult females and males, respectively. Gonadal growth was initiated at smaller sizes and proceeded at a higher rate with increasing body size in males than in females. Identification of inflection points in gonopore and gonadal growth trajectories, using objective PRM, allows the determination of life stages and sexual maturation for individuals, thus providing a complementary tool for population studies.  相似文献   

The renal sexual segment (RSS) of immature Northern and Diamondback Water Snakes and Red-Sided Garter Snakes exhibited varying responses to testosterone or 17beta-estradiol. In both male and female water snakes, kidney mass was not a reliable indicator of hormone treatment, whereas tubule diameter, epithelial height and number of sexual granules responded to hormone treatment. In male water snakes, either hormone initiated granule development by day 16; by day 23, only testosterone increased granule density. Female water snakes receiving either hormone exhibited a small number of granules by day 16; by day 23, granules increased only in Diamondback Water Snakes receiving testosterone. Hormones did not initiate RSS hypertrophy in female Red-Sided Garter Snakes. Tubule diameter and epithelial height of testosterone-treated males exhibited significant hypertrophy, while 17beta-estradiol initiated significant increases in tubule diameter. Garter snakes initiated sexual granule development in response to hormone treatment with males exhibiting a greater response than females and testosterone stimulating a greater response than 17beta-estradiol. Sex steroids appear to mimic sexual maturity in immature snakes initiating RSS development. Whereas the RSS of adult males respond to testosterone, our data suggest specific changes in the RSS of females during maturation effectively negates the effect of 17beta-estradiol evident in immature female RSS.  相似文献   

Energy investment in reproduction and somatic growth was investigated for summer spawners of the Argentinean shortfin squid Illex argentinus in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Sampled squids were examined for morphometry and intensity of feeding behavior associated with reproductive maturation. Residuals generated from length‐weight relationships were analyzed to determine patterns of energy allocation between somatic and reproductive growth. Both females and males showed similar rates of increase for eviscerated body mass and digestive gland mass relative to mantle length, but the rate of increase for total reproductive organ weight relative to mantle length in females was three times that of males. For females, condition of somatic tissues deteriorated until the mature stage, but somatic condition improved after the onset of maturity. In males, there was no correlation between somatic condition and phases of reproductive maturity. Reproductive investment decreased as sexual maturation progressed for both females and males, with the lowest investment occurring at the functionally mature stage. Residual analysis indicated that female reproductive development was at the expense of body muscle growth during the immature and maturing stages, but energy invested in reproduction after onset of maturity was probably met by food intake. However, in males both reproductive maturation and somatic growth proceeded concurrently so that energy allocated to reproduction was related to food intake throughout the process of maturation. For both males and females, there was little evidence of trade‐offs between the digestive gland and reproductive growth, as no significant correlation was found between dorsal mantle length‐digestive gland weight residuals. The role of the digestive gland as an energy reserve for gonadal growth should be reconsidered. Additionally, feeding intensity by both males and females decreased after the onset of sexual maturity, but feeding never stopped completely, even during spawning.  相似文献   

During their third and fourth years of life, triploid Atlantic cod Gadus morhua females exhibited diminished ovarian development at both macroscopic and microscopic levels, with significantly lower gonado-somatic indices (I(G)) and higher carcass yields (Y(C)) than diploid females during spawning periods. In contrast, diploid and triploid testes were indistinguishable through macroscopic and histological assessment. No significant differences were found in male I(G) or Y(C) in relation to ploidy, with the exception of a higher Y(C) for triploids during the first of the two monitored spawning seasons. As a result of suppressed oogenesis, triploid female G. morhua, but not triploid males, can be used to eliminate sexual maturation in this species and advance the development of the G. morhua aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

The accepted model of breeding seasonality in rhesus monkeys states that females become reproductively active in response to an environmental cue and that males become sexually active in response to ovulating females. This model must be modified to include direct responses of the male to the physical environment, endocrine responses of males to sexual activity, and responses of the female to the sexual activation of fellow group members. The complex set of social stimuli that influences the breeding readiness of both sexes may serve to delimit more precisely the annual periods of conception and birth than would be the case if each individual responded only to the changing physical environment.  相似文献   

Twenty steppe polecats were divided into 2 groups, each consisting of 4 males and 6 females, and subjected to either a natural photoperiod (controls) or alternating periods of short (8 h light/16 hr dark for 8-9 weeks) and long days (16 h light/8 h dark for 16-20 weeks). The experimental photoperiod significantly accelerated sexual maturation in both sexes, with males developing maximal testis size within 57 days and females breeding after an average of 52 days exposure to 16L/8D. Males in the experimental group completed 2 1/2 testicular cycles and participated in mating during 3 successive breeding seasons during the 18 month period whereas males in the control group completed a single testicular cycle and only had an opportunity to mate during a single breeding season. Females in the experimental group produced 3 litters whereas females in the control group only gave birth to a single litter. Litter size averaged 6.9 +/- 2.0 (n = 23) and did not significantly differ with age, parity, or treatment. Pseudopregnant females returned to estrus within 12 days after the expected date of parturition, were bred, and gave birth to kits. Polecats which were subjected to the experimental photoperiods completed more molting cycles and underwent more photoperiod-induced changes in body weight than those in the control group. Death or removal of kits within 8 days after birth resulted in 12/12 females returning to estrus within 6-26 days. Eleven of these females were remated and gave birth to kits. Eight domestic ferrets readily accepted neonatal polecat kits and 5 successfully reared kits, although kit survival was quite poor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

After emergence from pupae males and females of Adalia bipunctata reared under the same constant conditions showed similar refractory periods in their mating behavior. The statistically significant slight protogyny might indicate that it is advantageous for females to accept mating and store sperm for a short period prior to becoming sexually mature, whereas males need to become sexually mature in order to mate. As the two-spot ladybird has overlapping generations, theory predicts that the most effective strategy for both sexes is to have similar sexual maturation periods. The results of this study support this prediction. The actual lengths of the maturation periods, however, will depend largely on the prevailing temperatures and the quality and quantity of food available to the beetle.  相似文献   

Social influences on the sexual maturation of female Djungarian hamsters were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment females were housed from weaning with an adult male, by themselves, or with a weanling sister. Maturation was accelerated in females housed with males as indicated by younger age at first ovulation, increased rates of ovarian and uterine growth, and lower LH levels at some ages. Maturation was delayed in females housed with sisters compared to those housed alone as measured by time of first ovulation and by lower estradiol levels at some ages. The most marked differences between groups occurred 8 to 12 days after weaning, suggesting that events during this period are particularly important in the social mediation of sexual maturation. In the second experiment the effects of reproductive suppression (caused by living with a sister) on the subsequent fertility of females housed with males were examined. If male-female pairs were housed in clean cages, no effects were observed; however, pairs housed in cages previously soiled by the female and her sister had fewer young surviving until 1 week of age despite no differences in the age of pregnancy onset or in the initial litter size. Thus, even cues present in unrenewed soiled bedding may have subtle but long lasting effects on reproductive function.  相似文献   

The content (% wet mass) in water, ash, lipid, crude protein, DNA and RNA of different tissues was determined during sexual maturation of bonitos Sarda sarda from the Aegean Sea. A total of 220 specimens were collected in the following stages of sexual maturity: immature, resting, developing, mature, spawning and spent. Highest lipid levels in the white muscle, red muscle and liver were measured in immature specimens, while lowest levels were found in spawning bonitos. The gradual percentage of lipid reduction from immature to spawning bonitos was relatively higher in the liver (females 71·2% and males 64·4%) than in the white (females 59·2% and males 53·5%) and red (females 62·1% and males 51·7%) muscle. Lipid levels in the gonads increased gradually from the immature to spawning stage. The decrease of lipid in the somatic tissues was more intense in females than in males, and gonadal lipid content was higher in females than in males. There was a strong reverse correlation between water and lipid percentage in all tissues. Protein content decreased significantly only in spawning bonitos. The percentage of protein reduction from immature to spawning stage was relatively higher in males than in females in both white (females 3·4% and males 4·6%) and red (females 4·6% and males 5·1%) muscles. Protein content in the liver was significantly lower than in the other tissues, being highest in mature females. Gonadal protein content in females increased with maturation and decreased after spawning. The content in ash exhibited considerable stability. The RNA:DNA ratio exhibited a similar pattern of variation in both muscles. The RNA:DNA ratio increased during gonadal development gradually from the developing to spent stage. It was concluded that in S. sarda during gonadal development, there was an increase in gonadal lipid accompanied by a decrease in somatic tissue lipid reserves. Thus, reproductive inactive bonitos have more lipid in their edible part and a higher nutritional value than active ones.  相似文献   

By Chromatographic separation of cytosol fraction of homogenates from gonads of females and males of green sea urchinStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis using an AcA-34 ultragel, protein fractions with mol. mass of 123 and 81 kDa are revealed, which have activity of calciumactivated proteinases. Dynamics of activity of the calcium-activated proteinases is studied during annual sexual cycles of the sea urchin. It is shown that the maximal activity of the studied enzyme in females and males of the sea urchin is present at the IV stage of gonad maturation, at the period of their trophic growth which is characterized by formation of stores of nutritient substances necessary for the subsequent development of embryos.  相似文献   

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