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The biogenesis of basement-membrane components was investigated in the endodermal cells of the rat parietal yolk sac in 12.5-day pregnant rats; 3H-proline was injected into conceptuses. After various time intervals, the parietal yolk sac, including endodermal cells and the associated Reichert's membrane, was removed and processed for electron-microscopic radioautography. Silver grains were counted over endodermal cell organelles and Reichert's membrane. At 2 and 5 min after 3H-proline injection, endodermal cells showed heavy labeling in rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). Silver grain density over the rER decreased from 2 to 20 min and then remained at a plateau. Grain density was moderate over the Golgi apparatus initially but rose to a peak at 2 hr and decreased by 4 hr and later. Grain density was negligible over secretory granules at 2 and 5 min and increased moderately with time to reach a maximum at 8 hr. Thus, radioautographic peaks occurred sequentially in rER, Golgi apparatus, and secretory granules. By 4 hr and later, silver grains accumulated over Reichert's membrane. These results indicated that endodermal cells incorporated labeled proline into substances which were processed from the rER through the Golgi apparatus, transported from there to the cell surface by secretory granules, and released for export to Reichert's membrane. To clarify the nature of the exported substances, the amount of label present in proline and hydroxyproline residues after 3H-proline injection was measured in Reichert's membrane with or without the associated endodermal cells. Within the cells, 61.8% of the labeled proteins were classified as "sedentary" and 38.2% as "exportable." Of the label exported to Reichert's membrane, 66.3% consisted of type IV collagen and the rest of other basement-membrane components. The results obtained with this model suggest that basement-membrane proteins, including type IV collagen, are elaborated by the associated cells through the classical pathway: rER-Golgi apparatus-secretory granules.  相似文献   

We studied whether K+-Cl(-) cotransporters (KCCs) are involved in gastric HCl secretion. We found that KCC4 is expressed in the gastric parietal cells more abundantly at the luminal region of the gland than at the basal region. KCC4 was found in the stimulation-associated vesicles (SAV) derived from the apical canalicular membrane but not in the intracellular tubulovesicles, whereas H+,K+-ATPase was expressed in both of them. In contrast, KCC1, KCC2, and KCC3 were not found in either SAV or tubulovesicles. KCC4 coimmunoprecipitated with H+,K+-ATPase in the lysate of SAV. Interestingly the MgATP-dependent uptake of (36)Cl(-) into the SAV was suppressed by either the H+,K+-ATPase inhibitor (SCH28080) or the KCC inhibitor ((R)-(+)-[(2-n-butyl-6,7-dichloro-2-cyclopentyl-2,3-dihydro-1-oxo-1H-inden-5-yl)oxy]acetic acid). The KCC inhibitor suppressed the H+ uptake into SAV and the H+,K+-ATPase activity of SAV, but the inhibitor had no effects on these activities in the freeze-dried leaky SAV. These results indicate that the K+-Cl(-) cotransport by KCC4 is tightly coupled with H+/K+ antiport by H+,K+-ATPase, resulting in HCl accumulation in SAV. In the tetracycline-regulated expression system of KCC4 in the HEK293 cells stably expressing gastric H+,K+-ATPase, KCC4 was coimmunoprecipitated with H+,K+-ATPase. The rate of recovery of intracellular pH in the KCC4-expressing cells after acid loading through an ammonium pulse was significantly faster than that in the KCC4-non-expressing cells. Our results suggest that KCC4 and H+,K+-ATPase are the main machineries for basal HCl secretion in the apical canalicular membrane of the resting parietal cell. They also may contribute in part to massive acid secretion in the stimulated state.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a hallmark of expanding tissue e.g. during embryogenesis and wound healing in physiology as well as in diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Key steps of the angiogenic process involve growth factor-mediated stimulation of endothelial cell sprouting and tube formation. Heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) have been implicated as important co-receptors of several pro-angiogenic proteins. The importance of HSPGs in physiology was underscored by the finding that knockout of the gene encoding HS polymerase, EXT-1, resulted in early embryonic lethality. Here, we describe the establishment of HS-deficient endothelial cells from sprouting aortas as well as from the lungs of EXT-1flox/flox mice. Recombination of the loxP-flanked EXT-1 locus by Cre-expressing adenovirus was demonstrated at the mRNA level. Moreover, depletion of HS polysaccharides was verified by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy methodology using phage display-derived anti-HS antibodies. In summary, we provide a genetic model to unravel the functional role of HSPGs specifically in primary endothelial cells during early steps of angiogenesis. Our studies are applicable to most loxP-based transgenic mouse strains, and may thus be of general importance in the angiogenesis field.  相似文献   

H+/K(+)-ATPase is the proton pump in the gastric parietal cell that is responsible for gastric acid secretion. Stimulation of acid secretion is associated with a reorganization of the parietal cells resulting in the incorporation of H+/K(+)-ATPase from a cytoplasmic membrane pool, the tubulovesicle compartment, into the apical canalicular membrane. To better characterize the role of membrane trafficking events in the morphological and physiological changes associated with acid secretion from parietal cells, we have characterized the expression and localization of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) in these cells. Each of the six different SNARE proteins examined [syntaxins 1 through 4 of 25-kDa synaptosome-associated protein, and vesicle-associated membrane protein] were found to be expressed in parietal cells. Furthermore, two of these SNAREs, vesicle-associated membrane protein and syntaxin 3, were associated with H+/K(+)-ATPase-containing tubulovesicles while the remainder were excluded from this compartment. The expression of syntaxin 1 and synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa in parietal cells, two SNAREs previously thought to be restricted to neuroendocrine tissues, suggests that parietal cells may utilize membrane trafficking machinery that is similar to that utilized for regulated exocytosis in neurons. Furthermore, the localization of syntaxin 3, a putative target membrane SNARE, to the tubulovesicle compartment indicates that syntaxin 3 may have an alternative function. These observations support a role for intracellular membrane trafficking events in the regulated recruitment of H+/K(+)-ATPase to the plasma membrane after parietal cell stimulation.  相似文献   

When periodontal capillaries of rat incisor tooth were immunostained for four basement membrane components (laminin, collagen IV, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan), all four were detected in the secretory organelles of endothelial cells located within 3 mm of the tooth's proximal end, but only the proteoglycan was observed in cells located 4 mm away and beyond (Experiment I). [3H]-Thymidine autoradiography revealed that the endothelial cells located at the tooth's proximal end were young and actively dividing, whereas those located 4 mm or more away were older and generally quiescent (Experiment II). Since immunostaining of a cell's secretory organelles for a given substance indicates production of this substance, the first experiment shows that endothelial cells at the proximal end produce the four basement membrane components. The second experiment discloses that these cells are young. As for the endothelial cells located 4 mm or more beyond the proximal end, the first experiment reveals that they produce only heparan sulfate proteoglycan, while the second shows that they are relatively old. Production of laminin, collagen IV, and fibronectin only by young cells implies that these substances are long-lived and stable components of basement membrane, whereas production of the proteoglycan by both young and old cells implies that it is labile and continually replaced.  相似文献   

Stimulation of gastric acid secretion in parietal cells involves the translocation of the proton pump (H,K-ATPase) from cytoplasmic tubulovesicles to the apical membrane to form long, F-actin-containing, microvilli. Following secretion, the pump is endocytosed back into tubulovesicles. The parietal cell therefore offers a system for the study of regulated membrane recycling, with temporally separated endocytic and exocytic steps. During cAMP-mediated stimulation, an 80 kDa peripheral membrane protein becomes phosphorylated on serine residues. This protein is a major component, together with actin and the pump, of the isolated apical membrane from stimulated cells, but not the resting tubulovesicular membrane. Here we show that the gastric 80 kDa phosphoprotein is closely related or identical to ezrin, a protein whose phosphorylation on serine and tyrosine residues was recently implicated in the induction by growth factors of cell surface structures on cultured cells [Bretscher, A. (1989) J. Cell Biol., 108, 921-930]. Light and electron microscopy reveal that ezrin is associated with the actin filaments of the microvilli of stimulated cells, but not with the filaments in the terminal web. In addition, a significant amount of ezrin is present in the basolateral membrane infoldings of both resting and stimulated cells. Extraction studies show that ezrin is a cytoskeletal protein in unstimulated and stimulated cells, and its association with the cytoskeleton is more stable in stimulated cells. These studies indicate that ezrin is a membrane cytoskeletal linker that may play a key role in the control of the assembly of secretory apical microvilli in parietal cells and ultimately in the regulation of acid secretion. Taken together with the earlier studies, we suggest that ezrin might be a general substrate for kinases involved in the regulation of actin-containing cell surface structures.  相似文献   

In the first paper of this series (Bennett et al., 1984), light-microscope radioautographic studies showed that colchicine or vinblastine inhibited intracellular migration of glycoproteins out of the Golgi region in a variety of cell types. In the present work, the effects of these drugs on migration of membrane glycoproteins have been examined at the ultrastructural level in duodenal villous columnar cells and hepatocytes. Young (40 gm) rats were given a single intravenous injection of colchicine (4.0 mg) or vinblastine (2.0 mg). At 10 min after colchicine and 30 min after vinblastine administration, the rats were injected with 3H-fucose. Control rats received 3H-fucose only. All rats were sacrificed 90 min after 3H-fucose injection and their tissues processed for radioautography. In duodenal villous columnar cells, 3H-fucose labeling of the apical plasma membrane was reduced by 51% after colchicine and by 67% after vinblastine treatment; but there was little change in labeling of the lateral plasma membrane. Labeling of the Golgi apparatus increased. This suggests that labeled glycoproteins destined for the apical plasma membrane were inhibited from leaving the Golgi region, while migration to the lateral plasma membrane was not impaired. In hepatocytes, labeling of the sinusoidal plasma membrane was reduced by 83% after colchicine and by 85% after vinblastine treatment. Labeling of the lateral plasma membrane also decreased, although not so dramatically. Labeling of the Golgi apparatus and neighboring secretory vesicles increased. This indicates that the drugs inhibited migration of membrane glycoproteins from the Golgi region to the various portions of the plasma membrane. Accumulation of secretory vesicles at the sinusoidal front suggests that exocytosis may also have been partially inhibited. In both cell types, microtubules almost completely disappeared after drug treatment. Microtubules may, therefore, be necessary for intracellular transport of membrane glycoproteins, although the possibility of a direct action of these drugs on Golgi or plasma membranes must also be considered.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that iron deprivation significantly stimulates the uptake of non-transferrin ferric iron from ferric citrate by erythroleukemia K562 cells and that this stimulation depends on protein synthesis. However, we have not detected increased expression of any known iron transport protein (Kovar J. et al. (2006) Blood Cells Mol Dis 37:95–99). Therefore, in order to identify membrane proteins of K562 cells with increased expression under iron deprivation, we employed the isolation of membrane proteins by two-phase partitioning system, protein separation by high-resolution 2D electrophoresis, computer differential analysis, and tandem mass spectrometry. Employing these techniques we identified two proteins with statistically significant upregulation, i.e., aldolase A (ALDA) and voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2). The upregulation of aldolase A and VDAC2 in K562 cells under iron deprivation was also confirmed by western blot analysis. This is the first time when the control of aldolase A and VDAC2 levels by iron status of the cell is demonstrated.  相似文献   


Background aims

The chronic inflammation of autoimmune diseases develops repetitive localized destruction or systemic disorders, represented by Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) respectively. Currently, there are no efficient ways to treat these autoimmune diseases. Therefore, it is critically important to explore new therapeutic strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of human amniotic epithelial cells (hAECs) in murine models of HT and SLE.


Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) was induced in female CBA/J mice by immunization with porcine thyroglobulin (pTg). hAECs were intravenously administered at different time points during the disease course. MRL-Faslpr mice, a strain with spontaneously occurring SLE, were intravenously administered hAECs when their sera were positive for both anti-nuclear antibodies (ANAs) and anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies. Two weeks after the last cell transplantation, blood and tissue samples were collected for histological examination and immune system analysis.


hAECs prevented lymphocytes infiltration into the thyroid and improved the damage of thyroid follicular in EAT mice. Correspondingly, hAECs administration reduced anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (TGAb), anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. SLE mice injected with hAECs appeared negative for ANAs and anti-dsDNA antibodies and showed reduced immunoglobulin profiles. Mechanically, hAECs modulated the immune cells balance in EAT and SLE mice, by downregulating the ratios of Th17/Treg cells in both EAT and SLE mice and upregulating the proportion of B10 cells in EAT mice. This was confirmed by in vitro assay, in which hAECs inhibited the activation of EAT mice-derived splenocytes. Moreover, hAECs improved the cytokine environment in both EAT and SLE mice, by suppressing the levels of IL-17A and IFN-γ and enhancing TGF-β.


These results demonstrated the immunoregulatory effect of hAECs for inflammation inhibition and injury recovery in HT and SLE murine models. The current study may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for these autoimmune diseases in clinic.  相似文献   

The transmembrane potential (Vm) of vascular endothelial cells (EC) is an important property that may be involved in intra- and intercellular signal transduction for various vascular functions. In this study, Vm of intact aortic and vena caval EC from hamsters were measured using conventional microelectrodes. Vascular strips with the luminal surface upwards were suffused in a tissue chamber with krebs solution in physiological conditions. The resting Vm of aortic and vena caval EC was found to be ?40± 1 mV (n = 55) and ?43± 1 mV (n = 15), respectively. The Vm recordings were confirmed to have originated from EC by scanning and transmission electron microscopy combined with the comparison of electrical recordings between normal and endothelium-denuded aortic strips. The input resistance varied from 10–240 MΩ, which implied the presence of electrical coupling between vascular EC. Elevating the K+ level in the suffusate from 4.7 mM to 50 and 100 mM depolarized aortic EC by 19% and 29% and vena caval EC by 18% and 29%, respectively. These low percentages indicated a relatively small contribution of [K+] to the resting Vm of vascular EC. A positive correlation (r> 0.69) between the resting Vm and the magnitude of depolarization by the high [K+]0 may be related to the involvement of voltage-dependent K+ channels. The hyperpolarization caused by lowering both [Na+]0 and [CI?]0 suggested the disengagement of some electrogenic transport systems in the membrane, such as a Na+ -K+ -CI? cotransporter. The transference number (tion), as an index of membrane conductance for specific ions, was calculated for K+ (15-20%), Na+ (16%), and Cl? (9-15%), demonstrating that both Na+ and Cl? as well as K+ contribute to the overall resting Vm. Our study documented some basic electrophysiology of the vascular EC when both structural and functional properties of the cell were maintained, thus furthering the understanding of the essential role of endothelial cells in mediating vascular functions. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyzed the ability of a diverse set of mammalian secreted phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) to release arachidonate for lipid mediator generation in two transfected cell lines. In human embryonic kidney 293 cells, the heparin-binding enzymes sPLA(2)-IIA, -IID, and -V promote stimulus-dependent arachidonic acid release and prostaglandin E(2) production in a manner dependent on the heparan sulfate proteoglycan glypican. In contrast, sPLA(2)-IB, -IIC, and -IIE, which bind weakly or not at all to heparanoids, fail to elicit arachidonate release, and addition of a heparin binding site to sPLA(2)-IIC allows it to release arachidonate. Heparin nonbinding sPLA(2)-X liberates arachidonic acid most likely from the phosphatidylcholine-rich outer plasma membrane in a glypican-independent manner. In rat mastocytoma RBL-2H3 cells that lack glypican, sPLA(2)-V and -X, which are unique among sPLA(2)s in being able to hydrolyze phosphatidylcholine-rich membranes, act most likely on the extracellular face of the plasma membrane to markedly augment IgE-dependent immediate production of leukotriene C(4) and platelet-activating factor. sPLA(2)-IB, -IIA, -IIC, -IID, and -IIE exert minimal effects in RBL-2H3 cells. These results are also supported by studies with sPLA(2) mutants and immunocytostaining and reveal that sPLA(2)-dependent lipid mediator generation occur by distinct (heparanoid-dependent and -independent) mechanisms in HEK293 and RBL-2H3 cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between Golgi and cell surface membranes of intestinal cells was studied. These membranes were isolated from intestinal crypt cells and villus cells. The villus cell membranes consisted of microvillus membrane, a Golgi-rich fraction, and two membrane fractions interpreted as representing lateral-basal membranes. The villus cell microvillus membrane was purified by previously published techniques while the other membranes were obtained from isolated cells by differential centrifugation and density gradient velocity sedimentation. The two membrane fractions obtained from villus cells and considered to be lateral-basal membranes were enriched for Na+,K+-ATPase activity, but one also showed enrichment in glycosyltransferase activity. The Golgi membrane fraction was enriched for glycosyltransferase activity and had low to absent Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Adenylate cyclase activity was present in all membrane fractions except the microvillus membrane but co-purified with Golgi rather than lateral-basal membranes. Electron microscopy showed that the Golgi fraction consisted of variably sized vesicles and cisternalike structures. The two lateral-basal membrane fractions showed only vesicles of smaller, more uniform size. After 125I labeling of isolated intact cells, radioactivity was found associated with the lateral-basal and microvillus membrane fractions and not with the Golgi fraction. Antibody prepared against lateral-basal membrane fractions reacted with the surface membrane of isolated villus cells. The membrane fractions from isolated crypt cells demonstrated that all had high glycosyltransferase activity. The data show that glycosyltransferase activity, in addition to its Golgi location, may be a significant property of the lateral-basal portion of the intestinal villus cell plasma membrane. Data obtained with crypt cells support earlier data and show that the crypt cell surface membrane possesses glycosyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

Interaction of large conductance Ca(2+)- and voltage-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) channels with Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, caveolin-1, and cholesterol was studied in human melanoma IGR39 cells. Functional BK(Ca) channels were enriched in caveolin-rich and detergent-resistant membranes, i.e. rafts, and blocking of the channels by a specific BK(Ca) blocker paxilline reduced proliferation of the cells. Disruption of rafts by selective depletion of cholesterol released BK(Ca) channels from these domains with a consequent increase in their activity. Consistently, cholesterol enrichment of the cells increased the proportion of BK(Ca) channels in rafts and decreased their activity. Immunocytochemical analysis showed that BK(Ca) channels co-localize with Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase in a cholesterol-dependent manner, thus suggesting their co-presence in rafts. Supporting this, ouabain, a specific blocker of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, inhibited BK(Ca) whole-cell current markedly in control cells but not in cholesterol-depleted ones. This inhibition required the presence of external Na(+). Collectively, these data indicate that the presence of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase in rafts is essential for efficient functioning of BK(Ca) channels, presumably because the pump maintains a low intracellular Na(+) proximal to the BK(Ca) channel. In conclusion, cholesterol could play an important role in cellular ion homeostasis and thus modulate many cellular functions and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

至今,包括我国在内的国际社会在生物多样性保护上采取了多种行动计划,但世界各国领导人在2002年于南非召开的联合国"世界可持续发展"峰会上所作的在2010年"国际生物多样性年"前扭转生物多样性快速丧失趋势的承诺至今都无法实现。究其主要原因,除了没有解决好生物多样性的可持续利用外,还在于所采取的多种保护行动中忽视了文化层面,尤其是土著民族生态文化多样性的保护与应用。本文以地处滇南的西双版纳傣族热带雨林生态文化为例,讨论了民族生态文化在生物多样性保护与持续利用上的重要作用,即生物多样性保护与文化多样性保护是一枚硬币的两面,相辅相成,缺一不可。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) show promise in cell-based transplantations and regenerative medicine applications. MSCs from Wharton’s jelly (WJ) of umbilical cord can be easily harvested and exhibit greater proliferative activity than bone marrow MSCs. It is important to develop a practical cryopreservation technique to effectively store umbilical cord for potential future applications. Successful cryopreservation would allow access to umbilical cord from the same donor for repeated WJ MSC-based transplantations. For therapeutic applications, one should be able to obtain clinically-relevant quality and quantity of MSCs from cryopreserved tissues. In this study, we optimised a serum-free formulation of 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and 0.2 M sucrose for cryopreservation of umbilical cord tissue. Slow freezing and rapid thawing were adopted. MSCs harvested from WJ of cryopreserved umbilical cord could undergo robust expansion, differentiate to mesodermal lineages and express MSC-characteristic surface antigens. The cumulative cell yield, however, was less compared to corresponding fresh cord tissue.  相似文献   

目的探讨miR-491-5p对食管鳞癌细胞增殖、迁移及侵袭的影响及作用机制。 方法培养永生化食管上皮细胞株HET-1A和人食管癌细胞株EC109,EC9706,KYSE510,qRT-PCR检测细胞中miR-491-5p和富含亮氨酸重复蛋白SHOC2 (SHOC2) mRNA水平。EC109细胞分为空白对照组、miR- 491-5p组、miR-NC组、miR-491-5p+pcDNA-SHOC2组和miR-491-5p+pcDNA组,MTT检测细胞增殖,Transwell检测细胞迁移和侵袭,Western Blot法检测CyclinD1、Vimentin、E-cadherin以及MAPK/ERK信号通路相关蛋白水平。双荧光素酶报告基因实验验证miR- 491- 5p与SHOC2之间调控关系。两组间比较采用独立样本t检验,多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用SNK-q检验。 结果食管鳞癌细胞EC109、EC9706和KYSE510中miR-491-5p表达水平低于HET-1A细胞(0.32±0.06、0.62±0.10、0.61±0.08比1.00±0.08),差异具有统计学意义(F = 106.340,P < 0.001);SHOC2 mRNA表达水平高于HET- 1A细胞(2.85±0.16、1.73±0.10、1.45±0.06比1.02±0.09),差异具有统计学意义(F = 464.949,P < 0.001)。miR-491-5p组EC109细胞培养72 h后的OD值、细胞迁移数、侵袭数及CyclinD1、Vimentin、p-MEK和p-ERK蛋白水平均低于miR-NC组(0.70±0.06比1.42±0.08,65.01±10.36比150.01±12.48,70.03±10.26比140.02±11.85,0.30±0.03比0.93±0.16,0.41±0.05比0.86±0.08,0.32±0.06比0.95±0.11,0.40±0.06比0.92±0.13),差异具有统计学意义(F = 236.565、159.440、120.706、101.071、98.619、130.766、77.046,P均< 0.001),E-cadherin蛋白水平高于miR-NC组(0.89±0.13比0.48±0.08),差异具有统计学意义(F = 816.432,P < 0.001)。miR-491-5p在EC109细胞中负调控SHOC2表达,SHOC2过表达逆转了miR-491-5p过表达对EC109细胞增殖、迁移和侵袭及MAPK/ERK信号通路的影响。 结论miR-491-5p可抑制食管鳞癌细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭,其作用机制可能与下调SHOC2表达抑制MAPK/ERK信号通路活性有关。  相似文献   

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