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Optimal harvest policy is derived for a size-specific population model based on the continuity equation. In this model both growth and recruitment rates can depend on either the number of individuals of specific sizes in the population or the level of food available. Necessary conditions for values of fishing pressure and size limit that maximize the present value of the resource are obtained and are interpreted in economic terms. The general solution obtained here reduces to solutions obtained previously for some special cases: the single age-class model, and the linear age-dependent model. Solutions involving constant fishery policy are sought for several different, specific versions of the general model. In each of these versions a constant policy solution is not optimal. This implies that for a general, realistic model the policy that maximizes present value is a time-varying or pulse fishing policy. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed in the light of existing results.  相似文献   

This paper considers a model for the dynamics of an age structured population subject to a density dependent factor which regulates the recruitment. Certain properties of biological interest are obtained and the stability of the equilibrium age distributions is investigated. Finally some applications to known fishery models are considered.Work done under the contract 80.02333.01 of C.N.R.  相似文献   

Teacher professional development (PD) is often extended as a driver of good teaching and effective schools. In recent years, teacher PD has increasingly focused on developing teacher social capital by placing teachers within professional communities to collectively solve instructional problems. Using Bourdieu's and Coleman's conceptions of social capital as a theoretical and practical lens, this article explores how a social capital frame could generate more effective PD policy in music education. Areas examined also include the specific ways in which social capital becomes a lever for teacher growth and school improvement and the social dimensions of music teacher PD. The article concludes with principles of social capital-advancing PD policy, examples of principle-aligned PD policies, implications for research and advocacy, and an accounting of challenges and opportunities for the future. The author argues that centralizing social capital development as an aim of PD represents a new frontier in music teacher learning.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that developing countries lack technical and institutional capacity to effectively implement genetic resources policy. This has led Bioversity International (the then IPGRI) to initiate a project called Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI) in six countries (Ethiopia, Egypt, Zambia, Peru, Vietnam and Nepal). Drawing from the literature and experiences of this project, this paper has attempted to document some of the lessons from the project and present the issues and challenges that need to be addressed for effective genetic resources policy. Recognizing its cross-cutting nature, the paper has argued that genetic resources policy has to be part of the broader development agenda to effectively deal with trade-offs and harmonize the conflicts. Essentially, the important policy question is to strike the balance and simultaneously promote the diversity of genetic resources and welfare outcomes. The major thrust of GRPI has been the multi-disciplinary, -sectoral, and -stakeholder (3M) approach. Despite all its theoretical merits, its implementation has been a serious challenge in practice. This has, among others, been due to ‘‘A project for all is a project for none’’ dilemma. Engaging decision makers in 3M deliberations has revealed that many of them tend to think that maintaining genetic diversity promotes traditional farming and retards agricultural development. Clearly, addressing each of these challenges and policy loopholes requires innovation in a diversity of institutions.  相似文献   

Summary Membrane transport models are usually expressed on the basis of chemical kinetics. The states of a transporter are related by rate constants, and the time-dependent changes of these states are given by linear differential equations of first order. To calculate the time-dependent transport equation, it is necessary to solve a system of differential equations which does not have a general analytical solution if there are more than five states. Since transport measurements in a complex system rarely provide all the time constants because some of them are too rapid, it is more appropriate to obtain approximate analytical solutions, assuming that there are fast and slow reaction steps. The states of the fast steps are related by equilibrium constants, thus permitting the elimination of their differential equations and leaving only those for the slow steps. With a system having only two slow steps, a single differential equation is obtained and the state equations have a single relaxation. Initial conditions for the slow reactions are determined after the perturbation which redistribute the states related by fast reactions. Current and zero-trans uptake equations are calculated. Curve fitting programs can be used to implement the general procedure and obtain the model parameters.  相似文献   

In a plant-herbivore system, a management strategy called threshold policy is proposed to control grazing intensity where the vegetation dynamics is described by a plant-water interaction model. It is shown that this policy can lead the vegetation density to a previously chosen level under an overgrazing regime. This result is obtained despite both the potential occurrence of vegetation collapse due to overgrazing and the possibility of complex dynamics sensitive to vegetation initial densities and parameter uncertainties.  相似文献   

Research into neuropsychiatric disorders, including alcohol-related problems, is limited in part by the lack of appropriate animal models. However, the development of new technologies in pathology and molecular biology means that many more questions can be addressed using appropriately stored human brain tissues. The New South Wales Tissue Resource Centre (TRC) in the University of Sydney (Australia) is a human brain bank that can provide tissues to the neuroscience research community studying alcohol-related brain disorders, schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorders. Carefully standardised operational protocols and integrated information systems means that the TRC can provide high quality, accurately characterised, tissues for research. A recent initiative, the pre-mortem donor program called "Using our Brains", encourages individuals without neuropsychiatric illness to register as control donors, a critical group for all research. Community support for this program is strong with over 2,000 people registering their interest. Discussed herein are the protocols pertaining to this multifaceted facility and the benefits of investment, both scientific and financial, to neuroscience researchers and the community at large.  相似文献   

For over three decades, New South Wales ecologist Paul Adam has worked to promote the study and conservation of native ecosystems and has served on scores of agency and NGO committees. Here, Paul provides some insight into what motivates such a sustained contribution.  相似文献   

With the need to meet ambitious restoration targets, an improved native seed sector for the production of herbaceous species with a practical and supportive policy framework is recognized. We evaluated the current “ready‐made” policy frameworks in Europe regarding the native seed supply of herbaceous species and found them to be, generally, unsatisfactory for both producers and users. Initially, such policies were designed for fodder seed and relate to distinctness, uniformity, and stability, traits that do not reflect the genetic heterogeneity of native species required for ecological restoration. Until recently, more suitable certification standards were designed to multiply fodder seed for preservation of the natural environment; however, due to the disparateness of the seed market in Europe, this policy is rarely practical and fails to encompass all herbaceous native species often resulting in unregulated seed sales. We recommend a new or adapted native seed policy constructed through a participatory or bottom‐up approach and supported through the formation of widely based trade associations. Such a policy could stimulate the native seed trade with concomitant impacts on the speed of improving ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Micronutrient malnutrition is a growing concern in the developing world, resulting in diverse health and social problems, such as mental retardations, impairments of the immune system and overall poor health. In recent years, the zinc (Zn) deficiency problem has received increasing attention and appears to be the most serious micronutrient deficiency together with vitamin A deficiency. Zinc deficiency is particularly widespread among children and represents a major cause of child death in the world. In countries where Zn deficiency is well documented as an important public health problem, cereal-based foods are the predominant source of daily calorie and protein intake. Because the concentration of Zn in cereal crops is inherently very low, growing cereals on potentially Zn-deficient soils further decreases grain Zn concentrations. It is, therefore, not surprising that high Zn deficiency incidence in humans occurs predominantly on areas where soils are deficient in plant-available Zn, as shown in many Southeast Asian countries. India has some of the most Zn-deficient soils in the world. Nearly 50% of cultivated soils in India are low in plant-available Zn; these soils are under intensive cultivation of wheat and rice with no or little application of Zn fertilizers. Consequently, cereal crops grown on such Zn-deficient soils contribute only marginally to daily Zn intake. In the rural areas of India, rice and wheat contributes nearly 75% of the daily calorie intake. These facts clearly point to an urgent need for improved Zn concentration of cereal grains in India. Recent calculations indicate that biofortification (enrichment) of rice and wheat grain with Zn, for example by breeding, may save lives of up to 48,000 children in India annually. Breeding new cereal genotypes for high grain Zn concentration is the most realistic and cost-effective strategy to address the problem. However, this strategy is a long-term one, and the size of plant-available Zn pools in soils may greatly affect the capacity of Zn-efficient (biofortified) cultivars to take up Zn and accumulate it in grains. Therefore, application of Zn-containing fertilizers represents a quick and effective approach to biofortifying cereal grains with Zn, thus being an excellent complementary tool to the breeding strategy for successful biofortification of cereals with Zn. Increasing evidence is available from field trials showing that soil and/or foliar application of Zn fertilizers improves grain Zn concentration up to 2- or 3-fold. In the countries where Zn deficiency is both a public health issue and an important soil constraint to crop production, like in India, enrichment of widely applied fertilizers with Zn would be an excellent investment for improving grain Zn while contributing to increased crop production. Recent work by the scientists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute indicates that the use of Zn-enriched urea in rice and wheat significantly improves both grain Zn concentration and grain yield. It is obvious that enrichment of widely applied fertilizers with Zn and/or foliar application of Zn fertilizers appear to be a high priority with the strongest potential to alleviate Zn deficiency-related problems in India. A Government action and policy plan for enrichment of selected major fertilizers with Zn is required urgently.  相似文献   

Policy and practice around protected areas are poorly aligned with the basic purpose of protection, which is to make a difference. The difference made by protected areas is their impact, defined in program evaluation as the outcomes arising from protection relative to the counterfactual of no protection or a different form of protection. Although impact evaluation of programs is well established in fields such as medicine, education and development aid, it is rare in nature conservation. We show that the present weak alignment with impact of policy targets and operational objectives for protected areas involves a great risk: targets and objectives can be achieved while making little difference to the conservation of biodiversity. We also review potential ways of increasing the difference made by protected areas, finding a poor evidence base for the use of planning and management ‘levers’ to better achieve impact. We propose a dual strategy for making protected areas more effective in their basic role of saving nature, outlining ways of developing targets and objectives focused on impact while also improving the evidence for effective planning and management.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have surveyed the frequency with which different plant characters are associated with polyploidy, few statistical tools are available to identify the factors that potentially facilitate polyploidy. We describe a new probabilistic model, BiChroM, designed to associate the frequency of polyploidy and chromosomal change with a binary phenotypic character in a phylogeny. BiChroM provides a robust statistical framework for testing differences in rates of polyploidy associated with phenotypic characters along a phylogeny while simultaneously allowing for evolutionary transitions between character states. We used BiChroM to test whether polyploidy is more frequent in woody or herbaceous plants, based on tree with 4711 eudicot species. Although polyploidy occurs in woody species, rates of chromosome doubling were over six times higher in herbaceous species. Rates of single chromosome increases or decreases were also far higher in herbaceous than woody species. Simulation experiments indicate that BiChroM performs well with little to no bias and relatively little variance at a wide range of tree depths when trees have at least 500 taxa. Thus, BiChroM provides a first step toward a rigorous statistical framework for assessing the traits that facilitate polyploidy.  相似文献   

The main characteristics of the dominant economic system, including the increasing use of markets and money are described. The global system has expanded trade, including international trade, and production tremendously. While this system has the potential to favour nature conservation, in practice the opposite has occurred. Difficulties raised for conservation of biodiversity by short-term economic crises such as deficits in a country's international payments, the adoption of policies for structural economic adjustment, international capital flows, international loans and foreign aid as well as debt-for-nature swaps are discussed. As explained, it is politically difficult in market economies to support nature conservation at the expense of economic growth and as more economies develop and become market economies this problem spreads. Given global interdependence of nations, an important issue is the distribution of net benefits from biodiversity conservation between developed and less developed countries. Possible distributions of benefits and related issues are discussed. In conclusion, the importance of political lobbying by nature conservation groups in developed market economies is emphasised as a means of ensuring correction of market failures. Unfortunately, no economic system is likely to prove satisfactory in itself in conserving biodiversity so political action by conservationists is always required.  相似文献   

Association studies of polygenic traits are notoriously difficult when those studies are conducted at large geographic scales. The difficulty arises as genotype frequencies often vary in geographic space and across distinct environments. Those large‐scale variations are known to yield false positives in standard association testing approaches. Although several methods alleviate this problem, no tools have been proposed to evaluate the power that association tests could achieve for a specific study design and set of genotypes. Our goal here is to present an R program fulfilling this objective, by allowing users to simulate phenotypes from observed genotypes and to estimate upper bounds on achievable power. The simulation model can incorporate realistic features such as population structure and gene‐by‐environment interactions, and the package implements a gold‐standard test that evaluates power using information on confounders. We illustrated the use of the program with example studies based on data for the plant species Arabidopsis thaliana. Simulated phenotypes were used to compare the ability of two recent association methods to correctly remove confounding factors, to evaluate power to detect causal variants, and to assess the influence various parameters. For the simulated data, the new tests reached performances close to the gold‐standard test and could be reasonably used with measured phenotypes. Power to detect causal variants was influenced by the number of variants and by the strength of their effect sizes, and specific thresholds were obtained from the simulation study. In conclusion, our program provides guidance on methodological choice of association tests, as well as useful knowledge on test performances in a user‐specific context.  相似文献   

The balance between births and deaths in an age-structured population is strongly influenced by the spatial distribution of sub-populations. Our aim was to describe the demographic process of a fish population in an hierarchical dendritic river network, by taking into account the possible movements of individuals. We tried also to quantify the effect of river network changes (damming or channelling) on the global fish population dynamics. The Salmo trutta life pattern was taken as an example for.We proposed a model which includes the demographic and the migration processes, considering migration fast compared to demography. The population was divided into three age-classes and subdivided into fifteen spatial patches, thus having 45 state variables. Both processes were described by means of constant transfer coefficients, so we were dealing with a linear system of difference equations. The discrete case of the variable aggregation method allowed the study of the system through the dominant elements of a much simpler linear system with only three global variables: the total number of individuals in each age-class.From biological hypothesis on demographic and migratory parameters, we showed that the global population dynamics of fishes is well characterized in the reference river network, and that dams could have stronger effects on the global dynamics than channelling.  相似文献   

This paper provides a legal overview of key issues associated with donation of genetic samples and information from a donor perspective. In particular, it addresses the property status of samples as well as issues in respect of consent, privacy, commercialisation and benefit sharing. The paper highlights the need for appropriate protection and safeguards for individuals, but also, importantly, for understanding what donors actually think and want in terms of genetic research and the use of their samples and information. The paper seeks to emphasise the importance of transparency and accountability in the conduct of research in order to maximise donor participation and confidence and public trust in general.
Margaret OtlowskiEmail:

Growing disillusion with the predictive capability of single species fisheries assessment methods and the realization that the management approaches they imply will always fail to protect bycatch species has led to growing interest in the potential of marine protected areas (MPAs) as a tool for protecting such species and allowing for rebuilding populations of target species and damaged habitat. Ecospace is a spatially explicit model for policy evaluation that allows for considering the impact of MPAs in an ecosystem (that is, trophic) context, and that relies on the Ecopath mass-balance approach for most of its parameterization. Additional inputs are movement rates used to compute exchanges between grid cells, estimates of the importance of trophic interactions (top-down vs bottom up control), and habitat preferences for each of the functional groups included in the model. An application example, including the effect of an MPA, and validation against trawl survey data is presented in the form of a color map illustrating Ecospace predictions of biomass patterns on the shelf of Brunei Darussalam, Southeast Asia. A key general prediction of Ecospace is spatial “cascade” effects, wherein prey densities are low where predators are abundant, for example, in protected areas or areas where fishing costs are high. Ecospace also shows that the potential benefits of local protection can be easily negated by high movement rates, and especially by concentration of fishing effort at the edge of the MPAs, where cascade effects generate prey gradients that attract predators out of the protected areas. Despite various limitations (for example, no explicit consideration of seasonal changes or directed migration), the outward simplicity of Ecospace and the information-rich graphs it generates, coupled with the increasingly global availability of the required Ecopath files, will likely ensure a wide use for this approach, both for generating hypotheses about ecosystem function and evaluating policy choices. Received 24 February 1999; accepted 16 June 1999.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, we have attempted to identify regions of the genome in which “obesity genes” potentially reside using robust sib-pair linkage analysis. Data were collected on 1,628 individuals in 301 nuclear families residing in the environs of Québec City during the period 1978–1981. In addition to traditional blood group antigens and enzyme polymorphisms, several phenotypes in the obesity domain that are associated with increased morbidity were assessed, including measures relating to heaviness (i.e., the body mass index), body composition and nutrient partitioning (i.e., % body fat), and regional fat distribution without and with standardization for total fat mass (i.e., the sum of six skinfold thicknesses, and the ratio of the sums of trunk to extremity skinfold thicknesses). Three consistent patterns of potential linkage relationships with obesity phenotypes were revealed in these data, involving the marker loci adenosine deaminase, the Kell blood group antigen, and esterase D, which identify chromosomal regions 20q13, 7q33, and 13q14, respectively. Other potential linkages also were identified in the short arm of chromosome 1, interesting because of the presence of the db and fa loci on homologous regions of chromosome 1 in mouse and rat models of obesity, respectively. Each of the tentative linkage relationships reported here warrant follow-up using alternative methods and require replication in independent studies.  相似文献   

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