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Chondrogenesis is an important process in the development of the embryonic chick limb. If limb buds are dispersed just prior to the initiation of chondrogenic differentiation and their cells seeded densely in culture as three-dimensional "micromasses," some of the cells differentiate to form chondrogenic nodules. These nodules characteristically produce sulfated proteoglycans and type II collagen. Two conditions within the early avian limb core have been linked causatively to the initiation of chondrogenesis: a limitation in the availability of molecular oxygen and a low NAD content of the tissue. The O2 limitation is thought to be responsible for the low NAD level. We examined the effects of molecular oxygen on the NAD content of chick limb-bud cells in micromass culture, the formation of chondrocytic nodules, and the production of type II collagen and sulfated proteoglycans. The NAD content of the cells in the micromasses and the production of type II collagen did not vary greatly as a function of oxygen availability. The development of the nodules was modified, but not eliminated, by high oxygen partial pressure (0.95). It was eliminated by anoxia. Proteoglycan synthesis was decreased significantly by high oxygen tension and its sulfation was also decreased, more so in the wing-bud than the leg-bud cells. The results suggest that in culture, high oxygen tension is compatible with some, but not all, aspects of chondrogenic differentiation of cells from embryonic chick limbs.  相似文献   

Chick limb-bud mesoderm cells from embryonic stages 22–25 were cultured at high cell densities in media known to support chondrogenesis. Under these conditions the continuous presence of normal mouse serum, at a concentration of 10%, inhibits the ability of the cells to produce toluidine blue-stainable cartilage matrix materials. In contrast, mesodermal cells treated with comparable concentrations of other heterologous sera continue to differentiate much like the control cultures while growing in the presence of the test sera. The inhibitory effect of the serum was shown not to be the result of a general cytotoxic effect on protein synthesis or the inability of the cells to incorporate [3H]d-glucosamine. There was a significant difference however, in the distribution of the incorporated glucosamine. Less label was associated with the cell layer of the treated series, while a greater amount of the incorporated material was found to be secreted into the medium when compared with the control cultures. Studies have shown also that the serum inhibitory response is dose dependent, while the factor(s) itself is non-dialysable, stable to heat and repeated freezing and is not a conventional serum lipoprotein. Following the addition of whole or delipidated mouse serum, a significant increase in lipid droplets appears in the cytoplasm of the cells. Biochemical analyses of mouse serum-treated cells indicate that there is a marked increase in their triglyceride content as compared to the control cells. While the nature of the serum inhibitory factor remains to be determined, the accumulation of triglyceride following mouse serum treatment suggests that this may play a role in modulating the expression of the chondrogenic phenotype.  相似文献   

Distal and proximal mesoderm of chick limb bud was respectively dissociated and cultured in the medium containing various concentrations of retinoic acid (RA). At low concentrations (5-50 ng/ml), RA promoted proliferation and chondrogenesis in the distal mesodermal cells. The distal cells of stage 20-24 limb buds were responsive to RA, although those of stages 25-27 were unresponsive. Both the cells of anterior and posterior regions of the distal mesoderm were responsive to RA, while the cells of proximal mesoderm were unresponsive. At higher concentrations, the growth-promoting effect of RA was reduced and chondrogenesis in the distal cells was rather inhibited. These results were discussed in relation to the role of RA as the morphogen in normal limb development and experimental duplicate formation.  相似文献   

The role of cell surface glycoproteins in cell behavior can be characterized by their interactions with plant lectins. This study was designed to identify the effects of lectins on chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in limb bud mesenchymal cells in vitro. Limb bud mesenchymal cells from mouse embryos were cultured in high-density micromass culture. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), concanavalin A (ConA), peanut agglutinin (PNA), Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) and Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) were added separately to the culture media. Cells were cultured for 5 or 9 days, and cell viability was assayed by neutral red on day 5. The micromasses were stained with alcian blue, alizarin red S and Von Kossa stains, and alkaline phosphatase assays were also done. Dolichos biflorus agglutinin induced an increase in chondrogenesis, calcium precipitation and proteoglycan production. ConA and PNA did not affect chondrocyte differentiation but induced chondrocytes to produce more proteoglycan. Wheat germ agglutinin reduced chondrification and ossification but induced mesenchymal cells to store lipid droplets. Ricinus communis agglutinin 1 was toxic and significantly reduced cell survival. In conclusion, DBA was the most effective inducer of ossification and chondrification. Wheat germ agglutinin induced adipogenesis instead. These assays showed that lectins play important roles in limb bud development.  相似文献   

When the subridge mesoderm of the embryonic chick limb bud is cultured in the absence of the apical ectodermal ridge and adjacent ectoderm, the cells rapidly progress through the various stages of chondrogenesis. During the first day of culture, the cells initiate condensation, and during subsequent days, deposit a cartilage matrix. In the present study, we show that early in the first day there is a progressive 2-fold increase in cell surface galactosyltransferase activity towards endogenous acceptors. Later in the first day, although the cells are still in condensation, endogenous galactosyltransferase activity has decreased, suggesting in situ galactosylation of surface acceptors. During subsequent development, when cartilage matrix is being deposited, surface galactosyltransferase activity remains low. All controls have been performed to insure cell surface localization of enzyme activity. Two other surface glycosyltransferases show very low levels of activity, which do not change significantly during culture. We suggest that during cellular condensation, an interaction between surface galactosyltransferases and acceptors on adjacent cells occurs, and this interaction may be causally related to subsequent chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary In an effort to establish a more chemically defined culture system to study the regulation of chondrogenic differentiation in vitro, two commercially available serum replacements, NuSerum and NuSerum IV, were tested on embryonic limb mesenchyme. Limb bud (LB) mesenchymal cells were isolated from Hamilton-Hamburger stage 23–24 chick embryos and plated at various densities (1, 5, 10, or 20 × 106 cells/ml) in micromass culture for 4 days in media supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), NuSerum or NuSerum IV. Cell growth was assessed by the incorporation of [3H]leucine and [3H]thymidine. Chondrogenesis was determined by the incorporation of [35S]sulfate and by the number of Alcian blue-staining cartilage nodules. In high density (20 × 106 cells/ml) cultures, which favored chondrogenic differentiation, both serum replacements supported protein synthesis and chondrogenesis equally well as FBS. In cultures plated at 5 × 106 cells/ml, a cell density in which was chondrogenesis-limiting, both NuSerum and NuSerum IV significantly enhanced incorporation of [35S]sulfate (2.6-fold), [3H]leucine (1.4-fold), and [3H]thymidine (1.9-fold), compared to FBS. Enhancement of chondrogenesis was also apparent by the increases in the number of Alcian blue-staining cartilage nodules and the ratio of sulfate: leucine incorporation in cultures plated at 5 × 106 cells/ml. Interestingly, the localization of cartilage nodules was extended out to the periphery of micromass cultures fed with NuSerum or NuSerum IV. The observed effects of NuSerum and NuSerum IV may be attributed to a combination of factors, including lower concentrations of serum and its associated proteins, as well as supplemented growth factors and hormones known to promote cell proliferation and differentiation. Therefore, NuSerum and NuSerum IV are excellent, low-cost replacements for FBS in maintaining cellular growth and promoting chondrogenesis in LB mesenchymal cell cultures in vitro.  相似文献   

Endochondral ossification is initiated by the differentiation of mesenchymal precursor cells to chondrocytes. This process is characterized by a strong interdependence of cell shape and cytoskeletal organization accompanying the onset of chondrogenic gene expression, but the molecular mechanisms mediating these interactions are not known. In this study, we hypothesized that the activation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 would be involved in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and that this would require an Akt-dependent signaling pathway in chick wing bud mesenchymal cells. The pharmacological inhibition of Akt signaling resulted in decreased glycosaminoglycan synthesis and reduced the level of active MMP-2, leading to suppressed cortical actin organization which is characteristic of differentiated chondrocytes. In addition, the exposure of cells to bafilomycin A1 reversed these chondro-inhibitory effects induced by inhibition of Akt signaling. In conclusion, our data indicate that Akt signaling is involved in the activation of MMP-2 and that this Akt-induced activation of MMP-2 is responsible for reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton into a cortical pattern with parallel rounding of chondrogenic competent cells.  相似文献   

Limb bud cells of chick embryos (stages 23–24) were dissociated into single cells, reaggregated, and cultured in vitro for about a week. δ-Crystallin, generally thought to be a lens-specific protein in the chick, was detected in the aggregates by indirect immunofluorescent staining, double immunodiffusion test, and immunoelectrophoresis with specific antiserum against δ-crystallin. Cells containing δ-crystallin were distributed in epidermal cell clusters and also in mesenchymal tissues surrounding cartilage nodules in the aggregates. Those cells in mesenchymal tissues were shown to have originated from the mesoderm of the limb bud, and those in epidermal cell clusters probably originated from the ectoderm. The possible cellular origin of this appearance of δ-crystallin was discussed.  相似文献   

When chick limb bud mesenchyme cells from stage 23 to 24 embryos are plated at high density, they rapidly divide and a large proportion initiate chondrogenic expression during the first 2 to 3 days in culture. Between Days 4 and 8, the emergent chondrocytes mature and elaborate a cartilaginous matrix. The proteoglycans synthesized by the newly emergent Day 3 to 4 chondrocytes differ from those synthesized by either the prechondrogenic mesenchyme cells or the mature Day 8 chondrocytes. Cultures were grown from initial plating (Day 0) or from Day 2 in the continuous presence of 1 mM 4-methyl umbelliferyl-beta-D-xyloside, which acts intracellularly as a competitive acceptor with the endogenous core protein of proteoglycans for chondroitin sulfate synthesis. The proteoglycans synthesized by Day 8 cultures which had been maintained on xyloside or to which xyloside was added only 1 h prior to labeling were essentially identical. They were able to form aggregates, and they contained the same number of keratan sulfate chains, but only about 40% as many chondroitin sulfate chains, as normal. Additionally, both the chondroitin sulfate and keratan sulfate chains were 25% shorter than in the normal proteoglycans. The proteoglycans synthesized by cells in a culture maintained on xyloside until Day 8, and then switched to medium with no xyloside 1 h prior to labeling, were characteristic of those synthesized by normal mature Day 8 chondrocytes. These data suggest that stage 23 to 24 mesenchyme cells undergo normal chondrogenic maturation in culture in the presence of xylosides even though (a) most of the polysaccharides are synthesized onto the exogenously supplied xyloside substrate and released into the medium, (b) the proteoglycans that are synthesized are greatly reduced in polysaccharide content, and (c) the extracellular matrix as a consequence is greatly depleted in chondroitin sulfate content and, therefore, is abnormal in general morphology.  相似文献   

Cell shape change and cytoskeletal reorganization are known to be involved in the chondrogenesis. Negative role of RhoA, a cytoskeleton-regulating protein, and its downstream target, Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) in the chondrogenesis has been studied in many different culture systems including primary chondrocytes, chondrogenic cell lines, dedifferentiated chondrocytes, and micromass culture of mesenchymal cells. To further investigate the role of RhoA and ROCK in the chondrogenesis, we examined the RhoA-ROCK-myosin light chains (MLC) pathway in low density culture of chick limb bud mesenchymal cells. We observed for the first time that inhibition of RhoA by C3 cell-permeable transferase, CT04, induced chondrogenesis of undifferentiated mesenchymal single cells following dissolution of actin stress fibers. Inhibition of RhoA activity by CT04 was confirmed by pull down assay using the Rho-GTP binding domain of Rhotekin. CT04 also inhibited ROCK activity. In contrast, inhibition of ROCK by Y27632 neither altered the actin stress fibers nor induced chondrogenesis. In addition, inhibition of RhoA or ROCK did not affect the phosphorylation of MLC. Inhibition of myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) by ML-7 or inhibition of myosin ATPase with blebbistatin dissolved actin stress fibers and induced chondrogenesis. ML-7 reduced the MLC phosphorylation. Taken together, our current study suggests that RhoA uses other pathway than ROCK/MLC in the modulation of actin stress fibers and chondrogenesis. Our data also imply that, irrespective of mechanisms, dissolution of actin stress fibers is crucial for chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

Extraction of stage 22-23 chick embryo limb buds that had been metabolically labeled with [35S]sulfate yielded heparan sulfate proteoglycan, small chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, and large chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (designated PG-M). PG-M constituted over 60% of the total macromolecular [35S]sulfates. It was larger in hydrodynamic size, richer in protein, and contained fewer chondroitin sulfate chains as compared to the predominant proteoglycan (PG-H, Mr congruent to 1.5 X 10(6)) of chick embryo cartilage. The chondroitin sulfate chains were notable for their large size (Mr greater than or equal to 60,000) and high content of nonsulfated chondroitin units (about 20% of the total hexosamine). Hexosamine-containing chains corresponding in size to N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides were also present. The core protein was rich in serine, glutamic acid (glutamine), and glycine which together comprised about 38% of the total amino acids. Following chondroitinase AC II (or ABC) digestion, core molecules were obtained which migrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis as a doublet of bands with approximately Mr = 550,000 (major) and 500,000, respectively. The Mr = 550,000 core glycoprotein was structurally different from the core glycoprotein (Mr congruent to 400,000) of PG-H, as ascertained by tryptic peptide mapping and immunochemical criteria. Immunofluorescent localization of PG-M showed that the intensity of PG-M staining progressively became higher in the core mesenchyme region than in the peripheral loose mesenchyme, closely following the condensation of mesenchymal cells. Since the cell condensation process has been shown to begin with the increase of fibronectin and type I collagen concentration, the similar change in PG-M distribution suggests that PG-M plays an important role in the cell condensation process by means of its interaction with fibronectin and type I collagen.  相似文献   

Chick high-density culture chondrocytes synthesize cartilage-specific proteoglycans with much structural similarity to the proteoglycans made by cartilage in vivo. Such cultures can be maintained in a defined medium formulated in this laboratory in which chondrogenesis occurs without the addition of serum. The proteoglycans synthesized by the chondrocytes in the presence of defined medium are of a cartilage-specific structure but differ in some aspects from the proteoglycans made in serum-containing medium. While their buoyant density, ability to aggregate with hyaluronic acid, and keratan sulfate chain size are unchanged, the proteoglycans synthesized in defined medium have altered chondroitin sulfate chains. This chondroitin sulfate is of significantly larger size and has a different sulfation pattern relative to that produced in serum-containing medium. The larger size of the chondroitin sulfate results in a larger monomer size of the defined medium proteoglycans. These differences have implications about the regulation of the structure of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Appearance of myosin in the chick limb bud   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Quantitative microcomplement fixation has been used to detect the appearance of myosin in the chick embryonic limb bud. It has been shown that myosin or a myosinlike molecule is present by stage 23, before muscle can be distinguished histologically.  相似文献   

The formation of duplicated wing skeletal elements and/or extra wing muscles was studied by juxtaposing normally nonadjacent embryonic chick wing bud cells. A wedge of right or left stage 21 wing bud ectoderm and mesoderm was inserted in a slit made in a host stage 20 to 22 right wing bud at the same anteroposterior position as its position of origin. The distal edge of the donor wedge and host wing bud were aligned with each other. Donor tissue was grafted into a host wing bud in one of the following four axial relationships: both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes corresponded with each other (aadd); only the anteroposterior axes were opposed (apdd); only the dorsoventral axes were opposed (aadv); both the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes were opposed (apdv). Of the 63 wings resulting from the control aadd operation and the 45 wings from the apdd operation, only 12 wings had a duplicated skeletal element; of the 69 wings sectioned from these two groups of operations, only one had an extra muscle. However, of the wings resulting from the aadv and apdv operations (48 and 52 cases, respectively), 23 had a duplicated skeletal element; of the 54 wings sectioned from these operations, 43 wings had one to four extra muscles. Furthermore, when the aadv operation was performed with a wedge of donor quail wing bud ectoderm and mesoderm or mesoderm alone, supernumerary muscles formed in these chimeric wings and they were made up of donor quail and host chick cells or only donor quail cells.  相似文献   

Dissociated stage 21–28 chick embryo limb bud cells showed an increasing ability to produce cartilage colonies in vitro with in vivo maturation. In addition dissociated stage 21–28 chick embryo limb bud cells exposed to cartilage conditioned medium continuously or only for 48 hr prior to subculture showed an enhanced (as much as 15-fold) ability to form differentiated cartilage colonies. By this criterion, cells were more responsive to conditioned medium prior to stage 25. Conditioned medium from fibroblast cultures caused an inhibition of cartilage colony formation, suggesting that the effect is cell-type specific. Besides increasing cartilage colony formation by enhanced cell survival, the incorporation of S35O4 into isolated glycosaminoglycans is also stimulated when limb bud cells are exposed to cartilage conditioned medium. The results support a model for cell differentiation which involves the enhancement of a particular differentiated capacity by a diffusible cell-type-specific macromolecule.  相似文献   

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