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We describe the results of an analysis of the 1984 CalCOFI dataset, in which sea surface temperature (SST) gradients were foundto be well correlated to isopycnal slope (baroclinicity) atthe mesoscale. A link was established between the SST gradientsand gradients of integral biomass [mg chlorophyll (Chl) a m–2]and integral primary production (mg C m–2day–1).The water column photosynthetic efficiency, , was calculatedby combining the CalCOFI data base with satellite-based estimatesof the surface irradiance. It was found that was rather stable,but not constant, for a wide range of isopycnal slopes, in whichintegrated nitrate concentrations varied by up to 500x. Variabilityin was most strongly dependent on calendar date, with the highestvalues in winter months and the lowest values in the summer,which was probably due to an effect of day length or irradiance.The relationship between baroclinicity and SST gradients washighly scale dependent; from 0 to 200 km, the data were randomlydistributed, then as the length scales exceeded 400 km, therelationship between baroclinicity and the SST gradient showeda significantly negative slope, with steadily improving correlationcoefficient. Such relationships for individual cruises generallyshowed improved correlation over the generic annual relationship,which highlights the dynamic hydrography of the region. Baroclinicity/SSTgradient relationships also improved in waters of increasingdepth. A technique is described for calculating net integralbiomass or production gradients from SST imagery. The gradientsin biomass and productivity showed increasingly strong tiesto isopycnal slope at larger size scales. Although this topichas long been described by oceanographers, this paper is thefirst to demonstrate a quantitative coupling between baroclinicityand primary production gradients as a function of length scale.Also significant is the observation that the relationships betweenbaroclinicity versus gradients of integral chlorophyll or integralproductivity are consistent over seasons and over an area exceeding1 million km2. We conclude that for satellite algorithms toaccount for >50% of the variance in primary production, thenutrient term must be considered. Information on baroclinicityis relevant to estimates of the along-isopycnal nutrient fluxto the euphotic zone. Merging this with the more traditionallight-based estimates of photosynthesis will improve algorithmperformance since the methods utilize entirely independent sourcesof information.  相似文献   

A methodology is presented to predict protein elution behavior from an ion exchange column using both individual or combined pH and salt gradients based on high‐throughput batch isotherm data. The buffer compositions are first optimized to generate linear pH gradients from pH 5.5 to 7 with defined concentrations of sodium chloride. Next, high‐throughput batch isotherm data are collected for a monoclonal antibody on the cation exchange resin POROS XS over a range of protein concentrations, salt concentrations, and solution pH. Finally, a previously developed empirical interpolation (EI) method is extended to describe protein binding as a function of the protein and salt concentration and solution pH without using an explicit isotherm model. The interpolated isotherm data are then used with a lumped kinetic model to predict the protein elution behavior. Experimental results obtained for laboratory scale columns show excellent agreement with the predicted elution curves for both individual or combined pH and salt gradients at protein loads up to 45 mg/mL of column. Numerical studies show that the model predictions are robust as long as the isotherm data cover the range of mobile phase compositions where the protein actually elutes from the column.  相似文献   

The growth rates, production and release of the potent cytotoxin cylindrospermopsin (CYN) were studied in batch and semi-continuous cultures of Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Cyanobacteria; Nostocaceae) strains UAM 289 and UAM 290 from Spain, over a gradient of temperatures (10–40 °C) and irradiances (15–340 μE m−2 s−1). This species grew in temperatures ranging from 15 °C to 35 °C as well as under all irradiances assayed. The growth rates ranged from 0.08 d−1 to 0.35 d−1, and the maximum growth was recorded above 30 °C and at 60 μE m−2 s−1. CYN was produced under all conditions where net growth occurred. Total CYN reached up to 6.4 μg mg−1 dry weight, 2.4 μg mm−3 biovolume, 190.6 fg cell−1 and 0.5 μg μg−1 chlorophyll a. Although CYN concentrations varied only 1.9-fold within the 15–30 °C range, a drastic 25-fold decrease was observed at 35 °C. The irradiance induced up to 4-fold variations, with maximum total CYN measured at 60 μE m−2 s−1. An elevated extracellular CYN share ranging from 20% to 35% was observed during the exponential growth phase in most experiments, with extreme temperatures (15 and 35 °C) being related to the highest release (63% and 58%, respectively) and without remarkable influence of irradiance. Growth did not have a direct influence on either CYN production or release throughout the entire range of experimental conditions. Our study demonstrates a strong and stable production and release of CYN by A. ovalisporum along field-realistic gradients of temperature and light, thus becoming a predictive tool useful for the management of water bodies potentially affected by this ecologically plastic cyanobacterium.  相似文献   

On created in laboratory heat-physical model of a rabbit body reflecting basic heat-physical parameters of the body such as: weight, size of a relative surface, heat absorption and heat conduction, heat capacity etc., a change of radial distribution of temperature and size was found across a superficial layer of evaporation of water from its surface, that simulates sweating, with various ratio of environmental temperature and capacity of electrical heater simulating heat production in animal. The experiments have shown that with evaporation of moisture from a surface of model in all investigated cases, there is an increase of superficial layer of body of a temperature gradient and simultaneous decrease of temperature of a model inside and on the surface. It seems that, with evaporation of a moisture from a surface of a body, the size of a temperature gradient in a thin superficial layer dependent in our experiments on capacity for heat production and environmental temperature, is increased and can be used in a live organism for definition of change in general heat content of the body with the purpose of maintenance of its thermal balance with environment.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular, autonomic and thermal response to whole-body cryostimulation exposure are not completely known. Thus the aim of this study was to evaluate objectively and noninvasively autonomic and thermal reactions observed after short exposure to very low temperatures. We examined 25 healthy men with mean age 30.1±3.7 years and comparable anthropomorphical characteristic. Each subject was exposed to cryotherapeutic temperatures in a cryogenic chamber for 3 min (approx. −120 °C). The cardiovascular and autonomic parameters were measured noninvasively with Task Force® Monitor. The changes in core body temperature were determined with the Vital Sense® telemetric measurement system. Results show that 3 min to cryotherapeutic temperatures causes significant changes in autonomic balance which are induced by peripheral and central blood volume changes. Cryostimulation also induced changes in core body temperature, maximum drop of core temperature was observed 50–60 min after the stimulation. Autonomic and thermal reactions to cryostimulation were observed up to 6 h after the exposure and were not harmful for examined subjects.  相似文献   

AimAnticipating and mitigating the impacts of climate change on species diversity in montane ecosystems requires a mechanistic understanding of drivers of current patterns of diversity. We documented the shape of elevational gradients in avian species richness in North America and tested a suite of a priori predictions for each of five mechanistic hypotheses to explain those patterns.LocationUnited StatesMethodsWe used predicted occupancy maps generated from species distribution models for each of 646 breeding birds to document elevational patterns in avian species richness across the six largest U.S. mountain ranges. We used spatially explicit biotic and abiotic data to test five mechanistic hypotheses proposed to explain geographic variation in species richness.ResultsElevational gradients in avian species richness followed a consistent pattern of low elevation plateau‐mid‐elevation peak (as per McCain, 2009). We found support for three of the five hypotheses to explain the underlying cause of this pattern: the habitat heterogeneity, temperature, and primary productivity hypotheses.Main ConclusionsSpecies richness typically decreases with elevation, but the primary cause and precise shape of the relationship remain topics of debate. We used a novel approach to study the richness‐elevation relationship and our results are unique in that they show a consistent relationship between species richness and elevation among 6 mountain ranges, and universal support for three hypotheses proposed to explain the underlying cause of the observed relationship. Taken together, these results suggest that elevational variation in food availability may be the ecological process that best explains elevational gradients in avian species richness in North America. Although much attention has focused on the role of abiotic factors, particularly temperature, in limiting species’ ranges, our results offer compelling evidence that other processes also influence (and may better explain) elevational gradients in species richness.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has high affinity to heme and by interaction with oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) is converted into nitrate to form methemoglobin (MetHb) as a side product. In combining with deoxy-Hb NO yields a stable molecule of nitrosyl-hemoglobin (HbFe(II)NO) that can further be converted into nitrate and hemoglobin (Hb). In addition, Hb was shown to transport NO in a form of S-nitrosohemoglobin (SNO-Hb). These features of the Hb and NO interaction are important for blood oxygen transport including hemoglobin-oxygen affinity (HOA). The present investigation was aimed to study the blood oxygen transport indices (pO2, pCO2, pH, HOA, etc.) in rats under hypothermia combined with a modification of L-arginine-NO pathway. To modify the L-arginine-NO pathway, rats were administered with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), L-arginine, or sodium nitroprusside (SNP) intravenously before cooling. A substantial impairment of oxygen delivery and development of hypoxia, with an important contribution of HOA into the latter accompanied the deep hypothermia in rats. All the experimental groups developed metabolic acidosis, less pronounced in rats treated with L-arginine only. In the experiments with a modification of the L-arginine-NO pathway, an enhanced cold resistance, attenuated oxygen deficiency, and a weaker oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (ODC) shift leftwards were observed only after the administration of L-arginine. Neither SNP nor L-NAME had not any protective effects. L-Arginine lowered the value of standard P50 (pO2, corresponding to 50% Hb saturation with oxygen at 37 degrees C, pH 7.4, and pCO2 = 40 mmHg). The actual P50 (at actual pH, pCO2 and temperature) decreased by approximately 15 mmHg and was significantly higher than that under hypothermia without the drug treatment (21.03 +/- 0.35 vs 17.45 +/- 0.60 mmHg). NO also can contribute to this system through different mechanisms (HOA modification, vascular tone regulation, peroxynitrite formation, and effects).  相似文献   

Onset date, onset temperature and duration of spawning of roach Rutilus rutilus were related to latitude (40–66° N) and altitude (−1–825 m) based on data from the literature over the whole geographic distribution of roach. Onset date was positively and duration was negatively correlated with latitude, while no correlation was found between onset temperature and latitude. No significant correlations were found between any of the analysed variables of spawning and altitude, probably because most of the analysed populations were below 300 m altitude.  相似文献   

Positive interactions often play an important role in structuring plant communities and increasing biological diversity. Using three scales of resolution, we examine the importance of a long-lived desert tree, ironwood (Olneya tesota), in structuring plant communities and promoting biological diversity in the Sonoran Desert. We examined the positive effects of Olneya canopies of different sizes on plant communities in mesic and xeric habitats throughout the central Gulf Coast subregion of Sonora, Mexico. In xeric sites, Olneya canopies had strong positive effects on plant richness and abundance, and small positive effects on the size of plants, underscoring the role of facilitation in extreme environments. In mesic sites, Olneya canopies had very little effect on perennials and a negative effect on ephemeral richness, suggesting predominantly competitive effects in this less stressful environment. Overall, Olneya canopies increased biological diversity where abiotic stress was high, but did not increase diversity in more mesic areas. Thus Olneya canopies caused consistent shifts in plant-community structure among xeric and mesic sites, but not when these landscapes were combined. Benefactor size also mediated positive interactions, with larger Olneya canopies supporting larger perennials in both xeric and mesic sites. Thus stress gradients and benefactor size both influenced the balance of facilitative and competitive effects under nurse-plant canopies, and the spatial scale at which facilitative effects shape community structure.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of the age-related decline in thermoregulatory capacity was made in 47 elderly people to try to identify those at risk from spontaneous hypothermia. During the winters of 1971-2 and 1975-6 environmental and body temperature profiles were obtained in the home, and thermoregulatory function was investigated by cooling and warming tests. Environmental temperature and socioeconomic conditions had not changed but the body core-shell temperature gradients were smaller in 1976, indicating progressive thermoregulatory impairment. People at risk of developing hypothermia also seem to have low resting peripheral blood flows, a nonconstrictor pattern of vasomotor response to cold, and a higher incidence of orthostatic hypotension.  相似文献   

Abstract A simple stem hygrometer for attachment to a bared section of sapwood or a cross-sectional cut end of a shoot is described. Two welded chromelconstantan thermocouples inside the chamber, one touching the sample and the other in the chamber air, allowed measurement of and correction for the temperature gradient between the sample and the dewpoint measuring junction. The instrument was attached to the cut end of an apical shoot of Thuja occidentalis L. protuding from a Scholander-Hammel pressure bomb. Cut-end water potential (ψhyg), measured using the stem hygrometer, was compared to xylem pressure potential (ψxp) while the latter was manipulated in the pressure bomb. After an initial equilibration time of 3–4 h, hygrometer equilibrium values were achieved within 1.5–4.0 min of changing ψxp in the pressure bomb. The half-time (ψ1/2) for vapour pressure equilibration was 15–40 s. Stable temperature gradients between the sample and dewpoint measuring junction of 0.01–0.1°C were measured. Correcting ψhyg for the temperature gradient resulted in excellent agreement with ψxp.  相似文献   

Aim Trees are often observed to get shorter and more narrowly crowned in dry regions and at high elevations. We explore how this pattern is driven by two opposing factors: competition for light makes it advantageous to extend branches to their biomechanical limit, whereas under cold or arid conditions it is advantageous to have shorter branches, thereby reducing the length of the hydraulic transport system and embolism risk. Using data from 700,000 trees of 26 species, we quantify how environmental conditions influence the scaling of height and crown diameter (CD) with stem diameter (d.b.h.). We compare our predictions with those of metabolic scaling theory (MST), which suggests that allometry is invariant of environment. Location 48,000 inventory plots that systematically sample mainland Spain, a region in which climate varies strongly. Methods We fit d.b.h.–height and d.b.h.–CD functions using Bayesian methods, allowing comparison of within‐ and across‐species trends in allometry along gradients of temperature, precipitation, drought and competition for light (i.e. the basal area of taller trees). Results The competitive environment had a strong influence on aboveground allometry, but all trees were far shorter than predicted by biomechanical models, suggesting that factors other than biomechanics are important. Species that dominate in arid and cold habitats were much shorter (for a given diameter) than those from benign conditions; but within‐species heights did not vary strongly across climatic gradients. Main conclusions Our results do not support the MST prediction that d.b.h.–height and d.b.h.–CD allometries are invariant, or that biomechanical constraints determine height allometry. Rather, we highlight the role of hydraulic limitations in this region. The fact that intra‐specific adjustment in d.b.h.–CD – height allometry along environmental gradients was far weaker than across‐species changes may indicate genetic constraints on allometry which might contribute to niche differentiation among species.  相似文献   

Body temperature and metabolic rate during natural hypothermia in endotherms   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
During daily torpor and hibernation metabolic rate is reduced to a fraction of the euthermic metabolic rate. This reduction is commonly explained by temperature effects on biochemical reactions, as described by Q 10 effects or Arrhenius plots. This study shows that the degree of metabolic suppression during hypothermia can alternatively be explained by active downregulation of metabolic rate and thermoregulatory control of heat production. Heat regulation is fully adequate to predict changes in metabolic rate, and Q 10 effects are not required to explain the reduction of energy requirements during hibernation and torpor.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - BW body weight - C thermal conductance - CHL thermal conductance as derived from HL - CHP thermal conductance as derived from HP - HL heat loss - HP heat production - MR metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - Ta ambient temperature - Tb body temperature  相似文献   

Todorović D 《Spatial Vision》2006,19(2-4):219-261
The illumination interpretation approach claims that lightness illusions can be explained as misapplications of lightness constancy mechanisms, processes which usually enable veridical extraction of surface reflectance from luminance distributions by discounting illumination. In particular, luminance gradients are thought to provide cues about the interactions of light and surfaces. Several examples of strong lightness illusions are discussed for which explanations based on illumination interpretation can be proposed. In criticisms of this approach, a variety of demonstrations of similarly structured control displays are presented, which involve equivalent lightness effects that cannot readily be accounted for by illumination interpretation mechanisms. Furthermore, a number of known and novel displays are presented that demonstrate effects of gradients on the qualitative appearance of uniform regions. Finally, some simple simulations of neural effects of luminance distributions are discussed.  相似文献   



Circadian clocks are internal daily time keeping mechanisms that allow organisms to anticipate daily changes in their environment and to organize their behavior and physiology in a coherent schedule. Although circadian clocks use temperature compensation mechanisms to maintain the same pace over a range of temperatures, they are also capable of synchronizing to daily temperature cycles. This study identifies key properties of this process.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the influence of environmental parameters (water activity aw, temperature, and pH) on the radial growth rate of Trichoderma asperellum (strains PR10, PR11, PR12, and 659-7), an antagonist of Phytophthora megakarya, the causal agent of cocoa black pod disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: The radial growth of four strains of T. asperellum was monitored for 30 days on modified PDA medium. Six levels of aw (0.995, 0.980, 0.960, 0.930, 0.910, and 0.880) were combined with three values of pH (4.5, 6.5, and 8.5) and three incubation temperatures (20, 25, and 30 degrees C). Whatever the strain, mycelial growth rate was optimal at aw between 0.995 and 0.980, independently of the temperature and pH. Each strain appeared to be very sensitive to aw reduction. In addition, all four strains were able to grow at all temperatures and pH values (4.5-8.5) tested, highest growth rate being observed at 30 degrees C and at pH 4.5-6.5. The use of response surface methodology to model the combined effects of aw, temperature, and pH on the radial growth rate of the T. asperellum strains confirmed the observed results. In our model, growth of the T. asperellum strains showed a greater dependence on aw than on temperature or pH under in vitro conditions. CONCLUSION: aw is a crucial environmental factor. Low aw can prevent growth of T. asperellum strains under some conditions. The observed and predicted radial growth rate of strain PR11 showed its greater capacity to support low aw (0.93) as compared with other tested strains at 20 degrees C. This is in agreement with its better protective level when applied in medium-scale trials on cocoa plantations. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study should contribute towards improving the biocontrol efficacy of T. asperellum strains used against P. megakarya. Integrated into a broader study of the impact of environmental factors on the biocontrol agent-pathogen system, this work should help to build a more rational control strategy, possibly involving the use of a compatible adjuvant protecting T. asperellum against desiccation.  相似文献   

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