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Abstract.  1. In two sets of enclosure experiments, we studied the spatial pattern, relocation rates, pit construction rates, and microhabitat preference of Myrmeleon hyalinus larvae.
2. We showed that M. hyalinus larvae actively prefer shady sites and often relocate to shady areas when exposed to the sun. This behaviour may constitute a life-saving strategy in desert environments.
3. The initial spatial pattern in a cluster of antlion larvae did not affect the final pattern, relocation rate, or the pathway moved while relocating. We interpret this finding to mean that the spatial pattern of M. hyalinus larvae is mainly influenced by factors operating at large time-scales, such as exploitation competition and physical-microclimatological constraints, rather than those operating at shorter time-scales, such as interference competition.
4. In contrast, the likelihood of pit construction was positively correlated with nearest neighbour distance, possibly as a result of interference competition.
5. Pit construction rates were constant throughout the experiment, while relocation rates decreased with time.
6. Contrary to previous studies, we found no correlation between body mass and spatial position inside the cluster, suggesting that these differences are the products of slower processes (e.g. exploitation and body condition).  相似文献   

Abstract:  The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revolutionized the field of diagnostics, and today it has routine applications in medical, veterinary, forensic and botanical sciences. The fields of biological control and insect pest management have generally been slow to adopt PCR-based diagnostics in comparison with other fields of science. However, there has been increasing interest in the use of molecular diagnostic tools in arthropod biological control. In applied entomology, molecular techniques have generally been used for insect identification and systematics; however, PCR-based techniques are increasingly becoming recognized as valuable tools in ecological studies. Here, we review research that has used PCR-based techniques for parasitoid and predator/prey identification and detection, and place these studies in the context of their contributions to biological control of arthropods. The status and future directions of diagnostic molecular markers in applied entomology and insect pest management are also discussed.  相似文献   

1. 5054 adult beetles of 144 species were collected in a total of 696 1‐m2 collecting trays by knockdown insecticide fogging of 36 different oak trees in closed canopy woodland at Richmond Park, U.K., with three of the trees sampled on each of 12 dates, at 2‐ to 3‐week intervals, between April and October 1984. 2. In late spring (April/May), more individuals and species of beetles were collected in trays close to the trunks of trees than in trays more distant from the trunk. The reverse was the case in late September/October. Neither pattern prevailed in the intervening months. 3. Individual species exhibited a variety of patterns, with some species more abundant near the trunk, e.g. Leiopus nebulosus (L.), Strophosoma melanogrammum (Forster), Cylindronotus laevioctostriatus (Goeze), and Dromius agilis (Fabricius), and some less abundant near the trunk, e.g. Curculio pyrrhoceras (Marsham) and Rhynchaenus signifer (Creutzer). For Adalia decempunctata (L.), this preference changed with season. The observed species preferences for parts of a tree crown near or distant from the main trunk are discussed with reference to their known biologies. 4. No pronounced pattern of preference for north‐ or south‐facing aspects of trees in closed canopy woodland was observed, however populations of some species exhibited patterns of within‐tree distribution that correlate with compass angle; for one species, the ladybird Adalia decempunctata, this distribution changed with season and between colour morphs.  相似文献   

杨扇舟蛾卵和幼虫的空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了杨扇舟蛾Clostera anachoreta(Fabricius)卵和幼虫的空间分布型及抽样技术,结果表明杨扇舟蛾卵和幼虫在杨树林的分布型均为聚集型中的负二项分布。几种抽样方法中,卵以棋盘式最好,幼虫以平行线法最好。同时建立了杨扇舟蛾卵的下层抽样模型为y=2.4481x 0.4243;幼虫的中、下层抽样模型为y=2.4605x 3.9126。  相似文献   

肉桂双瓣卷蛾Polylopha cassiicola是危害肉桂Cinnamomum cassia和樟树Cinnamomum canphora嫩梢的一种重要钻蛀性害虫,对华南地区肉桂和樟树的发展造成了严重威胁。为了有效地控制该害虫,准确掌握其最适防治时期是非常必要的。2013-2015年采用物候法、期距法和空间分布型分析方法,对肉桂双瓣卷蛾的发生期进行预测和幼虫空间分布型进行了研究。结果表明,肉桂双瓣卷蛾在林间属聚集分布,是害虫本身的生物学特性和樟树林不同样地不同生境共同作用的结果。采用物候法预测樟树林肉桂双瓣卷蛾成虫盛发日,采用期距法预测幼虫发生时间基本吻合,可按照预测的时间进行防治或适当提前进行防治。  相似文献   

拉缘蝽空间格局测定结果表明,拉缘蝽的1—3龄若虫、4—5龄若虫和成虫等各虫态的空间格局均属于聚集分布,拉缘蝽1—3龄若虫聚集度最高,4—5龄若虫聚集度下降,成虫聚集度更低。在拉缘蝽空间格局的基础上,确定了Kuno风险决策序贯抽样表和1wao—Kuno(1968)理论抽样数。  相似文献   

桃一点斑叶蝉种群消长动态和空间分布型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究探明了桃一点斑叶蝉Erythroneurasudra种群消长动态和空间分布型 ,结果表明 :该虫在桃园全年共出现 3个为害高峰 ,分别发生于 4月下旬、5月下旬和 8月上旬 ;该害虫在桃园中呈聚集型的负二项分布。讨论了适宜取样调查方法。  相似文献   

以秦岭皇冠暖温性落叶阔叶林25 hm2森林样地中的优势灌木苦糖果为对象,研究了苦糖果不同径级个体的空间分布格局以及种内种间关系。结果表明: 苦糖果径级结构呈现出下宽上窄的金字塔型,小径级植株数量最多,更新状态较好,处于稳定增长阶段,有利于群落更新和演替。以Ripley's K函数为基础,采用单变量和双变量成对相关函数,在3个零模型(完全空间随机模型、异质泊松模型和先决条件模型)的处理下,树种整体和不同径级以聚集分布为主,且聚集程度随研究尺度的加大而逐渐减小,逐渐趋向随机分布。受到生境异质性、扩散限制、负密度制约等影响,种内不同径级个体之间以正关联为主,但也有一定程度的无关联,未出现负关联的情况。种间关系较为复杂,既有无关联,也有正关联和负关联,但以负关联和无关联为主。  相似文献   

天山云杉种群空间格局与动态   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
李明辉  何风华  刘云  潘存德 《生态学报》2005,25(5):1000-1006
天山云杉(Picea schrenkiana)林是天山林区的重要针叶林。研究调查了两块分别代表天山云杉不同演替阶段的标准地,应用Ripley’s K系数法研究了天山云杉种群空间格局与动态。结果表明:天山云杉是聚集型种群,天山云杉活立木、枯死木、天山桦(Betula tianschanica Rupr.)和天山柳(Salix tianschanica Rgl.)的空间格局均为聚集型;天山云杉枯死木的聚集强度大于天山云杉活立木的聚集强度;天山桦和天山柳的聚集强度大于天山云杉枯死木的聚集强度;天山桦和天山柳的空间格局随种群所处的演替阶段不同而不同,增长型种群在所有尺度上其空间格局都为聚集型,在大于70m尺度上表现为均匀格局,而天山云杉成熟林中的天山桦和天山柳只在小尺度(0~40m)上表现为聚集。随着天山云杉的生长,其聚集强度逐渐减小,聚集半径不断增大。从50a以下天山云杉到50~100a的天山云杉其聚集强度急速减小,这有利于天山云杉幼树获得足够的资源,是天山云杉幼树的一种生存策略或适应机制。150a以上天山云杉的聚集强度增加,这是由于天山云杉生长到150a左右时开始出现成熟后死亡,形成林窗有利于天山云杉林的更新。研究还对Ripley’s K系数法和频次检验法进行了比较,Ripley’s K系数法能够分析各种尺度下的种群空间格局,且不受样方大小的影响,结果清楚、直观。  相似文献   

A spatial computer simulation model has been developed to assist our understanding of the ways in which Maculinea butterflies depend upon the spatial distribution and abundance of their initial foodplant and their Myrmica host ant. It was initially derived for the Maculinea rebeli-Myrmica schencki-Gentiana cruciata system. It relates the population processes of the competing host and other ant species to an underlying gradient of habitat quality and incorporates the impact of adopted Maculinea caterpillars on the growth and survival of individual ant nests. The model was initially calibrated for a large site in the Spanish Pyrenees, but has since been successfully tested on 12 French sites and another in Spain. On such sites, with M. rebeli present, there is a close relationship between Maculinea population density and the density of the early larval foodplant G. cruciata. Optimum gentian density is estimated to be about 1500 plants ha-1 on sites with the natural clumping of gentians found. However, any site management which added extra gentians, especially if filling the gaps, is predicted to reduce the Maculinea population. Meta-population studies of single species have shown that the size and spatial arrangement of patches of assumed uniformly suitable habitat can influence their population dynamics and persistence. Our modelling suggests that the spatial pattern of suitable habitat of varied quality within a single site can influence the local butterfly population size and perhaps also persistence. Despite being free-ranging over the whole area, the butterfly's dynamics may depend on the arrangement of habitat quality at a finer spatial scale, due to its interactions with ant species possessing narrower habitat niches and more localized dispersal. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

本文采用聚集指标法分析了刺槐叶瘿蚊Obolodiplosis robiniae(Haldemann)越冬幼虫的空间分布格局,结果表明:刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫在林间呈聚集分布;其聚集的原因与刺槐叶瘿蚊自身的行为习性有关或由刺槐叶瘿蚊本身与环境的异质性共同作用所造成。采用"z"字型、平行线、棋盘式、大五点、对角线5种抽样方法估计林间刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫虫口密度,确定对角线法调查15样方为最佳抽样方法。对土壤不同深度土层中越冬幼虫数量调查,明确最适取样深度为3cm。同时利用Iwao回归建立了理论抽样数量模型:n=t2/D2(1.1957/x珋+0.8905)。利用过筛手检和过筛水漂2种方法检数土中幼虫,对检出刺槐叶瘿蚊越冬幼虫虫量及检虫时间进行了对比分析,结果表明过筛水漂法检虫较为可取。  相似文献   

基于遥感和野外调查数据,研究北京市两栖爬行动物空间分布格局及其影响因素。结果显示,北京记录两栖爬行动物2纲3目10科17属22种,其中,保护物种15种,占物种总数的68.19%。物种分布整体呈现由西北向东南递减的空间特征,西北部山区丰富度和相对多度较大,门头沟和延庆物种丰富度最大(14种),占调查物种总数的66.67%,优势种为中国林蛙、黑斑侧褶蛙、中华蟾蜍和山地麻蜥;门头沟、怀柔、房山分布了全市71.54%的种群数量;200-500 m海拔段物种丰富度最高(18种),主要生境为森林灌丛;物种数在6种以上的网格有11个,包括大滩、怀九河、百花山、拒马河、密云水库等。总体来看,物种种类和数量相较之前呈现减少趋势,而土地用途转换具有重要影响。1980-2018年,建设用地表现出以东西城为核心向外围扩张的趋势,侵占的农田占生态系统总转换面积的42.85%;城六区和平原区的主要物种为黑斑侧褶蛙和中华蟾蜍,少有中国林蛙分布。进一步分析两栖动物1500 m的迁徙距离内,森林灌丛和农田为主要的生境类型,城市扩张侵占了部分农田;同时,污染物的排放引起水体水质下降,特别是北运河水系,造成两栖动物的繁殖率降低和栖息地破坏。目前,北京市各类保护地虽覆盖两栖爬行动物种类的90.91%和数量的60.45%,但在怀柔宝山镇白河上段、密云水库来水的潮河上段辛庄桥、平谷洳河大兴庄镇-峪口镇等地,仍然存在较大的保护空缺。对此,建议开展长期定位观测,构建生物多样性观测网络,并探索建立高强度土地利用下的生物多样性保护机制,从而实现生物资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

以科尔沁沙地半固定沙丘和流动沙丘两种不同沙丘上的盐蒿(Artemisia halodendron)种群为研究对象,采用空间点格局方法研究了 0~20 m尺度上盐蒿种群的空间分布格局及其关联性.结果表明,半固定沙丘上盐蒿种群的数量远大于流动沙丘,不同生长发育阶段的种群结构呈偏正态分布,属于稳定型种群;流动沙丘上不同生长发...  相似文献   

We investigated factors that limited the distribution of phytophagous species within a woodiand system in Midlothian, Scotland. A pattern analysis was conducted of phytophagous species on a total of 45 Fagus sylvatica within 15 woodlands. Species richness counted on collected leaves was tested against within-and between-wood variables. Variables used in a regression with arthropod data from Fagus were used to estimate the phytophage richness on Betula pendula and Quercus robur in the same woods. Convariance in the number of phytophages in sampled woods was found for Fagus over three years and for Fagus, Betula and Quercus in 1992. Association analysis was used to classify the woods into species rich or poor based on presence or absence matrices. The main factors that limit phytophages on Fagus (gaps along the woodland edge, depth and species richness of the field layer. density of leaf litter and the extent of contiguous woodland cover, when including hedgerows and lines of trees) affect phytophages of similar life history strategy on other tree species within the same woods. Eighty-six per cent of species were lost because certain life history stages were vulnerable to factors that prevail in woods of poor structure. The nature conservation value of woodlands could be assessed using the correlated vulnerability of particular phytophages across tree species under specific woodland conditions.  相似文献   

玉米田斜纹夜蛾空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对秋甜玉米田的斜纹夜蛾不同发生密度田块调查 ,取得了 7组样本资料 ,运用聚集度指标法、Iwao法和Taylor法等对其空间分布型进行测定检验 ,结果表明斜纹夜蛾幼虫呈聚集分布 ,其聚集原因经Blackith种群聚集均数测定 ,当m <3 .2 60 4时 ,其聚集是由于某些环境如气侯、土壤湿度、植株生长状况等所致 ;当m >3 .2 60 4时 ,其聚集是由于害虫本身的群集行为与环境条件综合影响所致。在此基础上 ,通过几种抽样方式比较以五点式为最佳 ,并提出了最佳理论抽样数和最佳序贯抽样模型 :N =1 D2 (3 .8981 m +0 .75 0 3 ) ,To(n) =0 .5n± 2 .865n。  相似文献   

荔枝蝽田间种群消长动态及空间分布型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对海南省儋州地区荔枝园中荔枝蝽Tessaratoma papillosa(Drury)种群动态及空间分布进行了系统调查与分析。结果表明,在2005—2006与2008—2009年期间,荔枝蝽的产卵高峰期分别为4月与2月,若虫高峰期为3月,成虫高峰期分别为4月及7月;分析表明荔枝蝽各虫态在荔枝园中均为聚集分布,且成虫个体间相互排斥。  相似文献   

本应用空间分布型统计参数IwaoM-X模型中α,β及6个聚集指标分析了柑橘全爪螨的空间格局,并对抽样技术进行了探讨。结果表明,柑橘全爪螨的空间格局为聚集型;田间的抽样部位是上、中、下三部的叶片。提出了估算柑橘全爪螨在不同虫口密度下的理论抽样数。  相似文献   

京津冀城市群区域产业协同的政策格局及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马海涛  黄晓东  罗奎 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4424-4433
产业协同发展是京津冀区域协同发展的三个重点领域之一,科学合理的产业协同政策是加快实现这一发展目标的重要保障。通过对京津冀城市群区域产业协同政策事件的系统梳理,从区域、省际和城际3个尺度解读了产业协同政策的格局及其演进过程,并从新区域主义的管治视角进行了评价。研究认为:(1)京津冀产业协同发展进入了快速发展的机遇期,协同政策极大地推动了区域内跨地产业合作和城市间产业联系,有助于提高城市群整体竞争力;(2)不同空间尺度的产业协同政策关注的重点、发展的方向、演化的特征不同,当前城市间的产业协同政策与区域协同发展目标的关系不明确,产业协同对生态环境的改善尚不显著,亟需加强研究和统筹协调;(3)受城市行政区等级关系和竞争关系的影响,京津冀产业协同政策与市场调节无法实现高度契合统一,与新区域主义的管治理念并不相符,影响科学合理协同政策的制定与实施。研究对当前京津冀区域产业协同发展推进及其政策制定有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

采用聚集度指标法和回归分析法,对思茅松毛虫幼虫在林间的空间格局进行测定,并用刀切法对聚集度指标进行估计和检验,结果表明,思茅松毛虫幼虫在林间呈聚集分布,分布的基本成份为个体群.并计算了林间调查的理论抽样数,列出序贯抽样分析表。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物长苞铁杉的分布格局   总被引:52,自引:5,他引:52  
应用聚集度指标,Iwao方程和Taylor幂法则模型等测定方法研究珍稀濒危植物长苞铁杉的空间分布格局。结果表明,长苞铁杉的空间分布呈随机分布。文中还研究Iwao的M与x的回归方程,计算长苞铁杉在不同密度和允许误差下的理论抽样面积。  相似文献   

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