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Immunoglobulin (Ig) gene organization in Heterodontus francisci (horned shark), a phylogenetically primitive vertebrate, is unique. Homologous Ig heavy chain variable (VH) and constant region (CH) specific probes were used to screen a spleen cDNA library constructed in lambda gt11. Both secretory (SEC) and transmembrane (TM) cDNA clones were recovered; the latter were identified by a negative selection strategy. The complete sequence of the CH portion of a Heterodontus genomic DNA-lambda clone also was determined. The sequences of the individual CH genes differ from each other in all exons. When compared to mammalian prototypes, similarities in exon and intron organization as well as conservation of sequences involved with differential splicing of SEC and TM mRNA indicate that Heterodontus heavy chain genes are of the mu type, although intron lengths are uniformly longer in Heterodontus. Heterodontus genes are not associated, however, with the family of DNA sequences that have been implicated in heavy chain class switching in mammals. Spleen cDNA library screening and RNA blot analyses indicate that mRNAs encoding TM Ig are exceedingly rare. The relationship between this quantitative difference and the distribution of polyadenylation signal sequences suggests that regulation of Ig gene expression in Heterodontus may be highly dependent on position effects.  相似文献   

The immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain variable (VH) gene family of Heterodontus francisci (horned shark), a phylogenetically distant vertebrate, is unique in that VH, diversity (DH), joining (JH) and constant region (CH) gene segments are linked closely, in multiple individual clusters. The V regions of 12 genomic (liver and gonad) DNA clones have been sequenced completely and three organization patterns are evident: (i) VH-D1-D2-JH-CH with unique 12/22 and 12/12 spacers in the respective D recombination signal sequences (RSSs); VH and JH segments have 23 nucleotide (nt) spacers, (ii) VHDH-JH-CH, an unusual germline configuration with joined VH and DH segments and (iii) VHDHJH-CH, with all segmental elements being joined. The latter two configurations do not appear to be pseudogenes. Another VH-D1-D2-JH-CH gene possesses a D1 segment that is flanked by RSSs with 12 nt spacers and a D2 segment with 22/12 spacers. Based on the comparison of spleen, VH+ cDNA sequences to a germline consensus, it is evident that both DH segments as well as junctional and N-type diversity account for Ig variability. In this early vertebrate, the Ig genes share unique properties with higher vertebrate T-cell receptor as well as with Ig and may reflect the structure of a common ancestral antigen binding receptor gene.  相似文献   

Evidence for gene conversion or unequal double crossover in the human lambda light chain immunoglobulin locus is presented. The high level of J2C2-J3C3 intron cross-hybridization, the identity of the J lambda and J lambda 3 coding and intron sequences, the presence of multiple base differences between the C lambda 2 and C lambda 3 coding regions, and the presence of both the unconverted and converted alleles in the normal gene pool, suggest that a recombinational event has resulted in the conversion of the J lambda 2 coding and intron sequences to those of J lambda 3 and its flanking sequences. Intergenic exchanges, such as the one described here, may provide a mechanism to maintain sequence homogeneity and functionality among the duplicated members of the human lambda gene family.  相似文献   

Jiang N  Molina H 《IUBMB life》2000,49(2):109-112
A portion of the mouse complement factor I (mCFI) gene encoding for the mCFI light chain was cloned from a mouse 129/SVJ1 bacterial artificial chromosome library. It contains five exons and four introns. The intron sizes are remarkably different from the human homolog. Several polymorphisms were found in exon 13. One polymorphism was in the coding region, which causes a threonine in the Balb/c mCFI to be replaced by an isoleucine in the 129/SVJ1 mCFI. The other two polymorphisms are located in the 3' untranslated region. The organization of the serine protease domain in mCFI is similar to that of trypsin but very different from that of the other complement serine proteases.  相似文献   

The simple DNA sequences (T-G)20, (T-T-T-G-C)20 and (G-C-C-T-C-T)30 were found in the vicinity of mouse immunoglobulin genes and of dispersed repetitive elements as the R, B1 and B2 sequences. On the basis of sequence data, blot hybridizations with salmon and mouse DNA and with defined mouse DNA fragments, possible functional and evolutionary aspects of simple DNA sequences are discussed.  相似文献   

Human immunoglobulin kappa light chain genes of subgroups II and III.   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The first complete sequences of functionally rearranged VK genes (abbreviations ref. 1) of subgroups II and III are reported. The genes have been cloned from lymphoid cell lines synthesizing KII or KIII light chains as evidenced from immunochemical analyses with anti-VK subgroup-specific antisera. These data, together with the sequence of a KIV gene (described in the accompanying paper) and those of previously published KI genes make possible a comparison of genes representative of the four known V region subgroups of human K light chains. The VKII gene is distinguished from the VKI, VKIII, and VKIV genes by a much longer intron within the leader sequence: 426 bp vs ca. 120-220 bp. Blot hybridization experiments with human DNA digests using probes from the KII and KIII genes and from the respective upstream regions help to define subgroup specific probes and hybridization conditions.  相似文献   

Origin of transcription of a mouse immunoglobulin light chain gene   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S Bodary  B Mach 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(6):719-724

The organization of immunoglobulin gene segments coding for kappa light chains has been studied in uncloned and cloned DNA from mouse liver and a mouse myeloma. It is known that the C (constant, ref. 2) gene segment is present in the tumor DNA on two EcoRI fragments of 14 and 20 kb and in liver DNA on a 15 kb fragment. The 14 kb myeloma and the 15 kb liver fragment have been cloned previously. Here we report on the cloning of the 20 kb myeloma fragment and present detailed restriction maps covering about 22 kb of DNA surrounding the C gene segment in liver and tumor DNA. The region on the 20 kb fragment has been localized where a DNA rearrangement had occurred. The presence of two rearranged kappa light chain genes in one tumor is discussed in regard to the molecular basis of allelic exclusion.  相似文献   

Genomic organization and nucleotide sequences of two corn histone H4 genes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The sea urchin histone H4 gene has been used as a probe to clone two corn histone H4 genes from a lambda gtWES X lambda B corn genomic library. The nucleotide (nt) sequences of both genes showed that the encoded amino acid sequences were identical to that of the H4 of pea and one variant of wheat. The nt sequences of the coding regions showed 92% homology. 5'- and 3'-flanking regions do not show extensive nt sequence analogies. Southern blotting of the EcoRI digested genomic DNA suggests the existence of multiple H4 genes dispersed throughout the genome.  相似文献   

The human lymphoid cell lines Walker and Daudi constitute a particularly suitable system for studies on the chromatin structure of K light chain genes (see preceding paper). The rearranged and non-rearranged alleles of Walker cells were found to be about equally sensitive towards digestion with DNAase I. A DNAase I hypersensitive site was mapped 0.13 kb upstream of the leader segment of the rearranged VK genes; it comprises a region in which promoter-like regulatory elements were discovered recently. Additional hypersensitive sites are located further upstream. A hypersensitive site in the JK-CK intron coincides with a putative tissue specific enhancer element. A hypersensitive region down-stream of CK overlaps with the cleavage/polyadenylation recognition signal which is flanked by sequences related to the above mentioned putative regulatory sequences. The coincidence between DNAase I hypersensitive sites and those sequences may be functionally significant.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin class switch involves a unique recombination event that takes place at the region 5′ to each heavy chain constant region gene during B lymphocyte differentiation. Such regions that are responsible for the class-switch recombination are defined as S regions (Kataoka et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 919, 1980). We have cloned a rearranged γ2b gene from a mouse myeloma (MPC11) and compared its structure with the germ line counterparts. The rearranged γ2b gene contained the 5′ flanking region of the γ3 gene (Sγ3 region) which are linked to the 5′ flanking region of the γ2b gene (Sγ2b region). We have determined nucleotide sequences surrounding the recombination site of the rearranged and germ line γ2b genes, which include the Sγ2b and Sγ3 regions. Both γ2b and Sγ3 regions comprise tandem repetition of conserved units of 49 bp. Similar 49 bp repeating units are also found in the previously determined sequence of the Sγ1 region in which class-switch recombination took place in MC101 myeloma. The nucleotide sequences of the Sγ1, Sγ2b and Sγ3 repeating units share significant homology with each other. The Sμ region, partial nucleotide sequence of which was previously determined, contains abundant short sequences such as AGCT, TGGG and AGCTGGGG which are shared in common by repeating sequences in Sγ regions. These results suggest that the recombination responsible for class switch from μ to γ or from a γ to another γ, may be facilitated directly or indirectly by homology of repeating sequences in S regions.  相似文献   

O Bernard  N Hozumi  S Tonegawa 《Cell》1978,15(4):1133-1144
We have determined the nucleotide sequences of the germ line gene as well as a corresponding somatically mutated and rearranged gene coding for a mouse immunoglobulin lambdaI type light chain. These sequencing studies were carried out on three Eco RI-DNA fragments which had been cloned from BALB/c mouse embryos or a lambdaI chainsecreting myeloma, H2020. The embryonic DNA clone Ig 99lambda contains two protein-encoding segments, one for the majority of the hydrophobic leader (L) and the other for the rest of the leader and the variable (V) region of the lambda0 chain (Cohn et al., 1974); these segments are separated by a 93 base pair (bp) intervening sequence (I-small). The coding of the V region ends with His at residue 97. The second embryonic DNA clone Ig 25lambda includes a 39 bp DNA segment (J) coding for the rest of the conventionally defined V region (that is, up to residue 110), and also contains the sequence coding for the constant (C) region approximately 1250 untranslated bp (I-large) away from the J sequence. The J sequence is directly linked with the V-coding sequence in the myeloma DNA clone, Ig 303lambda, which has the various DNA segments arranged in the following order: 5' untranslated region, L, l-small, V linked with J, l-large, C, 3' untranslated sequence. The lg 303lambda V DNA sequence codes for the V region synthesized by the H2020 myeloma and is different from the lg 99lambda V DNA sequence by only two bases. No silent base change was observed between the two DNA clones for the entire sequence spanning the 5' untranslated regions and the V-coding segments. These results confirm the previously drawn conclusion that an active complete lambdaI gene arises by somatic recombination that takes place at the ends of the V-coding DNA segment and the J sequence. No sequence homology was observed at or near the sites of the recombination.  相似文献   

M A Walter  U Surti  M H Hofker    D W Cox 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(10):3303-3313
Two dimensional DNA electrophoresis (2D-DE) was used to map the variable (VH) region of the human heavy chain immunoglobulin gene cluster. Seventy-six VH gene segments were mapped to specific SfiI, BssHI and NotI fragments by 2D-DE. We have determined that a common insertion/deletion polymorphism of 80 kb, involving three VH gene segments, occurs in the VH region. The physical map suggests that the evolution of the human IGH gene complex involved duplication of blocks containing different VH families. This physical map will allow comparison of the usage of VH loci in human ontogeny with their proximity to the CH region. Knowledge of the germline repertoire of a particular DNA source studied in essential as the number of the dispersed VH gene segments of VH families, especially of the VH5 family, is variable. 2D-DE, as illustrated here for the IGH gene cluster, has general application in the development of large scale physical maps of gene and repeat families.  相似文献   

Sequence studies of repetitive DNA elements approximately 6 kb 3' of the mouse immunoglobulin CK region gene show that the R element located there (Gebhard et al. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 157, 453-471) is adjacent to a 500 base pair long element which shows 80% homology to the BAM5 element sequenced by Fanning (Nuc. Acids Res. (1982), 10, 5003-5013). Neither the BAM5 element nor the R element itself is surrounded by a direct repeat, but the composite element (BAM5 + R) is surrounded by a 15 base pair direct repeat (with one mismatch). Direct repeats, consisting of target site sequences that surround a repetitive DNA element, are thought to arise during the insertion of the element at that site. It therefore appears that the BAM5 and R elements interacted and inserted as a linked entity. The existence of other BAM5/R composites throughout the mouse lambda chain locus indicates that BAM5-R cooperation is not a rare event.  相似文献   

In vertebrate smooth muscle actomyosin and myofibrils a myosin light chain of molecular weight about 20,000 becomes phosphorylated at the same Ca2+ concentration as required to stimulate the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin. Further, the degree of phosphorylation in the preparations as well as in various reconstituted actomyosins is proportional to their measured Ca2+ sensitivity. The phosphorylation process is very rapid and is essentially completed before the rise in ATPase activity. The enzyme responsible for the observed myosin phosphoylation is a specific myosin light chain kinase which is routinely co-purified with myosin. This kinase is normally present in actomyosin and its removal together with tropomyosin leads to a complete loss of the actin-activated ATPase activity. It is suggested that the Ca-dependent phosphorylation of the light chain via the light chain kinase represents the initial step in the activation of myosin that leads to contraction. Relaxation is probably effected by an as yet uncharacterised light chain phosphatase.  相似文献   

Genomic organization and expression of Campylobacter flagellin genes.   总被引:41,自引:17,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Campylobacter coli VC167, which undergoes an antigenic flagellar variation, contains two full-length flagellin genes, flaA and flaB, that are located adjacent to one another in a tandem orientation and are 91.5% homologous. The gene product of flaB, which has an Mr of 58,946, has 93% sequence homology to the gene product of flaA, which has an Mr of 58,916 (S. M. Logan, T. J. Trust, and P. Guerry, J. Bacteriol. 171:3031-3038, 1989). Mutational analyses and primer extension experiments indicated that the two genes are transcribed under the control of distinct promoters but that they are expressed concomitantly in the same cell, regardless of the antigenic phase of flagella being produced. The flaA gene, which was expressed at higher levels than the flaB gene in both phases, was transcribed from a typical sigma 28-type promoter, whereas the flaB promoter was unusual. A mutant producing only the flaB gene product did not synthesize a flagellar filament and was nonmotile. Southern blot analysis indicated that flagellar antigenic variation involves a rearrangement of flagellin sequence information rather than the alternate expression of the two distinct genes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the refolding reactions of type lambda Bence Jones proteins from 4 M GuHCl were studied by CD, ultraviolet absorption, and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The kinetics were complex and consisted of at least three phases, an undetectable fast phase, a detectable fast phase, and a slow phase. The slow phase followed first-order kinetics and the three experimental methods used gave similar rate constants for all the Bence Jones proteins (about 3 X 10(-3) s-1). The refolding reaction of VL fragment was too fast to be measured in the present experiments. The refolding process of CL fragment was very similar to those of Bence Jones proteins except that the detectable fast phase was less significant. The rate constant of the slow phase observed for the CL fragment was similar to those of the slow phase observed for Bence Jones proteins. The activation energy of the slow phase was the same for a Bence Jones protein and its CL fragment. These results indicate that the refolding kinetics of the CL domain are very similar to those of isolated CL fragment and that refolding of the VL domain precedes refolding of the CL domain, even though both domains have similar immunoglobulin folds. However, the results of refolding experiments on Bence Jones proteins, and VL and CL fragments in the presence of ANS, as well as the other lines of evidence, indicate that the refolding kinetics of the Bence Jones protein molecule cannot be expressed as simple sum of the refolding reactions of isolated VL and CL fragments.  相似文献   

Transport of prelabeled RNA from isolated myeloma nuclei is studied using conditions that permit RNA synthesis. Cytosol and spermidine are not required to maintain nuclear stability and inhibited RNA release. Omission of ATP or GTP decreased release 25 to 40%. The stimulatory effect of ATP or GTP is not due to hydrolysis of the triphosphates by the nuclear envelope NTPase, since addition of quercetin (an inhibitor of this NTPase) has no effect on the quantity of RNA released. The size distribution and percentage of poly A-containing species released from nuclei incubated with or without ATP or the other rNTPs are identical. Hybridization analysis of nuclear RNA before the transport assay revealed mature and precursor k light chain mRNA sequences. Following the transport assay, a significant fraction of k mRNA precursors is chased into mature k mRNA which is found both in nuclear-retained and released RNA.  相似文献   

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