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The bidirectional hydrogenase from Clostridium pasteurianum W5 is an iron-sulfur protein containing approximately 12 Fe atoms and 12 labile sulfides. We have studied oxidized samples of the enzyme with M?ssbauer and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopy to elucidate the nature of the center that gives rise to the EPR signal with principal g-values at 2.10, 2.04, and 2.01. The g = 2.10 center exhibits two well-resolved 57Fe ENDOR resonances. One is isotropic with A1 = 9.5 MHz; the other is nearly isotropic with A2 = 17 MHz. These magnetic hyperfine coupling constants are substantially (approximately 50%) smaller than those observed for [2Fe-2S], [3Fe-4S], and [4Fe-4S] clusters. The M?ssbauer and ENDOR data, taken together, suggest that the g = 2.10 center contains at least two but not more than four iron atoms. Comparison of our data with recent results reported for Escherichia coli sulfite reductase and the ferricyanide-treated [4Fe-4S] cluster from Azotobacter vinelandii ferredoxin I suggests that the g = 2.10 center may possibly be formed, by oxidation, from a structure with a [4Fe-4S] core. The M?ssbauer spectra give evidence that at least 8 of the 12 Fe atoms of oxidized hydrogenase are organized in two ferredoxin-type [4Fe-4S] clusters, supporting conclusions derived previously from EPR studies of the reduced enzyme.  相似文献   

We have purified to homogeneity the 88-kDa corrinoid protein from Clostridium thermoaceticum which acts as a methyl carrier in the synthesis of acetyl-CoA. As shown here, this protein contains a [4Fe-4S]1+/2+ cluster in addition to a corrinoid. The corrinoid is 5-methoxybenzimidazolylcobamide, with an OH- group probably present as the upper axial ligand. Co+ is present in the reduced form, Co2+ in the as-isolated form, and Co3+ in the methylated form of the protein. The as-isolated corrinoid/Fe-S protein exhibits a Co2+ EPR signal lacking nitrogen superhyperfine splittings, indicating that the benzimidazole base is uncoordinated ("base-off") in the Co2+ state. Optical studies suggest that the Co3+-CH3 corrinoid is also base-off. In the as-isolated and methylated forms, the iron-sulfur cluster is diamagnetic, with quadrupole splittings and isomer shifts characteristic of [4Fe-4S]2+ clusters. The protein can be reduced by CO and CO dehydrogenase in the absence of ferredoxin. The EPR spectra of the reduced cluster exhibit two components: one with principal g-values at 2.07, 1.93, and 1.82 and the other at 2.02, 1.94, and 1.86. The M?ssbauer data show that these signals result from [4Fe-4S]1+ clusters. Chemical analysis shows that the iron:cobalt atomic ratio is close to 4:1, suggesting that a single [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster occurs in two distinct S = 1/2 spin states in the reduced state. Treatment with 1-2.5 M urea converts the two cluster forms into a single one, with EPR and M?ssbauer spectra of typical [4Fe-4S]1+ clusters. A 27-kDa corrinoid protein (Ljungdahl, L.G., LeGall, J., and Lee, J.P. (1973) Biochemistry 12, 1802-1808) also was purified and found to be inactive in the synthesis of acetyl-CoA, contrary to the suggestion of Ljungdahl et al. (1973).  相似文献   

Cytochrome c' from Rhodospirillum rubrum has been investigated in the ferric form with M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopy. In the pH range from 6 to 9.5, three species are observed which belong to two pH-dependent equilibria with pK values near 6 and 8.5. The pK = 6 transition is resolved only with high-field M?ssbauer spectroscopy. For the three species we have determined the zero-field splitting parameters and the hyperfine coupling constants. The data were fitted to a spin Hamiltonian which takes into account a weak mixing of excited S = 3/2 states into the sextet ground manifold. The low temperature spectra clearly show that the quadruple coupling constant deltaEQ is positive for ferricytochrome c' and thus in accord with all other high-spin ferric heme proteins.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer and EPR spectroscopies were used to study the electronic structure of the A-cluster from recombinant acetyl-CoA synthase (the alpha subunit of the alpha2beta2 acetyl-CoA synthase/CO dehydrogenase). Once activated with Ni, these subunits have properties mimicking those associated with the alpha2beta2 tetramer, including structural heterogeneities. The Fe4S4 portion of the A-cluster in oxidized, methylated, and acetylated states was in the 2+ core oxidation state. Upon reduction with dithionite or Ti3+ citrate, samples of Ni-activated alpha developed the ability to accept a methyl group. Corresponding M?ssbauer spectra exhibited two populations of A-clusters; roughly, 70% contained [Fe4S4]1+ cubanes, while approximately 30% contained [Fe4S4]2+ cubanes, suggesting an extremely low [Fe4S4](1+/2+) reduction potential for the 30% portion (perhaps <-800 mV vs NHE). The same population ratio was observed when Ni-free unactivated alpha was used. The 70% fraction exhibited paramagnetic hyperfine structure in the absence of an applied magnetic field, excluding the possibility that it represents an [Fe4S4]1+ cluster coupled to a (proximal) Ni(p)1+. EPR spectra of dithionite-reduced, Ni-activated alpha exhibited features at g = 5.8 and g(ave) approximately 1.93, consistent with a physical mixture of {S = 3/2; S = 1/2} spin-states for A-clusters containing [Fe4S4]1+ clusters. Incubation of Ni-activated alpha with dithionite and CO converted 25% of alpha subunits into the S = 1/2 A(red)-CO state. Previous correlation of this state to functional A-clusters suggests that only the 30% fraction not reduced by dithionite or Ti3+ citrate represents functional A-clusters. Comparison of spin states in oxidized and methylated states suggests that two electrons are required for reductive activation, starting from the oxidized state containing Ni(p)2+. Refitting published activity-vs-potential data supports an n = 2 reductive activation. Enzyme starting in the methylated state exhibited catalytic activity in the absence of an external reductant, suggesting that the two electrons used in reductive activation are retained by the enzyme after each catalytic cycle and that the enzyme does not have to pass through the A(red)-CO state during catalysis. Taken together, our results suggest that a Ni(p)0 state may form upon reductive activation and reform after each catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to investigate the cellular acquisition of iron byPseudomonas aeruginosa which had been incubated with ferripyoverdine for 20, 40, 60, 120 or 360 min. Studies revealed that no ferripyoverdine accumulated in the cells at any of these times and that the amounts and kinds of iron complexes produced by cellular metabolism vary with time. At 20 and 40 min a ferric species, with isomer shift =0.38–0.42 mm/s and quadrupole splitting E Q=0.94–0.92 mm/s, was the major iron metabolite comprising approximately 80% of the iron. At later times at least three other ferric species appeared with =0.54 0.72, E Q = 0.84 1.07 mm/s. Ferrous species, =1.43 1.77 mm/s and E Q = 2.69 1.82 mm/s, were also seen at times as early as 20 min and comprised as much as 17% of the total iron at 20 and 40 min. The parameters of all these species identify them as being six-coordinated high-spin complexes. In addition a low-spin species, =0.19 mm/s E Q=0.67 0.91 mm/s, never before reported in cells, appeared at 60, 120, and 360 min as one of the major iron metabolites (50% or more). All isomer shifts are measured with respect to natural iron.  相似文献   

The M?ssbauer spectra of MoFe-protein of Azotobacter vinelandii, as isolated under dithionite and taken at temperatures from 125 K to 175 K, are the sums of four resolved quadrupole doublets. Our results indicate that the currently accepted interpretation of these doublets can be questioned. Our data reduction method converts the M?ssbauer transmission spectra to source lineshape deconvolved absorption spectra linear in iron. We used these absorption spectra to determine the stoichiometry of the Fe clusters in MoFe-protein and we obtained much better fits if we assumed that there are four iron atoms in the 'Fe2+, doublet, two iron atoms in the 'S' doublet, twelve iron atoms in the 'D' doublet and sixteen iron atoms in the 'M' doublet. Therefore we propose that the MoFe-cofactor contains one molybdenum and eight iron atoms ('M'). We also argue that none of the previous M?ssbauer spectroscopic studies have been performed on the highest-activity preparation now obtainable, nor has there been any study to prove that the M?ssbauer spectra are independent of activity. We consider that the M?ssbauer spectroscopic studies of the MoFe-protein of nitrogenase are a re-opened and unsolved problem.  相似文献   

Summary Preliminary results of the Mössbauer effect study of human adult oxyhemoglobin in erythrocytes exposed to gamma-irradiation with doses of 100, 300 and 600 kGy are presented. Mössbauer spectra measured at 87 K have been analyzed in two ways. At first, to fit these spectra we used the four components oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, hemochromes and nonheme Fe(III) compound which had been obtained earlier from Mössbauer spectra of X-irradiated oxyhemoglobin by Chevalier et al. (1983). However, this approximation was not satisfactory. Then a new model of spectral fitting with five components was used. These were oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin and components marked1, 2 and3. Using Mössbauer hyperfine parameters of each component the valence/spin states of iron ions were determined and possible complexes were considered. The most probable compounds for components1, 2 and3 were hematin and/orµ-oxodimers, methemoglobin hydroxide and/or hemichromes, and the high spin Fe(III) complex, respectively. Changes of the relative areas of Mössbauer subspectra of all components (its content in samples) versus doses were evaluated and the presence of the high and low spin aquomethemoglobin was indicated.  相似文献   

Vacuoles were isolated from fermenting yeast cells grown on minimal medium supplemented with 40 μM (57)Fe. Absolute concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ca, and P in isolated vacuoles were determined by ICP-MS. M?ssbauer spectra of isolated vacuoles were dominated by two spectral features: a mononuclear magnetically isolated high-spin (HS) Fe(III) species coordinated primarily by hard/ionic (mostly or exclusively oxygen) ligands and superparamagnetic Fe(III) oxyhydroxo nanoparticles. EPR spectra of isolated vacuoles exhibited a g(ave) ~ 4.3 signal typical of HS Fe(III) with E/D ~ 1/3. Chemical reduction of the HS Fe(III) species was possible, affording a M?ssbauer quadrupole doublet with parameters consistent with O/N ligation. Vacuolar spectral features were present in whole fermenting yeast cells; however, quantitative comparisons indicated that Fe leaches out of vacuoles during isolation. The in vivo vacuolar Fe concentration was estimated to be ~1.2 mM while the Fe concentration of isolated vacuoles was ~220 μM. M?ssbauer analysis of Fe(III) polyphosphate exhibited properties similar to those of vacuolar Fe. At the vacuolar pH of 5, Fe(III) polyphosphate was magnetically isolated, while at pH 7, it formed nanoparticles. This pH-dependent conversion was reversible. Fe(III) polyphosphate could also be reduced to the Fe(II) state, affording similar M?ssbauer parameters to that of reduced vacuolar Fe. These results are insufficient to identify the exact coordination environment of the Fe(III) species in vacuoles, but they suggest a complex closely related to Fe(III) polyphosphate. A model for Fe trafficking into/out of yeast vacuoles is proposed.  相似文献   

While studying the parameters of "narrow" and "broad" lines appearing in M?ssbauer spectra of undehydrated membrane proteins heated from 80 to 280 K it has been for the first time found for proteins that the behavior of the complete area of spectrum S does not differ from that of Debye-Waller factor. An abrupt decrease of quadrupole splitting value from delta = 0.7 mm/s to delta = 0 within the temperature range 220-270 K. Computation of the spectra with their division into 3 components responding respectively by heat, diffusion and conformational movement made possible explanation of all the evolutionary changes proceeding in them with the temperature rise. Preservation of the complete area of the spectrum S (T) is conditioned by the increase of the component responsive to conformational changes of Fe atom within 230-270 K. These movements "suppress" quadrupole splitting observed in the spectra at low temperatures. Dynamic mobility is considered in terms of the Fe atom movement in the biphase potential.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer spectroscopy of haem proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Cytochrome c1aa3 from Thermus thermophilus has optical and EPR properties similar to bovine cytochrome c oxidase. We have studied 87Fe-enriched samples with M?ssbauer spectroscopy in the fully oxidized and fully reduced states and in the oxidized state complexed with cyanide. The cytochromes a and c1 yielded spectra quite similar to those reported for the cytochromes c and b5; in the oxidized state the spectra reflect noninteracting, low spin ferric hemes, whereas the a- and c1-sites of the reduced enzyme are typical of low spin ferrous hemochromes. The spectra of the reduced enzyme show that reduced cytochrome a3 is high spin ferrous, with M?ssbauer parameters quite similar to those of deoxymyoglobin. Upon addition of cyanide to the oxidized enzyme, the a3-site exhibits in the absence of an applied magnetic field and at temperatures down to 1.3 K a quadrupole doublet with parameters typical of low spin ferric heme-CN complexes. The low temperature spectra taken in applied magnetic fields show that the electronic ground state of the a3-CN complex has integer electronic spin, suggesting ferromagnetic coupling of the low spin ferric heme (S = 1/2) to Cu2+ (S = 1/2) to yield as S = 1 ground state. We have examined the oxidized enzyme from two different preparations. Both had good activity and identical optical and EPR spectra. The M?ssbauer spectra, however, revealed that the a3-site had a substantially different electronic structure in the two preparations. Neither configuration had properties in accord with the widely accepted spin-coupling model proposed for the bovine enzyme.  相似文献   

The electronic and magnetic properties of the selenium-substituted 2[4Fe-4Se]2+/+ ferredoxin (Fd) from Clostridium pasteurianum have been investigated by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. The [4Fe-4Se]2+ clusters of oxidized Fd are diamagnetic and the M?ssbauer spectra are nearly identical to those of oxidized 2[4Fe-4S]2+ Fd. The addition of 2e- per molecule of Se-substituted Fd causes the simultaneous appearance of three EPR signals: one (g1,2,3 = 2.103, 1.940, 1.888) is reminiscent of [4Fe-4S]+ EPR spectra and accounts for 0.7 to 0.8 spin/molecule. The two others consist of a broad signal with g = 4.5, 3.5, and approximately 2 (0.7 to 0.8 spin/molecule) and of a narrow peak at g = 5.172 which is observed up to 60 K. Peculiar features are also present in the M?ssbauer spectra of 2[4Fe-4Se]+ Fd below 20 K: a subcomponent with lines near to +/- 4 mm/s and accounting for 20% of the total iron corresponds to two antiferromagnetically coupled sites in approximately a 3:1 ratio and displays fully developed paramagnetic hyperfine interactions at 4.2 K without any applied field. At 77 K, however, the reduced Se-substituted Fd yields a M?ssbauer spectrum similar to that of 2[4Fe-4S]+ Fd. The new EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopic features of the 2[4Fe-4Se]+ Fd are attributed to S = 3/2 and S = 7/2 spin states which accompany the classical S = 1/2 state of [4Fe-4X]+ (X = S, Se) structures.  相似文献   

Higher energy content and hydrophobicity make bio-based n-butanol a preferred building block for chemical and biofuels manufacturing. Butanol is obtained by Clostridium sp. based ABE fermentation process. While the ABE process is well understood, the enzyme systems involved have not been elucidated in detail. The important enzyme ß-hydroxybutyryl CoA dehydrogenase from Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 (Hbd) was purified and characterized. Surprisingly, Hbd shows extremely high temperature (T > 60 °C), pH (4–11) and solvent (1-butanol, isobutanol, ethanol) stability. Hbd catalyzes acetoacetyl CoA hydration to ß-hydroxybutyryl CoA up to pH 9.5, where the reaction is reversed. Substrate (acacCoA, ß-hbCoA) and cofactor (NADH, NAD+, NADPH and NADP+) specificities were determined. We identified NAD+ as an uncompetitive inhibitor. Identification of process relevant enzymes such as Hbd is key to optimize butanol production via cellular or cell-free enzymatic systems.  相似文献   

Subtle changes in the M?ssbauer parameters are observed while going from methyl- to ethyl- to adenosylcobalamin, and also when the "base" is detached from the cobalt. The observation of these changes demonstrates that the Co-C bond, among others, remains intact after the Auger event, accompanying the electron-capture decay of the cobalt-57. The differences between ethylcobalamin and the other two organocobalamins in the magnitude of the quadrupole splittings have been interpreted on the basis of the sigma-donating tendency of the organic moiety and the Co-C bond length. The latter is presumably determined by the steric hindrance offered to the group in approaching the cobalt atom. The ethyl- and adenosylcobalamins in their "base-off" form exhibit a larger quadrupole splitting than the corresponding "base-on" form. In the "bas-off" form, the cobalt atom is perhaps raised above the mean plane of the four equatorial nitrogen atoms of the corrin ring, which may result in the diminution of the delocalization of the 3dpi electron density. The higher population of dpi orbitals and the enhanced metallic character of the dz2, resulting from shrinkage of the Co-C bond length, enhances the magnitude of the quadrupole splitting.  相似文献   

A frozen solution of 57Fe-enriched metmyoglobin was irradiated by x rays at 77 K. Mössbauer spectra showed a reduction of Fe(III) high spin by thermalized electrons and a production of a metastable Fe(II) low spin myoglobin complex with H2O at its sixth coordination site. The relaxation of the intermediate was investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy as a function of temperature and time. The relaxation process starts above 140 K and is fully completed at approximately 200 K. At temperatures between 140 and 200 K, the relaxation lasts for hours and is nonexponential in time. Up to 180 K, the process can be described satisfactorily by a gamma distribution of activation enthalpies with an Arrhenius relation for the rate coefficient. The temperature and time dependence of the Mössbauer parameters indicates structural changes in the active center of the protein as early as 109 K that continue for several hours at higher temperatures. Above 180 K, structural rearrangements involving the whole protein molecule lead to a shift and narrowing of the barrier height distribution.  相似文献   

Protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (EC from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been investigated by EPR and M?ssbauer spectroscopy. Low temperature M?ssbauer data on the native enzyme (Fe3+, S = 5/2) yields a hyperfine field Hsat=-525 kG at the nucleus. This observation is inconsistent with earlier suggestions, based on EPR data of a rubredoxin-like ligand environment around the iron, i.e. a tetrahedral sulfur coordination. Likewise, the dithionite-reduced enzyme has M?ssbauer parameters unlike those of reduced rubredoxin. We conclude that the iron atoms are in a previously unrecognized environment. The ternary complex of the enzyme with 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpropionate and O2 yields EPR signals at g = 6.7 and g = 5.3; these signals result from an excited state Kramers doublet. The kinetics of the disappearance of these signals parallels product formation and the decay of the ternary complex as observed in the optical spectrum. The M?ssbauer and EPR data on the ternary complex establish the iron atoms to be a high-spin ferric state characterized by a large and negative zero-field splitting, D = approximately -2 cm-1.  相似文献   

We have recently shown (Lindahl, P. A., Day, E. P., Kent, T. A., Orme-Johnson, W. H., and Münck, E. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 11160-11173) that the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster of the native Fe protein can exist in two forms characterized by different cluster spin: an S = 1/2 state exhibiting a g = 1.94 type EPR signal and an S = 3/2 state yielding signals at g approximately 5.8 and 5.1. We have now extended our study of the Fe protein to include the MgATP- and MgADP-bound forms. The [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster of the nucleotide-bound Fe protein exists in a similar S = 1/2, S = 3/2 spin mixture. The S = 3/2 cluster exhibits a broad EPR signal at g approximately 4.8. In spectra of the MgATP-bound protein, we have also observed a g = 4.3 signal from an S = 5/2 state (D = 1 - 3 cm-1, E/D approximately 0.32). Various experiments strongly suggest that this signal does not originate from adventitiously bound Fe3+. The g = 4.3 signal may arise from approximately 2% of the [4Fe-4S]1+ clusters when MgATP is protein-bound. We have also discovered substoichiometric amounts of what appears to be ADP in some nominally nucleotide-free Fe protein samples. MgATP binds to Fe protein in the presence of perturbing solvents, resulting in EPR spectra similar to those of MgATP-bound samples in aqueous solutions; MgADP binding, on the other hand, results in signals more typical of the solvent state. Spectra of samples frozen during turnover of the nitrogenase system exhibit a mixture of spin states. Characterization of the Fe protein EPR signature described here should aid future mechanistic and nucleotide-binding studies.  相似文献   

Sharkey MA  Gori A  Capone M  Engel PC 《The FEBS journal》2012,279(17):3003-3009
Active-site mutants of glutamate dehydrogenase from Clostridium?symbiosum have been designed and constructed and the effects on coenzyme preference evaluated by detailed kinetic measurements. The triple mutant F238S/P262S/D263K shows complete reversal in coenzyme selectivity from NAD(H) to NADP(H) with retention of high levels of catalytic activity for the new coenzyme. For oxidized coenzymes, k(cat) /K(m) ratios of the wild-type and triple mutant enzyme indicate a shift in preference of approximately 1.6?×?10(7) -fold, from ~?80?000-fold in favour of NAD(+) to ~?200-fold in favour of NADP(+) . For reduced coenzymes the corresponding figure is 1.7?×?10(4) -fold, from ~?1000-fold in favour of NADH to ~?17-fold in favour of NADPH. A fourth mutation (N290G), previously identified as having a potential bearing on coenzyme specificity, did not engender any further shift in preference when incorporated into the triple mutant, despite having a significant effect when expressed as a single mutant.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer spectra of 57Fe-enriched NADH-reduced yeast cytochrome c oxidase reveal two quadrupole doublets of unequal intensity; one (approximately 33%) is typical of high-spin ferrous heme with histidine coordination and is assigned to heme a3, while the other (approximately 67%) is typical of low-spin heme with two nitrogeneous axial ligands as expected from heme a. The excess intensity (approximately 17%) of the low-spin doublet must therefore be assigned to heme a3 in a modified environment. The M?ssbauer spectra of the same sample exposed to CO show that 50% of the heme iron forms a CO adduct, consistent with heme a3 being inhibited by CO. While low-spin hem a has the same M?ssbauer parameters as in the reduced sample, its intensity has dropped to 35%. A distinctly new high-spin species (approximately 15%) is observed and assigned to heme a in a modified environment. The comparable size of the unexpected high-spin heme a fraction in the CO adduct and the low-spin heme a3 fraction in the reduced enzyme suggest that they arise from the same material. This material is likely to be the inactive fraction that has been found in all preparations of resting yeast cytochrome c oxidase (Siedow, J.N., Miller, S., and Palmer, G. (1981) J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 14, 171-179). The kinetics of CO recombination following photolysis of the CO complex further confirms the coexistence of two distinct fractions associated with active and inactive protein. The majority (approximately 74%), presumably active protein, recombines exponentially from 160 to 270 K following an Arrhenius law. The large activation enthalpy, delta H approximately 35 kJ/mol, is comparable to that found in the beef heart enzyme, suggesting that the flashed-off CO is bound by the nearby CuB as in the mammalian system (Fiamingo, F.G., Altschuld, R.A., Moh, P.P., and Alben, J.O. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 1639-1650). In the minority, presumably inactive, fraction the CO recombination has fast nonexponential kinetics with a distribution of activation enthalpies peaking near delta Hp = 13 kJ/mol reminiscent of CO binding to myoglobin. In this inactive fraction CuB is apparently not accessible to the flashed-off CO.  相似文献   

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