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Summary P1 infected minicells synthesize approximately 50 phage-encoded polypeptides. Phage expression is temporally controlled, demonstrating phage polypeptides synthesized both early and late after infection. The P1 repressor, gpc1 1 (Mr=33,000), repressor bypass polypeptide, gprebA (Mr=27,500) and cistron 10 product, (gp10) (Mr=64,000), have been identified by infection of minicells with P1 amber mutants. The beta-lactamase gene product (gpbla) carried by the closely related phage P7 and the chloramphenicol acetyl-transferase gene product (gpcat) carried by P1 Cm (in Tn9) have been demonstrated. Infection of minicells by P1vir s or P1c4 mutants results in increased synthesis of gprebA and a second polypeptide designated gprebB (Mr=40,000). The P1vir11 mutation leads to increased synthesis of a small polypeptide (Mr=3,500) but does not affect the amount of gpc1 synthesized.  相似文献   

A new gene of bacteriophage P22 which regulates synthesis of antirepressor   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Two new mutants of bacteriophage P22 are described which define a new regulatory gene, arc (for antirepressor control). The properties of the arc mutants and of 31 phenotypic revertants indicate that the arc gene codes for a trans-acting protein whose primary role is to depress synthesis of P22 antirepressor protein during the lytic cycle of infection. Failure to regulate antirepressor production apparently leads secondarily to a lethal defect (i.e. failure to produce progeny phage).Although under certain conditions the arc function can be expressed by P22 prophages and can act as a weak barrier to superinfecting homologous phage, the arc product is neither necessary nor sufficient for maintenance of the prophage state or superinfection immunity in lysogens. Instead, as shown previously by others (Levine et al., 1975; Botstein et al., 1975), the prophage mnt gene product is responsible for repressing antirepressor synthesis, both by the prophage and by superinfecting phage.  相似文献   

A rifampin-resistant mutant of Salmonella typhimurium carries an altered RNA polymerase. Wild-type (c+) phage P22 displays clear plaques and a reduced lysogenization frequency on this mutant host. The cly mutants of P22 were isolated on the basis of their ability to lysogenize such mutant hosts. Two classes of regulatory events, both of which are dependent on P22 gene c1 activity, are necessary for the establishment of lysogeny in P22. The positive events culminate in repressor synthesis; the negative events cause a retardation in phage DNA synthesis. Neither the positive nor the negative events are observed in P22c+ infections of the mutant host. Both effects are found in P22cly infections of the mutant host. Observable results of both the negative and the positive events are exaggerated in P22cly infections of wild-type hosts as compared to P22c+ infections. The cly mutation apparently increases the positive and negative regulatory events so that they are detectable in the mutant host and exaggerated in wild-type hosts. Possible mechanisms that result in the high frequency of lysogenization that characterizes the cly mutation and the nature of the cly mutation are discussed.  相似文献   

The bipartite immunity and repression system of the temperate Salmonella bacteriophage P22 has been analyzed by genetic means. Both parts of the immunity system, immI and immC, are necessary to confer upon lysogens immunity to superinfection with P22. The product of the c2 gene (which lies in immC) is a repressor which apparently regulates directly the expression of phage genes in a manner analogous (if not identical) with that found for coliphage λ.The immI region contains three genetic elements. One of these (mnt; Gough, 1968) appears to specify another repressor whose specific activity is continuously required for the maintenance of lysogeny. We have identified two new regulatory elements in immI through the isolation of mutants. Virulent mutations (virA) in the Vy element confer the ability to grow in immune P22 lysogens by destroying or inactivating the repression functions of the lysogen (possibly the c2-repressor itself). The third element in immI is a structural gene (ant) for a protein (antirepressor) which is regulated by mnt (repressor) and Vy (promoter/operator).We have shown that the ability of P22 to grow on immI-deletion lysogens, the dominant virulence of virA virulents, and the requirement for mnt for the maintenance of lysogeny, all depend on an intact ant+ gene. It is proposed that P22 antirepressor represents a new type of regulatory protein which acts by controlling other regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The affinity of synthetic P22 operators for P22 repressor varies with the base sequence at the operator's center. At 100 mM KCl, the affinity of these operators for P22 repressor varies over a 10-fold range. Dimethylsulfate protection experiments indicate that the central bases of the P22 operator are not contacted by the repressor. The KD for the complex of P22 repressor with an operator bearing central T-A bases (9T) increases less than 2-fold between 50 and 200 mM KCl, whereas the KD for the complex of repressor with an operator bearing central C-G bases (9C) increases 10-fold in the same salt range. The DNase I cleavage patterns of both bound and unbound P22 operators also vary with central base sequence. The DNase I pattern of the repressor-9C operator complex changes markedly with salt concentration, whereas that of the 9T operator-repressor complex does not. These changes in nuclease digestion pattern thereby mirror the salt-dependent changes in the P22 operator's affinity for repressor. P22 repressor protects the central base pair of the 9T operator from cleavage by the intercalative cleavage reagent Cu(I)-phenanthroline, while repressor does not protect the central bases of the 9C operator. Together these data indicate that central base pairs affect P22 operator strength by altering the structure of the unbound operator and the repressor-operator complex.  相似文献   

Construction of plasmids that produce phage P22 repressor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A R Poteete  T M Roberts 《Gene》1981,13(2):153-161
In a series of plasmid constructions, the c2 (repressor) gene of phage P22 was cloned in a multicopy plasmid and expressed at increasing level. The final result of these constructions is a plasmid that maintains a level of approx. 200 times as much repressor as is found in a lysogen. A series of increasingly virulent phage mutants was isolated by plating sequentially on host cells with increasing levels of repressor. The methods used in the constructions should be applicable to obtaining elevated expression of cloned genes in other systems.  相似文献   

Two distantly linked clusters of genes on the Salmonella typhimurium phage P22 chromosome are involved in the control of lysogeny and superinfection immunity. One cluster consists of genes c1, c2, and c3, which are primarily responsible for the establishment and maintenance of lysogeny. It has been proposed that the second cluster consists of three loci which are responsible for the synthesis and control of an antirepressor substance which overcomes the repression mediated by the c2 gene product. This paper reports the isolation of mutants in a locus designated “ant” having characteristics expected of antirepressor mutants. Evidence is presented that the other loci in this second immunity region, mnt and virA, control the expression of the ant gene as represser and promoter/operator, respectively. The interactions of these three loci with each other and with the other immunity region are discussed.  相似文献   

The c2 repressor of phage P22 has been purified to homogeneity. It specifically binds to lambdaimm21 and P22 DNA. Its affinity for the presumed operator mutant P22 virB is reduced. The initial dissociation rates of the complex between c2 repressor and lambdaimm21 DNA are 0.02 min-1 at 0 degrees C, 0.08 min-1 at 20 degrees C and 0.17 min-1 at 32 degrees C. The dissociation rates of complexes formed between the c2 repressor and the lambdaimm21 operators OR, OL and OR vira were measured and compared to the corresponding rates obtained with 21 cI repressor.  相似文献   

Interaction of the bacteriophage P22 Arc repressor with operator DNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Are repressor binds to a single, partially symmetric, 21 base-pair operator site that is centered between the -10 and -35 regions of the Pant promoter. Protection and interference experiments show that Arc makes contacts with the operator on one side of the DNA helix. Although Arc is a small protein (53 residues/subunit), it makes contacts that are farther from the center of the operator than those made by many larger repressors. These extended contacts include the phosphate groups at the ends of the 21 base-pair site. Under standard conditions (pH 7.5, 100 mM-KCl, 3 mM-MgCl2, 22 degrees C) half-maximal operator binding is observed at an Arc concentration of 2.5 X 10(-9) M and the protein-DNA complex is very stable (t1/2 approximately equal to 80 min).  相似文献   

Initiation of P22 procapsid assembly in vivo   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The procapsids of all double-stranded DNA phages have a unique portal vertex, which is the locus of DNA packaging and DNA injection. Procapsid assembly is also initiated at this vertex, which is defined by the presence of a cyclic dodecamer of the portal protein. Assembly of the procapsid shell of phage P22 requires the gene 5 coat protein and the gene 8 scaffolding protein. We report here that removal of gene product (gp) 1 portal protein of P22 by mutation does not slow the rate of polymerization of coat and scaffolding subunits into shells, indicating that the portal ring is dispensable for shell initiation. Mutant scaffolding subunits specified by tsU172 copolymerize with coat subunits into procapsids at restrictive temperature, and also correctly autoregulate their synthesis. However, the shell structures formed from the temperature-sensitive scaffolding subunits fail to incorporate the portal ring and the three minor DNA injection proteins. This mutation identifies a domain of the scaffolding protein specifically involved in organization of the portal vertex. The results suggest that it is a complex of the scaffolding protein that initiates procapsid assembly and organizes the portal ring.  相似文献   

We show here, both in vivo and in vitro, that P22 repressor binds co-operatively to operator sites separated by an integral number of turns of the DNA helix. We measure this co-operativity in vivo using an assay in which repression of a promoter requires co-operative binding of P22 repressors to two separated (non-adjacent) operator sites. We report the isolation of mutant repressors that have high affinity for single operator sites, but are defective in co-operative binding. Six different mutants, all bearing single amino acid changes in the carboxyl domain, have been isolated. We purified the two mutants most deficient in co-operative binding, and found that they bind non-co-operatively in vitro to adjacent as well as to non-adjacent pairs of operator sites.  相似文献   

A seven-amino-acid cleavage site specific for tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease was introduced into SecA at two separate positions after amino acids 195 and 252. Chromosomal wild-type secA was replaced by these secA constructs. Simultaneous expression of TEV protease led to cleavage of both SecA derivatives. In the functional SecA dimer, proteolysis directly indicated surface exposure of the TEV protease cleavage sites. Cleavage of SecA near residue 195 generated an unstable proteolysis product and a secretion defect, suggesting that this approach could be used to inactivate essential proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Analysis in vivo of the bacteriophage P22 headful nuclease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bacteriophage P22 packages its double-stranded DNA chromosomes from concatemeric replicating DNA in a processive, sequential fashion. According to this model, during the initial packaging event in such a series the packaging apparatus recognizes a nucleotide sequence, called pac, on the DNA, and then condenses DNA within the coat protein shell unidirectionally (rightward) from that point. DNA ends are generated near the pac site before or during the condensation reaction. The right end of the mature chromosome is created by a cut made in the DNA by the "headful nuclease" after a complete chromosome is condensed within the phage head. Subsequent packaging events on that concatemeric DNA begin at the end generated by the headful cut of the previous event and proceed in the same direction as the previous event. We report here accurate measurements of the P22 chromosome length (43,400( +/- 750) base-pairs, where the uncertainty is the range in observed lengths), genome length (41,830( +/- 315) base-pairs, where the uncertainty represents the accuracy with which the length is known), the terminal redundancy (1600( +/- 750) base-pairs or 3.8( +/- 1.8)%, where the uncertainty is the observed range) and the imprecision in the headful measuring device ( +/- 750 base-pairs or +/- 1.7%). In addition, we present evidence for a weak nucleotide sequence specificity in the headful nuclease. These findings lend further support to, and extend our understanding of, the sequential series model of P22 DNA packaging.  相似文献   

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