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The actin-like protein with a molecular weight of 42 kDa was obtained from the preparation of freshly isolated mitochondria of the rat liver using the method of immobilized DNAse affinity chromatography. The inhibitory ability of the isolated protein with respect to pancreatic DNAse I was the same as that of muscular actin. The native structure of the mitochondria protein is confirmed by the data of spectral analysis and its ability to globular-fibrillar transformation with an increased ionic strength of the solution. The polymerization ability as well as a stimulating effect of the actin-like protein of mitochondria on the ATPase activity of myosin is much less pronounced as compared to actin of skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein import (MPI) is essential for the biogenesis of mitochondria in all eukaryotes. Current models of MPI are predominantly based on experiments with one group of eukaryotes, the opisthokonts. Although fascinating genome database-driven hypotheses on the evolution of the MPI machineries have been published, previous experimental research on non-opisthokonts usually focused on the analysis of single pathways or components in, for example, plants and parasites. In this study, we have established the kinetoplastid parasite Leishmania tarentolae as a model organism for the comprehensive analysis of non-opisthokont MPI into all four mitochondrial compartments. We found that opisthokont marker proteins are efficiently imported into isolated L. tarentolae mitochondria. Vice versa, L. tarentolae marker proteins of all compartments are also imported into mitochondria from yeast. The results are remarkable because only a few of the more than 25 classical components of the opisthokont MPI machineries are found in parasite genome databases. Our results demonstrate that different MPI pathways are functionally conserved among eukaryotes despite significant compositional differences of the MPI machineries. Moreover, our model system could lead to the identification of significantly altered or even novel MPI components in non-opisthokonts. Such differences might serve as starting points for drug development against parasitic protists.  相似文献   

To identify yeast cytosolic proteins that mediate targeting of precursor proteins to mitochondria, we developed an in vitro import system consisting of purified yeast mitochondria and a radiolabeled mitochondrial precursor protein whose C terminus was still attached to the ribosome. In this system, the N terminus of the nascent chain was translocated across both mitochondrial membranes, generating a translocation intermediate spanning both membranes. The nascent chain could then be completely chased into the mitochondrial matrix after release from the ribosome. Generation of this import intermediate was dependent on a mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondrial surface proteins, and was stimulated by proteins that could be released from the ribosomes by high salt. The major salt-released stimulatory factor was yeast nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC). Purified NAC fully restored import of salt-washed ribosome-bound nascent chains by enhancing productive binding of the chains to mitochondria. We propose that ribosome-associated NAC facilitates recognition of nascent precursor chains by the mitochondrial import machinery.  相似文献   

The import of protein into chloroplasts is mediated by translocon components located in the chloroplast outer (the Toc proteins) and inner (the Tic proteins) envelope membranes. To identify intermediate steps during active import, we used sucrose density gradient centrifugation and blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) to identify complexes of translocon components associated with precursor proteins under active import conditions instead of arrested binding conditions. Importing precursor proteins in solubilized chloroplast membranes formed a two-peak distribution in the sucrose density gradient. The heavier peak was in a similar position as the previously reported Tic/Toc supercomplex and was too large to be analyzed by BN-PAGE. The BN-PAGE analyses of the lighter peak revealed that precursors accumulated in at least two complexes. The first complex migrated at a position close to the ferritin dimer (approximately 880 kDa) and contained only the Toc components. Kinetic analyses suggested that this Toc complex represented an earlier step in the import process than the Tic/Toc supercomplex. The second complex in the lighter peak migrated at the position of the ferritin trimer (approximately 1320 kDa). It contained, in addition to the Toc components, Tic110, Hsp93, and an hsp70 homolog, but not Tic40. Two different precursor proteins were shown to associate with the same complexes. Processed mature proteins first appeared in the membranes at the same fractions as the Tic/Toc supercomplex, suggesting that processing of transit peptides occurs while precursors are still associated with the supercomplex.  相似文献   

The 34 kDa polypeptide of the outer envelope membranes from pea chloroplasts (OEP 34) is a major constituent of this membrane. OEP 34 is detected on polyacrylamide gels under non-reducing condition in association with OEP 75, the putative protein translocation pore. An antiserum against OEP 34 is able to co-immunoprecipitate the precursor of Rubisco small subunit from a partially purified import complex of chloroplast outer envelope membranes. A full-length cDNA clone coding for pea OEP 34 has been isolated. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed typical and conserved sequence motifs found in GTP-binding proteins, making it a new and unique member of this superfamily. OEP 34 behaves as an integral constituent of the outer chloroplast envelope, which is anchored by its C-terminus into the membrane, while the majority of the protein projects into the cytoplasm. OEP 34 does not possess a cleavable N-terminal transit sequence but it is targeted to the chloroplasts and integrated into the outer membranes by internal sequence information which seems to be present in the C-terminal membrane anchor region. Productive integration of OEP 34 into the outer envelope requires, in contrast to other OEPs, protease-sensitive chloroplast surface components and is stimulated by ATR. The GTP binding specificity of OEP 34 is demonstrated by photo-affinity labelling in the presence of [α-32P]GTP. Overexpressed and purified OEP 34 possesses endogenous GTPase activity. These results indicate a possible regulatory function of OEP 34 in protein translocation into chloroplasts.  相似文献   

BCS1, a component of the inner membrane of mitochondria, belongs to the group of proteins with internal, noncleavable import signals. Import and intramitochondrial sorting of BCS1 are encoded in the N-terminal 126 amino acid residues. Three sequence elements were identified in this region, namely, the transmembrane domain (amino acid residues 51 to 68), a presequence type helix (residues 69 to 83), and an import auxiliary region (residues 84 to 126). The transmembrane domain is not required for stable binding to the TOM complex. The Tom receptors (Tom70, Tom22 and Tom20), as determined by peptide scan analysis, interact with the presequence-like helix, yet the highest binding was to the third sequence element. We propose that the initial recognition of BCS1 precursor at the surface of the organelle mainly depends on the auxiliary region and does not require the transmembrane domain. This essential region represents a novel type of signal with targeting and sorting functions. It is recognized by all three known mitochondrial import receptors, demonstrating their capacity to decode various targeting signals. We suggest that the BCS1 precursor crosses the TOM complex as a loop structure and that once the precursor emerges from the TOM complex, all three structural elements are essential for the intramitochondrial sorting to the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Human high molecular weight urokinase, a plasminogen activator, when minimally reduced with 0.01 M 2-mercaptoethanol for 10 h at pH 8.0 and 25 degrees C and then carboxymethylated with sodium iodoacetate, gave two chains, a functionally active heavy chain with about 80% of the original activity and a light chain. These two chains were found to be linked by a single interchain disulfide bond. The functionally active heavy chain can be isolated by an affinity chromatography method with [N alpha-(epsilon-aminocaproyl)-DL-homoarginine hexylester]-Sepharose. The light chain, which has no enzyme activity, is not adsorbed to the affinity matrix, whereas the active heavy chain was adsorbed and subsequently eluted. The active heavy chain was further purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. This preparation was found to be homogeneous by both analytical and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the active heavy chain was determined to be 33,000 by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration and 31,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Its specific activity, with L-pyroglutamyl-glycyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide, was determined to be 208,000 IU/mg of protein. Approximately 87% active sites were found by p-nitrophenyl-p'-guanidino-benzoate titration with a molar activity of 7.41 X 10(9) IU/mmol of active site. The active heavy chain when compared to low molecular weight urokinase has a similar molecular weight, specific activity, and amino acid composition. The NH2-terminal residue found in the active heavy chain was lysine which was the same as that found in low molecular weight urokinase, whereas the NH2-terminal residues found in high molecular weight urokinase were serine and lysine. Serine is the NH2-terminal residue of the light chain of high molecular weight urokinase. The steady state kinetic parameters of activation of human Glu-plasminogen by the active heavy chain were also similar to low molecular weight urokinase, as were the amidase parameters of these enzymes. The Michaelis constants of activation (Kplg) were 2.11 and 2.21 microM, respectively; the catalytic rate constants of activation (kplg) were 51.7 and 44.1 min-1, respectively, with second order rate constants, kplg/Kplg of 24.5 and 20.2 microM-1 min-1, respectively.  相似文献   

A GTPase distinct from Ran is involved in nuclear protein import   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Signal-dependent transport of proteins into the nucleus is a multi-step process mediated by nuclear pore complexes and cytosolic transport factors. One of the cytosolic factors, Ran, is the only GTPase that has a characterized role in the nuclear import pathway. We have used a mutant form of Ran with altered nucleotide binding specificity to investigate whether any other GTPases are involved in nuclear protein import. D125N Ran (XTP-Ran) binds specifically to xanthosine triphosphate (XTP) and has a greatly reduced affinity for GTP, so it is no longer sensitive to inhibition by nonhydrolyzable analogues of GTP such as guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S). using in vitro transport assays, we have found that nuclear import supported by XTP-Ran is nevertheless inhibited by the addition of non-hydrolyzable GTP analogues. This in conjunction with the properties of the inhibitory effect indicates that at least one additional GTPase is involved in the import process. Initial characterization suggests that the inhibited GTPase plays a direct role in protein import and could be a component of the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between post-translational processing of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its assembly into the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex we used iron-sulfur proteins in which the presequences had been changed by site-directed mutagenesis of the cloned iron-sulfur protein gene, so that the recognition sites for the matrix processing peptidase or the mitochondrial intermediate peptidase (MIP) had been destroyed. When yeast strain JPJ1, in which the gene for the iron-sulfur protein is deleted, was transformed with these constructs on a single copy expression vector, mitochondrial membranes and bc1 complexes isolated from these strains accumulated intermediate length iron-sulfur proteins in vivo. The cytochrome bc1 complex activities of these membranes and bc1 complexes indicate that intermediate iron-sulfur protein (i-ISP) has full activity when compared with that of mature sized iron-sulfur protein (m-ISP). Therefore the iron-sulfur cluster must have been inserted before processing of i-ISP to m-ISP by MIP. When iron-sulfur protein is imported into mitochondria in vitro, i-ISP interacts with components of the bc1 complex before it is processed to m-ISP. These results establish that the iron-sulfur cluster is inserted into the apoprotein before MIP cleaves off the second part of the presequence and that this second processing step takes place after i-ISP has been assembled into the bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein import   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most polypeptides of mitochondria are imported from the cytosol. Precursor proteins contain targeting and sorting information, often in the form of amino-terminal presequences. Precursors first bind to receptors in the outer membrane. Two putative import receptors have been identified: a 19-kilodalton protein (MOM19) inNeurospora mitochondria, and a 70-kilodalton protein (MAS70) in yeast. Some precursors integrate directly into the outer membrane, but the majority are translocated through one or both membranes. This process requires an electrochemical potential across the inner membrane. Import appears to occur through a hydrophilic pore, although the inner and outer membranes may contain functionally separate translocation machineries. In yeast, a 42-kilodalton protein (ISP42) probably forms part of the outer membrane channel. After import, precursors interact with chaperonin ATPases in the matrix. Presequences then are removed by the matrix protease. Finally, some proteins are retranslocated across the inner membrane to the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein import   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
Most mitochondrial proteins are synthesized as precursor proteins on cytosolic polysomes and are subsequently imported into mitochondria. Many precursors carry amino-terminal presequences which contain information for their targeting to mitochondria. In several cases, targeting and sorting information is also contained in non-amino-terminal portions of the precursor protein. Nucleoside triphosphates are required to keep precursors in an import-competent (unfolded) conformation. The precursors bind to specific receptor proteins on the mitochondrial surface and interact with a general insertion protein (GIP) in the outer membrane. The initial interaction of the precursor with the inner membrane requires the mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi) and occurs at contact sites between outer and inner membranes. Completion of translocation into the inner membrane or matrix is independent of delta psi. The presequences are cleaved off by the processing peptidase in the mitochondrial matrix. In several cases, a second proteolytic processing event is performed in either the matrix or in the intermembrane space. Other modifications can occur such as the addition of prosthetic groups (e.g., heme or Fe/S clusters). Some precursors of proteins of the intermembrane space or the outer surface of the inner membrane are retranslocated from the matrix space across the inner membrane to their functional destination ('conservative sorting'). Finally, many proteins are assembled in multi-subunit complexes. Exceptions to this general import pathway are known. Precursors of outer membrane proteins are transported directly into the outer membrane in a receptor-dependent manner. The precursor of cytochrome c is directly translocated across the outer membrane and thereby reaches the intermembrane space. In addition to the general sequence of events which occurs during mitochondrial protein import, current research focuses on the molecules themselves that are involved in these processes.  相似文献   

Oka T  Mihara K 《Molecular cell》2005,18(2):145-146
Chacinska et al., (2005) recently clarified how translocation machineries of the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes cooperate to correctly sort preproteins destined for the mitochondrial matrix and inner membrane.  相似文献   

Active DNA demethylation is critical for altering DNA methylation patterns and regulating gene expression. The 5‐methylcytosine DNA glycosylase/lyase ROS1 initiates a base‐excision repair pathway for active DNA demethylation and is required for the prevention of DNA hypermethylation at 1 000s of genomic regions in Arabidopsis. How ROS1 is regulated and targeted to specific genomic regions is not well understood. Here, we report the discovery of an Arabidopsis protein complex that contains ROS1, regulates ROS1 gene expression, and likely targets the ROS1 protein to specific genomic regions. ROS1 physically interacts with a WD40 domain protein (RWD40), which in turn interacts with a methyl‐DNA binding protein (RMB1) as well as with a zinc finger and homeobox domain protein (RHD1). RMB1 binds to DNA that is methylated in any sequence context, and this binding is necessary for its function in vivo. Loss‐of‐function mutations in RWD40, RMB1, or RHD1 cause DNA hypermethylation at several tested genomic regions independently of the known ROS1 regulator IDM1. Because the hypermethylated genomic regions include the DNA methylation monitoring sequence in the ROS1 promoter, plants mutated in RWD40, RMB1, or RHD1 show increased ROS1 expression. Importantly, ROS1 binding to the ROS1 promoter requires RWD40, RMB1, and RHD1, suggesting that this complex dictates ROS1 targeting to this locus. Our results demonstrate that ROS1 forms a protein complex with RWD40, RMB1, and RHD1, and that this novel complex regulates active DNA demethylation at several endogenous loci in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The NH2 terminus of the yeast F1-ATPase beta subunit precursor directs the import of this protein into mitochondria. To define the functionally important components of this import signal, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce a series of deletion and missense mutations into the gene encoding the F1-beta subunit precursor. Among these mutations were three nonoverlapping deletions, two within the 19-amino-acid presequence (delta 5-12 and delta 16-19) and one within the mature protein (delta 28-34). Characterization of the mitochondrial import properties of various mutant F1-beta subunit proteins containing different combinations of these deletions showed that import was blocked only when all three deletions were combined. Mutant proteins containing all possible single and pairwise combinations of these deletions were found to retain the ability to direct mitochondrial import of the F1-beta subunit. These data suggest that the F1-beta subunit contains redundant import information at its NH2 terminus. In fact, we found that deletion of the entire F1-beta subunit presequence did not prevent import, indicating that a functional mitochondrial import signal is present near the NH2 terminus of the mature protein. Furthermore, by analyzing mitochondrial import of the various mutant proteins in [rho-] yeast, we obtained evidence that different segments of the F1-beta subunit import signal may act in an additive or cooperative manner to optimize the import properties of this protein.  相似文献   

We constructed a recombinant expression plasmid encoding a protein A--neurotoxin fusion protein. The fused toxin is directly expressed in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli and can be purified in the milligram range by a single immuno-affinity step. The LD50 values of the fused toxin and native toxin are 130 and 20 nmol/kg mouse respectively. The Kd values characterizing their binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR) are respectively 4.8 +/- 0.8 and 0.07 +/- 0.03 nM. In contrast, the fused and native toxins are equally well recognized by a toxin-specific monoclonal antibody which recognizes the AcChoR binding site. The lower toxicity of the fused toxin might result, therefore, from a steric hindrance, due to the presence of the bulky protein A moiety (mol. wt = 31 kd) rather than to a direct alteration of the 'toxic' site. The fused toxin is more immunogenic than native toxin, since 1 nmol of hybrid toxin and 14 nmol of native toxin give rise to comparable titers of antitoxin antibodies which, furthermore, are equally potent at neutralizing neurotoxicity. The work described in this paper shows that the use of fused toxins may be of paramount importance for future development of serotherapy against envenomation by snake bites.  相似文献   

A cytokinin binding protein complex (CBP130) has been purified from tobacco leaves (Nicotiana sylvestris). It contains two protein species of 57 and 36 kDa (CBP57 and CBP36). The cDNAs encoding CBP57 have been isolated from a tobacco cDNA library. Their predicted amino acid sequences showed significant homology between CBP57 and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) hydrolase, which catalyzes the reversible hydrolysis of SAH, a methyltransferase inhibitor. A combination of gel filtration an western blot analysis revealed that both CBP57 and benzyladenine (BA)-binding activity were eluted at a peak of 130 kDa. A purified CBP130 fraction contains SAH hydrolase activity. We discuss possible CBP57 as a cytokinin receptor subunit and its possible role as a regulator of methylation.  相似文献   

A receptor for protein import into potato mitochondria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Five potential surface receptors for protein import into plant mitochondria were identified by gentle trypsin treatment of intact mitochondria from potato tubers and subsequent preparation of outer mitochondrial membranes. One of them, a 23 kDa protein, was purified to homogeneity and analysed by direct protein sequencing. Copy DNA clones encoding the corresponding polypeptide were isolated with labelled oligonucleotides derived from the amino acid data. The 23 kDa protein shares significant sequence similarity with protein import receptors from fungal mitochondria and contains one of their typical tetratricopeptide motifs. Its integration into the outer membrane is independent of protease accessible surface receptors and not accompanied by proteolytic processing. Monospecific antibodies against the 23 kDa protein significantly reduce import capacity of isolated mitochondria indicating that this component is indeed involved in the recognition or import of precursor proteins. As in fungi, immunological inhibition of protein import with IgGs against a single receptor is incomplete suggesting the existence of other receptors in the outer mitochondrial membrane of plant mitochondria.  相似文献   

The NS2B-NS3 protease complex is essential for the replication of dengue virus, which is the etiologic agent of dengue and hemorrhagic fevers, diseases that are a burden for the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. The active form of the NS3 protease linked to the 40 residues of the NS2B cofactor shows highly flexible and disordered region(s) that are responsible for its high propensity to aggregate at the concentrations necessary for NMR spectroscopy studies or for crystallization. Limited proteolysis of this active form of the protease enabled us to obtain a folded and new essential form of the NS2B-NS3 protease complex. We found that the region from residues D50 to E80 of NS2B interacts directly and strongly with the NS3 protease domain. The proteolytic activity of the noncovalently binding complex was determined by a rapid and continuous fluorescence resonance energy transfer activity assay using a depsipeptide substrate. The new protein-cofactor complex obtained, encompassing the NS2B fragment (D50-E80) and the NS3 protease, shows proteolytic activity. The (1)H-(15)N-heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectrum of the isotopically enriched protein complex shows good cross-peak dispersion; this is indicative of a stable folded state. Our results significantly complement the X-ray structure of the NS2B-NS3pro complex published recently. Moreover, these results open the way to performing direct structural and interaction studies in solution on a new active NS2B-NS3pro complex with libraries of substrates and inhibitors in order to identify new drugs that prevent viral polyprotein processing.  相似文献   

The membrane topology of Om45 in the yeast mitochondrial outer membrane (OM) is under debate. Here, we confirm that Om45 is anchored to the OM from the intermembrane space (IMS) by its N-terminal hydrophobic segment. We show that import of Om45 requires the presequence receptors, Tom20 and Tom22, and the import channel of Tom40. Unlike any of the known OM proteins, Om45 import requires the TIM23 complex in the inner membrane, a translocator for presequence-containing proteins, and the membrane potential (ΔΨ). Therefore, Om45 is anchored to the OM via the IMS by a novel import pathway involving the TIM23 complex.  相似文献   

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