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During the Arctic summer, bacteria are active above the permafrost in an environment with sharp temperature and oxygen gradients. The present study addressed the diversity and abundance of bacteria in soil layers near the surface and above the permafrost of the rim and center of a low-centered polygon in the Lena Delta, Siberia. 16S rRNA gene clone libraries revealed the presence of all major soil bacterial groups and of the candidate divisions OD1, OP5, and OP11, and indicated a small-scale heterogeneity of these polygonal tundra soils. The diversity at the top of the elevated polygon rim was significantly different from that of the bottom and from both water-saturated sites of the polygon's center. The overall species-level diversity was very high (Shannon index of 5.3) but varied within the sites and decreased towards the permafrost table, coinciding with decreasing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphate concentrations. According to the number of operational taxonomical units (OTUs) and cells visualized by fluorescence in-situ hybridization, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were the dominant members of the bacterial community in all sites. Bacteroidetes contributed almost 50% to all Bacteria cells while sequences affiliated with Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi represented on average 23% of all OTUs. Our results provide evidence of the extremely diverse bacterial communities present in permafrost soils and of the influence of nutrient concentrations, oxygen, and DOC on diversity.  相似文献   

Body mass data were collected for 5 species of tundra waders during 6 breeding seasons to study variation in nutrient reserves relative to high arctic climatic conditions and the stage of reproduction. Structural size was accounted for by the 1st Principal Component of external linear measurements: wing length, bill length and tarsus length. SandpipersCalidris spp. were on average lighter in phenologically late seasons, while mass of Turnstones (Arenaria interpres) was similar in all years. Mass of waders was lower during brood-rearing than during incubation. Body mass during pre-nesting was most variable between years, reflecting the unpredictable weather conditions in this period. Monogamous species (KnotsCalidris canutus and Turnstones) began to breed earlier, and were on average, as heavy during the pre-nesting period as during incubation. In contrast, species with a proven or suspected rapid double-clutch breeding system (Little StintsC. minuta and SanderlingsC. alba) began to breed later and had during the laying period masses close to those of adults attending broods, and lower than during incubation. Body mass of the two latter species and Curlew Sandpipers (Calidris ferruginea) varied during incubation, reaching peak at 7 to 13 days after clutch completion.
Zusammenfassung Von fünf Tundra-Watvogelarten wurden in sechs Brutperioden Daten zur Körpermasse gewonnen, um die Dynamik der Energiereserven in Abhängigkeit von den klimatischen Bedingungen der Hocharktis und vom Fortpflanzungsstadium zu analysieren. Der Einfluß der Körpermaße auf die Masse wurde bei der statistischen Auswertung durch die Einbeziehung der 1. Hauptkomponente von Flügel-, Schnabel- und Tarsuslänge berücksichtigt. StrandläuferCalidris spec. erwiesen sich in späten Jahren als leichter, während in der Körpermasse von Steinwälzern (Arenaria interpres) keine Unterschiede festgestellt werden konnten. Die Körpermasse aller untersuchter Arten war während der Betreuung der Jungvögel geringer als während Brütezeit. Die Masse in der Zeit vor der Brut variierte in Übereinstimmung mit den wechselnden Wetterbedingungen in den einzelnen Jahren am stärksten. Monogame Arten (KnutCalidris canutus und Steinwälzer) begannen früher mit der Fortpflanzung; ihre Körpermasse in der Phase von der Brut und während der Brütezeit war im Mittel etwa gleich. Im Gegensatz dazu begannen Arten, bei denen ein Doppelbrutsystem nachgewiesen wurde oder vermutet wird (ZwergstrandläuferC. minuta und SanderlingC. alba), später mit dem Nestbau, wobei die Körpermasse auf ein Niveau absinkt, das dem während der Betreuung der Jungvögel nahekommt und geringer ist, als das während der Brütezeit. Bei den beiden letzten Arten sowie beim Sichelstrandläufer (Calidris ferrugunea) veränderte sich die Körpermasse während des Brütens und erreichte ein Maximum zwischen dem 7. und dem 13. Tag nach Beendigung der Eiablage.

An 1800-km South to North transect (N 53°43′ to 69°43′) through Western Siberia was established to study the interaction of nitrogen and carbon cycles. The transect comprised all major vegetation zones from steppe, through taiga to tundra and corresponded to a natural temperature gradient of 9.5°C mean annual temperature (MAT). In order to elucidate changes in the control of C and N cycling along this transect, we analyzed physical and chemical properties of soils and microbial structure and activity in the organic and in the mineral horizons, respectively. The impact of vegetation and climate exerted major controls on soil C and N pools (e.g., soil organic matter, total C and dissolved inorganic nitrogen) and process rates (gross N mineralization and heterotrophic respiration) in the organic horizons. In the mineral horizons, however, the impact of climate and vegetation was less pronounced. Gross N mineralization rates decreased in the organic horizons from south to north, while remaining nearly constant in the mineral horizons. Especially, in the northern taiga and southern tundra gross nitrogen mineralization rates were higher in the mineral compared to organic horizons, pointing to strong N limitation in these biomes. Heterotrophic respiration rates did not exhibit a clear trend along the transect, but were generally higher in the organic horizon compared to mineral horizons. Therefore, C and N mineralization were spatially decoupled at the northern taiga and tundra. The climate change implications of these findings (specifically for the Arctic) are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Tundra plant growth forms can generally be characterized as consisting predominantly of low-growing perennial grasses and sedges, perennial herbaceous forbs, dwarf deciduous shrubs, and dwarf evergreen shrubs. Gross aboveground carbon allocation, leaf growth, and photosynthesis pattern studies were initiated to develop a quantitative understanding of the functional importance of these particular tundra growth forms. Photosynthetic capacities of 13 species were determined under standardized exposure conditions using a14CO2 field system and ranged between 5 and 47 mg CO2·g dry wt-1·h-1. These results, in conjunction with detailed leaf growth determinations, support the generalization that species with an evergreen growth form have lower photosynthetic capacities than species with a perennial graminoid, forb, or deciduous shrub growth form. However, these low photosynthetic capacities in evergreen shrubs are associated with relatively extended leaf longevities. Conversely, deciduous shrub forms exhibited high photosynthetic capacities, but were offset by relatively short leaf longevity periods. The perennial grasses, sedges, and forbs showed patterns intermediate to these. As a result, it appears that among tundra species of different growth form, photosynthetic capacity is inversely related to leaf longevity.  相似文献   

There were about three-year cycles in the populations of arctic foxes, and the breeding productivities of brent geese and curlew sandpipers on the Taimyr Peninsula, Russia, The populations of arctic foxes and lemmings changed in synchrony. The breeding productivities of the birds tended to be good when the arctic foxes were increasing in numbers and poor when the arctic foxes were decreasing. There was a negative relationship between arctic fox numbers (or occupied lairs) and the breeding productivity of brent geese in the following year. Although there was evidence of wide-spread synchrony In the lemming cycle across the Taimyr Peninsula, some localities showed differences, However, such sites would still have been influenced by the general pattern of fox abundance in the typical tundra zone of the Taimyr Peninsula, where most of the arctic foxes breed and from which extensive movements of foxes occur after a decline in lemming numbers. The results support a prey-switching hypothesis (also known as the alternative prey hypothesis) whereby arctic foxes, and other predators, feed largely on lemmings when these are abundant or increasing, but switch to birds when the lemming population is small or declining. The relationships between arctic foxes, lemmings and brent geese may be further influenced by snowny owls which create fox-exclusion zones around their nests, thus providing safe nesting areas for the geese.  相似文献   

Arctic tundra and boreal forest soils have globally relevant functions that affect atmospheric chemistry and climate, yet the bacterial composition and diversity of these soils have received little study. Serial analysis of ribosomal sequence tags (SARST) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) were used to compare composite soil samples taken from boreal and arctic biomes. This study comprises an extensive comparison of geographically distant soil bacterial communities, involving the analysis of 12,850 ribosomal sequence tags from six composite soil samples. Bacterial diversity estimates were greater for undisturbed arctic tundra soil samples than for boreal forest soil samples, with the highest diversity associated with a sample from an extreme northern location (82(o)N). The lowest diversity estimate was obtained from an arctic soil sample that was disturbed by compaction and sampled from a greater depth. Since samples from the two biomes did not form distinct clusters on the basis of SARST data and DGGE fingerprints, factors other than latitude likely influenced the phylogenetic compositions of these communities. The high number of ribosomal sequences analyzed enabled the identification of possible cosmopolitan and endemic bacterial distributions in particular soils.  相似文献   

Laura Gough  Sarah E. Hobbie 《Oikos》2003,103(1):204-216
In arctic Alaska, researchers have manipulated air temperature, light availability, and soil nutrient availability in several tundra communities over the past two decades. These communities responded quite differently to the same manipulations, and species responded individualistically within communities and among sites. For example, moist acidic tundra is primarily nitrogen (N)‐limited, whereas wet sedge tundra is primarily phosphorus (P)‐limited, and the magnitude of growth responses varies across sites within communities. Here we report results of four years of manipulated nutrients (N and/or P) and/or air temperature in an understudied, diverse plant community, moist non‐acidic tussock tundra, in northern Alaska. Our goals were to determine which factors limit above‐ground net primary productivity (ANPP) and biomass, how community composition changes may affect ecosystem attributes, and to compare these results with those from other communities to determine their generality. Although relative abundance of functional groups shifted in several treatments, the only significant change in community‐level ANPP and biomass occurred in plots that received both N and P, driven by an increase in graminoid biomass and production resulting from a positive effect of adding N. There was no difference in community biomass among any other treatments; however, some growth forms and individual species did respond. After four years no one species has come to dominate the treatment plots and species richness has not changed. These results are similar to studies in dry heath, wet sedge, and moist acidic tundra where community biomass had the greatest response to both N and P and warming results were more subtle. Unlike in moist acidic tundra where shrub biomass increased markedly with fertilization, our results suggest that in non‐acidic tundra carbon sequestration in plant biomass will not increase substantially under increased soil nutrient conditions because of the lack of overstory shrub species.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data have indicated a general ‘greening’ trend in the arctic tundra biome. However, the observed changes based on remote sensing are the result of multiple environmental drivers, and the effects of individual controls such as warming, herbivory, and other disturbances on changes in vegetation biomass, community structure, and ecosystem function remain unclear. We apply ArcVeg, an arctic tundra vegetation dynamics model, to estimate potential changes in vegetation biomass and net primary production (NPP) at the plant community and functional type levels. ArcVeg is driven by soil nitrogen output from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model, existing densities of Rangifer populations, and projected summer temperature changes by the NCAR CCSM4.0 general circulation model across the Arctic. We quantified the changes in aboveground biomass and NPP resulting from (i) observed herbivory only; (ii) projected climate change only; and (iii) coupled effects of projected climate change and herbivory. We evaluated model outputs of the absolute and relative differences in biomass and NPP by country, bioclimate subzone, and floristic province. Estimated potential biomass increases resulting from temperature increase only are approximately 5% greater than the biomass modeled due to coupled warming and herbivory. Such potential increases are greater in areas currently occupied by large or dense Rangifer herds such as the Nenets‐occupied regions in Russia (27% greater vegetation increase without herbivores). In addition, herbivory modulates shifts in plant community structure caused by warming. Plant functional types such as shrubs and mosses were affected to a greater degree than other functional types by either warming or herbivory or coupled effects of the two.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal diversity in arctic and alpine tundra: an open question   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Haiyan Chu  Paul Grogan 《Plant and Soil》2010,328(1-2):411-420
Copper uptake, localisation and biochemical and physiological traits were studied in hydroponically-grown Erica andevalensis plants at different increasing concentrations of Cu (1 µM, 50 µM, 100 µM, 250 µM, and 500 µM). Increasing Cu concentration in the nutrient medium led to a significative reduction in plant growth rate, an increase in root Cu concentration, leaf photosynthetic pigments and root peroxidase activity. Copper accumulation followed the pattern roots>stems>leaves, a typical behaviour of metal-excluders. Copper treatments led to significant changes in the free amino acid composition in shoots and roots and the concentration of polyamines in shoots. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy coupled with elemental X-ray analysis (SEM–EDX) showed a partial restriction of upward Cu transport by root vascular tissues. In leaf tissues, Cu mostly accumulated in the abaxial epidermis, suggesting a mechanism of compartmentalization to restrict mesophyll accumulation. The toxic effects of excess Cu were avoided to a certain extent by root immobilization, tissue compartmentalization, synthesis of complexing amino acids and induction of enzymes to prevent oxidative damage are among mechanisms adopted by Erica andevalensis to thrive in acidic-metalliferous soils.  相似文献   

Methane emission from the following types of tundra soils was studied: coarse humic gleyey loamy cryo soil, peaty gley soil, and peaty gleyey midloamy cryo soil of the arctic tundra. All the soils studied were found to be potential sources of atmospheric methane. The highest values of methane emission were recorded in August at a soil temperature of 8-10 degrees C. Flooded parcels were the sources of atmospheric methane throughout the observation period. The rates of methane production and oxidation in tundra soils of various types at 5 and 15 degrees C were studied by the radioisotope method. Methane oxidation was found to occur in bog water, in the green part of peat moss, and in all the soil horizons studied. Methane formation was recorded in the horizons of peat, in clay with plant roots, and in peaty moss dust of the bogey parcels. At both temperatures, the methane oxidation rate exceeded the rate of methane formation in all the horizons of the mossy-lichen tundra and of the bumpy sinkhole complex. Methanogenesis prevailed only in a sedge-peat moss bog at 15 degrees C. Enrichment bacterial cultures oxidizing methane at 5 and 15 degrees C were obtained. Different types of methanotrophic bacteria were shown to be responsible for methane oxidation under these conditions. A representative of type I methylotrophs oxidized methane at 5 degrees C, and Methylocella tundrae, a psychroactive representative of an acidophilic methanotrophic genus Methylocella, at 15 degrees C.  相似文献   

Cryoturbated peat circles (that is, bare surface soil mixed by frost action; pH 3–4) in the Russian discontinuous permafrost tundra are nitrate-rich ‘hotspots'' of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in arctic ecosystems, whereas adjacent unturbated peat areas are not. N2O was produced and subsequently consumed at pH 4 in unsupplemented anoxic microcosms with cryoturbated but not in those with unturbated peat soil. Nitrate, nitrite and acetylene stimulated net N2O production of both soils in anoxic microcosms, indicating denitrification as the source of N2O. Up to 500 and 10 μ nitrate stimulated denitrification in cryoturbated and unturbated peat soils, respectively. Apparent maximal reaction velocities of nitrite-dependent denitrification were 28 and 18 nmol N2O gDW−1 h−1, for cryoturbated and unturbated peat soils, respectively. Barcoded amplicon pyrosequencing of narG, nirK/nirS and nosZ (encoding nitrate, nitrite and N2O reductases, respectively) yielded ≈49 000 quality-filtered sequences with an average sequence length of 444 bp. Up to 19 species-level operational taxonomic units were detected per soil and gene, many of which were distantly related to cultured denitrifiers or environmental sequences. Denitrification-associated gene diversity in cryoturbated and in unturbated peat soils differed. Quantitative PCR (inhibition-corrected per DNA extract) revealed higher copy numbers of narG in cryoturbated than in unturbated peat soil. Copy numbers of nirS were up to 1000 × higher than those of nirK in both soils, and nirS nirK−1 copy number ratios in cryoturbated and unturbated peat soils differed. The collective data indicate that the contrasting N2O emission patterns of cryoturbated and unturbated peat soils are associated with contrasting denitrifier communities.  相似文献   

Aim This study investigates how estimated tree aboveground biomass (AGB) of tropical montane rain forests varies with elevation, and how this variation is related to elevational change in floristic composition, phylogenetic community structure and the biogeography of the dominant tree taxa. Location Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Methods Floristic inventories and stand structural analyses were conducted on 13 plots (each 0.24 ha) in four old‐growth forest stands at 1050, 1400, 1800 and 2400 m a.s.l. (submontane to upper montane elevations). Tree AGB estimates were based on d.b.h., height and wood specific gravity. Phylogenetic diversity and biogeographical patterns were analysed based on tree family composition weighted by AGB. Elevational trends in AGB were compared with other Southeast Asian and Neotropical transect studies (n = 7). Results AGB was invariant from sub‐ to mid‐montane elevation (309–301 Mg ha?1) and increased slightly to 323 Mg ha?1 at upper montane elevation. While tree and canopy height decreased, wood specific gravity increased. Magnoliids accounted for most of the AGB at submontane elevations, while eurosids I (including Fagaceae) contributed substantially to AGB at all elevations. Phylogenetic diversity was highest at upper montane elevations, with co‐dominance of tree ferns, Podocarpaceae, Trimeniaceae and asterids/euasterids II, and was lowest at lower/mid‐montane elevations, where Fagaceae contributed > 50% of AGB. Biogeographical patterns showed a progression from dominant tropical families at submontane to tropical Fagaceae (Castanopsis, Lithocarpus) at lower/mid‐montane, and to conifers and Australasian endemics at upper montane elevations. Cross‐continental comparisons revealed an elevational AGB decrease in transects with low/no presence of Fagaceae, but relatively high AGB in montane forests with moderate to high abundance of this family. Main conclusions AGB is determined by both changes in forest structure and shifts in species composition. In our study, these two factors traded off so that there was no net change in AGB, even though there were large changes in forest structure and composition along the elevational gradient. Southeast Asian montane rain forests dominated by Fagaceae constitute important carbon stocks. The importance of biogeography and species traits for biomass estimation should be considered by initiatives to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) and in taxon choice in reforestation for carbon offsetting.  相似文献   

Question: Current climate changes in the Alaskan Arctic, which are characterized by increases in temperature and length of growing season, could alter vegetation structure, especially through increases in shrub cover or the movement of treeline. These changes in vegetation structure have consequences for the climate system. What is the relationship between structural complexity and partitioning of surface energy along a gradient from tundra through shrub tundra to closed canopy forest? Location: Arctic tundra‐boreal forest transition in the Alaskan Arctic. Methods: Along this gradient of increasing canopy complexity, we measured key vegetation characteristics, including community composition, biomass, cover, height, leaf area index and stem area index. We relate these vegetation characteristics to albedo and the partitioning of net radiation into ground, latent, and sensible heating fluxes. Results: Canopy complexity increased along the sequence from tundra to forest due to the addition of new plant functional types. This led to non‐linear changes in biomass, cover, and height in the understory. The increased canopy complexity resulted in reduced ground heat fluxes, relatively conserved latent heat fluxes and increased sensible heat fluxes. The localized warming associated with increased sensible heating over more complex canopies may amplify regional warming, causing further vegetation change in the Alaskan Arctic.  相似文献   

Summary Based on the physiological characteristics and responses of C3, C4, and CAM plants to environmental factors, it is generally predicted that C4 and CAM plants will become more abundant with increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation. To test this prediction, the relative contribution of each photosynthetic type to total plant community biomass was examined at seven study areas along an altitudinal transect in southeastern Wyoming grassland. In going from high (2,652 m) to low (1,405 m) elevation along this transect, mean annual temperature increased and annual precipitation decreased.The percentage of C4 biomass composing each study area decreased with increasing elevation, while the percentage of C3 biomass increased. All elevations had a significantly higher percentage of C4 biomass in August than in June, reflecting the warm season growth characteristic of C4 plants. Regressions of relative abundance of photosynthetic types on climatic variables showed that both mean annual temperature and annual precipitation were equally reliable as predictors of C3–C4 biomass, although we feel that temperature is of primary importance in explaining our observations. CAM species were present at all elevations, but showed no trends in biomass distribution with respect to elevation.  相似文献   

In the foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska, different glaciation histories have created landscapes with varying soil age. Productivity of most of these landscapes is generally N limited, but varies widely, as do plant species composition and soil properties (e.g., pH). We hypothesized that the projected changes in productivity and vegetation composition under a warmer climate might be mediated through differential changes in N availability across soil age. We compared readily available [water-soluble NH4 +, NO3 ?, and amino acids (AA)], moderately available (soluble proteins), hydrolyzable, and total N pools across three tussock-tundra landscapes with soil ages ranging from 11.5k to 300k years. The effects of fertilization and warming on these N pools were also compared for the two younger sites. Readily available N was highest at the oldest site, and AA accounted for 80–89 % of this N. At the youngest site, inorganic N constituted the majority (80–97 %) of total readily available N. This variation reflected the large differences in plant functional group composition and soil chemical properties. Long-term (8–16 years) fertilization increased the soluble inorganic N by 20- to 100-fold at the intermediate-age site, but only by twofold to threefold at the youngest site. Warming caused small and inconsistent changes in the soil C:N ratio and AA, but only in soils beneath Eriophorum vaginatum, the dominant tussock-forming sedge. These differential responses suggest that the ecological consequences of warmer climates on these tundra ecosystems are more complex than simply elevated N-mineralization rates, and that the responses of landscapes might be impacted by soil age, or time since deglaciation.  相似文献   

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