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Testes removed from Schistocerca gregaria, injected with 5 or 7&mgr;g azadirachting(-1) body wt on day 0-2 of the Vth instar and killed by decapitation 20days after treatment, showed significant reductions between the widths, lengths and volumes of the treated groups, compared to control insects. Under cytological examination these testes, from insects exhibiting classical signs of azadirachtin poisoning, showed arrested spermatogenic meiosis at Metaphase I.  相似文献   

The locust genus Schistocerca (Stål) has a transatlantic disjunction, which has been controversial for more than a century. Among 50 species within the genus, only one species, the desert locust (S. gregaria Forskål), occurs in the Old World, and the rest occur in the New World. Earlier taxonomists suggested that the desert locust is a migrant from America, but this view was strongly challenged when a large swarm of the desert locust successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean from West Africa to the West Indies in 1988. The currently accepted view, supported by this incident, is that the New World species are descendants of a gregaria-like ancestor, and the desert locust would be ancestral to the rest of the genus. However, there is surprisingly little evidence to support this view other than the 1988 swarm. I present the most comprehensive phylogenetic study that suggests that the desert locust originated from the New World, contrary to the accepted view. I also present a hypothesis about how the ancestral Schistocerca might have colonized the New World in the first place in light of phylogenetic relationships with other cyrtacanthacridine genera.  相似文献   

D. P. Fox 《Chromosoma》1973,43(3):289-328
Chiasma distribution at diplotene in Schistocerca gregaria males can be taken to indicate the positions at which crossing over occurred prior to diplotene since chiasma terminalisation is entirely absent. Analysis of chiasma frequency and position leads to a model for the mechanism controlling distribution which has three main components. — i) The bivalents vary in length between cells due to unknown factors and increase in bivalent length leads to an increase in chiasma frequency. — ii) Within bivalents chiasma initiation is sequential from telomere to centromere with the first chiasma usually forming close to the telomere. — iii) Interference operates with the same polarity and determines a distance within which crossing over is precluded.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the structure of the salivary glands of Schistocerca gregaria as seen under the electron microscope and the light microscope. The salivary glands consist of a number of acini located on both sides of the pro-, meso-, and metathoracic segments of the locust. Each acinus is drained by a duct which unites with others from the same side to form a lateral collecting duct. The ducts from the two sides join in the head capsule and open into a salivary cup on the labium. Each acinus consists of parietal cells, zymogenic cells, duct cells, tracheoblasts, sheath cells and pigment cells. The parietal and zymogenic cells are the main sites for the production of the salivary gland secretions, which pass through microvilli from the zymogenic cells to the lumen of the ducts within the acinus. Outside the acinus each duct is composed of highly specialized cells with infolded basement membranes extending about a third of the way across the cell. The cytoplasm between the membranes contains elongated mitochondria and glycogen granules. The apical border of the cell is thrown into microvilli which are closely aggregated under the cuticle lining the duct. These cells have all the features of cells previously described in vertebrates and invertebrates which are known to absorb water and/or ions. Absorption of water from the gut could allow the excretion of hypertonic saliva by the locust.  相似文献   

The response of chiasma frequency to a high dose of Actinomycin-D (60 g/insect) was studied in male imagines of Schistocerca gregaria. Two stocks of locust were employed, one possessing a reduced chiasma frequency as a result of inbreeding. The high dose of AD caused rapid insect mortality, which limited the period of sampling to only 36 hours after injection. The chiasma frequencies of L and M bivalents were increased over the whole period of sampling in the inbred stock, and accurate estimates of meiotic timing place the period of sensitivity to the drug in late zygotene or pachytene. The other more heterozygous stock showed no response to AD, and in neither stock were the chiasma frequencies of the S bivalents affected. The possible mechanisms of the drug's action are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

M. Westerman 《Chromosoma》1968,24(1):17-36
Symmetrical exchanges between non-homologous chromosomes were recovered following irradiation of germ-line cells of S. gregaria at different developmental stages. No X-Autosome exchanges were observed. It was found that the frequencies with which autosomes of the three size groups L, M and S participated in exchange agreed with the frequencies expected based on effective exchange lengths of polarized interphase chromosomes. All of the observed symmetrical exchanges were between euchromatic segments of the chromosomes and though many of the exchange points were close to the centromere, no exchanges were found with break points actually in the centric heterochromatin. None of the heterozygous symmetrical exchanges were seen to have an observable influence on the chiasma conditions of the cell.  相似文献   

Callus and micropropagated shoots were initiated from leaf explants of the neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. A variety of whole plant and in vitro cell cultures from neem seedlings of Ghanian origin were tested for insect antifeedant compounds using the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål)). Feeding suppression occurred when whole extracts of seed, leaf, callus, suspension and shoot cultures were tested in no-choice feeding bioassays. Controls of sucrose, carrot callus and the plant growth medium showed no feeding deterrence. Azadirachtin, the main known antifeedant in neem seed kernels, was quantified from a seed extract by HPLC but was not detected in any of the other extracts. Antifeedancy was determined during batch growth of a suspension culture which had been in culture for 5 months; results indicated that antifeedants were still being formed and that levels increased after maximum biomass was attained.  相似文献   

The Anatomy of the Tarsi of Schistocerca gregaria Forskål   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The tarsus of S. gregaria is divided into three units (here called segments) and an arolium set between a pair of claws. The first segment bears three pairs of pulvilli in the fore and middle legs, and one pair and two single pulvilli in the hind legs. Segment two bears a pair of pulvilli, segment three one long pulvillus and the arolium a similar pad on the undersurface. The outer layers of the arolium pad differ from those of the pulvilli in possibly lacking an epicuticle and in having a layer of cuticle which, unlike the corresponding layer in the pulvilli, does not stain with protein stains. The claws and dorsal surfaces bear trichoid sensilla, basiconic sensilla and campaniform sensilla. Smaller basiconic sensilla and canal sensilla occur on the proximal part of the pulvilli, and basiconic sensilla on the arolium undersurface. Internally the cuticle is modified in the arolium and pulvilli so that rods of probably chitin and resilin are formed. This would impart flexibility to the undersurfaces whilst retaining some degree of rigidity which might prevent damage to the small and delicate sense organs on the pulvilli. The tip of the arolium is specialised for adhesion, and there are two large neurones internally which could conceivably monitor attachment or detachment of the tip. There are chordotonal organs in segment three, and several other large neurones throughout the tarsus, some of which are associated with the slings of tissue holding the apodeme in a ventral position. Gland cells occurring in the dorsal epidermis of the adult mature male are also briefly described.  相似文献   

After injury many arthropods are able to regenerate lost body parts and their innervation. Here, regeneration was studied in the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria after amputation of the midleg tibia and tarsus in the first larval instar. A regenerate was formed first in the third larval instar and it increased in size with each larval moult. The regenerate was always unsegmented and remained much shorter than the intact leg parts. The growth rate was initially rather high and decreased thereafter to that of intact parts. The amputation also influenced the growth rate of proximal leg parts (femur and trochanter) resulting in shortened leg segments. The regenerate carried many sense organs like trichoid sensilla and canal sensilla. The primary mechanosensory neurons of the trichoid sensilla projected somatotopically into the mesothoracic ganglion. A comparison of these projections from intact leg segments and regenerates showed a regrow into the target neuropil areas and a restoration of the somatotopy. Intact sensilla on the injured leg and regenerated sensilla expanded their central projections lateral-medially.  相似文献   

Females of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, have a pair of conspicuous glandular pouches associated with the genital chamber and gonoducts. Each pouch consists of a cuticular sac with an epithelium comprising at least 3 types of cells, namely epidermal cells, vacuolated secretory cells, and duct cells. The vacuole of each secretory cell is connected to the cavity of the pouch by a long, convoluted, cuticular duct some 1 μm in diameter, which runs through the cuticle. Each duct has an accompanying duct cell closely situated. The cuticle is perforated also by numerous fine ducts that do not extend into the epithelium: these appear to be large pore canals. Plates of secretion with a wax-like appearance are found in some pouch cavities, often forming close replicas of the latter. All the major features mentioned above are found in females with undeveloped ovaries as well as those with mature oöcytes: the pouches show little alteration in structure with advancing maturity. The nature of the pouches is compared with that of other Acrididae, and their functions are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecdysis of the embryonic cuticle has been studied in detail. The initiation and mechanical processes involved in this ecdysis, and the associated differential size increases of cuticular parts have been given most attention. The roles of air swallowing and of thoracic contraction are most imoprtant for rupturing the old cuticle, while abdominal contractions assist the whole process. Some specialized cuticular structures are described.  相似文献   

The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) undergoes crowding-induced phase transformation from solitary to gregarious, which involves changes in behaviour, colour, development, morphometry, fecundity and endocrine physiology. During recession, solitary locusts persist in the central, drier part of the species' range in small pocket populations that are prone to extinction. During the intermittent upsurges and the subsequent plagues, gregarious swarms attain huge population size and invade a vast area causing major damage to agriculture. A highly variable nuclear DNA marker, a noncoding 3' end fragment of an antennapedia-class homeobox gene, was screened in locust samples from Eritrea. Despite the homogenizing potential of plague swarms, the last of which was in 1986-89 and originated in this region, the population genetic structure of solitary phase locusts along the Red Sea coast of Eritrea revealed significant divergence. The pattern of divergence indicated that the invasion of the western and northern plains in the summer of 1995 may not, as reported then, have originated in eastern Chad or western Sudan. A number of interrelated hypotheses have been presented to explain the observed genetic heterogeneity between the sampled populations. We conclude, with caution due to the limited sample sizes, that: (i) geographical isolation between breeding sites during plagues and recession; (ii) the marked differences in the flight behaviour of plague swarms and recession populations; (iii) possible failure of gregarious locusts to solitarize and re-establish in recession areas; and (iv) the effect of repeated extinction and recolonization in the meta-population contribute to the maintenance of the genetic structure of recession populations. Potentially productive future research has been identified.  相似文献   

Observations on the abundance of medusae at the surface were conducted in the northern Benguela ecosystem, over the period August 1997–June 1998. The results suggest that Chrysaora hysoscella is found inshore, whereas Aequorea aequorea tends to be found offshore. Although these relative observations are subject to bias caused by seasonal changes in the survey area, they are generally supported by the results of correlation analyses, and by the results of a more quantitative, cross-shelf trawl survey. Both species of medusae display marked patchiness, and can be very abundant. They appear to have mostly non-overlapping patterns of distribution in the upper layers of the water column, and so are able exert a consistent predation pressure across the width of the continental shelf. The estimates of biomass obtained are used as input variables to existing models of energy flow within the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) (Orthoptera, Acrididae), are generalist herbivores that, in the Sahara desert, may at times feed only on Schouwia purpurea (Forskål) (Brassicaceae), that is 10 times richer in thioglucosides than currently observed in other crucifers (>100 moles/g d.w.). Thioglucosides, when ingested, release products that are usually toxic to generalist insects.We studied the short-term (8 days) and long-term (21–26 days) consequences of a Schouwia-only diet on the digestion of these insects. The response was compared to the effects of a diet of Brassica oleracea, a crucifer well consumed in laboratory rearing conditions (7 moles/g glucosinolates d.w.).We found that the production of a myrosinase was induced in the midgut as early as 8 days following exposure to glucosinolates. No negative short-term effects were observed on the growth of the insect, but the activity of -glucosidases decreased in the midgut. The long-term exposure to the Schouwia diet affected activities of -glucosidases and -galactosidases, growth and assimilation efficiency. The limited adaptation of the desert locust to plant glucosides is compensated by an ability to tolerate high concentrations of allelochemicals for a short period.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The growth parameters were determined separately for the two sexes of Penaeus kerathurus, as well as for the two (northeastern and southern) substocks of the...  相似文献   

Identification of Anopheles nuneztovari Gabaldón and An. goeldii Rozeboom and Gabaldón based on the male genitalia traits is discussed. An. goeldii is in the synonymy of An. nuneztovari, however, characters of the aedeagus of male genitalia distinguish both species. We hypothesize that An. goeldii may be a valid species, however, further studies using molecular characters, especially ITS2 rDNA sequences will be necessary to elucidate the taxonomic status of the species. An. konderi Galv?o and Damasceno and An. forattinii Wilkerson and Sallum are registered for the first time in the state of Amapá.  相似文献   

Histochemical studies on the oxidative enzymes, NAD- and NADP-dependent isocitrate (IDH) and malate (MDH) dehydrogenases, succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), and cytochrome oxidase of the cheliped muscle of Scylla serrata (Forskål) indicated that their concentrations are relatively lower than those of vertebrate muscle. The site of action of various oxidative enzymes is found to be common in the component fibres varying in diameter. The sarcolemma generally exhibited stronger positive reactions for the enzymes than the sarcoplasm.The bilateral removal of eyestalks had a stimulatory effect on the activity of oxidative enzymes. Initially increased activity of SDH, IDH and MDH (NAD-linked) and cytochrome oxidase 2–4 h after eyestalk removal was found to be maintained after 24 h; a noticeable increase in the NADP-linked MDH was also apparent by this time.The eyestalk extract when injected into de-stalked animals, caused a decrease in the levels of SDH, NAD-linked IDH and MDH, and cytochrome oxidase. Biochemical estimations of SDH clearly indicate that bilateral eyestalk extirpation results in remarkably enhanced enzyme activity; conversely, the administration of eyestalk extract brings about a sharp decline in the enzyme concentration. Thus, it seems that the eyestalks may contain a factor regulating oxidative metabolism.  相似文献   

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