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From analysis of the large RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides of Kirsten sarcoma virus (Ki-SV), a physical map of the virus genome was deduced. Kirsten murine leukemia virus (Ki-MuLV) sequences were detected in T1 oligonucleotides closest to the 3' end of the viral RNA and extended approximately 1,000 nucleotides into the genome. The rat genetic sequences started at this point and extended all the way to the very 5' end of the RNA molecules, where a small stretch of Ki-MuLV sequence was detected. By comparison of the fingerprints of Ki-SV RNA and the RNA of the endogenous rat src genetic sequences, it was found that more than 50% of the T1 oligonucleotides were similar between Ki-SV and the endogenous rat src RNA, suggesting an identical primary nucleotide sequence in over 50% of the viral genomes. The results indicate that Ki-SV arose by recombination between the 5' and 3' ends of Ki-MuLV and a large portion of the homologous sequences of the endogenous rat src RNA.  相似文献   

We used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to obtain fingerprints of RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides derived from the genomes of Akv-1 and Akv-2 type C viruses of AKR mice. The fingerprints of these two viruses look identical. The products of pancreatic RNase digestion of corresponding oligonucleotides of the two viruses were indistinguishable. These observations are consistent with, but not proof of, the possible identity of the genomes of the Akv-1 and Akv-2 viruses and, thus, of the viral genetic material believed to comprise the Akv-1 and Akv-2 loci of AKR mice.  相似文献   

We used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to obtain fingerprints of 32P-labeled RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides derived from the genomes of an N- and a B-tropic murine leukemia virus of BALB/c. These viruses share approximately 30 large T1-resistant oligonucleotides. In addition, there are eight large oligonucleotides unique to the N-tropic virus, and there are six B-trophic virus-specific oligonucleotides. Viruses, designated XLP-N, which appear by biological criteria and analysis of virion proteins to be recombinants between these N- and B-tropic viruses, possess some but not all of the N or B virus-specific oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

We used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to obtain fingerprints of RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides of a B-tropic murine leukemia virus from BALB/c and five NB-tropic viruses independently derived from this B virus by passage through NIH Swiss mouse embryo cells in vitro. The fingerprints of the B- and NB-tropic viruses were very similar: approximately 33 of 35 large T1-resistant oligonucleotides appeared to be shared by these viruses. However, the five NB-tropic viruses possessed an apparently common alteration relative to their B virus progenitor. This change involved the acquisition of one oligonucleotide and, tentatively, the loss of one oligonucleotide. We do not know whether these changes represent an alteration responsible for the change from B- to NB-tropism. Fingerprints of B- and NB-tropic viruses were not affected when the viruses were grown in cells of different Fv-1 type.  相似文献   

目的 甲型H1N1流感病毒A/California/7/2009分别与A/Brisbane/10/07和A/ShenZhen/406H/06共感染小型香猪,预测甲流病毒在与季流H3N2病毒/甲流病毒与禽流感病毒共感染时是否会发生变异.方法 分别将A/California/7/2009(CA7)与A/Brisbane/10/07(H3N2),A/California/7/2009与A/Shenzhen/406H/06(H5N1)对5~6月龄小型猪共感染,小型猪经复方氯胺酮0.1 mL/kg麻醉后进行滴鼻感染,感染后第5天安乐死动物,取动物肺组织作病毒测序分析.结果 A/California/7/2009(CA7)与A/Brisbane/10/07(H3N2)共感染后,A/California/7/2009病毒PB1基因993位G→A突变,PA基因1659位G→A突变,没有氨基酸的变异.A/California/7/2009与A/Shenzhen/406H/06(H5N1)共感染后A/California/7/2009病毒PB2基因1711位T→C突变.碱基的突变未引起氨基酸的变异.结论 A/California/7/2009(CA7)与A/Brisbane/10/07(H3N2),A/California/7/2009与A/Shenzhen/406H/06(H5N1)共感染后在猪的体内没有发生病毒重组、变异.  相似文献   

We used T1 oligonucleotide maps, in conjunction with available nucleotide sequences of appropriate C-type viruses, to identify regions of the viral genome that distinguish two biological classes of mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses described previously by Cloyd et al. (J. Exp. Med. 151:542-522, 1980). We found that leukemogenic MCF viruses from thymus differed from non-leukemogenic MCFs isolated from nonthymic neoplasms in nucleotide sequences encoding Prp15E and the U3 portion of the long terminal repeat (LTR). The thymic isolates possessed recombinant Prp15E genes, with the 5' to mid portion derived from their ecotropic parents and the extreme 3' portion invariably derived from their nonecotropic parents. These viruses probably derived the entire U3 portion of their LTRs from their nonecotropic parents. The nonthymic MCFs appeared to inherit their entire Prp15E coding region from their nonecotropic parents. We failed to detect consistent differences in gp70-coding sequences between the two groups of MCFs, but this may simply reflect limitations of the data. The studies presented here, in conjunction with studies from a number of labs indicating a role for MCF gp70 in leukemogenesis, indicate that three genetic elements, gp70, p15E, and the U3 portion of the LTR, may all play a role in determining the leukemogenic phenotype of type C viruses of high-leukemic inbred mice.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the ability of the matrix protein (MA) (p19gag) of avian sarcoma and leukemia viruses to interact with RNA. Previous reports claimed on the one hand that MA can bind tightly and with a high degree of specificity to avian sarcoma and leukemia virus RNA in vitro and on the other that it cannot bind to RNA at all. We found that MA purified by any of several methods does bind to RNA, as measured by its ability to cause retention of radioactive RNA on nitrocellulose membranes in a filtration assay. However, this interaction is weak and lacks specificity. The interaction of MA with RNA was barely detectable by classical sedimentation analysis, and from this observation we estimate that the intrinsic MA-RNA association constant is ca. 10(3) M-1, at least 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the constant describing the interaction of the viral nucleocapsid protein (NC) (p12gag) with RNA, ca. 10(6) M-1. Separately purified phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated MA species bound RNA equally. We also found that MA can bind to DNA with an affinity similar to that for RNA. The large quantitative discrepancy between our results and earlier published reports can be traced in part to methods of data analysis.  相似文献   

A receptor that confers susceptibility to infection by subgroup A avian leukosis and sarcoma viruses (ALSV-A) has been described (P. Bates, J. A. T. Young, and H. E. Varmus, Cell 74:1043-1051, 1993). A soluble form of the receptor was generated to determine whether this protein interacts directly with virus particles in the absence of other cell surface factors. The soluble protein comprised the extracellular region of the ALSV-A receptor fused to an antibody epitope tag and six histidine residues. Preincubating this protein with virus led to an efficient block to infection of avian cells by ALSV-A but had no effect on infection by ALSV-B, ALSV-C, or ALSV-D. Furthermore, an antibody directed against the introduced epitope tag immunoprecipitated ALSV-A particles bound to the soluble receptor. In contrast, other ALSV subgroups were not immunoprecipitated by this procedure. These data demonstrate that the cloned receptor interacts directly with ALSV-A and discriminates between different ALSV subgroups at the level of virus binding.  相似文献   

In the absence of Rev or the Rev-responsive element, the Rev-dependent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNAs do not behave as mRNAs; rather, they exhibit nuclear defects in splicing and/or nuclear export and cytoplasmic defects in stability and translation. A translational initiation factor, eIF-5A, has recently been shown to bind specifically to the Rev activation domain. As the binding of poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PAB1) to the poly(A) tail of mRNAs is involved in both the stability and translation of cytoplasmic mRNAs, we investigated whether Rev might influence the association of PAB1 with cytoplasmic HIV-1 RNAs. Antibodies were generated against PAB1. We used these antibodies in an immunoprecipitation assay to detect specific binding of PAB1 to cytoplasmic mRNAs. We found that in the presence of Rev, PAB1 was associated with Rev-dependent and Rev-independent RNAs in the cytoplasm of transfected cells. However, in the absence of functional Rev, we found little or no PAB1 associated with Rev-dependent RNAs. These RNAs were capable of binding PAB1 in vitro. These results demonstrate that HIV-1 RNAs are defective in PAB1 association in the absence of Rev.  相似文献   

Recovered avian sarcoma viruses are recombinants between transformation-defective mutants of Rous sarcoma virus and the chicken cellular gene homologous to the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus. We have constructed and analyzed molecular clones of viral deoxyribonucleic acid from recovered avian sarcoma virus and its transformation-competent progenitor, the Schmidt-Ruppin A strain of Rous sarcoma virus. A 2.0-megadalton EcoRI fragment containing the entire src gene from each of these clones was subcloned and characterized. These fragments were also used as probes to isolate recombinant phage clones containing the cellular counterpart of the viral src gene, termed cellular src, from a lambda library of chicken deoxyribonucleic acid. The structure of cellular src was analyzed by restriction endonuclease mapping and electron microscopy. Restriction endonuclease mapping revealed extensive similarity between the src regions of Rous sarcoma virus and recovered avian sarcoma virus, but striking differences between the viral src's and cellular src. Electron microscopic analysis of heteroduplexes between recovered virus src and cellular src revealed a 1.8-kilobase region of homology. In the cellular gene, the homologous region was interrupted by seven nonhomologous regions which we interpret to be intervening sequences. We estimate the minimum length of cellular src to be about 7.2 kilobases. These findings have implications concerning the mechanism of formation of recovered virus src and possibly other cell-derived retrovirus transforming genes.  相似文献   

A series of low molecular weight RNAs (4.5 to 5.5S) as well as other 4 to 7S RNAs were dissociated from genomic RNA of spleen focus forming virus (SFFV) by heating. On two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, this series of RNAs gave a series of more than thirty spots. RNase T1 fingerprints of these spots were identical except for differences in 3'-terminal oligonucleotides, which were mainly due to different numbers of uridylic acid residues, larger RNA-molecules containing poly(U)sequences at their 3'-termini. This series of RNAs is also associated with poly(A)-containing nuclear and cytoplasmic RNAs from SFFV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Gene mutations and reassortment are key mechanisms by which influenza A virus acquires virulence factors. To evaluate the role of the viral polymerase replication machinery in producing virulent pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza viruses, we generated various polymerase point mutants (PB2, 627K/701N; PB1, expression of PB1-F2 protein; and PA, 97I) and reassortant viruses with various sources of influenza viruses by reverse genetics. Although the point mutations produced no significant change in pathogenicity, reassortment between the pandemic A/California/04/09 (CA04, H1N1) and current human and animal influenza viruses produced variants possessing a broad spectrum of pathogenicity in the mouse model. Although most polymerase reassortants had attenuated pathogenicity (including those containing seasonal human H3N2 and high-pathogenicity H5N1 virus segments) compared to that of the parental CA04 (H1N1) virus, some recombinants had significantly enhanced virulence. Unexpectedly, one of the five highly virulent reassortants contained a A/Swine/Korea/JNS06/04(H3N2)-like PB2 gene with no known virulence factors; the other four had mammalian-passaged avian-like genes encoding PB2 featuring 627K, PA featuring 97I, or both. Overall, the reassorted polymerase complexes were only moderately compatible for virus rescue, probably because of disrupted molecular interactions involving viral or host proteins. Although we observed close cooperation between PB2 and PB1 from similar virus origins, we found that PA appears to be crucial in maintaining viral gene functions in the context of the CA04 (H1N1) virus. These observations provide helpful insights into the pathogenic potential of reassortant influenza viruses composed of the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus and prevailing human or animal influenza viruses that could emerge in the future.  相似文献   

The transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus to Southeast Asian countries triggered the first major outbreak and transmission wave in late 2003, accelerating the pandemic threat to the world. Due to the lack of influenza surveillance prior to these outbreaks, the genetic diversity and the transmission pathways of H5N1 viruses from this period remain undefined. To determine the possible source of the wave 1 H5N1 viruses, we recently conducted further sequencing and analysis of samples collected in live-poultry markets from Guangdong, Hunan, and Yunnan in southern China from 2001 to 2004. Phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of 73 H5N1 isolates from this period revealed a greater genetic diversity in southern China than previously reported. Moreover, results show that eight viruses isolated from Yunnan in 2002 and 2003 were most closely related to the clade 1 virus sublineage from Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia, while two viruses from Hunan in 2002 and 2003 were most closely related to viruses from Indonesia (clade 2.1). Further phylogenetic analyses of the six internal genes showed that all 10 of those viruses maintained similar phylogenetic relationships as the surface genes. The 10 progenitor viruses were genotype Z and shared high similarity (>/=99%) with their corresponding descendant viruses in most gene segments. These results suggest a direct transmission link for H5N1 viruses between Yunnan and Vietnam and also between Hunan and Indonesia during 2002 and 2003. Poultry trade may be responsible for virus introduction to Vietnam, while the transmission route from Hunan to Indonesia remains unclear.  相似文献   

As a step toward understanding of the tissue specificity of cellular transformation by RNA tumor viruses were looked for the presence of a putative brain specific regulatory (identifier) sequence (C82B) in the genome of various oncornaviruses. The genomes of Harvey murine sarcoma virus and Rous sarcoma virus contain sequences flanking the viral oncogenes with greater than 80% and greater than 60% homology to C82B, respectively. We suggest that identifier sequences acquired by oncoviruses may determine the potential target cells of malignant transformation after virus penetration.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 infection triggers multiple changes in the metabolism of host cells, including a dramatic decrease in the levels of NAD(+). In addition to its role as a cofactor in reduction-oxidation reactions, NAD(+) is required for certain posttranslational modifications. Members of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) family of enzymes are major consumers of NAD(+), which they utilize to form poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) chains on protein substrates in response to DNA damage. PAR chains can subsequently be removed by the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG). We report here that the HSV-1 infection-induced drop in NAD(+) levels required viral DNA replication, was associated with an increase in protein poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation), and was blocked by pharmacological inhibition of PARP-1/PARP-2 (PARP-1/2). Neither virus yield nor the cellular metabolic reprogramming observed during HSV-1 infection was altered by the rescue or further depletion of NAD(+) levels. Expression of the viral protein ICP0, which possesses E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, was both necessary and sufficient for the degradation of the 111-kDa PARG isoform. This work demonstrates that HSV-1 infection results in changes to NAD(+) metabolism by PARP-1/2 and PARG, and as PAR chain accumulation can induce caspase-independent apoptosis, we speculate that the decrease in PARG levels enhances the auto-PARylation-mediated inhibition of PARP, thereby avoiding premature death of the infected cell.  相似文献   

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