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Crustacean neuromuscular synapses arising from a single excitor axon are known to be well differentiated among different muscle fibers but little is known about their condition along single fibers. Focal recording techniques were used to examine the quantal transmitter release and facilitation properties of synapses in the single excitatory innervated distal accessory flexor muscle of the lobster, Homarus americanus. Synapses were reliably differentiated with respect to quantal output so that those located near the tendon end were 1.15–4.12 times greater than those at the opposite, exoskeletal end (p < 0.01, paired t-test). Regional differences were also seen in the amount of facilitation determined from twin pulse experiments. The fine structural basis for these differences was determined by serial section electron microscopy of 10-μm segments at each end to ensure that the area of focal recording was sampled. No quantitative differences were found in the terminals or synapses in the two regions. Instead, the physiological diversity was correlated with number and size of presynaptic dense bars. Thus, the tendon end had a greater number and larger mean surface area of dense bars compared to the exoskeletal end. This heterogeneity of excitatory multiterminal innervation is correlated with the axonal branching pattern. Thus, the main axon and the larger primary axon branches lie in close proximity to the tendon end of the muscle fibers, whereas the exoskeletal end is innervated by smaller secondary and tertiary axonal branches. This proximity to the large axonal branches of the higher quantal output synapses at the tendon end may be regulated by some neural influence including a timing of innervation and/or access to greater amounts of metabolites in the larger branches which may be conducive to forming high-output synapses.  相似文献   

Blue crabs are excellent swimmers, using their highly modified last pereiopods as sculling paddles. Hence, the hypertrophied paddle opener muscle was examined for adaptations of its motor innervation by an excitor and a specific inhibitor axon. The muscle has a uniform composition of slow fibers with long (6-12 microm) sarcomere lengths. Individual fibers are richly innervated with approximately two-thirds excitatory and one-third inhibitory innervation. The profuse excitatory innervation reflects the high activity levels of this motoneuron in swimming. Adaptation to sustained activity associated with swimming is also reflected in the motor nerve terminals by a high concentration of energy source, which is equally divided between glycogen granules and mitochondria, the former providing a more rapid source of energy. The excitor axon makes predominantly neuromuscular synapses, but also a few synapses onto the inhibitor axon. The location of these excitatory axoaxonal synapses suggests regional modulation of the inhibitor axon. The specific inhibitor axon makes less than two-thirds of its synapses with the muscle fiber, regulating contraction via postsynaptic inhibition. The remaining inhibitory synapses are onto the excitor axon, signaling very strong presynaptic inhibition. Such presynaptic inhibition will effectively decouple the opener muscle from the stretcher muscle even though both are innervated by a single excitor axon.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular synapses from the single excitor axon to the proximal accessory flexor muscle (PAFM) was studied by serial section electron microscopy in a 1st stage larval (< 0.1 g) and a large adult (6.8 kg) lobster. The adult innervation of a lateral and a medial fiber, physiologically identified as low- and high-output respectively, was similar in the number and mean size of synapses but had significantly larger pre-synaptic dense bars for the high-output synapses. This correlation between quantal transmitter output and pre-synaptic dense bars and the appearance of exocytotic profiles along the dense bars strongly implicates the bars as active sites of transmitter release. Moreover the mature innervation is differentiated on the basis that the percentage of dense bar area to synaptic area is 9% for the low-output type compared to 22% for its high-output counterpart. In the larval PAFM the excitatory axon has not proliferated many branches and the innervation is therefore localized to groups of fibers in the lateral, medial and central regions of the muscle rather than to individual fibers. The lateral and medial sites of innervation representing putative low- and high-output types respectively (because of their location) do not differ in the size and number of pre-synaptic dense bars thereby suggesting a similarity in quantal synaptic transmission. However the percentage of dense bar area to synaptic area is 40% for the lateral site compared to 67% for the medial site. Since this is a trend mimicking the mature innervation it shows an early stage in the differentiation of low-and high-output synapses. Furthermore the main axon provides half of the total innervation in the larval PAFM but none in the adult thereby demonstrating a restructuring of multiterminal innervation.  相似文献   

The fiber composition of the distal accessory flexor muscle (DAFM) and the branching pattern of its excitor axon were compared in several species of crabs, in the lobster and the crayfish. The muscle is composed exclusively of long sarcomere (> 6 μm) fibers and therefore of the slow type. In all the crab species, except one, there is a distal to proximal gradient of fibers with increasing sarcomere lengths; this gradient is reverse in lobsters and crayfish. A proximal to distal gradient of increasing fiber diameters occurs in the DAFM of all crab species but not in the lobster and crayfish, in which all the fibers are approximately equal in diameter. The single excitatory axon traverses the width of the DAFM and gives off primary branches on either side in the lobster and crayfish but on only one side in crabs. The hypothesis that the axonal branching pattern may govern the regional distribution of fibers with differing sarcomere lengths in proposed.  相似文献   

The detailed structure of nerve branches, neuromuscular junctions, and muscle fibers of a multiterminal innervation of cockroach abdominal muscle has been studied with the electron microscope. The muscle fiber is of the banded myofibril type; with paired mitochondria and abundant endoplasmic reticulum. The peripheral nerve branches are multiaxonal with large central axon and several small peripheral tunicated axons. Tracheoblasts closely accompany the nerve branches. The multiple neuromuscular junctions show typical axonal vesicles, muscle aposynaptic granules, and close plasma membrane apposition with no interposition of basement membrane material.  相似文献   

The detailed structure of nerve branches, neuromuscular junctions, and muscle fibers of a multiterminal innervation of cockroach abdominal muscle has been studied with the electron microscope. The muscle fiber is of the banded myofibril type; with paired mitochondria and abundant endoplasmic reticulum. The peripheral nerve branches are multiaxonal with large central axon and several small peripheral tunicated axons. Tracheoblasts closely accompany the nerve branches. The multiple neuromuscular junctions show typical axonal vesicles, muscle aposynaptic granules, and close plasma membrane apposition with no interposition of basement membrane material.  相似文献   

The embryonic period of motoneuron programmed cell death (PCD) is marked by transient motor axon branching, but the role of neuromuscular synapses in regulating motoneuron number and axonal branching is not known. Here, we test whether neuromuscular synapses are required for the quantitative association between reduced skeletal muscle contraction, increased motor neurite branching, and increased motoneuron survival. We achieved this by comparing agrin and rapsyn mutant mice that lack acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clusters. There were significant reductions in nerve-evoked skeletal muscle contraction, increases in intramuscular axonal branching, and increases in spinal motoneuron survival in agrin and rapsyn mutant mice compared with their wild-type littermates at embryonic day 18.5 (E18.5). The maximum nerve-evoked skeletal muscle contraction was reduced a further 17% in agrin mutants than in rapsyn mutants. This correlated to an increase in motor axon branch extension and number that was 38% more in agrin mutants than in rapsyn mutants. This suggests that specializations of the neuromuscular synapse that ensure efficient synaptic transmission and muscle contraction are also vital mediators of motor axon branching. However, these increases in motor axon branching did not correlate with increases in motoneuron survival when comparing agrin and rapsyn mutants. Thus, agrin-induced synaptic specializations are required for skeletal muscle to effectively control motoneuron numbers during embryonic development.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular system of Drosophila has been widely used in studies on synaptic development. In the embryo, the cellular components of this model system are well established, with uniquely identified motoneurons displaying specific connectivity with distinct muscles. Such knowledge is essential to analyzing axon guidance and synaptic matching mechanisms with single-cell resolution. In contrast, to date the cellular identities of the larval neuromuscular synapses are hardly established. It is not known whether synaptic connections seen in the embryo persist, nor is it known how individual motor endings may differentiate through the larval stages. In this study, we combine single-cell dye labeling of individual synaptic boutons and counterstaining of the entire nervous system to characterize the synaptic partners and bouton differentiation of the 30 motoneuron axons from four nerve branches (ISN, SNa, SNb, and SNd). We also show the cell body locations of 4 larval motoneurons (RP3, RP5, V, and MN13-Ib) and the types of innervation they develop. Our observations support the following: (1) Only 1 motoneuron axon of a given bouton type innervates a single muscle, while up to 4 motoneuron axons of different bouton types can innervate the same muscle. (2) The type of boutons which each motoneuron axon forms is likely influenced by cell-autonomous factors. The data offer a basis for studying the properties of synaptic differentiation, maintenance, and plasticity with a high cellular resolution.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular synapses of the "fast" excitatory axon supplying the main extensor muscle in the leg of the shore crab Pachygrapsus crassipes were studied with electrophysiological and electron-microscopic techniques. Electrical recording showed that many muscle fibers of the central region of the extensor muscle responded only to stimulation of the fast axon, and electron microscopy revealed many unitary subterminal axon branches. Maintained stimulation, even at a low frequency, resulted in depression of the excitatory junctional potentials (EJPs) set up by the fast axon but EJPs of different muscle fibers depressed at different rates, indicating some physiological heterogeneity among the fast-axon synapses. Focal recording at individual synaptic sites on the surfaces of the muscle fibers showed quantal contents ranging from 1.4 to 5.5 at different synapses; these values are relatively high in comparison with similar determinations made in the crayfish opener muscle. Synapse-bearing nerve terminals were generally relatively small in diameter and filiform, with many individual synaptic contact areas of uniform size averaging 0.6 micron2. All of the individual synapses had a presynaptic "dense body" at which synaptic vesicles clustered. If these structures represent release points for transmitter quanta, the initial high quantal content would have an ultrastructural basis. The mitochondial content of the nerve terminals, the synaptic vesicle population, and the specialized subsynaptic sarcoplasm were all much reduced in comparison with tonic axon synaptic regions in this and other crustaceans. The latter features may be correlated with the relatively infrequent use of this axon by the animal, and with rapid fatigue.  相似文献   

Most fungiform taste buds fail to become innervated when BDNF or NT4 is overexpressed in the basal layer of tongue epithelium. Here, we examined when and how overexpression of BDNF and NT4 disrupt innervation to fungiform papillae. Overexpression of either factor disrupted chorda tympani innervation patterns either before or during the initial innervation of fungiform papillae. NT4 and BDNF overexpression each disrupted initial innervation by producing different gustatory axon morphologies that emerge at distinct times (E12.5 and E14.5, respectively). Chorda tympani nerve branching was reduced in NT4 overexpressing mice, and neuronal fibers in these mice were fasciculated and remained below the epithelial surface, as if repelled by NT4 overexpression. In contrast, many chorda tympani nerve branches were observed near the epithelial surface in mice overexpressing BDNF, and most were attracted to and invaded non-taste filiform papillae instead of gustatory papillae. These results suggest that BDNF, but not NT4, normally functions as a chemoattractant that allows chorda tympani fibers to distinguish their fungiform papillae targets from non-gustatory epithelium. Since BDNF and NT4 both signal through the p75 and TrkB receptors, trophin-specific activation of different internal signaling pathways must regulate the development of the distinct gustatory axon morphologies in neurotrophin-overexpressing mice.  相似文献   

Carter  D. A.  Bray  G. M.  Aguayo  A. J. 《Brain Cell Biology》1998,27(3):187-196
Regenerated retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons can re-form functional synapses with target neurons in the superior colliculus (SC). Because preterminal axon branching determines the size, shape and density of innervation fields, we investigated the branching patterns and bouton formation of individual RGC axons that had regrown along peripheral nerve (PN) grafts to the SC. Within the superficial layers of the SC, the regenerated axons formed terminal arbors with average numbers of terminal boutons that were similar to the controls. However, axonal branches were shorter than normal so that the mean area of the regenerated arbors was nearly one-tenth that of control arbors and the resulting fields of innervation contained greater than normal numbers of synapses concentrated in small areas of the target. Our results have delineated a critical defect in the reconstitution of retino-collicular circuitry in adult mammals: the failure of terminal RGC branches to expand appropriately. Because recent studies have documented that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) can specifically lengthen RGC axonal branches not only during development in the SC but also within the adult retina after axotomy, the present quantitative studies should facilitate experimental attempts to correct this deficit of the regenerative response. © 1998 Chapman and Hall  相似文献   

The chronology of development of spindle neural elements was examined by electron microscopy in fetal and neonatal rats. The three types of intrafusal muscle fiber of spindles from the soleus muscle acquired sensory and motor innervation in the same sequence as they formed--bag2, bag1, and chain. Both the primary and secondary afferents contacted developing spindles before day 20 of gestation. Sensory endings were present on myoblasts, myotubes, and myofibers in all intrafusal bundles regardless of age. The basic features of the sensory innervation--first-order branching of the parent axon, separation of the primary and secondary sensory regions, and location of both primary and secondary endings beneath the basal lamina of the intrafusal fibers--were all established by the fourth postnatal day. Cross-terminals, sensory terminals shared by more than one intrafusal fiber, were more numerous at all developmental stages than in mature spindles. No afferents to immature spindles were supernumerary, and no sensory axons appeared to retract from terminations on intrafusal fibers. The earliest motor axons contacted spindles on the 20th day of gestation or shortly afterward. More motor axons supplied the immature spindles, and a greater number of axon terminals were visible at immature intrafusal motor endings than in adult spindles; hence, retraction of supernumerary motor axons accompanies maturation of the fusimotor system analogous to that observed during the maturation of the skeletomotor system. Motor endings were observed only on the relatively mature myofibers; intrafusal myoblasts and myotubes lacked motor innervation in all age groups. This independence of the early stages of intrafusal fiber assembly from motor innervation may reflect a special inherent myogenic potential of intrafusal myotubes or may stem from the innervation of spindles by sensory axons.  相似文献   

We performed two-photon in vivo imaging of cerebellar climbing fibers (CFs; the terminal arbor of olivocerebellar axons) in adult mice. CF ascending branches innervate Purkinje cells while CF transverse branches show a near complete failure to form conventional synapses. Time-lapse imaging over hours or days revealed that ascending branches were very stable. However, transverse branches were highly dynamic, exhibiting rapid elongation and retraction and varicosity turnover. Thus, different branches of the same axon, with different innervation patterns, display branch type-specific motility in the adult cerebellum. Furthermore, dynamic changes in transverse branch length were almost completely suppressed by pharmacological stimulation of olivary firing.  相似文献   

Parallel recordings of potentials from primary afferent fibers and motoneurons connected monosynaptically with them were obtained in experiments on the isolated, perfused frog spinal cord and this was followed by intra-axonal and intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase. Terminals of the primary afferent fibers were shown to reach the motor nuclei of the ventral horn, and one fiber could form contacts with several motoneurons. Synapses formed by afferent terminals were found not only on distal, but also on proximal segments of dendrites and also on motoneuron bodies. Synapses were most numerous on the proximal segments of the dendrites and branches of the second-third orders. Recurrent axon collaterals of motoneurons forming synapses with dendrites were found.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 60–68, January–February, 1982.  相似文献   

Structural plasticity at crustacean neuromuscular synapses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crustacean motor axons innervate muscle fibers via a multiplicity of synaptic terminals which release small but variable amounts of transmitter. Differences in release performance appear to be correlated with the size of synaptic contacts and presynaptic dense bars (active zones). These structural parameters proliferate via sprouting from existing synaptic terminals and relocate to ever more distal sites during development and growth of an identified axon. Moreover, alterations in number of synaptic contacts and active zones occur in adults following stimulation or decentralization, demonstrating structural plasticity of crustacean neuromuscular synapses.  相似文献   

Recent experiments indicate that afferent information is processed in the intraspinal arborisation of mammalian group I fibres. During muscle contraction, Ib inputs arising from tendon organs are filtered out by presynaptic inhibition after their entry in the spinal cord. This paper reviews the mechanisms by which GABAergic axo-axonic synapses, i.e., the morphological substrate of presynaptic inhibition, exert this filtering effect. Using confocal microscopy, axo-axonic synapses were demonstrated on segmental Ib collaterals. Most synapses were located on short preterminal and terminal branches. Using a simple compartmental model of myelinated axon, the primary afferent depolarisation (PAD), generated by such synapses, was predicted to reduce the amplitude of incoming action potentials by inactivating the sodium current, and this prediction was experimentally verified. A further theoretical work, relying on cable theory, suggests that the electrotonic structure of collaterals and the distribution of axo-axonic synapses allow large PADs (about 10 mV) to develop on some distal branches, which is likely to result in a substantial presynaptic inhibition. In addition, the electrotonic structure of group I collaterals is likely to prevent PAD from spreading to the whole arborisation. Such a non-uniform diffusion of the PAD accounts for differential presynaptic inhibition in intraspinal branches of the same fibre. Altogether, our experimental and theoretical works suggest that axo-axonic synapses can control the selective funnelling of sensory information toward relevant targets specified according to the motor task.  相似文献   

The vascularization of the distal accessory flexor muscle (DAFM) in the walking legs of the lobster, Homarus americanus, was examined with dye injection and electron microscopy. Vascularization of this flat, thin DAFM is via two vessels, one supplying the tendinal region of the muscle and the other the exoskeletal region. The vessels that originate from the single major limb vessel, subdivide extensively over the DAFM and form a profuse network that has hitherto gone unnoticed. The degree of vascularization of individual fibers was determined by periodic sampling along its length with thin-section electron microscopy. At each and every sampling station, individual fibers had several (seven to eight), small-diameter (4 μm) blood vessels in their cross-sectional profile. In contrast, nerve terminals of the excitor and inhibitor axon were rarely encountered. This high degree of vascularization was found amongst fibers that are from different regions of the DAFM and differ in the performance of their excitatory synapse but are similar in their structural and contractile properties.  相似文献   

The innervation of the accessory flexor muscle of the limbs of several decapod crustaceans was studied by means of vital staining, with methylene blue and electron microscopy. Three patterns of innervation were found. In the first pattern, the distal (DAFM) and proximal (PAFM) heads of the accessory flexor muscle were supplied by two axons (a thick and a thin) which travel in a private nerve along the length of the merus. This pattern was found in the crab (Cancer) and the lobster (Homarus), and conforms to the classical pattern established in the literature. In the second pattern, the nerve to the DAFM is made up of conjoined branches of the flexor and accessory flexor nerves. Consequently, the DAFM receives at least five axons in the portunid crabs, Carcinus, Callinectes, and Ovalipes, and occasionally six axons in Ovalipes. The PAFM in those portunids receives the usual two axons. In the third pattern, based on preliminary observations on the grapsid crab, Pachygrapsus, “super-innervation” of the accessory flexor muscle appears to include not only five axons to the DAFM but also at least three to the PAFM. In all species, methylene blue staining of the axon terminations revealed a regular pattern of blebs which are thought to correspond to synaptic terminals as revealed by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The synapse-bearing nerve terminals of the opener muscle of the crayfish Procambarus were reconstructed using electron micrographs of regions which had been serially sectioned. The branching patterns of the terminals of excitatory and inhibitory axons and the locations and sizes of neuromuscular and axo-axonal synapses were studied. Excitatory and inhibitory synapses could be distinguished not only on the basis of differences in synaptic vesicles, but also by a difference in density of pre- and postsynaptic membranes. Synapses of both axons usually had one or more sharply localized presynaptic "dense bodies" around which synaptic vesicles appeared to cluster. Some synapses did not have the dense bodies. These structures may be involved in the physiological activity of the synapse. Excitatory axon terminals had more synapses, and a larger percentage of terminal surface area devoted to synaptic contacts, than inhibitory axon terminals. However, the largest synapses of the inhibitory axon exceeded in surface area those of the excitatory axon. Both axons had many side branches coming from the main terminal; often, the side branches were joined to the main terminal by narrow necks. A greater percentage of surface area was devoted to synapses in side branches than in the main terminal. Only a small fraction of total surface area was devoted to axo-axonal synapses, but these were often located at narrow necks or constrictions of the excitatory axon. This arrangement would result in effective blockage of spike invasion of regions of the terminal distal to the synapse, and would allow relatively few synapses to exert a powerful effect on transmitter release from the excitatory axon. A hypothesis to account for the development of the neuromuscular apparatus is presented, in which it is suggested that production of new synapses is more important than enlargement of old ones as a mechanism for allowing the axon to adjust transmitter output to the functional needs of the muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Small nerve terminals in the neuropile of the brain of the crab Scylla serrata make close contact with the secondary, tertiary and higher order central branches of the reflex eye-withdrawal motoneurons. Most contacts have the characteristics of chemically transmitting synapses in that the presynaptic terminals contain agranular vesicles of 25 to 50 nm in diameter and are separated from the motoneuron by a synaptic cleft of about 16 nm. Some terminals contain synaptic ribbons, others contain a mixture of larger (50 to 80 nm) agranular and also dense cored vesicles. In addition large blunt-ended contacts unaccompanied by vesicles, occur between neurons in the neuropile and the motoneuron. It is suggested that the absence of synaptic contacts over the large primary branches of the motoneuron could explain previous physiological findings that little or no resistance changes can be detected in this part of the neuron during excitation or inhibition.We thank Mrs. Joan Goodrum for the preparation of Fig. 1.  相似文献   

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