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Calcium imaging of cortical networks dynamics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cossart R  Ikegaya Y  Yuste R 《Cell calcium》2005,37(5):451-457
Studies relating spontaneous network activities to cognitive processes and/or brain disorders constitute a recently expanding field of investigation. They are mostly based either on cellular recordings--usually performed in pharmacologically induced oscillations in brain slices--or on multi-cellular recordings using tetrodes or multiple electrodes. However, these research strategies cannot link the electrical recordings with morphological characterization of the neurons. The progress made in imaging techniques allows for the first time to have simultaneously a dynamic and global characterization of network activity and to determine the single-cell properties of the unitary microcircuits involved in this activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide a brief review about the ImageStream system a novel tool for multiparameter cell analysis in flow. The instrument integrates the features of flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy combined with a modern methodology for image analysis. Similar to flow cytometry, ImageStream allows analysis of a large number of cells based on their fluorescence features and provides statistical analysis of these features. Additionally, ImageStream allows detailed morphometric cellular analysis based on acquired cellular images integrating various morphometric and photometric features of the examined cells. Simply stated, ImageStream system is an advanced flow cytometer acquiring both integrated fluorescence signals as well as high quality fluorescence images and allowing muliparameter analysis. The innovative features of the instrument offer new analytical capabilities and allow for a multitude of possible applications beyond the current means of flow cytometry. While this article summarizes basic information about the features of ImageStream and its applications based on the available literature and it also describes our own experience.  相似文献   

Noninvasive imaging at the molecular level is an emerging field in biomedical research. This paper introduces a new technology synergizing two leading imaging methodologies: positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Although the value of PET lies in its high-sensitivity tracking of biomarkers in vivo, it lacks resolving morphology. MRI has lower sensitivity, but produces high soft-tissue contrast and provides spectroscopic information and functional MRI (fMRI). We have developed a three-dimensional animal PET scanner that is built into a 7-T MRI. Our evaluations show that both modalities preserve their functionality, even when operated isochronously. With this combined imaging system, we simultaneously acquired functional and morphological PET-MRI data from living mice. PET-MRI provides a powerful tool for studying biology and pathology in preclinical research and has great potential for clinical applications. Combining fMRI and spectroscopy with PET paves the way for a new perspective in molecular imaging.  相似文献   

Ethology into a new era   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Viewing lip forms: cortical dynamics   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Nishitani N  Hari R 《Neuron》2002,36(6):1211-1220
Viewing other persons' actions automatically activates brain areas belonging to the mirror-neuron system (MNS) assumed to link action execution and observation. We followed, by magnetoencephalographic cortical dynamics, subjects who observed still pictures of lip forms, on-line imitated them, or made similar forms in a self-paced manner. In all conditions and in both hemispheres, cortical activation progressed in 20-70 ms steps from the occipital cortex to the superior temporal region (where the strongest activation took place), the inferior parietal lobule, and the inferior frontal lobe (Broca's area), and finally, 50-140 ms later, to the primary motor cortex. The signals of Broca's area and motor cortex were significantly stronger during imitation than other conditions. These results demonstrate that still pictures, only implying motion, activate the human MNS in a well-defined temporal order.  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》2023,28(9):987-990
Plants release chemical signals to interact with their environment when exposed to stress. Khait and colleagues unveiled that plants ‘verbalize’ stress by emitting airborne sounds. These can train machine learning models to identify plant stressors. This unlocks a new path in plant-environment interactions research with multiple possibilities for future applications.  相似文献   

It is proposed that distinct anatomical regions of cerebral cortex and of thalamic nuclei are functionally two-dimensional. On this view, the third (radial) dimension of cortical and thalamic structures is associated with a redundancy of circuits and functions so that reliable signal processing obtains in the presence of noisy or ambiguous stimuli.A mathematical model of simple cortical and thalamic nervous tissue is consequently developed, comprising two types of neurons (excitatory and inhibitory), homogeneously distributed in planar sheets, and interacting by way of recurrent lateral connexions. Following a discussion of certain anatomical and physiological restrictions on such interactions, numerical solutions of the relevant non-linear integro-differential equations are obtained. The results fall conveniently into three categories, each of which is postulated to correspond to a distinct type of tissue: sensory neo-cortex, archior prefrontal cortex, and thalamus.The different categories of solution are referred to as dynamical modes. The mode appropriate to thalamus involves a variety of non-linear oscillatory phenomena. That appropriate to archior prefrontal cortex is defined by the existence of spatially inhomogeneous stable steady states which retain contour information about prior stimuli. Finally, the mode appropriate to sensory neo-cortex involves active transient responses. It is shown that this particular mode reproduces some of the phenomenology of visual psychophysics, including spatial modulation transfer function determinations, certain metacontrast effects, and the spatial hysteresis phenomenon found in stereopsis.List of Symbols (t) Post-synaptic membrane potential (psp) - Maximum amplitude of psp - t Time - The neuronal membrane time constant - Threshold value of membrane potential - r Absolute refractory period - Synaptic operating delay - v Velocity of propagation of action potentil - x Cartesian coordinate - jj (x) The probability that cells of class j are connected with cells of class j a distance x away - b jj The mean synaptic weight of synapses of the jj-th class at x - jj The space constant for connectivity - e Surface density of excitatory neurons in a one-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic tissue - i Surface density of inhibitory neurons in a one-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic tissue - E(x, t) Excitatory Activity, proportion of excitatory cells becoming active per unit time at the instant t, at the point x - I(x, t) Inhibitory Activity, proportion of inhibitory cells becoming active per unit time at the instant t, at the point x - x A small segment of tissue - t A small interval of time - P(x, t) Afferent excitation or inhibition to excitatory neurons - Q(x, t) Afferent excitation or inhibition to inhibitory neurons - N e (x, t) Mean integrated excitation generated within excitatory neurons at x - N i (x, t) Mean integrated excitation generated within inhibitory neurons at x - e [N e ] Expected proportion of excitatory neurons receiving at least threshold excitation per unit time, as a function of N e - i [N i ] Expected proportion of inhibitory neurons receiving at least threshold excitation per unit time, as a function of N i - G( e ) Distribution function of excitatory neuronal thresholds - G( 1 ) Distribution function of inhibitory neuronal thresholds - 1 A fixed value of neuronal threshold - h(N e ; 1) Proportion per unit time of excitatory neurons at x reaching 1 with a mean excitation N e - 1[ ] Heaviside's step-function - R e (x, t) Number of excitatory neurons which are sensitive at the instant t - R i (x, t) Number of inhibitory neurons which are sensitive at the instant t - R e Refractory period of excitatory neurons - r i Refractory period of inhibitory neurons - E(x, t) Time coarse-grained excitatory activity - I(x, t) Time coarse-grained inhibitory activity - Spatial convolution - Threshold of a neuronal aggregate - v Sensitivity coefficient of response of a neuronal aggregate - E(t) Time coarse-grained spatially localised excitatory activity - I(t)> Time coarse-grained spatially localised inhibitory activity - L 1,L 2,L,Q See § 2.2.1, § 2.2.7, § 3.1 - Velocity with which retinal images are moved apart - Stimulus width - E o, I o Spatially homogeneous steady states of neuronal activity - k e ,k ij S e S ij See § 5.1  相似文献   

基因打靶技术:开启遗传学新纪元   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
滕艳  杨晓 《遗传》2007,29(11):1291-1298
基因打靶技术作为最有效的定向修饰小鼠基因的技术手段在揭示基因的生理功能、研究人类疾病的遗传机制以及寻找新的药物靶标的过程中发挥着重要的作用。近年来, 随着条件基因打靶技术的发展使基因失活可以限制在特定时段特定组织或细胞内。文章将主要介绍基因打靶技术的发展简史、近期进展以及在其他模式动物中的应用。  相似文献   

The present study has investigated interaction at the cortical level in the human between two major components of flavor perception, pure chemical gustatory and lingual somatosensory perception. Twelve subjects participated in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study and tasted six stimuli, applied on the whole tongue, among which four were pure gustatory stimuli (NaCl, aspartame, quinine and HCl, pH 2.4 or 2.2) and two were both taste and lingual somatosensory stimuli, i.e. somato-gustatory stimuli (HCl, pH 1.6 or 1.5, and aluminum potassium sulfate). Functional images were acquired with an echo planar sequence on a 3 T system and were individually processed by correlation with the temporal perception profile. Both sets of stimuli showed activation in the same cortical areas, namely the insula, the rolandic operculum (base of the pre- and post-central gyri), the frontal operculum and the temporal operculum, confirming a wide overlap of taste and lingual somatosensory representations. However, the relative activation across areas and the analysis of co-activated areas across all runs for each set of stimuli allowed discrimination of taste and somatosensory modalities. Factor analysis of correspondences indicated different patterns of activation across the sub-insular and opercular regions, depending on the gustatory or somato-gustatory nature of the stimuli. For gustatory stimuli different activation patterns for the superior and inferior parts of the insula suggested a difference in function between these two insular sub-regions. Furthermore, the left inferior insula was co-activated with the left angular gyrus, a structure involved in semantic processing. In contrast, only somato-gustatory stimuli specifically produced a simultaneous and symmetrical activation of both the left and right rolandic opercula, which include a part of the sensory homunculus dedicated to the tactile representation of oral structures.  相似文献   

Mobley KB 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(6):1080-1082
The advent of DNA fingerprinting and microsatellite techniques has revolutionized the way in which we investigate genetic pedigrees in the wild (Pemberton 2008). With large and often incomplete data sets consisting of hundreds to thousands of individuals over multiple generations becoming commonplace, new methods in parentage analysis are being developed to rise to the next generation of questions and challenges. In this issue, Christie et al. (2011) provide a simple yet elegant solution to the problem of identifying missing parents and assessing hybrid fitness in a mixed population of wild and hatchery steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) where not all individuals can be sampled effectively. They develop a new method of grandparent analysis where parental genotypes can be reconstructed using data from candidate grandparent crosses and F2 offspring genotypes, allowing for new explorations of hybridization, migration and gene flow in wild populations.  相似文献   

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