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Abstract 1 To maintain biodiversity in managed spruce forests in Sweden more wind‐felled trees must be retained. However, there is concern among forest owners that this may result in higher tree mortality caused by the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.) (Col. Scolytidae). 2 To simulate wind‐felled trees, living spruce trees were cut at spruce stand edges bordering fresh clear‐cuttings. Treatments comprised edges with zero, one or five cut trees colonized by I. typographus. Edges with naturally wind‐felled trees colonized by I. typographus were also included in the analyses. 3 During the two following summers, the number of trees killed by I. typographus did not differ between edges with and without felled trees, or between edges with one or five felled trees. 4 Within edges with felled trees, there were more killed trees close to the felled trees than at other parts of the edges. Thus, felled trees provided focal points for attacks within edges. 5 It is concluded that small numbers of wind‐felled trees colonized by I. typographus may be left near spruce stand edges without increasing the risk of beetle‐induced tree mortality.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Tree-killing ability of Pityogenes chalcographus was experimentally investigated by baiting living spruce Picea abies with synthetic aggregation pheromone, thereby exposing them to beetle attack. Reproductive success was estimated by rearing beetles from stem sections taken from killed trees. The presence of Ips typographus on several killed trees allowed a comparison of reproductive success in the presence and absence of this species. Furthermore, the possibility that breeding material colonized by P. chalcographus may induce subsequent attacks by I. typographus on nearby trees was also studied. The tree killing ability of P. chalcographus was low as only 8% of the baited trees, attacked by P. chalcographus alone, were killed. Tree death was strongly related to the presence of I. typographus , which is in line with the association with aggressive wood-living fungi in this species. The reproductive success was low, with on average less than one daughter beetle produced per mother beetle. The success was significantly higher in trees also inhabited by I. typographus . Tree-parts colonized by P. chalcographus induced almost no attacks by I. typographus on nearby trees.  相似文献   

The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is a recent new introduction to the Qilian Mountains of China. An outbreak of these beetles has infested over 0.03 million hectares of spruce forests in this area. Although primary attraction to volatiles has been clearly demonstrated for I. typographus, the existence and role of attraction to insect‐produced pheromones have been widely debated. Currently, commercial lures for I. typographus include only the volatiles ipsdienol, cis‐verbenol, trans‐verbenol, 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol and 2‐phenylethanol in Europe. Several potential pheromone candidates have been identified for I. typographus. Our GC–MS and GC–FID analyses volatiles from hindgut extracts of I. typographus in different attack phases demonstrated that the 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol, ipsdienol, cis‐verbenol and trans‐verbenol as major hindgut components, and ipsenol, 2‐phenylethanol, trans‐ myrtenol and verbenone as minor components. We tested various combinations of semiochemical candidates, to determine an optimal blend. Our results suggest that addition of 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol to either ipsenol alone, or to blends of ipsenol and other semiochemical candidates, significantly enhanced attraction of I. typographus. Therefore, a simple lure consisting of ipsenol and 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol would be an optimal blend of I. typographus in the Qilian Mountains, China. We conclude that this optimal semiochemical blend may provide an effective biological pest control method for use in forest ecosystem against I. typographus.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The distribution and dynamics of insect populations in cities is poorly understood. One approach to address this question is to explore the permeability of the urban habitat to species from surrounding rural areas, which can serve as reservoirs in source‐sink dynamics. 2 Here, we present data on the distribution of the forest insect pest of spruce, Ips typographus (Coleoptera, Scolytidae), along two axes entering the city of Brussels (Belgium) from the south‐east and to the town centre. 3 The insect was caught everywhere along these transects, even in heavily urbanized surroundings, and sometimes in relatively high numbers. The catches were highest near the middle of the transects and lower at both ends of them. 4 This pattern was associated, on the one hand, with an urbanization gradient with the numbers of flying individuals increasing with the distance from the city centre and, on the other hand, with lower catches at the periphery of the city where a high proportion of broadleaved trees may have disrupted the response to aggregation pheromones. 5 In addition to the probable rural origin of the beetles, high catches at the Port of Brussels indicated that some of the insects might be of foreign origin and enter the city with imported timber, highlighting a pathway for unintentional introductions of organisms, including potentially invasive species.  相似文献   

1 Populations of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.), are known to grow rapidly in storm‐disturbed stands as a result of relaxation from intraspecific competition. In the present study, it was tested whether a second mechanism, escape in space from natural enemies, also contributes to the rapid population increase. 2 The experiment was conducted during the initiation phase of five local outbreaks of I. typographus triggered by a storm‐disturbance in November 1995 in southern Sweden. 3 The impact of natural enemies on the ratio of increase (number of daughters per mother) of I. typographus was compared pairwise between disturbed stands with high numbers of storm‐felled trees and undisturbed stands without wind‐felled trees. 4 Enemy impact was assessed by comparing the ratio of increase in uncaged (exposed to enemies) and caged (protected from enemies) bolts colonized by I. typographus prior to being placed in the stands. The experiment was conducted in the second and third summers after the storm‐felling. 5 Enemy impact was about twice as high in stands without wind‐felled trees compared with in stands with wind‐felled trees in the second summer whereas there was no significant difference between the stand types in the third summer. 6 The result demonstrates that spatial escape from enemies contributes to the rapid population growth of I. typographus after storm‐disturbances.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The bole of a Norway spruce, Picea abies (L.) Karst., was cut in 25 cm sections and infested in the laboratory with 2 or 8 females/dm2 of Ips typographus (L.) and an equal number of males.
2. One log of each beetle density was dissected every second day, beginning 2 days after female introduction.
3. The oviposition rate was highest at the beginning of the breeding period for both densities and then declined, especially at the high density. Residence time is a useful approximation for the number of laid eggs in the beginning of the oviposition period or when the density is low.
4. Final gallery length and egg number per gallery were on average significantly smaller at density 8 than at density 2.
5. Linear relationships between total gallery length and number of egg niches were found to be similar for the two densities.
6. An estimate of the egg to adult mortality at different densities was found by using data from a field study that related gallery length to breeding density in attacked living trees, together with published relationships between density and egg niches or emergence of new adults.
7. It was concluded that both decreased oviposition rate and earlier re-emergence at higher densities contribute to a declining oviposition with increasing density. The final offspring production is futher reduced by lower survival due to larval competition as density increases.  相似文献   

Ips typographus is an economically important pest of Norway spruce stands. We developed five polymorphic microsatellite markers using a biotin enrichment protocol. The number of alleles ranged from three to 11 per locus and no strong evidence for null alleles was found. Heterozygosity ranged from 0.3 to 0.97. These markers could be useful tools to study the population structure and genetic consequences of I. typographus population outbreaks.  相似文献   

1 The generation time of the bark beetle predator Thanasimus formicarius (L.) (Col.: Cleridae) was found to be predominantly two years both in the field and in rearing experiments conducted with two of its main prey species, the pine shoot beetle Tomicus piniperda (L.) and the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) (Col.: Scolytidae). 2 Emergence of T. formicarius adults in the first summer was only observed in one of the two rearing experiments, and these individuals represented only 6% of that generation. 3 All individuals not emerging as adults in the first summer remained as larvae in their pupal chambers until the second summer. Pupae were found starting around mid-June, and adults (in pupal chambers) were found from late July through to the end of August. 4 Newly emerged adults had to feed in order to survive hibernation. 5 The existence of T. formicarius races, specialized on certain bark beetle species and with phenologies matching their hosts, could not be demonstrated. After hibernation there was no difference in feeding activity, timing of egg-laying or proportion of egg-laying females between the T. formicarius adults reared as larvae on T. piniperda (flight period in April) and those reared as larvae on I. typographus (main flight period generally starting in late May or early June) when exposed to a temperature and day-length typical of the early spring conditions prevailing during the flight period of T. piniperda. 6 T. formicarius was parasitized by Enclisis vindex (Tschek) (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) in the pupal chamber. 7 The importance of these findings for the population dynamics of bark beetles is discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1 After storm disturbances, there is a risk for degradation of the quality of fallen trees, and for subsequent tree mortality caused by the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Models assessing the risk for bark beetle colonization of different kinds of storm gaps would be a valuable tool for management decisions.
  • 2 The present study aimed to determine which gap and landscape characteristics are correlated with the probability of colonization of wind‐felled Norway spruce trees by I. typographus.
  • 3 The study included 36 storm gaps, varying in size from three to 1168 wind‐felled spruces, created by the storm Gudrun in southern Sweden in January 2005.
  • 4 In the first summer, on average, 5% of the wind‐felled spruces were colonized by I. typographus. The percentage of colonized wind‐felled trees per gap was negatively correlated with the total area of storm gaps within 2000 m in the surrounding forest landscape.
  • 5 In the second summer, the proportion of colonized trees increased to 50%. Both gap (mean diameter of wind‐felled trees and basal area of living spruce trees) and landscape variables (amount of spruce forest) were significantly correlated with colonization percentage and explained almost 50% of the variation between gaps.
  • 6 There was no relationship between gap area and colonization percentage. This implies that landscapes with many large storm gaps, where logging resources will be most effectively used, should be salvaged first.

Abstract 1 The antennally active nonhost bark volatiles (NHVs): trans‐conophthorin (tC), C6‐alcohols (green leaf volatiles; GLVs) and C8‐alcohols, were tested for their ability to reduce attraction of the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L) (Col. Scolytidae) to its pheromone sources in both laboratory walking bioassy and field trapping experiments. 2 In the walking bioassay with I. typographus females, individual NHVs such as tC, 3‐octanol and 1‐octen‐3‐ol, and the unsuitable host signal, verbenone (Vn), were inactive at the doses tested. However, the blend of C6‐alcohols (3GLVs) and all the binary, ternary, or quarternary blends significantly reduced the female attraction to the pheromone sources. 3 In the field trapping experiments, individual NHV signals (tC, C6‐alcohols and C8‐alcohols) all reduced catch of I. typographus in pheromone‐baited traps, with their inhibitory effects similar to that of the known inhibitor, Vn. The binary, ternary or quarternary combinations of these NHV signals or Vn, all caused significantly stronger reductions in trap catches than the individual signals. The blends showed similar levels of interruption, except the binary blend of C8‐alcohols (2C8OH) and Vn. 4 Difference in trapping mechanism between pipe traps (attraction and landing) and Lindgren funnel traps (attraction) did not affect the pattern of inhibition of these active NHV signals and Vn. 5 These behaviourally active nonhost volatiles and Vn might be used effectively to protect spruce trees or stands against attacks by I. typographus.  相似文献   

  • 1 It is widely known that many bark and wood‐boring beetle species use nonresistant coarse woody debris (CWD) created by disturbances; however, the ability of these secondary species to cause mortality in healthy trees following a build‐up of their populations remains unclear. We characterized the pattern of colonization by Ips pini (Say) following a major ice storm that created large amounts of CWD varying in resistance to colonization (i.e. ranging from snapped tops with no resistance to heavily damaged trees with intact root systems). A major question was how the beetles responded to the different types of storm‐damaged material and whether healthy undamaged trees were colonized and killed following increases in beetle populations.
  • 2 Six red pine, Pinus resinosa Ait., plantations in eastern Ontario were monitored from 1998 to 2001 inclusive: three with high storm damage (approximately 120 m3/ha CWD) and three with minimal damage (approximately 20 m3/ha CWD). Transects (200 × 2 m) were sampled yearly in each plantation to assess the type and amount of damaged pine brood material colonized by the pine engraver beetle, I. pini.
  • 3 Beetles preferentially infested the most nonresistant material available each year (i.e. all snapped tops in year 1, all standing snags, up‐rooted trees and many bent trees by year 2, but still less than 50% of trees blown over but with intact root systems by year 3). By years 3 and 4, the majority (approximately 75%) of severely damaged trees (with > 50% crown loss) died prior to beetle colonization.
  • 4 The size of the beetle population tracked the abundance of available woody material from year‐to‐year within a plantation; populations were very large in the first 2 years, and declined significantly in the last 2 years.
  • 5 Healthy standing red pines were apparently resistant to colonization by the beetles, despite the significant build‐up in their populations. Hence, the results of the present study suggest that native bark beetle populations will not cause further tree mortality following such a disturbance in this region.

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