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Summary A comparative study was undertaken on the innervation of mucous and granular glands in frog skin. Results obtained by the Falck-Hillarp fluorescence technique and cholinesterase staining indicated that both types of glands receive exclusively adrenergic innervation. Electron microscopy was used to investigate the innervation pattern at the ultrastructural level. The distribution of nerve terminals was found to differ in the two types of glands. In the mucous gland, terminals were found at a distance of about 0.5 m from the basement membrane but never within the gland parenchyma. In the granular gland, the terminals were located between smooth muscle cells and also in direct contact with the secretory epithelium but never outside the basement membrane.This work was carried out in part at King Gustaf V:s Forskningsinstitut, Stockholm, and was supported by a grant from Karolinska Institutet  相似文献   

Summary The intra- and extrafetal portions of the umbilical vessels in the guinea-pig and the umbilical cord of man, mouse and rabbit have been investigated by means of the Falck-Hillarp method for the fluorescence microscopical demonstration of catecholamines.The umbilical cord was found to be devoid of nerves in all species investigated. Adrenergic nerves are present only in the immediate vicinity of the umbilicus.The intrafetal portions of the umbilical artery and umbilical vein receive adrenergic nerves, the distribution pattern of which is different for each vessel. In the guinea-pig the ductus venosus is an intrahepatic branch of the vena umbilicalis. No adrenergically innervated sphincter has been detected in the initial segment of the ductus venosus. Regional variations in the pattern of innervation of the intrafetal portion of the umbilical vein are paralleled by regional differences in the construction pattern of the vessel's wall. Regional differences in the noradrenaline concentration (measured by fluorometry) which correspond to the fluorescence microscopical findings have been detected in umbilical vessels: low noradrenaline content of the umbilical cord, high concentrations in the intrafetal sections of the umbilical vessels. The noradrenaline concentration of the guinea-pig umbilical artery is three times that of the umbilical vein.Supported by the Joachim Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Hamburg.For continuous advice and constructive criticism I am indebted to Prof. Dr. Dr. E. Horstmann.  相似文献   

Summary In the tortoise Testudo graeca, the lizards Lacerta dugesi and Lacerta pityusensis, and the snake Natrix natrix, the innervation of the testicular interstitial tissue was studied by light and electron microscopy, the acetylcholinesterase (ache) technique, the Falck-Hillarp method for the detection of catecholamines, and the application of 6-hydroxydopamine. The intertubular spaces of the reptilian testes studied contain adrenergic nerve fibers the amount and distribution of which varies considerably both in various species and in various stages of the reproduction cycle. Nerve fibers do not enter the seminiferous epithelium. Fluorescence microscopy of the lizard testis reveals catecholaminergic varicosities which are mainly arranged around blood vessels, but do not show obvious connexions to Leydig cells. Ache-positive fibers are equally distributed in lizard testes surrounding each seminiferous tubule. In Natrix natrix ache-positive fibers are irregularly spread among groups of tubules, without showing a definite relation to Leydig cells either. By electron microscopy bundles of unmyelinated axons and axon terminals can be more easily detected in the testes of immature animals than in adult. Terminals of nerve fibers containing small (400–500 Å in diameter) and large (800–1400 Å) dense-cored vesicles and sometimes small clear vesicles establish contacts with Leydig cells. Three types of contact are described. 1. Contacts par distance at a distance of about 2000 Å and basal lamina interposed; 2. membranous contacts having a 200 Å gap only between axolemma and Leydig cell plasmalemma; 3. invaginations of terminals into Leydig cell perikarya. The latter may exhibit surface specialisations, which strongly resemble postsynaptic membrane thickenings. Experiments using 6-hydroxydopamine underline the adrenergic character of testicular nerve fibers, which can be regarded as another example of non-cholinergic, ache-positive neurons. In the testis of the immature tortoise profiles of axons occur which probably represent purinergic, ache-positive neurons.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/1).I am much indebted to Mrs. R. Sprang for her skillfull technical assistance.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of arterioles in the cat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A total of 110 arterioles were examined in the brains of cats; different sites were studied including the cortex, putamen, pons and crus cerebri. No internal elastic laminae were seen in the subendothelial space, although occasional fragments of elastic material were present in the larger arterioles. The media was composed of one, two or three layers of smooth muscle cells which interlocked in such a way that the vessel wall thickness was constant. Numerous tight junctions were seen between adjacent smooth muscle cells and between the endothelium and smooth muscle cells. Apart from the usual cell organelles, the smooth muscle cells of arterioles had numerous dense patches on the cell surface. The structure of the adventitia varied according to the diameter of the vessel and the site in the brain; it contained adventitial cells, bundles of collagen fibres and nerve fibres. Innervation of arterioles was more constant in the brain stem than in the cortex. Metarterioles had less specialised, atypical smooth muscle cells, a discontinuous media and numerous, extensive myoendothelial tight junctions; they were not innervated by nerve fibres. The diameter of metarterioles was less than 10 m whereas that of arterioles was 10–45 m. The possible functional aspects of arteriolar innervation are discussed.  相似文献   

Human umbilical vessels are unique in lacking any innervation; thus endothelial cells may play the major role in local control and regulation of the blood flow. In the present study, we examined ultrathin sections of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells and tissue preparations of umbilical vein and artery, immunostained by the post-embedding colloidal gold double-labelling technique. We observed colocalization of atrial natriuretic peptide and neuropeptide Y, as well as colocalization of atrial natriuretic peptide and neuropeptide Y with other vasoactive substances, namely, vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide and arginine vasopressin. The functional significance of the colocalization of these vasoactive substances in the human umbilical vessel endothelial cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The physiological, pharmacological and morphological characteristics of guinea-pig vas deferens supplied by hypogastric nerves rendered inactive by decentralisation were compared with those of vas deferens in which the nerve supply had been chronically stimulated for 3–9 days using implanted electrodes. No change was seen in decentralised preparations prior to 7 days, but from 8–15 days, increased sensitivity to application of noradrenaline in vitro was observed, which was shown to be related to reduced transmitter uptake by nerve terminals as well as to an increase in postjunctional sensitivity; there was also increased fatigability 7–14 days following decentralisation. Continuous stimulation of hypogastric nerves at 2 Hz for 4–8 h daily for 4–8 days resulted in enhanced transmitter uptake and reduced responses to noradrenaline; this was associated with a slight increase in noradrenaline content and a faster adrenergic neuromuscular response with a shorter latency. No appreciable changes in nerve or muscle structure studied by electron microscopy were observed following decentralisation, but there was an increase of between 12.5 and 29.6% in the number of close (< 100 nm) neuromuscular junctions following chronic stimulation for 8 days.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the endometrium of rabbit, rat, mink, mongoose and pig has been investigated electron microscopically. Large bundles of nerve fibers can be observed in the connective tissue spaces within the basal layer of the endometrium. Unmyelinated nerve fibers enter the lamina functionalis, terminal nerve fibers penetrate the basal lamina and make contact with the glandular and the cavum epithelial cells. The terminal axons contain abundant synaptic vesicles, dense core vesicles and mitochondria. To date, no specialized presynaptic or postsynaptic membranes have been found.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Grants Ku 210/5 and Be 524/4).Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Wolfgang Bargmann on his 70th birthday in friendship and admiration.  相似文献   

Summary Cephalopod chromatophores are made of a central pigment cell surrounded by 10 to 20 radially arranged muscle fibres under direct nervous control. Innervation of these muscle fibres was studied with anterograde cobalt fills of peripheral nerve bundles and light and electron microscopy. Individual axons branch repeatedly to innervate the muscles of chromatophores scattered over several millimeters. Axons contained in several dermal nerves converge to innervate the same chromatophores. Among the chromaophores, axons were found running either singly or in small bundles, often accompanied by sheath cells. Single chromatophore muscles were innervated by at least one axon running across or along its length. Since nerves terminating on chromatophore muscles are very rare, neuromuscular contact seems to be made en passant. Varicosities of the axons apposed to the muscles are thought to be presynaptic sites. However, morphological differentiations of the pre-or post-synaptic membranes were not visible. Two types of innervating processes were found containing either electron-clear or a mixture of electron-clear and dark-core synaptic vesicles.Supported by a postgraduate award from the University of Aberdeen (GB)  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear bag and nuclear chain intrafusal fibres are present in guinea-pig muscle spindles. Unlike muscle spindles in other species two types of nuclear chain fibre seem to be present. The electron microscopical appearance of one type of nuclear chain fibre is similar to that of nuclear bag fibres.It is suggested that under tension the nuclei of small nuclear bag fibres become sufficiently displaced to form nuclear chain-like fibres. The frequent occurrence of fibres which combine some of the properties of both nuclear bag and nuclear chain fibres indicates the possible occurrence of a third type of intrafusal fibre.The sensory innervation of guinea-pig muscle spindles is similar to that of the cat and the rat. Three types of motor nerve ending which could be classified according to the complexity of their subneural apparatus were seen.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the pancreatic nerves of the domestic fowl has been studied. Naked axon beadings were found in membranous contact with endocrine as well as exocrine cells. From an anatomical point of view it seems reasonable to suggest that the endocrine glands might be subjected to some influence of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the salt gland of the goose, the duck and the swan was investigated by means of electron microscopy. Axonal swellings were observed in relationship to secretory cells as well as to central duct cells. The terminals contain synaptic and densecored vesicles. There are no specialized pre- and postsynaptic membranes.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ku 210/4).  相似文献   

Summary This investigation is concerned with pineal organs of human embryos 60 to 150 days old. At every stage central nerve fibres enter the pineal organ by way of the habenular commissure, but are restricted to the pineal's proximal part. On about the 60th day of the development the sympathetic nervus conarii grows into the distal pole of the pineal organ from a dorso-caudal direction and plays the predominant part in the innervation of the pineal organ. After penetrating, it soon branches out and forms a network in the pineal tissue. Much later, not until the 5th embryonic month, sympathetic nerves appear accompanying the supplying vessels in the perivascular spaces. After a short time these nerves pierce the outer limiting basement membrane and penetrate the parenchyma. Towards the end of the 5th embryonic month the axons of the sympathetic nerves form varicosities containing clear and dense core vesicles. At this point large amounts of laminated granules appear primarily in cell processes, probably of pinealocytes. Isolated granules also occur in the varicosities of axons. The granules encountered here are most likely secretory granules.Dedicated to Professor Bargmann on his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the pancreas of the domestic fowl was studied electron microscopically. The extrapancreatic nerve is composed mostly of unmyelinated nerve fibers with a smaller component of myelinated nerve fibers. The latter are not found in the parenchyma. The pancreas contains ganglion cells in the interlobular connective tissue. The unmyelinated nerve fibers branch off along blood vessels. Their synaptic terminals contact with the exocrine and endocrine tissues. The synaptic terminals can be divided into four types based on a combination of three kinds of synaptic vesicles. Type I synaptic terminals contain only small clear vesicles about 600 Å in diameter. Type II terminals are characterized by small clear and large dense core vesicles 1,000 Å in diameter. Type III terminals contain small clear vesicles and small dense core vesicles 500 Å in diameter. Type IV terminals are characterized by small and large dense core vesicles. The exocrine tissue receives a richer nervous supply than the endocrine tissue. Type II and IV terminals are distributed in the acinus, and they contact A and D cells of the islets. B cells and pancreatic ducts are supplied mainly by Type II terminals, the blood vessels by Type IV terminals.This work was supported by a scientific research grant (No. 144017) and (No. 136031) from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Prof. M. Yasuda  相似文献   

Summary Plexuses of cholinergic nerve terminals were demonstrated (acetylcholinesterase staining) in pial arteries (down to a diameter of about 15) at the base of the brain and on the brain convexities of mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea-pigs, and cats. The pial veins were less well supplied than the arteries. Consecutive formaldehyde gas treatment (to visualize adrenergic nerves) and acetylcholinesterase staining revealed that the adrenergic and cholinergic plexuses followed each other closely, the axon terminals running together in the same Schwann cell strands. This was confirmed by electron microscopy after KMnO4 fixation or 5-hydroxydopamine treatment. The varicosities of cholinergic and adrenergic axons were sometimes seen as close as 250 Å. In the neuro-effector area, the terminals of both nerve types (naked or surrounded by an incomplete Schwann cell covering) approached the smooth muscle cells as close as 800–1100 Å, and they were separated from the latter only by the fused neuronal and muscular basement membranes. In this area axo-axonal contacts were observed. The adrenergic, but not the cholinergic, nerves disappeared after bilateral removal of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglia. Isolated cat middle cerebral artery contracted strongly with acetylcholine, and the effect was inhibited by atropine.With regard to the cholinergic neural control of the intracranial arteries, it may have particular functional implications: (1) that these vessels do have a cholinergic parasympathetic innervation in contrast to most other vascular systems, for example, in the mesenterium, (2) that this cholinergic nerve supply was found to be about equally prominent as the adrenergic (sympathetic) innervation which, in some pial vessels, is even better developed than in the mesenteric arteries, and (3) that the adrenergic and cholinergic systems in the intracranial arteries may interact, even at the level of the neuro-muscular contacts, a complex situation which may be partly responsible for the previous difficulties in defining the autonomic neural influence on the brain circulation.Part of the findings were reported at Journées Internationales de Circulation Cérébrale, Toulouse, April 21–22, 1972.  相似文献   

Summary The salivary glands of the moth, Manduca sexta (Insecta: Sphingidae), are unlike most other salivary glands in that they are innervated from one source only. Vital staining of nerves with methylene-blue reveals numerous fine nerves extending to the glands from the oesophageal nerve, a part of the stomatogastric or visceral nervous system. Light and electron microscopy confirm that only the fluid-secreting cells, confined to a discrete region in these glands, are innervated. Axons with or without glial wrappings are found in intercellular spaces between fluid-secreting cells. Axons lacking a glial sheath contain, after glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation, large granular and small agranular vesicles. In nerve endings in glands fixed with permanganate these smaller vesicles are granular, having the electron-dense cores characteristic of monoamine-containing neurons. These nerve endings with synaptoid areas are in close (direct) contact with the fluid-secreting cells.I am grateful to Professor T. Weis-Fogh for accommodation in the department of Zoology and to Dr. Nancy Lane for use of A.R.C. facilities and advice. Thanks are also due to Drs. M. J. Berridge, S.H.P. Maddrell, and W. T. Prince and Mr. R. A. Leslie for helpful discussion. Financial assistance from Clare College, Cambridge is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The nerve supply to the iridic melanophores of the rat was studied with the electron microscope. The adrenergic and cholinergic terminals were identified with the aid of 5-hydroxydopamine, which produces dense-cored 400–800 Å synaptic vesicles in adrenergic axon varicosities, whereas the synaptic vesicles of cholinergic axons remain empty. It was found that both adrenergic and cholinergic terminal axons come in close apposition (200–250 Å) with the melanophores. The appositions have the same appearance as synapses in peripheral tissues. It seems likely that the murine iridic melanophores have a double innervation, although its functional significance is obscure.This work has been supported by grants from Lunds Läkarsällskap, the Swedish Medical Research Council (Project no. B69-14X-2321-02 and B69-14X-712-04C) and NIH (06701-02).  相似文献   

Summary In the pars distalis of the hypophysis of adult Rana temporaria, three types of nerve-fiber profiles were found at two distinct sites, in both lateral parts of the bordering regions of the anterior lobe with the intermediate lobe of the hypophysis. The first type of nerve-fiber profile consists of bundles of very fine axonal elements (diameter: <0.7 m). The second type is formed by larger nerve fibers (diameter up to 4 m) containing a few neurosecretory granules of approximately 100 nm. The third type of nervefiber profile resembles the second type but these nerve fibers make synaptoid contacts on at least two different types of glandular cells. The possible functional significance of these nerve fibers in the pars distalis is discussed.No nerve fibers were found (1) in the central part of the bordering region of the pars distalis with the intermediate lobe, (2) at the bordering region with the median eminence and (3) with the neurohypophysial stalk, and (4) in all other parts of the pars distalis.  相似文献   

Summary Interstitial cells associated with the deep muscular plexus of the guinea-pig small intestine were studied by electron microscopy, and three-dimensional cell models were reconstructed from serial ultrathin sections with a computer graphic system. Three types of cells were recognized. The first type was similar in shape to smooth muscle cells, but did not contain an organized contractile apparatus. Many large gap junctions comprising about 4% of the cell surface were present; they connected cells of the first type to each other, to the second type of cell and to smooth muscle cells of the outer circular layer. The second type of cell had a welldemarcated cell body with long slender processes and was characterized by a large amount of glycogen comprising about 9% of the cell volume. The third type of cell was similar to fibroblasts, and contained well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic retiulum. Some of these fibroblast-like cells (a possible subtype) formed small gap junctions. All three types of cells showed close relationships with nerve varicosities. This cellular network consisting of gap-junction-rich cells, glycogen-rich cells and smooth muscle cells may be involved in the pacemaking activity of intestinal movement.  相似文献   

Summary The fetal rat pancreas, explanted at 18 days of gestation and cultured up to ten days, contains numerous acetylcholinesterase-positive neurons. These nerves usually appear in small ganglia although single nerve cells are encountered. The axons of these intrapancreatic nerves appear to terminate only in the islet tissue and not on any exocrine components of the expiant. It is concluded that the fetal rat pancreas contains an islet-specific group of cholinergic neurons.We gratefully acknowledge the skilled technical assistance of Dan Whitehead and the secretarial assistance of Mary Pat Brady  相似文献   

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