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1. The resistance of different mammalian red blood cells (RBCs) to hyperosmotic environments was studied. RBCs of six mammalian species were exposed to 10 increasingly hyperosmotic NaCl solutions for 24 hr at 5 degrees C. 2. The osmolality at which the amount of liberated haemoglobin reached a preset level (e.g. 3-4% of the total haemoglobin) showed a linear correlation with negative slope with RBC volume. This indicates that small RBCs are more resistant to hyperosmotic milieu than large ones. 3. A similar relation can be found from literature data when maximal urinary tonicities are plotted as a function of RBC volume, i.e. animals with the ability to produce highly concentrated urine have small RBCs. 4. RBC volume and maximal urinary tonicity in mammals are therefore tightly linked. Future research will have to show whether this correlation is fortuitous or not and whether, as can be speculated, RBC size is directly or indirectly regulated by the kidney.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of a correlation between the effects of temperature on red blood cells hypotonic hemolysis and hypertonic cryohemolysis and two thermotropic structural transitions evidenced by EPR studies has been tested. Hypertonic cryohemolysis of red blood cells shows critical temperatures at 7 degrees C and 19 degrees C. In hypotonic solution, the osmotic resistance increases near 10 degrees C and levels off above 20 degrees C. EPR studies of red blood cell membrane of a 16-dinyloxyl stearic acid spin label show, in the 0-50 degrees C range, the presence of three thermotropic transitions at 8, 20, and 40 degrees C. Treatments of red blood cells with acidic or alkaline pH, glutaraldehyde, and chlorpromazine abolish hypertonic cryohemolysis and reduce the effect of temperature on hypotonic hemolysis. 16-Dinyloxyl stearic acid spectra of red blood cells treated with glutaraldehyde and chlorpromazine show the disappearance of the 8 degrees C transition. Both the 8 degrees C and the 20 degrees C transitions were abolished by acidic pH treatment. The correlation between the temperature dependence of red blood cell lysis and thermotropic breaks might be indicative of the presence of structural transitions producing areas of mismatching between differently ordered membrane components where the osmotic resistance is decreased.  相似文献   

The combined effects of hypertonic solutions and temperature changes on the posthypertonic hemolysis of human red blood cells have been investigated. Cells were exposed to hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride and also to hypertonic solutions of the extracellular cryoprotective additive sucrose, such as would occur during the freezing of cells in an isotonic salt solution to which 15% wv sucrose had been added. In both cases the extent of posthypertonic hemolysis was increased by temperature reduction per se when the osmolality of the extracellular solution exceeded about 1400 mOsm/kg water. The posthypertonic hemolysis of cells exposed to a hypertonic solution at 0 °C was reduced with the temperature of the resuspension solution up to 35 °C.  相似文献   

Female Pleurodeles waltl newts (Amphibia, urodele), usually raised at 20 °C, were submitted to low temperatures; oocytes responded to this cold stress by drastic changes both in lampbrush chromosome structure and in protein pattern. Preexisting lateral loops of lampbrush chromosomes were reduced in size and number, while cold-induced loops which were tremendously developed, occurred on defined bivalents of the oocyte at constant, reproducible sites. A comparison of protein patterns in control and stressed oocytes showed two main differences: in stressed oocytes, overall protein synthesis was reduced, except for a set of polypeptides, the “cold-stress proteins”; second, there was a striking inversion of the relative amount of β- and γ-actin found in the oocyte nucleus before and after cold stress. Whereas β-actin was the predominant form in control oocytes, γ-actin became the major form in stressed oocytes.  相似文献   

Cold-induced lipid phase transitions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structural organization of biological membranes is largely determined by the weak interactions existing between their components and between these components and their aqueous environment. These interactions are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature and hydration. The factors influencing membrane lipid phase behaviour are briefly reviewed and used to develop a phase-separation model describing the response of biological membranes to stress. The factors affecting the interaction of cryoprotectants with membrane lipids are explored and their role in the stabilization of membrane organization at low temperatures discussed. It is suggested that the basis of their protective action lies in an ability to preserve the balance of interactions between membrane components at low temperatures at a level similar to that existing under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Conformational changes are essential for protein-protein and protein-ligand recognition. Here we probed changes in the structure of the protein ubiquitin at low temperatures in supercooled water using NMR spectroscopy. We demonstrate that ubiquitin is well folded down to 263 K, although slight rearrangements in the hydrophobic core occur. However, amide proton chemical shifts show non-linear temperature dependence in supercooled solution and backbone hydrogen bonds become weaker in the region that is most prone to cold-denaturation. Our data suggest that the weakening of the hydrogen bonds in the β-sheet of ubiquitin might be one of the first events that occur during cold-denaturation of ubiquitin. Interestingly, the same region is strongly involved in ubiquitin-protein complexes suggesting that this part of ubiquitin more easily adjusts to conformational changes required for complex formation.  相似文献   

D B Pribor 《Cryobiology》1971,8(1):14-24
Red blood cell ghosts resulting from osmotic hemolysis in the presence of Mg ions (Mg ghosts) and ghosts resulting from slow freeze-thaw process (freeze-thaw ghosts) differ in many respects: (1) Mg ghosts spontaneously take on the disc shape immediately after hemolysis and resuspension in buffered salt solution; whereas freeze-thaw ghosts are spherical; (2) Mg ghosts appear to be less hemolyzed than freeze-thaw ghosts; (3) washed and cold-stored Mg ghosts contract or become biconcave discs when exposed to 30 μmoles of ATP/109 ghosts at 37 °C; whereas freeze-thaw ghosts under similar conditions break up into microspheres and membrane filaments; (4) Mg ghosts become crenated discs and spheres when rehemolyzed and resuspended in buffered salt solution; whereas freeze-thaw ghosts tend to fragment; (5) the ATPase activity of Mg ghosts, particularly the nontransport ATPase activity, is considerably less than that of freeze-thaw ghosts.  相似文献   

Cold acclimation induces very divergent responses in thyroid function in reptiles and mammals reflective of their different thermoregulatory modes. Naked mole-rats, unlike other small mammals, are unable to effectively employ endothermy and are operatively poikilotherms. We therefore investigated changes in their thyroid status with chronic cold exposure. Under simulated burrow conditions, free thyroxine (T(4); 0.39 +/- 0.09 ng/dl) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH; 1.12 +/- 0.56 microIU/ml) levels fell within the reptilian range, one order of magnitude lower than mammalian levels. However, cold induced typical mammalian responses: free T(4) levels (0.55 +/- 0.09 ng/dl) and thyroid follicular cell height were significantly greater. Although TSH levels (1.28 +/- 0.83 microIU/ml) were not significantly elevated, thyrotrophs exhibited ultrastructural signs of increased secretory activity. Low thyroid hormone concentrations may contribute substantially to the unusual thermoregulatory mode exhibited by naked mole-rats.  相似文献   

Classes of retrotransposons constitute a large portion of metazoan genome. There have been cases reported that genomic abundance of retrotransposons is correlated with the severity of low environmental temperatures. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying such correlation are unknown. We show here by cell transfection assays that retrotransposition(RTP) of a long interspersed nuclear element(LINE) from an Antarctic notothenioid fish Dissostichus mawsoni(dmLl) could be activated by low temperature exposure, causing increased dmL1 copies in the host cell genome. The cold-induced dmL1 propagation was demonstrated to be mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinases(MAPK)/p38 signaling pathway, which is activated by accumulation of reactive oxygen species(ROS) in cold-stressed conditions. Surprisingly, dmL1 transfected cells showed an increase in the number of viable cells after prolonged cold exposures than non-transfected cells. Features of cold inducibility of dmL1 were recapitulated in LINEs of zebrafish origin both in cultured cell lines and tissues, suggesting existence of a common cold-induced LINE amplification in fishes. The findings reveal an important function of LINES in temperature adaptation and provid insights into the MAPK/p38 stress responsive pathway that shapes LINE composition in fishes facing cold stresses.  相似文献   

Cold-induced increase of glycerol kinase in Neurospora crassa   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M J North 《FEBS letters》1973,35(1):67-70

冷和细胞凋亡有着密切的关系,冷诱导细胞凋亡的研究已经成为器官移植医学领域里的热点。冷诱导细胞凋亡的信号转导过程错综复杂,细胞内活性氧自由基、Ca2 、Fe2 以及冷相关基因都介导或调控冷引起的细胞凋亡。结合有关冷和细胞凋亡方面的研究进展,综述了与冷引起的细胞凋亡相关的信号转导过程和相关基因的调控机制。  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory benefits of cold-induced changes in breathing pattern and mechanism(s) by which cold induces hypoventilation were investigated using male Holstein calves (1-3 mo old). Effects of ambient temperatures (Ta) between 4 and 18 degrees C on ventilatory parameters and respiratory heat loss (RHL) were determined in four calves. As Ta decreased, respiratory frequency decreased 29%, tidal volume increased 35%, total ventilation and RHL did not change, and the percentage of metabolic rate attributed to RHL decreased 26%. Total ventilation was stimulated by increasing inspired CO2 in six calves (Ta 4-6 degrees C), and a positive relationship existed between respiratory frequency and expired air temperature. Therefore, cold-exposed calves conserve respiratory heat by decreasing expired air temperature and dead space ventilation. Compared with thermoneutral exposure (16-18 degrees C), hypoventilation was induced by airway cold exposure (4-6 degrees C) alone and by exposing the body but not the airways to cold. Blocking nasal thermoreceptors with topical lidocaine during airway cold exposure prevented the ventilatory response but did not lower hypothalamic temperature. Hypothalamic cooling (Ta 16-18 degrees C) did not produce a ventilatory response. Thus, airway temperature but not hypothalamic temperature appears to control ventilation in cold-exposed calves.  相似文献   

An ultrasound unit for hemolysis for an analytic device is presented which permits hemolysis without the need of a specific insonification chamber which is an unwanted discontinuity along the probe path. This is possible by direct insonification of a flexible tube which contains the flowing blood. The influence of ultrasound power, insonification time and coupling conditions on the result of hemolysis is investigated.  相似文献   

Cold-induced vasodilation in the footpad of the anesthetized cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Relatively little is known about changes in the cytosolic free calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]c) in monocotyledonous plants. Therefore, we produced transgenic winter wheat lines stably expressing the calcium-sensitive photoprotein aequorin constitutively in the cytosol. [Ca2+]c was detected in vivo by luminometry, and [Ca2+]c elevations were imaged at video rate. Experiments with the transgenic seedlings focused on potential changes in [Ca2+]c during cold exposure. Temperature-induced changes in [Ca2+]c were found to be more dependent on the change in temperature (dT dt−1) than on the absolute value of temperature. [Ca2+]c increased only at cooling rates higher than 8°C min−1, indicating that an overall cellular [Ca2+]c increase is of minor relevance as a signal for cold acclimation in wheat under ecological conditions. The results are discussed with regard to the so-called ‘calcium signature hypothesis’.  相似文献   

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